Yes!!!! Fuck Yes!!!!
“If they want to have that fight we can have it.”
Broadway Joespews:
Now that’s the guy I voted for.
Let’s hope he can keep it up. At least it is a win.
I also want to update on something I said in another open thread. Seems some GOP lawmakers are coming out against the rhetoric, for now. Rep. Pete Olson(R-TX), has at least said the Palin Reload Map is not appropriate. Not sure if he will apologize. By the way, wasn’t he(Olson) a birther?
On a lighter note, saw a news story saying that Gordon Lightfoot is talking about doing a revision to the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, to reflect new theories on how the mighty Laker(Great Lakes Freighter) went down that November day in 1975. He went by the possibility that crew error(“When the main hatchway caved in….”), but modern evidence suggests it was a rogue wave that tore it in half that night. Maybe he can get the destination right if he does change it, in the song he had the ship headed for Cleveland(“……When the left fully loaded for Cleveland”), when the ship was headed for Detroit.
@2 Yes!!!! Fuck Yes!!!!
“If they want to have that fight we can have it.”
oh my, thats hateful and inciteful. wah wah wah
Roger Rabbitspews:
How’s it feel to get your ass kicked? Bend over again, because we’re not through with you yet.
ah, in all seriousnes (for once), i now understand how you can all hate bush so much. because i so despise obama, that i now see it is possible to hate that much. i am going to work every minute for the next three years to support the election of someone besides obama in 2012.
(even hillary)…now thats saying something
Real Americanspews:
Work you fingers to the bone trying to resurrect the corpse of the GOP, manoflies.
I just love seeing a fool working hard to kick his own ass.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Man you loony leftist pinhead progressives are running scared. Hey checksez, the poll was released yesterday fool!
How come Puddy always finds facts while HA progressive libtardos continue to bray into the wind?
“A CBS News poll released Wednesday finds that nearly two in three Americans want Republicans in Congress to continue to challenge parts of the health care reform bill.” Emphasis Puddy. It’s not Rasmussen FOOLS. It’s CBS, Dan Rather’s network. Katie Couric’s network! Bill Schieffer’s network! Harry Smith’s network. All leftist pinhead MSM types.
Nearly nine in ten (89%) Republicans and two in three independents (66%) want the GOP to keep challenging. Even 41% of DUMMOCRAPTS support continued challenges. Now that’s very interesting. Puddy wonders about those DUMMOCRAPTS? They must be the objective intelligent DUMMOCRAPTS who know this bill sucks. Wait… maybe they are the ones who wonder why the bill forces everyone to be taxed for 4 years before any benefits kick in. Maybe they worry about the 45,000 a year who’ll die with out health insurance on purpose!
Facts are interesting things. Puddy hears HA Leftist minds exploding all over the place!
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Puddy guesses Odumba didn’t view the CBS poll before he made an ASS out of himself in the video above. Maybe Rahmbo hid it. Maybe Axelrod kept it on his computer. Maybe Gibbs burned the printout.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Of course while you all were chasing racial epithets still MIA Verizon, Caterpillar, and John Deere all announced elevated health care cost Now Odumba care passed.
This is what the Republicans told you progressive DUMMOCRAPTS over and over and over. Now you’ll see the costs be passed to you. Anyone making anything under $250,000 will see “taxes” rise. Even Max Baucus said so!
Didn’t Odumba visit Caterpillar? Yeah Odumba visited a Caterpillar Plant in Peoria Feb. 12, 2009.
Unkl Witzspews:
Here’s at least one poll that tells a slightly different story than yours:
Numbers are fav/unfav/dk/change
parens are last week’s numbers
Please note Pudd there is a loss of seven points for your obstructionist heros in Congress and a five point jump for our duly elected President.
Unkl Witzspews:
Sorry to bust your bubble so early in the morning Pudd
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Even 41% of DUMMOCRAPTS support continued challenges.
Are those 41% are the racist DUMMOCRAPTS? Well we’re told if you disagree with Odumba you’re a racist all over the slobbering libtardo MSM. The whole passel of fools at PMSBNC. The more tepid fools at NBC. The guvmint supported fools at NPR. The morons at CNN. The resident dumb cinder block rujax! told everyone this over and over and over. Need to see the HA evidence again?
Maybe those 41% are the DUMMOCRAPTS agreeing with Rush Limbaugh who want Odumba to fail.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Auntie Witless Puddy doesn’t have a bubble to burst. Puddy used the libtardo MSM to make a valid point.
Besides Auntie Witless any FOOL can search for a poll to make his useless point. Puddy regularly uses Real Clear Politics. Check with the resident arschloch, ylb arschloch. Puddy was the first to deliver RCP to the HA leftist fools. He keeps a personal up-to-date copy of Goldy’s HA Libtardo blog on his home computer. He’s probably updating it as Puddy writes this.
Odumba RCP Average 3/10 – 3/24 — 47.5 46.2 +1.3
Congressional RCP Average 3/3 – 3/21 17.4 77.0 -59.6
Not riled up at all, just laughing at your feckless attacks! You can review RCP everyday. Puddy gave you the link. You are too dense to figger it out!
Unkl Witzspews:
Oh, and I don’t think we’d get very far in a debate about the Bible as I suspect you regard it as the revealed word of the creator of the universe.
Unfortunately, I regard it as a mind numbing account of the petty squabbles of a some insignificant Iron Age tribes.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Okay Auntie Witless that’s your choice as God gives men free choice in all matters.
Butt what will you say when you see Jesus return in the clouds of Glory with the full power of His Father the Creator of the Universe?
Unkl Witzspews:
“clouds of Glory”??
Poor Pudd, you are really wound up today.
Chris Stefanspews:
And puddy proves he’s just another end-timer waiting for the rapture.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
And Auntie Witless is proving his idiocy. Keep digging that hole Auntie Witless…
Chris Stefanspews:
Oh and to our wingnut trolls, in the words of President Obama: “Bring it on”
Chris Stefanspews:
Hey puddy you forget to take your meds today?
Unkl Witzspews:
Puddy is out taking a long walk in the rain and trying to get his blood pressure back under control.
Unkl Witzspews:
Ya gotta wonder about a guy who comes on here everyday and gets his rhetorical butt kicked, day in and day out.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Chris Stefan,
You really want to get slapped around today? Didn’t you recently post garbage even other libtardos ran from yesterday? Puddy has to leave but take notice at the CBS poll. So why are 41% of DUMMOCRAPTS wanting to have the law suits continue? See you around noon libtardo!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Apparently the Oba-MaoCare mandate is enforced by the IRS, but they haven’t been given the ability to force someone to pay the noncompliance penalty. Here is what the federal Joint Committee on Taxation had to say about this issue in a report released earlier this week:
Individuals who fail to maintain minimum essential coverage in 2016 are subject to a penalty equal to the greater of: (1) 2.5 percent of household income in excess of the taxpayer’s household income for the taxable year over the threshold amount of income required for income tax return filing for that taxpayer under section 6012(a)(1);67 or (2) $695 per uninsured adult in the household. The fee for an uninsured individual under age 18 is one-half of the adult fee for an adult. The total household penalty may not exceed 300 percent of the per adult penalty ($2,085). The total annual household payment may not exceed the national average annual premium for bronze level health plan offered through the Exchange that year for the household size…
The penalty applies to any period the individual does not maintain minimum essential coverage and is determined monthly. The penalty is assessed through the Code and accounted for as an additional amount of Federal tax owed. However, it is not subject to the enforcement provisions of subtitle F of the Code. The use of liens and seizures otherwise authorized for collection of taxes does not apply to the collection of this penalty. Non-compliance with the personal responsibility requirement to have health coverage is not subject to criminal or civil penalties under the Code and interest does not accrue for failure to pay such assessments in a timely manner.
These DummoKlowns are trying to make this thing a tax…without really being a tax.
Clever. Hopefully the Supreme Court will see it for the SHAM it is!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Oba-Mao is still at -10 in the Rasmussen.
Let’s see where he is in 2 weeks as folks sort out the sham he has perpetrated.
Oba-Mao’s failure to get his numbers to low single-digits, even on a short-term bounce, surprises me…especially with the TASS-like propaganda machine running at WARP speed.
It wouldn’t surprise me if most Democrats wanted changes to the HCR. It was too filled with compromises in a vain attempt to bring Republicans into the process. Even the mandatory coverage was a Republican idea (Mitt Romney). But the Republicans took the benefits of the compromise, still refused to vote for it, and now are trying to use their own ideas as the basis for challenging the constitutionality of the bill.
But just because Democrats think it’s only a first step doesn’t mean they want to join Republican challenges of the bill. We’ve dug the foundation and laid the first foundation stones, there’s still work to do over the next few years before it’s the type of system which will really save Americans a boatload of money and provide better health care at the same time. But there’s no way we are going backwards.
The same trolls on this board who are claiming that Obama and the Democrats have lost all public support by passing the HCR are the same ones who claimed that investors would cash out of the stock market if Obama was elected, causing many of us to lose our retirement savings.
Starting DJIA on Obama’s inaugeration day: 8,281.22.
DJIA at approx. 8:20 a.m. today: 10,896.01
Why should anyone listen to them?
Daddy Lovespews:
10 Pud
That poll was taken before last night. Guess what? Today’s different. Today there’s nothing for Republicans to challenge. It’s passed. It will be signed today.
Heck, I wanted Republicans to challenge the bill tot. “Look bad, Republicans! Say more stupid stuff!” is what I said.
Daddy Lovespews:
39 Cyn
I didn’t know that interest does not accrue on teh lenalty. Thanks for that.
But this?
These DummoKlowns are trying to make this thing a tax…without really being a tax.
Clever. Hopefully the Supreme Court will see it for the SHAM it is!
