Goldy doesn’t even realize how ironic this is. He is the loon they are talking about! Before the days of reading the paper online, can’t everyone just picture that being Goldy’s livingroom, with him walking around in his robe and slippers, muttering to himself about the latest ST editorial?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Naturally, the irony of you calling Goldy a “loon” is completely lost on you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans Blast Value-Added Tax
“White House economic adviser Paul Volcker said yesterday the United States should consider imposing a ‘value added tax’ similar to those charged in Europe to help get the deficit under control. …
“The VAT suggestion was immediately met with outrage by Republicans. ‘It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the Obama White House would advocate a European-style tax to help finance their European-style government health-care plan,’ said Brian Walsh, a spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, well, what the hell do they think the so-called “Fair Tax” touted by GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, GOP darling Paul Ryan, and other conservatives, is? Republicans speak with forked tongues.
Roger Rabbitspews:
GOP Prosecutor Threatens Sex-Ed Teachers With Jail
“A Wisconsin prosecutor is warning sex education teachers they could face charges if they follow a new state law that allows them to instruct students about proper contraceptive use.
“A letter sent to five school districts by Juneau County District Attorney Scott Southworth said … the districts should drop sex education until the law is repealed.
“Southworth also argued that teaching contraceptive use … equates to sexual assault because minors can’t legally have sex in Wisconsin.
“‘[T]his … advocacy could lead to criminal charges,’ Southworth, a Republican, wrote ….
“The law’s chief author, state Rep. Tamara Grigsby, D-Milwaukee, dismissed the March 24 letter as a scare tactic. ‘It’s beyond ridiculous,’ Grigsby said Tuesday. “It’s irresponsible to portray this act in the way he is.’
“Southworth said … he ‘merely provided a legal opinion to my school districts about the impact of the new mandate. It was the Legislature that acted irresponsibly.’
“Supporters, including groups representing nurses, health departments and the state teacher’s union, maintain the law will help reduce teen pregnancies. Conservative opponents counter schools should focus on abstinence.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Fuck this asshole. He isn’t the state supreme court, and doesn’t have authority to strike down legislation. Furthermore, he’s abusing the powers of an office that belongs to the people — not to him or the Republican Party — to push a partisan agenda. Impeach this bastard!
Roger Rabbitspews:
GOP Governor Honors Confederacy
Virginia’s new Republican governor has reinstated the tradition of officially celebrating the state’s secession from the union.
“It is important for all Virginians to reflect upon our Commonwealth’s shared history, to understand the sacrifices of the Confederate leaders, soldiers and citizens during the period of the Civil War, and to recognize how our history has led to our present,” the proclamation by Gov. Bob McDonnell, who prefers the GOP Party, says.
McDonnell claims the observance is “simply a way to boost tourism” as the 150th anniversary of the Civil War approaches. He explained the proclamation makes no reference to slavery because “there were any number of aspects to that conflict between the states. … I focused on the ones I thought were most significant for Virginia.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trolls like KlyniKal Klown, losthismarbles, etc., bash public servants while upholding businessmen as paragons of hard work, thrift, and virtue.
Government workers are the most honest and ethical people in the economy. A state worker risks his job by taking home a box of paper clips that was purchased by the taxpayers. As for private businessmen, forget about honesty or ethics, because they don’t have any. No one on earth is more dishonest than a private businessman trying to turn a fast buck. I mean, would you entrust the keys to a government office building to a car salesman or auto repairer? I wouldn’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well, that wraps up this morning’s roundup of wingnut idiocy — for now. This, of course, is merely a representative sampling that doesn’t even scratch the surface of Republican perfidy. Why anyone votes for these people is a mystery. You gotta work at it to be that big a dupe.
I wonder how many of the tens of H.A. Happy Hooligans will voluntarily contribute:
Just like Puddy explained was happening and what many of you Atheist Progressives did to Puddy. Any intelligent Black American who challenges the Atheist Progressive Oba-Mao Regime should expect this type of treatment to keep them down on the “plantation”.
