Let’s be honest, homeboy could stand to lose a few pounds.
Happy Obamaramadan!spews:
[Deleted repeat comment]
Happy Obamaramadan!spews:
[Deleted repeat comment]
Happy Obamaramadan!spews:
[Deleted repeat comment]
Happy Obamaramadan!spews:
[Deleted — repeat comment]
Happy Obamaramadanspews:
Popped Quiz Crib Sheet
Who said this?
Saddam Hussein’s belligerent intentions and his possession and ongoing development of weapons of mass destruction to fulfill those intentions make him a clear and present danger to the United States and to the world.
[ ]A. Tom Clancy
[ ]B. Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem
[ ]C. Ahmed Chalabi
[ ]D. Klake, who is a Nazi
Answer: Jane Harmon. Democrat.
Happy Obamaramadan!spews:
You flunk, Lee. Only the questions were previously posted for my special-ed students who are preparing for the WASL: Wasted Asshole Stoner Lee. No answers were previously posted. No questions were answered correctly by remedial Democrats in class. But hey, they’re remedial Democrats. What did you expect?
Did you take the brown acid? Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about? Farm animals have left more coherent comments in these threads.
Back in the barnyard w/Leespews:
Listen, you sick little asswipe prick (a little GBS lingo, there), I’m talking about the WASL, the Wasted Asswipe Stoner Lee exam for Democrat Dummy retards. As usual, retard, you fucked it up. You took down the previously unposted answer sheet, fuckstick.
You better get a fucking clue, you pansyass fuckshit bitch, or my pet rabbit will stick a stick up your fucking ass.
Clear? Or do you require further remediation along with your stoner medication?
Back in the barnyard w/Leespews:
Running low on methadone, fuckwad? Is that your problem?
And brown acid is for pussies. Wouldn’t touch the stuff with the stick that Rabbit stuck up your ass.
Back in the barnyard w/Rabbitspews:
Repeat comment from Roger:
God knew what She was doing when She created rabbits. Our species is a model of perfect harmony. We have no discord among ourselves. All you have to do (snarl) is keep your fucking paws off my harem (snap) or I’ll gouge your fucking eyes out (bite) and rip your fucking entrails out (punch) and jam a stick up your fucking ass (kick) and …
Wow, someone shouldn’t be on the web without their support staff around.
You should take down more of his comments so we can laugh at him more as he goes ape shit.
Barnyard butt boy @ 9:
The angry unhinged right. A little tough to witness the Reagan Revolution die on your WATCH, huh?
What went wrong? Where did you fail to keep Reaganism alive?
Too bad, but I’m glad. Your hero’s dead, literally and now figuratively.
Roger Rabbitspews:
RNC Chairman Michael Steele’s new “special assistant for finance” is, it turns out, a crook.
I didn’t take down those earlier comments. One of the other admins did.
I just went and checked on that guy’s commenting history. He’s used about several dozen names, but none that I’ve noticed before. We’ve obviously had people with severe mental health issues posting here before, but this guy seems to be particularly unstable.
Certainly good info. for posters such as Roger Rodent and YLB arschloch, among some of the tens of other oafish loafing posters here. Have another smoke Rodent, just be careful of your oxygen tank, and enjoy! Good day all.
I loved listening to Wayman Tisdale preach and play his music. What a great man. He died almost a year ago at 44 years old.
When he found out he had Cancer and was going to lose a leg, he said this–
Nothing can change me… You go through things. You don’t change because things come in your life. You get better because things come in your life.
— Wayman Tisdale / June 13, 2008
He ALWAYS had a positive attitude and a love for life and people. God used him more AFTER his fabulous basketball career was over.
If you ever question the power of the Holy Spirit, look at videos of this man…Wayman Tisdale.
@20 Well then, it seems we’ve provided a happy home online for another lost soul…
Blue Johnspews:
With Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens showing signs he’s considering retire soon, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ), the minority whip, says he’s ready to filibuster President Obama’s nominee.