No, it’s just an plain-vanilla IRS tax penalty. It’s in the IRS code. THe COngress has very wide Constitutional latitude to tax, and they have very, very broad power to achiever their goal of regulating interstate commerce.
So good luck with the frivolous lawsuit as Rob McKenna watches the clock run out on the last statewide elective office he will ever hold.
Daddy Lovespews:
30 Pud
Butt what will you say when you see Jesus return in the clouds of Glory with the full power of His Father the Creator of the Universe?
I know I’ll say “Pud is seeing things again.”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Butch Otter (R-Id) just bitch-slapped Gregoire, yanking Areva away from us….a $3 BILLION Plant and 400 permanent, living wage jobs!
The floodgates are officially open.
The competition is on.
Things like this tend to spiral.
Gregoire is all talk…but her actions scare investors of capital.
I’m sure folks in the Tri-Cities appreciate her bravado!!
This is just the beginning.
Butch loves competing…something a 40 year career Bureaucrat with a regular Government Check knows nothing about!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
42. rhp6033 spews:
The same trolls on this board who are claiming that Obama and the Democrats have lost all public support by passing the HCR are the same ones who claimed that investors would cash out of the stock market if Obama was elected, causing many of us to lose our retirement savings.
Hey, I’ve made money…I think 12,000 or so will be some trouble. So will the Commercial Real Estate crisis that has been brewing…as well as all the unfunded mandates.
Markets work in cycles. Government policies are but one factor. Things are going now…but watch the year-end selling because the Capital Gains tax increase to be effective in 2011. I will be out again before then.
We just sold & closed the Commercial Building we have an interest in to our largest tenant.
Also have an offer on a rental house.
Putting $$ in sheltered investments. Some great vehicles out there if you are smart.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Have you read Timothy Keller’s Book, The Reason for God, yet?
We discussed this in our Men’s Bible Study–
From 2Corrinthians 5:11-21
The Ministry of Reconciliation
11Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. 12We are not trying to commend ourselves to you again, but are giving you an opportunity to take pride in us, so that you can answer those who take pride in what is seen rather than in what is in the heart. 13If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. 14For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
16So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 18All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21God made him who had no sin to be sin[a] for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
Daddy Lovespews:
13 UW
If your cited poll is “Research 2000 for Daily Kos,” you should be aware that they measure Obama’s favorable/unfavorable ratings, NOT his job approval.
10. Puddybud is Sad my friend died spews:
Man you loony leftist pinhead progressives are running scared. Hey checksez, the poll was released yesterday fool!
How come Puddy always finds facts while HA progressive libtardos continue to bray into the wind?
…ahhh, forget it. The guy is a goddamned fucking moron.
Daddy Lovespews:
5 mot
Yes, saying that one would relish an argument over policy as part of an election campaign is exacty the same as putting rifle sights over the locations of Democratic representatives on a map.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Puddy is back…
The same trolls on this board who are claiming that Obama and the Democrats have lost all public support by passing the HCR are the same ones who claimed that investors would cash out of the stock market if Obama was elected, causing many of us to lose our retirement savings.
Can you prove Puddy ever said this rhp6033 or is this another of your worthless generalizations?
Unkl Witzspews:
Thanks for the clarification Daddy, but I think I said that in the post.
Bottom line is O got a five point boost
Hey Stupes…
…so Cantor lied (shock of shocks).
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obam-Mao humiliates Israeli PM!!
When will Obam-Mao’s arrogance end??
And this came from the Times of London.
For a head of government to visit the White House and not pose for photographers is rare. For a key ally to be left to his own devices while the President withdraws to have dinner in private was, until this week, unheard of. Yet that is how Benjamin Netanyahu was treated by President Obama on Tuesday night, according to Israeli reports on a trip viewed in Jerusalem as a humiliation.
After failing to extract a written promise of concessions on settlements, Obama walked out of his meeting with Netanyahu but invited him to stay at the White House, consult with advisers and “let me know if there is anything new”, a U.S. congressman, who spoke to the Prime Minister, said.
Are you correcting Auntie Witless on his poll choice?
Daddy Lovespews:
46 Cyn
Do you guys do ANYTHING besides cite op-eds?
Pud is excepted.
Daddy Lovespews:
57 Pud
No, I am asking whether he/she/it meant a specific poll and noting for the record that the poll I referred to cannot be compared to a job approval rating.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
It was too filled with compromises in a vain attempt to bring Blue Dog DUMMOCRAPTS into the process.
Fixed rhp6033.
There were no Republican compromises. Your “team” wrote the bill. Even in the reconciliation process your DUMMOCRAPTS voted to allow sex offenders to get Viagra. Great job!
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Now Puddy sees the dumb cinder block rujax! appearing.
Puddy answered the Cantor question yesterday. Still stupid even after Puddy’s suggestion to get remedial brain help
New programs just announced under the Obama and Politburo, sorry, Congress “Commerce clause means whatever the hell I want it to, so shut up. Or we’ll send you to the new Gulag in Anchorage!” doctrine.
In this economy car manufacturers are in trouble, so anyone with a vehicle more than 2 years old must buy a new one. Those who can’t afford payments will be subisidized up to 80% (at the expense of their neighbors, of course) in the form of a tax rebate 12-16 months after the first payment is due. Those who refuse to comply will be shot, with due process of law.
Breeders of yappy fluffy dogs that look like moving dustmops are in trouble, because they sell yappy fluffy dogs that look like moving dustmops. All owners of of dogs that an adult male would consent to walk must buy an additonal dog from one of these breeders, with mandatory vet visits 6 times a year. Food for the dog must be in cat food sized cans, and cost not less than $4 per container. Dry dog food, or failure to take said dog to the vet 6 times a year will be construed as non-compliance. This should help the struggling ‘not really a dog’ industry. Non-compliance penalties will range from siezure of your home to 10 years imprisonment, soley at the discretion of the Obama admninistration.
Any and all commercial activity will now be removed from state jurisdiction. The Obama administration will tell you what product, brand and quantity to buy, regardless of size of household, personal taste or income.
Karl Marx, you won buddy. Forget all that Berlin Wall coming down stuff. You just had to wait until the US had a communist president, Speaker and Majority Leader.
61. Puddybud is Sad my friend died spews:
Now Puddy sees the dumb cinder block rujax! appearing.
Puddy answered the Cantor question yesterday. Still stupid even after Puddy’s suggestion to get remedial brain help
03/26/2010 at 9:17 am
Your goat is getting lonely for you. Have you no heart?
…brain help. Oh. OK.
…remedial brain help. Sure. That makes sense.
Whatever, asshole.
I love the smell of burning political parties in the morning.
Daddy Lovespews:
56 Cyn
Fucking Netanyahu announced the building of settlements in East Jerusalem WHILE the VP was there to jump-start indirect talks with the Palestinians, absolutely scuttling the talks.
If the president were to bitch-slap Bibi in front of his children, I for one wouldn’t mind.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Maybe Israel should change it’s name to Iran II. They’ll get love instead.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is a recent poll showing more Democrat suffering!
State Attorney General Bill McCollum maintains his double-digit advantage over Democrat Alex Sink in the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of the Florida gubernatorial race.
@62 Yet another delusional wingnut pulling shit from his ass. It never ends, does it?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Election 2010: North Dakota House of Representatives
North Dakota House: GOP’s Berg 51%, Pomeroy(D) 44%
Thursday, March 25, 2010
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state, taken Tuesday night, shows Republican Rick Berg leading incumbent Pomeroy(D) by seven points, 51% to 44%.
Daddy Lovespews:
54 UW
You mentioned that it was Research 2000, but did not mention DK (because of which I wasn’t sure about what was being measured) or that it was a favorable rating, which can be misleading (if people think it’s job approval). It’s probably well to make sure that people know what they’re looking at.
Re 67
No. Obama and the progressives don’t hate Israel for violations of human rights. They hate Israel becauset they are one of the worlds winners. After staying in existence against all odds for decades they represent the ability to triumph over your surroundings, and the progressives hate this with a consuming passion.
From those who do well economically to those whose foreign and domestic policy is successful they can’t stand success of any kind. Anyone or thing that shows excellence must be destroyed under their gray and dismal worldview.
Mr. Cynical
…and the rest of the Hee-Haw gang…
…THANK YOU for destroying the Republican Party…only took nine years, but you all did SUCH a great job.
Could you guys wreck the Dallas Cowboys for me too? Maybe the St. Louis Rams while you’re at it.
Love ya…TOODLES!!!!!
Daddy Lovespews:
70 Cyn
That means it’s really 46%-49% the other way.
Re 69
Please, please don’t turn me in to the thought police. I don’t want a cage with rats in it put onto my head. Please. Please.
Daddy Lovespews:
73 R
Rush WAS going to wreck the Rams, but the bad ol’ NFL didn’t let him. I think he’s going to huck a brick through their windows.
This year’s race for governor in Iowa continues to be largely a battle between two candidates who’ve already held the office.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state shows former Republican Governor Terry Branstad leading current Governor Chet Culver by 16 points, 52% to 36%.
Everywhere you look, Democrat incumbents trailing or in trouble.
But hey, Lee and Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats can take solice in a couple bowlfuls of cheap, seedy pot.
With Progressives tanking everywhere….no wonder you are so adamant about legalizing pot!!
A pain-killer.
Daddy @ 76…
THAT would have been fun. I was actually rooting for that to happen.
“Obama and the progressives don’t hate Israel for violations of human rights. They hate Israel becauset they are one of the worlds winners.”
When reality fails wingnuts, they simply make shit up.
Hey, O’Brien, where’s that fucking rat cage? We need it down in Room 101 again.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
74. Daddy Love spews:
70 Cyn
That means it’s really 46%-49% the other way.
