Man, Norman Rockwell this ain’t. Boomers come to grannyhood!
“I guess you’ve all seen the president’s remarks or read about the president’s remarks, well I’ve got some remarks of my own. I was back in Washington, D.C. about two weeks ago, going up and down the halls of the capitol telling people about our economy here, trying to get them to be sympathetic to what we’re trying to accomplish, then I have to read what President Obama said. He has a real psychological hang up about the entertainment capitol of the world. An apology won’t be acceptable this time, I don’t know where his vendetta comes from but we’re not going to let him make his bones by lambasting Las Vegas, that’s why (the press) is here today.
He didn’t learn his lesson the first time, but when he hurt our economy by his ill conceived rhetoric, we didn’t think it would happen again, but now that it has I want to assure you, when he comes I’ll do everything I can to give him the boot back to Washington and to visit his failures back there. I gotta tell you this, everybody says I shouldn’t say it, but I gotta tell you the way it is. This president is a real slow learner.” – Las Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman
So preznit Odumba, why do you hate the poor working peeps who overwhelmingly voted for you in Vegas in 2008? Why are you about the task of hurting them? Why are you deserting these supporters? Are you making sure Harry Land Deal Reid is kicked to the curb this fall by attacking Vegas and Nevada?
CBS is owned by Viacom, and Viacom is run by Sumner Redstone, and Sumner Redstone’s birth name is Sumner Rothstein, which is a Jewish name, as is Goldstein.
How pathetic. A bunch of old nags sounding like 12 year old who didn’t get their way. Must be liberals.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Looks like Grammy material to me!
Proud To Be An Assspews:
FOX = Fucking Obnoxious Xenophobia
Proud To Be An Assspews:
“Am I batshit crazy, or smart as a fox?”
The question answers itself, mr. batshit.
Running ads from right-wing flying monkeys is and old trick of the Liberal MSM. They lure you in with that shit, and then BAM! You’re a homo lovin’ socialist baby killer.
Yeah, those were the chicks dropping acid and fucking in the mud at Woodstock. With the same amount of credibility they ever had…
He didn’t learn his lesson the first time, but when he hurt our economy by his ill conceived rhetoric, we didn’t think it would happen again, but now that it has I want to assure you, when he comes I’ll do everything I can to give him the boot back to Washington and to visit his failures back there. I gotta tell you this, everybody says I shouldn’t say it, but I gotta tell you the way it is. This president is a real slow learner.” – Las Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman
So preznit Odumba, why do you hate the poor working peeps who overwhelmingly voted for you in Vegas in 2008? Why are you about the task of hurting them? Why are you deserting these supporters? Are you making sure Harry Land Deal Reid is kicked to the curb this fall by attacking Vegas and Nevada?
Do you think Obam-Mao’s buddy, Harry “the Skeletor” Reid is beaming with pride after Obam-Mao’s stupid comment (again)??
Here is poor Harry..getting his ass kicked in Nevada polls mainly from hugging up to Obam-Mao and what does he get in return?
Rick Santorum said poor Harry hugging Obam-Mao is like HUGGING A CACTUS!
Reid is screwed.
Greta was interviewing John McCain who was laughing at Reid and all his hysterical rhetoric. Greta asked McCain if he would like to call Harry a name…and he respectfully called him “Majority Leader”. But McCain did say maybe he would run in Nevada.
I wish McCain had said he can’t wait to call Reid FORMER SENATOR!!
Reid is a douchebag.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
The only thing worse than a fucktard liberal from the 60’s is one that didn’t grow up some 40 years later. Now, ugly from decades of drug and alcohol abuse and dependency, bitter from trying to shove an ideologically driven square peg in a round hole for the last half century, and last but not least, batshit crazy from birth most likely…I give you the ragin’ grannies.
Besides, these ignorant blue hairs have never seen the ad they’re bleating on about, which makes them even more ignorant than batshit crazy…which in their case, is an accomplishment.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
“Rick Santorum said….”
Whoa right there. You mean ‘man on dog’ Rick the pathetic EX senator from Pennsylvania who ekes out a meager living on wingnut welfare? That Santorum?
Seriously, KKK, you are delusional.
Mathew "RennDawg" Rennerspews:
Someone needs to wash those pro-infantcide grannies mouths with soap. There language is disgraceful.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@14: Jealous, eh?
To Puddy’s conservative friends… don’t take the progressive bowel movement road. These wimens have the right to protest. Don’t be like progressives who got their tits in clothes pins over the CA Prop 8 vote and it became lawsuit city.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 18 Puddybud
No one has said they don’t have the right to protest an ad they haven’t seen, but it also doesn’t mean I that I don’t have the same right to voice my opinion of their low intellect for doing so.
Besides, David Goldstain says the blue hairs “rip anti-choice superbowl ad” when nothing in the ad even discusses abortion. It’s just another lazy goldstain thread based in emotion rather than reality.
proud leftistspews:
Wow, is the wingnut echo chamber working tonight? Puddy to Cynical to Little Ricky Dumbass. That’s not quite Evers to Tinker to Chance. That is how, however, the wingnuts project their influence. They all commend each other for their nonsense, even though they are a small percentage of the populace. I must commend them, despite their small numbers–they make themselves look like they are significant.
