@3 Wait for it Pavlov predicts some worthless stupid commentary on the immediate horizon.
His prediction was too late.
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Again Lee can’t comment on truths.
Cheney said on the KSM NYC Trial… “I think it will make Khalid Sheikh Mohammed something of a hero in certain circles, especially in the radical regions of Islam around the world. It will put him on the map. He’ll be as important, or more important, than Osama bin Laden, and we will have made it possible.”
Now Odumba is having a change of heart.
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Cheney said… “There’s never been a nation like the United States of America in world history, and yet when you have a president who goes around and bows to his hosts and then proceeds to apologize profusely for the United States, I find that deeply disturbing. That says to me this is a guy who doesn’t fully understand or share that view of American exceptionalism that I think most of us believe in.”
How did his evil spawn ever get on TV? Oh, right, forget I ever asked. heh- Liberal media.
Puddy remembers the same thing about Karl Rove last year.
Then there was the supposed frog march of Tom DeLay.
Members: Craise Finton Kirk Royal Academy of Artsspews:
Cheney’s a partisan fearmonger and an incompetent boob.
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
At least headless@10 displays glimpses of his old self using his 50th doppelganger.
Puddy replays truths from Cheney and we see Odumba reacting to them. So how is that ORANGE ALERT treating you racist fool?
Do you realize if Puddy was “we ylb arschloch” (thank God for that) and Puddy kept the whole HA Libtardo Blog as a personal archive Puddy would list all 50 names you’ve used on this blog. Such a waste.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 I’ve got bad news for ya, puddyearwax: The Obamaites captured the Taliban’s top military commander.
Calling Obama “Odumba” is perhaps the most idiotic move you have performed here. Do you honestly think Obama is not an intelligent man? Then, claiming to be a Christian, you would exalt Dick Cheney? Puddy, you are a hypocritical dumbfuck, who hasn’t the slightest idea what Jesus Christ was all about. I’m really getting sick of your horseshit, Puddy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The commander, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, is … described by American officials as the most significant Taliban figure to be detained since the American-led war in Afghanistan started more than eight years ago. He ranks second in influence only to … Omar … and was a close associate of Osama bin Laden before the Sept. 11 attacks. “
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Puddy is a machine.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Cheney couldn’t capture the Taliban’s #2 man. But Obama can.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And it didn’t take Obama eight years to do it.
proud leftistspews:
Idiocy and hypocrisy are not family values. Nonetheless, you spew both. I fear for your mortal soul, m’lad.
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Proud Goatist,
You crack Puddy up with your family values crap. If you had family values you’d be interested in the unborn.
Where did Puddy not agree he wasn’t an intelligent guy. Puddy is surprised he can’t put sentences together in speeches without a continual TOTUS. Who is exalting Cheney fool? Puddy is only placing his truthful words on this blog ya stupid moron. If Cheney was so wrong why is Odumba overruling his AG and looking at moving the KSM trial out of NYC? If Cheney is so wrong why did they rush out Biden, one of those so against the surge they now want to take credit for ya stupid moron. And you call Puddy the dumbfuck with silly ASS thoughts like yours above?
Why are you leftists so stupid? These peeps will kill your progressive ASS, rape your wife and daughters, castrate your sons and then kill them all.
Your continual stupidity damages your cred here. Of course seeing truth from a political opponent explodes your “legally trained” ‘brain’. Calling Odumba Odumba is better than calling him the messiah as your peeps did all 2008 and part of 2009. Calling him Odumba fits because he thought his change and hope meant ramming down whackamole already dead ideas down the American public’s throat. Now that he is having his party peeps drop like flies has even affected Evan Bayh and he was way ahead in the polls. Odumba’s policies cost the Dummocrapts their Massachusetts senator seat.
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Hey Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny… Puddy is glad they caught that scum bag. You don’t understand. We who think right always pull for our military to succeed. It is your types who visit Baghdad or North Korea or Damascus making political hay with the enemy trying to damage the other political side.
Somehow McDimwitt and Pelosi come to mind. Now who visited the Il one again?
Got it yet fool?
So why does Cheney magically have more standing that Walter Mondale or Dan Quayle on current events?
He is a has-been and a hack. Enough already.
Members: Craise Finton Kirk Royal Academy of Artsspews:
re 20: “We who think
The word should be ‘correctly’ or ‘rightly’. This is why you are a boob.
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
No headless. Comment approved by SeattleJew, definitely head and shoulders above your puny mind. Try again.
@19 If Cheney was so wrong why is Odumba overruling his AG and looking at moving the KSM trial out of NYC?
Because of politics – because there are large numbers of Americans as stupid as you who think it puts us at risk.
We should not be proud of being a nation of people cowering under our beds, but you are. That’s why Cheney is not qualified to talk about foreign policy. Because his policy is to turn America into a nation of cowards, constantly terrified of the people “over there”.
Even when his attempts to scare people work on the Democrats, they’re still wrong.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 “We who think right always pull for our military to succeed.”
Wishing is not a substitute for competence, puddykins.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Simple Math
Bush x 8 years = military stalemate
Obama x 1 year = results
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 You idiots pulled for our military to succeed in Vietnam, too, but all your chest-beating got us then was 58,000 dead — and nothing to show for it.
If we had continued to listen to your ilk, we’d still be bleeding there.
You told us if we left Vietnam the dominoes would fall. Wrong.
You told us if we lost Vietnam the commies would win the Cold War. Wrong.
You told us racking up body counts would increase America’s standing in the world. Wrong.
You told us anti-war protesters, not incompetent military leadership, cost us the war. Wrong.
You see, puddykins, mindless chest-thumping gets you nothing but dead. To prosecute a war successfully you need:
1. A cause worth fighting for;
2. Definable and achievable objectives;
3. A realistic plan for achieving them;
4. Workable military strategy and tactics;
5. Competent leadership to carry them out; and
6. A ton of good luck.
Anyone who studies military history is bound to realize that the outcomes of most wars turned on blind dumb luck. This alone should give pause to anyone tempted to turn to military solutions, even if humanity and morality play no role in their thinking.