Ummm, Rasmussen had Brown/Coakley a toss-up and Brown won by 5 points. If anything, Rasmussen is slightly Democrat leaning.
Live in your DailyKos/MadKow/Olberman/MSNBC dream world. It’s your special place.
‘Scuse me…I’m going to get some “remedial brain help”…LOLOLOL
Using humor to make a point at 62 doesn’t make the point less valid.
When a government can tell me I can’t grow wheat on my damned land because I’m not then buying it from the local feed store, and this somehow is interstate commerce, we’ve lost our liberty.
When standards of legality are arbitrary and driven by the crisis of the moment we’ve lost our liberty.
When the law can mean whatever the corrupt and arrogant politician of the moment wants it to, law is divorced from justice and reason. Soon or late the society that adopts these sandcastle constructs of law and justice will collapse.
This is the world of progressives. Thanks very much for destroying my country.
Sooooo let me get this straight; Republicans are going to run on “Repeal and Reform” is that right?
Hmmmmm . . . I guess reform then means Republicans are now in favor of BIG Government running health care?
Or, they just want to go back to the way the insurance companies were screwing everybody and giving a kickback to the Republcians.
Sounds like Flippity Floppity talk to me!!
Which is it? Big Government take over or screwing America again.
Yeah that fires up the base (maybe) but it sure as hell won’t attract moderate Republicans, independents or conservative Democrats.
“Turn out the lights — this GOP Party is over”
~ As sung by “Dandy” Don Meridith, MNF.
Re 75
Although, to be fair, I read 1984 a bit too young. The affair with Julia and the ratcage were the things that really stuck in my mind.
Oh yeah, and the sad controlled lives of people under an over-reaching government…
Lost @ 79: There goes Lost again, trying to explain to us what we think, and why we think it.
It’s beyond his comprehension that we could see things in any way different than he does, so he just makes up things about us as he goes along. It’s much easier to insult a straw man than to engage in a rational discussion on the merits.
But hey, I can do it to, if that’s what you want. “Republicans are led by thieves and liars, and their followers are too ignorant or bigoted to realize that their leaders are just using them as tools to enhance their own wealth and power, while robbing them blind in the process.”
See how easy that is? My example even has an element of truth in it! Of course, such hyperbole doesn’t lend itself to a serious discussion of important public issues. But it’s been a long time since the Republican Party has engaged in such serious discussions – they learned a long time ago that they usually lose when that happens.
lost @ 82:
Sorry about destorying your country someone had to kill off the Reagan Revolution before we completely lost the nation our founding fathers created and the millions who have fought, bled and died preserving that nation for us and future generations of Americans.
Get over it. Main stream America snuffed out your revolution the way we’ve always done it in America — at the ballot box.
You should really seek help regarding your anger issues.
Sober up asshole. Put DOWN that vodka bottle.
The wheels are coming off the cart.
How does 62 to 65 Dem seats in the Senate sound to you?
That’s what nihilistic intransigent opposition buys you.
Obama is a REAL leader. He kicked your asses…cleaned your clocks. Your party leaders are fools…and look like it.
He won.
“Using humor to make a point at 62 doesn’t make the point less valid.”
“we’ve lost our liberty”
Humor? Point? Liberty? Horseshit.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Or, they just want to go back to the way the insurance companies were screwing everybody and giving a kickback to the Republcians.
GBS you are definitely slipping. Puddy guesses turning 50 does that to you. Reread the HuffPo article when Odumba and gang made big deals with Big Pharma (80 Billion) and Big Insurance (Untold Billions) in this health care bill.
Stop being so stupid like the dumb cinder block rujax GBS. You are way above that guttersnipe’s level.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
How does 62 to 65 Dem seats in the Senate sound to you?
rujax! is smoking crack and drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution.
Why do you think so many Senate deals were made rujax? Wait a minute… you’d need to think to answer that. You’d need a brain to think.
Never mind rujax!
@91 the foo shits so you wear it fool!
Stop being so stupid like the dumb cinder block rujax GBS. You are way above that guttersnipe’s level.
Neener, neener, neener…
“Oh yeah, and the sad controlled lives of people under an over-reaching government…
Yeah, it sticks in my mind how you spent years here complaining about the sad controlled lives of people under an over-reaching government…controlled by Republicans. You’re just another asswipe wingnut hypocrite.
Did anyone see the former Bush speech writer David Frum state that Fox News owns the Republican Party!!
Ooops, truth slipped out.
So why do conservatives want to bow down to an Aussie business man as their political leader??
Hmmmm . . . for as much as I disagreed wiht Reagan, if I had to choose between him or a foreginer to be my leader I would pick Reagan.
At least he had to be accountable to the American People. With Rupert at the helm for the during the Bush admin no wonder our nation was financially wrecked. Murdoc doesn’t care.
Teabaggers are so stupid they’re unpatriotic.
89. Puddybud is Sad my friend died spews:
Stop being so stupid like the dumb cinder block rujax GBS. You are way above that guttersnipe’s level.
Are you kidding me????
Me got much far way to go then I be smart same like Rujax.
Everyone knows Rujax is WAAAAYYYY smarter than me. Duh!
Puddy, youd didn’t answer the question;
Are you for Big Government take over of insurance, or are you a flip flopper???
re 86
Things like you could give a damn about what the founding fathers intended.
Things like you could give a damn about liberty and the responsibilities that go with it.
Things like you learned at some college that nothing means anything. No standard appllies unless you want it to. No value is anything but subjective.
Well, you’re wrong. Whatever other tripe you believe if the law doesn’t mean the same thing today as it did in 1787 we need to scap it and start over. If progressives had the guts to come out and say ‘we hate America and everything it stands for, and want to start fresh’ I would grudgingly respect that. I’d fight tooth and nail, as I do now, to stop them. But I’d respect your honesty.
But you don’t. You pretend that concepts of liberty so important to the founders that they put them in unmistakeable language like “the right to have and bear arms shall not be infringed upon” is somehow vague. Hating precision, because it means you are responsible for your language, you want to pretend that everyone else hates it too.
They don’t. Adults accept standards and live by them because a world of relative and arbitrary standards would be intolerable. Liberals can’t and won’t do this. They are perpetual toddlers throwing tantrums because “it’s not fair.”
Well grow up. It isn’t, and the best we can do is gaurantee the pursuit of happiness, not the finding of it. We can guarantee that basic concepts and terms retain their meaning, or are changed in accordance with the mechanisms laid down in the Constitution. But we can’t make law wet clay forever and expect to retain a society on that weak foundation.
What you and the other things like you have done and can do is weaken the foundation of the existing edifice of state. You can, by making law arbitrary and undemocratic remove the structural elements that made this country great, and remake it as a flimsy Hollywood movie set.
Congratulations. It took 80 years, but you and your friends have destroyed the country you hate.
Lost @ 82 said:
“When standards of legality are arbitrary and driven by the crisis of the moment we’ve lost our liberty.
When the law can mean whatever the corrupt and arrogant politician of the moment wants it to, law is divorced from justice and reason. Soon or late the society that adopts these sandcastle constructs of law and justice will collapse.”
Thank you, you’ve made a poignant argument against the Patriot Act, pushed through Congress with little opportunity for debate by the Bush administration and a Republican Congress. But rest assured, Bush told us, it would NEVER be applied to us, only against TERRORISTS.
Of course, a terrorist was whomever the Bush administration decided was a terrorst. Kind of liek the old discussion about “…I didn’t object when they came for the Jews because I wasn’t a Jew….”
Where was your outrage then? Why is the imprisonment, torture, rendition to foreign countries, suspension of habeous corpus NOT an imposition on our freedom, but taxing those who don’t purchase health insurance is suddenly and intolerable imposition on liberty?
Re 92
Try to be honest, for once.
I’ve consistently written that Bush assaults on liberty were as bad as Oboma assaults.
Well, not quite as bad. Manifest injustice like torture, spying on unindicted citizens and the like are violations people will fight. Even the most lily livered liberal will fight for those basic human rights.
But Obama is clever. He knows that in playing Robin Hood he attacks liberties harder to define, harder to put into a sound bite. Additonally the 60% who recieve stolen goods from him are uninclined to look into why they have a right to the contents of their neighbors wallet. He can put a flimsy coating of “they made more so they owe more” on it, and the instinct to rationalize will do the rest.
So yes, I consistently attacked Bush moves like the Patriot Act, Extraordinary rendition etc. But of the two Obama is far the more evil.
Oh for Gods’ sake. Don’t any of you remember anything for more than 10 minutes?
See my answer to Steve at 98.
but you and your friends have fixed the country you love.
As the miserable fool Stupes would say:
You know what’s interesting?
The liberal understanding of law is so weak they don’t even know how to make one work.
I can and will engage in civil disobedience on this insane new law. On the day that I’m required to purchase insurance my agent has an instruction to refund my money for any coverage paid ahead and cancel my policy. I will not be told by the Federal government charged with protecting my rights how and where to spend what I’ve earned.
But you guys are so bad at this game you’ve taken the teeth out of civil disobedience. No criminal penalty, no forefeiture of assets and no interest on fines (not taxes, which they aren’t) accrue.
I mean, it’s like letting the kids run the kindergarten.
…you know what’s interesting? How far up his own ass this jerk really goes!
Re 97
BTW, Obama asked that key provisions of the Patriot Act due to sunset be renewed by Congress. Power to the People!
Dear GBS…
Man…I really hope you’re never as smart as me. That would mean that you suffered from some tragic and irreversable brain damage.
Please keep layin’ the wood on these guys like you do.
Ah, Rujax, you’re back. And I see you’ve learned the basics of rhetoric in your absensce.
Trenchant points, great philisophical refutation, and I just generally feel smacked down.
