Not much reason to be optimistic about tomorrow’s votes in the State House. For optimism, though, we can still look to the polling trends.
by Lee — ,
Not much reason to be optimistic about tomorrow’s votes in the State House. For optimism, though, we can still look to the polling trends.
To all the democrats thinking that this election was a fluke and it was a failure of getting their agenda heard I have a quote from the most interesting man in the world:
“Stay thirsty my friends, stay thirsty” hahahahahahaha
Roger Rabbit’s Economic Forecast
As this is an open thread, I’ll take this opportunity to present my financial advice for the months ahead. It’s always worthwhile to reiterate the basics, so I’ll start with those:
1. Own, don’t owe.
2. Invest in equity, not debt.
3. Save and invest, don’t borrow and spend.
4. Live by owning capital, not by selling labor.
5. Add to capital if you can, but in any event, never spend capital you already have.
Okay, with that out of the way, let’s talk about what to do now.
First, your long-range planning should focus on reducing dependency on employment as much as possible. The prospects for wage earners going forward are grim and will get grimmer. Employers have ripped up the social contract, and you can’t count on them anymore. High unemployment will persist for years, employers will make you work harder and pay you less for it, and employer-provided benefits will continue to erode away. Acquiring education, training, and work skills won’t be as good an investment it used to be, unless you can figure out a way to work for yourself instead of a company or a boss. Thus, entrepreneurial training and business management should be high on the list of skills you invest in.
Second, artificially low interest rates create asset bubbles. The Fed knows this, but is afraid to tighten credit, so they’ll let these bubbles develop and deal with them later. For couple of years, at least, it’s your job to watch out for them and avoid being caught by them. This means being hard-nosed about the price you’ll pay for “hard” assets, and walking away if someone bids the price above intrinsic value using borrowed money.
Third, a commercial real estate meltdown is likely to hit the economy this year. It won’t do as much damage as the housing collapse, but it’ll put further stress on the credit system and hurt the recovery.
Fourth, households still have a lot of debt to pay off, plus they’re saving more, so there won’t be a resurgence of consumer spending.
Buy stocks or bonds? I see no reason to own debt now. Risks of not being repaid are high, and interest returns are almost nonexistent, so why would you want to loan out your capital?
What stocks to buy? I like companies that sell to other businesses much better than companies than sell to consumers.
Stock market. Not in bubble territory yet, but investors have been too optimistic, and the stock market is due for a 10% to 15% correction when they come down to earth. No one can time the market, least of all me, so I can’t tell you when that’ll happen. I’m basing my own decisions on the assumption there’ll be a correction within the next 2 or 3 months.
Investing strategy. The best return you can get now, or any time, is paying off high-interest debt. That’s what I would do with spare cash, except I don’t have any debts, nor any spare cash. My portfolio is about 90% stocks and 10% cash right now, but because I expect a correction, I’m selling stocks and building up my cash position. Over the last year, I’ve shifted the emphasis of my stock holdings from growth stocks to high-yielding blue chips, which are less volatile and guarantee you some sort of a return even if capital gains fail to materialize. Stocks in this category that I currently own include IBM, Boeing, British Petroleum, Microsoft, Walgreen’s, and General Electric. Notice there are no bonds or mutual funds in my portfolio. No foreign stuff either; I only invest in things I understand, and would rather pass up an opportunity than invest blindly.
Gold. You’ve got to be kidding. If you think you need to own gold, that money is probably better spent on guns, ammunition, a backyard bunker, and survival food stores.
@1 So you think voters think the solution to our problems is voting for the party that created the problems?
Coakley was a lousy candidate who ran a lousy campaign. It doesn’t mean a whole lot more than that.
Coakley was a lousy candidate who ran a lousy campaign. It doesn’t mean a whole lot more than that.
roger, you’re totally wrong. people here are PISSED OFF. now, you can argue their stupid or you can argue they’ve been duped by the teabaggers, but they wee pissed. about obama and his lies about cspan. about voting for bills no one has dead. about taxing everything. and on. deny it if you want. but like i told you the other day, you dont know massachusetts… dems dont lose in this state. and even though you definatley wont agree with this, there is a lot of fraudulent dem voting here, and a republican still won. maybe she was an idiot, but thats not half the story.