@20 I must commend them, despite their small numbers–they make themselves look like they are significant
No such kudos to you, counselor!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 To think we once saw them as sexy …
Go, grannies, go.
proud leftistspews:
Odds are pretty good that you will be coming to someone like me in your sorry future and asking for help. You will say something like, “I’m not like all the others. My claim is real. I know all the others lie.” That’s when I know a wingnut is begging for help. Happens all the time, more than you can imagine. I don’t take those cases, because wingnuts are not truthful.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Wow, now two wannabe delusional batshit crazy lawyers turn up on this site to chime in? Now I’ve seen it all.
Seek counseling kids, really.
proud leftistspews:
Ack, at 20, please let me correct myself. I think the double play trio was Tinker to Evers to Chance. I could Google such, but every once in awhile, I’d like to see if my recall works. I do know that Puddy to Cynical to Little Ricky Dumbass is what wingnuts consider a double, if not triple, play combo. What they don’t realize is that they are giving high 5s to one another without a clue that no one else recognizes their self-proclaimed triumph.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 @2 Ahhh yes, Mayor Goodman, who:
Was a Mafia lawyer;
Was rated “least effective public official” by readers of the Las Vegas newspaper;
Wants to legalize prostitution in Las Vegas;
Told 4th graders his hobby is drinking and if he was marooned on a desert island he’d bring a showgirl and a bottle of gin;
Said graffiti artists should have their thumbs cut off on TV, and children who get in trouble should be whipped or caned …
… now, what was it again your source said about PRESIDENT Obama, puddinghead?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Who did you fuck in the mud, your sister?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “The only thing worse than a fucktard liberal from the 60’s is one that didn’t grow up some 40 years later.”
Great, another self-hating troll.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 Yeah, kinda like Sergeant York firing rapidly at the Germans to make them think he’s a whole battalion.
These ladies do provide a place for a truce between left and right.
All men with any sense of compassion have to at least feel sorry for the poor bastards married to these lovely ladies regardless of where they stand politically.
Wow, so now righties are into assaulting grandmothers. You guys never cease to amaze.
Mathew "RennDawg" Rennerspews:
Assaulting grannies? My father washed my mouth out with soap once. It was not assault it was a lesson. One more kids need. These pro-infantcide grannies should be ashamed of there foul language. When I was a kid and one of my grandmothers talked likr this in front of me I probially would not see them until they changed.
Wait a minute fool. Puddy remembered somewhere on this blog where you said you liked your crooks better than our crooks. He’s a “good” Dummocraptic Jewish lawyer from Philadelphia. He’s one of you and Proud Goatish’s fraternity members fool. Only thing is he made money being a barrister. What say you again? You can try and lambaste him all you want but he’s a Dummocrapt through and through even though he now says he’s thinking of being an “independent”.
Pay attention to facts Dumb Bunny! So what say you now fool? Nothing in #27 and nothing now.
@27 Told 4th graders his hobby is drinking and if he was marooned on a desert island he’d bring a showgirl and a bottle of gin;
rog, are these the same 4th graders you want homosexuals coming into their classrooms teaching sex? and the same ones you hand out condoms to? yeah the same ones
Proud To Be An Assspews:
So when Hitler sent Ribbentrop to Moscow in ’39 that made him a communist, right?
@24 Odds are pretty good that you will be coming to someone like me in your sorry future and asking for help
Actually, counselor, odds are pretty much zilch that a person living in Seattle will be going to you for your “services,” such as they are. Perhaps you’d like to describe the types of services you provide, your fees, your experience, and point us to evals from former clients so prospective clients can kick the tires? Chances are your Web site or bio doesn’t provide the client evals, and if it does, they’re the positive ones. So point us to your Avvo profile instead. You do have one, don’t you, counselor?
With 20,000+ licensed attorneys in the state, chances are you’re just a hack who charges exorbitant fees for dime-a-dozen services. So show us that profile so we can see what your clients have to say . . .
The Centristspews:
re 37: “…someone like me….”
Can you grasp the import of this phrase as it relates to your rant?
I thought not.
The Centristspews:
re 34: “Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny Retired Lawyer@27.”
Why don’t you throw in Stalin, Pol Pot, and Alexander the Great. It would make about the same sense.
@38 I thought not
Better narrative: Centrist couldn’t grasp the import of what he was reading as it relates to what tisfud was saying! “Clueless” has a much better ring to it!
Why don’t you throw in Stalin, Pol Pot, and Alexander the Great. It would make about the same sense.
Clueless was the previous name of “my ancestors came from Europe” or ylb or “max rockatansky is a racist” or some other hateful name morphing fool (HNMF) name dur jour. Puddy calls him ylb arschloch because he is all arschloch and the dumbest brick on HA Libtardos!
You hear those dentist commercials where they will perform DNA testing to see if you are prone to certain gum diseases? Well for ylb arschloch being a dumb brick, DNA extraction is a sledge hammer to the side of his “head”. You then sweep up the dust and add HCL or H2SO4 to a test tube.
The Centrist is headless lucy, know racist of HA Libtardos. Ask him to regale you with his commentary of 9/09/05-09/15/06, 05/2007, 07/2008, and 01/2009 and 03/2009 on HA Libtardos. Or better yet you can ask the Clueless one, ylb arschloch, to replay thise dates. He created a full database backup of Goldy’s blog so he could use it to attack Cynical, Marvin Stamn and Puddy! He tried but he’s a monomaniacal chronological failure every time he used it. Such a feckless failure.