Of course, stupidity doesn’t facilitate any military effort, once undertaken. In Vietnam, Westmoreland expected our troops to find the enemy by walking around until they got shot at. This stupid tactic allowed the enemy to choose the time and place of battle, fight from prepared positions and high ground, and break off engagement at will. No surprise that we lost. In Iraq, the stupidity began with going to war over WMDs that Saddam didn’t have, and continued through every aspect of Bush’s management of the war, including invading with one-fifth of the forces his own generals told him he would need to take and hold the country.
Forgive me, but I have no patience for chest-thumpers who are eager to send other people’s children to their deaths in battle, but have no fucking clue about how to run a war.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is your update on Obam-Mao-watch!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13.
Just 31% of voters now view Global Warming as a Very Serious problem. That’s down ten points from a year ago.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Regarding the evil Climate Change ruse perpetuated by the Progressive Kult–
Wait until average Americans process this massive lie and what over-reacting would have cost.
Progressivism is DEAD!
“I’m not a climate skeptic, I think it’s pretty sure that the world is warming up, but this does show why the raw data and not just the results should be available,” he said…
…When all of the errors identified were corrected, the temperature trend remained well within the 95 percent confidence range of the original plot, meaning that the difference would not be considered scientifically significant.
Rasmussen poll reports Murray is losing to Rossi in their latest poll.
The news just keeps on getting better. Reports say that Murray is so dumb that Obama bowls like her.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Way to skirt the issue…of whether the climate change is man-made or not.
That is the Cap-and-Trade issue.
Progressive control.
No thanks.
The planet was much warmer in Medieval times.
Was that man-made too?
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
We should not be proud of being a nation of people cowering under our beds, but you are.
Wait a minute Puddy can’t use the R-word. Okay… That is such a stupid comment. Did you forget what the lawyer of one of the other five said on Bill O’Reilly? Wait you are a libtardo so 24 hour memory disease is prevalent. They plan to use the trials to get more recruits.
Logic… something missing from all the years of Lee sucking pot smoke into his lungs.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Roger on Vietnam…
It was Democraptic college peeps, you know the early progressive types who screamed over the war. Now you are one of them. Look in the mirror Dumb Bunny!
Puddy went to college with Vietnam War vets. They told us how Westmoreland’s generals had them take a hill retreat and then take the hill again. Now why would Johnson and McNamara Dummocrapts have good men do this Dumb Bunny?
Looks like another of your comments just exploded in your face fool!
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Wishing is not a substitute for competence, puddykins.
You are discussing competence Dumb Bunny when you plagiarize “this is how it works” articles from other peeps and you don’t give attribution?
Competence? You are a laugh a minute Dumb Bunny!
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Gotta go Dumb Bunny. Keep dreaming those “thoughts”.
@1 Just some war criminal.
hey lee, did you see the report today out of dubai where the mossad came dressed as tennis players and assasited a member of hamas? is that a war crime?
by the way, lee. when clinton bombed bosnia, was that a war crime?
@27, @20 As it turns out, it was fully understood inside the Pentagon that Vietnam was a royal clusterfuck, and that we were doomed to failure there. For those of y’all who forgot (or never knew), McNamara commissioned a top-secret study of exactly how we stepped on our cranks, to be passed on in secret to future administrations in hopes that they’d never make such a dumbass series of mistakes again–but never made public. That’s what Daniel Ellsberg took the liberty of spilling the beans about, making him in Henry Kissinger’s words, “the most dangerous man in America”. He certainly was a danger to a White House and military establishment who were lying to us like motherfuckers–not to mention continuing to ship hundreds of thousands of brave young Americans on what was already determined to be a fool’s errand.
“The powers that be have miscalculated the power of our numbers,” Patrick Connor, state director of the National Federation of Independent Business, told anti-tax forces, “and one by one, we will take back the people’s legislature.”
The numbers, though, were higher for the rally in support of tax proposals. The Washington State Patrol estimated the crowd overflowing the Legislative Building steps reached 6,000 people, twice the crowd at the earlier rally.
@40 From “tfa”…
“One rally protested taxes, the other budget cuts. Lawmakers, confronting a $2.8 billion budget shortfall, are sure to make one or both of the groups very angry before they leave the capital next month.”
Not that I’m a betting guy, but if I were, I’d bet on “both”.
The word should be ‘correctly’ or ‘rightly’. This is why you are a boob.
Will remember that the next time I come to HA to get my mind rightly via goldy’s enhanced extraordinary-rendition torture techniques.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 No. Clinton stopped a genocide without a single American combat death, and you asswipes criticized him for it. Yet, you fucked up your own war in Iraq beyond all recognition, and now a Democratic president has to bail you out of your military incompetence. Why would anyone vote for Republicans?
@19 If Cheney was so wrong why is Odumba overruling his AG and looking at moving the KSM trial out of NYC?
Because of politics – because there are large numbers of Americans as stupid as you who think it puts us at risk.
We should not be proud of being a nation of people cowering under our beds …
Large stupid cowering Americans … such as shoo shoo shoo Chuck U. Schumer.
That’s why bogtrotter Barry O’Bama and Holder caved. They couldn’t afford to lose another Democrat Senator who told them they’d made a large stupid mistake.
Poor dear old Rabbit. He tries so hard to pretend he’s still in the game.
At about the moment he told us about Joe the Plumber’s bit of a snit with McCain (Republicans are so cute when they munch each other, said Rabbit), Stephanie Miller was saying that Evan Bayh is lower than a dogshit Republican. Then Miller looked on the bright side: Bayh’s Indiana Senate seat will be saved for Democrats by John Cougar Kelly-Kamp.
Well. Looks to me like Democrats are almost running out of Democrats to munch. Sort of makes Rabbit’s obsession with Joe Wangerdinger’s parking tickets look stupid and cowering.
KVI Suits this morning said that Bayh probably does not want to spend more time with his family. Either he’s plotting to take out Obama in the 2012 primaries or something worse. Bayh looks like goldy’s love daddy John Edwards who was a haircut away from the presidency. Bayh parts his pretty hair like Edwards.
