– Who could have predicted the GOP budget would be a clusterfuck?
– the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Fortnight for would-be Pacific Northwest coal exporters
– Washington’s tax code is so full of holes it’s a doily
– The religious right are supporting Mark Sanford. Because of course they are.
– Thank God they protected us from Sharia Law!
– Hockey would be more interesting if they had hypersonic gas guns.
Why do those racist liberals oppose the wishes of our democratically elected president?
Pressure mounts on Obama from left over ‘chained CPI’
Don’t they know that he won the election and that there is no valid reason to criticize him on policy differences, ergo the only reason must be racism?
Libbies want new revenues? They got new revenues:
Right there in the budget. Existing Use Tax, $40M, Liquor tax $25M.
Neither existed in the last biennium. There’s your new revenues.
Oh. And they stuck $150M, net, into savings. That must be the clusterfuck part you were yammering about – the planning for the future when we might be in worse shape than we are now.
Sadly this happened. Yes, Obummer’s booming economy!
Puddy is sad for those people.
Slow news day. Stock market’s up, North Korea hasn’t attacked, nothing to talk about except … yawn … Republican budget idiocy. Yawn.
Then again Poor Obummer, complaining he can’t screw up the economy any worse than it is without Stretch Pelosi at the helm of the House.
PuddyCommentary: What Obummer is truly saying is he can’t executive order it much longer and he can’t operate without a stacked deck. Call Obummer a whambulance. Does anyone think Stretch Pelosi would be hired as a greeter at Price Club? Sam’s Club? Walmart? Costco? It’s that darn “charter of negative liberties” that keep Obummer from “being successful”! Darn it! He can’t be “Fundamentally Transforming the United States of America” without Pelosi’s help deciding what bills and amendments to bring up and what bills and amendments to kill Like Harry Reid (Rodney Tom locally) does in the US Senate for Obummer’s benefit. Well it did take a Pelosi quote to be part of the national lexicon forever: “We Have to Pass the Bill to Find Out What’s In It”
Slow news day… ACLU not happy with Harry Reid’s gun legislation…
PuddyCommentary: When the ACLU joins Republican thought, you know this they see this is a total Obummer/Reid/Feinstein gun grab and as Puddy mentioned before… the ACLU is against your psychological profile being made public. So the Lanzas, Loughners and Holmes will continue to get guns even though they are crazy loons.
Will Chris or Al or Rachel or Chris mention this on the puke libtard cable channel? Will the lamestream MSM mention this? Or as Puddy surmises, the coverup will begin today! Well without Pelosi to muzzle the ACLU in the House maybe this will get some attention after all. After all, this is part of the grand Obummer gun grab agenda. Witness what witless Biden said.
This might be the article of the day:
The only salient change has been a diminution in the share of the electorate self-identifying as Republicans, and an increase in Independents. And therein lies the rub. You see, the vast majority of Independents aren’t all that independent. They are “closet partisans,” regardless of how they might label themselves. These Republicans-turned-Independents have almost entirely driven the growing gap in partisan identification, but have actually tended to hold on to their Republican voting habits. This is why the Romney-Ryan ticket was able to win self-identified Independents by five points while still losing the election; this is also what gave birth to the horribly mistaken notions that the pre-election polls were under-sampling Republicans, and that the Republican edge with Independents foreshadowed a big GOP win.
Something for everybody.
Read more: http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....z2PVsNayZY
S O R O S…
A big favorite of this right wing jerk:
% b cs -t puddymoron -b soros -c
| count |
| 250 |
1 row in set
There’s a new kid on the block:
S T E Y E R..
Ok, he’s little focused on one particular issue but shoot it’s only the survival of humanity that’s at stake.
Would liberals support Bill O’Reilly in this feud with Limbaugh? That’s seems a little awkward.
What improves public health, increases high-school graduation rates, reduces poverty, reduced the need for abortions and helps balance state budgets?