Does he keep changing his name out of shame or cowardice? YLB, as I recall, stayed on HA all day while wife brought home the bacon, so I get the shame part! My boyfriend wouldn’t last a week in our household pulling that, but then again, he’s not that type of person.
Watch out.. Pavlov Dog predicts he’ll attack you as some whackjob. He’s conflate you with other conservative women on this blog. Be ready.
Oh he changes his name from being feckless. Puddy asked him a question about his whackamole libtardo positions on HA Libtardos while being a conservative at home. So Puddy put a hypothetical question to him regarding his daughter. His pink lace panties got so twisted around his Koro diseased scrote he went off. That’s the link he uses. Then he switches his links around. Such a feckless useless turd!
bad trippin' down memory lanespews:
tight p—- , loose shoes and a warm place to s—
– via Nixon/Ford Ag Secretary Earl Butz, alluding to part of the emerging Republican majority. Comment created a liberal firestorm. Butz was forced to resign. Then he was sentenced to five years for doing a Geithner, underreporting income on his tax return.
a woman, a black, two Jews, and a cripple
– via Reagan Interior Secretary Jim Watt. Comment created a liberal firestorm. Watt was forced to resign.
fucking liberal retards
– via Obama’s Rahm Emanuel. Comment creates a liberal firestorm. Liberals demand that Sarah Palin demand an apology from Rush Limbaugh.
fucking liberal retards
– Suppose W’s Karl Rove had said that. Think he’d have kept his job? Think long-knife liberals would have let him keep his life?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’m spending the day reading economic and investment news and commentary, as I often do. If you want to prosper — and I do — you’ll learn as much as you can about the world around you.
Here’s an item I picked out of a U.S. News Money article titled “4 Problems That Could Sink America”:
“We’re uninformed. The healthcare smackdown — sorry, “debate” — is Exhibits A, B, and C. The soaring cost of healthcare is a problem that affects most Americans. It’s shrinking paychecks, squeezing small businesses, bankrupting families and swelling the national debt. Yet outraged Americans seem most concerned about fictions like death panels and government-enforced euthanasia, while clinging to the myth that our current system of selective availability and perverse incentives somehow represents capitalist ideals. But let’s take a break from that burdensome issue to examine the likelihood that President Obama was born in a foreign country and hoodwinked America into believing he was eligible to run for president.
“People who lack the sense to question Big Lies always end up in deep trouble. Being well informed takes work …. In a democracy, that’s simply a civic burden. If we’re too foolish or lazy to educate ourselves on healthcare, global warming, financial reform, and other complicated issues, then we’re signing ourselves over to special interests who see nothing wrong with plundering our national — and personal — wealth.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I won’t say anything. I don’t need to. It speaks for itself. Take from it whatever you want — much, or nothing. U.S. News is a conservative magazine, and Rick Newman (the author of this piece) is a business-oriented writer. If you want to be an idiot that’s your business.
Those grannies are adults not children. And, yeah, if someone tried to wash their mouths out with soap I’m betting they’d be up on charges.
Women haven’t been considered their husbands property for over 100 years now. Time to get with the program.
proud leftistspews:
For most people in most situations, knowledge is power. In Wingnut World, however, knowledge is something that only “liberal elites” seek. Knowledge gets in the way of certainty, as well as in the way of wingnut ideology. So, knowledge is a bad thing in Wingnut World. In fact, knowing about the world outside is really scary for wingnuts, so they just don’t go there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 I simply pointed out the one time you quote a Democrat, you choose a crooked one, puddlehead. This has to do with whether you deserve any credence. No, of course not, you don’t.
Senator Truman left the project alone while still presiding over his investigating committee, and remained unaware of it when he became Vice President in 1944.
– via Gary Wills, Bomb Power, page 12.
What is it with good writers (Wills, Eric Alterman, Tony Judt) and bad Truman trivia? Why can’t they handle the simplest of simple facts?
Here’s a modest proposal: Before anyone ever again writes about the 1940s or 1950s, require them to take a Remedial Harry class at a community college. Even Kop Killer Kommunity Kollege, aka SCCC.
As for bad Truman, guess who said this –
When will the Russians be able to build the bomb? … Never.
Guess who said he’d consider using “every weapon he have” against North Korea and China?
Guess who wanted to give generals on the ground in Korea the command and control of nuclear weapons?
Guess whose bitched-up war in Korea caused 78,800 American casualties in its first year, 63,200 American casualties in the next two years of stalemate?
Guess who tried to draft striking workers into the army as Korea cannon fodder, and to seize and nationalize America’s steel mills?
Guess who threw us into the Korean War without a declaration of war from Congress? Without seeking an authorization for the use of force?
Guess who said Korea was not a war, but a police action?
And that project Truman left alone before he became president? That was FDR’s off-the-books Manhattan Project. 2. Billion. Dollars. Back when that was real money. Tax dollars spent without authorization, approval or oversight.
Garry Wills makes a good case that the steroid presidency began there, at Oak Ridge and Hanford and Los Alamos. Arthur Schlesinger approvingly called it a good, strong, modern presidency when FDR did it, but a bad imperial presidency when Nixon tried to run his inherited war like an FDR war.
barry scheckspews:
NPR reports 250 “DNA exonerations” so far via the Innocence Project.
