– Good for Bruce Harrell for his proposal to allow women to file a complaint with the city’s Office of Civil Rights if they are asked to leave a public place or cover up while breastfeeding.
– I’m not sure weirdness is really something you can measure legislative session to legislative session.
– Eliminating Disability Lifeline, on top of being horrible policy on its own, doesn’t even save money. (h/t)
– Possibly the dumbest use of I was just asking for people’s opinion ever.
– Where’s my Higgs?
A lawyer working for the state Republican caucus has made a claim of $ 1.75 million for being forced to work with state Sen. Pan Roach.
So how much do the rest of us get for being forced to live with the consequences of their political actions?
Sarah Palin has said whomever the GOP nominee for President is (wink, wink), they chould “go rouge” with their V.P. nominee. She recommended Rep. West of Florida, who was kicked out of the military for concerns about his -out-of-control behavior and treatment of prisoners.
I guess her idea is to have a Palin/West ticket in November.
@2 Go “rouge” or go “rogue”? They’re not the same thing (wink, wink).
This is excellent!!
I was born in the eocene, but my dad was born before the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary – he survived the Chicxulub impact! Always knew he was a tough old bird – oh, wait, there were no birds yet, per se – maybe I should say he is a tough old paraves – though he might get mad with me calling him a fossil.
This YEC (Young Earth Creationism) certainly raises some interesting paradoxes!
BTW, what do you guys think about flat taxes and supermajorities? HA!
“BTW, what do you guys think about flat taxes and supermajorities? HA!”
I’m sure Dave will be back with another cut & paste taking up where comment @147 from the 3/29 open thread left off.
This fellow reinforces my frequent great embarrassment at being white.
Well, if you had only read his previous comments on thread 3/13, post @117 you’d know that he already answered that…
Yeah, I don’t miss him either.
Perhaps he really is gone for good…
Dave seemed stunned and rather bothered that he was having to prove his logic. It seemed he expected us to just accept it as truth without critcal analysis.
Newt Gingrich’s think-tank has filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceedings in Atlanta, listing less than $100K in assets. Purportedly designed to provide a focus for new ideas on health care and insurance issues, it’s attorney claimed that the for-profit fund fell upon hard times when Newt removed himself from affiliation with the think-tank once he delared his presidential candidacy. But a more likely exlanation is tha the fund attracted donars and participants expecting to have a seat at the table if Newt won the GOP Presidential nomination, and once he declared his candidacy the money shifted directly to funding his campaign and it’s super-pacs.
“Well, if you had only read his previous comments on thread 3/13, post @117 you’d know that he already answered that…”
Breastfeeding? Aren’t there more important issues for these people to worry about? I could care less if women want to breastfeed their kids in public.
Today Obama signs into the law the FRAUD act (cobbled together by Republicans in the House) which will lift many of the reforms that were put into place in the wake of the dot com collapse.
Most Dems in Congress that were interviewed were very skeptical that this FRAUD act would produce much in the way of jobs. Instead it will lift reasonable regulations that will enable cheating of gullible investors in IPO’s. The message from this is don’t throw your money away investing in IPO’s.. You’re more than likely to lose your shirt.
Very disappointing. Why should unions support Obama with get out the vote efforts and the like when the jobs committee he organizes are designed to curry favor with big company CEO’s?
It’s an election year I guess and Obama is just trying to take these CEO’s off the table just like he did with Insurance companies and Big Pharma during the health care debate.
@5 If the earth is flat, why shouldn’t taxes be flat, too?
7 – Check out the loafers that guy is wearing.. Great fashion sense there.
@13 IPOs are a fine hobby for banksters who don’t know what to do with their money.
@7 Wingnuts. Since Trayvon was “no saint”, he deserved to die. No doubt a special wingnut rule that only applies to young black males in hoodies.
It’s about time Republicans at least started to talk like this:
No fan of the Murkowski machine in Alaska but it’s a nice contrast to the psychopathic Palin cult.
What I don’t get is why does Zimmerman get a free pass? Zimmerman’s been arrested twice!
NBC reports George Zimmerman called the police 7 times since August about “suspicious persons” — all of whom happened to be black.
And then you have the conservative media trying to exonerate the killer in the court of public opinion.
Unthinking, braindead right wing trolls and their favorite politicians call this “socialism”.
I call it plain decency.
This is REALLY funny. On it.
The original picture made me think of the phrase, “Kicking ass and taking names.”
I sure hope SCOTUS strikes down Obamacare so everybody can have Medicare. Single payer here we come!!
True or False?
Experts who analyzed 911 recordings agree with George Zimmerman’s lawyers, who claim their client called Trayvon Martin a “fucking punk,” not a racial slur, just before shooting him.
@25 The reason they won’t is because there would be riots in the streets if the 99% found out who will pay all the taxes, so the 1% don’t have to pay anything.
Hey global warming deniers, how d’ya like this fucking ICE AGE we’re in?
this was in thursday’s spokesman review and kitsap sun. maybe this has been discussed elsewhere here. this should be in the times and PI for what it’s worth. Sen. Joseph Zarelli has found his true calling!
That RINO!
How dare he buy ANYTHING but a gas guzzler manufactured in a right to work like a dog for nothing state.
So now you think caterpillars deserve equal pay!? What are you, some kind of femipillarnazisocialist?