So, said Suits, the best bet is that there are pictures. Donkey pictures. Bayh at Enumclaw. With John Edwards. And Rabbit.
A Cheney flashback: On and around Sept. 8, 2002 Cheney uses Judith Miller of the NY Times by leaking classified information to her regarding Iraq’s procurement of aluminum tubes which are used in the processing of uranium. The deal dictates the article be published in the Sunday edition. He then schedules himself on the Sunday talk shows to proclaim Saddam has possession of aluminum tubes which are used in the processing of uranium. He uses the rationale that it’s not classified information anymore because it has appeared in the NY Times article by Judith Miller that happens to be on newstands today.
One big circle jerk.
I had wondered what had happened last night. Thanks for letting me know.
Thank you, Steve. Meeting you here has been a supreme pleasure and honor.
Your Sunday comments were wonderful and wise. A parable about pearls and swine comes to mind, but that would only cheapen the power and passion and intensity of your grief and renewal.
slingshit circle jerksspews:
Better show us a cite on Judy Miller. Remember her First Amendment martyrdom, but assumed it was about Plame or bioterror. Miller, after all, wrote a very good book about germs that impelled Cheney to follow through on Clinton’s demand for Iraq regime change.
Miller convinced Cheney that Saddam had blackmarket smallpox/ebola boosted from back in the USSR. Miller and Cheney were convinced, perhaps right(ly), that Iraq had enough bugs in a broom closet to destroy western civilization as we know it, such as it is.
slingshit circle jerksspews:
… all your chest-beating got us then was 58,000 dead — and nothing to show for it.
If we had continued to listen to your ilk, we’d still be bleeding there.
You told us if we left Vietnam the dominoes would fall. Wrong.
You told us if we lost Vietnam the commies would win the Cold War. Wrong.
You told us racking up body counts would increase America’s standing in the world. Wrong.
You told us anti-war protesters, not incompetent military leadership, cost us the war. Wrong.
You? Who’s you? The correct word is they. JFK and LBJ and strange Robert McNamara and his merry whiz-kid band. That’s the chest-thumping ilk you’re trying to tell us about.
Except for the whiz kid who jumped the reservation. The kid with the Ellsberg’s Paradox.
Since you apparantly haven’t heard of him, ask Art @39.
slingshit circle jerksspews:
Reports say that Murray is so dumb that Obama bowls like her.
When it’s all over, they can round up the last few deserving over-the-hill Democrats to do some Columbine bowling at a nursing home (excuse me, a retirement community) in the 57th state with corpse-men hovering over them to deal with the death panels.
clinton = hague tribunalspews:
when Clinton bombed Bosnia, was that a war crime?
Very good question, my man. Michael Moore raised it in Bowling for C (see above), and I’m pretty sure Chomsky — in a rare spasm of honesty — said Bill should have been in the dock.
Best discussion was a few years ago by Benjamin Schwartz in The Atlantic, issue with Michaelangelo’s David Goldstein on the cover. About 3,000 Serb civilians collaterally damaged to death by Clinton’s bombs dropped from 30,000 feet.
SJ = Not Godspews:
Goldy tried to mindmeld Marx into the Book of Mark. Nice try.
Somebody suggested that was unfair to Marxism because religion (meaning Christianity) is so destructive. That’s a new improved version of Montesquieu, who wrote that no kingdom has been won with as much bloodshed as the kingdom of Christ.
At least until Marx came along. The best-guess bodycount for Marxist utopias since 1917 is way over 100 million … not a tragedy, but a statistic. Unless you were, say, one of the millions of dead Ukrainians who were literally devoured in 1932 and 1933.
Perhaps Roger will tell us that the socialist experiment of those years wasn’t socialism or Marxism. Perhaps Roger will tell us that Marxist socialism never failed because it was never tried. That would be an interesting discussion. Tell Roger to bring it on.
Well there’s some good news.
The Washington State Patrol says a suspect has been jailed in the shooting of a trooper at Long Beach.
The Associated Press
The Washington State Patrol says a suspect has been jailed in the shooting of a trooper at Long Beach.
The patrol said Monday that 45-year-old Martin A. Jones of Seaview was arrested overnight in Long Beach. He was booked into the Pacific County Jail in South Bend for investigation of assault and attempted murder.
Italy’s government is led by a right-wing prime minister who owns virtually all of the media outlets in the country. It should be no suprise that he considers the internet to be a potential threat, even though internet usage in Italy is well below the levels in the rest of Europe and the USA.
But he’s not going to wait around for the threat to materialize. In an attempt to “tame” the internet in advance, and under the guise of restricting pornography and copyright violations, his government is issuing regulations that require any files be submitted to the government for prior approval before they can be uploaded to the internet.
The EU is protesting even in advance of the rules issuance, pointing out that it purports to apply to any file which could potentially be “viewed” by an Italian citizen. In other words, a YouTube video uploaded in the U.S. and then accessed by an Italian in Florence could render the U.S. to prosecution in absentia in the Italian courts, and then subject to arrest and extradition anytime they cross a border into a European Union nations. (It’s unlikely that the U.S. would extradite from it’s own shores since the policy would be contrary to the first amendment, but EU treaties are different).
It’s Roger Ailes, Fox News, and Murdock’s dream world. The Seattle Times would probably like the result as well.
ANybody else interested in this stuff? Darryl? Anybody?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 Fascinating! Kinda blows the wingnut theory that the world is only 6,000 years old outta the water, so to speak.
Bishop Ushherspews:
Remember Inherit the Wind? The Bryan character played by Frederick March telling the jury that the world was created on October something-or-other, 4004 BC, at, um 7:00 AM …
Bishop Ussherspews:
Typos again, dammit. It’s Ussher.
The amazing thing, for those of us fascinated by ancient migrations to the Americas, is that Australia seems to have been settled by voyagers about 50,000 years before the fabled stroll thru Beringia.
And now touring Crete by boat by 130,000 years ago? Blows the mind.