Several years ago when the Project announced 100 exonerations, somebody broke it down. 25 of the 100 were actual factual exonerations; the rest were “exonerations” in which convictions were vacated during appeal when witnesses died, or conveniently died, or were silenced.
It appeared that the point of almost endless multi-million-dollar appeals — except for, say, Tim McVeigh — was to run out the clock. At some point some crucial witness would be too tired, terrified, tainted, or dead to show up.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@49: What thread are you on?
Open Thread. What drugs are you on?
@45 ~ You should give them idiots you speak of a break, they weren’t born idiots, they became idiots after their mommas dropped them on their heads.
43. Puddybud spews:
Watch out..
Sigh! It looks like Puddy is sockpuppeting again. No surprise here, as Puddy’s old sockpuppeting habits are no doubt hard to break.
@54 It looks like Puddy is sockpuppeting again.
Yea, well, stuff this in that hidden attic wedged just between your ears, “Steve”: highly unlikely since my boyfriend prefers women!
What a dope.
Steve drinks his home made brew Steve’s™ Stupid Solution®. He drinks more on some days than others. This week he’s been hitting the loony sauce too much! When he’s in his daily stupor he hears voices!
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@52: OK. So you quote something by somebody about Truman and then go off on a diatribe just to show all your fucking ignorance, eh?
But while we are at it, Truman did get a hint about the Manhattan project while running his Senate committee during the war, and was quietly warned off. So the statement you disparage was essentially true. See Truman, by David McCullough.
“Governor Palin believes crude and demeaning name calling at the expense of others is disrespectful.”
So the statement you disparage was essentially true. See Truman, by David McCullough.
The statement I disparage is essentially false. Truman did not become VP in 1944. See Truman, by David McCullough.
And why isn’t David McCullough where he belongs, out riding point for Ward Bond’s Wagon Train?
Max Rockatanskyspews:
so..I’m sure what some of you knuckleheads like Goebbels Rabbit are smoking, but the edit function is working just fine.
Maybe you all should ditch that POS IE Explorer….
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Puddy–
Did you hear Barry O-Bonehead’s speech today where he mispronounced the word corpsman as CORPSE-man…not once, but THREE times!!
This was after some of his kool-aid drinking fan klub complimented him on his deep military understanding!!
The MSM always ripped Bush or Palin…but are silent on this.
Good thing Hannity has it.
He played it 4 times tonite…and since the rest of the MSM closes it’s eyes, he will keep on playing it.
That ought to give our brave Military men and women a warm & fuzzy feeling.
Barry O-Bonehead!
Max Rockatanskyspews:
Kelly’s Heroes is one of the best movies EVER. Period. end of story. and I mean EVER.
Having a little difficulty thinking straight now that Medicaid isn’t covering Luvox? You might want to try Paxil, it’s still covered.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@59: Ah, so. You were quibbling about the date. Sheer genius. As for the point guy for Ward, I though Flint McCullough had that job.
The point stands. HST did not get briefed on the Manhattan project until after he became president.
Well, they’re short selling and doing margin trades in China these days. But, it seems China isn’t like everywhere else on the face of the earth and this isn’t going to cause them the same problems it caused everyone else.
“And why isn’t David McCullough where he belongs, out riding point for Ward Bond’s Wagon Train?”
I hate to quibble — actually I love to quibble — but when a writer flubs the small stuff I become wary of larger conclusions.
Here’s a comparable error from Eric Alterman’s book about lying presidents:
In Endnote 39, page 326 (hardcover), Alterman writes that “In an April 7, 1945 diary entry, Harold Ickes suggests that the specter of Yalta was one of several factors that had created tension between the new president and his secretary of state.” Very prescient of old Harold to be writing about our tense new president several days before we had one.
Despite the small stuff, both books are quite good, although Wills borrows about 80% of his anecdotes and arguments from Alterman. Both books tell inconvenient and brutal truths about JFK’s Bay of Pigs. Remember that the next time Goldy starts swooning about Obamalot being the second coming of Kennedy Camelot.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Barry O-Bonehead’s CORPSE-MAN aren’t exactly in his corner.
Obam-Mao has lost his entire SOU bounce in a week or so.
What a Socialist, eficit Spending stooge!
Friday, February 05, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 28% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove which Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12. The President received a modest bounce in his ratings following the State-of-the-Union Address, but today’s results suggest that the bounce is fading.
New data released this morning shows that the American people overwhelmingly reject the basics of Keynesian economics. Only 11% believe more deficit spending is needed to spur the economy while 70% say deficit cutting is the answer.
Flint McCullough Fun Fax:
According to an item in the 4-20-1959 issue of Time magazine, Horton’s measurements were 42-31-40.
CORPSE-man facts: We are almost exponentially far beyond double standards. Guess we’ve gotta get used to it.
Double standards prevailed back in 1961 when president Camelot was asked no questions about his disastrous incompetence at the Bay of Pigs. JFK was allowed to bluster and bullshit and shift blame — a bad precedent now that we have another media confection in the “White” House.
BO probably got through his first year without excreting a JFK-style catastrophe, but if he had, would his captive media tell us? Doubt it.
Yep Cynical, Dummocrapts get away with a lot. The media and their slobbering love affair.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Methinks the slobbering love affair is ending.
The Public puts ZERO credibility in MSNBC.
Look at their pathetic ratings.
