Let’s don’t attempt a TD, …..the Republicans will decry us in the press for destroying the game.
Let’s don’t attempt a TD, …..the Republicans will decry us in the press for destroying the game
Don’t forget the overwhelming majority of the American people… Geesh. Very few want socialized medicine.
I would be for the SCOTUS decision if we can include NBC,CBS,ABC,CNN,MSNBC,NY Times, Washington Post, Labor unions ect. Why do thoses corporations get a break? No news reporting or union contributions from biased organizations.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’m watching Conan O’Brien’s final “Tonight Show.” The top laugh lines so far:
He told the audience, “You have one hour to steal everything in this studio!”
“We didn’t rehearse this show because we don’t care.”
Mrs. Rabbit asked me what will happen to the masturbating bear. I told her that he’ll probably get a Hollywood gig and pick up some of Tiger Woods’ old endorsement deals.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Trying for a new world record of stupidity?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 I think it’s more important to enact no internet posting by idiots.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Let’s do a reality check and see how 28 years of Republican policies are working for average Americans.
In 2007, pollster Mark Penn wrote a book called Microtrends: The Small Forces Behind Tomorrow’s Big Changes; this quote is from his book (at pp. 241-242):
“In 1985, fewer than 350,000 people in America filed for personal bankruptcy protection. In 2005, filers topped 2 million. As Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren has noted, that was more Americans than were diagnosed with cancer. …
“In some parts of the country, bankruptcy is practically a way of life. In Tennessee, Indiana, and Ohio, more than 10 out of every 1,000 people file for bankruptcy. (In Massachusetts, fewer than three do.)
[Roger Rabbit Note: Tennessee, Indiana, and Ohio voted for Bush; Massachusetts didn’t — so much for Republican thrift and responsibility.]
“But who are America’s bankrupts, really? It’s common to assume they’re deadbeats …. More than a few policymakers have claimed the reason bankruptcies are rising in America is because there’s no longer enough shame in overspending.
“But according to Professor Warren, the high-on-the-hog bankruptcy filer is a lot like the Welfare Queen of the 1980s — persuasive politics, but factually untrue.
“The typical bankruptcy-filer is a white, middle-class head of household with children and a full-time job. Nearly half of bankruptcy filers are married. They are slightly better educated than the general population. Almost all of them suffered a catastrophic personal event, like job loss, divorce, or a serious medical problem. (Of those who suffered a medical problem, fully three-quarters had health insurance when it started.) The fastest growing group of bankruptcies is seniors, who endure growing medical expenses not covered by insurance ….
“Bankruptcy has become a Middle America event.”
(Emphasis added.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Elizabeth Warren is a highly respected Harvard Law School professor and nationally recognized expert on middle class economics. Our local troll RUFUS is neither an expert nor respected; he’s a wingnut laughingstock who even embarrasses his fellow trolls, which is hard to do.
Warren is famous for debunking myths — usually propagated by Republicans — about “welfare queens,” bankrupts, and so on. She is one of the researchers who has helped publicize the fact that medical bills are the leading cause of personal bankruptcy. And, as she points out in the material quoted above from pollster Penn’s groundbreaking book, THREE FOURTHS OF MEDICAL BANKRUPTS HAD HEALTH INSURANCE.
In other words, no one is safe.
What has been the Republican response to this middle class catastrophe? Make it easier for corporations to use the bankruptcy laws to break union contracts and welsh on pension obligations, and slam the bankruptcy court doors shut to medical bankrupts, trapping them in a lifetime of penury.
Why would anyone vote for these immoral Republican shitheads? Really, why? Why?
Now let’s get back to the Lee’s cartoon. We’re at a threshold, a crossroads. We are the grassroots of the Democratic Party. This is a critical moment of history. We’ve got to make it absolutely clear to Democratic electeds that the kind of play depicted in the cartoon just isn’t going to cut it. If that’s the best they can do for the Democratic voters who elected them, well, they might as well be Republicans. And that’s how much cash, campaign effort, and votes they will deserve from us if they punt or settle for the field goal. Call, write, e-mail, or whatever, but LET THEM KNOW — we demand they go for the TOUCHDOWN.
If they don’t, they’re condemning millions of honest hard-working Americans who gave their all to our capitalist system to medical bankruptcy, and they’re condemning the rest of us to permanently subsidizing the tens of millions of uninsured, which Rep. Inslee estimated costs each one of us $1,300 a year in higher premium costs.
That’s simply not acceptable.
What if Lincoln had gone to Gettysburg, not to deliver the Gettysburg Address, but to negotiate a truce with Robert E. Lee?
What if Vince Lombardi had settled for a tie at the Superbowl?
What if Eisenhower had told Hitler he’d split the difference at Normandy?
No, there are times you have to go for the goalposts, and this is one of those times, and I sure as hell hope that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and our own Washington State congressional delegation understand that; because, if they don’t, they might as well be Republicans for all the good they’re doing us.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans are mean-spirited people who kick others when they’re down and demonize the most vulnerable among us to justify their selfish agenda.
During my long state career, I occasionally did a little work with welfare programs. Through all the years and decades that conservatives bashed “welfare queens,” America’s major welfare program was for children and the vast majority of the adults on the program were abandoned and abused mothers taking care of young children. In some cases, the white males who had abused and abandoned them were the same people who were voting Republican and dissing “welfare queens.”
There are many reasons why I have to be a Democrat, why I can’t possibly be a Republican or vote for Republicans, and this is only one of them. Preeminently, Republicans are mean, lying, self-centered assholes. I have nothing in common with them. I support none of their political objectives, because their partisan
objectives are neither respectable nor good for our country.
I think we should pass this health care bill and shove it up their asses. Anything else is shameful appeasement.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Every American should support the “safety net” programs Republicans have worked so hard to dismantle. Why? Well, one reason is because you never know when you might need it yourself.
