– A Washington State-Vancouver student is filing an initiative to lower the drinking age to 19.
– Barbara Coombs Lee describes several scenarios where advance directives could potentially be ignored at Catholic hospitals.
– Not too many people showed up to Mike McGinn’s town hall for selecting a new police chief. And there’s two more left.
– The U.S. Department of Transportation has responded to the study showing that state cell phone bans don’t work to reduce accidents with the same logical fallacy that perpetuates the drug war as well:
Unfortunately, a study released by the Highway Loss Data Institute casts doubt on the reality of this epidemic. Not explaining likely reasons for the surprising data encourages people to wrongly conclude that talking on cell phones while driving is not dangerous!
If you question the ban, you’re encouraging the behavior. That’s bullshit, and it’s the same bullshit you hear from drug warriors every time a study shows that drug prohibitions don’t reduce drug consumption. Cell phone bans don’t work because they only discourage the behavior among people who aren’t going to cause accidents in the first place (which is also similar to the dynamics of the drug war).
– Blackwater: not exactly the best face we’ve ever shown to the world.
– I haven’t seen Avatar yet, but this is a pretty interesting indication of the global reach of our pop culture.
Hey, I’m baaaaaaaaack!
I’m sure y’all are mighty glad I’m home safe and sound.
Here is your daily reminder that Progressivism is D-E-A-D!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
The poll doesn’t go into why people aren’t happy with Obama. For all we know(based on that poll) people aren’t happy because evil space monkey’s aren’t flying out of Obama’s ass.
Maybe progressivism is dead, but you can’t prove it with the data you’ve provided.
And you need to use a lower case p on progressism, unless you’re talking about the political party that was founded by a bunch of Republicans.
laws, restrictions, progressives?, guns, When drugs are outlawed only outlaws will have drugs. Same with cell phones. Excuse me but when you are responsible for a few thousand pounds of mass, moving at 20-80 miles an hour, you need to drive it, not talk, not eat, not put on makeup, not text. Any questions?
Big ups to Mayor Mike for hiring Craig Engelking to be Seattle’s face down in Oly. Seatlle should do better with the state folk with Engelking on the team. Remember folks it’s all about vision and leadership.
Utah’s legislature goes off the deep end….
With the killing professor, it looks to me like Democrats covered up/excused her first killing 24 years ago because her mother was politically connected. I guess Goldy doesn’t want people to know that.
Of course 19-year-olds shouldn’t have alcohol! They’re not mature enough to be trusted with such a serious responsibility!
Murder Incorporated doesn’t call itself “Blackwater” anymore. They’re “Xe” now. Next up: Toyota will change its name within the next year.
@1 That was a long visit to the outhouse. You must have had one hell of a constipation.
There’s a single, simple solution to cell phones, texting, reading newspapers while driving, drunk driving, speeding, making wrong turns, getting lost, etc.: Replace drivers with computers. Just type in the destination and the computer takes you there. What the passengers are doing is irrelevant.
@6 “The Utah House of Representatives adopted yesterday a nonbinding statement expressing deep doubts about climate change science and urging the federal government to desist from efforts to regulate carbon dioxide emissions. The resolution was passed by a 56-17 vote …”
What will they do for an encore, pass a bill making the earth flat?
Leonard Pitts has a wonderful column today urging Sarah Palin to run for president to settle, once and for all, “whether we are permanently committed to the path of ignorance … and … incoherence … or whether we will at last turn back from the cliff toward which we race.”
Pitts says, “If the latter, wonderful, God bless America. If the former, well, some of us can finally quit hoping the nation will return to its senses and plan accordingly.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks like I’m not the only one who realizes liberals must arm.
Ross Hunter To Tim Eyman: Shut Up!
“OLYMPIA — The state Legislature moved closer to suspending the tax-increase restrictions in Initiative 960 Saturday as a House panel approved a bill that would put the measure on hold for a year. …
“The vote came after hours of public testimony …. Hundreds of people packed a legislative hearing room, and a couple overflow rooms, for the three-hour hearing. …
“I-960 sponsor Tim Eyman accused legislators of being unwilling to abide by the will of voters. When Eyman accused lawmakers of being arrogant, he was cut off by Rep. Ross Hunter, D-Medina, the committee chairman. Hunter reminded Eyman of the hearing’s ground rules, which included avoiding personal attacks. ‘I will not allow attacks on people and groups of people, thank you,’ Hunter said, to applause from many in the room.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Eyman just doesn’t follow rules. Many of his initiatives have been invalidated by the courts because of his failure to adhere to a simple requirement to limit each initative to one subject. There’s no excuse for getting shushed by a legislator for failing to comply with a simple rule to avoid personal attacks when testifying in a legislative hearing. Even fifth graders are expected to be able to do that. Eyman is like an unruly second grader. Or maybe he’s just too dumb to follow simple one-step instructions.