Yes Coakley ran a horrible campaign and Brown ran a flawless campaign. But when you lose a 20 point lead. When you lose a seat help by Ted Kennedy for decades something is wrong. Coakley should have coasted to victory. This just shows that anything is possible.
Thank you, Massachusetts! America continues to smack the democrats silly….
The election in Massachusetts
The race in specific – the democrat was a crappy candidate who coasted and the republican was a great candidate hustled.
Macro – The people elected democrats last year on the promise of hope and change. Repub’s promise was more of the same. But, what we are getting is the repub theme of more of the same. I don’t see much change. I don’t see any hopes being realized. The dems promised big and are failing to deliver. That generates a huge amount of anger.
The conservatives will fight what ever the dems offer, just for the blood sport of it. In my opinion, they don’t care about the country, they care about being in power and what ever gets them back in power, is fair game. The dem, they keep trying to appease the conservatives and abandoned the base that put them in power. It’s going to be ugly if the dems keep going more conservative.
Give me change, live up to the hope you promised, or you are nothing more than faux republicans and if I have a choice between a knock off and the real thing, I’ll vote for the real thing.
You see it differently?
The fact that the Democrats sold out to the unions AND insurance companies on the health care bill – along with not producing the promised transparency(back room deals in the dead of night anyone?) during the debates have sealed their, and the health care bill’s, fate.
They have proven, once again, that they are just your average, run of the mill crooked politicians just like their brethren across the aisle.
You leftist progressives love to pin tea bagger labels on peeps who disagree with you. Now you witnessed the bluest state in America reject and repudiate those useless labels.
Sure your kind will blame Coakley for her stupid comments such as Curt Schilling a Yankee supporter. Yet, Odumba visited Mass on Sunday to reawaken “Hope and Change”. Then you have Robert Gibbs claiming Odumba was surprised and frustrated by the Massachusetts senate results. Is it these Odumba disciples live in a cocoon? Do they listen to their own press releases regurgitated by the libtardo MSM? Well the channel of choice is NBC.
The main stream peeps have been telling Odumba and the Pelosiites the House Health Care plan as written was DOA. Fining peeps $3500 if you don’t buy guvmint mandated health care? Yet you fools continued down that path of ram it through, screw Americans who disagree. They are just a bunch of stupid tea baggers.
Well the independent (unaffiliated in MASS) voters decided enough with the tea bag labels. Enough with this profligate spending spree. Enough with misplaced priorities. Yet the HA Libtardo class can’t fathom the bluest state in the Union rejecting the thug mentality.
Keep it up fools. Keep labeling peeps tea baggers. Keep the nastiness going. Please. Tell Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Andrea Mitchell, Davis Shuster, Ed Schultz, The Vile NBC Morons, The Vile CNN Morons, The Vile ABC Morons, the Vile CBS Morons, The Very Vile PBS Morons, etc. etc. etc. to continue to bring on peeps who call Americans who disagree tea baggers and NAZIs.
If the east coasters in Mass, NJ, PA and VA are waking up and rejecting this DOPE with NO CHANGE what does that say for the rest of the blue states. Only time will tell because your slime does smell!
Gotta visit the vile whackamole sites. Gotta see the crying and name calling this morning.
Hey ylb arschloch. You need your new marching and name calling orders.
Go watch Daily Kos TV. That’s an order.
Go visit MSNBC. That’s an order.
Go visit HuffPo. That’s an order.
Go visit Alternet. That’s an order.
Go visit Democratic Underground. That’s an order.
It’d help if the fools didn’t pin teabags on themselves:
What can you say when the Dummocraptic voter registration in Mass is almost 3.5:1 over Republican voter registrations? Can you say REJECTION?
Where are the usual HA screaming ninnies today?
yes ylb arschloch,
Please keep it up. Keep calling them names. It’s working… It’s working…
Wow Stupes. Everyone is “vile” save for the right wing bullshit you’re into..
You’re side is so boring when it’s in triumphalist mode.
12 – LMAO!!!!! Like you’re a real stranger to name-calling..
Can you say REJECTION?
Yes. But the big question is, did they reject the dem because the current congress and president are enacting legislation that is too progressive and too liberal?