One of my Republican-leaning friends is a retired businessman. A couple years ago, his son was the owner of a successful business who employed about 100 people and earned several hundred thousand dollars a year, and his daughter was a successful real estate agent earning a high-five-figures income.
Well, you know what happened to real estate — it collapsed. And this week, my friend told me his son laid off his last employees and closed his doors for good last month. He had borrowed every cent he could against every asset he owned, including his house, to keep his business going but it wasn’t enough. Both credit and customers had evaporated. Now, middle aged, he’s dead broke, can’t make a living, and will lose his house and everything else he worked for.
Do I feel sorry for my friend and his kids? Yes, of course; none of this was their fault. They worked hard, played by the rules, and were winners under our winner-take-all economic system, until the system itself changed the rules and yanked the rug out from under them.
I won’t get preachy, I won’t say things like, “You shouldn’t have voted Republican.” If I have to say something, I’ll simply say, “Maybe you understand now why I’m a Democrat.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
One of the most important parts of any social safety net is universal health care that you’ll always have no matter who you are and regardless of what your circumstances are.
Enough said.
Patty Wagonspews:
So much for the economic recovery:
Obama Seen as Anti-Business by 77% of U.S. Investors
“progressives”, the euphamistic term for slave holders have floated a proverbial turd in the punchbowl that is America.
Piper Scottspews:
Have you missed me?
I’ve been busy lately watching the left self-destruct.
A week ago, I left for three days in Masssachusetts to be eyes and ears on the ground to cover the Brown/Coakley election. Perhaps many of you read my stories filed from Springfield, Mass., the fourth largest city in New England?
Or perhaps you’ve seen the video that’s gone viral all over the Internet, TV and radio (the audio thereof)? Where I was called a Nazi by a couple union toughs after I went in to do a story on phone-bank efforts for Coakley (they were pathetic, poorly staffed and obviously ineffective).
In her hometown area – western Massachusetts – and in the city of Springfield she did OK, but voter turnout was only 32 percent.
Polling numbers decisively show how Brown supporters regarded the whole health care mess out of Washington to be corrupt and the politicians who promote it even more so. They were angry and they took it out on Coakley, who admittedly wasn’t an awe-inspiring candidate.
I had two face-to-face encounters with her. One in a Teamsters hall and one at a blue-collar pub in Springfield where she dropped in on Election Day for a touch-and-go meet-and-greet.
She was exhausted, and the people seemed equally tired of her. A remarkable lack of enthusiasm for her despite her best efforts to rally them was the order of the day. In addition, what was she doing on Election Day in an area everyone knew she would carry? Who was her scheduler – a Brown supporter?
The best post-election comment I heard was that Massachusetts was the canary in the coal mine for the left. Pushing a big, 2,000 page, $1 to 2.5 trillion, politically corrupt bill caused voters in the bluest state of all to rise up in populist indignation.
The message: if a liberal Democrat can be whipped – not simply beaten, but whipped decisively – then no elected official anywhere in the U.S. is safe.
This wasn’t evidence of a Republican resurgance as much as it was fury and disgust directed at politicians generally. Following on the heels of the Virginia and New Jersey governors races, though, those who promote big, expensive and intrusive government should give pause because the voters are saying they’re not interested.
To those who think Pres. Obama and his allies in Congress should go ahead and bull through a health care bill now, then I have to say you’re delusional.
The canary keeled over – the political air for such efforts is fatally toxic – you push at your peril, and the peril is great.
To try any one of the number of stunts suggested – delay Brown’s seating, reconciliation gimmicks,force reluctant House liberals to sign onto the Senate bill and pass it – would result in a national-level fury of a kind not seen since French peasants stormed the Bastille. And you know what came after that. Just the thought of it causes guillotine futures to soar.
For months polling numbers have increasingly shown the American people to be not just reluctant, but downright hostile toward large, nationalized, government-option healthcare.
The government option, which has become disliked to the point of loathed by a majority of Americans, is a millstone around the neck of any health care proposal. It’s a sure-fire way to tube any plan.
These are political realities not driven by ideological sentiment. I was in Massachusetts – I talked with the people there – I walked the turf – I visited close to 20 polling places talking to precinct wardens and voters – this is what they told me.
The Piper
“The government option, which has become disliked to the point of loathed by a majority of Americans, is a millstone around the neck of any health care proposal. It’s a sure-fire way to tube any plan”.
What utter bullshit. No, nobody missed you. Apparently you haven’t checked the polling on the issue. And just out of curiousity, how can something nonexistent become a millstone?
Piper Scottspews:
Read closely the quote you cited. I said it’s a millstone around the plan – if it’s in a plan, the plan will sink. People don’t want it.
If it was so popular, why wasn’t it included? Why weren’t Pres. Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid able to scoot a bill through post haste?
It’s time to stop fooling yourself. It’s time to face facts and reality.
Do paid HA cmmentators like Scottpay a fee for using this Blog?
Maybe he ought to get the EFF to sponsor ne for him? Imagine all the pay day loan ads!
Billion dollar headache: Looming pension liability worries state officials
Zarelli says unless lawmakers keep making large, regular general fund payments into the pension system in the coming years, “we’ll be writing checks from the operating budgets to pension recipients, that’s a pretty dire situation.”
Excellent post!
The KLOWNS at HA are in total denial.
Their huge, misplaced ego’s do not allow them to admit the self-destruction and they still try to blame Bush!! Hysterical.
The Democrat-leaning Rasmussen poll (which had Coakley/Brown a toss-up and Brown ended up winning by 5) has this horrible news for the messiah and his hardcore followers–
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 24% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19
Blaming Republicans and mocking/ridiculing the Tea Party Movement will make this even worse.
Obam-Mao has failed in his 1st year at leadership. As I predicted numerous times, he is forced to the middle to try and reclaim some semblance of power….and at the same time try to convince Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats that he is still their man!!
