Maybe we should ask the fourth grade class he recently visited.
Good thing Rahm didn’t say “sucking hind tit”. Palin would be really pissed because she has TWO of those!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
What’s really interesting is what Palin wrote on her hand. As Huffpo noted, either she can’t remember her core values, or doesn’t have any.
Hey Rufus,
There ain’t much difference. Both were reading speeches in front of people with a 4th grade mind set. One used a teleprompter and one used a paper script.
Actually we had a glimpse of Obama’s core beliefs when his telepromter went on the blink.
“Ummmmmm er yeah… ummmmm hmmmphr eeeermmm..ummmm…ummmmmm… Korpsman …. ummmm”
Sort of sums it up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Earlier today, I posted on Stefan’s sucky little blog (from a public library so the IP address can’t be traced to my burrow):
“And how, again, does this supermajority requirement not violate the state constitution?”
to which one of the lemmings responded,
“Hey Roger, since it hasn�t been overturned I guess you should ask the State Supreme Court.”
Be patient, Moondoggie — we will.
* * * * *
In the same thread, Vicki declared:
“Make cuts and stop spending!”
What rock have you been sleeping under, dearie? They already have — to the tune of several billion dollars. Now I have a question for you: What spending should they cut?
This one always stumps conservatives. That’s why they become evasive when you ask them to name specific cuts. They really don’t like the idea of closing the prisons and releasing all the dark-skinned drug fiends, so they’ll sacrifice education if you push them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Earlier today, I posted on Stefan’s sucky little blog (from a public library so the IP address can’t be traced to my burrow):
“And how, again, does this supermajority requirement not violate the state constitution?”
to which one of the lemmings responded,
“Hey Roger, since it hasn�t been overturned I guess you should ask the State Supreme Court.”
Be patient, Moondoggie — we will.
* * * * *
In the same thread, Vicki declared:
“Make cuts and stop spending!”
What rock have you been sleeping under, dearie? They already have — to the tune of several billion dollars. Now I have a question for you: What spending should they cut?
This one always stumps conservatives. That’s why they become evasive when you ask them to name specific cuts. They really don’t like the idea of closing the prisons and releasing all the dark-skinned drug fiends, so they’ll sacrifice education if you push them.
Look at this video, sheep. Don’t pay attention to what’s going on down in Olympia.
proud leftistspews:
I would like some Republican to explain to me how the deficit could be fixed without raising taxes and without withdrawing from our war efforts. And I don’t want to hear the usual la la la about how everything will just be better if we let the market do its thing. The market has done its thing recently, and I don’t think we’re doing very well. I’d like to see some hard statistical analysis, like from the CBO, for instance, to suggest that all we have to do is cut taxes and Shangra La is upon us. We’ve had enough of the Alice in Wonderland fantasies from the right. We need adults here. Raising taxes doesn’t play well at the polls. But, we need to be honest, folks. We have to pay for our wars, and our entitlements, and our infrastructure. Mitch McConnell and John Boehner and and Sarah Palin and the Tea Partiers need to go straight to hell.
I would like some Republican to explain to me how the deficit could be fixed without raising taxes and without withdrawing from our war efforts.
I’m not a Republican of course but I’d venture to say the deficit could be fixed the same way Ronnie Raygun tried and failed to fix it in the eighties:
with mirrors…
Max Rockatanskyspews:
1987 Federal budget deficit(reagan) $148 billion
2010 Federal budget deficit (obama) $1.6 trillion estimated.
and before anybody even blames obama’s deficit on the iraq/afghanistan wars, might I remind you of something called the Cold War, which was at its height in the 1980’s.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
RIP Captain Phil……
proud leftistspews:
Uh, Max, deficit spending is the usual way to try to get out of a depression. Check the numbers in the 1930s. Reagan inherited a happy world that only had to deal with some inflation. He did not, at the same time, inherit two wars. Reagan was a sunny-faced asshole who has distorted American politics since his reign. His own son does not agree with those who claim his mantle. Dig him up. Post him on the throne. That’s what you folks want to do. From my humble perspective, let me say that he did major damage to this nation.
15 – Raygun promised a balanced budget by the end of his first term. He never delivered in either of his terms in office.
Cold War was at its height? Uhh.. Historians would disagree. Remember the building of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent airlift? The raising of the Iron Curtain?
Bill Clinton balanced the budget in his last couple of years in office.
George Bush ran deficits to finance tax cuts for the rich and wars of choice.
Obama is running deficits to clean up the mess of Bush’s wars and to prevent the country from falling into economic depression.
The cowardly turd is so dumb…
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@17…1980 (economically speaking) was a “happy world”? are you fucking kidding me? how old are you? 25?
if you think the late 1970’s and early 1980’s was a great time for the economy, then you must be smoking some of Lee’s weed.
Reagan’s son is irrelevant – he has his opinions just like everyone else does. bfd.
I am not putting RR on a pedestal at all..racist YLB was the one who brought his name up…I was merely comparing the federal deficit numbers.
facts scare you…
Max Rockatanskyspews:
racist ylb shows his age…..clueless.
The cowardly turd can’t face the fact that his beloved right wing Republicans have failed to deliver anything they promised.
Tax cuts for the rich and deregulation were supposed to bring some kind of economic nirvana.
i wonder if it says “CORPSEMAN”…you fucking retards
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Reagan inherited a happy world that only had to deal with some inflation.
Proud Goatist becomes more like the dumb brick ylb arschloch everyday. What were mortgage percentage rates back then Proud Goatist? Puddy remembers because we bought our first house during those times.
Hmmm… 1980…
Russians in Afghanistan
Iran held Americans hostage
Inflation disastrous
Mortgage rates rampant
Proud Goatist taking idiot lessons
Roger Rabbit practicing law
Did ylb arschloch have a job back then?
Thanks Jimmy Cahhhhhhhrter, worse president ever!
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Raygun promised a balanced budget by the end of his first term. He never delivered in either of his terms in office.
This is why we on the right ridicule you ylb arschloch. When Reagan was president you were a little arschloch back then ylb arschloch (well maybe you grew into today’s role), you get your knowledge from “hi(s) story” books.
Since Proud Goatist is a revisionist too. Let’s remember some things about 1980
The inflation rate was the highest since the Korean War during the early 1950s. Inflation was in the 18 to 20 percent range. Puddy bets Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny remembers. Then you had wealth redistribution through inflation. The poor peeps were affected. Really good cracker ylb arschloch. Unemployment was rising fast and it crested nationally at 7.8% mid-summer 1980 and it was higher in the northeast rust belt. Interest rates were on the rise approaching 15%. Peeps were paying off loans with cheaper dollars. Everyone suffered. Puddy’s salary barely moved then. It was very expensive courting the soon to be Mrs Puddy back then. The economy went into recession. Reagan inherited this from Carter.
Next Iran removed approximately 5-6 million barrels of oil from the market. Puddy remembers long gas line waits.