In my opinion, we were promised change and hope. They are not living up to our hopes and nothing is changing, so they are being rejected.
What are the dems putting into law that you can site that is what a progressive wants? Is health care single payer or even have a robust public option? Are we out of Afghanistan or Iraq? Are we out of WTO and NAFTA? Have they passed strong pro Union laws?
No. No. No. No. and No. So how are the dems living up to the promise of hope and change? they are not. And that’s why they are being rejected.
How do you see it differently?
11 – Fact check on the moronic one.
MA registered Dems – 1.6 million
MA registered R’s – 490k
that’s 3.265 to 1..
#6 “Thank you, Massachusetts! America continues to smack the democrats silly….”
ROTFLMAO. Ok crazy, little reality check. Drop the meth and step back for just a second and look arund. Just a YEAR ago we elected a Democratic President. The “people” elected 59% of Senate as Democrats, oh and 58% of the House is Democrats.
Yes, you won ONE seat (an important one in a 60 vote majority) that was hasn’t been a Republican seat since ’72. But golly, the Democrats won a Republican Congress seat in a special election that had never gone Democrat and was in super conservative district. Uh. Surely this means the people hate Republicans! LOL Of course not, it was local politics.
Take a breath…the Democrats still control everything. They won’t for long. Neither will the Republicans when they get control back. George W. Bush had 8 years to fix everything Republicans wanted in their lives…plus 6 years of a Republican congress that never bucked him. So the conservatives already have EVERYTHING they want right? You HAD power and got your way. The IRS is gone, the Dept of Education is gone, the NEA is gone, the EPA is gone, all gun regulations are gone, all business regulation is gone, the government is half the size it was, spending is down. Oh wait, reality is the exact opposite. You had power to do everything you want, and did nothing. Shocking. Sounds….familiar…as if this has happened before, and will happen AGAIN! Good LUCK crazies!
I love the wingnuts! Obama hasn’t actually DONE virtually anything. We have the same bailouts Bush did, we live under the same abortion laws, gun laws, tax rates and everything else that existed under George W. Bush. But if you listen to the wingnuts crazies, our country is coming apart and being destroyed. But since it’s the same rules/laws as George W. Bush had, that means Bush and the Republicans were destroying America too! LOL LOL LOL
The 60 seat majority is a miserable myth. The sooner it dies the better.
With the likes of Lieberman, Nelson and Lincoln in the Senate?
FDR and LBJ were able to change things because they had even greater super majorities and even then they had to twist arms and call in favors.
6 – Imagine that – right wingers crowing over election results from Ted Kennedy and John Kerry’s State..
I love seeing the Rabbit, Blue John and other hardcore leftists blaming Coakley.
Rasmussen is a Democrat biased poll as they had the election a toss-up and Brown won by 5.
With that in mind, read & weep:
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Obam-Mao was +32 a year ago!
A 44-point dive in a year.
In focus groups last night, Democrats actually blamed Pelosi and Reid~! For there unfair, backroom health care deals.
Your Nazi Leader, Herr David “The Devil” Axelrod wants the Dems to move full-steam ahead!! Even Barney Frank understands that is foolish. Was “The Devil” Axelrod actually elected to anything???
He is leading the Dems off the cliff…like stupid lemmings.
Look for HUGE internal battles within the Democrat Party. The hardcore idealogues will lose the Blue Dogs and other Moderate Dems.
Thank you KLOWNS for being at the forefront of destroying the Democrat Party!!
Rabbit spews–
The Dow is down 200 points this AM.
I am out of the market except Gold Stocks ABX and GOLD.
I have $$ in 6% guaranteed annuities which I can take out soon, 5% Group Universal Variable Life Contract I took out 20 years ago where I can take out the Principal 1st TAX-FREE.
And my real estate is 100% rented with no debt.
Financial advice from Rog Rabbit is like spiritual advice from Osama Bin Laden!
He’s an idiot who worked for state government…acknowledging it was a monumental waste of time…for a pension and an oxygen tank.
I love seeing the Rabbit, Blue John and other hardcore leftists blaming Coakley.
That’s not what I said. Please pay attention. I think she coasted and didn’t put in an effort, assuming the dems would vote for her regardless. In a normal election she would have won.
