So, let me get this right, Pat. God is killing innocent little children today, because their Haitian ancestors made a pact with the devil two hundred years ago? What an asshole.
Anyway, despite the fact that God hates Haitians, you can still help them by contributing to the Clinton Foundation Haitian Relief Fund. Or, text “HAITI” to 20222 and $10 will be donated to relief efforts, and charged to your cell phone bill.
Yeah, I’ve got this and a link to Oxfam up on my Facebook page.
Pat Robertson would hate Jesus Christ if he were to meet him. If Jesus Christ were to meet Pat Robertson, he would love him. He would not, however, be very fond of him. Pat Robertson has been a stain upon the earth. I hope to do better than that.
I hear ya.
I grew up in a town with a Coast Guard cutter based in it and so I’ve always had a soft spot for the Coasties. It’s a soft spot that’s well earned, Coasties do their jobs, save lives and die regardless of whether we’re at war or not. The Coast Guard was the only agency that didn’t F’up its response to to H. Katrina and received universal praise for the work that they did. So I had to smile when a came across this:
The USCG were the first ones on the scene. Way to go Coasties!
And note the commander’s not a guy.
send ur money to teh 700 club. $50 or more gets pat’s tips on leg-pressin’
Other great ways to help:
Medecin sans fronteirs. They .. as always .. were their already. I am very proud that we have given them money for many years!
From Amy Hagopian, another UW prof. and liberal activist: Her son Jesse, his wife Sarah Wilhelm (a UW MPH graduate who works for the UW’s International Training Center for Health) and their infant son Miles are there, along with another alumna, Agathe Jn Baptiste.
They are “tending to the wounded, although they say there are very few resources–no medications, no first aid supplies, no medical personnel.
Jesse gave an interview to the radio show Democracy Now tonight, so that could be aired tomorrow:
…. They have an amazing story to tell. Haiti is not impoverished by accident, and we need to send plenty of aid. My favorite agencies for donations include Partners in Health: or the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund“
We have a niece in the Coast Guard. She, and her family, were recently transferred here. From the Bahamas. Did you know we have a CG presence in the Bahamas? It is small, but there. She’s still happy to be here, despite the change in weather. She’s also a Democrat, for all of those out there who think everyone in the military is a member of the party of insanity.
Yeah, I think the weather might be just a tad nicer in the Bahamas then here right now. I’m not surprised they’re down there, lots of shipping and heavy currents in that area.
Limbaugh Blasts Obama For Fast Response
I guess Rush figures not enough Haitians are dead yet:
“(Jan. 13) – In the wake of Haiti’s catastrophic earthquake, which claimed thousands of lives …, radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh took aim at President Barack Obama for pledging aid so swiftly. …
“Limbaugh vented to listeners that Obama… took three days to address the nation [about the Christmas Day attempted airliner bombing]. In contrast, and much to Limbaugh’s ire, the president’s remarks on the devastation in Haiti came just one day following the tragedy there.
“In the same program, Limbaugh suggested that Obama was happy for the quake in Haiti, as his administration will ‘use this to burnish their, shall we say, credibility with the black community, in the … the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country. It’s made to order for them.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s about time this guy lost his audience. Totally. Why does anyone listen to this sick bastard? You have to be sick yourself to like him.
Read this before you swallow bankers’ sob stories whole:
Pat is an ASS. His twisted view of God does no good to Christianity. Check with ylb arschloch and he can replay all the Puddy missives on Pat.
Proud leftist makes an ASS out himself too.
That’s your insanity along with Al Gore’s. Remember Florida 2000 and how he tried to disenfranchise the military voters? He thought it would break 70/30 against It broke 58/42 against.
Proud leftist, making stupid comments all the time. Proud leftist and Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny. Two peas without the pod.
Mike Dumb Scout likes outlier presidential poll data. He enjoys looking stupid.
RCP Average 1/5 – 1/12 47.6 45.8 +1.8 Puddy wonders who CNN calls for their poll.
What is very telling is how the other polls are tracking down to Rasmussen. Rasmussen has been the most accurate pollster since 2004. Too bad HA Libtardos like to use Daily Kos polls here.
It was allegedly a 200 year pact made in 1791. Wouldn’t it have expired in 1991?
Pat Robertson apparantly hasn’t read the Book of Job. I’ve found that true for quite a few Christians, they read the first part (where Job loses everything) and then skip to the last (where Job gets everything back), without reading anything in the middle.