In 1981 Reagan wanted a 30% tax cut. Tip O’Neill and the Dummocraptic Congress blocks this with blustering speeches to the slobbering press. Reagan gets a lower amount of tax cuts.
Reagan tried to balance the budget. Thomas P. Tip O’Neill made a bald face lie promise to Reagan in 1986. Tip promised to cut two dollars from budget spending for each tax dollar raised by Reagan for a tax hike. Congress reneged on the agreement. You can check your daily updated Goldy HA blog backup you provided your silly monomaniacal ASS. Puddy provided all of the links to these 1980s congressional budget details and you have them on your personal computer. Instead you try and rewrite “hi(s) story” books.
Oh and Gorbachev said Reagan was the major reason the Iron Curtain fell. Too bad this blows apart your puny mind. But then again small facts hurt that femtometer sized brain. You have those PuddyLinks too. And they are not right-wing sites either.
Good try at something you have no idea about except reading about it. Puddy lived it. EPIC FAIL FOOL!
Have you started your quest counting the number of times you used whackamole left0wing sites on HA yet fool?
Max Rockatanskyspews:
puddy, this is what happens when lemmings simply digest what revisionist history they are told. Combine that with all the propaganda that gets spewed and you have exactly what the (real) Goebbels was striving for: tell lies enough times and eventually the lemming populace believes it.
I am sure that in 10-15 years time, 20-somethings will actually believe we got our butts kicked in the first gulf war.
teach your kids the truth, and damn the propaganda.
Puddy forgets that the inflation spiral started during the Nixon administration, and continued through the Ford administration, hitting it’s final peak during the Carter administration. Remember Ford’s WIN program (Whip Inflation Now)? That was the idea that all inflation was caused by workers demanding wage increases (to keep up with inflation), and if all the workers agreed to get by on less, and wear WIN buttons, then everyone would be happy.
The economy was kind of spitting along during that entire period, like a four-cylider car trying to work on thre cylanders. I well remember driving to work one evening while I was in high school, in the winter of 1974-75, while an economist was saying that we needed two years of a serious recession to stop inflation – a result the Ford administration wasn’t about to adopt. We eventually DID get the recession, which stopped the inflation – not Reagan’s economic policies.
And Carter did reign in government spending, in the ways in which Republicans say they WANT to cut spending, but never do. For example, any breakfast meeting at the White House required everyone there to buy their own breakfast (which Republican congressmen complained was “insulting”). Custodial services in the executive office buildings was cut back to once a week (which Reagan appointees promptly reinstated to daily service, complaining about having to empty the trash themselves).
There were a lot of very expensive military development projects in the works as the military geared up to modernize and convert to a volunteer army. This meant large outlays for programs which were known (new attack helicopters, funding procurement of a fleet of F-15’s and F-16’s, cruise missle development, etc.). There was also infrastructure improvements which weren’t as well known, which included re-building WWII-era bases to provide better facilities which would attract volunteer recruits. But Carter tried to balance the budget, so military raises were delayed, giving Republicans ammo to criticize him as “not caring for the military”.
In fact, as Reagan’s first budget director said in his book, if Carter’s budget policies had remained in effect, the budget would have been balanced well before the end of Reagan’s Presidency. Instead, due to Reagan’s policy of cutting taxes for the rich first and foremost, the budget wasn’t balanced until 2000 – at which point George W. Bush screwed things up once again by creating a trillion-dollar deficit which the Republicans are now trying to blame on Obama.
I forgot to mention two other things:
(1) There were also completely secret programs, like the stealth bomber program, which had to be kept completely off-budget. That had to be paid for somehown. The Republicans criticized Carter for cancelling the B-1 project, even though they knew the aircraft was already obsolete due to the Stealth project. But that didn’t stop them from trying to use it to criticize Carter as being “soft on the Ruskies”.
(2) If Clinton’s economic policies had remained in effect over the last decade, the federal debt would have been completely eliminated by 2008. Not just a “balanced budget”, but “debt paid off”. We wouldn’t be selling our souls to the Chinese to finance our debt, which is a greater danger to national security and our place in the world order than anything Al Quida could accomplish.
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Right now ylb arschloch is searching the web or his HA BLOG backup he has on his personal system looking for negative Reagan expository evidence to refute Puddy. Puddy used the libtardo MSM web before they started revising history. He won’t check the links in his “database” cuz it’s all there. He’ll refer to David Stockman again as he did before. Puddy doesn’t need David Stockman but the arschloch does. He’ll try and tie in Stockman to some congressional budget action. Tip O’Neill didn’t use Stockman either. Watch the fun begin as the arschloch scratches his arschloch…
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
If Clinton’s economic policies had remained in effect over the last decade, the federal debt would have been completely eliminated by 2008.
How would that happen rhp6033? Bush was under Clinton’s FY2001 budget when he took office. We were attacked on 9/11. Also we know the recession started in Sept 2000 because it’s two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. Puddy was one of the first to remind fools like Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny and correctnotright this over and over and over and over and over… Do you forget these things on purpose?
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
For example, any breakfast meeting at the White House required everyone there to buy their own breakfast
Wow that’s a real cost cutting move. And we see Nancy Pelosi spending $2 Million for her “airplane” rides? Or how much did she spend going to Denmark with her coterie for “global warming”?
Oh, and Puddy, read David Stockman’s book (he was Reagan’s first budget director). The problem with balancing the budget wasn’t the Congress. The Reagan administration couldn’t even PROPOSE a budget which came anywhere near to being balanced. Everyone in the Reagan administration was defending their own turf, military budget increases were sancrosanct, the tax cuts were already in place.
What was left to cut was silly stuff like cutting children’s school lunch programs by calling ketsup a “vegetable”, which didn’t save that much money anyway.
So without any substance to their claims to attempt to balance the budget, they resorted to “smoke and mirrors” (their words). This caused them to use economic growth assumptions which were beyond the wildest imaginations of even the most impassioned supply-side economists, predicting 10%+ growth in the economy every year. This David Stockman called the “rosy scenario”. Of course, everyone knew it was nonsense, but they just wanted to keep the public fooled long enough to get past the 1984 elections.
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Yep, our military was so well equipped it crashed in the Iranian sand.
Of course rhp6033 forgets on 02/14/79 Iranian thugs in demands for the return of Shah Pahlavi, invaded our embassy in Iran and took hostages. These thugs released them several days later. So what did Cahhhhhhhhhrter do after that incursion into our embassy? Absolutely nuthin to protect our embassy. The rest is history.
Yep, Cahhhhhhhhhhrter allowed Iran to sink where it is today.
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Puddy called it. Only rhp6033 is Pavlov’s Doggie today…
Oh, and Puddy, read David Stockman’s book (he was Reagan’s first budget director)
What does that have to do with Tip O’Neill lying about the 1986 budget? Your dopey tax cuts for the rich is another of those “progressive” divide America and try to conquer it with misdirections and insipid arguments.