IF Republicans continue to embrace the Tea Party Movement and the smaller/less costly & intrusive/no deficit spending Agenda…they will cream the Dumbocrats in 2010 and 2012.
Obam-Mao continues full steam ahead…right over the cliff!
Harry Reid will lose. Watch him drop out of the race like many other dimwits.
@71 and 72 Geez, we were just having a discussion over on the other thread how you two keep trying to jack each other off through the internet toobs. You’re still at it, I see.
people still watch that batshit crazy network msnbc?
olberman is just about the most pathetic person on TV right now – he’s a one trick pony who’s trick is about up.
@74 If you want to become a punching bag for us like Puddy has become then you’re going to have to elevate your game. Tripe like you just wrote won’t cut it. Alas, we’ll just have to ignore you until you take it up a notch.
@75……ooohhhhhh, I am so intimidated…NOT.
Puddy a punching bag? To someone who shows STUPID everyday?
Man, Norman Rockwell this ain’t. Boomers come to grannyhood!
“I guess you’ve all seen the president’s remarks or read about the president’s remarks, well I’ve got some remarks of my own. I was back in Washington, D.C. about two weeks ago, going up and down the halls of the capitol telling people about our economy here, trying to get them to be sympathetic to what we’re trying to accomplish, then I have to read what President Obama said. He has a real psychological hang up about the entertainment capitol of the world. An apology won’t be acceptable this time, I don’t know where his vendetta comes from but we’re not going to let him make his bones by lambasting Las Vegas, that’s why (the press) is here today.
He didn’t learn his lesson the first time, but when he hurt our economy by his ill conceived rhetoric, we didn’t think it would happen again, but now that it has I want to assure you, when he comes I’ll do everything I can to give him the boot back to Washington and to visit his failures back there. I gotta tell you this, everybody says I shouldn’t say it, but I gotta tell you the way it is. This president is a real slow learner.” – Las Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman
So preznit Odumba, why do you hate the poor working peeps who overwhelmingly voted for you in Vegas in 2008? Why are you about the task of hurting them? Why are you deserting these supporters? Are you making sure Harry Land Deal Reid is kicked to the curb this fall by attacking Vegas and Nevada?
Omg, the only thing that I can say about those angry grannies is, LOL :)
Am I batshit crazy, or smart as a fox?
CBS is owned by Viacom, and Viacom is run by Sumner Redstone, and Sumner Redstone’s birth name is Sumner Rothstein, which is a Jewish name, as is Goldstein.
Cunty Bigot Sluts = CBS
Fuckin hippies.
How pathetic. A bunch of old nags sounding like 12 year old who didn’t get their way. Must be liberals.
Looks like Grammy material to me!
FOX = Fucking Obnoxious Xenophobia
“Am I batshit crazy, or smart as a fox?”
The question answers itself, mr. batshit.
Running ads from right-wing flying monkeys is and old trick of the Liberal MSM. They lure you in with that shit, and then BAM! You’re a homo lovin’ socialist baby killer.
Yeah, those were the chicks dropping acid and fucking in the mud at Woodstock. With the same amount of credibility they ever had…
Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals , Liberals, Liberals
Puddybud shares:
Do you think Obam-Mao’s buddy, Harry “the Skeletor” Reid is beaming with pride after Obam-Mao’s stupid comment (again)??
Here is poor Harry..getting his ass kicked in Nevada polls mainly from hugging up to Obam-Mao and what does he get in return?
Rick Santorum said poor Harry hugging Obam-Mao is like HUGGING A CACTUS!
Reid is screwed.
Greta was interviewing John McCain who was laughing at Reid and all his hysterical rhetoric. Greta asked McCain if he would like to call Harry a name…and he respectfully called him “Majority Leader”. But McCain did say maybe he would run in Nevada.
I wish McCain had said he can’t wait to call Reid FORMER SENATOR!!
Reid is a douchebag.
The only thing worse than a fucktard liberal from the 60’s is one that didn’t grow up some 40 years later. Now, ugly from decades of drug and alcohol abuse and dependency, bitter from trying to shove an ideologically driven square peg in a round hole for the last half century, and last but not least, batshit crazy from birth most likely…I give you the ragin’ grannies.
Besides, these ignorant blue hairs have never seen the ad they’re bleating on about, which makes them even more ignorant than batshit crazy…which in their case, is an accomplishment.
“Rick Santorum said….”
Whoa right there. You mean ‘man on dog’ Rick the pathetic EX senator from Pennsylvania who ekes out a meager living on wingnut welfare? That Santorum?
Seriously, KKK, you are delusional.
Someone needs to wash those pro-infantcide grannies mouths with soap. There language is disgraceful.
@14: Jealous, eh?
To Puddy’s conservative friends… don’t take the progressive bowel movement road. These wimens have the right to protest. Don’t be like progressives who got their tits in clothes pins over the CA Prop 8 vote and it became lawsuit city.
@ 18 Puddybud
No one has said they don’t have the right to protest an ad they haven’t seen, but it also doesn’t mean I that I don’t have the same right to voice my opinion of their low intellect for doing so.
Besides, David Goldstain says the blue hairs “rip anti-choice superbowl ad” when nothing in the ad even discusses abortion. It’s just another lazy goldstain thread based in emotion rather than reality.