Robertson’s comments are just like those of one of Job’s friends, who insists that God rewards those who follow him and brings devestation to those that don’t. Therefore, if anything bad happens, it must be due to sin in the person’s life.
God rebukes this friend, and Job’s other two friends, towards the end of the book.
“pack” > “pact”
Well said. Doctors without Borders is on the ground in Haiti trying to deal with thousands of badly injured people with very limited resources. Another good cause.
Too bad Pat Robertson wasn’t in one of those flimsy building in Port-Au-Prince when the earthquake hit. The guy’s an embarassment to America.
You can always count on Republican party leadership in times of crisis.
10 – If anyone asks (no one to my knowledge has yet) I’ll politely decline to perform lookups of the worthless blatherings of Butthead.
Well they’re worth some cruel entertainment – at the expense of the butthead of course.
(since it’s still not fixed)
Where is “Christian” love?
I think the Trolls miss the point about Pat and Limbaugh. The entire conservative, Christian movement is showing its ugly head.
Just flip on CNN/MSNBC and Fox. The first two are doing a great job of covering the holocaust in Haiti and especialy of giving good people guidance about ways to help,
Fox? Theyt seem to think this is another publicity trick. When they do cover the issue it is with smirks and winks.
Last night Palin and Beck did an hour if alternative reality that put Avatar to shame. Haiti might as well have been Pandora!
Robertson wasn’t pulling an entirely original idea out of his ass. He conjured it from a lingering popular legend about Haiti’s revolution about 200 years ago, most likely originated by European missionaries to rationalize how the French got their butts kicked by a bunch of black slaves–it had to be something “magical”, right? Their mind set prevented them from parsing the concept that the haitians might simply have been stronger, braver, better prepared and better led. Must have been–oh, yeah, probably the Devil’s work!
For Robertson to sit in front of a TV camera, present himself as a representative of a loving God, dredge that crap up and try to use it to claim that the horror and misery the people of Haiti are facing is all their fault is beyond disgusting.
Limbaugh’s “I-hope-he-fails” meme is equally reprehensible. That basically says he thinks it’d be really great to see the economy continue to fail, more Americans lose their jobs and homes and more American soldiers die in losing wars so he and his craven pals can gloat about how bad it makes the Democrats look. Thanks a lot, pal…
Apparently the most pressing need in Port-Au-Prince right now is for potable water. The arrival of the Navy ships, with their large distillation plants, may be as important to dealing with that item as their medical facilities, helicopters and other capabilities.
To quote Wanda Sykes….
“I hope Rush’s kidneys fail”.
Giving aid to Haiti right now is a logistical nightmare.
Potable water is indeed a priority, as desperately thirsty victims will otherwise end up drinking contaminated water from whatever source they can find it. Combined with unburied dead, this can quickly result in a cholera epidemic. Next in priority comes medical aid, food, and then shelter.
Most of the relief is being flown into the capital, but getting help beyond the airport or the port is problematic due to debris making the streets impassable. The report I heard last night was of medical teams working at the airport shortly after landing – families were hauling victims all the way to the airport for aid, as they couldn’t find or reach other medical care in the capital.
I’ve yet to hear a report from outside the capital. Getting aid to residents in the interior may take weeks.
Right now the best aid we can give them immediatly is from the military, using big C-130’s hauling in army medical teams and mobile surgical hospitals, food and water, etc. Army and Navy helicopters can drop communications teams inland to assess local situations and provide communcations support for relief efforts.
Good one!
Another Cop’s been shot and killed (he also killed his wife and himself), this time in Cranberry PA. And guess what, the killer had a long history of violence and substance abuse.
I just have to wonder what would have happened if an instant background check had prevented him from purchasing the bullets that he used to commit those murders.
Maybe the store would have looked the other way and sold him the bullets anyway or he could have had a buddy by them for him. But I’m guessing, it wouldn’t take too many prosecutions to limit the number of people willing to make straw purchases.
Instant background checks and no ammo sales over the internet anyone?
Yay! The fine folks at the Tacoma City Council have appointed Ryan Mellow, a young, liberal, environmentalist, to the city council.
Obama supporter Ted van Dyk:
You remember Armen Yousoufian’s “tweleve-year legal battle to force Sims to obey public disclosure rules. … Sims did everything in his power to ensure that King County, Washington, taxpayers were deprived of vital information on how their money was being spent. … But Sims, a leading stadium subsidy booster and corporate water-carrier for Microsoft billionaire and Seahawks owner Paul Allen, didn’t put an informed citizenry first. … The courts found ‘hundreds’ of instances where Sims’s office deceived Yousoufian or refused to tell the truth. … (T)he high court issued an historic ruling in Yousoufian’s favor, damning Sims’s ‘blatant violations of the state Public Records Act.'”