These idiots drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution still worship Obam-Mao unconditionally like he is the messiah.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
13. slingshot spews & lies:
“The government option, which has become disliked to the point of loathed by a majority of Americans, is a millstone around the neck
Gee, misquoting and lying seems to be all the Progressives have left!!
Can you say EMPTY SHELL!!?
Progressives tired to force their Kommie BS on American around 1900 and in the 50’s and got drummed out.
Same thing again today.
And you KLOWNS did it to yourselves with arrogance & lies!!
Go back to Russia you pinko’s!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
15. SJ, not a paid commentator spews:
Do paid HA cmmentators like Scottpay a fee for using this Blog?
C’mon SJ…are you sooooooooo disillusioned by Obam-Mao and the Progressive failure that you can’t stand to read the truth from a guy who was actually in Massa2shits??
You really are coming close to hitting rock bottom Sj. But brace yourself, the worst is yet to come!!
I heard someone talking about blowing up a plane to florida on tuesday david firavich
Mr. Cynicalspews:
16. john spews:
Billion dollar headache: Looming pension liability worries state officials
Zarelli says unless lawmakers keep making large, regular general fund payments into the pension system in the coming years, “we’ll be writing checks from the operating budgets to pension recipients, that’s a pretty dire situation.”
Mr Cynical has been preaching this for years.
Racist Roger Rabbit, a pension recipient, has told us there is no problem.
There is a huge problem that is growing.
The number of State Employees is UNSUSTAINABLE.
Tax increases in this recession will cause even more harm.
Why do the Unions hate the citizens they are supposed to serve??
The chickens have come home to roost.
The day of reckoning is upon us.
How may Americans want to financially support a growing, more intrusive, over-compensated government at any level??
That is what the 2010 and 2012 elections will be all about. Porkulous, car bailouts & the Health Care plan debacle will be tough for Dems to overcome.
They have a record to run against.
@17 Obam-Mao has failed in his 1st year at leadership.
He’s going to have to start showing some progress somewhere or matters will go from bad to worse. While the Dems focused an immense amount of time and energy on health care reform, issues of much greater concern to the majority of Americans over the last 12 months were placed on the back burner. Obama – and many of the faithful on HA – have a tin ear. For months polls have pointed out the growing dichotomy.
Now Obama is taking a populist stand in response to Mass by bashing the banks and refocusing on financial reform. Frankly, I think many people are questioning more than ever his leadership abilities and what he actually stands for.
Big minefields ahead, especially employment and Afghanistan (remember that?).
Unless it’s called “Medicare.” They’re fine with the thing; just don’t call it the name.
On the other hand, the Senate bill, as it stands, would probably make people spend money they don’t have for insurance they can’t use. No, not everyone. But a lot of people, including, probably, many of my friends, would be hurting. I would be remiss if I didn’t fight for the best reconciliation deal we can get.
BTW, I’ve decided that the corporate free speech decision (bah! how can a fictitious person have any rights other than those granted by law?) can be summarized as “unshackling the trolls.” Ready, trolls?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Some more bad news for Obam-Mao and his mindless drones–
Overall, 44% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance. That’s down four points since Tuesday morning and matches the lowest level of overall approval yet recorded for this President. Fifty-five percent (55%) of voters now disapprove. The number of Democrats who approve has fallen from 84% on Tuesday morning to 78% today.
Obam-Mao is sooooooooo funny to watch these days…pounding on the table that NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE ELSE SAYS, HE’S GONNA FOCUS ON JOBS!!
WTF??? Where has this dumbass, poor excuse for a leader been? No one is opposed to that…just as long as they aren’t UNSUSTAINABLE Government jobs.
Obam-Mao has lost his moral authority to lead.
He mocked the Tea Party Movement…and now wants them back??
Dems foolishly believed that Tea Party members are all Republicans. What a serious miscalculation….fatal.
Most hate both party’s…they are the unaffiliateds that Obam-Mao has no lost for good by mocking them.
No one with half a brain actually trusts Obam-Mao. The covers have been yanked…the messiah has no clothes!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
More trouble for Obam-Mao–
He needs to get rid of Rahm.
From the Democrat leaning Rasmussen Poll on 1/21/2010–
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Twenty-six percent (26%) of likely U.S. voters have a favorable opinion of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, while 48% view him unfavorably, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Those findings include nine percent (9%) with a very favorable regard for the former Illinois congressman and one-time Clinton White House staffer and 32% with a very unfavorable opinion of him.
The 2010 Election will focus on the villians–
David “The Devil” Axelrod
Obam-Mao himself
Lies, distortions and mocking middle America.
Good luck overcoming that.
And now, even though Dems have a clear majority in the House & Senate, they are afraid to stick together on anything.
The Democrat Party is fractured thanks to the Zealots Reid, Pelosi, Emmanual, Axelrod & of Course….Obam-Mao.
Too Damn Funny.
More Dems in the House will be switching Parties soon.
More Dem Incumbents will announce they are not running for re-election.
I expect Tester in Montana will soon annouce he is running for Governor as Schweitzer is term-limited out in 3 years.
A Republican will likely be elected to that seat in 2012.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Fabulous article about Obama’s Kiss of Death in Mass.
Obama’s State of the Union will be filled with bullshit and 180 degree contradictions to his actions. He has made sooooooooo many empty, lie-filled speeches in the past year…most Americans will either not watch the State of the Union…or not believe the guy.
SOU addresses almost always result in a short-term bounce. Go ahead and get excited KLOWNS…but it won’t last.
Deployed as in a corp of shock troops.. Love how that corporate cash greases things.. How were the accomodations Pooper? Days Inn or Four Seasons?
The right wing bullshit business is booming as the beneficiaries of years of right wing corruption and dealing spend tons of profits to maintain the status quo..