Fox News enlists WMD misinformer Judith Miller to write about WMD
January 26, 2010 3:14 pm ET by Oliver Willis
In the entire history of American journalism, there is probably not a single writer with a more horrible record of reporting on weapons of mass destruction than Judith Miller. So of course FoxNews.com’s story about a report by the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction which graded the government on its handling of WMD proliferation features the byline of… Judith Miller.
That’s cool.
tube steakspews:
Tubes. The question is about centrifuge tubes.
See nothing about them in your primo unimpeachable MediaMatters blah-g.
Condolences to Brother Puddy. Via con Dios.
and of course, what you all missed, is that amy bishop is a fucking jew. you know what they say about a jew and their money, and someone wanted to take it from her.
what a year for the chosen ones
amy bishop
bernie madoff
howard k stern
phillip markoff
not to mention the wall street rapists
“56. 130K Sail-Away spews:
ANybody else interested in this stuff? Darryl? Anybody?”
I’ve long been fascinated by that stuff. But they’re mistaken. Those artifacts couldn’t possibly be more than 6,000 years old!
something in the granolaspews:
Heh. Greetings, Brother Steve. Left a shout-out for you @47. You’re awesome, my man.
Have you read about and pondered the mass extinctions of charismatic megafauna in the Americas, c. 12,000 years ago? Solve the puzzle?
(Have read about the possible settlement of far-west North America via bullboat at a time when the site of Seattle was under several hundred feet of ice and when our coastline was 400″ lower. Then the globe heated up and the seas rose, just as Gore and Obama told us they would.)
Some of my best friends, mangledtruth.
Barry Goldwater, for example: that peculiarly American confection, a Jewish Episcopalian.
Can’t get ’em on this machine, Steve, but some of the most beautiful photos ever are ‘net images of cached Folsom points found near Wenatchee.
The points, by coincidence, are about 12,000 years old. Correspond in ‘fluting’ and age to points found at Meadowcroft, PA. All of which resemble Solutrean points from Spain.
@48, Right. You go ahead & keep on believing the bullshit. They need sheep like you to bend over and self-lube. Useful, self-important, bombastic, zenophobic, chest-thumping, chicken hawk idiots.
You’re still blaming Clinton for the eight worst years in American history?
Bastardizing another user’s username is an admission of defeat. You need to have your blood pressure checked.
Hey, I saw that shout out. It made me smile.
I once spent a summer looking for arrowheads outside of Beaver, Utah. Yeah, Beaver. I had a Mason jar full of them. “Just” Ute stuff, but still very cool. I also tried my darndest to make some arrowheads but it isn’t so easy. I did see a show on it awhile back. It made me think of trying my hand at it again.
If I can spend a summer looking for fossils my life will be complete. Well, I did find a bunch up at Fossil Bay, on Suscia Island one summer. Those were cool too, actually. But I’m thinking big. I’m thinking Montana.
@66 No, I hadn’t read about that. I’m off to Google.
Admission of defeat? Sincerest form of flattery. F(r)iend.
To repeat a simple request: Give us a link for Judy Miller pushing a jihad against dual-use tubes. Please.
(Not suggesting there isn’t one, since she was a pipeline for Chalabi …)
Old Fossil ... moispews:
So you were the Beaver patrol I’ve heard so much about.
Grew up in northern Wyo, a stone’s throw from the MT line. Our home entertainment center was Gizzard Hill, named for the gleaming gastroliths that glinted on the surface. Loads of old bones and coprolites and, further down in the Devonian, ammonoids.
Never thought to scratch below the surface for Jurassic skeletons, but bones above meant bones below. Good skeletons in Dakota and Montana, on private land like ours, are worth more than the land.
My first First American artifact was a pure clear quartz birdpoint that I found when I was five. I was the only one in the family who was close enough to the ground to see it. Still have it. Sharp enough to draw blood.
so let’s see lee, you call the former vice president a war criminal..ok..you’re a fucking kike, correct? lets see
bernie madoff
the mossad committing assasinations in dubai
howard k stern
amy bishop
wall street jews getting million dollar bonuses
fuck you jew motherfucker
I think this would be a interesting book for me. And it includes a read about the Sucia Island ammonites of the mesozoic era!
“that glinted on the surface”
That’s like it was in Utah. Nose down, anything that glints – check it out.
Old Fossil ... moispews:
Lookin’ good. Like the cool cover.
The mass extinction event is one of our great paleo mysteries. Did Folsom-point hunters hunt the big animals to extinction? Bring diseases from Siberia (or Spain) that swept away bison antiquus and almost everything else?
Or did the big animals fail to adapt to global warming after the ice sheets melted?
(And it all sort-of happened the day before yesterday.)
Old Fossil ... moispews:
Glinting gizzard stones: Polished to a high sheen in the grinding guts of dinosaurs, then exposed — maybe 70 million years later — on the surface of a long strange hill in the middle of Custer/Crazy Horse country.
A substantial part of the story was based on deliberate leaking of classified information to the Times reporters by Scooter Libby, the chief of staff of Vice President Dick Cheney.
And a free throw.
Ny nomination for the dumbest quote of the year:
Cheney… One who loves to bring it to Odumba’s administration. If he’s so bad why does Odumba and his disciples fear him?
Because Cheney identifies the foibles of Odumba and his disciples
Only someone who listens solely to Fox news could be this pathetically ignorant.
First, the pathetic third grade grammar – it should be why do – not why does for more than one person.
Second, the assumption that Cheny is feared is ludicrous…what constituency does Cheney have? His popularity was already below 20% when he was actually in office.
Third, what has that iidiot Cheney said that has even made sense? Torture is good? torture has helped our reputation? Torture has gotten us any information on terrotist activites….umm, no. Cheny has lied, cheated and exposed CIA agent…but what good has Cheny done besides screwing up Iraq, Iran, North Korea and Afghanistan…..has a single Cheney policy worked?
What a worthless piece of crapola Cheney is…..a pathetic human who tries to justify unnecessary wars (Iraq), failures (such as failing to capture bin laden), failure to contain NK, failure to move Iran, failure to mobilize the international community (due to the policy failures of Bush/Cheney).