Effective, affordable, accessible contraception.
I’m for it. What say you?
Why is contraception so hard for Conservatives to support?
See rhpee6033,
Got something to say rhpee6033?
1) It’s a private thing – Cover it!
2) Libtards don’t want these pictures seen
3) Libtards turn the argument back against Conservatives by the comment above
4) Planned Parenthood is an abortion provider not a contraceptive dispenser. Remember their spokeswoman COULD NOT ANSWER the simple question of a botched abortion and the child was born alive? PP response
Of course.. after national uproar over their lobbyist, Alisa LaPolt Snow, went stoooooooopid and the rest of America watched it!
@ 10
Effective, affordable, accessible contraception.
How hard is it to walk into a Rite-Aid and pick up a three-pack of Trojans, dude?
What you want is already in existence. Hell, you can pick them up for free from the school nurse in a lot of places.
Troll, A feud requires two people to argue with each other. O’Reilly said he has no time for Limbaugh. Krauthammer agreed with OReilly Troll.
As Puddy says to libtards, you need better material!
Remember what Lee said:
You’re the most stupid person he’s ever encountered..
Remember what puddyidiot said:
Lee is more intelligent…
Remember what Darryl said:
You’re a pathological liar..
Carry on stupid! You need this place.
Reading this morning’s account in our free copy of the Seattle Times of the state of negotiations between Chris Hansen’s group and the NBA officials (including Clay Bennett as–wait for it–chair of the league’s relocation committee) is a little like watching a rape victim arrange for a night out with her attacker.
Played into the PuddyHands again! Oh my unemployed ylb, thanks for the Lee comment. You should really research what you post. Becuz this is what Lee went nutzo over…
And the second one is this:
And for the third one Puddy wouldn’t admit Puddy’s material source.
Thanks for playing unemployed ylb. Man it must really suck to be you. You can’t even figger it out. You run to the crazed databaze without looking at context! HAHAHAHAHA! Stay unemployed, it’s the best job you’ve ever held.
Um nope you dope. Puddy can disappear when HE CHOOSES!
ROTFLRHMBBAO! You lose again! Thanks for playing. Three more EPIC FAYLES on the crazed databaze use!
16 – Bennet and his buddy, the disgraced Aubrey McClendon are two of the biggest right wing scumbags alive..
If the other owners are anything like Bennet, it will be a miracle if Seattle gets a team.
13 comments a day for almost 8 years.. Uh I don’t think so..
I found a good name for you. Remember Babylon 5?
Babble-on 13…
Your words dummy.. I’m just following through.
You could have said “let’s put this off for a month, got a personal tragedy to attend to”..
So it’s settled. You’re stupid!
And you surely did unemployed ylb. Seems you are dancing on the grave of our friends who lost their child in a car accident. That’s the difference between Puddy and unemployed ylb. Unemployed ylb is a crASS jackASS who doesn’t comprehend when someone reacts to a sad situation and dances on someone’s grave.
Good job unemployed ylb. Stoooooooooopid as ever and you proved it again and again and again.
Thanks for playing unemployed ylb!
I have been following the shut down of Montana bus operator Rimrock Stages by the FMCSA. When I posted the story on a railfan board, I mentioned that while Amtrak has the US 2 corridor, they had no service where the Rimrock went. Up until 1979-1980, there was a train on that route as well, the North Coast Hiawatha. It was derided as the Mansfield Special, after it’s booster Montana Senator and Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield. I suggested that it might be a good idea to revive it, but within limits. I would, instead of a second Chicago-Seattle train, have it be a section of the Empire Builder between Spokane and Fargo. I would try to save even more, by having the split done where the routes split near Sandpoint, Idaho, but since the Empire Builder traverses the area at night, and the coupling and decoupling is already done in Spokane with the Seattle and Portland sections.