Wow, is the wingnut echo chamber working tonight? Puddy to Cynical to Little Ricky Dumbass. That’s not quite Evers to Tinker to Chance. That is how, however, the wingnuts project their influence. They all commend each other for their nonsense, even though they are a small percentage of the populace. I must commend them, despite their small numbers–they make themselves look like they are significant.
@20 I must commend them, despite their small numbers–they make themselves look like they are significant
No such kudos to you, counselor!
@1 To think we once saw them as sexy …
Go, grannies, go.
Odds are pretty good that you will be coming to someone like me in your sorry future and asking for help. You will say something like, “I’m not like all the others. My claim is real. I know all the others lie.” That’s when I know a wingnut is begging for help. Happens all the time, more than you can imagine. I don’t take those cases, because wingnuts are not truthful.
Wow, now two wannabe delusional batshit crazy lawyers turn up on this site to chime in? Now I’ve seen it all.
Seek counseling kids, really.
Ack, at 20, please let me correct myself. I think the double play trio was Tinker to Evers to Chance. I could Google such, but every once in awhile, I’d like to see if my recall works. I do know that Puddy to Cynical to Little Ricky Dumbass is what wingnuts consider a double, if not triple, play combo. What they don’t realize is that they are giving high 5s to one another without a clue that no one else recognizes their self-proclaimed triumph.
@2 @2 Ahhh yes, Mayor Goodman, who:
Was a Mafia lawyer;
Was rated “least effective public official” by readers of the Las Vegas newspaper;
Wants to legalize prostitution in Las Vegas;
Told 4th graders his hobby is drinking and if he was marooned on a desert island he’d bring a showgirl and a bottle of gin;
Said graffiti artists should have their thumbs cut off on TV, and children who get in trouble should be whipped or caned …
… now, what was it again your source said about PRESIDENT Obama, puddinghead?
@12 Who did you fuck in the mud, your sister?
@14 “The only thing worse than a fucktard liberal from the 60’s is one that didn’t grow up some 40 years later.”
Great, another self-hating troll.
@20 Yeah, kinda like Sergeant York firing rapidly at the Germans to make them think he’s a whole battalion.
These ladies do provide a place for a truce between left and right.
All men with any sense of compassion have to at least feel sorry for the poor bastards married to these lovely ladies regardless of where they stand politically.
Wow, so now righties are into assaulting grandmothers. You guys never cease to amaze.
Assaulting grannies? My father washed my mouth out with soap once. It was not assault it was a lesson. One more kids need. These pro-infantcide grannies should be ashamed of there foul language. When I was a kid and one of my grandmothers talked likr this in front of me I probially would not see them until they changed.
Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny Retired Lawyer@27:
Wait a minute fool. Puddy remembered somewhere on this blog where you said you liked your crooks better than our crooks. He’s a “good” Dummocraptic Jewish lawyer from Philadelphia. He’s one of you and Proud Goatish’s fraternity members fool. Only thing is he made money being a barrister. What say you again? You can try and lambaste him all you want but he’s a Dummocrapt through and through even though he now says he’s thinking of being an “independent”.
Pay attention to facts Dumb Bunny! So what say you now fool? Nothing in #27 and nothing now.
Told 4th graders his hobby is drinking and if he was marooned on a desert island he’d bring a showgirl and a bottle of gin;
rog, are these the same 4th graders you want homosexuals coming into their classrooms teaching sex? and the same ones you hand out condoms to? yeah the same ones
So when Hitler sent Ribbentrop to Moscow in ’39 that made him a communist, right?
@24 Odds are pretty good that you will be coming to someone like me in your sorry future and asking for help
Actually, counselor, odds are pretty much zilch that a person living in Seattle will be going to you for your “services,” such as they are. Perhaps you’d like to describe the types of services you provide, your fees, your experience, and point us to evals from former clients so prospective clients can kick the tires? Chances are your Web site or bio doesn’t provide the client evals, and if it does, they’re the positive ones. So point us to your Avvo profile instead. You do have one, don’t you, counselor?
With 20,000+ licensed attorneys in the state, chances are you’re just a hack who charges exorbitant fees for dime-a-dozen services. So show us that profile so we can see what your clients have to say . . .
re 37: “…someone like me….”
Can you grasp the import of this phrase as it relates to your rant?
I thought not.
re 34: “Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny Retired Lawyer@27.”
Why don’t you throw in Stalin, Pol Pot, and Alexander the Great. It would make about the same sense.
@38 I thought not
Better narrative: Centrist couldn’t grasp the import of what he was reading as it relates to what tisfud was saying! “Clueless” has a much better ring to it!
Why don’t you throw in Stalin, Pol Pot, and Alexander the Great. It would make about the same sense.
To Clueless, no doubt!
Clueless was the previous name of “my ancestors came from Europe” or ylb or “max rockatansky is a racist” or some other hateful name morphing fool (HNMF) name dur jour. Puddy calls him ylb arschloch because he is all arschloch and the dumbest brick on HA Libtardos!
You hear those dentist commercials where they will perform DNA testing to see if you are prone to certain gum diseases? Well for ylb arschloch being a dumb brick, DNA extraction is a sledge hammer to the side of his “head”. You then sweep up the dust and add HCL or H2SO4 to a test tube.