Why would anybody listen to such a complete failure….except Puddy.
Says more about how pathetic Puddy is than anything else.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Third, what has that iidiot Cheney said that has even made sense? Torture is good? torture has helped our reputation? Torture has gotten us any information on terrotist activites….umm, no. Cheny has lied, cheated and exposed CIA agent…but what good has Cheny done besides screwing up Iraq, Iran, North Korea and Afghanistan…..has a single Cheney policy worked?
And this guy is picking on Puddy?
Peeps say this is a cesspool, so Puddy brings it as such. Can deal leave.
Hmmm… Terrorist attack in Arkansas
Hmmm… Terrorist attack in Fort Hood
Hmmm… Terrorist attack on airplane coming in for Detroit landing.
Failure on North Korea? GBS please help this fool with NK facts.
Failure on Iran? The Europeans failed on Iran. What a morontard.
Yes, after the World Apology Tour we are witnessing the superior mobilization of the international community under Odumba. Now what did Sarkozy call Odumba again correctnotright?
Swatted, like a mosquito on the skin.
Need Puddy say more?
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Should read … can’t deal, then leave…
In case you don’t revisit the DL thread, Puddy, I want you to know…
I take it that the old friend that you told me about has passed away. I’m so sorry, Puddy. It’s saddening to think of someone giving up on life. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of his family and friends, especially to you and your family. I hope we can get together and talk about these things and much more one day soon.
Bob in SeaTacspews:
Dick Cheney giving advice on foreign policy is like Kevin Smith giving advice on dieting.
Dick Cheney? Who’s that?
Just some war criminal.
Cheney… One who loves to bring it to Odumba’s administration. If he’s so bad why does Odumba and his disciples fear him?
Because Cheney identifies the foibles of Odumba and his disciples.
Remember it was Cheney who ridiculed Holder and Odumba over the NYC trials. Now Odumba is looking to change venues. Hmmm…? Puddy wonders why?
When you act stupidly you are open to comments.
Wait for it Pavlov predicts some worthless stupid commentary on the immediate horizon.
Wait for it Pavlov predicts some worthless stupid commentary on the immediate horizon.
His prediction was too late.
Again Lee can’t comment on truths.
Cheney said on the KSM NYC Trial… “I think it will make Khalid Sheikh Mohammed something of a hero in certain circles, especially in the radical regions of Islam around the world. It will put him on the map. He’ll be as important, or more important, than Osama bin Laden, and we will have made it possible.”
Now Odumba is having a change of heart.
Cheney said… “There’s never been a nation like the United States of America in world history, and yet when you have a president who goes around and bows to his hosts and then proceeds to apologize profusely for the United States, I find that deeply disturbing. That says to me this is a guy who doesn’t fully understand or share that view of American exceptionalism that I think most of us believe in.”
How did his evil spawn ever get on TV? Oh, right, forget I ever asked. heh- Liberal media.
Cheney = The Hague….. Just a matter of time.
Puddy remembers the same thing about Karl Rove last year.
Then there was the supposed frog march of Tom DeLay.
Cheney’s a partisan fearmonger and an incompetent boob.
At least headless@10 displays glimpses of his old self using his 50th doppelganger.
Puddy replays truths from Cheney and we see Odumba reacting to them. So how is that ORANGE ALERT treating you racist fool?
Do you realize if Puddy was “we ylb arschloch” (thank God for that) and Puddy kept the whole HA Libtardo Blog as a personal archive Puddy would list all 50 names you’ve used on this blog. Such a waste.
@3 I’ve got bad news for ya, puddyearwax: The Obamaites captured the Taliban’s top military commander.
Calling Obama “Odumba” is perhaps the most idiotic move you have performed here. Do you honestly think Obama is not an intelligent man? Then, claiming to be a Christian, you would exalt Dick Cheney? Puddy, you are a hypocritical dumbfuck, who hasn’t the slightest idea what Jesus Christ was all about. I’m really getting sick of your horseshit, Puddy.
“The commander, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, is … described by American officials as the most significant Taliban figure to be detained since the American-led war in Afghanistan started more than eight years ago. He ranks second in influence only to … Omar … and was a close associate of Osama bin Laden before the Sept. 11 attacks. “
@13 Puddy is a machine.
Cheney couldn’t capture the Taliban’s #2 man. But Obama can.
And it didn’t take Obama eight years to do it.
Idiocy and hypocrisy are not family values. Nonetheless, you spew both. I fear for your mortal soul, m’lad.
Proud Goatist,
You crack Puddy up with your family values crap. If you had family values you’d be interested in the unborn.
Where did Puddy not agree he wasn’t an intelligent guy. Puddy is surprised he can’t put sentences together in speeches without a continual TOTUS. Who is exalting Cheney fool? Puddy is only placing his truthful words on this blog ya stupid moron. If Cheney was so wrong why is Odumba overruling his AG and looking at moving the KSM trial out of NYC? If Cheney is so wrong why did they rush out Biden, one of those so against the surge they now want to take credit for ya stupid moron. And you call Puddy the dumbfuck with silly ASS thoughts like yours above?
Why are you leftists so stupid? These peeps will kill your progressive ASS, rape your wife and daughters, castrate your sons and then kill them all.
Your continual stupidity damages your cred here. Of course seeing truth from a political opponent explodes your “legally trained” ‘brain’. Calling Odumba Odumba is better than calling him the messiah as your peeps did all 2008 and part of 2009. Calling him Odumba fits because he thought his change and hope meant ramming down whackamole already dead ideas down the American public’s throat. Now that he is having his party peeps drop like flies has even affected Evan Bayh and he was way ahead in the polls. Odumba’s policies cost the Dummocrapts their Massachusetts senator seat.
Hey Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny… Puddy is glad they caught that scum bag. You don’t understand. We who think right always pull for our military to succeed. It is your types who visit Baghdad or North Korea or Damascus making political hay with the enemy trying to damage the other political side.
Somehow McDimwitt and Pelosi come to mind. Now who visited the Il one again?
