– Sullivan To Readers: You Are All Mindless, Soulless Subhumans
– Oh Sally Clark and Larry Phillipszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
– No, the religious right is not dead. They were just resting.
– Oh hey, Seattle has some brand-new *historic landmarks.
* They aren’t new, maybe brand-old?
Looks like a left wrong liar has been identified… http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....ies-pizza/
Computers: You wouldn’t be able to read this post on your PC because the father of modern computer science, Alan Turing, was gay.
Everything Leonardo Da Vinci Touched: If there was no Leonardo, there’d be no “Mona Lisa” or “The Last Supper.” But art was just a part of his important contribution to society. The artist, scientist, inventor and genius conceptualized a helicopter, a tank, SOLAR POWER, a calculator, and was ahead of his time in investigating plate tectonics. He is also known for inventing the hang glider, hydraulic pumps, and reversible crane mechanisms. Who knows what else Da Vinci would have been able to do if he didn’t have to waste so much time standing trial for sodomy?!
“America The Beautiful”: Katherine Lee Bates, a professor at Wellesley College, authored “America The Beautiful.” The remarkable woman could even hit the high notes from “above the fruited plain.” What a gal!
@2 thru @4 source
Or we could all donate to the Pizza lady and see if she’ll kick start the economy.
KansASS schools close 12 days early due to lack of funding.
No problem – Field trip (need donations for bus and fuel) to the Indiana Pizza Woman!!! (need donations for the Pizza too).
I bet every KansASS parent is saying “aren’t low taxes great! My kids are more stupid than ever now!” “Let’s cut taxes more! I’ll be able to afford to pay for their College now!”
Yawwwn.. Yet another confirmation that the klownservatic utopian experiment in Wisconsin is an abject failure:
Klownservatics promise the moon, get everything they want and the result is harder times for ordinary people. I bet the rich like their tax cuts though.
Wow. The klownservatic hysteria over Iran (the babbling jackass went NUTSO).. That hysteria stuff just turned out so… weak…
Warmongering klownservatics suck!
Are conservatives hypocrites if they are outraged by the pizza store gotcha story but they were fine with britrart gotcha videos?
If you’re an Idaho redneck, and you’re too drunk to remember how many beers you consumed, be sure to call 911 a dozen times to complain about the bartender charging you $30 for 10 beers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He’s probably a Republican, too. (In Idaho, isn’t everyone? And who else would complain about paying $3 for a beer?)
@6 Memories Pizza is going out of business for sure. Thanks to the generous of righty donations to GoFundMe, they’ve received over $700,000 in less than a week. They’ll probably be millionaires by Monday. Why sling pizzas for a living when you have that kind of money in the bank?
@9 “Wisconsin has added private-sector jobs at a lower rate than the national average since July 2011 — six months after Walker took office.”
The money quote. And then, on the national scale, you have the “bikini graph,” which need not be linked here (you can easily find it with that search phrase, if you haven’t already seen it 100 times), which gives the lie to GOP claims that Obama’s economic policies are a failure.
None of this makes any difference to the conservative base, who are impervious to facts and logic, but the GOP campaign strategy may be a tough sell to the all-important swing voters. When people think about their jobs and household income, they’re not inclined to vote for delusional idiots who see shadows and think they’re UFOs.
OMG!! Our President is selling arms to those Iranian Muslim bastards!! He’s negotiating with terrorists!
“Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran…”
Oh, wait, that was St. Ronnie. My bad.
“they’ve received over $700,000 in less than a week”
Being a persecuted Christo-Fascist whining pizza martyr bigot pays very well. I wonder how much Puddy gave them?
Wow, that pays better than being a TV preacher!
@ 17
I doubt that. Joel Olsteen is widely rumored to pull in over $14 million a week.
Every penny of it, tax-free.