The TEA baggers are merely the same people who thought the execrable chimpanzee Bush was the best Preznit EVAR even as the economy was collapsing around their ears.
Hmmm, yes, trolls are ready. Hey, want a slot on prime time? Anything is possible!
Piper Scottspews:
I was there – were you? And I stayed at a low-end Howard Johnson’s dining on Cheetohs, M&Ms and Diet Coke on election night because I had copy to file to my editor.
I bring you first-hand evidence, and you respond with cliched propaganda. I see things haven’t changed all that much among the HA Happy Hooligans.
The Piper
YLB's sugar mommyspews:
@27 I was there – were you?
You must be kidding – I’d consider it a victory if he just worked his way out the front door. Permanently, if possible! Hubby has somehow convinced himself that his mindless posts to HA are more important than putting food on the table for his family and kids through college!
30 – Hey I was just talking to you to just a moment a go..
You weren’t on the computer.
Hmmm.. Oh you must be a right wing liar..
What a surprise.. Right wingers.. Lying…
BTW, I’ve decided that the corporate free speech decision (bah! how can a fictitious person have any rights other than those granted by law?) can be summarized as “unshackling the trolls.” Ready, trolls?
If you don’t want them to have political speech than don’t tax them. Of course this would be impossible for you theiving dems so enjoy the corporate endorsed campaigns this fall.
At least you’re a willing tool… The best kind in your paymaster’s book..
Propaganda!! Oh my!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 As an investor, I see Republicans as 100% anti-business and anti-investor. Look at what happened under Republican rule: Millions of people are unemployed. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses have gone under. Stock market investors earned nothing between 2000 and 2007, then lost their shirts big-time. There’s absolutely nothing in the record of Republican government for wage earners, small investors, or independent business owners to like. If you hate your money, vote Republican. If you want to make a living and support your family, you’d better think twice about that, because voting Republican is like shooting your own balls off.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “Have you missed me?”
YLB's sugar mommyspews:
@32 I was just talking to you to just a moment a go
Assuming I’ve made sense of that passage, no, you didn’t – that’s the two sides of your head trying to establish contact with each other!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 I don’t see a problem. Republicans like you say there’s plenty of fraud and waste in state spending. If so, all you have to do is shift that money into the pension funds and things will be fine. Under those circumstances, it doesn’t take tax increases.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 (continued) Here’s the money quote from the article:
“Over time, it has been easy for lawmakers … to postpone payments to these funds in the face of tough budget decisions. We now face the consequences of those past deferrals.”
In other words, the employees did their bit — they paid in. It was the state that chiseled, cheated, and welshed. Yet, if you read the comments under the article, you’ll see wingnuts arguing that retirees should eat it. I guess these guys don’t believe in the sanctity of pension obligations any more than they respect union contracts.
All I can say is, I sure as hell wouldn’t do business with people who think contracts can be torn up at their own convenience, no matter how much I had in writing from them — I wouldn’t sell them a house or buy a house from them, I wouldn’t hire them to do contracting work on my burrow, I wouldn’t loan them money, I wouldn’t give them a mortgage, I wouldn’t sell them anything on credit, I wouldn’t work for them … in short, I wouldn’t have any dealings whatsoever with them.
My pension is my money. It’s my private property. If I have to sue to collect it, I will. If I have to tow away taxpayers cars and empty their bank accounts to collect the judgment, I will. If I have to hire a Mafia debt collector, I will. If he has to break legs or cut off fingers to collect my money, he will. That’s how it’s going to go down, wingnuts: I’m not going to let you fucking communists steal my money.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 There’s no problem, Cynical. Really, there isn’t. I earned my pension and I’m going to collect. Really, I am. I’m not going to let fucking communists steal it from me. Really, I’m not. I’m willing to kill communists to protect my private property, if I have to. The state owes me my pension and they’re going to pay it. How is your problem, and I don’t give a rat’s ass about your problems.
@29 How’s the human resources business, pooper? Is that working out so well that you have to be a media whore for Effin Fucked Foundation to pay the rent? Do you snatch-and-grab little bags of Cheetos from the hospitality table to survive?
Welcome to the propaganda business, pooper. I’m a propagandist, too. We’re blood brothers now!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Ben & Jerry–2 big-time lefty’s signed some petition asking Congress to stop asking for campaign contributions. How disingenuous of these 2 pretend Hippies. They don’t have to give anything.
But they have in the past.
This is merely a ploy to keep campaign power with Unions.
It won’t work.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I hate Ben & Jerry Ice Cream because I think of all the unwashed hippies making it and that fatass Jerry (or is it Ben) dipping a hufe taste-testing ladel in the ice cream vat.
FYI, that link to Tom Toles’ cartoon will probably get broken in a few weeks.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
poor little racist YLB is throwing another tantrum…hahahahha
48 – Poor little Max is still a coward..
Run away Max, robtard, whoever you are…
Puddybud Likes Flying Dutchmenspews:
I bring you first-hand evidence, and you respond with cliched propaganda.
Piper, what do you expect from ylb arschloch and his eye on leftist diarrhea?
His 5+ years of useless commentary barely gets a rise from his leftist pinhead buds. Well, one did call him monomaniacal!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 It was more like 41 CEOs from name-brand companies, but don’t let facts get in the way of a good wingnut lie, klown.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 Yeah, forget Ben & Jerry’s, all that milkfat isn’t good for you anyway! Instead, gorge on t-bone steaks inspected by monkeys,* and don’t worry about cholestorol; you won’t live long enough for hard arteries to kill you.**
* Bush fired federal meat inspectors and gave taxpayer money to meatpacking companies to hire their own meat inspectors.
** See, e.g., e. coli and the endless meat recalls under Bush.
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Mr. Cynicalspews:
Does this mean Labor Unions too??
