This was posted to the Facebook forum for Sensible Washington today:
somewhere today in washington state a uniformed police officer went up to one of our fabulous volunteers, took two blank I-1068 petitions and went and put them up at his precinct for fellow officers to sign.
There are over a thousand volunteers collecting signatures around the state, but they still need more help to get it on the ballot (they’re at about 20% of their goal with 3 months to go).
One of the most obscene things about this is the hideous multi-million dollar urine testing industry, which doesn’t even test for impairment. It is harassment plain and simple. Can you imagine if during prohibition in the twenties they had a positive/negative test of alcohol which showed you had it in your system at some indeterminate moment in the past, and you could lose your job for this? You might not have been under the influence for days or possibly weeks, and you could lose your job! Sick. Unfortunately, the nazis making huge money on these urine tests, and companies that want you under their thumb, are not going to give up these absurd tests easily. You watch, even if it becomes legal, they will find a way to keep these stupid non-impairment tests legal.
This urine test absurdity is literally driving people to drink. So people are picking alcohol, which is a known poisen that causes thousands, if not millions of deaths each year, over something that is non-toxic and in fact has many, many medical benefits. Sick.
Just a good old boy, never meaning no harm (‘cept when he’s strangling his wife!).
O’ and showing up where someone’s house is being searched by police with a knife and a .380 in his pocket.
This is my favorite part.
I’d say strangling your family members puts them in danger.
And of course I’m opposed to anyone issuing death threats to anyone.
I’m also in favor of the right to own a gun and cary a concealed one. But, people who’ve been convicted of strangling their family members should have their guns taken away.
But not to worry, the righties would never shoot anyone…
Let Alaska secede and become an instant Third World country. I’d give ’em six months before the Russians get payback for Seward’s Folly.
This will be probably talked about a lot tomorrow. Earlier tonight, United Airlines Flight 663 made an emergency landing at Denver International Airport, a disturbance caused by a passenger trying to light his shoes on fire. Turned out the passenger, a diplomat from Qatar was smoking in the bathroom, and was putting the cigarette out. Smoking on Domestic flights has been illegal for about 20 years now. They did question the passenger, who most likely, has diplomatic immunity. Going to see how the talking heads and pundits spin it tomorrow, on both sides.
@4…with all their oil and natural resources, I highly doubt they would be a 3rd world country………..more rather, they would be saying “fuck you” all the way to the bank..
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
Most of Alaska’s natural resources are only economically viable when large federal subsidies are attached to them.
Especially the Coast Guard that comes to the rescue of the Bering Sea Fisherman(too bad they don’t have any faster helicopters. Some of the losses are caused by exposure because the helo takes too long, and is weighed down with extra fuel tanks). Often when one boat goes down, the others are enlisted in the search. Some may say it is self-reliant, but not all of the fishing boats are based out of Alaska. A good portion of it is based out of Ballard.
Something amusing I stumbled over… has anyone seen this?
@7….got some proof behind that statement?
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
@8…based upon the oil revenues and monies from other natural resources, I’m thinking Alaska would be more than capable of purchasing their own equipment.
I don’t think you guys realize how much stuff comes from that state…oil, fish, minerals, etc…
I also think that if alaska went on its own, you would see a flood of people GOING to that state/country, not leaving.
just my opinion…
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
Watch with your own eyes!
Congressman Phil Hare (DEMOCRAT-IL) telling America he doesn’t worry about the Constitution!
Talk about feeding the Tea Party Constitutional Conservative Movement!
This is certain campaign material.
Phil Hare???
Must be a relative of Roger Rabbit!!
They sure think alike.
@3 If they start shooting send in the National Guard and kill them all.*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter joke. When she talks about rounding up liberals, putting us in concentration camps, and “executing” us she’s just being funny. So am I.
“Talk about feeding the Tea Party Constitutional Conservative Movement!”
Oh, you mean the same constitution-loving whack-jobs who said absolutely nothing when President Bush declared the constitution to be nothing but a worthless piece of goddamned paper? America-hating hypocrites and liars – all of you.
@12…it would be funny if it was not so pathetic.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
These folks kinda remind me of another rabble rouser from another time who preached armed uprising and even went so far as to seize a federal armory to arm his followers. Trouble was, no one showed up to follow him, and he ended up dancing on a rope.