And you remember Stefan Sharkansky’s battle against EnRon Sims’s modified limited hangout stonewall. You remember Shark’s war because Rabbit won’t let you forget.
Sharkansky “had requested documents related to the November 2004 election, which at the gubernatorial level was marked by fraud allegations across Washington state. The election records revealed that Sims’s office unlawfully counted hundreds of ineligible ballots in the governor’s race. … King County settled out of court with Sharkansky for $225,000, one of the largest settlements for public records violations in state history. Less than a week after the January 2009 ruling against the man he would elevate to manage day-to-day operations at HUD, President Obama signed with great fanfare a Freedom of Information Act memorandum declaring his commitment to open government. ”
Shark said, “If King County had released the documents that other folks and I requested 6-10 months ago in a complete and timely fashion, Rossi’s legal team would have been able to present a much stronger argument that official misconduct occurred … an organized effort to cover-up official misconduct and to obstruct justice.”
Rabbit said, wrote, or implied that Shark extorted $225,000 from you. Wrong as usual. EnRon Sims gouged another $225,000 from you as a parting gift to King County. The crime on top of Sims’s crimes is that the $225,000 didn’t come from Sims. And the ~$1,000,000 that will probably be awarded to Yousoufian.
But EnRon Sims MovedOn and moved on up:
Quoted material stolen via fair use from Michelle Malkin’s book about the Democrat Culture of Corruption, pages 111-117.
Have heard that Robertson’s raised more than $1,000,000,000 in contributions for relief efforts — including Haiti’s — since 1978. I hope you do better than that.
Other than that, ignore him. Works for me.
And is anyone surprised that Roger Maggot misses Limbaugh’s point? Rush barely stuttered in his praise of our nation’s prompt and compassionate response to Haiti’s disaster. Perhaps our president will put some of his own Rezko loot on the line for Haiti, but he certainly and quickly put American workers on the line for $100 million.
The miracle in this is that bad things can happen to good people in any part of the world, and the world can count on American workers coming to the rescue. Meanwhile, as Rush noted, they can’t count on Cuba and can barely count on big-mouth Hugo Chavez for anything more substantial than hot air.
Read about the Geithner/Rubin/Summers cabal to pump Citigroup and AIG at our expense, then report back.
Geithner, Rubin’s protege, confected Citi’s bailout. Then Paulson, to shield Citi and other bailout banks from the taint of moral hazard, forced even sound-and-solvent banks to take TARP funds.
Meanwhile, when Rabbit lauds Obama as savior of the world, Rabbit is surely referring to TARP. If international economies were saved by anything the United States did, they were saved by 2008’s TARP, not 2009’s Obamulus … which “saved” nothing but phantom jobs in phantom congressional districts.
Now Obama is playing populist. He’s going after banks (some of which didn’t want TARP money) in an effort to deflect attention from the billions Obama and Geithner threw without apparent result at AIG and GM. And to hide the transparent shakedown going on today between Obama and Cadillac-plan unions.
It’s the only transparancy Obama’s managed so far, but the compliant mainstream Obamedia can’t see it because they can’t get Obama’s smoke out of their eyes.
I wonder what Pat’s “administrative” costs have been? Close to 100%?
re 30: “Meanwhile, when Rabbit lauds Obama as savior of the world….”
If you cannot point to a concrete example of this, it makes your entire effort questionable.
Pat Robertson is as corrupt as any other Repug thug. Even those cooling their heels in prison. He should have been booked into the Greybar Hotel long ago.
As for his faith… Feh! If Jesus Christ himself walked up to this cretin, Robertson would have him waterboarded. Like most other highly visible ‘Christians’, his faith is directly proportional to the amount of money flowing into his pocket.
Pat, Jerry’s holding a nice seat for you down in the Hot Place. The Big Red Dude got a nice reward for all the hard work you’ve been doing for him these past few decades. Let’s all hope you get to claim your seat real soon.
Fun facts:
Full original post
Odd, typical, typically odd that my Daddy abstracts the single datum that makes Obama look good or less bad than all the other numbers from today’s Gallup. Obama’s galloping into the tank.