Or just evil Corporate America??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obam-Mao’s buddy in Socialist Crime is having some tough times–
From the AP
CARACAS, Venezuela — Tens of thousands of Venezuelans opposed to President Hugo Chavez took to the streets Saturday, blaming him for rolling blackouts, water rationing, widespread crime and other problems they say are making daily life increasingly difficult.
Wake up America!!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Barry Obam-Mao is doin’ so great before his state of the union that I have decided not to listen to because I am tired of his lies and bullshit–It no longer matters what he says as his actions are always different.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 24% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17
Let’s don’t attempt a TD, …..the Republicans will decry us in the press for destroying the game.
Don’t forget the overwhelming majority of the American people… Geesh. Very few want socialized medicine.
I would be for the SCOTUS decision if we can include NBC,CBS,ABC,CNN,MSNBC,NY Times, Washington Post, Labor unions ect. Why do thoses corporations get a break? No news reporting or union contributions from biased organizations.
I’m watching Conan O’Brien’s final “Tonight Show.” The top laugh lines so far:
He told the audience, “You have one hour to steal everything in this studio!”
“We didn’t rehearse this show because we don’t care.”
Mrs. Rabbit asked me what will happen to the masturbating bear. I told her that he’ll probably get a Hollywood gig and pick up some of Tiger Woods’ old endorsement deals.
@2 Trying for a new world record of stupidity?
@3 I think it’s more important to enact no internet posting by idiots.
Let’s do a reality check and see how 28 years of Republican policies are working for average Americans.
In 2007, pollster Mark Penn wrote a book called Microtrends: The Small Forces Behind Tomorrow’s Big Changes; this quote is from his book (at pp. 241-242):
“In 1985, fewer than 350,000 people in America filed for personal bankruptcy protection. In 2005, filers topped 2 million. As Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren has noted, that was more Americans than were diagnosed with cancer. …
“In some parts of the country, bankruptcy is practically a way of life. In Tennessee, Indiana, and Ohio, more than 10 out of every 1,000 people file for bankruptcy. (In Massachusetts, fewer than three do.)
[Roger Rabbit Note: Tennessee, Indiana, and Ohio voted for Bush; Massachusetts didn’t — so much for Republican thrift and responsibility.]
“But who are America’s bankrupts, really? It’s common to assume they’re deadbeats …. More than a few policymakers have claimed the reason bankruptcies are rising in America is because there’s no longer enough shame in overspending.
“But according to Professor Warren, the high-on-the-hog bankruptcy filer is a lot like the Welfare Queen of the 1980s — persuasive politics, but factually untrue.
“The typical bankruptcy-filer is a white, middle-class head of household with children and a full-time job. Nearly half of bankruptcy filers are married. They are slightly better educated than the general population. Almost all of them suffered a catastrophic personal event, like job loss, divorce, or a serious medical problem. (Of those who suffered a medical problem, fully three-quarters had health insurance when it started.) The fastest growing group of bankruptcies is seniors, who endure growing medical expenses not covered by insurance ….
“Bankruptcy has become a Middle America event.”
(Emphasis added.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Elizabeth Warren is a highly respected Harvard Law School professor and nationally recognized expert on middle class economics. Our local troll RUFUS is neither an expert nor respected; he’s a wingnut laughingstock who even embarrasses his fellow trolls, which is hard to do.
Warren is famous for debunking myths — usually propagated by Republicans — about “welfare queens,” bankrupts, and so on. She is one of the researchers who has helped publicize the fact that medical bills are the leading cause of personal bankruptcy. And, as she points out in the material quoted above from pollster Penn’s groundbreaking book, THREE FOURTHS OF MEDICAL BANKRUPTS HAD HEALTH INSURANCE.
In other words, no one is safe.
What has been the Republican response to this middle class catastrophe? Make it easier for corporations to use the bankruptcy laws to break union contracts and welsh on pension obligations, and slam the bankruptcy court doors shut to medical bankrupts, trapping them in a lifetime of penury.
Why would anyone vote for these immoral Republican shitheads? Really, why? Why?
Now let’s get back to the Lee’s cartoon. We’re at a threshold, a crossroads. We are the grassroots of the Democratic Party. This is a critical moment of history. We’ve got to make it absolutely clear to Democratic electeds that the kind of play depicted in the cartoon just isn’t going to cut it. If that’s the best they can do for the Democratic voters who elected them, well, they might as well be Republicans. And that’s how much cash, campaign effort, and votes they will deserve from us if they punt or settle for the field goal. Call, write, e-mail, or whatever, but LET THEM KNOW — we demand they go for the TOUCHDOWN.
If they don’t, they’re condemning millions of honest hard-working Americans who gave their all to our capitalist system to medical bankruptcy, and they’re condemning the rest of us to permanently subsidizing the tens of millions of uninsured, which Rep. Inslee estimated costs each one of us $1,300 a year in higher premium costs.
That’s simply not acceptable.
What if Lincoln had gone to Gettysburg, not to deliver the Gettysburg Address, but to negotiate a truce with Robert E. Lee?
What if Vince Lombardi had settled for a tie at the Superbowl?
What if Eisenhower had told Hitler he’d split the difference at Normandy?
No, there are times you have to go for the goalposts, and this is one of those times, and I sure as hell hope that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and our own Washington State congressional delegation understand that; because, if they don’t, they might as well be Republicans for all the good they’re doing us.
Republicans are mean-spirited people who kick others when they’re down and demonize the most vulnerable among us to justify their selfish agenda.
During my long state career, I occasionally did a little work with welfare programs. Through all the years and decades that conservatives bashed “welfare queens,” America’s major welfare program was for children and the vast majority of the adults on the program were abandoned and abused mothers taking care of young children. In some cases, the white males who had abused and abandoned them were the same people who were voting Republican and dissing “welfare queens.”