You’ve been writing speeches for your lord and savior Obama, haven’t you?
Lost @ 98, 99, 103:
If you do object to the Patriot Act with the same force and consistency that you object to the HCR act, then I will at least applaud your consistency. The same can’t be said of some of your fellow “conservatives”, and I apologize if I’ve lumped you in unfairly with all of them. I will try not to group all of you together in the future.
As for # 103, Obama did agree to a continuation of the Patriot Act, which was a dissapointment to me. In his defense, the timing was bad: the Obama administration was simultaniously having to deal with an economy which was still just short of collapsing, two wars (Iraq & Afganistan) which badly needed a plan other than to keep doing what we’ve been doing up to now, and trying to implement reforms of the financial & banking markets. The Patriot Act was tied into an overall security structure which was difficult to dissassemble without coming up with a replacement, and some who needed to contribute to such a plan weren’t even confirmed by the Senate (such as the TSA chief, being filibustred by the Republicans).
I firmly hope that now that the HCR is signed into law, Obama will turn to revising the Patriot Act as one of his highest priorities. In the meantime, the worst abuses of the act have been discontinued, although that could change again under another administration if the law isn’t revised.
I will try not to group all of you together in the future.
Fuck that!
They’re liars — all of them. Clumsy, inarticulate, amateur liars.
And they’re plagiarists too — a form of lying. Because they aren’t smart enough to think up the lies on their own, they’re shilling for the professional liars!
They cannot be embarrassed.
Chris Stefanspews:
Fine, do that, but you won’t have any health insurance and you will be subject to additional taxes.
Fail to pay the taxes and the IRS will do to you what it does to anyone else who refuses to pay taxes.
Re 108
No it won’t. That’s my point. It would be my obligation in practicing civil disobedience to accept the consequences of a thuggish government.
But you guys can’t even manage that. All of the usual means for collecting a tax are specifically excluded.
This is, of course, because this is not a tax. It is a fine levied for failure to purchase a particular product I may or may not want.
I won’t pay such fines. Obama the thug can instruct his government to do as he sees fit, since this is divorced from all real law and what informs it in this country, and everything is arbirtrary, by his definiition, not that of the Constitution.
Which really was my point. Where law, rights and justice are arbitrary terms to suit the moment they are in a state of collapse.
Fun break:
In Chattanooga, a police officer gets a call that some dogs are running in the road, chasing cars and generally making a nuisence of themselves. A patrol car was sent out in response. Here’s video from another car (he had to call for back-up):
I’ve heard of teacup poodles, were these tea party dogs who thought the police car was a Democrat?
Re: 105…
Wow…he crawls out of his posterior long enough to post.
OH, if you please kind sir…I bow before your wit and wisdom. All apologies for any offense…
@98 “Try to be honest, for once.”
You wouldn’t recognize honesty anymore than you would recognize liberty. You’re just another narcissistic wingnut idiot and the only message you convey here, besides your utter stupidity, is how full of yourself you have become – an uneducated version of the Piper, but perhaps a brain cell or two up on the dumbfuck KLOWN.
Doesn’t it bother you wingnuts, especially the smarter ones (I know, I know…smart wingnut is an oxymoron…or a REAL moron…LOL)…
…that your party leadership fucked this up in a really, really big way.
The HANDED Obama the 2010 Congressional Election and re-election in 2012.
I’m not complaining, but really…hhow fucking stupid ARE your people anyway?
Chris Stefanspews:
Well, we’ll see what the courts say. I’m willing to bet real money the mandate won’t be overturned in court.
BTW just because the collection and enforcement methods are different than they are for income taxes as they exist today doesn’t mean squat for your argument. Different parts of the Internal Revenue Code already have different collection mechanisms, different enforcement mechanisms, and different penalties.
Good luck with your “civil disobedience” and don’t be surprised when you have to suffer the consequences.
“The liberal understanding of law is so weak they don’t even know how to make one work.”
This comment is coming from an uneducated wingnut house flipper on a thread in which several progressive attorneys have commented.
Full of yourself much, Lost?
Actually, the argument wasn’t with this mandate particularly. It is with the theory since FDR that the Commerce Clause is without limit. It is excercised at the will of the current crop of thieves, snake oil salesmen and general con men that sit in Congress and the White House, of whatever party.
This is fundamentally at odds with any valid and tested theory of law. It is arbitrary, based on no solid ground of tested law. It is the sign of a legal and governmental system falling.
Specifics are important. But when, since that manifold and egregious traitor FDR, the theory is flawed so that some gain power while slowly eviscerating the values of a society, that is a real problem.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
Rujax has been busy vandalizing churches…he calls it his “weekend fun”….
For once, please, actually answer an argument. Just one. Any one of them.
Look, I’ve said that this new law is unconstitutional, and to their credit some have argued that quite cogently. I still disagree that the emergency measures FDR forced on the nation were ever Constitutional, or that precedent which flowed from them were in line with framers intent, but at least an argument was advanced.
For any one reason why this law is bad law I’ve heard not one refutation. It punishes the poor, and especially the middle class. It won’t work as enforcement is nonexistent. It is corporate welfare of the worst kind forcing me to buy a product from a troubled industry to shore up that industry. It is at odds with the spirit of the framers, no matter what Wickard (an appalling piece of work) says.
It is arbitrary, and by being so makes law arbitrary. No society will last in which law is seen as mutable and reactive rather than a base for business and personal interaction. That is simply a fact borne out by millenia of evidence.
Any comment to make on the actual substance. I grant, your civility has improved markedly, and I appreciate that. But really, if you disagree with what I wrote, tell me why and there is the ground for a discussion. Otherwise it’s just trading barbs.
“Look, I’ve said that this new law is unconstitutional, and to their credit some have argued that quite cogently.”
I’d have a very low opinion of a constitutional lawyer commenting on the engineering work I do in my own profession. When I encounter some uneducated dumbfuck blathering on about constitutional law like he actually knows what he’s fucking talking about, I give that person’s comments all the respect that they are due.
“For once, please, actually answer an argument.”
For once, please, actually write something that’s deserving of more than an insult for a response.
re 119
Translation for those watching at home-
I have no answer. Rather than admit that I will insult my interlocutor. I’ll attempt to make me look smart by trying to convince others he is stupid.
Nice try.
@120 “Translation for those watching at home-
I have no answer.”
I see that you excel at translation as you do in constitutional law. Let me help you out here, Lost. You’re just another wingnut idiot vapidly blathering on and on about subjects of which you have no fucking knowledge.
The latin, if I recall, is quod erat demonstradum.
Anyone but a dumbfuck wingnut narcissist would have just written QED and been done with it.
Sorry, didn’t know you knew that particular phrase. Also don’t know a lot of ‘dumbfucks’ who know either the abbreviation or the phrase, but okay.
Off to get real work done. Have fun.
“Sorry, didn’t know you knew that particular phrase.”
Written like a true narcissist. Millions of people in this country have studied Latin, and not all of them are Catholic.
See Poll@10. Facts are interesting things. You continue to run from them.
See ya dumb cinder block!
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Puddy answered the question on Big Insurance. Odumba and Baucus took care of them in the health care bill.
Are you really this stupid GBS?
Are you really that daft GBS?
Are you losing your grip on reality GBS?
Are you skipping commentary from the HuffPo now GBS?
Puddy can lead you to the facts but you have to grasp them dude!
ohhhhhh Puddy, it’s Friday and I’m in a damn good mood.
You cannot lead me to facts, you don’t even know what they are re: HCR debate.
OK, let’s try a test and if you can convince me I’ll investigate your “facts” more.
Fact or LIE.
Feds will pull the plug on Grandma.
Fact or LIE.
There will be Nazi Death Camps.
Fact or LIE.
We are a socialist nation now we have HCR.
OK? Just three questions and depending on how you answer them I’ll consider following your “fact finding” mission.
Hey BTW, how’s your lovely and children?
Shouldn’t you have some college grad party soon?
You’re so firm in your understanding of the 2nd Amendment, but clueless in the 1st Amendment.
I suppose that’s because it doesn’t fit within your God, Guns, and Gays repertoire.
Did you EVER post any direct evidence that we were founded on Christian principles?
118. lostinaseaofblue spews:
Look, I’ve said that this new law is unconstitutional,
OK, lost, I’m truly willing to have a reasoned, respectful debate with you.
IF the new law is unconstitutional as you claim, then please tell us what legal standing AG McKenna will have in court?
Operative wording here: Legal standing. It is, as you probably know, imperative to have legal standing in order for a case to be heard in court.
I look forward to learning something new. As you present your case I’ll need some time to research your legal standing claims to see if they have merit.
I love it when someone can actually persuade me to change my mind by giving me new information.
Sarah Palin is stumping for McShame. All I can say is that if you’re in the front row area of the stage you better have plastic sheet to cover yourself like you’re at a Gallagher concert.
Because once Palin starts winking the old, angry white quys will start wanking and the spunk will be flying all over each other.
At least for the first 20-30 seconds that is. Then it’ll be nap time for the viagra seniors.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Look at the fool @100, still operating without an original thought.
Keep being the HA arschloch ylb arschloch. It’s a position you hold down perfectly.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Fact or LIE.
Feds will pull the plug on Grandma.
Wrong question. Health care will be rationed in America – FACT. Marcelas’ mom, Tifanny Owens did NOT qualify for Medicaid. Rationing. Otherwise all would get it no questions asked. Medicaid is run by Odumba Administration
Fact or LIE.
There will be Nazi Death Camps.
Got me. Never been in a Nazi Death Camp although growing up in the libtardo reservation of Philadelphia may have qualified as one.
Fact or LIE.
We are a socialist nation now we have HCR.
We are becoming more of a Socialist Democracy as Odumba defined it.