The bigger picture is that the dems in general promised change and did not deliver.
What are the dems putting into law that you can site that is what a progressive wants? Is health care single payer or even have a robust public option? Are we out of Afghanistan or Iraq? Are we out of WTO and NAFTA? Have they passed strong pro Union laws?
What you won’t admit, is that lack of progressive change is what is killing the dems. If I wanted republican laws, I would have voted republican. I’m getting republican so why not vote for them.
20 – Can the idiot please point to numbers of any Republican that is better than Obama’s on the national level?
Didn’t think so..
I’d love to see the numbers of a ghoul like Mitch McConnell. That’d be a knee slapper.
How about the numbers of the man with the eternal sun tan?
Blue John yells–
They are trying BJ..more deficit spending, big government etc.
What are you griping about.
Change?? Good change or bad change?
Hope?? Feelings are not what this is about at this time.
How about OPEN GOVERNMENT instead of backroom deals? Start there.
Factcheck fails from the arschloch.
Puddy said almost 3.5 to 1
Stay Stupid… You perform that task almost as well as being an unemployed idiot.
HAHAHAHA It’s your side who told us Hope and Change reigned supreme. It was your side that said the adults are in charge. It was your side that told us everything would be alright. NOW YOU CLAIM THIS IS NOT A NORMAL ELECTION BECAUSE THE LION OF THE SENATE DIED?
What a crock!
You betcha arschloch. It demostrates how the bluest of states are not swallowing the blue pill anymore. Imagine that, liberal Dummocrapts are fed up with progressive libtardo memes of the last few months.
How about OPEN GOVERNMENT instead of backroom deals? Start there. That’s what I always associated with repubs.
You don’t read well. Please try to follow. I never said that. In a normal cycle, the dem that was candidate would likely be elected, especially because Kennedy died.
In this case, however, the dem that ran assumed that, didn’t bother to hustle, didn’t pay heed to anger that nothing is changing, that the hope were promised is not being fulfilled. That’s what makes this not a normal election.
She lose because she coasted, because she didn’t feel she had to put out an effort to appeal to the base. Same as the congress and the president. They don’t feel they have to put out an effort to appeal to THEIR base. They are so busy trying to appeal to cynical, (like that would happen) that they are alienating the old and new democrats.
More useless feckless arschlochisms. Do you remember your and other comments over getting Al Franken, the Minnesota ACORN candidate into the senate for the 60th vote? Or how about Arlen Specter going your way?
Now all of a sudden it doesn’t matter arschloch?
What a fool!
25 – Caught you spinnin! Just a friendly fact check to keep you on your toes fiend.. You should thank me!
27 – Huh.. makes a lot of sense..
So nutso and WRONG to boot..
Coakley lost because she was bad candidate, ran a terrible campaign and the Western Massachusetts Dems shoved her down the throat of the Eastern machine Dems who don’t take kindly to that..
So an opportunistic hustler with a bullhorn and a pickup truck seized the moment..
He’ll fizzle out after three years if he’s as stupid as some of the things he’s said and done in the past but who knows, he may grow in office if really likes the job and wants to keep it.
Keep up the name-calling fiend – just shows you for the hollow fool you are.
Blue John, you are swalling the blue pill again…
That’s the EXCUSE of the blue pill crowd. What platform did she have to run on? She was running on what the national Dummocrapts were feeding her.
What hope promised? Everything claimed by progressives as an anathema was built into the health care bill. Deals with big pharma and insurance companies. Who negotiated those deals. Pelosi, Reid and Odumba. No Republicans need apply. Nancy said so! Then when the senate deals were delivered to get others to vote yes peeps got madder. You all called them teabaggers. Peeps are waking up and your party had nothing to bring to the table except the same DOPE and NO CHANGE!
Plain and simple.
30 – Thanks for the links fiend.. For once you try to backup your bullshit..
But I notice something…
You don’t point to comments. I wonder why???
Here’s what I said in those threads?
Thank you, thank you, dear fiend for illustrating what a hollow, bankrupt man you are…
I bet Senator Brown can’t wait till Senator Vitter shows him around to all the popular haunts in D.C where a busy legislator can
themselves from the PRESSURES of office..
