From a Newsweek article in 1995:
After two decades online, I’m perplexed. It’s not that I haven’t had a gas of a good time on the Internet. I’ve met great people and even caught a hacker or two. But today, I’m uneasy about this most trendy and oversold community. Visionaries see a future of telecommuting workers, interactive libraries and multimedia classrooms. They speak of electronic town meetings and virtual communities. Commerce and business will shift from offices and malls to networks and modems. And the freedom of digital networks will make government more democratic.
Baloney. Do our computer pundits lack all common sense? The truth in no online database will replace your daily newspaper, no CD-ROM can take the place of a competent teacher and no computer network will change the way government works.
[via Reddit]
Halliburton and BJ Services (an appropriate name) are run by a bunch of sociopaths.
A tweet from libertarian Radly Balko, hanging out at a bar after the CPAC shindig in DC:
@2 Pumping oil back into the ground? They must be doing it to keep prices up.
@2 Republicans are about getting money and getting laid.
New Obam-Mao testimony to Mediocrity!!!!!
From the DEMOCRAT-leaning Rassmussen Poll. Rasmussen had Coakley-Brown a Toss-up…and Brown (R) wins by 5.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
@4: Though usually with other men, in an awkward and/or fetishistic way, making the usual adultery of @2 unusual. At least the slimy old on young aspect is consistent with the conservative way.
The more Obam-Mao, his Henchmen and the Atheist Progressives mock and ridicule Tea Partiers…the worse the polls get.
Progressivism is a mental illness.
Incapable of recognizing any negative responses about the Marxist Agenda.
Watch this Health Care thing.
If it is rammed thru, it will be overturned when Republicans take control…BY UN-FUNDING IT! It may pass…but it will never get started.
SurveyUSA sampling of job approval ratings found:
The poll of 600 adults was taken Feb. 12-14. The margin of error was 4 percent.
The Democrats are doin’ great with all that “Progressive” nonsense!
Cliff Stoll now sells Klein bottles on the web.
Early adopters usually miss the point of new technologies (i.e., they blow their chance to make zillions).
Geroge Will said it well on ABC This Week..
“Well, it’s hard to take a lecture on bipartisanship from a man who voted against the confirmation of Chief Justice Roberts, the confirmation of Justice Alito, the confirmation of Attorney General Ashcroft, the confirmation of Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State. Far from being a rebel against his Party’s lockstep movement, Mr. Bayh voted for the Detroit bailout, for the stimulus, for the public option in the healthcare bill. I don’t know quite what his complaint is, but, Terry, with metronomic regularity, we go through these moments in Washington where we complain about the government being broken. These moments have one thing in common: The Left is having trouble enacting its agenda. No one when George W. Bush had trouble reforming Social Security said, “Oh, that’s terrible – the government’s broken.”
@12 Well, Bush was totally wrong about Social Security, wasn’t he? Where would America’s elderly be if Bush had invested the Social Security Trust Fund in the stock market in 2007? Maybe he knew all that mortgage paper was bad and the whole scheme was to force Social Security pensioners to bail out his banker buddies.
@12 Did George Will mention how many people with health insurance were medically bankrupted last year?
@12 Did the radicals Bush appointed to SCOTUS serve democracy well by giving corporations a free hand to influence political campaigns?
@12 Does George Will think Americans would be better off if General Motors had gone under and another 2 million workers were unemployed?
@ 15
The moment George Will made reference to the Democratic Party’s, “lockstep movement,” he lost all credibility whatsoever.
@12 Will is a head-up-his-ass wingnut, like you.
I hoard cash and don’t spend a dime in the consumer economy because I don’t trust the Republicans who say they want to abrogate the social security and pension promises that were made to me.
If everyone saved 50% of their after-tax income like I do (most of what I do spend goes for health care), the economy would collapse and there’d be so much idle capital sloshing around that investments would pay nothing.