OK? Just three questions and depending on how you answer them I’ll consider following your “fact finding” mission.
Hey BTW, how’s your lovely and children?
They are fine. How are yours
Shouldn’t you have some college grad party soon?
Yep. #1 graduates in June.
Ahhh, grand, grand. Glad to hear the family is doing well.
Congratulations to your #1. I know you’re proud we’re all happy for you. Hope all his dreams come true.
Fact or LIE.
Feds will pull the plug on Grandma.
Wrong question.
Why? It’s exactly what Repubicans were saying would happen. Were the accusations leveled by duly elected Republican officials a Fact or Lie?
Fact or LIE.
There will be Nazi Death Camps.
Got me.
Fact or LIE.
We are a socialist nation now we have HCR.
We are becoming more of a Socialist Democracy as Odumba defined it.
I’ll take your answer as to mean a “Lie” since you had to qualify the answer twice.
So far it looks like facts are not adding up yet, Puddy.
Ever read 6 thinking hats by Edward de Bono? Put on your “white hat”.
Why? It’s exactly what Repubicans were saying would happen. Were the accusations leveled by duly elected Republican officials a Fact or Lie?
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Caterpiller, John Deere and Verizon have said the new Odumba Health Care law will cost them millions of $$$ and in some cases over 100 Million?
Puddy @ 136:
Fact, they said that. Fact, it’s not accurate.
gotta go.
Dinner time.
Have a good one Puddy,
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
When you come back… Where is your factual evidence?
Damn, it’s nice to have a real president again.
Yes!!!! Fuck Yes!!!!
“If they want to have that fight we can have it.”
Now that’s the guy I voted for.
Let’s hope he can keep it up. At least it is a win.
I also want to update on something I said in another open thread. Seems some GOP lawmakers are coming out against the rhetoric, for now. Rep. Pete Olson(R-TX), has at least said the Palin Reload Map is not appropriate. Not sure if he will apologize. By the way, wasn’t he(Olson) a birther?
On a lighter note, saw a news story saying that Gordon Lightfoot is talking about doing a revision to the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, to reflect new theories on how the mighty Laker(Great Lakes Freighter) went down that November day in 1975. He went by the possibility that crew error(“When the main hatchway caved in….”), but modern evidence suggests it was a rogue wave that tore it in half that night. Maybe he can get the destination right if he does change it, in the song he had the ship headed for Cleveland(“……When the left fully loaded for Cleveland”), when the ship was headed for Detroit.
Yes!!!! Fuck Yes!!!!
“If they want to have that fight we can have it.”
oh my, thats hateful and inciteful. wah wah wah
How’s it feel to get your ass kicked? Bend over again, because we’re not through with you yet.
ah, in all seriousnes (for once), i now understand how you can all hate bush so much. because i so despise obama, that i now see it is possible to hate that much. i am going to work every minute for the next three years to support the election of someone besides obama in 2012.
(even hillary)…now thats saying something
Work you fingers to the bone trying to resurrect the corpse of the GOP, manoflies.
I just love seeing a fool working hard to kick his own ass.
Man you loony leftist pinhead progressives are running scared. Hey checksez, the poll was released yesterday fool!
How come Puddy always finds facts while HA progressive libtardos continue to bray into the wind?
“A CBS News poll released Wednesday finds that nearly two in three Americans want Republicans in Congress to continue to challenge parts of the health care reform bill.” Emphasis Puddy. It’s not Rasmussen FOOLS. It’s CBS, Dan Rather’s network. Katie Couric’s network! Bill Schieffer’s network! Harry Smith’s network. All leftist pinhead MSM types.
Nearly nine in ten (89%) Republicans and two in three independents (66%) want the GOP to keep challenging. Even 41% of DUMMOCRAPTS support continued challenges. Now that’s very interesting. Puddy wonders about those DUMMOCRAPTS? They must be the objective intelligent DUMMOCRAPTS who know this bill sucks. Wait… maybe they are the ones who wonder why the bill forces everyone to be taxed for 4 years before any benefits kick in. Maybe they worry about the 45,000 a year who’ll die with out health insurance on purpose!
Facts are interesting things. Puddy hears HA Leftist minds exploding all over the place!
Puddy guesses Odumba didn’t view the CBS poll before he made an ASS out of himself in the video above. Maybe Rahmbo hid it. Maybe Axelrod kept it on his computer. Maybe Gibbs burned the printout.
Of course while you all were chasing racial epithets still MIA Verizon, Caterpillar, and John Deere all announced elevated health care cost Now Odumba care passed.
Wow a new farmers with heavy equipment tax. Wow that 3G Verizon phone coverage is gonna get more expensive.
This is what the Republicans told you progressive DUMMOCRAPTS over and over and over. Now you’ll see the costs be passed to you. Anyone making anything under $250,000 will see “taxes” rise. Even Max Baucus said so!
Didn’t Odumba visit Caterpillar? Yeah Odumba visited a Caterpillar Plant in Peoria Feb. 12, 2009.
Here’s at least one poll that tells a slightly different story than yours:
Numbers are fav/unfav/dk/change
parens are last week’s numbers
OBAMA 56 (53) 39 (41) 5 (6) 5
PELOSI: 39 (37) 54 (55) 7 (8) 3
REID: 26 (27) 66 (66) 8 (7) -1
McCONNELL: 20 (21) 64 (63) 16 (16) -2
BOEHNER: 17 (20) 64 (62) 19 (18) -5
CONGRESSIONAL DEMS: 40 (39) 56 (58) 4 (3) 3
CONGRESSIONAL GOPS: 21 (24) 71 (67) 8 (9) -7
DEMOCRATIC PARTY: 40 (39) 53 (55) 7 (6) 3
REPUBLICAN PARTY: 28 (30) 67 (66) 5 (4) -3
Research 2000 taken 3/22 to 3/25
Please note Pudd there is a loss of seven points for your obstructionist heros in Congress and a five point jump for our duly elected President.
Sorry to bust your bubble so early in the morning Pudd
Are those 41% are the racist DUMMOCRAPTS? Well we’re told if you disagree with Odumba you’re a racist all over the slobbering libtardo MSM. The whole passel of fools at PMSBNC. The more tepid fools at NBC. The guvmint supported fools at NPR. The morons at CNN. The resident dumb cinder block rujax! told everyone this over and over and over. Need to see the HA evidence again?
Maybe those 41% are the DUMMOCRAPTS agreeing with Rush Limbaugh who want Odumba to fail.
Auntie Witless Puddy doesn’t have a bubble to burst. Puddy used the libtardo MSM to make a valid point.
Besides Auntie Witless any FOOL can search for a poll to make his useless point. Puddy regularly uses Real Clear Politics. Check with the resident arschloch, ylb arschloch. Puddy was the first to deliver RCP to the HA leftist fools. He keeps a personal up-to-date copy of Goldy’s HA Libtardo blog on his home computer. He’s probably updating it as Puddy writes this.
Odumba RCP Average 3/10 – 3/24 — 47.5 46.2 +1.3
Congressional RCP Average 3/3 – 3/21 17.4 77.0 -59.6
Generic Congressional Vote RCP Average 3/12 – 3/21 — 44.8 42.2 Republicans +2.6
US Direction RCP Average 3/3 – 3/22 33.0 60.3 -27.3
See how Auntie Witless’ head explodes? KABLAMMMMMMMMO!
I know you’re sad Puddy, but you need to calm down. You’re not making any sense.
There they go again. When Puddy gives facts to a libtardo, they lose their minds and claim the facts make no sense.
Exhibit 4,244,245,243,654,645,243,021 – Auntie Witless@18.
Looks like you are the fool out there cherry picking numbers, Gallup & CBS have our duly elected president up over eight points.
Exhibit 4,244,245,243,654,645,243,022 – Auntie Witless@20. Where did Puddy cherry pick numbas numskull Auntie Witless? Provide the evidence.
I’m afraid your polling analysis isn’t much better than your Biblical scholarship.
About the only thing I can give you much credit for is a willfull suspension of disbelief
Besides Auntie Witless – Research 2000 is known leaning lefty polling service.
Like I said Pudd, you need to calm down. You’re just not making any sense.
Exhibit 4,244,245,243,654,645,243,023 – Auntie Witless@22.
Anytime you wanna match Biblical Witz Auntie Witless let Puddy know. Your polling prowess already demonstrates how foolish you are.
Exhibit 4,244,245,243,654,645,243,024 – Auntie Witless@24.
Facts do strange things to libtardo minds.
You sound pretty riled up Pudd. Maybe we can talk later when you’re not so upset.
And when we have more poll results to review.
Exhibit 4,244,245,243,654,645,243,025 – Auntie Witless@27.
Not riled up at all, just laughing at your feckless attacks! You can review RCP everyday. Puddy gave you the link. You are too dense to figger it out!
Oh, and I don’t think we’d get very far in a debate about the Bible as I suspect you regard it as the revealed word of the creator of the universe.
Unfortunately, I regard it as a mind numbing account of the petty squabbles of a some insignificant Iron Age tribes.
Okay Auntie Witless that’s your choice as God gives men free choice in all matters.
Butt what will you say when you see Jesus return in the clouds of Glory with the full power of His Father the Creator of the Universe?
“clouds of Glory”??
Poor Pudd, you are really wound up today.
And puddy proves he’s just another end-timer waiting for the rapture.
And Auntie Witless is proving his idiocy. Keep digging that hole Auntie Witless…
Oh and to our wingnut trolls, in the words of President Obama: “Bring it on”
Hey puddy you forget to take your meds today?
Puddy is out taking a long walk in the rain and trying to get his blood pressure back under control.
Ya gotta wonder about a guy who comes on here everyday and gets his rhetorical butt kicked, day in and day out.