Give the leftists your vote and don’t think!!
Thank God for these courageous Americans!
Thank God for my friend Puddy!!
Wednesday Bigot Bible Study BINGO Sunday Schoolspews:
Yo! GBS! Kirby was fillin’ yesterday for Medved. Passover, or something.
Conservative Kirby and “conservative” Brooks are, unlike Limbaugh, trying to recognize reality for what it is. The reality is that we’ll continue to have enough of a recovery to give Obama another win. Unsustainable entitlements will be sustained by double shuffling until about a minute after Obama moves back to his Rezko subdivision in 2017.
And in the spirit of this holy season, please meditate upon this:
Christianity, and nothing else, is the ultimate foundation of liberty, conscience, human rights, and democracy, the benchmarks of Western civilization. To this day we have no other options [than Christianity]. We continue to nourish ourselves from this source. Everything else is postmodern chatter.
– Neo-Marxist philosopher Jurgen Habermas, cited in Eric Alterman’s Why We’re Liberals, page 59.
Black By Popular Demandspews:
@13: HA is pretty much a perpetual hate crime against Puddy. A real man, a giant among HA germs, he turns aside their hate and their crime with reason.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You can whip these morons in an argument while playing Chess and reading Bastiat at the same time!!
They hate real men, don’t they…
They love the Oba-Mao Regime cuz they can hide their frailties & inadequacies in a collectivist cesspool where you don’t have to compete. They spend their lives plotting & scheming how to PLUNDER wealth from those of us who work hard & risk capital.
Where I come from Puddy, we call these KLOWNS….LOSERS!
Did you hear Oba-Mao is now proposing to Ban the use of the terms Murderer, Rapist, Child Molester, Thief etc???
Yup….Oba-Mao started the whole trend by banning the use of the term Radical Islamic Extremist whenever we discuss….Radical Islamic Extremist cuz calling them what they are apparently hurts their self-esteem. I guess the KLOWN-IN-CHIEF thinks if we are nice to them, they will like us and go away.
So now he is extending the same philosophy to other categories of Cretins and Criminals.
Playgrounds for the Liberal Plantationspews:
And a big C.W. McCall to you, sir.
Puddy puts these HA people to shame, day after day, but the hate goes on and on because they’re shameful and shameless.
Will say it again: The second bravest man in America is a black conservative at an illiberal liberal venue like this. The bravest man in America is a black conservative on the Supreme Court.
Puddy and Clarence Thomas are heroes for all seasons. Real men in a polluted sea of blue.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Amen to that!!
Playgrounds for the Liberal Plantationspews:
Agree with everything @16. Heard elsewhere, this very day, that Obama/Holder have anathematized the phrase Islamic terrorist.
For that reason and many others I regret my near-certainty that the regime du jour comes back in 2012 for four more.
proud leftistspews:
Quick! Toss me the puke bucket!
@17 “Puddy puts these HA people to shame, day after day”
Hmm, you must have a P-bonics dictionary or something, HNMT, because most of us here don’t even know what the heck he’s talking about most of the time.
@17 “Puddy puts these HA people to shame, day after day”
Hmm, then again, you might not even be my good friend, the HNMT. You might be Puddy himself, self-praising again in the third person! How would we ever know??
@16 “You can whip these morons in an argument while playing Chess and reading Bastiat at the same time!!”
Well, at least we know that the KLOWN knows no shame. Just look at how he publicly grovels for Puddy’s nod of approval.
proud leftistspews:
I heard Julian Bond speak one time several years ago–he is truly a great speaker. As to Clarence Thomas, he said with regard to African-Americans and politics that there is a long line and a short line. The long line is that which the vast majority of African-Americans interested in politics join–that of progressive causes. In the long line, they get to the front of the line through merit, work, and initiative because there are so many other African-Americans in that line. The short line, however, is that of conservative African-Americans. They move straight to the front of the line, regardless of ability, because there are so few of them and the GOP wants to create at least an illusion of diversity. Clarence Thomas would never have made it to the Supreme Court if not for his having jumped into the short line long ago.