Once again, it’s not about the country, it’s about politics.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Pelosi accused opponents of health care legislation of being “un-American” in an August 2009 op-ed she wrote with Hoyer, blasting citizens for heated exchanges with members of Congress during town hall meetings.
“These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American.”
Back in 2006, Pelosi thought that verbal outbursts were all for the public good, telling a San Francisco crowd laced with shouting Anti-Bush protesters that she was a “fan of disruptions.”
“So I thank all of you who have spoken out for your courage, your point of view. All of it. Your advocacy is very American and very important,” she said.
My what a difference who is President makes when exercising our free speech rights. I guess publicly airing your grievances stopped being patriotic right around noon on January 20th, 2009.
Hmm, mental breakdown alert! It’s looking like Pelosi’s Big Gavel kould kause our KLOWN to kommit violence against himself.
22. Mr. Cynical spews:
I loved listening to Wayman Tisdale preach and play his music. What a great man. . .
. . . He ALWAYS had a positive attitude and a love for life and people. God used him more AFTER his fabulous basketball career was over.
If you ever question the power of the Holy Spirit, look at videos of this man…Wayman Tisdale.
So, Mr. Cynical Ass Clown, what do you think Mr. Tisdale and the Holy Spirit think of the nigger jokes you wrote about President Obama?
What do you think their opinion is of you, nigger joke teller?
25. Mr. Cynical spews:
Pelosi accused opponents of health care legislation of being “un-American” in an August 2009 op-ed she wrote with Hoyer, blasting citizens for heated exchanges with members of Congress during town hall meetings.
Elections have consequences, Mr. Cynical Ass Clown. And, the consequence of the previous two election cycles was the death of the Reagan Revolution.
When Liberals started the American Revolution we fought, bled and died for the cause of Liberty. 234 years later, people of all political stripes, religions, races, even nationalities fight and die for the cause.
I don’t see anyone from your side dying for the Reagan Revolution. There is one reason, and only one reason why nobody is dying for your cause; because giving up one’s own life to pass on the ideals of Reaganism isn’t worth your own life. PERIOD.
Unlike that of Liberalism, Liberty, and FREEDOM.
You guys are great at talking the talk, but the path trough the Valley of the Shadow of Death that leads to Reaganism has become overgrown and leads to a dead-end.
Maybe the KLOWN needs a reminder,
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head.
In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an
examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to
Barack, and told him to drink it all.
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
07/08/2009 at 9:11 pm
We’ve all seen the KLOWN’s mindset many times before. His kind aren’t racist in their own minds, they just believe that there are “good niggers” and “bad niggers”. To the KLOWN, Tisdale’s obviously one of those “good niggers”.
Thank you, STEVE!!
I NEVER get tired of seeing Mr. Cynical Ass Clown get called out to the mat on his racist nigger joke.
Mr. Cynical Ass Clown,
Seriously, have you asked Jesus to forgive you for being a racist?
Or, is this something you think you can hide from God?
Hmmmm . . . think you’re going to pull a fast one over the Omnipresent One?
Talk about vanity. This so called “believer” thinks he can get one over on God. Don’t worry, you and Ronnie will be good buddies in Hell.
Since yesterday was Easter, the Holiest Day for Christians, and pretend Christians like Mr. Cynical Ass Clown, I’m going to repost Mr. C.A.C’s racist joke on the HA Bible Study thread.
It seems appropriate it lands on a Bible Study thread, too.
Thanks in advance.
Back in the Barnyardspews:
@9 and @10 are homage to @11. Nothing but a little Roger Rabbit humor via little Roger Rabbit. Got a problem with that? If you do, he’ll jam his stick and stick his jam until the cows come home and the nervous goats come back to the Democrat barnyard. Speaking of support staffs, he’s got one. Want it?
Popped Quiz Crib Sheet
Who said this in September 2002?