Here is the straight scoop on your ketchup “argument”. All these links are available from ylb arschloch rhp6033. He has every PuddyLink ever placed here on HA on his Goldy backup of HA.
“Congress cut $1 billion from child-nutrition funding ”
The web site says fighting ignorance since 1973. It’s not working on rhp6033 or other HA libtardos…
Howsit that no one on EITHER side wants to talk about Reagan and Norquist’s BIG IDEA? Their idea was to starve the federal govt as a way of ending Rooseveltian policies.
Looks like they succeeded? This is an albatross that ought to be tatooed around every Republican’s neck!
It’s too funny watching Stupes sling his right wing bullshit with his leeetle side tool max the ignorant coward for “backup”..
rhp did a fine job taking care of you fiend.. Lots of tax cuts and deregulation later – what do we got????
Have a terrific day right wing tools. Got things to do…
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Sure ylb arschloch…
There is no right-wing BULLSHIT because it’s all in the records you moron! Before max was another of Puddy’s sock puppets. What changed ylb arschloch? Oh… you grew a second brain cell? And… the “I have more brains than Puddy” is a weak come back fool!
You had nothing when you arrived in 2004
You have nothing in 2010
And in the future you’ll still have nothing.
Where has rhp6033 taken Puddy apart?
NOWHERE you miserable arschloch! Same meme useless commentary!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 If we let poor children starve where will conservatives get cheap labor for their sweatshops?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Republicans don’t want to fix the deficit. They want more tax cuts for themselves, and more bombing in Iraq and Afghanistan. And they’re not about to give up their farm subsidies! They like feeding at the public trough and running big deficits they can blame on Democrats.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Might I remind you that Obama is running these big deficits to fix an economic mess created by Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 If you want to compare deficits, then you should do it with percentage-of-GDP numbers, because raw dollars not adjusted for inflation, population growth, or the size of the economy are pretty meaningless.
Measured on that basis, Obama’s first-year deficit is nowhere near what the deficit was during World War II, and is only twice, not 10 times, Reagan’s deficit of the early ’80s.
And there’s a qualitative difference between Obama’s and Reagan’s deficits. Just as FDR ran deficits in the 1940s to fight World War II, Obama is running deficits to fight off a Great Depression. Reagan and Bush did it to give tax cuts to rich people — tax cuts that produced few, if any, jobs for the American people. Economists have had a quarter century to pick apart the data, and it’s now clear that “supply-side” was indeed voodoo economics and nothing trickled down from Reagan’s tax cuts.
The reason more people don’t know is because the right wing noise machine is extremely well funded whereas the left has nothing even remotely comparable.
Politically Incorrectspews:
It amazes me how you Neo-socialists have your underwear in knots over Sarah Palin, who isn’t vice-president, when we’ve actually got a retard who actually is the vice-president!!
Bernie Goldberg is correct – keep making fun of Sarah Palin, and you socialists will pay in November 2010 and November 2012. The smart strategy is to shut-up about Palin and concentrate on things and people that matter!
Get a clue, morons!
@43 It amazes me how you Neo-socialists have your underwear in knots over Sarah Palin, who isn’t vice-president, when we’ve actually got a retard who actually is the vice-president!!
Bernie Goldberg is correct – keep making fun of Sarah Palin, and you socialists will pay in November 2010 and November 2012. The smart strategy is to shut-up about Palin and concentrate on things and people that matter!
Get a clue, morons!
brilliat post except for one thing…DONT FUCKING TELL THEM TO SHUT UP!!!!!
keep blabbing retards. lets see, obama is african american and de facto muslim. sarah palin is white and christian. yeah, most people in this country are taking real kindly to the attacks on palin. dont shut up retards…keep yappin.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I actually want Obama to win re-election: that’ll keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House forever, and that’s a good thing!!
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Reagan and Bush did it to give tax cuts to rich people
Once again the divide and conquer tactics of Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny are on full display. Of course ASSHoles oops… arschlochs (gotta break that habit) like ylb arschloch miss these attempts at subterfuge.
Reagan gave everyone a tax break Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny. You received on here in WA State when you were on in-government retirement, claiming you were hard at work as a state “lawyer”.
And since you didn’t read rhp6033’s comments above about Jimmae Cahhhhhhhhhhhrter and how he delayed implementing new DoD systems (well maybe you did but the old “rabbit mind didn’t engage), Reagan IMPLEMENTED those Cahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrter delayed military programs Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny. This military modernization caused most the Reagan deficits along with Tip O’Neill lying about cutting spending.
So many revisionists here on HA Libtardos. Liberal Retards.
@45 I actually want Obama to win re-election: that’ll keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House forever, and that’s a good thing!!
oh boy, you need to reevaluate. in retrospect, bill clinton was really nothing more than a big mac eating skirt chaser. his wife is just an extension. obama on the other hand is truly a communist, (or just really willing to carry out his handlers policies in exchange for some wealth and power). he doesnt lie when he says he wants to fundamently transform america. hilary has some ideas too, but really she’s just a feminist and not nearly as dangerous as obama.
Politically Incorrectspews:
It’s simply a matter of opinion. I think Hillary is dangerous, and you disagree because you think Obama is more dangerous.
Like the Zen master said in Charlie Wilson’s War, “We’ll see.”
{Incidentally, Charlie Wilson died today in Texas.}
Seems as though there are some real peaceful athiest progressives in Texas: 8 arson fires at churches in East Texas in the last 6 weeks.
Rujax or Daddy Love – you been in texas lately?
proud leftistspews:
How touching–Puddy conversing about differences of opinion with the most vile racist on this board, manoftruth. You two should get together sometime and stroke each other. Oh, that’s right, manoftruth hates African-Americans.
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Proud Goatist leaves this smelly “pellet”
How touching–Puddy conversing about differences of opinion with the most vile racist on this board, manoftruth.
Where did Puddy and manoftruth converse in this thread? Puddy will wait you loser!
proud leftistspews:
I erred. Sorry. The exchange is between manoftruth and Politically Incorrect.
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Okay, butt… hmmm… oh well…
proud leftistspews:
Hey, man, if I make a mistake, I admit it. I just read too fast.
Roger Rabbitspews:
47, 48 – I think the two of you would be dangerous if you had any brains. Fortunately, when God handed out brains, he kept the rest of us safe.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Calling the Walrus Joel Connelly
I think it’s time your dumbass retracts your ignorant piece in the PI about the Tebow ad, sight unseen of course. My advice? Next time, before writing with complete ignorance of the content, watch the 30 second ad first. Assumptions are for assholes like Goldy.
Debate in America: Extremes and excesses
Feb 1, 2010
Extremes and excesses heard in America’s debate over abortion are in striking disconnect with the thoughtful, conflicted middle ground occupied by a majority of its citizens…The mother-son Tebow ad is advocacy. Do I approve of its message?Not really.