Pat’s administrative costs: Let us know what you find. Unlike EnRon Sims with public money, Robertson probably doesn’t bury his private accounts with bullshit. IRS, a political action arm of the party in power, wouldn’t let him.
If you cannot point to a concrete example of this … The concrete example is in a previous thread. Rabbit typed, probably under the influence of mind-mangling substances, that Obama saved the world.
Huh, Puddy? Robertson fits right in with your politics of insanity – interpreting world events to fit your own creepy ideology. Robertson saying that an earthquake is actually God carrying out his vengeance…you say crap like that all the time, connecting unconnected actions and results.
Yeah, Puddy. That myth made the round with you Dittoheads 10 years ago. But the Times and other news outlets proved your conspiracy theory was simple propaganda designed to give idiots like you something to parrot on talk radio.
With the presidency hanging on the outcome in Florida, the Bush team quickly grasped that the best hope of ensuring victory was the trove of ballots still arriving in the mail from Florida residents living abroad. Over the next 18 days, the Republicans mounted a legal and public relations campaign to persuade canvassing boards in Bush strongholds to waive the state’s election laws when counting overseas absentee ballots.
Their goal was simple: to count the maximum number of overseas ballots in counties won by Mr. Bush, particularly those with a high concentration of military voters, while seeking to disqualify overseas ballots in counties won by Vice President Al Gore.
A six-month investigation by The New York Times of this chapter in the closest presidential election in modern American history shows that the Republican effort had a decided impact. Under intense pressure from the Republicans, Florida officials accepted hundreds of overseas absentee ballots that failed to comply with state laws.
To 3 Fiddy, from the Monday Morning Open Thread of 4 January 2010:
That Rove trove of “overseas absentee ballots” you’re referring to is the trove of ballots from American men and women stationed overseas in military service to, you know, America.
Now we can refight the fight of Y2K in which Florida Democrats tried to enfranchise felons while disfranchising soldiers, sailers, and Marines, but tell your trash to the Marines. Hope they’ll give you the emphatic response you deserve.
Especially since the same scenario is being prepared by Democrat deviants for the MA cliffhanger. That and delaying certification of the GOP victor so Democrat crooks and liars in Congress can ram through their agenda using Teddy Kennedy’s interim replacement.
As for the NYT and Y2K, a consortium of newspapers, including the Times, determined that Gore lost. Only by selective counting of ‘undervotes’ in Democrat-centric counties would he have closed the gap.
@33 is a total waste of your time, our time, and Goldy goldy Goldstein’s bandwidth. Hope he sends you an invoice.
And we can’t forget WA State GOP leader Ellen Craswell, who famously claimed the 1993 Inauguration Day storm was “God’s wrath” on Washington residents – for electing Bill Clinton.
Governor Craswell was right. Get over it.
Err, barfboy, I had a feeling you can’t read. Maybe try some text-to-voice software to absorb these facts?
Aboard the George Washington, an aircraft carrier then in the Adriatic Sea, Michael J. Kohrt recalled fellow crew members gathering around television sets on the morning of Nov. 8. ”We saw Florida was deadlocked, and everyone on the ship said, ‘Whoa, I have got to get my ballot in,’ ” he said. ”A lot of guys voted late.”
The Times investigation found a substantial number of people who, like Mr. Kohrt, knowingly cast their ballots after Election Day. Of the 91 voters interviewed whose ballots had either missing or late postmarks, 30 acknowledged marking ballots late. Only four were counted. Mr. Kohrt’s vote, which he said was for Mr. Gore, was among those rejected.
….But a General Accounting Office study in May found a range of problems with how the military handled the absentee ballot issue, including inadequate training and supervision in its voting program. As a result of that and mail problems, the report said, Florida officials received ballots without postmarks, or witnesses, or even signatures.
This round goes to you, mostly. I take back my barf.
Yes, Cruella Harris did demand strict compliance with a legislative process that outgunned Democrats were trying to punt to Florida’s courts. Yes, Harris became a squish constructionist about postmarks on absentee ballots.
And yes, Bush won. Better than the altervative, perhaps, but so bad that Rabbit sort-of told the truth about Bush Republicans putting paper bags over their heads and pretending to be Libertarians.
Barfy/Pudster – I won’t bother you with too much more in the way of historical fact, but the whole Bush vs. Gore thing boiled down to this: Team Rove cherry picked military and civilian ballots, applying different legal standards depending on what counties they were operating in.
So, for instance, Team Bush DID indeed try to disqualify military ballots if they were suspected of being partial to the Dem ticket.