Iraq’s search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to completely deter, and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power … We know that [Saddam] has stored away secret supplies of biological weapons and chemical weapons throughout his country.
[ ]A. Bush (GW)
[ ]B. Bush (Jenna)
[ ]C. Bush (Kate)
[ ]D. Cheney (Darth)
[ ]E. Rove (Satan)
Answer: AlGore. Democrat.
Who said this on 10 September 2002?
Simply put, either these weapons must be dislodged from Iraq, or Saddam Hussein must be dislodged from power.
Take the hypothetical: if we knew that there was a nuclear bomb hidden in an American city and we believe that some kind of torture, fairly severe maybe, would give us a chance of finding that bomb before it went off, my guess is most Americans and most Senators, maybe all, would do what you have to do. So it’s easy to sit back in the armchair and say that torture can never be used. But when you’re in the foxhole, it’s a very different deal. And I respect, I think we all respect the fact that the president’s in the foxhole every day.
[ ]A. Vlad the Impaler
[ ]B. Himmler
[ ]C. Torquemada
[ ]D. Young Republican Ted Bundy
[ ]E. Darth Cheney
[ ]F. Satan Rove
[ ]G. Darryl
Answer: Chuck U Schumer. Democrat.
Who said this to Blitzer in February 2003?
The fact that Zarqawi certainly is related to the death of the U.S. aid officer and that he is very close to bin Laden puts at rest, in fairly dramatic terms, that there is at least a substantial
Answer: Jay Rockefeller. Fat cat plutocrat Democrat.
Which of these Democrat Senators did not say that Saddam Hussein (not to be confused with Hussein Obama) had WMD?
Hillary Clinton
John Kerry
Harry Reid
Ted Kennedy
Carl Levin
KKK Robert Byrd
B-Box Barbara Boxer
Twinkle Toes Larry Craig
Hint: R-Minneapolis
Who said in early 2003 that Iraq had stockpiles of anthrax, had 650 kilos of “bacterial growth media” for making anthrax, and had 6,500 undisclosed chemical bombs?
[ ]A. Nazi Prescott Bush
[ ]B. Evil Karl Rove
[ ]C. Prince of Darkness Darth Cheney
Answer: Hans Brix.
WASL class dismissed. You’ll be missed.
Dickweed @ 33:
The significant difference of course, none of them had the power George W. Bush did. See when it comes to decisions about putting our citizens in Harms Way, the saber rattling is supposed to stop at our shoreline.
Bush, being too stupid, immature, or indifferent to the lives of American soldiers, let the rhetoric of saber rattling impair HIS judgment as Commander-in-Chief.
You make a good case as to why conservatives in general, and GW Bush specifically is unfit to lead, unfit to command, and the worst president ever.
George W. Bush, the man who will go down in history whose utter incompetence dealt the final blow that killed the Reagan Revolution.
Try as you might to deflect any personal accountability that you conservatives like to espouse as one of your pretend virtues, history has already rendered its harsh verdict and it found conservatives to be guilty.
You’re like the child molester who “claims” you just “love” children and you wouldn’t hurt them. Nobody’s buying it.
Watching you seethe in anger over losing polictal power and your political identity is quite humorous though. Thanks for the sideshow, Bob.
Reaganism, the political twin of McCarthyism.
GBS and other barnyard animalsspews:
Amazing, my brother. I pay you the supreme compliment of imitating your typical FUBAR trash-talk (punkass pussy dickwad asswipe fuckstick) and your liberal bros don’t get the joke. I guess they don’t pay attention to you either.
No question that “conservative” GWB was incompetent. Stopped making excuses for him long long ago. But you weren’t paying attention.
But about Reagan, you’re a dickwad asswipe. Sorry to use GBS lingo with you, darling, but that’s the only language you seem to understand and that’s the way it is.
Interesting article in the Times about the rather extreme efforts of the wingnuts to re-write American history.