…Of course, it’s alot easier to approve or disappove of a message when you haven’t seen it and just take it on good authority of the Proborts that it’s an “advocacy” ad. What a complete asshat.
Abortion is a deeply personal matter, far more complex than Focus on Family would depict it.
Would depict it? Tell me, what about the ad you found objecionable? Oh, that’s right, I bet you didn’t find anything at all objectionable. You took an extreme view and made “assumptions” about something because of who placed the ad. A learning moment in real journalism Joel, better late than never.
In national opinion polls, the public wisely refrains from making sweeping judgments.
But apparently Joel Connelly is exempt from making sweeping judgments on ad he hadn’t seen prior to writing this bilge.
Roger Rabbitspews:
52, 54 – Why are you apologizing to that buttwipe? They don’t apologize for their mistakes. Even when their mistakes kill people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 I don’t see any difference between abortion and Haditha. Why are you against one, but not the other?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ask Joe Darby how much respect rightwingers have for human life. A soldier who simply did his duty, the Abu Ghraib whistleblower had to be protected on a military base around the clock because rightwingers threatened to kill him.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 58 I realize you’re not playing with a full deck, Roger, but conflating the willfull abortion of an innocent life here in the U.S. with a war zone like Haditha is batshit crazy on any level known to man.
Congrats…I guess.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember how rightwingers mocked us liberals for complaining about a few pages of the Koran being flushed down the toilet?
Well, here’s a photo of a page from the Koran being flushed down the toilet.
Ooops, wrong picture, that’s a photo of one of the Iraqis the Abu Ghraib torturers murdered. And, oh yeah, their commanding general said 90% of the detainees were innocent.
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny, that useless scrawny bunny fur is what we who think right use as buttwipe.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And, oh yeah, Darby was promised anonymity by Army investigators but Donald Rumsfeld revealed his name in a televised congressional hearing.
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny
47, 48 – I think the two of you would be dangerous if you had any brains.
That’s the pot calling the kettle black.
I realize you’re not playing with a full deck, Roger
A very correct statement. The elevator hasn’t left the third sub basement.
We see your brainless twatter here every day!
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Remember how rightwingers mocked us liberals for complaining about a few pages of the Koran being flushed down the toilet?
“Based on what we know now, we are retracting our original story that an internal military investigation had uncovered Koran abuse at Guantanamo Bay,” the magazine [Newsweek]said in a statement from editor Mark Whitaker.
Try to keep up with current event, Roger. It appears you are years behind the times.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Have you ever wondered what’s in the photos the government blocked from being released in the U.S.? Well, you don’t have to guess, because they were broadcast by an Australian TV network. They include,
” … prisoners crawling on the floor naked, being forced to perform sexual acts, and being covered in feces. Some images also show homicide and corpses, some shot in the head and some with slit throats.”
An Army CID agent (Criminal Investigation Division) summarized them as follows:
” … a total of 1,325 images of suspected detainee abuse, 93 video files of suspected detainee abuse, 660 images of adult pornography, 546 images of suspected dead Iraqi detainees, 29 images of soldiers in simulated sexual acts, 20 images of a soldier with a Swastika drawn between his eyes, 37 images of Military Working dogs being used in abuse of detainees and 125 images of questionable acts.”
(Quoted from Wikipedia; emphasis added)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Remember what the rightwingers said at the time. They claimed the only abuse that occurred was that a few terrorists got slapped around and a few pages were ripped out of Korans. They were lying. We now know that prisoners were beaten, raped, attacked by dogs, covered with feces, forced to masturbate in front of U.S. female guards, and murdered. And that the overwhelming majority of the detaines were completely innocent. It would make any reasonable person ashamed to be an American, because there’s no difference between what our soldiers did in Iraq and what the Nazis did to the Jews.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Abu Ghraib torturers, and their wingnut apologists, dishonored our country and brought disrepute on my beloved United States Army. They should all be jailed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@65 Great. You guys didn’t abuse the Koran. You only beat, sodomized, and murdered people who read the Koran. Nice going, wingfucks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Maybe that’ll get you into the 12th compartment of Hell instead of the 13th compartment.
Puddybud is Sad for Steve's Lossspews:
Hey Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny… why are you on the Abu Ghraib kick again?
Is Odumba’s ASS-kicking getting you down so you have to revisit something more “appealing” to your “sensibilities”?
What a maroon! What Grainer and his “wife” did was/is/will always be despicable, just like the 30 years you claimed to be a “lawyer” for de state. At least we’ll never call you…
Judd for the Defense.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Apologists for torturers @ 64 & 65: I’ll bet your mothers are real proud of you two.
@70 What you unpatriotic rightwing criminals did at Abu Ghraib should be remembered for the same reason that Auschwitz should be remembered.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That shit didn’t happen on a Democrat’s watch.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
68. Roger “batshit crazy hare-brain” Rabbit spews:
@65 Great. You guys didn’t abuse the Koran. You only beat, sodomized, and murdered people who read the Koran.
You’ve already been proven a liar with your first accusation of the Koran being “flushed” @ 61, so what makes you think your rambling, incoherent accusations in that mess above @ 68 are believable? You’re a hater, Roger. My advice? Get a life.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
72. Roger Rabbit spews:
@70 What you unpatriotic rightwing criminals did at Abu Ghraib should be remembered for the same reason that Auschwitz should be remembered.
…and I’m sure the ancestors of Goldstain and Lee the bet welcher agree with that statement that panties on the head is equivelent to the mass extermination of 6 million jews in Germany.
You’re fucking nuttier than squirrel a turd, Roger.
Honestly, man, seek some help.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@75 I don’t see any “panties on the head” in that photo I posted @61, but I do see a dead body in a body bag — and you call me a liar?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@75 “Honestly, man, seek some help.”
My sense of moral outrage is in fine shape, thank you. You’re the deranged fanatic who needs counseling.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
got another look at the PACKED ST light rail train today at 9am heading north to seattle along I5 in Tukwilla….
it was PACKED with all of 5 people on it…
how come all the progressives who voted for the light rail line never seem to ride it?
and you fucks want to raise taxes even more?
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
76. Roger Rabbit spews:
@75 I don’t see any “panties on the head” in that photo I posted @61, but I do see a dead body in a body bag — and you call me a liar?
Wow, and you call yourself a former lawyer and judge? That photo is exactly proof of nothing in the form of homicide. You assume it is a dead Iraqi from Abu Ghraib yet it could conceivably be a posed photo of a fellow GI passed out drunk after a night of revelry. Even you wouldn’t take this case to court with such flimsy circumstancial evidence.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
77. Roger Rabbit spews:
My sense of moral outrage is in fine shape, thank you.
haha, how is that when you actively support the genocide happening within the black community? I suppose that would imply that your morals are more in line with the traditional eugenicists like Margaret Sanger.