There are many reasons why I have to be a Democrat, why I can’t possibly be a Republican or vote for Republicans, and this is only one of them. Preeminently, Republicans are mean, lying, self-centered assholes. I have nothing in common with them. I support none of their political objectives, because their partisan
objectives are neither respectable nor good for our country.
I think we should pass this health care bill and shove it up their asses. Anything else is shameful appeasement.
Every American should support the “safety net” programs Republicans have worked so hard to dismantle. Why? Well, one reason is because you never know when you might need it yourself.
One of my Republican-leaning friends is a retired businessman. A couple years ago, his son was the owner of a successful business who employed about 100 people and earned several hundred thousand dollars a year, and his daughter was a successful real estate agent earning a high-five-figures income.
Well, you know what happened to real estate — it collapsed. And this week, my friend told me his son laid off his last employees and closed his doors for good last month. He had borrowed every cent he could against every asset he owned, including his house, to keep his business going but it wasn’t enough. Both credit and customers had evaporated. Now, middle aged, he’s dead broke, can’t make a living, and will lose his house and everything else he worked for.
Do I feel sorry for my friend and his kids? Yes, of course; none of this was their fault. They worked hard, played by the rules, and were winners under our winner-take-all economic system, until the system itself changed the rules and yanked the rug out from under them.
I won’t get preachy, I won’t say things like, “You shouldn’t have voted Republican.” If I have to say something, I’ll simply say, “Maybe you understand now why I’m a Democrat.”
One of the most important parts of any social safety net is universal health care that you’ll always have no matter who you are and regardless of what your circumstances are.
Enough said.
So much for the economic recovery:
Obama Seen as Anti-Business by 77% of U.S. Investors
“progressives”, the euphamistic term for slave holders have floated a proverbial turd in the punchbowl that is America.
Have you missed me?
I’ve been busy lately watching the left self-destruct.
A week ago, I left for three days in Masssachusetts to be eyes and ears on the ground to cover the Brown/Coakley election. Perhaps many of you read my stories filed from Springfield, Mass., the fourth largest city in New England?
Or perhaps you’ve seen the video that’s gone viral all over the Internet, TV and radio (the audio thereof)? Where I was called a Nazi by a couple union toughs after I went in to do a story on phone-bank efforts for Coakley (they were pathetic, poorly staffed and obviously ineffective).
In her hometown area – western Massachusetts – and in the city of Springfield she did OK, but voter turnout was only 32 percent.
Polling numbers decisively show how Brown supporters regarded the whole health care mess out of Washington to be corrupt and the politicians who promote it even more so. They were angry and they took it out on Coakley, who admittedly wasn’t an awe-inspiring candidate.
I had two face-to-face encounters with her. One in a Teamsters hall and one at a blue-collar pub in Springfield where she dropped in on Election Day for a touch-and-go meet-and-greet.
She was exhausted, and the people seemed equally tired of her. A remarkable lack of enthusiasm for her despite her best efforts to rally them was the order of the day. In addition, what was she doing on Election Day in an area everyone knew she would carry? Who was her scheduler – a Brown supporter?
The best post-election comment I heard was that Massachusetts was the canary in the coal mine for the left. Pushing a big, 2,000 page, $1 to 2.5 trillion, politically corrupt bill caused voters in the bluest state of all to rise up in populist indignation.
The message: if a liberal Democrat can be whipped – not simply beaten, but whipped decisively – then no elected official anywhere in the U.S. is safe.
This wasn’t evidence of a Republican resurgance as much as it was fury and disgust directed at politicians generally. Following on the heels of the Virginia and New Jersey governors races, though, those who promote big, expensive and intrusive government should give pause because the voters are saying they’re not interested.
To those who think Pres. Obama and his allies in Congress should go ahead and bull through a health care bill now, then I have to say you’re delusional.
The canary keeled over – the political air for such efforts is fatally toxic – you push at your peril, and the peril is great.
To try any one of the number of stunts suggested – delay Brown’s seating, reconciliation gimmicks,force reluctant House liberals to sign onto the Senate bill and pass it – would result in a national-level fury of a kind not seen since French peasants stormed the Bastille. And you know what came after that. Just the thought of it causes guillotine futures to soar.
For months polling numbers have increasingly shown the American people to be not just reluctant, but downright hostile toward large, nationalized, government-option healthcare.
The government option, which has become disliked to the point of loathed by a majority of Americans, is a millstone around the neck of any health care proposal. It’s a sure-fire way to tube any plan.
These are political realities not driven by ideological sentiment. I was in Massachusetts – I talked with the people there – I walked the turf – I visited close to 20 polling places talking to precinct wardens and voters – this is what they told me.
The Piper
“The government option, which has become disliked to the point of loathed by a majority of Americans, is a millstone around the neck of any health care proposal. It’s a sure-fire way to tube any plan”.
What utter bullshit. No, nobody missed you. Apparently you haven’t checked the polling on the issue. And just out of curiousity, how can something nonexistent become a millstone?
Read closely the quote you cited. I said it’s a millstone around the plan – if it’s in a plan, the plan will sink. People don’t want it.
If it was so popular, why wasn’t it included? Why weren’t Pres. Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid able to scoot a bill through post haste?
It’s time to stop fooling yourself. It’s time to face facts and reality.
The Piper
Do paid HA cmmentators like Scottpay a fee for using this Blog?
Maybe he ought to get the EFF to sponsor ne for him? Imagine all the pay day loan ads!
Billion dollar headache: Looming pension liability worries state officials
Zarelli says unless lawmakers keep making large, regular general fund payments into the pension system in the coming years, “we’ll be writing checks from the operating budgets to pension recipients, that’s a pretty dire situation.”
Excellent post!
The KLOWNS at HA are in total denial.
Their huge, misplaced ego’s do not allow them to admit the self-destruction and they still try to blame Bush!! Hysterical.