Such a liar arschloch. Where did Puddy say 3.5:1? Such a useless tool.
That’s not what your fiends say at the HuffPo fool. She ran on the Odumba agenda. She said she would be the 60th vote. EPIC FAIL! You and her!
Go read the Huff Po ylb arschloch. That’s an order!
35 – She took a month off moron.. How do you deliver any kind of message, build any kind of connection with voters that way..
When she came back, all she had time to do was to go on the attack.. A candidate comes off as a downer that way.
I sure put it to you in 33 fool. You’re mad!!
and stupid…
Oh you stupid and dumb arschloch…
here is what Puddy said above…
Here is the comment not copied on PURPOSE by ylb arschloch!
Not only are you a fucking liar but a certified dumb fuck fool.
See ya ylb arschloch…
That’s the EXCUSE of the blue pill crowd. What platform did she have to run on? She was running on what the national dems were feeding her.
I agree with you Puddybud. What platform DID she have to run on? A health care plan that didn’t satisfy anyone, that was a give away to insurance companies? That wasn’t single payer or even have a robust public option? Every dem outside of congress hated that bill. We are still in Afghanistan and Iraq. The economy sucks and they don’t seem to want to challenge the banksters or big corporations to change it. So really, why vote for her? What does she bring to the table?
Until the dems PASS ACTUAL progressive laws and they don’t work, I’m going to continue to assume the anger is because it’s because the dems are not being progressive enough. I need some proof.
37 – Didn’t I also say that the 60 seat majority was a myth with Specter way back then? As I’m saying now..
I think that demonstrates a consistent view of the situation.
Are you really denying I wrote that?
What’s wrong with welcoming Franken to the Senate? It seems like he’s doing a great job for his State unlike the tool of right wing nutcases Coleman..
You can’t deal with your own idiocy.. And now you’re stomping off like a spoiled child..
Awwwwww.. Poor baby..
Blue John shocks Puddy
But above you accused Puddy
My Coakley commentary hasn’t changed. Yours did Blue John.
Glad you finally saw the light Puddy left on for ya!
Now witness the lunacy of ylb arschloch. He doesn’t copy his own comment to make himself look good.
Now why did ylb arschloch do that? Only his femtometer sized brain knows why.
When Puddy demonstrates he’s the dumbest brick on HA, check out his tail between the legs comments @39.
Disgusting individual that ylb arschloch is!
Back to work arschloch… Oh wait a minute… something is missing.. now what could that be…? a job!
Hey ylb arschloch. You need your new marching and name calling orders.
Go watch Daily Kos TV. That’s an order.
Go visit MSNBC. That’s an order.
Go visit HuffPo. That’s an order.
Go visit Alternet. That’s an order.
Go visit Democratic Underground. That’s an order.
41 – You’re grasping for straws fiend.. Keep it up…
You’ve been doing it for years..
Caught in a web of your own feckless bullshit.. I’ve seen it so many times..
41 – Is this your yob fiend?
HA comment threads??? Sure spend an awful lot of time here.
More time for sure than at your church.
Yep the words from the filth covered fingers of ylb arschloch are “grasping for straws”
What a useless feckless tool!
I don’t think my opinion of coakley changed. She was a weak candidate who coasted on the sole fact that she was replacement to Ted Kennedy. In a normal cycle, that probably would have worked.
What killed her was the mood of the country, because dems didn’t live up to their promises. What sweeping progressive legislation have they actually enacted or implemented
Hey right wingers..
Here’s your standard bearer – the miserable Stupes who.
in 30 attacks me for stating the 60 seat majority is a myth..
and then points to a thread from LAST APRIL where I said the SAME THING…
Please continue to hold this man up as your standard bearer..
Gotta go now Stupes..
I’m gettin’ so bored with you..
Keep trying arschloch… Everyone knows you are the dumbest monomaniacal chronologically deficient moron here.
Hey ylb arschloch. You need your new marching and name calling orders.
Go watch Daily Kos TV. That’s an order.
Go visit MSNBC. That’s an order.
Go visit HuffPo. That’s an order.
Go visit Alternet. That’s an order.
Go visit Democratic Underground. That’s an order.