Puddy, since you keep refering to YLB as the unemployed, tell everyone, or me at least, maybe the others already know, what do you do for a living? How do you contribute to society?
You are pathological unemployed ylb. You need help, but unemployed ylb won’t get help. Pathologicals never see their problem!
Shoot almost forgot this one:
Remember what Puddyidiot said:
Darryl is a smart man.
The “smart man” called it on a certain “pathological liar” who can’t shake his HA habit.
And the “smart man” was right last Nov 6. as opposed to right wing idiots who sheepishly followed the “unskewed pollster”..
How it sucks to be you!
“How hard is it to walk into a Rite-Aid and pick up a three-pack of Trojans, dude?”
When we start seeing you birth similar goats over insurance coverage of erectile dysfunction drugs then maybe you’ll quit coming off as someone with a very strange, um, fixation on women’s insurance coverage issues while being blind to those for men.
@13 Right you are, sir!
Oh….but that would require men to take some responsibility in the matter. I sure don’t hear much about that from the various GOP legislators and pundits. There’s a great deal of talk about “sluts”, but not so much about “schmucks”.
Of course, the other issue this raises is the concept of “If you ain’t gonna be good, be careful”. There seem to be a lot of minds so filled with real and imagined “moral absolutes” that they aren’t even willing to admit to the possibility of (ahem!) situational ethics.
@7 Republican presidential candidates have lost the popular vote in four of the last five elections. That should tell you something about what the public thinks of the GOP’s agenda of enriching the rich at the expense of the middle class and poor.
You are pathological unemployed ylb. You need help, but unemployed ylb won’t get help. Pathologicals never see their problem!
You forget Roger, the libtard MSM called it early for Al Gore in Florida and exit polls proved GW Bush supporters in the panhandle (one time zone later) and western states didn’t vote. So while you are technically correct, you forget the media’s part in the 2000 voting.
Gee Bob may know a lot about radiology but appears to know crap about contraception..
Assuming “perfect use” of condoms, the failure rate is significantly higher than IUD’s which have 99 percent effectiveness.
As we all know.. Men are far from perfect.
Except in the minds of right wingers like Bob and PuddySilly.
@23 What’s wrong with being unemployed? I’m unemployed, and I made $750 today from dabbling in stocks. That’s a lot more than those striking NYC fast food workers make! “Work hard to get ahead” is a myth foisted on American teenagers by cheap labor exploiters. The only thing hard work gets you is more work! If you want to get ahead, you have to own not owe.
Decoder ring?
@29 So now you want to argue about counting the votes of Florida Republicans who didn’t vote? Sounds like the GOP’s legal arguments in Chelan.
Why do conservatives think that effective, affordable, accessible contraception for women is no more complicated than a three-pack of Trojans?
Have they forgotten what a society changer “The Pill” was? It was both reasonably effective, easy, and it didn’t need the man to well…”man up” and take responsibility for his actions every single time. It empowered women to control what happened in their bodies.
Nothing 85% failure rate.
Condom 15% percent typical failure rate.
the Pill 8% percent typical failure rate.
(Vasectomy 1.5% percent typical failure rate.)
Bob is worried!
Can hardly wait to see what all these right wing scumbags have been hiding!
Like this jerk..
Couldn’t happen to nicer people.
Apologizing for unemployed ylb? Nothing wrong when you are independently wealthy or retired. But when you stay at home not getting a job so you can blog all day on HA while not providing an improved life for your wife and children is ludicrous, looney and stoooooopid! Those are the three of the many tendencies of unemployed ylb!
Puddy’s comment from the unemployed ylb link!
Jack Lew… Obummer‘s man. Remember unemployed ylb, the “Largest Tax Scam in the World” according to the person you swear allegiance to!
Gotta admit you are allowing old Puddy comments to come to life for a second time.
Thanks for playing coffin dancer! Another EPIC FAYLE! So stupid!