Go back and look at the votes that approved the light rail line, there are too many people voting yes for it to just be progressives (you’re misusing the term progressive, btw) that were voting for it. If you’re going to rant about light rail you’re going to need to expand the populations included in your rant.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@81…so where are all the riders????
Um… Maybe on the 8.30 train so they could get to work at 9? But, that’s missing my point (and I was mostly joking). Light rail was voted in by a whole hell of a lot more people than just the Seattle progressives. If you’re going to bitch about it you need to be more inclusive in your bitching and bitch about all the different folks that voted for it.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@83….fair enough – but I think we have a pretty good idea who the majority of voter’s political views are….
Still missing my point. When it came to light rail the majority of voters comprised a wide swath of the population with a wide variety of views.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@85….I get your point – I just dont necessarily agree with it. I think you would find that most supporters are from a certain political bent…just my opinion.
First! I commented on this yesterday.
What would Obama’s Telepromter Say?
Maybe we should ask the fourth grade class he recently visited.
Good thing Rahm didn’t say “sucking hind tit”. Palin would be really pissed because she has TWO of those!!!
What’s really interesting is what Palin wrote on her hand. As Huffpo noted, either she can’t remember her core values, or doesn’t have any.
Hey Rufus,
There ain’t much difference. Both were reading speeches in front of people with a 4th grade mind set. One used a teleprompter and one used a paper script.
Actually we had a glimpse of Obama’s core beliefs when his telepromter went on the blink.
“Ummmmmm er yeah… ummmmm hmmmphr eeeermmm..ummmm…ummmmmm… Korpsman …. ummmm”
Sort of sums it up.
Earlier today, I posted on Stefan’s sucky little blog (from a public library so the IP address can’t be traced to my burrow):
“And how, again, does this supermajority requirement not violate the state constitution?”
to which one of the lemmings responded,
“Hey Roger, since it hasn�t been overturned I guess you should ask the State Supreme Court.”
Be patient, Moondoggie — we will.
* * * * *
In the same thread, Vicki declared:
“Make cuts and stop spending!”
What rock have you been sleeping under, dearie? They already have — to the tune of several billion dollars. Now I have a question for you: What spending should they cut?
This one always stumps conservatives. That’s why they become evasive when you ask them to name specific cuts. They really don’t like the idea of closing the prisons and releasing all the dark-skinned drug fiends, so they’ll sacrifice education if you push them.
Earlier today, I posted on Stefan’s sucky little blog (from a public library so the IP address can’t be traced to my burrow):
“And how, again, does this supermajority requirement not violate the state constitution?”
to which one of the lemmings responded,
“Hey Roger, since it hasn�t been overturned I guess you should ask the State Supreme Court.”
Be patient, Moondoggie — we will.
* * * * *
In the same thread, Vicki declared:
“Make cuts and stop spending!”
What rock have you been sleeping under, dearie? They already have — to the tune of several billion dollars. Now I have a question for you: What spending should they cut?
This one always stumps conservatives. That’s why they become evasive when you ask them to name specific cuts. They really don’t like the idea of closing the prisons and releasing all the dark-skinned drug fiends, so they’ll sacrifice education if you push them.
6 – Hmmm.. Doofus doesn’t think much of Obama.
That must be because he won the White House with less than 50 percent of the popular vote..
Uhh ..uuh.. wait a minute.. Obama DID win with over 50 percent…
Of course Doofus thinks highly of Palin..
She reads really well from her palm-o-prompter..
That’s kindly known as “appropriate technology”.
RR – the real solution is to let the poor children starve. Stop feeding the parasites and that will solve the deficit!
Look at this video, sheep. Don’t pay attention to what’s going on down in Olympia.
I would like some Republican to explain to me how the deficit could be fixed without raising taxes and without withdrawing from our war efforts. And I don’t want to hear the usual la la la about how everything will just be better if we let the market do its thing. The market has done its thing recently, and I don’t think we’re doing very well. I’d like to see some hard statistical analysis, like from the CBO, for instance, to suggest that all we have to do is cut taxes and Shangra La is upon us. We’ve had enough of the Alice in Wonderland fantasies from the right. We need adults here. Raising taxes doesn’t play well at the polls. But, we need to be honest, folks. We have to pay for our wars, and our entitlements, and our infrastructure. Mitch McConnell and John Boehner and and Sarah Palin and the Tea Partiers need to go straight to hell.
I’m not a Republican of course but I’d venture to say the deficit could be fixed the same way Ronnie Raygun tried and failed to fix it in the eighties:
with mirrors…
1987 Federal budget deficit(reagan) $148 billion
2010 Federal budget deficit (obama) $1.6 trillion estimated.
and before anybody even blames obama’s deficit on the iraq/afghanistan wars, might I remind you of something called the Cold War, which was at its height in the 1980’s.
RIP Captain Phil……
Uh, Max, deficit spending is the usual way to try to get out of a depression. Check the numbers in the 1930s. Reagan inherited a happy world that only had to deal with some inflation. He did not, at the same time, inherit two wars. Reagan was a sunny-faced asshole who has distorted American politics since his reign. His own son does not agree with those who claim his mantle. Dig him up. Post him on the throne. That’s what you folks want to do. From my humble perspective, let me say that he did major damage to this nation.
15 – Raygun promised a balanced budget by the end of his first term. He never delivered in either of his terms in office.
Cold War was at its height? Uhh.. Historians would disagree. Remember the building of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent airlift? The raising of the Iron Curtain?
Bill Clinton balanced the budget in his last couple of years in office.
George Bush ran deficits to finance tax cuts for the rich and wars of choice.
Obama is running deficits to clean up the mess of Bush’s wars and to prevent the country from falling into economic depression.
The cowardly turd is so dumb…
@17…1980 (economically speaking) was a “happy world”? are you fucking kidding me? how old are you? 25?
if you think the late 1970’s and early 1980’s was a great time for the economy, then you must be smoking some of Lee’s weed.
Reagan’s son is irrelevant – he has his opinions just like everyone else does. bfd.
I am not putting RR on a pedestal at all..racist YLB was the one who brought his name up…I was merely comparing the federal deficit numbers.
facts scare you…
racist ylb shows his age…..clueless.
The cowardly turd can’t face the fact that his beloved right wing Republicans have failed to deliver anything they promised.
Tax cuts for the rich and deregulation were supposed to bring some kind of economic nirvana.
i wonder if it says “CORPSEMAN”…you fucking retards
Proud Goatist becomes more like the dumb brick ylb arschloch everyday. What were mortgage percentage rates back then Proud Goatist? Puddy remembers because we bought our first house during those times.
Hmmm… 1980…
Russians in Afghanistan
Iran held Americans hostage
Inflation disastrous
Mortgage rates rampant
Proud Goatist taking idiot lessons
Roger Rabbit practicing law
Did ylb arschloch have a job back then?
Thanks Jimmy Cahhhhhhhrter, worse president ever!