According to them, Jamestown was a “socialist disaster”, Alexander Hamilton was in favor of a weak national government, Teddy Roosevelt was a socialist, and Franklin Roosevelt turned a “mild rescession” into the Great Depression by enacting the “Hoot-Smalley” tariffs
Note: Hoover and the Republican Congress enacted the Smoot-Halley Tariff Act before Roosevelt came into office, and the “mild rescession” meant 1-in-4 were unemployed, millions of farm families were homeless, the banking system was collapsing, etc.
Which is why I find it so laughable when the local wingnuts here criticise us for exercising “historical revisionism” when we merely object to their particular viewpoint.
proud leftistspews:
They write their own version of the Bible, the Constitution, Wikipedia, whatever. A little revisionist history is child’s play for Wingnuttia. Man, I sure wish that I could just rewrite whatever didn’t fit my own ideology . . .
35. GBS and other barnyard animals spews:
Amazing, my brother. I pay you the supreme compliment of imitating your typical FUBAR trash-talk (punkass pussy dickwad asswipe fuckstick) and your liberal bros don’t get the joke.
Let’s be honest, homeboy could stand to lose a few pounds.
[Deleted repeat comment]
[Deleted repeat comment]
[Deleted repeat comment]
[Deleted — repeat comment]
Popped Quiz Crib Sheet
Who said this?
[ ]A. Tom Clancy
[ ]B. Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem
[ ]C. Ahmed Chalabi
[ ]D. Klake, who is a Nazi
Answer: Jane Harmon. Democrat.
You flunk, Lee. Only the questions were previously posted for my special-ed students who are preparing for the WASL: Wasted Asshole Stoner Lee. No answers were previously posted. No questions were answered correctly by remedial Democrats in class. But hey, they’re remedial Democrats. What did you expect?
Did you take the brown acid? Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about? Farm animals have left more coherent comments in these threads.
Listen, you sick little asswipe prick (a little GBS lingo, there), I’m talking about the WASL, the Wasted Asswipe Stoner Lee exam for Democrat Dummy retards. As usual, retard, you fucked it up. You took down the previously unposted answer sheet, fuckstick.
You better get a fucking clue, you pansyass fuckshit bitch, or my pet rabbit will stick a stick up your fucking ass.
Clear? Or do you require further remediation along with your stoner medication?
Running low on methadone, fuckwad? Is that your problem?
And brown acid is for pussies. Wouldn’t touch the stuff with the stick that Rabbit stuck up your ass.
Repeat comment from Roger:
Wow, someone shouldn’t be on the web without their support staff around.
You should take down more of his comments so we can laugh at him more as he goes ape shit.
Barnyard butt boy @ 9:
The angry unhinged right. A little tough to witness the Reagan Revolution die on your WATCH, huh?
What went wrong? Where did you fail to keep Reaganism alive?
Too bad, but I’m glad. Your hero’s dead, literally and now figuratively.
RNC Chairman Michael Steele’s new “special assistant for finance” is, it turns out, a crook.
@6 Yeah, well, she was wrong wasn’t she?
@14 Maybe we should set up a betting pool on which of our trolls changed his screen name (again).
Holy Shitcakes, post this devil’s feces. Why not?
You can’t make shit like this up.
I didn’t take down those earlier comments. One of the other admins did.
I just went and checked on that guy’s commenting history. He’s used about several dozen names, but none that I’ve noticed before. We’ve obviously had people with severe mental health issues posting here before, but this guy seems to be particularly unstable.
Certainly good info. for posters such as Roger Rodent and YLB arschloch, among some of the tens of other oafish loafing posters here. Have another smoke Rodent, just be careful of your oxygen tank, and enjoy! Good day all.
I loved listening to Wayman Tisdale preach and play his music. What a great man. He died almost a year ago at 44 years old.
When he found out he had Cancer and was going to lose a leg, he said this–
— Wayman Tisdale / June 13, 2008
He ALWAYS had a positive attitude and a love for life and people. God used him more AFTER his fabulous basketball career was over.