Chris Stefan,
You really want to get slapped around today? Didn’t you recently post garbage even other libtardos ran from yesterday? Puddy has to leave but take notice at the CBS poll. So why are 41% of DUMMOCRAPTS wanting to have the law suits continue? See you around noon libtardo!
Apparently the Oba-MaoCare mandate is enforced by the IRS, but they haven’t been given the ability to force someone to pay the noncompliance penalty. Here is what the federal Joint Committee on Taxation had to say about this issue in a report released earlier this week:
These DummoKlowns are trying to make this thing a tax…without really being a tax.
Clever. Hopefully the Supreme Court will see it for the SHAM it is!
Oba-Mao is still at -10 in the Rasmussen.
Let’s see where he is in 2 weeks as folks sort out the sham he has perpetrated.
Oba-Mao’s failure to get his numbers to low single-digits, even on a short-term bounce, surprises me…especially with the TASS-like propaganda machine running at WARP speed.
It wouldn’t surprise me if most Democrats wanted changes to the HCR. It was too filled with compromises in a vain attempt to bring Republicans into the process. Even the mandatory coverage was a Republican idea (Mitt Romney). But the Republicans took the benefits of the compromise, still refused to vote for it, and now are trying to use their own ideas as the basis for challenging the constitutionality of the bill.
But just because Democrats think it’s only a first step doesn’t mean they want to join Republican challenges of the bill. We’ve dug the foundation and laid the first foundation stones, there’s still work to do over the next few years before it’s the type of system which will really save Americans a boatload of money and provide better health care at the same time. But there’s no way we are going backwards.
The same trolls on this board who are claiming that Obama and the Democrats have lost all public support by passing the HCR are the same ones who claimed that investors would cash out of the stock market if Obama was elected, causing many of us to lose our retirement savings.
Starting DJIA on Obama’s inaugeration day: 8,281.22.
DJIA at approx. 8:20 a.m. today: 10,896.01
Why should anyone listen to them?
10 Pud
That poll was taken before last night. Guess what? Today’s different. Today there’s nothing for Republicans to challenge. It’s passed. It will be signed today.
Heck, I wanted Republicans to challenge the bill tot. “Look bad, Republicans! Say more stupid stuff!” is what I said.
39 Cyn
I didn’t know that interest does not accrue on teh lenalty. Thanks for that.
But this?
No, it’s just an plain-vanilla IRS tax penalty. It’s in the IRS code. THe COngress has very wide Constitutional latitude to tax, and they have very, very broad power to achiever their goal of regulating interstate commerce.
So good luck with the frivolous lawsuit as Rob McKenna watches the clock run out on the last statewide elective office he will ever hold.
30 Pud
I know I’ll say “Pud is seeing things again.”
Butch Otter (R-Id) just bitch-slapped Gregoire, yanking Areva away from us….a $3 BILLION Plant and 400 permanent, living wage jobs!
The floodgates are officially open.
The competition is on.
Things like this tend to spiral.
Gregoire is all talk…but her actions scare investors of capital.
I’m sure folks in the Tri-Cities appreciate her bravado!!
This is just the beginning.
Butch loves competing…something a 40 year career Bureaucrat with a regular Government Check knows nothing about!
42. rhp6033 spews:
Hey, I’ve made money…I think 12,000 or so will be some trouble. So will the Commercial Real Estate crisis that has been brewing…as well as all the unfunded mandates.
Markets work in cycles. Government policies are but one factor. Things are going now…but watch the year-end selling because the Capital Gains tax increase to be effective in 2011. I will be out again before then.
We just sold & closed the Commercial Building we have an interest in to our largest tenant.
Also have an offer on a rental house.
Putting $$ in sheltered investments. Some great vehicles out there if you are smart.
Have you read Timothy Keller’s Book, The Reason for God, yet?
Check this out–
Awesome book.
We discussed this in our Men’s Bible Study–
From 2Corrinthians 5:11-21
The Ministry of Reconciliation
13 UW
If your cited poll is “Research 2000 for Daily Kos,” you should be aware that they measure Obama’s favorable/unfavorable ratings, NOT his job approval.
…ahhh, forget it. The guy is a goddamned fucking moron.
5 mot
Yes, saying that one would relish an argument over policy as part of an election campaign is exacty the same as putting rifle sights over the locations of Democratic representatives on a map.
Puddy is back…
Can you prove Puddy ever said this rhp6033 or is this another of your worthless generalizations?
Thanks for the clarification Daddy, but I think I said that in the post.
Bottom line is O got a five point boost
Hey Stupes…
…so Cantor lied (shock of shocks).
Obam-Mao humiliates Israeli PM!!
When will Obam-Mao’s arrogance end??
And this came from the Times of London.
Daddy Love@50,
Are you correcting Auntie Witless on his poll choice?
46 Cyn
Do you guys do ANYTHING besides cite op-eds?
Pud is excepted.
57 Pud
No, I am asking whether he/she/it meant a specific poll and noting for the record that the poll I referred to cannot be compared to a job approval rating.
Fixed rhp6033.
There were no Republican compromises. Your “team” wrote the bill. Even in the reconciliation process your DUMMOCRAPTS voted to allow sex offenders to get Viagra. Great job!
Now Puddy sees the dumb cinder block rujax! appearing.
Puddy answered the Cantor question yesterday. Still stupid even after Puddy’s suggestion to get remedial brain help
New programs just announced under the Obama and Politburo, sorry, Congress “Commerce clause means whatever the hell I want it to, so shut up. Or we’ll send you to the new Gulag in Anchorage!” doctrine.
In this economy car manufacturers are in trouble, so anyone with a vehicle more than 2 years old must buy a new one. Those who can’t afford payments will be subisidized up to 80% (at the expense of their neighbors, of course) in the form of a tax rebate 12-16 months after the first payment is due. Those who refuse to comply will be shot, with due process of law.
Breeders of yappy fluffy dogs that look like moving dustmops are in trouble, because they sell yappy fluffy dogs that look like moving dustmops. All owners of of dogs that an adult male would consent to walk must buy an additonal dog from one of these breeders, with mandatory vet visits 6 times a year. Food for the dog must be in cat food sized cans, and cost not less than $4 per container. Dry dog food, or failure to take said dog to the vet 6 times a year will be construed as non-compliance. This should help the struggling ‘not really a dog’ industry. Non-compliance penalties will range from siezure of your home to 10 years imprisonment, soley at the discretion of the Obama admninistration.
Any and all commercial activity will now be removed from state jurisdiction. The Obama administration will tell you what product, brand and quantity to buy, regardless of size of household, personal taste or income.
Karl Marx, you won buddy. Forget all that Berlin Wall coming down stuff. You just had to wait until the US had a communist president, Speaker and Majority Leader.
Your goat is getting lonely for you. Have you no heart?
…brain help. Oh. OK.
…remedial brain help. Sure. That makes sense.
Whatever, asshole.
I love the smell of burning political parties in the morning.
56 Cyn
Fucking Netanyahu announced the building of settlements in East Jerusalem WHILE the VP was there to jump-start indirect talks with the Palestinians, absolutely scuttling the talks.
If the president were to bitch-slap Bibi in front of his children, I for one wouldn’t mind.
Maybe Israel should change it’s name to Iran II. They’ll get love instead.
Here is a recent poll showing more Democrat suffering!
Election 2010: Florida Governor
Florida Governor: McCollum(R) 47%, Sink(D) 36%
Thursday, March 25, 2010
@62 Yet another delusional wingnut pulling shit from his ass. It never ends, does it?
Election 2010: North Dakota House of Representatives
North Dakota House: GOP’s Berg 51%, Pomeroy(D) 44%
Thursday, March 25, 2010
54 UW
You mentioned that it was Research 2000, but did not mention DK (because of which I wasn’t sure about what was being measured) or that it was a favorable rating, which can be misleading (if people think it’s job approval). It’s probably well to make sure that people know what they’re looking at.
Re 67
No. Obama and the progressives don’t hate Israel for violations of human rights. They hate Israel becauset they are one of the worlds winners. After staying in existence against all odds for decades they represent the ability to triumph over your surroundings, and the progressives hate this with a consuming passion.
From those who do well economically to those whose foreign and domestic policy is successful they can’t stand success of any kind. Anyone or thing that shows excellence must be destroyed under their gray and dismal worldview.
Mr. Cynical
…and the rest of the Hee-Haw gang…
…THANK YOU for destroying the Republican Party…only took nine years, but you all did SUCH a great job.
Could you guys wreck the Dallas Cowboys for me too? Maybe the St. Louis Rams while you’re at it.
Love ya…TOODLES!!!!!
70 Cyn
That means it’s really 46%-49% the other way.
Re 69
Please, please don’t turn me in to the thought police. I don’t want a cage with rats in it put onto my head. Please. Please.
73 R
Rush WAS going to wreck the Rams, but the bad ol’ NFL didn’t let him. I think he’s going to huck a brick through their windows.
Hey rujax–
Here’s another sourball to suck on!
Election 2010: Iowa Governor
Iowa Governor: Branstad (R) 52%, Culver(D) 36%
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Everywhere you look, Democrat incumbents trailing or in trouble.
But hey, Lee and Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats can take solice in a couple bowlfuls of cheap, seedy pot.
With Progressives tanking everywhere….no wonder you are so adamant about legalizing pot!!
A pain-killer.
Daddy @ 76…
THAT would have been fun. I was actually rooting for that to happen.
“Obama and the progressives don’t hate Israel for violations of human rights. They hate Israel becauset they are one of the worlds winners.”
When reality fails wingnuts, they simply make shit up.
Hey, O’Brien, where’s that fucking rat cage? We need it down in Room 101 again.