Got it yet fool?
So why does Cheney magically have more standing that Walter Mondale or Dan Quayle on current events?
He is a has-been and a hack. Enough already.
re 20: “We who think
The word should be ‘correctly’ or ‘rightly’. This is why you are a boob.
No headless. Comment approved by SeattleJew, definitely head and shoulders above your puny mind. Try again.
If Cheney was so wrong why is Odumba overruling his AG and looking at moving the KSM trial out of NYC?
Because of politics – because there are large numbers of Americans as stupid as you who think it puts us at risk.
We should not be proud of being a nation of people cowering under our beds, but you are. That’s why Cheney is not qualified to talk about foreign policy. Because his policy is to turn America into a nation of cowards, constantly terrified of the people “over there”.
Even when his attempts to scare people work on the Democrats, they’re still wrong.
@20 “We who think right always pull for our military to succeed.”
Wishing is not a substitute for competence, puddykins.
Simple Math
Bush x 8 years = military stalemate
Obama x 1 year = results
@20 You idiots pulled for our military to succeed in Vietnam, too, but all your chest-beating got us then was 58,000 dead — and nothing to show for it.
If we had continued to listen to your ilk, we’d still be bleeding there.
You told us if we left Vietnam the dominoes would fall. Wrong.
You told us if we lost Vietnam the commies would win the Cold War. Wrong.
You told us racking up body counts would increase America’s standing in the world. Wrong.
You told us anti-war protesters, not incompetent military leadership, cost us the war. Wrong.
You see, puddykins, mindless chest-thumping gets you nothing but dead. To prosecute a war successfully you need:
1. A cause worth fighting for;
2. Definable and achievable objectives;
3. A realistic plan for achieving them;
4. Workable military strategy and tactics;
5. Competent leadership to carry them out; and
6. A ton of good luck.
Anyone who studies military history is bound to realize that the outcomes of most wars turned on blind dumb luck. This alone should give pause to anyone tempted to turn to military solutions, even if humanity and morality play no role in their thinking.
Of course, stupidity doesn’t facilitate any military effort, once undertaken. In Vietnam, Westmoreland expected our troops to find the enemy by walking around until they got shot at. This stupid tactic allowed the enemy to choose the time and place of battle, fight from prepared positions and high ground, and break off engagement at will. No surprise that we lost. In Iraq, the stupidity began with going to war over WMDs that Saddam didn’t have, and continued through every aspect of Bush’s management of the war, including invading with one-fifth of the forces his own generals told him he would need to take and hold the country.
Forgive me, but I have no patience for chest-thumpers who are eager to send other people’s children to their deaths in battle, but have no fucking clue about how to run a war.
Here is your update on Obam-Mao-watch!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Regarding the evil Climate Change ruse perpetuated by the Progressive Kult–
Wait until average Americans process this massive lie and what over-reacting would have cost.
Progressivism is DEAD!
Rasmussen poll reports Murray is losing to Rossi in their latest poll.
The news just keeps on getting better. Reports say that Murray is so dumb that Obama bowls like her.
Way to skirt the issue…of whether the climate change is man-made or not.
That is the Cap-and-Trade issue.
Progressive control.
No thanks.
The planet was much warmer in Medieval times.
Was that man-made too?
Wait a minute Puddy can’t use the R-word. Okay… That is such a stupid comment. Did you forget what the lawyer of one of the other five said on Bill O’Reilly? Wait you are a libtardo so 24 hour memory disease is prevalent. They plan to use the trials to get more recruits.
Logic… something missing from all the years of Lee sucking pot smoke into his lungs.
Roger on Vietnam…
It was Democraptic college peeps, you know the early progressive types who screamed over the war. Now you are one of them. Look in the mirror Dumb Bunny!
Puddy went to college with Vietnam War vets. They told us how Westmoreland’s generals had them take a hill retreat and then take the hill again. Now why would Johnson and McNamara Dummocrapts have good men do this Dumb Bunny?
Looks like another of your comments just exploded in your face fool!
You are discussing competence Dumb Bunny when you plagiarize “this is how it works” articles from other peeps and you don’t give attribution?
Competence? You are a laugh a minute Dumb Bunny!
Gotta go Dumb Bunny. Keep dreaming those “thoughts”.
Just some war criminal.
hey lee, did you see the report today out of dubai where the mossad came dressed as tennis players and assasited a member of hamas? is that a war crime?
by the way, lee. when clinton bombed bosnia, was that a war crime?
@27, @20 As it turns out, it was fully understood inside the Pentagon that Vietnam was a royal clusterfuck, and that we were doomed to failure there. For those of y’all who forgot (or never knew), McNamara commissioned a top-secret study of exactly how we stepped on our cranks, to be passed on in secret to future administrations in hopes that they’d never make such a dumbass series of mistakes again–but never made public. That’s what Daniel Ellsberg took the liberty of spilling the beans about, making him in Henry Kissinger’s words, “the most dangerous man in America”. He certainly was a danger to a White House and military establishment who were lying to us like motherfuckers–not to mention continuing to ship hundreds of thousands of brave young Americans on what was already determined to be a fool’s errand.
@40 From “tfa”…
“One rally protested taxes, the other budget cuts. Lawmakers, confronting a $2.8 billion budget shortfall, are sure to make one or both of the groups very angry before they leave the capital next month.”
Not that I’m a betting guy, but if I were, I’d bet on “both”.
Will remember that the next time I come to HA to get my mind rightly via goldy’s enhanced extraordinary-rendition torture techniques.
@38 No. Clinton stopped a genocide without a single American combat death, and you asswipes criticized him for it. Yet, you fucked up your own war in Iraq beyond all recognition, and now a Democratic president has to bail you out of your military incompetence. Why would anyone vote for Republicans?
Large stupid cowering Americans … such as shoo shoo shoo Chuck U. Schumer.
That’s why bogtrotter Barry O’Bama and Holder caved. They couldn’t afford to lose another Democrat Senator who told them they’d made a large stupid mistake.
Poor dear old Rabbit. He tries so hard to pretend he’s still in the game.