The Democrat-leaning Rasmussen poll (which had Coakley/Brown a toss-up and Brown ended up winning by 5) has this horrible news for the messiah and his hardcore followers–
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Blaming Republicans and mocking/ridiculing the Tea Party Movement will make this even worse.
Obam-Mao has failed in his 1st year at leadership. As I predicted numerous times, he is forced to the middle to try and reclaim some semblance of power….and at the same time try to convince Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats that he is still their man!!
These idiots drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution still worship Obam-Mao unconditionally like he is the messiah.
13. slingshot spews & lies:
Gee, misquoting and lying seems to be all the Progressives have left!!
Can you say EMPTY SHELL!!?
Progressives tired to force their Kommie BS on American around 1900 and in the 50’s and got drummed out.
Same thing again today.
And you KLOWNS did it to yourselves with arrogance & lies!!
Go back to Russia you pinko’s!
15. SJ, not a paid commentator spews:
C’mon SJ…are you sooooooooo disillusioned by Obam-Mao and the Progressive failure that you can’t stand to read the truth from a guy who was actually in Massa2shits??
You really are coming close to hitting rock bottom Sj. But brace yourself, the worst is yet to come!!
I heard someone talking about blowing up a plane to florida on tuesday david firavich
16. john spews:
Mr Cynical has been preaching this for years.
Racist Roger Rabbit, a pension recipient, has told us there is no problem.
There is a huge problem that is growing.
The number of State Employees is UNSUSTAINABLE.
Tax increases in this recession will cause even more harm.
Why do the Unions hate the citizens they are supposed to serve??
The chickens have come home to roost.
The day of reckoning is upon us.
How may Americans want to financially support a growing, more intrusive, over-compensated government at any level??
That is what the 2010 and 2012 elections will be all about. Porkulous, car bailouts & the Health Care plan debacle will be tough for Dems to overcome.
They have a record to run against.
@17 Obam-Mao has failed in his 1st year at leadership.
He’s going to have to start showing some progress somewhere or matters will go from bad to worse. While the Dems focused an immense amount of time and energy on health care reform, issues of much greater concern to the majority of Americans over the last 12 months were placed on the back burner. Obama – and many of the faithful on HA – have a tin ear. For months polls have pointed out the growing dichotomy.
Now Obama is taking a populist stand in response to Mass by bashing the banks and refocusing on financial reform. Frankly, I think many people are questioning more than ever his leadership abilities and what he actually stands for.
Big minefields ahead, especially employment and Afghanistan (remember that?).
“Very few want socialized medicine.”
Unless it’s called “Medicare.” They’re fine with the thing; just don’t call it the name.
On the other hand, the Senate bill, as it stands, would probably make people spend money they don’t have for insurance they can’t use. No, not everyone. But a lot of people, including, probably, many of my friends, would be hurting. I would be remiss if I didn’t fight for the best reconciliation deal we can get.
BTW, I’ve decided that the corporate free speech decision (bah! how can a fictitious person have any rights other than those granted by law?) can be summarized as “unshackling the trolls.” Ready, trolls?
Some more bad news for Obam-Mao and his mindless drones–
Obam-Mao is sooooooooo funny to watch these days…pounding on the table that NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE ELSE SAYS, HE’S GONNA FOCUS ON JOBS!!
WTF??? Where has this dumbass, poor excuse for a leader been? No one is opposed to that…just as long as they aren’t UNSUSTAINABLE Government jobs.
Obam-Mao has lost his moral authority to lead.
He mocked the Tea Party Movement…and now wants them back??
Dems foolishly believed that Tea Party members are all Republicans. What a serious miscalculation….fatal.
Most hate both party’s…they are the unaffiliateds that Obam-Mao has no lost for good by mocking them.
No one with half a brain actually trusts Obam-Mao. The covers have been yanked…the messiah has no clothes!
More trouble for Obam-Mao–
He needs to get rid of Rahm.
From the Democrat leaning Rasmussen Poll on 1/21/2010–
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The 2010 Election will focus on the villians–
David “The Devil” Axelrod
Obam-Mao himself
Lies, distortions and mocking middle America.
Good luck overcoming that.
And now, even though Dems have a clear majority in the House & Senate, they are afraid to stick together on anything.
The Democrat Party is fractured thanks to the Zealots Reid, Pelosi, Emmanual, Axelrod & of Course….Obam-Mao.
Too Damn Funny.
More Dems in the House will be switching Parties soon.
More Dem Incumbents will announce they are not running for re-election.
I expect Tester in Montana will soon annouce he is running for Governor as Schweitzer is term-limited out in 3 years.
A Republican will likely be elected to that seat in 2012.
Fabulous article about Obama’s Kiss of Death in Mass.
Obama’s State of the Union will be filled with bullshit and 180 degree contradictions to his actions. He has made sooooooooo many empty, lie-filled speeches in the past year…most Americans will either not watch the State of the Union…or not believe the guy.
SOU addresses almost always result in a short-term bounce. Go ahead and get excited KLOWNS…but it won’t last.
Heh. The pooper’s hit the big time..
Deployed as in a corp of shock troops.. Love how that corporate cash greases things.. How were the accomodations Pooper? Days Inn or Four Seasons?
The right wing bullshit business is booming as the beneficiaries of years of right wing corruption and dealing spend tons of profits to maintain the status quo..
The TEA baggers are merely the same people who thought the execrable chimpanzee Bush was the best Preznit EVAR even as the economy was collapsing around their ears.
Hmmm, yes, trolls are ready. Hey, want a slot on prime time? Anything is possible!
I was there – were you? And I stayed at a low-end Howard Johnson’s dining on Cheetohs, M&Ms and Diet Coke on election night because I had copy to file to my editor.
I bring you first-hand evidence, and you respond with cliched propaganda. I see things haven’t changed all that much among the HA Happy Hooligans.