74. Daddy Love spews:
Ummm, Rasmussen had Brown/Coakley a toss-up and Brown won by 5 points. If anything, Rasmussen is slightly Democrat leaning.
Live in your DailyKos/MadKow/Olberman/MSNBC dream world. It’s your special place.
‘Scuse me…I’m going to get some “remedial brain help”…LOLOLOL
Using humor to make a point at 62 doesn’t make the point less valid.
When a government can tell me I can’t grow wheat on my damned land because I’m not then buying it from the local feed store, and this somehow is interstate commerce, we’ve lost our liberty.
When standards of legality are arbitrary and driven by the crisis of the moment we’ve lost our liberty.
When the law can mean whatever the corrupt and arrogant politician of the moment wants it to, law is divorced from justice and reason. Soon or late the society that adopts these sandcastle constructs of law and justice will collapse.
This is the world of progressives. Thanks very much for destroying my country.
Sooooo let me get this straight; Republicans are going to run on “Repeal and Reform” is that right?
Hmmmmm . . . I guess reform then means Republicans are now in favor of BIG Government running health care?
Or, they just want to go back to the way the insurance companies were screwing everybody and giving a kickback to the Republcians.
Sounds like Flippity Floppity talk to me!!
Which is it? Big Government take over or screwing America again.
Yeah that fires up the base (maybe) but it sure as hell won’t attract moderate Republicans, independents or conservative Democrats.
“Turn out the lights — this GOP Party is over”
~ As sung by “Dandy” Don Meridith, MNF.
Re 75
Although, to be fair, I read 1984 a bit too young. The affair with Julia and the ratcage were the things that really stuck in my mind.
Oh yeah, and the sad controlled lives of people under an over-reaching government…
Lost @ 79: There goes Lost again, trying to explain to us what we think, and why we think it.
It’s beyond his comprehension that we could see things in any way different than he does, so he just makes up things about us as he goes along. It’s much easier to insult a straw man than to engage in a rational discussion on the merits.
But hey, I can do it to, if that’s what you want. “Republicans are led by thieves and liars, and their followers are too ignorant or bigoted to realize that their leaders are just using them as tools to enhance their own wealth and power, while robbing them blind in the process.”
See how easy that is? My example even has an element of truth in it! Of course, such hyperbole doesn’t lend itself to a serious discussion of important public issues. But it’s been a long time since the Republican Party has engaged in such serious discussions – they learned a long time ago that they usually lose when that happens.
lost @ 82:
Sorry about destorying your country someone had to kill off the Reagan Revolution before we completely lost the nation our founding fathers created and the millions who have fought, bled and died preserving that nation for us and future generations of Americans.
Get over it. Main stream America snuffed out your revolution the way we’ve always done it in America — at the ballot box.
You should really seek help regarding your anger issues.
Sober up asshole. Put DOWN that vodka bottle.
The wheels are coming off the cart.
How does 62 to 65 Dem seats in the Senate sound to you?
That’s what nihilistic intransigent opposition buys you.
Obama is a REAL leader. He kicked your asses…cleaned your clocks. Your party leaders are fools…and look like it.
He won.
“Using humor to make a point at 62 doesn’t make the point less valid.”
“we’ve lost our liberty”
Humor? Point? Liberty? Horseshit.
GBS you are definitely slipping. Puddy guesses turning 50 does that to you. Reread the HuffPo article when Odumba and gang made big deals with Big Pharma (80 Billion) and Big Insurance (Untold Billions) in this health care bill.
Stop being so stupid like the dumb cinder block rujax GBS. You are way above that guttersnipe’s level.
rujax! is smoking crack and drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution.
Why do you think so many Senate deals were made rujax? Wait a minute… you’d need to think to answer that. You’d need a brain to think.
Never mind rujax!
@91 the foo shits so you wear it fool!
Neener, neener, neener…
“Oh yeah, and the sad controlled lives of people under an over-reaching government…
Yeah, it sticks in my mind how you spent years here complaining about the sad controlled lives of people under an over-reaching government…controlled by Republicans. You’re just another asswipe wingnut hypocrite.
Did anyone see the former Bush speech writer David Frum state that Fox News owns the Republican Party!!
Ooops, truth slipped out.
So why do conservatives want to bow down to an Aussie business man as their political leader??
Hmmmm . . . for as much as I disagreed wiht Reagan, if I had to choose between him or a foreginer to be my leader I would pick Reagan.
At least he had to be accountable to the American People. With Rupert at the helm for the during the Bush admin no wonder our nation was financially wrecked. Murdoc doesn’t care.
Teabaggers are so stupid they’re unpatriotic.
Are you kidding me????
Me got much far way to go then I be smart same like Rujax.
Everyone knows Rujax is WAAAAYYYY smarter than me. Duh!
Puddy, youd didn’t answer the question;
Are you for Big Government take over of insurance, or are you a flip flopper???
re 86
Things like you could give a damn about what the founding fathers intended.
Things like you could give a damn about liberty and the responsibilities that go with it.
Things like you learned at some college that nothing means anything. No standard appllies unless you want it to. No value is anything but subjective.
Well, you’re wrong. Whatever other tripe you believe if the law doesn’t mean the same thing today as it did in 1787 we need to scap it and start over. If progressives had the guts to come out and say ‘we hate America and everything it stands for, and want to start fresh’ I would grudgingly respect that. I’d fight tooth and nail, as I do now, to stop them. But I’d respect your honesty.
But you don’t. You pretend that concepts of liberty so important to the founders that they put them in unmistakeable language like “the right to have and bear arms shall not be infringed upon” is somehow vague. Hating precision, because it means you are responsible for your language, you want to pretend that everyone else hates it too.
They don’t. Adults accept standards and live by them because a world of relative and arbitrary standards would be intolerable. Liberals can’t and won’t do this. They are perpetual toddlers throwing tantrums because “it’s not fair.”
Well grow up. It isn’t, and the best we can do is gaurantee the pursuit of happiness, not the finding of it. We can guarantee that basic concepts and terms retain their meaning, or are changed in accordance with the mechanisms laid down in the Constitution. But we can’t make law wet clay forever and expect to retain a society on that weak foundation.
What you and the other things like you have done and can do is weaken the foundation of the existing edifice of state. You can, by making law arbitrary and undemocratic remove the structural elements that made this country great, and remake it as a flimsy Hollywood movie set.
Congratulations. It took 80 years, but you and your friends have destroyed the country you hate.
Lost @ 82 said:
Thank you, you’ve made a poignant argument against the Patriot Act, pushed through Congress with little opportunity for debate by the Bush administration and a Republican Congress. But rest assured, Bush told us, it would NEVER be applied to us, only against TERRORISTS.
Of course, a terrorist was whomever the Bush administration decided was a terrorst. Kind of liek the old discussion about “…I didn’t object when they came for the Jews because I wasn’t a Jew….”
Where was your outrage then? Why is the imprisonment, torture, rendition to foreign countries, suspension of habeous corpus NOT an imposition on our freedom, but taxing those who don’t purchase health insurance is suddenly and intolerable imposition on liberty?
Re 92
Try to be honest, for once.
I’ve consistently written that Bush assaults on liberty were as bad as Oboma assaults.
Well, not quite as bad. Manifest injustice like torture, spying on unindicted citizens and the like are violations people will fight. Even the most lily livered liberal will fight for those basic human rights.
But Obama is clever. He knows that in playing Robin Hood he attacks liberties harder to define, harder to put into a sound bite. Additonally the 60% who recieve stolen goods from him are uninclined to look into why they have a right to the contents of their neighbors wallet. He can put a flimsy coating of “they made more so they owe more” on it, and the instinct to rationalize will do the rest.
So yes, I consistently attacked Bush moves like the Patriot Act, Extraordinary rendition etc. But of the two Obama is far the more evil.
Oh for Gods’ sake. Don’t any of you remember anything for more than 10 minutes?
See my answer to Steve at 98.
As the miserable fool Stupes would say:
You know what’s interesting?
The liberal understanding of law is so weak they don’t even know how to make one work.
I can and will engage in civil disobedience on this insane new law. On the day that I’m required to purchase insurance my agent has an instruction to refund my money for any coverage paid ahead and cancel my policy. I will not be told by the Federal government charged with protecting my rights how and where to spend what I’ve earned.
But you guys are so bad at this game you’ve taken the teeth out of civil disobedience. No criminal penalty, no forefeiture of assets and no interest on fines (not taxes, which they aren’t) accrue.
I mean, it’s like letting the kids run the kindergarten.
…you know what’s interesting? How far up his own ass this jerk really goes!
Re 97
BTW, Obama asked that key provisions of the Patriot Act due to sunset be renewed by Congress. Power to the People!
Dear GBS…
Man…I really hope you’re never as smart as me. That would mean that you suffered from some tragic and irreversable brain damage.
Please keep layin’ the wood on these guys like you do.
Ah, Rujax, you’re back. And I see you’ve learned the basics of rhetoric in your absensce.
Trenchant points, great philisophical refutation, and I just generally feel smacked down.
You’ve been writing speeches for your lord and savior Obama, haven’t you?
Lost @ 98, 99, 103:
If you do object to the Patriot Act with the same force and consistency that you object to the HCR act, then I will at least applaud your consistency. The same can’t be said of some of your fellow “conservatives”, and I apologize if I’ve lumped you in unfairly with all of them. I will try not to group all of you together in the future.
As for # 103, Obama did agree to a continuation of the Patriot Act, which was a dissapointment to me. In his defense, the timing was bad: the Obama administration was simultaniously having to deal with an economy which was still just short of collapsing, two wars (Iraq & Afganistan) which badly needed a plan other than to keep doing what we’ve been doing up to now, and trying to implement reforms of the financial & banking markets. The Patriot Act was tied into an overall security structure which was difficult to dissassemble without coming up with a replacement, and some who needed to contribute to such a plan weren’t even confirmed by the Senate (such as the TSA chief, being filibustred by the Republicans).