In science, one study does not make a conclusion.
Is there a study about whether tuning the radio increases accidents?
That does not mean that the laws banning the behavior will work. One could just as easily point to statistics that show that a person who uses meth is four times more likely to kill someone (I’m making that statistic up as a hypothetical), but that doesn’t prove that prohibitions against meth use will reduce the amount of murders. It’s the same dynamic.
@17 I don’t understand what you are pushing for.
Having the law on the books allows the legal system to decide responsibility when an accident occurs. It would be nice if it also changed behavior and as I pointed out – one study does not make a conclusion. Especially when it contradicts many others.
On her show, Rachel Maddow has recently decried “bipartisanship” and called out GOP Congressfolk for their hypocrisy, for example, for voting against the 2009 economic stimulus and then touting how great it has been for their districts:
It’s even greater when she takes a shot at a guest in a hopelessly status quo setting, like Meet the Press:
Lowering the drinking age to 19 sounds good to me, but I’d make it beer and wine-only until age 21, then hard stuff would be OK.
Give the kids a chance to experience the wonder of tossing cookies on the front lawn after a beer bash. Heck, but the time they’ve 21, they’ll realize you can actually have a drink without throwing up, but it does take some experimenting to get it right!
oh boy …
via WaPo and Blethen Bugle, page A7, before Leonard does his in-the-Pitts rant about hopey changey Sarah Palin. (How’s it workin’ for ya now, Rabbit?)
oh boy …
So: Senator Kleagle used the filibuster 50 years ago to beat down uppity blacks. Then Senator Kleagle in the late ’80s used the filibuster to beat down uppity Reagan Republicans. Then to beat down GWB and Alito.
But now the filibuster’s gone too far. It’s being used against Democrats, and Harkin wants to beat it down.
You progressives too mired in the quagmire of progressive hypocrisy to see and smell your own hypocrisy?
oh boy …
via Matthew Rothschild, editor, The Progressive, December 2003.
Democrats: Party of fat-cat exploitive extortionate Rabbit-eared plutocrats.
To YellowPup and others bipartisanship is voting yes on all Dummocraptic legislative adventures>
Bipartisanship is taking the best from both sides, crafting good legislation and presenting it to the peeps.
Yet all last year, the Dummocrapts were the party of NO to the Republicans. They offered legislation and Pelosi, Reid and Odumba said “We have this under control”. Now that the peeps rejected their “legislation”, now it’s the Republicans fault for the faulty Dummocraptic stuff. Of course Rachel Madcow would never mention this real fact.
@23: Robert Pollin is a sharp guy, and there is no doubting that the stock market stampede (read: asset bubble)boosted employment during the 90’s (wealth effect, which see). Clinton also cruelly “ended welfare as we know it” and fell lock stock and barrel for the deficit hawk mantra of fighting inflation on the backs of the working class.
Conservaturds offer nothing, and only exacerbate the folly and exploitation (see @24 above for example) of the lower classes by the rich, the connected, the conmen, and the powerful. Such is today’s state of our tragically blind political discourse in what was once a great nation.
@24: The GO-turds participated in hearings and offered amendments. They lost. What, exactly, is so fucking hard to understand about this? I didn’t see the Idiot Prince taking any Democratic ideas under his wing. And he passed his legislation largely due to GO-turd party obedience and Democratic Party cowardice.
But that does not bolster your idiot case. You are nothing but a lickspittle GrandOldPoop hack.
Yep! And the Right has been offering up insane nonsense lately. There’s nothing there to be bipartisan about.
This video is freaking awesome. And something we can fix through NON-partisan work.
First a female professor some people describe as a “genius” shoots 6 collegues over a tenure issue.
Then the media digs up the fact she killed her brother with a shotgun when she was 19.
Now Associated Press reports she was a suspect in a 1993 case involving a pipe bomb mailed to a Harvard Medical School professor who was going to give her a negative review on her doctoral work.
@20 “Lowering the drinking age to 19 sounds good to me, but I’d make it beer and wine-only until age 21, then hard stuff would be OK”
When I was in the Army, the rule was that only officers could have hard stuff, because enlisted men presumably weren’t mature enough to be trusted with it.
Needless to say, the officers who ran my battalion were incompetent drunks.
@7 I don’t see any reference to “Democrats” in that article.
Maybe, rather than lowering the drinking age, we need to raise the age to enlist!
Dang, they’re shooting at cops all over the place. I missed this one.
Yeah, lets give the mentally ill guy an assault rifle. That seems to always work out well for everyone.