49 – Yawwwwn.. Good to see you’re not hiding it any longer fool..
You’ve come out of the closet.. You’ve embraced your inner dictator..
@49 That’s an order
YLB doesn’t take orders, even from me! I can’t get rid of him!
Thank you! Hear that Stupes?
Why don’t you use your “Pavlov” routine on this right wing liar?
Still waiting for your call. You know the number..
heh.. not!
@4 People are pissed off, all right — they’re pissed off about the economic mess the GOP created. Will that get Republicans some swing votes? Possibly, because a lot of people know little or nothing about economics and can be swayed by the lies and propaganda spewed by the rightwing-biased media on a daily basis. But if you’re an informed voter who cares about your future (and who doesn’t), voting Republican is the worst thing you can do.
The Dow was down about 164 points a few minutes ago, reacting to China’s asset bubble. I took profits on some stocks that have hit their ceiling and have potential downside, so my portfolio allocation is now about 80% stocks and 20% cash. I may do some more selling over the next few days, depending on how this develops. I don’t know if this is the start of a correction, but if a correction is waiting to happen, the Chinese central bank’s tightening of credit is as good an excuse as any to trigger it. This might be the crack that becomes a breach in the investor overconfidence that has built up.
@6 Misleading voters with lies about what’s in the health care reform bill undoubtedly helped the GOP cause. I would vote against “death panels” and “socialism” too — if they were real. Which they’re obviously not, to anyone with half a functioning brain. Rigging the election helps, too, and evidence is now flooding in that ballots were pre-marked for Brown. And don’t forget the Massachusetts ballots were counted on hackable Diebold machines. The Republican election-stealing machinery is alive and well, and the stupid Democrat conceded before anyone even bothered to see if there were irregularities in yesterday’s voting. It’s now very plain there were — and as information comes in and a clearer picture emerges, we may see evidence of massive irregularities in the coming days.
@7 “The dems promised big and are failing to deliver. That generates a huge amount of anger.”
While I think there’s much truth to your observation that voters are angry, I’m convinced a vast majority of people don’t comprehend what has happened over the last year.
The reality is that Obama delivered massively.
A year ago, America and the world stood within a cat’s whisker of Great Depression II. I’m not kidding, the 2008 banking collapse was even worse than the 1930 banking collapse. Obama, Bernanke, and Geithner literally saved the world by flooding the banking system with liquidity. Bush deserves some credit here, too, for recognizing the necessity of a bank bailout — it’s one of the very few things he did right. Obama’s stimulus measures also put the brakes on the slide and helped keep unemployment from going higher.
But in this world, people judge you by things you make happen, not things you keep from happening. There’s little acknowledgement or reward for preventing a catastrophe. Not only that, but the fact it didn’t happen causes many people to believe the situation was far less serious than it actually was.
This was a serious, serious, serious situation; and if do-nothing free-market Republicans had been in charge over the last 12 months, we would have 12% to 15% official unemployment right now and still be sliding toward 20%. Things would be much, much worse if Hooverism had prevailed in the 2008 election.
By the way, remember that the next time you vote, because we’re not all the way out of the woods yet, and the wrong policies could put us back on the slippery downward slope.
@8 The Democrats wouldn’t have had to sell out to big corporations if Republicans hadn’t stonewalled en bloc on health reform. All of the deficiencies of this bill are directly due to the failure of a single reasonable Republican stepping forward to work with the Democrats on crafting a bipartisan bill that would meet the country’s needs. This is another monument to Republican partisanship and the damage it inflicts on America. Why would anyone vote for that party?
If this bill fails and you subsequently lose your home, savings, and retirement to medical bankruptcy because your insurer denied your claim, be sure to write a “thanks for nothing” letter to each and every Republican member of the House and Senate, because your misfortune will be their fault.
@11 I think what I would say is more than half of Massachusetts voters are registered independents, which leaves the GOP with something like 12% of the electorate there. That’s quite a testament to your party’s popular appeal, huh? Has it occurred to you that you may be doing something wrong if you can get only 12% of the voters in one of the nation’s most highly educated states to register under your party’s label? Oh, and one more thing, Brown ran as an “independent.” He may not be; he may be a lock-step Republican; but voters didn’t vote for him because he’s a Republican, they voted for him because he promised to be independent.