If you ever question the power of the Holy Spirit, look at videos of this man…Wayman Tisdale.
@20 Well then, it seems we’ve provided a happy home online for another lost soul…
With Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens showing signs he’s considering retire soon, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ), the minority whip, says he’s ready to filibuster President Obama’s nominee.
Once again, it’s not about the country, it’s about politics.
Pelosi accused opponents of health care legislation of being “un-American” in an August 2009 op-ed she wrote with Hoyer, blasting citizens for heated exchanges with members of Congress during town hall meetings.
“These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American.”
Back in 2006, Pelosi thought that verbal outbursts were all for the public good, telling a San Francisco crowd laced with shouting Anti-Bush protesters that she was a “fan of disruptions.”
“So I thank all of you who have spoken out for your courage, your point of view. All of it. Your advocacy is very American and very important,” she said.
My what a difference who is President makes when exercising our free speech rights. I guess publicly airing your grievances stopped being patriotic right around noon on January 20th, 2009.
Hmm, mental breakdown alert! It’s looking like Pelosi’s Big Gavel kould kause our KLOWN to kommit violence against himself.
So, Mr. Cynical Ass Clown, what do you think Mr. Tisdale and the Holy Spirit think of the nigger jokes you wrote about President Obama?
What do you think their opinion is of you, nigger joke teller?
Elections have consequences, Mr. Cynical Ass Clown. And, the consequence of the previous two election cycles was the death of the Reagan Revolution.
When Liberals started the American Revolution we fought, bled and died for the cause of Liberty. 234 years later, people of all political stripes, religions, races, even nationalities fight and die for the cause.
I don’t see anyone from your side dying for the Reagan Revolution. There is one reason, and only one reason why nobody is dying for your cause; because giving up one’s own life to pass on the ideals of Reaganism isn’t worth your own life. PERIOD.
Unlike that of Liberalism, Liberty, and FREEDOM.
You guys are great at talking the talk, but the path trough the Valley of the Shadow of Death that leads to Reaganism has become overgrown and leads to a dead-end.
Maybe the KLOWN needs a reminder,
We’ve all seen the KLOWN’s mindset many times before. His kind aren’t racist in their own minds, they just believe that there are “good niggers” and “bad niggers”. To the KLOWN, Tisdale’s obviously one of those “good niggers”.
Thank you, STEVE!!
I NEVER get tired of seeing Mr. Cynical Ass Clown get called out to the mat on his racist nigger joke.
Mr. Cynical Ass Clown,
Seriously, have you asked Jesus to forgive you for being a racist?
Or, is this something you think you can hide from God?
Hmmmm . . . think you’re going to pull a fast one over the Omnipresent One?
Talk about vanity. This so called “believer” thinks he can get one over on God. Don’t worry, you and Ronnie will be good buddies in Hell.
Since yesterday was Easter, the Holiest Day for Christians, and pretend Christians like Mr. Cynical Ass Clown, I’m going to repost Mr. C.A.C’s racist joke on the HA Bible Study thread.
It seems appropriate it lands on a Bible Study thread, too.
Thanks in advance.
@9 and @10 are homage to @11. Nothing but a little Roger Rabbit humor via little Roger Rabbit. Got a problem with that? If you do, he’ll jam his stick and stick his jam until the cows come home and the nervous goats come back to the Democrat barnyard. Speaking of support staffs, he’s got one. Want it?
Popped Quiz Crib Sheet
Who said this in September 2002?
[ ]A. Bush (GW)
[ ]B. Bush (Jenna)
[ ]C. Bush (Kate)
[ ]D. Cheney (Darth)
[ ]E. Rove (Satan)
Answer: AlGore. Democrat.
Who said this on 10 September 2002?
[ ]A. Limbaugh
[ ]B. Beck (Glenn)
[ ]C. Beck (Seattle Dave)
[ ]D. Rove
[ ]E. Scooty Libber
Answer: Big Fuckin’ Deal Democrat Joe Biden.