At about the moment he told us about Joe the Plumber’s bit of a snit with McCain (Republicans are so cute when they munch each other, said Rabbit), Stephanie Miller was saying that Evan Bayh is lower than a dogshit Republican. Then Miller looked on the bright side: Bayh’s Indiana Senate seat will be saved for Democrats by John Cougar Kelly-Kamp.
Well. Looks to me like Democrats are almost running out of Democrats to munch. Sort of makes Rabbit’s obsession with Joe Wangerdinger’s parking tickets look stupid and cowering.
KVI Suits this morning said that Bayh probably does not want to spend more time with his family. Either he’s plotting to take out Obama in the 2012 primaries or something worse. Bayh looks like goldy’s love daddy John Edwards who was a haircut away from the presidency. Bayh parts his pretty hair like Edwards.
So, said Suits, the best bet is that there are pictures. Donkey pictures. Bayh at Enumclaw. With John Edwards. And Rabbit.
A Cheney flashback: On and around Sept. 8, 2002 Cheney uses Judith Miller of the NY Times by leaking classified information to her regarding Iraq’s procurement of aluminum tubes which are used in the processing of uranium. The deal dictates the article be published in the Sunday edition. He then schedules himself on the Sunday talk shows to proclaim Saddam has possession of aluminum tubes which are used in the processing of uranium. He uses the rationale that it’s not classified information anymore because it has appeared in the NY Times article by Judith Miller that happens to be on newstands today.
One big circle jerk.
Thank you, Steve. Meeting you here has been a supreme pleasure and honor.
Your Sunday comments were wonderful and wise. A parable about pearls and swine comes to mind, but that would only cheapen the power and passion and intensity of your grief and renewal.
Better show us a cite on Judy Miller. Remember her First Amendment martyrdom, but assumed it was about Plame or bioterror. Miller, after all, wrote a very good book about germs that impelled Cheney to follow through on Clinton’s demand for Iraq regime change.
Miller convinced Cheney that Saddam had blackmarket smallpox/ebola boosted from back in the USSR. Miller and Cheney were convinced, perhaps right(ly), that Iraq had enough bugs in a broom closet to destroy western civilization as we know it, such as it is.
You? Who’s you? The correct word is they. JFK and LBJ and strange Robert McNamara and his merry whiz-kid band. That’s the chest-thumping ilk you’re trying to tell us about.
Except for the whiz kid who jumped the reservation. The kid with the Ellsberg’s Paradox.
Since you apparantly haven’t heard of him, ask Art @39.
When it’s all over, they can round up the last few deserving over-the-hill Democrats to do some Columbine bowling at a nursing home (excuse me, a retirement community) in the 57th state with corpse-men hovering over them to deal with the death panels.
Very good question, my man. Michael Moore raised it in Bowling for C (see above), and I’m pretty sure Chomsky — in a rare spasm of honesty — said Bill should have been in the dock.
Best discussion was a few years ago by Benjamin Schwartz in The Atlantic, issue with Michaelangelo’s David Goldstein on the cover. About 3,000 Serb civilians collaterally damaged to death by Clinton’s bombs dropped from 30,000 feet.
Goldy tried to mindmeld Marx into the Book of Mark. Nice try.
Somebody suggested that was unfair to Marxism because religion (meaning Christianity) is so destructive. That’s a new improved version of Montesquieu, who wrote that no kingdom has been won with as much bloodshed as the kingdom of Christ.
At least until Marx came along. The best-guess bodycount for Marxist utopias since 1917 is way over 100 million … not a tragedy, but a statistic. Unless you were, say, one of the millions of dead Ukrainians who were literally devoured in 1932 and 1933.
Perhaps Roger will tell us that the socialist experiment of those years wasn’t socialism or Marxism. Perhaps Roger will tell us that Marxist socialism never failed because it was never tried. That would be an interesting discussion. Tell Roger to bring it on.
Well there’s some good news.
The Washington State Patrol says a suspect has been jailed in the shooting of a trooper at Long Beach.
Italy’s government is led by a right-wing prime minister who owns virtually all of the media outlets in the country. It should be no suprise that he considers the internet to be a potential threat, even though internet usage in Italy is well below the levels in the rest of Europe and the USA.
But he’s not going to wait around for the threat to materialize. In an attempt to “tame” the internet in advance, and under the guise of restricting pornography and copyright violations, his government is issuing regulations that require any files be submitted to the government for prior approval before they can be uploaded to the internet.
The EU is protesting even in advance of the rules issuance, pointing out that it purports to apply to any file which could potentially be “viewed” by an Italian citizen. In other words, a YouTube video uploaded in the U.S. and then accessed by an Italian in Florence could render the U.S. to prosecution in absentia in the Italian courts, and then subject to arrest and extradition anytime they cross a border into a European Union nations. (It’s unlikely that the U.S. would extradite from it’s own shores since the policy would be contrary to the first amendment, but EU treaties are different).
It’s Roger Ailes, Fox News, and Murdock’s dream world. The Seattle Times would probably like the result as well.
That would be evil totalitarian reactionary right-wing hitman Rupert Murdoch.
ANybody else interested in this stuff? Darryl? Anybody?
@56 Fascinating! Kinda blows the wingnut theory that the world is only 6,000 years old outta the water, so to speak.
Remember Inherit the Wind? The Bryan character played by Frederick March telling the jury that the world was created on October something-or-other, 4004 BC, at, um 7:00 AM …
Typos again, dammit. It’s Ussher.
The amazing thing, for those of us fascinated by ancient migrations to the Americas, is that Australia seems to have been settled by voyagers about 50,000 years before the fabled stroll thru Beringia.
And now touring Crete by boat by 130,000 years ago? Blows the mind.
That’s cool.
Tubes. The question is about centrifuge tubes.
See nothing about them in your primo unimpeachable MediaMatters blah-g.