@18 The Democrats did have a 60-seat supermajority for one piece of legislation — the health bill. And don’t forget, that bill has already passed the Senate, so the Democratic-controlled House can pass it without another Senate vote. So, the 60 Senate votes Reid had for the health bill until yesterday (and still has, for a few more days) are not irrelevant. I repeat, this bill has already passed the Senate, and doesn’t need to be voted on by the Senate again. The only way it doesn’t become law is if the House Democrats throw it away. Which, of course, they’re capable of doing.
@20 “Rasmussen is a Democrat biased poll”
What’s next on your comedy show, calling Glenn Beck a liberal?
@21 Cynical tells us he has money in gold, annuities, and whole life insurance. Yeah, keep telling us what a great investor you are! I’m sure the gold, annuity, and insurance salesmen love you. I can see the line from your front door snaking all the way around the block.
54. Roger Rabbit spews:
What a liar you are.
Last night around 11PM you were at 90-10!
Turn up the oxygen tank Racist Roger “Flying Monkey” “oreo’ BS Rabbit.
You and tollycraft steve are kind of unhinged today.
catch any arsonists steve?
I didn’t post on this thread, KLOWN. Why are you talking about me? Got Steve on the brain, huh? Hmm, you might want to look into that.
@63 What a liar you [Roger Rabbit] are.
Last night around 11PM you were at 90-10!
That would be above @2 at 11:49 pm last night.
My portfolio is about 90% stocks and 10% cash right now, but because I expect a correction, I’m selling stocks and building up my cash position.
Today @54 above at 11:03 am he writes:
I took profits on some stocks that have hit their ceiling and have potential downside, so my portfolio allocation is now about 80% stocks and 20% cash.
It was only a few days ago Roger Rabbit claimed he had read ANOTHER National Review article written by Malcolm Sparrow after it was pointed out to him the original NR article he had claimed to had read VERY carefully was written by someone else. NOBODY including RR has been able to turn up this Sparrow article. Why? Because Sparrow never penned an article for NR.
Liar, indeed.
62. Roger Rabbit spews:
You have no idea what you are talking about Racist Roger “who calls black folks who disagree with him Oreo’s and Flying Monkeys” Rabbit–
Annuity contracts I purchased 10 years & more ago gave you a 4% upfront bonus and guarantee you a MINIMUM of 6% each Anniversary Date until you start withdrawing. You can move back& forth out of the Market into a variety of funds. It has been a fantastic investment.
Same with Group Variable Universal Life. I am part of a professional organization that has had this program for decades. The old contracts have minimum returns (in my case 5%) and I can put $$ in and out like a money market.
As far as Gold Stocks…I have played options and took my profits a couple weeks ago and put them into specific stocks. Did get clobbered today for sure…but not that much money.
Also, what is wrong with holding a few hundred pounds of silver dimes and few pounds of gold??
Continue your lies about investing Racist Roger Rabbit. Seen any Flying Monkey’s lately?? Is that who you blame for the progressive collapse…??? Flying monkeys failed you Racist Roger Rabbit????
Mr. Cynical – racist Rabbit needs to eat his lucky charms.
Boys, I just gotta tell ya. I’m lovin’ this! This Brown thing has really got you guys confused. Ha, ha, ha. I will say this, those of you that believe because Obama didn’t deliver health care is why Coakley lost haven’t been paying any attention. If you look at the numbers, Massachusetts health care is not very popular now that it is up and running a few years. The people of Massachusetts do not like it. And that would be the people that count . . . independents. Yes, Coakley did run a bum campaign but not that bad. This was a referendum on Obama policies. He’s way to far left for a center right country.
68 – You must be one of the fools who followed the pied piper of Greenlake off the short pier into the drink back in 2005.
I bet you “saw” that clearly?
As well as you “saw” the “victory” of I-912 the following November.
Here’s a little poll for ya:
“Center-right” my ass.
Did you all see Dennis Blair’s testimony at the Senate Committee On Homeland Security And Governmental Affairs Hearing today?
He admitted he was never contacted by Holder’s gang on the EunuchBomber. Astonishing…
@34…you mean like Bill Clinton did?