Open thread, great. Goldy, I DEMAND you tell us if you are one of the 47% of Americans who pay no federal income tax!
Just like he said he would do when he was running for the office.
@17..I know I paid….a lot – been selling lots of sham-wows and slap-chops.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
How about a list of all the golfers here and their preferred course…time to get a golf game together…
Druids Glen would be my pick. Steve?
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
For starters.
My dad was a commercial fisherman when I was a kid, I know all about it. And I know that today’s commercial fishermen are some of the biggest welfare queens around.
@21…perhaps much of this is a result of all the restrictions placed upon industries like fishing and mining. All those restrictions and rules cause the cost to go up. As a result of that, the fed subsidize them as a trade-off for all the rules and restrictions.
I’m thinking if Alaska were on its own, many of those rules and restrictions(many of which are invented by people who have never been to alaska) would be shitcanned.
The oil revenue alone would make alaska more wealthy than you can imagine. the last laugh would be on the lower 48, I can assure you.
Why all the hate towards alaska anyway?
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
I’ll go anywhere for golf as long as it’s a decent course. A place like Druids Glenn would be fine.
@22 Only in your dreams.
@21…the other reason they are subsidized is so that people like you and I will be able to afford to buy their fish.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
Holy cow, Watson! Four under and in the lead??
No hate towards Alaska from me, I love the place. I’m not overly fond of people who strangle their wives, interfer with police or corporate welfare.
@25…smells like a bit of elitism there…
I assure you, alaska can get along without the US much more easily that the US could get along without alaska…the oil they produce by itself guarantees that.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
@27..not sure what those things have to do with Alaska proper – as you will find them in every state of the union.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
Tom Watson finished -5 and is presently on top of the leaderboard at the Masters. That’s two consecutive major championships where this 60 year old man has showed the kids how the game is played. Amazing.
@30…its awesome!
@28 Vince with Slap-Chop 04/08/2010 at 11:08 am,
How much oil does Alaska produce?
What is the annual revenue produced by this oil?
What is the budget of the state of Alaska?
What is the amount of annual US federal subsidies Alaska collects?
Is it just passe anymore to think before speaking?
@32….is it just passe anymore to believe people cant take care of themselves?
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
@31 It’s amazingly awesome!
@32….all those numbers you refer to become instantly irrelevant the day Alaska becomes its own nation(in this hypothetical world we are talking about). They mean nothing.
if you dont believe that, then perhaps you can tell me how we as nation keep functioning off a negative balance sheet, year after year.
You see, all the rules change.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
Lots of old guys doing well.
Langer finished -1
Skill and patience.
I love watching the Masters & US Open.
But Watson…simply amazing.
I went to 4 US Opens:
Hazeltine in 1970 when Jacklin won.
Medinah in 1975 when Lou Graham won
Oakland Hills in 1985 when Andy North won his 2nd
and Hazeline again in 1991 when Payne Stewart won.
I really remember Medinah in 1975. It was about 95 degrees with 95% Humidity. Folks were passing out left & right. Youth was on my side.
Outside of your little fantasy world things like EROI still apply.
Now here’s a strike I can get behind!
@37….and your point?
nevermind, I think I get your point, and its something like this: “fuck those people in Alaska, they take more than they give – so they should shut the fuck up and go along with the new program that DC gives them”
am I close? Heaven forbid they have their own opinions that differ from the (phony) elite in places like Seattle.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
Not even close. You’re new here, you don’t know who the other posters are and what they’re all about. Which shows. You shouldn’t just show up and assume. ‘Oh, and I’m in Gig Harbor, not Seattle.
Like I said before my family FISHED COMMERCIALLY for about 20 years: Puget Sound, the San Juans, SE Alaska, Kodiak, Bristol Bay. We’ve been there done that. So, I know a little about commercial fishing.
And that’s all that I’m going to bother with right now seeing how it’s pretty obvious that you don’t have a clue about what you’re talking about and just want to spew garbage.
@40…I’m new here? Are you sure about that?
The names new to me and you sure as hell made claims about me that anyone who’s been reading my post for the last couple of years wouldn’t make. Like me being from Seattle or elite. I’m working class.