BTW, in Mass., the private health insurance companies are bailing out of the state insurance exchanges. They want more money.
Somehow, I doubt this will have a positive outcome.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
25…people ran up a bunch of debit?
well I will assume you mean DEBT…and people ran up debt because everyone wanted instant gratification: boats, jet skis, quads, flat screen TV’s, trips to Hawaii without the effort and discipline of saving money.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Alderwood CC Steve spews–
Well, at least we know that the KLOWN knows no shame. Just look at how he publicly grovels for Puddy’s nod of approval.
Actually, it’s the truth.
Thanks to you, Puddy has pretty easy pickins’.
Being an engineer, you pride yourself in ????
Certainly not the ability to sustain or win an argument!
proud leftistspews:
And, Cynny, what might you pride yourself in? Certainly not the ability to sustain or win an argument!
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@14, Alterman was putting that Habermas quote in the context of liberalism’s historical moral tradition of tolerance, respect, justice, generosity, respect, benevolence, patience, kindness, and charity, thus tracing liberalism’s lineage to the “earliest teachings of a religion whose fundamentalist followers find so much to revile in it” (i.e., liberalism). As for Habermas’ “neo-marxism”, like so fucking what?
PS: “Entitlements” are “unsustainable only because we have a broken health care system. That is the problem, not the federal government’s spending position.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@31…the current crop of entitlements are unsustainable even without considering health care…the health care issue is just icing on the cake…
Don’t fret. They will hoard the Little Nickel.
You shouldn’t tease Joel Connelly.
Goldy doesn’t even realize how ironic this is. He is the loon they are talking about! Before the days of reading the paper online, can’t everyone just picture that being Goldy’s livingroom, with him walking around in his robe and slippers, muttering to himself about the latest ST editorial?
@3 Naturally, the irony of you calling Goldy a “loon” is completely lost on you.
Republicans Blast Value-Added Tax
“White House economic adviser Paul Volcker said yesterday the United States should consider imposing a ‘value added tax’ similar to those charged in Europe to help get the deficit under control. …
“The VAT suggestion was immediately met with outrage by Republicans. ‘It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the Obama White House would advocate a European-style tax to help finance their European-style government health-care plan,’ said Brian Walsh, a spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, well, what the hell do they think the so-called “Fair Tax” touted by GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, GOP darling Paul Ryan, and other conservatives, is? Republicans speak with forked tongues.
GOP Prosecutor Threatens Sex-Ed Teachers With Jail
“A Wisconsin prosecutor is warning sex education teachers they could face charges if they follow a new state law that allows them to instruct students about proper contraceptive use.
“A letter sent to five school districts by Juneau County District Attorney Scott Southworth said … the districts should drop sex education until the law is repealed.
“Southworth also argued that teaching contraceptive use … equates to sexual assault because minors can’t legally have sex in Wisconsin.
“‘[T]his … advocacy could lead to criminal charges,’ Southworth, a Republican, wrote ….
“The law’s chief author, state Rep. Tamara Grigsby, D-Milwaukee, dismissed the March 24 letter as a scare tactic. ‘It’s beyond ridiculous,’ Grigsby said Tuesday. “It’s irresponsible to portray this act in the way he is.’
“Southworth said … he ‘merely provided a legal opinion to my school districts about the impact of the new mandate. It was the Legislature that acted irresponsibly.’
“Supporters, including groups representing nurses, health departments and the state teacher’s union, maintain the law will help reduce teen pregnancies. Conservative opponents counter schools should focus on abstinence.”,2933,590520,00.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Fuck this asshole. He isn’t the state supreme court, and doesn’t have authority to strike down legislation. Furthermore, he’s abusing the powers of an office that belongs to the people — not to him or the Republican Party — to push a partisan agenda. Impeach this bastard!