The scumbag right winger puddyidiot said I’m “dancing on the grave” of his friend’s child.. which is a lie from a pathological liar.. I did nothing of the kind.
He also said:
Interesting. Too old to go to a DL and take a standard IQ test and lose a bet to someone more intelligent..
Not too old to drag his wife to a DL for a skin color check..
Not too old to “babble-on” an average of 13 comments a day here for 8 years straight..
Who brought up a comment over 5 YEARS and 3 MONTHS ago? unemployed ylb! So you are dancing on the grave unemployed ylb! Now why did unemployed ylb bring that comment up? A poor poor attempt at ridicule. Very poor poor attempt unemployed ylb. So when everyone sees what you are doing Puddy is reminding them the circumstances of the comment. If unemployed ylb had done his homework unemployed ylb would not be having his daily conniption fit unemployed ylb is so well known for!
So sad and typical. Another EPIC FAYLE.
Thanks for playing loser unemployed ylb! Sucks to be you moron!
Regarding my wife… Seems you still have a hard-on for my wife and her life. Well if you were intelligent, you could have married above your pay grade. Well… since your pay is $0 Puddy guesses anyone would make that so! Must be you aren’t getting any so you drool over Mrs Puddy!
One sick mofo to be so pathological and PWNed by someone so superior!
As Puddy said above:
P A T H O L O G I C A L!
@36 Mrs. Rabbit’s and my bunnies’ lives improved dramatically when I quit my job and began flipping stocks. Work doesn’t pay, dolt! Only capitalists make money in the New Economy.
@38 I think I know where puddy was when he disappeared recently. I’ll bet he was standing in queue at a Cyprus bank ATM machine.
@39 The shit you post on the internet stays there forever, puds.
Heh.. Hardly.. You however?
b cs -t puddymoron -b “seiu wife” -c
| count |
| 20 |
1 row in set
Turnabout is fair play..
Which union is it?
Damn Roger, Puddy busted!
And Puddy not upset about the comment. It was heart felt 5 years 3 months ago. Puddy ridiculing unemployed ylb for trying to use a comment on death as a hammer. Except anyone can see another EPIC FAYLE!
Pavlov called it @39, along with unemployed ylb’s dancing on a coffin.
-t – terrific
-b – brave
-c – courageous
Thanks for playing unemployed ylb! Such a sucka!
Lie.. I was reinforcing your own admission that you’re an idiot!
3004 % tctmgr search -pv .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘pavlov’ | cut -f1,4-5
pavlov count 273
3005 % tctmgr search -pv .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘monomaniacal’ | cut -f1,4-5
monomaniacal count 378
3006 % tctmgr search -pv .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘chronological’ | cut -f1,4-5
chronological count 171
@47, Lie… plagiarizer? You brought up the comment without realizing the context. Puddy stands by the
You can’t run from the truth!
So stupid tout le temps. Il est vraiment pénible! PWNed!
There is no Puddymoron anywhere on this blog! It’s all in your unemployed mind. Thanks for playing again the PuddyMind game! So easy when the opponent is a pig! Just lead the unemployed one on and he’ll always create his own slop!
Now onto more important activities than kicking the unemployed ylb arschloch… Seems another shocker has appeared. Wow who knew… Adam Lanza had a special gun
PuddyCommentary: If that was true, then all the libtard led MSM would be screaming about it. So how could a crazy guy have an automatic weapon especially in Connecticut?
And if this is true The Emerging Democratic Majority Turns 10,then Obummer should be upset with his own party not Republicans because people like DUMMOCRAPTIC Senator Heidi Heitkamp ain’t jumping up and down on these “new” gun laws.
Seems your good preznit is trying to be the imperial dictator but that darn “charter of negative liberties” that keep Obummer from “being successful”! Who knew DUMMOCRAPTS would be stymieing Obummer?