The Centrist is headless lucy, know racist of HA Libtardos. Ask him to regale you with his commentary of 9/09/05-09/15/06, 05/2007, 07/2008, and 01/2009 and 03/2009 on HA Libtardos. Or better yet you can ask the Clueless one, ylb arschloch, to replay thise dates. He created a full database backup of Goldy’s blog so he could use it to attack Cynical, Marvin Stamn and Puddy! He tried but he’s a monomaniacal chronological failure every time he used it. Such a feckless failure.
Does he keep changing his name out of shame or cowardice? YLB, as I recall, stayed on HA all day while wife brought home the bacon, so I get the shame part! My boyfriend wouldn’t last a week in our household pulling that, but then again, he’s not that type of person.
Watch out.. Pavlov Dog predicts he’ll attack you as some whackjob. He’s conflate you with other conservative women on this blog. Be ready.
Oh he changes his name from being feckless. Puddy asked him a question about his whackamole libtardo positions on HA Libtardos while being a conservative at home. So Puddy put a hypothetical question to him regarding his daughter. His pink lace panties got so twisted around his Koro diseased scrote he went off. That’s the link he uses. Then he switches his links around. Such a feckless useless turd!
– via Nixon/Ford Ag Secretary Earl Butz, alluding to part of the emerging Republican majority. Comment created a liberal firestorm. Butz was forced to resign. Then he was sentenced to five years for doing a Geithner, underreporting income on his tax return.
– via Reagan Interior Secretary Jim Watt. Comment created a liberal firestorm. Watt was forced to resign.
– via Obama’s Rahm Emanuel. Comment creates a liberal firestorm. Liberals demand that Sarah Palin demand an apology from Rush Limbaugh.
– Suppose W’s Karl Rove had said that. Think he’d have kept his job? Think long-knife liberals would have let him keep his life?
I’m spending the day reading economic and investment news and commentary, as I often do. If you want to prosper — and I do — you’ll learn as much as you can about the world around you.
Here’s an item I picked out of a U.S. News Money article titled “4 Problems That Could Sink America”:
“We’re uninformed. The healthcare smackdown — sorry, “debate” — is Exhibits A, B, and C. The soaring cost of healthcare is a problem that affects most Americans. It’s shrinking paychecks, squeezing small businesses, bankrupting families and swelling the national debt. Yet outraged Americans seem most concerned about fictions like death panels and government-enforced euthanasia, while clinging to the myth that our current system of selective availability and perverse incentives somehow represents capitalist ideals. But let’s take a break from that burdensome issue to examine the likelihood that President Obama was born in a foreign country and hoodwinked America into believing he was eligible to run for president.
“People who lack the sense to question Big Lies always end up in deep trouble. Being well informed takes work …. In a democracy, that’s simply a civic burden. If we’re too foolish or lazy to educate ourselves on healthcare, global warming, financial reform, and other complicated issues, then we’re signing ourselves over to special interests who see nothing wrong with plundering our national — and personal — wealth.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I won’t say anything. I don’t need to. It speaks for itself. Take from it whatever you want — much, or nothing. U.S. News is a conservative magazine, and Rick Newman (the author of this piece) is a business-oriented writer. If you want to be an idiot that’s your business.
Those grannies are adults not children. And, yeah, if someone tried to wash their mouths out with soap I’m betting they’d be up on charges.
Women haven’t been considered their husbands property for over 100 years now. Time to get with the program.
For most people in most situations, knowledge is power. In Wingnut World, however, knowledge is something that only “liberal elites” seek. Knowledge gets in the way of certainty, as well as in the way of wingnut ideology. So, knowledge is a bad thing in Wingnut World. In fact, knowing about the world outside is really scary for wingnuts, so they just don’t go there.
@34 I simply pointed out the one time you quote a Democrat, you choose a crooked one, puddlehead. This has to do with whether you deserve any credence. No, of course not, you don’t.
– via Gary Wills, Bomb Power, page 12.
What is it with good writers (Wills, Eric Alterman, Tony Judt) and bad Truman trivia? Why can’t they handle the simplest of simple facts?
Here’s a modest proposal: Before anyone ever again writes about the 1940s or 1950s, require them to take a Remedial Harry class at a community college. Even Kop Killer Kommunity Kollege, aka SCCC.
As for bad Truman, guess who said this –
Guess who said he’d consider using “every weapon he have” against North Korea and China?
Guess who wanted to give generals on the ground in Korea the command and control of nuclear weapons?
Guess whose bitched-up war in Korea caused 78,800 American casualties in its first year, 63,200 American casualties in the next two years of stalemate?
Guess who tried to draft striking workers into the army as Korea cannon fodder, and to seize and nationalize America’s steel mills?
Guess who threw us into the Korean War without a declaration of war from Congress? Without seeking an authorization for the use of force?
Guess who said Korea was not a war, but a police action?
And that project Truman left alone before he became president? That was FDR’s off-the-books Manhattan Project. 2. Billion. Dollars. Back when that was real money. Tax dollars spent without authorization, approval or oversight.
Garry Wills makes a good case that the steroid presidency began there, at Oak Ridge and Hanford and Los Alamos. Arthur Schlesinger approvingly called it a good, strong, modern presidency when FDR did it, but a bad imperial presidency when Nixon tried to run his inherited war like an FDR war.
NPR reports 250 “DNA exonerations” so far via the Innocence Project.
Several years ago when the Project announced 100 exonerations, somebody broke it down. 25 of the 100 were actual factual exonerations; the rest were “exonerations” in which convictions were vacated during appeal when witnesses died, or conveniently died, or were silenced.