The Piper
@27 I was there – were you?
You must be kidding – I’d consider it a victory if he just worked his way out the front door. Permanently, if possible! Hubby has somehow convinced himself that his mindless posts to HA are more important than putting food on the table for his family and kids through college!
27 – Give us the details of the deployment Pooper, the command structure, etc..
Hell I’ll submit it to The Nation.
30 – Hey I was just talking to you to just a moment a go..
You weren’t on the computer.
Hmmm.. Oh you must be a right wing liar..
What a surprise.. Right wingers.. Lying…
If you don’t want them to have political speech than don’t tax them. Of course this would be impossible for you theiving dems so enjoy the corporate endorsed campaigns this fall.
Huh… Talk about cheap labor conservatism..
At least you’re a willing tool… The best kind in your paymaster’s book..
Propaganda!! Oh my!
@11 As an investor, I see Republicans as 100% anti-business and anti-investor. Look at what happened under Republican rule: Millions of people are unemployed. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses have gone under. Stock market investors earned nothing between 2000 and 2007, then lost their shirts big-time. There’s absolutely nothing in the record of Republican government for wage earners, small investors, or independent business owners to like. If you hate your money, vote Republican. If you want to make a living and support your family, you’d better think twice about that, because voting Republican is like shooting your own balls off.
@12 “Have you missed me?”
@32 I was just talking to you to just a moment a go
Assuming I’ve made sense of that passage, no, you didn’t – that’s the two sides of your head trying to establish contact with each other!
@16 I don’t see a problem. Republicans like you say there’s plenty of fraud and waste in state spending. If so, all you have to do is shift that money into the pension funds and things will be fine. Under those circumstances, it doesn’t take tax increases.
@16 (continued) Here’s the money quote from the article:
“Over time, it has been easy for lawmakers … to postpone payments to these funds in the face of tough budget decisions. We now face the consequences of those past deferrals.”
In other words, the employees did their bit — they paid in. It was the state that chiseled, cheated, and welshed. Yet, if you read the comments under the article, you’ll see wingnuts arguing that retirees should eat it. I guess these guys don’t believe in the sanctity of pension obligations any more than they respect union contracts.
All I can say is, I sure as hell wouldn’t do business with people who think contracts can be torn up at their own convenience, no matter how much I had in writing from them — I wouldn’t sell them a house or buy a house from them, I wouldn’t hire them to do contracting work on my burrow, I wouldn’t loan them money, I wouldn’t give them a mortgage, I wouldn’t sell them anything on credit, I wouldn’t work for them … in short, I wouldn’t have any dealings whatsoever with them.
My pension is my money. It’s my private property. If I have to sue to collect it, I will. If I have to tow away taxpayers cars and empty their bank accounts to collect the judgment, I will. If I have to hire a Mafia debt collector, I will. If he has to break legs or cut off fingers to collect my money, he will. That’s how it’s going to go down, wingnuts: I’m not going to let you fucking communists steal my money.
@21 There’s no problem, Cynical. Really, there isn’t. I earned my pension and I’m going to collect. Really, I am. I’m not going to let fucking communists steal it from me. Really, I’m not. I’m willing to kill communists to protect my private property, if I have to. The state owes me my pension and they’re going to pay it. How is your problem, and I don’t give a rat’s ass about your problems.
@29 How’s the human resources business, pooper? Is that working out so well that you have to be a media whore for Effin Fucked Foundation to pay the rent? Do you snatch-and-grab little bags of Cheetos from the hospitality table to survive?
Welcome to the propaganda business, pooper. I’m a propagandist, too. We’re blood brothers now!
Ben & Jerry–2 big-time lefty’s signed some petition asking Congress to stop asking for campaign contributions. How disingenuous of these 2 pretend Hippies. They don’t have to give anything.
But they have in the past.
This is merely a ploy to keep campaign power with Unions.
It won’t work.
I hate Ben & Jerry Ice Cream because I think of all the unwashed hippies making it and that fatass Jerry (or is it Ben) dipping a hufe taste-testing ladel in the ice cream vat.
Leftist KLOWNS!
37 – I love how you’re a credit to your right wing tribe.
You lie, lie, lie!!!
I laugh at YOU!!!
Mr Cynical @ 44
Ben & Jerry’s brand is now owned by multinational Unilever. Just your thing.
Third millennium. Search engines. Try it sometime.
Progressives buy local.
I personally favor Snoqualmie Ice Cream. Their seasonal pumpkin flavor is proof that God loves us.
Hi Lee.
FYI, that link to Tom Toles’ cartoon will probably get broken in a few weeks.
poor little racist YLB is throwing another tantrum…hahahahha
48 – Poor little Max is still a coward..
Run away Max, robtard, whoever you are…
Piper, what do you expect from ylb arschloch and his eye on leftist diarrhea?
His 5+ years of useless commentary barely gets a rise from his leftist pinhead buds. Well, one did call him monomaniacal!
@43 It was more like 41 CEOs from name-brand companies, but don’t let facts get in the way of a good wingnut lie, klown.
@44 Yeah, forget Ben & Jerry’s, all that milkfat isn’t good for you anyway! Instead, gorge on t-bone steaks inspected by monkeys,* and don’t worry about cholestorol; you won’t live long enough for hard arteries to kill you.**
* Bush fired federal meat inspectors and gave taxpayer money to meatpacking companies to hire their own meat inspectors.
** See, e.g., e. coli and the endless meat recalls under Bush.
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Does this mean Labor Unions too??
Or just evil Corporate America??
Obam-Mao’s buddy in Socialist Crime is having some tough times–
From the AP
Wake up America!!
Barry Obam-Mao is doin’ so great before his state of the union that I have decided not to listen to because I am tired of his lies and bullshit–It no longer matters what he says as his actions are always different.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I’m not the only one who thinks so.