@50 “Seems your good preznit is trying to be the imperial dictator”
guffaw! Want to know what a dictator is? A guy who authorizes kidnapping and torture, and lies about it; a guy who authorizes illegal wiretapping of U.S. citizens and lies about it; a guy who starts a war using lies as an excuse …
@50, @51…and “imperial” implies invading other countries, exploiting their resources and enslaving their people.
More evidence the rich don’t actually pay the taxes they carp about — until they’re caught.
“New data from the IRS shows that [of] tax filers with taxable incomes of $1 million or more [who] were audited … only about a quarter … had no change in taxes paid.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Three-fourths of the millionaires who get audited by the IRS are tax cheats! Who wudda thunk? I’ll bet they donate to GOP candidates, too.
Roger Ebert passed away today.
This saddens me. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed his writing for decades.
From 53,
Yet another good example why we should have a simple, flat-rate personal income tax rather than the complicated mess that we currently have.
You haven’t been paying attention… Peeps from your side are calling him imperial. Puddy pasted the link and commentary before. Ask the lowest life form@48 for the link.
Puddy is amazed HA libtards don’t ask the lowest life form@48 for proof from the crazed databaze! It’s there and you can determine if Puddy placed the link on HA!
Sadly, Roger will never get it. Too blinded by his left wrong love!
Naaah many give money to DUMMOCRAPTS! And you know it!
I’m not one who has used browser bookmarks in the last 10 years, but I bookmarked this from Mr. Roger Ebert, and if you somehow choose not to ever read anything he’s written, read this.
Go gentle into that good night
Here’s a taste:
@56 “You haven’t been paying attention”
To you? Of course not. I generally pass right over anything you post. I just happened to spot Roger’s response to one of your pieces of drivel, and felt his statement could use a little further elaboration.
Mike Boy Scout:
Roger Ebert’s passing saddens me also. I checked out a library book written by Mr. Ebert: Ebert’s Essentials: “33 Movies to Restore Your Faith in Humanity”
“There’s a reason for every title in this collection. They all have that one thing in common— the goodness of people. They are very different people and good in many different ways, but all of them, whatever the place in life that fate has led them to, try to do the best they can with their opportunities. Yes, that can restore your faith in humanity. We need more of these films and fewer weekend blockbusters entertaining young people with the slaughter and suffering of anonymous victims in action pictures.
Ebert,Roger (2012-05-08). 33 Movies to Restore Your Faith in Humanity: Ebert’s Essentials . Andrews McMeel Publishing LLC.
Peace out.
Well ArtFart, your loss. Staying stupid comes really easy to you. Your peeps call him imperial dictator, Puddy reports it.
@60, :-) You are married to one very lucky Bunny.
When Greedy Capitalists Run School Lunches, Kids Go Hungry
“As many as 25 students at a Massachusetts school were denied lunch this week because they either could not pay or their pre-paid accounts were short on funds, schools officials and parents said. Outraged parents say some students at Coelho Middle School in Attleboro cried when they were told by a worker for the district’s food service provider they could not eat on Tuesday. … Fifth-grader Victoria Greaves, 11, said she and other students who had already been served their lunch were told to throw it in the trash when they reached the checkout.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What kind of asswipe outfit would make hungry kids throw away food because they can’t pay for it? A private for-profit company, that’s who! This kind of shit wouldn’t happen if the school ran its own lunch program — you know, publicly-funded i.e. socialist school lunches. Another fucking free-enterprise failure.
@63 I’m a capitalist, but not that kind of capitalist. I only filch from other stock flippers who are trying to filch from me.
Spuddy, stop running from the truth and tell us how much shit you sucked out of Rmoney’s ass!
First you refuse to give us the amount, then you accuse your accuser; finally you become so ashamed of having sucked shit out of a losers ass you try to deny it.
Give it up spuddy, admit to your shit sucking.
Keep asking moron@65… Steve calls it Projection, a Psych 101 Thing. Not ashamed of not doing something. So, your accusations of something that never happened are as sad as the lower life form@48 who has Puddy in his head.