This is why we on the right ridicule you ylb arschloch. When Reagan was president you were a little arschloch back then ylb arschloch (well maybe you grew into today’s role), you get your knowledge from “hi(s) story” books.
Since Proud Goatist is a revisionist too. Let’s remember some things about 1980
The inflation rate was the highest since the Korean War during the early 1950s. Inflation was in the 18 to 20 percent range. Puddy bets Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny remembers. Then you had wealth redistribution through inflation. The poor peeps were affected. Really good cracker ylb arschloch. Unemployment was rising fast and it crested nationally at 7.8% mid-summer 1980 and it was higher in the northeast rust belt. Interest rates were on the rise approaching 15%. Peeps were paying off loans with cheaper dollars. Everyone suffered. Puddy’s salary barely moved then. It was very expensive courting the soon to be Mrs Puddy back then. The economy went into recession. Reagan inherited this from Carter.
Next Iran removed approximately 5-6 million barrels of oil from the market. Puddy remembers long gas line waits.
In 1981 Reagan wanted a 30% tax cut. Tip O’Neill and the Dummocraptic Congress blocks this with blustering speeches to the slobbering press. Reagan gets a lower amount of tax cuts.
Reagan tried to balance the budget. Thomas P. Tip O’Neill made a bald face lie promise to Reagan in 1986. Tip promised to cut two dollars from budget spending for each tax dollar raised by Reagan for a tax hike. Congress reneged on the agreement. You can check your daily updated Goldy HA blog backup you provided your silly monomaniacal ASS. Puddy provided all of the links to these 1980s congressional budget details and you have them on your personal computer. Instead you try and rewrite “hi(s) story” books.
Oh and Gorbachev said Reagan was the major reason the Iron Curtain fell. Too bad this blows apart your puny mind. But then again small facts hurt that femtometer sized brain. You have those PuddyLinks too. And they are not right-wing sites either.
Good try at something you have no idea about except reading about it. Puddy lived it. EPIC FAIL FOOL!
Have you started your quest counting the number of times you used whackamole left0wing sites on HA yet fool?
puddy, this is what happens when lemmings simply digest what revisionist history they are told. Combine that with all the propaganda that gets spewed and you have exactly what the (real) Goebbels was striving for: tell lies enough times and eventually the lemming populace believes it.
I am sure that in 10-15 years time, 20-somethings will actually believe we got our butts kicked in the first gulf war.
teach your kids the truth, and damn the propaganda.
Puddy forgets that the inflation spiral started during the Nixon administration, and continued through the Ford administration, hitting it’s final peak during the Carter administration. Remember Ford’s WIN program (Whip Inflation Now)? That was the idea that all inflation was caused by workers demanding wage increases (to keep up with inflation), and if all the workers agreed to get by on less, and wear WIN buttons, then everyone would be happy.
The economy was kind of spitting along during that entire period, like a four-cylider car trying to work on thre cylanders. I well remember driving to work one evening while I was in high school, in the winter of 1974-75, while an economist was saying that we needed two years of a serious recession to stop inflation – a result the Ford administration wasn’t about to adopt. We eventually DID get the recession, which stopped the inflation – not Reagan’s economic policies.
And Carter did reign in government spending, in the ways in which Republicans say they WANT to cut spending, but never do. For example, any breakfast meeting at the White House required everyone there to buy their own breakfast (which Republican congressmen complained was “insulting”). Custodial services in the executive office buildings was cut back to once a week (which Reagan appointees promptly reinstated to daily service, complaining about having to empty the trash themselves).
There were a lot of very expensive military development projects in the works as the military geared up to modernize and convert to a volunteer army. This meant large outlays for programs which were known (new attack helicopters, funding procurement of a fleet of F-15’s and F-16’s, cruise missle development, etc.). There was also infrastructure improvements which weren’t as well known, which included re-building WWII-era bases to provide better facilities which would attract volunteer recruits. But Carter tried to balance the budget, so military raises were delayed, giving Republicans ammo to criticize him as “not caring for the military”.
In fact, as Reagan’s first budget director said in his book, if Carter’s budget policies had remained in effect, the budget would have been balanced well before the end of Reagan’s Presidency. Instead, due to Reagan’s policy of cutting taxes for the rich first and foremost, the budget wasn’t balanced until 2000 – at which point George W. Bush screwed things up once again by creating a trillion-dollar deficit which the Republicans are now trying to blame on Obama.
I forgot to mention two other things:
(1) There were also completely secret programs, like the stealth bomber program, which had to be kept completely off-budget. That had to be paid for somehown. The Republicans criticized Carter for cancelling the B-1 project, even though they knew the aircraft was already obsolete due to the Stealth project. But that didn’t stop them from trying to use it to criticize Carter as being “soft on the Ruskies”.
(2) If Clinton’s economic policies had remained in effect over the last decade, the federal debt would have been completely eliminated by 2008. Not just a “balanced budget”, but “debt paid off”. We wouldn’t be selling our souls to the Chinese to finance our debt, which is a greater danger to national security and our place in the world order than anything Al Quida could accomplish.
Right now ylb arschloch is searching the web or his HA BLOG backup he has on his personal system looking for negative Reagan expository evidence to refute Puddy. Puddy used the libtardo MSM web before they started revising history. He won’t check the links in his “database” cuz it’s all there. He’ll refer to David Stockman again as he did before. Puddy doesn’t need David Stockman but the arschloch does. He’ll try and tie in Stockman to some congressional budget action. Tip O’Neill didn’t use Stockman either. Watch the fun begin as the arschloch scratches his arschloch…
How would that happen rhp6033? Bush was under Clinton’s FY2001 budget when he took office. We were attacked on 9/11. Also we know the recession started in Sept 2000 because it’s two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. Puddy was one of the first to remind fools like Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny and correctnotright this over and over and over and over and over… Do you forget these things on purpose?
Wow that’s a real cost cutting move. And we see Nancy Pelosi spending $2 Million for her “airplane” rides? Or how much did she spend going to Denmark with her coterie for “global warming”?
Oh, and Puddy, read David Stockman’s book (he was Reagan’s first budget director). The problem with balancing the budget wasn’t the Congress. The Reagan administration couldn’t even PROPOSE a budget which came anywhere near to being balanced. Everyone in the Reagan administration was defending their own turf, military budget increases were sancrosanct, the tax cuts were already in place.
What was left to cut was silly stuff like cutting children’s school lunch programs by calling ketsup a “vegetable”, which didn’t save that much money anyway.
So without any substance to their claims to attempt to balance the budget, they resorted to “smoke and mirrors” (their words). This caused them to use economic growth assumptions which were beyond the wildest imaginations of even the most impassioned supply-side economists, predicting 10%+ growth in the economy every year. This David Stockman called the “rosy scenario”. Of course, everyone knew it was nonsense, but they just wanted to keep the public fooled long enough to get past the 1984 elections.
Yep, our military was so well equipped it crashed in the Iranian sand.