MSNBC reports that Joseph Stack, who crashed his Piper PA-28 plane into an IRS building on Thursday, had ties to rightwing anti-tax groups.
The same article quotes the president of the IRS workers’ union: “This incident brings to light an ongoing concern that the atmosphere in our nation debases and denigrates the work of federal employees and contributes to such actions.”
“Atmosphere,” of course, refers to the anti-government rhetoric of rightwing extremists.
Mr. Stack wasn’t too poor to pay taxes. A quick check of online used aircraft listings indicates typical asking prices for 10-year-old PA-28s are in the 140K’s. If he could drop that kind of money on a joyride, he could afford to pay the same taxes the rest of us have to. This terrorist attack was motivated by ideology, not financial pressures.
Rightwing terrorism is against the law.,2933,96286,00.html
The KLOWNS are wandering thru the fog of Obam-Mao the messiah. They will talk about anything but this–
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Thanks for information about Everson, although your Heavy SIGHHHHHS were too heavy to lift.
Wiki shows that Rehnquist shared my concerns about the one-and-one-half decade divide between Jefferson’s 1802 letter to Danbury and the drafting of the Bill of Rights, in which Jefferson didn’t participate.
Here are notes 2-7:
I assume from the patronizing and rather parental tone of your discussion that you are familiar with the cited sources, those that support your opinions and those that don’t. Also note that Black’s own vehement opinions are subjected to the test of original intent: Was he, perhaps, working from the anti-Catholic bigotry of his years in the Klan?
As Darryl often does, let’s review: Your arguments, despite being shrill or strident, are strong. The Tripoli Treaty is solid. (Years ago I read Stanley Elkins’ Age of Federalism about the 1789-1801 period, but I spaced the 1796-1797 Treaty. You took me by surprise. You used the Treaty to entrap a couple of my brothers here. Apparently they were also taken by surprise.)
But your previous condition of certitude about Jefferson’s 1802 letter doesn’t carry the weight you pile on it. A little bit of Wiki shows that school’s not out on this. Let’s spend some time with the pro-and-con sources, cited above, and continue our conversation.
Everson, by the way, was an incorporation case. Something to keep in mind while doing review — assuming again that you’re totally familiar with cited sources and others — or research.
– via Tom Bethell
-via Jack Goldsmith, TNR, current issue
Excellent article about the steroid presidency. Read the rest.
Rabbit implies that the unconstitutional hyperpresidency was built by Republicans since 1969, but Goldsmith sets the record straight. It’s part of the progressive project. Liberals such as Arthur Schlesinger hailed hyperpower when Democrats FDR and HST (Hunter S. Thompson?) were doing it against the objections of Robert Taft, but that was deplored as an imperial presidency when Republicans threw presidential power right back at you.
Same old Democrat hypocrisy, in other words. Different day.
No progressive today would defend the internment of Japanese-Americans unlike Michelle Malkin.
And prehaps the befuddled HNMT depending on which side of the “progessive project” bed he wakes up on?
Read Goldsmith’s article, little sister. Nothing about FDR’s Executive Order 9066 in it.
Read Garry Wills’ book Bomb Power, reviewed by Goldsmith at TNR. Nothing about FDR’s Executive Order 9066 in it.
So your spitball at Ms. Malkin comes out of left field, as usual.
More apropos than Malkin, who isn’t apropos to Goldsmith or Wills, is J. Edgar Hoover. Since you brought up the abrogation of the rights of American citizens by a liberal progressive imperial president, recall that J. Edgar tried to talk him out of it. Hoover, maligned and slimed by the left, tried to defend a racial minority against progressive tyranny.
Went right over your head.
@28 is a dumb brick!
Whatamoron… Kelo decision was from Bush appointments?
Where Dumb Bunny? It’s not there. Just speculation. More crap from the libtardo slobbering run AP. Rush Limbaugh was right on Friday. He called the AP would make this reference. And……… they did.