Sad sack of human excrement U R! Thanks for playing.
Funny no rhpee6033 sighting… Puddy wonders why?
This is a great story. Seems its too great for any of the HA leftists to cover. Puddy wonders why is that? Prolly cuz it’s an Obummer supporter accusing a black man of a rape that never happened.
Nope. I said that YOU SAID that Lee is more intelligent than you..
And I proved YOU SAID THAT..
Nothing else.. If you claim I said anything else.. YOU ARE LYING OR YOU ARE STUPID which just makes my point.
Speaking of dancing, IIRC, you NEVER DENIED if Mike Webb’s grave was put before you, YOU WOULD DANCE ON IT..
This much stupidity tends to hold that up:
% b cs -H webb -c
| count |
| 1718 |
1 row in set
@64 Telling kids who had already been served to throw their food in the trash has to qualify as some special kind of stupid.
Consider also the dee-lightful fare that was in question here: The lunch du jour consisted of a grilled cheese sandwich, a few slices of pickle and a mini-carton of milk.
Loved the headlines today. Cancer patients on Medicare being turned away without chemo from cancer clinics. Let the rationing begin.
Also the fed will have to spend a couple of billion per year hiring 140,000 new employees at $20 to $48 per hour just to explain the choices the of plans in the medical exchanges.
Also 80,000 new IRS agents to enforce it. Ca Ching ca Ching
While due to obamacare, average medical plans are now expected to rise 32% this year.
And this was all sold as a plan which would bring down the costs.
Really now,
HAHAHAHAHAHA! You were the tool unemployed ylb who forgot the dates of Mike Webb’s demise. You danced on his grave just like you did above. Puddy doesn’t have to answer anything you put forth because if everyone remembers you reposted the Mike Webb PuddyComments BEFORE he died and accused Puddy of of commenting AFTER he died. That’s why you are an EPIC chronological FAILURE from for the last eight years unemployed ylb.
You have all day everyday to plan your attacks yet unemployed ylb time is not on your unemployed side. Your crazed databaze EPIC FAYLED you again fetid cretin. For your 131st attack with the crazed databaze, why not read the context first so you don’t look as stoooooooooooopid as you normally are? Can you imagine what you could have become if you actually applied those “skillz” toward a job instead of your continual blogging on HA and plagiarizing other left wrong sites?
Sad, so sad! And your children are the beneficiaries of your selfish unemployed actions with a lower standard of living. Great job there unemployed ylb. Hope you feel excellent not providing for them properly and instead attacking Cynical, Rob, Mark, Mark1, Mark the Redneck, Sarah, HowCan, many others and Puddy every day for the last eight years with hate 24×7 and useless name calling and inferred fetid commentary? Momma must be real proud of you!
So carry one so everyone can laugh again at your EPIC FAILURES with the crazed databaze. Thanks for playing. Sux to be you!
Hey, Roger Rabbit:
Be sure and tell us how much money you’re making today.
April 5, 2013, 9:35 a.m. EDT
Stocks open sharply lower; jobs count disappoints
Not everything in Madison, WI is a complete descent into idiocy.
Current climate models tend to underestimate the occurrence of the clouds ICECAPS researchers found, limiting those models’ ability to predict cloud response to Arctic climate change and possible feedback like spiking rates of ice melt.
While on the topic, the models also underestimate solar influence.
IPCC5, where are you?
Why I’ll never donate to NPR, brief version:
Just now during the local fund drive I heard KUOW talk about how insightful the analysis and commentary is on their station. In doing so they spun the awful news @ 74 as related to the sequester, and mentioned that the unemployment rate nonetheless dropped.
There’s one bright side to this morning’s economic news, I realized.
With the labor participation rate falling, YLB will have more company during the day.