It appeared that the point of almost endless multi-million-dollar appeals — except for, say, Tim McVeigh — was to run out the clock. At some point some crucial witness would be too tired, terrified, tainted, or dead to show up.
@49: What thread are you on?
Open Thread. What drugs are you on?
@45 ~ You should give them idiots you speak of a break, they weren’t born idiots, they became idiots after their mommas dropped them on their heads.
Sigh! It looks like Puddy is sockpuppeting again. No surprise here, as Puddy’s old sockpuppeting habits are no doubt hard to break.
@54 It looks like Puddy is sockpuppeting again.
Yea, well, stuff this in that hidden attic wedged just between your ears, “Steve”: highly unlikely since my boyfriend prefers women!
What a dope.
Steve drinks his home made brew Steve’s™ Stupid Solution®. He drinks more on some days than others. This week he’s been hitting the loony sauce too much! When he’s in his daily stupor he hears voices!
@52: OK. So you quote something by somebody about Truman and then go off on a diatribe just to show all your fucking ignorance, eh?
But while we are at it, Truman did get a hint about the Manhattan project while running his Senate committee during the war, and was quietly warned off. So the statement you disparage was essentially true. See Truman, by David McCullough.
“Governor Palin believes crude and demeaning name calling at the expense of others is disrespectful.”
The statement I disparage is essentially false. Truman did not become VP in 1944. See Truman, by David McCullough.
And why isn’t David McCullough where he belongs, out riding point for Ward Bond’s Wagon Train?
so..I’m sure what some of you knuckleheads like Goebbels Rabbit are smoking, but the edit function is working just fine.
Maybe you all should ditch that POS IE Explorer….
Hey Puddy–
Did you hear Barry O-Bonehead’s speech today where he mispronounced the word corpsman as CORPSE-man…not once, but THREE times!!
This was after some of his kool-aid drinking fan klub complimented him on his deep military understanding!!
The MSM always ripped Bush or Palin…but are silent on this.
Good thing Hannity has it.
He played it 4 times tonite…and since the rest of the MSM closes it’s eyes, he will keep on playing it.
That ought to give our brave Military men and women a warm & fuzzy feeling.
Barry O-Bonehead!
Kelly’s Heroes is one of the best movies EVER. Period. end of story. and I mean EVER.
Having a little difficulty thinking straight now that Medicaid isn’t covering Luvox? You might want to try Paxil, it’s still covered.
@59: Ah, so. You were quibbling about the date. Sheer genius. As for the point guy for Ward, I though Flint McCullough had that job.
The point stands. HST did not get briefed on the Manhattan project until after he became president.
Well, they’re short selling and doing margin trades in China these days. But, it seems China isn’t like everywhere else on the face of the earth and this isn’t going to cause them the same problems it caused everyone else.
Billy Bragg is in the WSJ!
“And why isn’t David McCullough where he belongs, out riding point for Ward Bond’s Wagon Train?”
I hate to quibble — actually I love to quibble — but when a writer flubs the small stuff I become wary of larger conclusions.
Here’s a comparable error from Eric Alterman’s book about lying presidents:
Despite the small stuff, both books are quite good, although Wills borrows about 80% of his anecdotes and arguments from Alterman. Both books tell inconvenient and brutal truths about JFK’s Bay of Pigs. Remember that the next time Goldy starts swooning about Obamalot being the second coming of Kennedy Camelot.
Barry O-Bonehead’s CORPSE-MAN aren’t exactly in his corner.
Obam-Mao has lost his entire SOU bounce in a week or so.
What a Socialist, eficit Spending stooge!
Friday, February 05, 2010
Flint McCullough Fun Fax:
CORPSE-man facts: We are almost exponentially far beyond double standards. Guess we’ve gotta get used to it.
Double standards prevailed back in 1961 when president Camelot was asked no questions about his disastrous incompetence at the Bay of Pigs. JFK was allowed to bluster and bullshit and shift blame — a bad precedent now that we have another media confection in the “White” House.
BO probably got through his first year without excreting a JFK-style catastrophe, but if he had, would his captive media tell us? Doubt it.
Yep Cynical, Dummocrapts get away with a lot. The media and their slobbering love affair.
Methinks the slobbering love affair is ending.
The Public puts ZERO credibility in MSNBC.
Look at their pathetic ratings.
IF Republicans continue to embrace the Tea Party Movement and the smaller/less costly & intrusive/no deficit spending Agenda…they will cream the Dumbocrats in 2010 and 2012.
Obam-Mao continues full steam ahead…right over the cliff!
Harry Reid will lose. Watch him drop out of the race like many other dimwits.
@71 and 72 Geez, we were just having a discussion over on the other thread how you two keep trying to jack each other off through the internet toobs. You’re still at it, I see.
people still watch that batshit crazy network msnbc?
olberman is just about the most pathetic person on TV right now – he’s a one trick pony who’s trick is about up.
@74 If you want to become a punching bag for us like Puddy has become then you’re going to have to elevate your game. Tripe like you just wrote won’t cut it. Alas, we’ll just have to ignore you until you take it up a notch.
@75……ooohhhhhh, I am so intimidated…NOT.
Puddy a punching bag? To someone who shows STUPID everyday?
NOT you NUT!