They still haven’t found the guy that shot the state trooper on Saturday.
Glad to hear he’s recovering well.
In the spirit of bi-partisanship I’d like to point out that people are shooting each other in the gun lovin’ red part of the state as well.
Dumb Bunny@31,
Her Dummocraptic leanings were found by Delbert in another thread. The Alabama killer woman loved Odumba.
So much for your silly theories about life. They get slapped down every day Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny.
31. Roger Rabbit spews:
Delahunt, now a Democratic congressman representing Massachusetts, was in Jerusalem on Saturday and unable to comment on the case, spokesman Mark Forest told CNN.
Maybe the Dumb Bunny is now blind.
– via Jonathan Petre, Daily Mail (UK), today
How long, oh Lord, must we endure faith-based global “warming” fundamentalist fanatics? Repent, warmers. Turn or (heh heh) burn.
Many thanks to Mr. Goldstein for providing yesterday’s venue and forum to Steve and Puddy. After all these years, HA finally did something useful and magnificent, giving God a chance.
Mr. Goldstein probably intended his Bible Study to be a hip putdown of (Christian) faith and as another Seattle slapdown of inconvenient truths about an inconvenient God. Mr. Goldstein probably thought he was being sly, edgy, and very clever: Use cool Karl Marx to put Christocons in their place, down there with their washed-up old imaginary Friend under the wheels of the progressive bus.
Well, Goldy, you got whacked by your own cheap shot and we got Puddy and Steve. We didn’t get blind faith (except from last-ditch global warming zealots on the ‘science guy’ thread). From Puddy and Steve we got eyes wide open to the problem of pain and the promise of meaning. Problems and promises that can’t be weighed, can’t be counted or measured, but that are more real than reality.
Well correctnotright, Daddy Love and others will claim it’s not peer reviewed.
@38…and the great MMGW lie/scam keeps on going…
“lost the information”…LMFAO
Peers and their reviews: Will have to dig deep in my notes to get quotes, but a recent book blew the whistle on those hundreds and thousands of peer-reviewed monographs that prove MMGW. The journals Science and Nature are gatekeepers for IPCC orthodoxy. If submitted papers drift too far to the right, they’re rejected outright before being passed on to peers.
And the peers? Seldom trained in climatology or atmospheric science. Seldom return analyses of the papers they “review.”
And the papers? Most submissions to the journals are submitted without supporting data, the bedrock numbers that Phil Jones, for example, implies he misplaced.
It’s droll that global warming fundamentalists are shrill and certain about opposing viewpoints being bought with piles of corporate money. But the Big Money, the BM, is loaded on the side that wants to save and rearrange the world by making it Marxist. The Warming religion is less about warming, which sometimes happens, than about jump-starting 1960’s crypto-commie radicalism.
Tell it to Robert Samuelson, Newsweek, current issue:
Read the rest, then tell us why Dave Ross insists that WA Republicans owe us a GOP plan to save us from the crisis that Gregoire Dems threw us into.
Ross wants to shift our attention from the Democrat quagmire. If WA Republicans do a plan, as Paul Ryan did in DC, our “objective” DaveRoss media will turn their undivided attention, and ours, to slicing and dicing and shredding the GOP. Just like always. Gets Democrat and their failures, Obama and Gregoire, off the hook.
@42: Robert Samuelson is a hack, not an economist.
@42: Nobody takes Ryan’s “plan” seriously, including Congressional Republicans.
no wonder you’re proud to be an ass. it’s all you’ve got.
@38 I’m speechless. I really don’t know what to say.
Looks like all the mocking of Lord Monckton is lost in translation.
“Now, Professor Phil Jones of the University of East Anglia has admitted publicly, and — as far as I know — for the first time, that there has been no statistically significant “global warming” for 15 years.”
@47…dont worry, the Globull Worming cultists and scam artists will find a way to spin it…
To be bipartisan about it Ryan’s plan isn’t much of a plan and Dave Ross isn’t an elected official and is a windbag.
You mean Keith Olbermann?
You mean Ed Schultz?
You mean Chris Matthews?
You mean Rachel Maddow?
You mean Roland Martin?
You mean Jack Cafferty?
You mean Rick Sanchez?
Did you hear Donald Trump called for the recall of Gore’s Nobel Prize? Puddy wonders why?
Another Soft on crime Dummocrapt to leave?… Now where was this guy before? Oh year the Dummocraptic female professor who nutzo…
@38 “another Seattle slapdown of inconvenient truths about an inconvenient God” “down there with their washed-up old imaginary Friend under the wheels of the progressive bus”
Damn. What wonderful commenting by the HNMT. After sobbing for awhile, I fucking laughed my ass off.
I had wondered what had happened last night. Thanks for letting me know.