I think the GOP is using North Korea as a model of the society they want to create here. Consider:
1. They rig elections so the (GOP) regime will be “elected” no matter who you vote for;
2. They want to militarize our economy and threaten every country on earth;
3. They’re against food stamps in order to introduce North Korean-style starvation into the United States;
4. They talk about rounding up political opponents (liberals) and detaining them in concentration camps;
5. They want to censor news and communications so the public only hears the propaganda they wish to broadcast;
6. They want to enslave workers and allow laborers no organizing rights or minimum wage; and
7. They want to replace science education with personality cults.
Yep, it sure looks like Republicans are trying to turn America into another North Korea!
@74 You’re forgetting I make my bones buying CHEAP stocks.
And nothing can make stocks cheap faster than GOP austerity!
Well that ain’t happening until FY2018 at the earliest. Obummer and Reid will ensure they’ll try to get as much of your stock proceeds as possible.
Another reason Obummer is a weak president. Say what you want about GW Bush… Russia knew he meant business. With Obummer they are now reacting to the new missile defense flexibility Obummer gave them after the election!
An awful lot of bluster only to find that people don’t like having their names put on lists that might be used for nefarious purposes.
But Democratic sources tell TIME that the tough background check bill that emerged from the Judiciary Committee March 12, doesn’t appear to have the votes to overcome a filibuster when it comes to the Senate floor in the next week or two, let alone get through the Republican controlled House. The push by Obama and his allies, including a $12 million ad buy by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, appears only to have highlighted the fact that any bill that includes paper records for all private sales can’t pass Congress.
Read more: http://swampland.time.com/2013.....z2Pc9EWLPM
Now here’s a redundant headline if I’ve ever seen one:
Obamacare Incompetence
Massive Data Leak Exposes 2.5 Million Secret Bank Accounts
A massive data leak today exposed more than 2.5 million secret offshore bank accounts holding trillions of dollars of tax-dodging celebrities, politicians, gangsters, and rich people. This should be fun …
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yet more evidence of rich people complaining about taxes they don’t pay!
@84 You could as easily write:
Private Insurance Company Incompetence
See, e.g., http://www.interestingideas.com/ii/incomp.htm
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Incompetence is a universal human trait found everywhere — in government, private business, etc. If the intended point of Cereal Bob’s comment is to “prove” government is more incompetent than the private sector, my response would be, if that’s so how come administrative and overhead costs in the private health insurance industry are 30 times higher than in government-run Medicare?
@83 Fine, let’s not have background checks, what’s a few dozen or hundred more dead school children? My question is, how can anyone with a conscience oppose background checks with a straight face? You have to be a Republican to do that.
An interesting viewpoint
Who cares if little people, if labor and farmers suffer. A very callus and cruel way to view things and it didn’t seem to accomplish what they wanted.
This was an interesting comment
Speaking of which
@88 To some people — generals, bankers, cheap labor conservatives — human beings are merely ciphers. A soldier is an “asset” until he’s dead; a bank customer is a “profit center” until he’s broke, etc. When they’re no longer useful to those exploiting them, they’re simply written off.
28,000 rivers wiped off the map of China
Fascinating. Wonder what scared thirsty people do if this gets bad?
Number of dead pigs found in Chinese rivers rises to 16,000
Roger, being a libtard lawyer, you know the ACLU numbers… Give them a call! They are having issues with background checks. Why? Too many crazy leftists would be exposed. How many on this blog fit that narrative?
The pig issues is big in China… They love their pig. Restaurant menus in Beijing, Hong Kong, and Shanghai have many different type of pig on the menu! Puddy glad he don’t eat da pig!
LOL! I think your count is off…
Can’t read for shit.. Can’t count for shit.. Lies all the time…
It’s always fun to see how the conservatives distort and misconstrue the facts. Can’t trust them for nothing.
What are law and order conservatives always saying? “If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear”. Funny how they don’t want it applied to them.
Anyway, on to the facts….