I firmly hope that now that the HCR is signed into law, Obama will turn to revising the Patriot Act as one of his highest priorities. In the meantime, the worst abuses of the act have been discontinued, although that could change again under another administration if the law isn’t revised.
Fuck that!
They’re liars — all of them. Clumsy, inarticulate, amateur liars.
And they’re plagiarists too — a form of lying. Because they aren’t smart enough to think up the lies on their own, they’re shilling for the professional liars!
They cannot be embarrassed.
Fine, do that, but you won’t have any health insurance and you will be subject to additional taxes.
Fail to pay the taxes and the IRS will do to you what it does to anyone else who refuses to pay taxes.
Re 108
No it won’t. That’s my point. It would be my obligation in practicing civil disobedience to accept the consequences of a thuggish government.
But you guys can’t even manage that. All of the usual means for collecting a tax are specifically excluded.
This is, of course, because this is not a tax. It is a fine levied for failure to purchase a particular product I may or may not want.
I won’t pay such fines. Obama the thug can instruct his government to do as he sees fit, since this is divorced from all real law and what informs it in this country, and everything is arbirtrary, by his definiition, not that of the Constitution.
Which really was my point. Where law, rights and justice are arbitrary terms to suit the moment they are in a state of collapse.
Fun break:
In Chattanooga, a police officer gets a call that some dogs are running in the road, chasing cars and generally making a nuisence of themselves. A patrol car was sent out in response. Here’s video from another car (he had to call for back-up):
Winston the Bulldog vs. Patrol Car
I’ve heard of teacup poodles, were these tea party dogs who thought the police car was a Democrat?
Re: 105…
Wow…he crawls out of his posterior long enough to post.
OH, if you please kind sir…I bow before your wit and wisdom. All apologies for any offense…
@98 “Try to be honest, for once.”
You wouldn’t recognize honesty anymore than you would recognize liberty. You’re just another narcissistic wingnut idiot and the only message you convey here, besides your utter stupidity, is how full of yourself you have become – an uneducated version of the Piper, but perhaps a brain cell or two up on the dumbfuck KLOWN.
Doesn’t it bother you wingnuts, especially the smarter ones (I know, I know…smart wingnut is an oxymoron…or a REAL moron…LOL)…
…that your party leadership fucked this up in a really, really big way.
The HANDED Obama the 2010 Congressional Election and re-election in 2012.
I’m not complaining, but really…hhow fucking stupid ARE your people anyway?
Well, we’ll see what the courts say. I’m willing to bet real money the mandate won’t be overturned in court.
BTW just because the collection and enforcement methods are different than they are for income taxes as they exist today doesn’t mean squat for your argument. Different parts of the Internal Revenue Code already have different collection mechanisms, different enforcement mechanisms, and different penalties.
Good luck with your “civil disobedience” and don’t be surprised when you have to suffer the consequences.
“The liberal understanding of law is so weak they don’t even know how to make one work.”
This comment is coming from an uneducated wingnut house flipper on a thread in which several progressive attorneys have commented.
Full of yourself much, Lost?
Actually, the argument wasn’t with this mandate particularly. It is with the theory since FDR that the Commerce Clause is without limit. It is excercised at the will of the current crop of thieves, snake oil salesmen and general con men that sit in Congress and the White House, of whatever party.
This is fundamentally at odds with any valid and tested theory of law. It is arbitrary, based on no solid ground of tested law. It is the sign of a legal and governmental system falling.
Specifics are important. But when, since that manifold and egregious traitor FDR, the theory is flawed so that some gain power while slowly eviscerating the values of a society, that is a real problem.
Rujax has been busy vandalizing churches…he calls it his “weekend fun”….
For once, please, actually answer an argument. Just one. Any one of them.
Look, I’ve said that this new law is unconstitutional, and to their credit some have argued that quite cogently. I still disagree that the emergency measures FDR forced on the nation were ever Constitutional, or that precedent which flowed from them were in line with framers intent, but at least an argument was advanced.
For any one reason why this law is bad law I’ve heard not one refutation. It punishes the poor, and especially the middle class. It won’t work as enforcement is nonexistent. It is corporate welfare of the worst kind forcing me to buy a product from a troubled industry to shore up that industry. It is at odds with the spirit of the framers, no matter what Wickard (an appalling piece of work) says.
It is arbitrary, and by being so makes law arbitrary. No society will last in which law is seen as mutable and reactive rather than a base for business and personal interaction. That is simply a fact borne out by millenia of evidence.
Any comment to make on the actual substance. I grant, your civility has improved markedly, and I appreciate that. But really, if you disagree with what I wrote, tell me why and there is the ground for a discussion. Otherwise it’s just trading barbs.
“Look, I’ve said that this new law is unconstitutional, and to their credit some have argued that quite cogently.”
I’d have a very low opinion of a constitutional lawyer commenting on the engineering work I do in my own profession. When I encounter some uneducated dumbfuck blathering on about constitutional law like he actually knows what he’s fucking talking about, I give that person’s comments all the respect that they are due.
“For once, please, actually answer an argument.”
For once, please, actually write something that’s deserving of more than an insult for a response.
re 119
Translation for those watching at home-
I have no answer. Rather than admit that I will insult my interlocutor. I’ll attempt to make me look smart by trying to convince others he is stupid.
Nice try.
@120 “Translation for those watching at home-
I have no answer.”
I see that you excel at translation as you do in constitutional law. Let me help you out here, Lost. You’re just another wingnut idiot vapidly blathering on and on about subjects of which you have no fucking knowledge.
The latin, if I recall, is quod erat demonstradum.
Anyone but a dumbfuck wingnut narcissist would have just written QED and been done with it.
Sorry, didn’t know you knew that particular phrase. Also don’t know a lot of ‘dumbfucks’ who know either the abbreviation or the phrase, but okay.
Off to get real work done. Have fun.
“Sorry, didn’t know you knew that particular phrase.”
Written like a true narcissist. Millions of people in this country have studied Latin, and not all of them are Catholic.
See Poll@10. Facts are interesting things. You continue to run from them.
See ya dumb cinder block!
Puddy answered the question on Big Insurance. Odumba and Baucus took care of them in the health care bill.
Are you really this stupid GBS?
Are you really that daft GBS?
Are you losing your grip on reality GBS?
Are you skipping commentary from the HuffPo now GBS?
Puddy can lead you to the facts but you have to grasp them dude!
ohhhhhh Puddy, it’s Friday and I’m in a damn good mood.
You cannot lead me to facts, you don’t even know what they are re: HCR debate.
OK, let’s try a test and if you can convince me I’ll investigate your “facts” more.
Fact or LIE.
Feds will pull the plug on Grandma.
Fact or LIE.
There will be Nazi Death Camps.
Fact or LIE.
We are a socialist nation now we have HCR.
OK? Just three questions and depending on how you answer them I’ll consider following your “fact finding” mission.
Hey BTW, how’s your lovely and children?
Shouldn’t you have some college grad party soon?
You’re so firm in your understanding of the 2nd Amendment, but clueless in the 1st Amendment.
I suppose that’s because it doesn’t fit within your God, Guns, and Gays repertoire.
Did you EVER post any direct evidence that we were founded on Christian principles?
OK, lost, I’m truly willing to have a reasoned, respectful debate with you.
IF the new law is unconstitutional as you claim, then please tell us what legal standing AG McKenna will have in court?
Operative wording here: Legal standing. It is, as you probably know, imperative to have legal standing in order for a case to be heard in court.
I look forward to learning something new. As you present your case I’ll need some time to research your legal standing claims to see if they have merit.
I love it when someone can actually persuade me to change my mind by giving me new information.
Sarah Palin is stumping for McShame. All I can say is that if you’re in the front row area of the stage you better have plastic sheet to cover yourself like you’re at a Gallagher concert.
Because once Palin starts winking the old, angry white quys will start wanking and the spunk will be flying all over each other.
At least for the first 20-30 seconds that is. Then it’ll be nap time for the viagra seniors.
Look at the fool @100, still operating without an original thought.
Keep being the HA arschloch ylb arschloch. It’s a position you hold down perfectly.
Wrong question. Health care will be rationed in America – FACT. Marcelas’ mom, Tifanny Owens did NOT qualify for Medicaid. Rationing. Otherwise all would get it no questions asked. Medicaid is run by Odumba Administration
Got me. Never been in a Nazi Death Camp although growing up in the libtardo reservation of Philadelphia may have qualified as one.
We are becoming more of a Socialist Democracy as Odumba defined it.
OK? Just three questions and depending on how you answer them I’ll consider following your “fact finding” mission.
They are fine. How are yours
Yep. #1 graduates in June.
Ahhh, grand, grand. Glad to hear the family is doing well.
Congratulations to your #1. I know you’re proud we’re all happy for you. Hope all his dreams come true.
Why? It’s exactly what Repubicans were saying would happen. Were the accusations leveled by duly elected Republican officials a Fact or Lie?
I’ll take your answer as to mean a “Lie” since you had to qualify the answer twice.
So far it looks like facts are not adding up yet, Puddy.
Ever read 6 thinking hats by Edward de Bono? Put on your “white hat”.
Why? It’s exactly what Repubicans were saying would happen. Were the accusations leveled by duly elected Republican officials a Fact or Lie?
Caterpiller, John Deere and Verizon have said the new Odumba Health Care law will cost them millions of $$$ and in some cases over 100 Million?
Puddy @ 136:
Fact, they said that. Fact, it’s not accurate.
gotta go.
Dinner time.
Have a good one Puddy,
When you come back… Where is your factual evidence?