Of course rhp6033 forgets on 02/14/79 Iranian thugs in demands for the return of Shah Pahlavi, invaded our embassy in Iran and took hostages. These thugs released them several days later. So what did Cahhhhhhhhhrter do after that incursion into our embassy? Absolutely nuthin to protect our embassy. The rest is history.
Yep, Cahhhhhhhhhhrter allowed Iran to sink where it is today.
Puddy called it. Only rhp6033 is Pavlov’s Doggie today…
What does that have to do with Tip O’Neill lying about the 1986 budget? Your dopey tax cuts for the rich is another of those “progressive” divide America and try to conquer it with misdirections and insipid arguments.
Here is the straight scoop on your ketchup “argument”. All these links are available from ylb arschloch rhp6033. He has every PuddyLink ever placed here on HA on his Goldy backup of HA.
“Congress cut $1 billion from child-nutrition funding ”
The web site says fighting ignorance since 1973. It’s not working on rhp6033 or other HA libtardos…
Howsit that no one on EITHER side wants to talk about Reagan and Norquist’s BIG IDEA? Their idea was to starve the federal govt as a way of ending Rooseveltian policies.
Looks like they succeeded? This is an albatross that ought to be tatooed around every Republican’s neck!
It’s too funny watching Stupes sling his right wing bullshit with his leeetle side tool max the ignorant coward for “backup”..
rhp did a fine job taking care of you fiend.. Lots of tax cuts and deregulation later – what do we got????
Have a terrific day right wing tools. Got things to do…
Sure ylb arschloch…
There is no right-wing BULLSHIT because it’s all in the records you moron! Before max was another of Puddy’s sock puppets. What changed ylb arschloch? Oh… you grew a second brain cell? And… the “I have more brains than Puddy” is a weak come back fool!
You had nothing when you arrived in 2004
You have nothing in 2010
And in the future you’ll still have nothing.
Where has rhp6033 taken Puddy apart?
NOWHERE you miserable arschloch! Same meme useless commentary!
@11 If we let poor children starve where will conservatives get cheap labor for their sweatshops?
@13 Republicans don’t want to fix the deficit. They want more tax cuts for themselves, and more bombing in Iraq and Afghanistan. And they’re not about to give up their farm subsidies! They like feeding at the public trough and running big deficits they can blame on Democrats.
@15 Might I remind you that Obama is running these big deficits to fix an economic mess created by Republicans.
@15 If you want to compare deficits, then you should do it with percentage-of-GDP numbers, because raw dollars not adjusted for inflation, population growth, or the size of the economy are pretty meaningless.
Measured on that basis, Obama’s first-year deficit is nowhere near what the deficit was during World War II, and is only twice, not 10 times, Reagan’s deficit of the early ’80s.
And there’s a qualitative difference between Obama’s and Reagan’s deficits. Just as FDR ran deficits in the 1940s to fight World War II, Obama is running deficits to fight off a Great Depression. Reagan and Bush did it to give tax cuts to rich people — tax cuts that produced few, if any, jobs for the American people. Economists have had a quarter century to pick apart the data, and it’s now clear that “supply-side” was indeed voodoo economics and nothing trickled down from Reagan’s tax cuts.
sj @ 34
It’s discussed plenty. Here’s a good primer:
The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Ruined Government, Enriched Themselves, and Beggared the Nation by Thomas Frank. He also wrote <a href="'s the Matter With Kansas?
The reason more people don’t know is because the right wing noise machine is extremely well funded whereas the left has nothing even remotely comparable.
It amazes me how you Neo-socialists have your underwear in knots over Sarah Palin, who isn’t vice-president, when we’ve actually got a retard who actually is the vice-president!!
Bernie Goldberg is correct – keep making fun of Sarah Palin, and you socialists will pay in November 2010 and November 2012. The smart strategy is to shut-up about Palin and concentrate on things and people that matter!
Get a clue, morons!
It amazes me how you Neo-socialists have your underwear in knots over Sarah Palin, who isn’t vice-president, when we’ve actually got a retard who actually is the vice-president!!
Bernie Goldberg is correct – keep making fun of Sarah Palin, and you socialists will pay in November 2010 and November 2012. The smart strategy is to shut-up about Palin and concentrate on things and people that matter!
Get a clue, morons!
brilliat post except for one thing…DONT FUCKING TELL THEM TO SHUT UP!!!!!
keep blabbing retards. lets see, obama is african american and de facto muslim. sarah palin is white and christian. yeah, most people in this country are taking real kindly to the attacks on palin. dont shut up retards…keep yappin.
I actually want Obama to win re-election: that’ll keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House forever, and that’s a good thing!!
Once again the divide and conquer tactics of Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny are on full display. Of course ASSHoles oops… arschlochs (gotta break that habit) like ylb arschloch miss these attempts at subterfuge.
Reagan gave everyone a tax break Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny. You received on here in WA State when you were on in-government retirement, claiming you were hard at work as a state “lawyer”.
And since you didn’t read rhp6033’s comments above about Jimmae Cahhhhhhhhhhhrter and how he delayed implementing new DoD systems (well maybe you did but the old “rabbit mind didn’t engage), Reagan IMPLEMENTED those Cahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrter delayed military programs Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny. This military modernization caused most the Reagan deficits along with Tip O’Neill lying about cutting spending.
So many revisionists here on HA Libtardos. Liberal Retards.
I actually want Obama to win re-election: that’ll keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House forever, and that’s a good thing!!
oh boy, you need to reevaluate. in retrospect, bill clinton was really nothing more than a big mac eating skirt chaser. his wife is just an extension. obama on the other hand is truly a communist, (or just really willing to carry out his handlers policies in exchange for some wealth and power). he doesnt lie when he says he wants to fundamently transform america. hilary has some ideas too, but really she’s just a feminist and not nearly as dangerous as obama.
It’s simply a matter of opinion. I think Hillary is dangerous, and you disagree because you think Obama is more dangerous.
Like the Zen master said in Charlie Wilson’s War, “We’ll see.”
{Incidentally, Charlie Wilson died today in Texas.}
Seems as though there are some real peaceful athiest progressives in Texas: 8 arson fires at churches in East Texas in the last 6 weeks.
Rujax or Daddy Love – you been in texas lately?
How touching–Puddy conversing about differences of opinion with the most vile racist on this board, manoftruth. You two should get together sometime and stroke each other. Oh, that’s right, manoftruth hates African-Americans.
Proud Goatist leaves this smelly “pellet”
Where did Puddy and manoftruth converse in this thread? Puddy will wait you loser!
I erred. Sorry. The exchange is between manoftruth and Politically Incorrect.
Okay, butt… hmmm… oh well…
Hey, man, if I make a mistake, I admit it. I just read too fast.
47, 48 – I think the two of you would be dangerous if you had any brains. Fortunately, when God handed out brains, he kept the rest of us safe.