The ACLU isn’t against background checks to keep guns out of the hands of “bad’ people, they are against the government being able to keep background check data in an archive.
You know what, I agree with the ACLU on this one.
@93 “Puddy glad he don’t eat da pig!”
Are you a Muslim?
@95 What’s so terrible about cops being able to trace a gun used in a crime to its owner?
You need a brain to think…
See ya. Thanks for braying!
Say what you want want about HA… Everyone here knows you’re an idiot..
Thanks for playing..
In other news, this is your typical DUMMOCRAPT from Chicago…
DUMMOCRAPTS even their candidates are low information voting candidates!
News reports indicate the homeowners association of the private community where law-abiding teenager Trayvon Martin was gunned down by a self-appointed vigilante have settled a wrongful death lawsuit brought against it by the Martin family for “in excess of” $1 million.
The alleged shooter, George Zimmerman, is not a party to the settlement. The Martin family intends to sue him later.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Regardless of whether Zimmerman beats the criminal charges — I don’t think he will — his life is ruined. He will be forced into bankruptcy and the notoriety of having shot an innocent teenager will follow him for the rest of his life. His one-time dream of becoming a police officer is gone; with his rap sheet, he won’t even be able to get a security guard job, because he’ll never be bondable. It’s one thing for an elderly grandmother to shoot an armed intruder inside her home. It’s totally different for a trigger-happy young punk with bad judgment and delusions of glory to go out on the streets looking for trouble. Trouble tends to find people like that.
Not saying anything about HA unemployed ylb. Puddy saying it about YOU! Nice try at deflection. Unfortunately another 663,000 people are no longer in the workforce due to the man you voted for unemployed ylb. Unfortunately now they are similar to you, not like you. No one wants to be like you unemployed ylb.
Thanks for playing. Deflection FAYLE!
Got proof?
Puddy attains a hitherto unprecedented level of loonacy @100 wherein he implies that a moviegoer who pulls a gun and blasts away at a shooter in a darkened theater will somehow save lives instead of adding to the casualty toll.
Oh yeah, one more thing, when the police arrive they will think there are TWO shooters, not one, and they’ll take out BOTH of ’em.
@103 You’ll get your proof when the Zimmerman jury returns its verdict.
@103 Blame Obama! Blame Obama! Blame Obama! squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak
Work is obsolete.
Roger can’t read… Roger can’t think… Roger can’t compute…
Puddy said nothing of the sort. Poor Roger, not only is he losing his mind but doesn’t take the time to read that this Obummer low information voter is trying to take over Jesse Jackson Jr.’s seat.
This is why Puddy calls you DUMB Roger. And you complain about truth and facts from us whom think right.
Thanks for playing Roger. Sux 2 B U!
Then Roger compounds the fact that he didn’t comprehend the article.
It really sux 2 B U!
Once again, we are shown an inescapable fact: Republicans, including their useful idiots like piddl and cheapshotBob, are a pack of sociopaths intent on fomenting hate, stoking prejudice, and manipulating people through fear and anger and greed to achieve a singular end: the relentless impoverishment of the masses and the expanding enrichment of the very very few.
Goly Lib da schmucko, Puddy been showing these are DUMMOCRAPT traits since 2005.
Didn’t say you did.. I was mocking your braindead idiocy..
Where was your beloved fool you voted for twice when Russia sent her troops into the Republic of Georgia?
You lose!
Wow.. This is specious and this jerk has some nerve after voting twice for an idiot who was killing jobs at a 700k per month clip before he shuffled off to Buffalo in 2009!
Glad to hear you’re putting yourself on redord as being against vigilantes packing heat in crowded movie theaters, putz. That may get you in trouble with the NRA crowd, though.
Did you go to university? lolita rape and torture love her huge tits
chydtipstftbtt, cdsbspicmg
@115, 116 – We already have plenty of trolls spamming this website, so you two jerks may as well join the crowd.