29 – Merely reaching back to the days of yore when an hysterical, marginalized, pseudo-pundit feverishly proclaimed internment as a “progressive project”. Could have been you, could have been someone else…
Most likely it was… Sorry feverish one, it is right wing fools like Malkin who are defending the indefensible today..
Here is the latest in the Progressive incompetence & ideology—UNCOVERED!
OBAM-MAO in the shitter 2 days in a row!
That attack the Tea Partiers is really working out well for the dead Progressives–
Monday, February 22, 2010
Remember, OBAM-MAO was at +32 post-inauguration. Seems like a country thrilled with this KLOWN has finally connected the dots and concluded he is a bullshitter, a liar and a far-left ideologue.
Watch Obam-Mao run to the center….away from you KLOWNS, to save his own “legacy”.
The funny thing about this Health Care debate is that it is all much ado about nothing.
You KLOWNS may see it get passed, but it won’t be effective for a few years. In the meantime, Republicans will be voted in and simply not fund it. So you KLOWNS got all lathered up and made all this fuss and lost power for….NOTHING!
Check this out re: BI-PARTISAN Governor’s Think Tank on how to balance the Budget–
Just like I’ve been Saying–
Salary & Benefit Cuts for State Workers.
20% reduction in Benefits and Paid Time-off with Layoffs resulting from less time-off and other efficiencies and Program Cuts PLUS 10% across the Board Salary Cuts.
There is a good BILLION plus!
Had this been done 5 years ago by “fiscal conservative” Gregoire, we wouldn’t be in this fiscal dilemma.
@38: Another great idea…..moron. In a time of job losses and failure of private industry…..we should cut jobs in the state.
Of course, this also fails to take into account that those states are losing population and industrial base ….while Washington is growing.
Are we supposed to cut our teachers out and decrease education…the only thing that is keeping us competitive in the world market?
Wow, you are so simple minded and shallow….do you have any higher learning functions?
Thanks for demonstrating how right wing fools have no new ideas, can’t understand anything complex and make inappropriate and inaccurate analogies.
You are the poster child for ignorance and stupidity on the right ….keep up the good work!
My goodness! It looks like the KLOWN has the batshit crazy firing on all cylinders this morning.
Reminds me of me. At least we finally agree on something: the concentration-camp imprisonment of 110,000 Japanese nationals and Japanese Americans was ordered by your boy. Although Democrat media try to absolve FDR of responsibility for internment by shifting the blame to our racist nation, the inconvenient truth about FDR is the truth.
This is a good time to remind you of another progressive project, Ex Parte Quirin. “President Franklin D. Roosevelt convened a secret military tribunal on July 2, 1942 which sentenced the eight men to death.” Here’s the rest of the story. Note that six of eight defendants went from death sentence to death in about one month. Those were the days when liberals really knew how to get things done.
Now is also a good time to note the passing of Giuseppe Zangara. Zangara shot at FDR on 15 February 1933. Missed Roosevelt, hit Cermak. Zangara was sparked to death by Old Sparky on 20 March 1933.
Malkin’s internment book, I think, made the case that there was a strong fifth column in Hawaii that probably needed to be put away for the duration. You clearly have a strong Malkin jones on, so let me know if I got that wrong.
Bottom line: Thanks to liberal radical left-wing FDR, many good Americans and a few bad ones got interned at Heart Mountain, Wyoming, a fate almost worse than death.
Those of us with long memories for useless information, Mr. C, remember the Kenyatta years. Perhaps these are the years of Obamao-mao.
Rabbit, our own beloved fat man, ran his mouth about Fat Man being a semi-demi-quasi dud that had not been Trinity tested.
Have heard or read there was no test of the plutonium-239 device because there was only one device, Fat Man. Have heard that the detonations of Little Boy and Fat Man expended our arsenal. That’s why no demonstration detonations were possible. Our monopoly had gone up in smoke and fallout.