Calling the Walrus Joel Connelly
I think it’s time your dumbass retracts your ignorant piece in the PI about the Tebow ad, sight unseen of course. My advice? Next time, before writing with complete ignorance of the content, watch the 30 second ad first. Assumptions are for assholes like Goldy.
Debate in America: Extremes and excesses
Feb 1, 2010
…Of course, it’s alot easier to approve or disappove of a message when you haven’t seen it and just take it on good authority of the Proborts that it’s an “advocacy” ad. What a complete asshat.
Would depict it? Tell me, what about the ad you found objecionable? Oh, that’s right, I bet you didn’t find anything at all objectionable. You took an extreme view and made “assumptions” about something because of who placed the ad. A learning moment in real journalism Joel, better late than never.
But apparently Joel Connelly is exempt from making sweeping judgments on ad he hadn’t seen prior to writing this bilge.
52, 54 – Why are you apologizing to that buttwipe? They don’t apologize for their mistakes. Even when their mistakes kill people.
@56 I don’t see any difference between abortion and Haditha. Why are you against one, but not the other?
Ask Joe Darby how much respect rightwingers have for human life. A soldier who simply did his duty, the Abu Ghraib whistleblower had to be protected on a military base around the clock because rightwingers threatened to kill him.
@ 58 I realize you’re not playing with a full deck, Roger, but conflating the willfull abortion of an innocent life here in the U.S. with a war zone like Haditha is batshit crazy on any level known to man.
Congrats…I guess.
Remember how rightwingers mocked us liberals for complaining about a few pages of the Koran being flushed down the toilet?
Well, here’s a photo of a page from the Koran being flushed down the toilet.
Ooops, wrong picture, that’s a photo of one of the Iraqis the Abu Ghraib torturers murdered. And, oh yeah, their commanding general said 90% of the detainees were innocent.
Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny, that useless scrawny bunny fur is what we who think right use as buttwipe.
And, oh yeah, Darby was promised anonymity by Army investigators but Donald Rumsfeld revealed his name in a televised congressional hearing.
Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny
That’s the pot calling the kettle black.
A very correct statement. The elevator hasn’t left the third sub basement.
We see your brainless twatter here every day!
Um, yeah, only because that story was proven to be proven false and retracted by Newsweek that ran the story.
Try to keep up with current event, Roger. It appears you are years behind the times.
Have you ever wondered what’s in the photos the government blocked from being released in the U.S.? Well, you don’t have to guess, because they were broadcast by an Australian TV network. They include,
” … prisoners crawling on the floor naked, being forced to perform sexual acts, and being covered in feces. Some images also show homicide and corpses, some shot in the head and some with slit throats.”
An Army CID agent (Criminal Investigation Division) summarized them as follows:
” … a total of 1,325 images of suspected detainee abuse, 93 video files of suspected detainee abuse, 660 images of adult pornography, 546 images of suspected dead Iraqi detainees, 29 images of soldiers in simulated sexual acts, 20 images of a soldier with a Swastika drawn between his eyes, 37 images of Military Working dogs being used in abuse of detainees and 125 images of questionable acts.”
(Quoted from Wikipedia; emphasis added)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Remember what the rightwingers said at the time. They claimed the only abuse that occurred was that a few terrorists got slapped around and a few pages were ripped out of Korans. They were lying. We now know that prisoners were beaten, raped, attacked by dogs, covered with feces, forced to masturbate in front of U.S. female guards, and murdered. And that the overwhelming majority of the detaines were completely innocent. It would make any reasonable person ashamed to be an American, because there’s no difference between what our soldiers did in Iraq and what the Nazis did to the Jews.
The Abu Ghraib torturers, and their wingnut apologists, dishonored our country and brought disrepute on my beloved United States Army. They should all be jailed.
@65 Great. You guys didn’t abuse the Koran. You only beat, sodomized, and murdered people who read the Koran. Nice going, wingfucks.
Maybe that’ll get you into the 12th compartment of Hell instead of the 13th compartment.
Hey Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny… why are you on the Abu Ghraib kick again?
Is Odumba’s ASS-kicking getting you down so you have to revisit something more “appealing” to your “sensibilities”?
What a maroon! What Grainer and his “wife” did was/is/will always be despicable, just like the 30 years you claimed to be a “lawyer” for de state. At least we’ll never call you…
Judd for the Defense.
Apologists for torturers @ 64 & 65: I’ll bet your mothers are real proud of you two.
Click here for picture of their mother.
@70 What you unpatriotic rightwing criminals did at Abu Ghraib should be remembered for the same reason that Auschwitz should be remembered.
That shit didn’t happen on a Democrat’s watch.
You’ve already been proven a liar with your first accusation of the Koran being “flushed” @ 61, so what makes you think your rambling, incoherent accusations in that mess above @ 68 are believable? You’re a hater, Roger. My advice? Get a life.
…and I’m sure the ancestors of Goldstain and Lee the bet welcher agree with that statement that panties on the head is equivelent to the mass extermination of 6 million jews in Germany.
You’re fucking nuttier than squirrel a turd, Roger.
Honestly, man, seek some help.
@75 I don’t see any “panties on the head” in that photo I posted @61, but I do see a dead body in a body bag — and you call me a liar?
@75 “Honestly, man, seek some help.”
My sense of moral outrage is in fine shape, thank you. You’re the deranged fanatic who needs counseling.
got another look at the PACKED ST light rail train today at 9am heading north to seattle along I5 in Tukwilla….
it was PACKED with all of 5 people on it…
how come all the progressives who voted for the light rail line never seem to ride it?
and you fucks want to raise taxes even more?
Wow, and you call yourself a former lawyer and judge? That photo is exactly proof of nothing in the form of homicide. You assume it is a dead Iraqi from Abu Ghraib yet it could conceivably be a posed photo of a fellow GI passed out drunk after a night of revelry. Even you wouldn’t take this case to court with such flimsy circumstancial evidence.
haha, how is that when you actively support the genocide happening within the black community? I suppose that would imply that your morals are more in line with the traditional eugenicists like Margaret Sanger.
Go back and look at the votes that approved the light rail line, there are too many people voting yes for it to just be progressives (you’re misusing the term progressive, btw) that were voting for it. If you’re going to rant about light rail you’re going to need to expand the populations included in your rant.
@81…so where are all the riders????
Um… Maybe on the 8.30 train so they could get to work at 9? But, that’s missing my point (and I was mostly joking). Light rail was voted in by a whole hell of a lot more people than just the Seattle progressives. If you’re going to bitch about it you need to be more inclusive in your bitching and bitch about all the different folks that voted for it.
@83….fair enough – but I think we have a pretty good idea who the majority of voter’s political views are….
Still missing my point. When it came to light rail the majority of voters comprised a wide swath of the population with a wide variety of views.
@85….I get your point – I just dont necessarily agree with it. I think you would find that most supporters are from a certain political bent…just my opinion.