Condolences to Brother Puddy. Via con Dios.
and of course, what you all missed, is that amy bishop is a fucking jew. you know what they say about a jew and their money, and someone wanted to take it from her.
what a year for the chosen ones
amy bishop
bernie madoff
howard k stern
phillip markoff
not to mention the wall street rapists
“56. 130K Sail-Away spews:
ANybody else interested in this stuff? Darryl? Anybody?”
I’ve long been fascinated by that stuff. But they’re mistaken. Those artifacts couldn’t possibly be more than 6,000 years old!
Heh. Greetings, Brother Steve. Left a shout-out for you @47. You’re awesome, my man.
Have you read about and pondered the mass extinctions of charismatic megafauna in the Americas, c. 12,000 years ago? Solve the puzzle?
(Have read about the possible settlement of far-west North America via bullboat at a time when the site of Seattle was under several hundred feet of ice and when our coastline was 400″ lower. Then the globe heated up and the seas rose, just as Gore and Obama told us they would.)
Some of my best friends, mangledtruth.
Barry Goldwater, for example: that peculiarly American confection, a Jewish Episcopalian.
Can’t get ’em on this machine, Steve, but some of the most beautiful photos ever are ‘net images of cached Folsom points found near Wenatchee.
The points, by coincidence, are about 12,000 years old. Correspond in ‘fluting’ and age to points found at Meadowcroft, PA. All of which resemble Solutrean points from Spain.
@48, Right. You go ahead & keep on believing the bullshit. They need sheep like you to bend over and self-lube. Useful, self-important, bombastic, zenophobic, chest-thumping, chicken hawk idiots.
You’re still blaming Clinton for the eight worst years in American history?
Bastardizing another user’s username is an admission of defeat. You need to have your blood pressure checked.
Hey, I saw that shout out. It made me smile.
I once spent a summer looking for arrowheads outside of Beaver, Utah. Yeah, Beaver. I had a Mason jar full of them. “Just” Ute stuff, but still very cool. I also tried my darndest to make some arrowheads but it isn’t so easy. I did see a show on it awhile back. It made me think of trying my hand at it again.
If I can spend a summer looking for fossils my life will be complete. Well, I did find a bunch up at Fossil Bay, on Suscia Island one summer. Those were cool too, actually. But I’m thinking big. I’m thinking Montana.
@66 No, I hadn’t read about that. I’m off to Google.
Admission of defeat? Sincerest form of flattery. F(r)iend.
To repeat a simple request: Give us a link for Judy Miller pushing a jihad against dual-use tubes. Please.
(Not suggesting there isn’t one, since she was a pipeline for Chalabi …)
So you were the Beaver patrol I’ve heard so much about.
Grew up in northern Wyo, a stone’s throw from the MT line. Our home entertainment center was Gizzard Hill, named for the gleaming gastroliths that glinted on the surface. Loads of old bones and coprolites and, further down in the Devonian, ammonoids.
Never thought to scratch below the surface for Jurassic skeletons, but bones above meant bones below. Good skeletons in Dakota and Montana, on private land like ours, are worth more than the land.
My first First American artifact was a pure clear quartz birdpoint that I found when I was five. I was the only one in the family who was close enough to the ground to see it. Still have it. Sharp enough to draw blood.
so let’s see lee, you call the former vice president a war criminal..ok..you’re a fucking kike, correct? lets see
bernie madoff
the mossad committing assasinations in dubai
howard k stern
amy bishop
wall street jews getting million dollar bonuses
fuck you jew motherfucker
I think this would be a interesting book for me. And it includes a read about the Sucia Island ammonites of the mesozoic era!
“that glinted on the surface”
That’s like it was in Utah. Nose down, anything that glints – check it out.
Lookin’ good. Like the cool cover.
The mass extinction event is one of our great paleo mysteries. Did Folsom-point hunters hunt the big animals to extinction? Bring diseases from Siberia (or Spain) that swept away bison antiquus and almost everything else?
Or did the big animals fail to adapt to global warming after the ice sheets melted?
(And it all sort-of happened the day before yesterday.)
Glinting gizzard stones: Polished to a high sheen in the grinding guts of dinosaurs, then exposed — maybe 70 million years later — on the surface of a long strange hill in the middle of Custer/Crazy Horse country.
Here’s a Wiki re Judith Miller and tubes. Two points for you, my friend.
And a free throw.
Ny nomination for the dumbest quote of the year:
Only someone who listens solely to Fox news could be this pathetically ignorant.
First, the pathetic third grade grammar – it should be why do – not why does for more than one person.
Second, the assumption that Cheny is feared is ludicrous…what constituency does Cheney have? His popularity was already below 20% when he was actually in office.
Third, what has that iidiot Cheney said that has even made sense? Torture is good? torture has helped our reputation? Torture has gotten us any information on terrotist activites….umm, no. Cheny has lied, cheated and exposed CIA agent…but what good has Cheny done besides screwing up Iraq, Iran, North Korea and Afghanistan…..has a single Cheney policy worked?
What a worthless piece of crapola Cheney is…..a pathetic human who tries to justify unnecessary wars (Iraq), failures (such as failing to capture bin laden), failure to contain NK, failure to move Iran, failure to mobilize the international community (due to the policy failures of Bush/Cheney).
Why would anybody listen to such a complete failure….except Puddy.
Says more about how pathetic Puddy is than anything else.
And this guy is picking on Puddy?
Peeps say this is a cesspool, so Puddy brings it as such. Can deal leave.
Hmmm… Terrorist attack in Arkansas
Hmmm… Terrorist attack in Fort Hood
Hmmm… Terrorist attack on airplane coming in for Detroit landing.
Failure on North Korea? GBS please help this fool with NK facts.
Failure on Iran? The Europeans failed on Iran. What a morontard.
Yes, after the World Apology Tour we are witnessing the superior mobilization of the international community under Odumba. Now what did Sarkozy call Odumba again correctnotright?
Swatted, like a mosquito on the skin.
Need Puddy say more?
Should read … can’t deal, then leave…
In case you don’t revisit the DL thread, Puddy, I want you to know…
Dick Cheney giving advice on foreign policy is like Kevin Smith giving advice on dieting.
And like Lee making an intelligent post.