GOP Governor Honors Confederacy
Virginia’s new Republican governor has reinstated the tradition of officially celebrating the state’s secession from the union.
“It is important for all Virginians to reflect upon our Commonwealth’s shared history, to understand the sacrifices of the Confederate leaders, soldiers and citizens during the period of the Civil War, and to recognize how our history has led to our present,” the proclamation by Gov. Bob McDonnell, who prefers the GOP Party, says.
McDonnell claims the observance is “simply a way to boost tourism” as the 150th anniversary of the Civil War approaches. He explained the proclamation makes no reference to slavery because “there were any number of aspects to that conflict between the states. … I focused on the ones I thought were most significant for Virginia.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What an asshole. But then, we all know what kind of people GOP politicians pander to these days, don’t we?
California Woman Sentenced For Selling Fake Art
‘Food Fraud’ Crimes Proliferating
Bellevue Businessman Pleads Guilty To Mislabeling Adulterated Chinese Honey
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trolls like KlyniKal Klown, losthismarbles, etc., bash public servants while upholding businessmen as paragons of hard work, thrift, and virtue.
Government workers are the most honest and ethical people in the economy. A state worker risks his job by taking home a box of paper clips that was purchased by the taxpayers. As for private businessmen, forget about honesty or ethics, because they don’t have any. No one on earth is more dishonest than a private businessman trying to turn a fast buck. I mean, would you entrust the keys to a government office building to a car salesman or auto repairer? I wouldn’t.
Well, that wraps up this morning’s roundup of wingnut idiocy — for now. This, of course, is merely a representative sampling that doesn’t even scratch the surface of Republican perfidy. Why anyone votes for these people is a mystery. You gotta work at it to be that big a dupe.
I wonder how many of the tens of H.A. Happy Hooligans will voluntarily contribute:
so the thugs that killed tuba-man are up to their old tricks again…this time they beat up and robbed another kid.
why arent these scum rotting in a prison cell for the rest of their life for murder? they only got a few months…..
sure wish charles bronson was still around taking care of business…
10 – The same who contributed to Eyman and sugar daddy Duncemire’s last failure of an initiative.
Always remember, when a right winger shills for yet another wolf in sheep’s clothing:
Progressives call Black Tea Party members Traitors, Uncle Toms, Oreo’s and worse!!!
Just like Puddy explained was happening and what many of you Atheist Progressives did to Puddy. Any intelligent Black American who challenges the Atheist Progressive Oba-Mao Regime should expect this type of treatment to keep them down on the “plantation”.
Give the leftists your vote and don’t think!!
Thank God for these courageous Americans!
Thank God for my friend Puddy!!
Yo! GBS! Kirby was fillin’ yesterday for Medved. Passover, or something.
Conservative Kirby and “conservative” Brooks are, unlike Limbaugh, trying to recognize reality for what it is. The reality is that we’ll continue to have enough of a recovery to give Obama another win. Unsustainable entitlements will be sustained by double shuffling until about a minute after Obama moves back to his Rezko subdivision in 2017.
And in the spirit of this holy season, please meditate upon this:
– Neo-Marxist philosopher Jurgen Habermas, cited in Eric Alterman’s Why We’re Liberals, page 59.
@13: HA is pretty much a perpetual hate crime against Puddy. A real man, a giant among HA germs, he turns aside their hate and their crime with reason.
You can whip these morons in an argument while playing Chess and reading Bastiat at the same time!!
They hate real men, don’t they…
They love the Oba-Mao Regime cuz they can hide their frailties & inadequacies in a collectivist cesspool where you don’t have to compete. They spend their lives plotting & scheming how to PLUNDER wealth from those of us who work hard & risk capital.
Where I come from Puddy, we call these KLOWNS….LOSERS!
Did you hear Oba-Mao is now proposing to Ban the use of the terms Murderer, Rapist, Child Molester, Thief etc???