Who said this?
[ ]A. Vlad the Impaler
[ ]B. Himmler
[ ]C. Torquemada
[ ]D. Young Republican Ted Bundy
[ ]E. Darth Cheney
[ ]F. Satan Rove
[ ]G. Darryl
Answer: Chuck U Schumer. Democrat.
Who said this to Blitzer in February 2003?
connection between Saddam and al Qaeda.
[ ]A. Cheney (Darth)
[ ]B. Cheney (Lynne)
[ ]C. Cheney (Liz)
[ ]D. Cheney (Lon Jr.)
Answer: Jay Rockefeller. Fat cat plutocrat Democrat.
Which of these Democrat Senators did not say that Saddam Hussein (not to be confused with Hussein Obama) had WMD?
Hillary Clinton
John Kerry
Harry Reid
Ted Kennedy
Carl Levin
KKK Robert Byrd
B-Box Barbara Boxer
Twinkle Toes Larry Craig
Hint: R-Minneapolis
Who said in early 2003 that Iraq had stockpiles of anthrax, had 650 kilos of “bacterial growth media” for making anthrax, and had 6,500 undisclosed chemical bombs?
[ ]A. Nazi Prescott Bush
[ ]B. Evil Karl Rove
[ ]C. Prince of Darkness Darth Cheney
Answer: Hans Brix.
WASL class dismissed. You’ll be missed.
Dickweed @ 33:
The significant difference of course, none of them had the power George W. Bush did. See when it comes to decisions about putting our citizens in Harms Way, the saber rattling is supposed to stop at our shoreline.
Bush, being too stupid, immature, or indifferent to the lives of American soldiers, let the rhetoric of saber rattling impair HIS judgment as Commander-in-Chief.
You make a good case as to why conservatives in general, and GW Bush specifically is unfit to lead, unfit to command, and the worst president ever.
George W. Bush, the man who will go down in history whose utter incompetence dealt the final blow that killed the Reagan Revolution.
Try as you might to deflect any personal accountability that you conservatives like to espouse as one of your pretend virtues, history has already rendered its harsh verdict and it found conservatives to be guilty.
You’re like the child molester who “claims” you just “love” children and you wouldn’t hurt them. Nobody’s buying it.
Watching you seethe in anger over losing polictal power and your political identity is quite humorous though. Thanks for the sideshow, Bob.
Reaganism, the political twin of McCarthyism.
Amazing, my brother. I pay you the supreme compliment of imitating your typical FUBAR trash-talk (punkass pussy dickwad asswipe fuckstick) and your liberal bros don’t get the joke. I guess they don’t pay attention to you either.
No question that “conservative” GWB was incompetent. Stopped making excuses for him long long ago. But you weren’t paying attention.
But about Reagan, you’re a dickwad asswipe. Sorry to use GBS lingo with you, darling, but that’s the only language you seem to understand and that’s the way it is.
Interesting article in the Times about the rather extreme efforts of the wingnuts to re-write American history.
According to them, Jamestown was a “socialist disaster”, Alexander Hamilton was in favor of a weak national government, Teddy Roosevelt was a socialist, and Franklin Roosevelt turned a “mild rescession” into the Great Depression by enacting the “Hoot-Smalley” tariffs
Note: Hoover and the Republican Congress enacted the Smoot-Halley Tariff Act before Roosevelt came into office, and the “mild rescession” meant 1-in-4 were unemployed, millions of farm families were homeless, the banking system was collapsing, etc.
Article: Some right-wingers ignore facts as the intone U.S. history
Which is why I find it so laughable when the local wingnuts here criticise us for exercising “historical revisionism” when we merely object to their particular viewpoint.
They write their own version of the Bible, the Constitution, Wikipedia, whatever. A little revisionist history is child’s play for Wingnuttia. Man, I sure wish that I could just rewrite whatever didn’t fit my own ideology . . .
That’s because I’m not joking.
Get the difference now?