Yup….Oba-Mao started the whole trend by banning the use of the term Radical Islamic Extremist whenever we discuss….Radical Islamic Extremist cuz calling them what they are apparently hurts their self-esteem. I guess the KLOWN-IN-CHIEF thinks if we are nice to them, they will like us and go away.
So now he is extending the same philosophy to other categories of Cretins and Criminals.
And a big C.W. McCall to you, sir.
Puddy puts these HA people to shame, day after day, but the hate goes on and on because they’re shameful and shameless.
Will say it again: The second bravest man in America is a black conservative at an illiberal liberal venue like this. The bravest man in America is a black conservative on the Supreme Court.
Puddy and Clarence Thomas are heroes for all seasons. Real men in a polluted sea of blue.
Amen to that!!
Agree with everything @16. Heard elsewhere, this very day, that Obama/Holder have anathematized the phrase Islamic terrorist.
For that reason and many others I regret my near-certainty that the regime du jour comes back in 2012 for four more.
Quick! Toss me the puke bucket!
@17 “Puddy puts these HA people to shame, day after day”
Hmm, you must have a P-bonics dictionary or something, HNMT, because most of us here don’t even know what the heck he’s talking about most of the time.
@17 “Puddy puts these HA people to shame, day after day”
Hmm, then again, you might not even be my good friend, the HNMT. You might be Puddy himself, self-praising again in the third person! How would we ever know??
@16 “You can whip these morons in an argument while playing Chess and reading Bastiat at the same time!!”
Well, at least we know that the KLOWN knows no shame. Just look at how he publicly grovels for Puddy’s nod of approval.
I heard Julian Bond speak one time several years ago–he is truly a great speaker. As to Clarence Thomas, he said with regard to African-Americans and politics that there is a long line and a short line. The long line is that which the vast majority of African-Americans interested in politics join–that of progressive causes. In the long line, they get to the front of the line through merit, work, and initiative because there are so many other African-Americans in that line. The short line, however, is that of conservative African-Americans. They move straight to the front of the line, regardless of ability, because there are so few of them and the GOP wants to create at least an illusion of diversity. Clarence Thomas would never have made it to the Supreme Court if not for his having jumped into the short line long ago.
Economic Trends and Data Charts and Stats
REAL WAGES 1947-2000
For production or nonsupervisory workers on private nonfarm payrolls;
average weekly earnings (in 1982 consant dollars.)
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
I would just like to wish everyone a happy April Confederate Celebration!
Wondering how Puddynutz will be celebrating, you don’t think he is in the PBC shoe shining?
Puddy tell me what you thing about the Virginian Governor’s decision, then maybe I will start to take the Bible more legitimately.
And people wonder why everyone ran up a bunch of debit…
Exterminate, Exterminate!
BTW, in Mass., the private health insurance companies are bailing out of the state insurance exchanges. They want more money.
Somehow, I doubt this will have a positive outcome.
25…people ran up a bunch of debit?
well I will assume you mean DEBT…and people ran up debt because everyone wanted instant gratification: boats, jet skis, quads, flat screen TV’s, trips to Hawaii without the effort and discipline of saving money.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
Alderwood CC Steve spews–
Actually, it’s the truth.
Thanks to you, Puddy has pretty easy pickins’.
Being an engineer, you pride yourself in ????
Certainly not the ability to sustain or win an argument!
And, Cynny, what might you pride yourself in? Certainly not the ability to sustain or win an argument!
@14, Alterman was putting that Habermas quote in the context of liberalism’s historical moral tradition of tolerance, respect, justice, generosity, respect, benevolence, patience, kindness, and charity, thus tracing liberalism’s lineage to the “earliest teachings of a religion whose fundamentalist followers find so much to revile in it” (i.e., liberalism). As for Habermas’ “neo-marxism”, like so fucking what?
PS: “Entitlements” are “unsustainable only because we have a broken health care system. That is the problem, not the federal government’s spending position.
@31…the current crop of entitlements are unsustainable even without considering health care…the health care issue is just icing on the cake…
– you’re gonna love my nuts..