Gore, being the boy scout, thought ONE legal standard should be applied. As in, long-standing FL election laws. Such as: overseas ballots NEED TO HAVE A POSTMARK or dated signature.
So, when some military ballots were challenged (because they were illegal) the GOP propaganda machine revved up into high gear.
Funny how you clowns still hold on to those debunked myths.
Later, in their reports to senior Bush aides, the lawyers listed rejected ballots under two categories, ”military” and ”nonmilitary,” and their differing approaches to civilian and military ballots are reflected by this finding: While canvassing boards accepted 30 percent of the flawed civilian ballots, they counted 41 percent of the flawed military ballots, according to The Times’s database.
The duality of the Bush strategy was demonstrated in another way. In three South Florida counties, Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach, boards rejected as illegal 362 of 572 overseas ballots that Friday. Most — including many military ballots — were thrown out without a word of protest from Mr. Bush’s lawyers.
Some of their work was done by the Gore lawyers, who, true to their strategy, challenged hundreds of overseas ballots with little discrimination. They objected to ballots from Democrats, Republicans, civilians, military personnel — even in counties where Mr. Gore actually beat Mr. Bush among overseas voters.
Yeah, it sure would have been tragic if Gore had won, the 9-11 plot had been broken up, the US never invaded Afghanistan or Iraq, and the entire financial system hadn’t crashed.
Yep, a Gore presidency “perhaps” would have been so much worse….
Can’t read: Correct. I’m on a filtered machine that blocks almost everything, so I had to find a backdoor work-around to your link. And to the link about Pat Robertson and Charles Taylor.
Here, tho, is a reminder about selective selectivity:
That’s a synopsis from this discussion.
I typed that Bush was perhaps better than the alternative. Idiot that you are, you assumed that the alternative to which I referred was someone or something called Gore. Mr. Nader was not amused.
I realize you threw in the towel, barf, but it should also be pointed out that you got the “felon voters” thing bass-ackwards as well.
Kathy Harris over-purged voters using lists that included lots of non-felons in 2000.
She did it again in 2004 – got caught – and had to re-enfranchize 1,700 legit voters who got caught up in the GOP Gillnet.
Interesting that this article, like so many of those written by Leftists, fails to note the more important Supreme Court vote was 7-2, with Clinton appointee, Breyer, voting with the majority. The vote referenced the Equal Protection clause and stated that the recount was unfair due to lack of recounting standards from one county to the next.
Someday, when you are on a computer connected to the internets, you can read the 13 page report I cited. The examples I gave had nothing to do with any Supreme Court. They were arguments made by team Bush and team Gore in front of county election boards.
Get it? And those election laws and rules were pretty easy to interpret. Either an overseas ballot has a postmark on it, or it doesn’t. Not a lot a “lib” judge or court can do to alter existing law. Now, if you are the Sec of State, you can interpret those laws any way you see fit.
I am not arguing the outcome, barfboy. I simply took issue with the tired urban myths you were passing along.
So, you are adding on to your previous hearsay with more hearsay, barfboy? A discussion among dummies is your source? Seriously?
OK. TKO to barf, Round One.
Bush and Craswell take rounds 2 – 10, and barf tries to jump the curb in Sarasota to run over Harris on the sidewalk.
So tell us about this sore-loser Gore of yours picking cherries and cherry-picking counties. And about the NYT consortium finally having to admit, after pewling about overseas absentees, that sore-loser Gore lost.
Noted earlier that Harris’s strict constructionism was fungible.
7-2: A useful reminder that the leftover Left misrepresented the selection of the ‘president select.’ Funny how you clowns still hold on to those debunked myths.
Discussions 4 Dummies: Best I can do at the moment. But is the synopsis I provided false? Did you refute it or try to refute it? Didn’t think so.
You get Round One. The rest belong to us.
Your non-source only got that half right, barfboy.
When that newspaper consortium simulated a recount of all uncounted ballots statewide using six different standards for what constituted a vote, under each model they found enough new votes to have narrowly delivered FL to Gore.
Under three models that attempted to duplicate the various partial recounts that were asked for by Gore or ordered by the Florida Supreme Court, Bush won – barely.
Save the hearsay, rumors and urban myth for your calls in to the talk radio echo chamber. If you can’t back up your argument here on the internets – maybe you should avoid making them in the first place. Unless distorting the facts is your goal, of course.
Yep – 8 years of peace and prosperity.
And, hey, barfboy: you got one other thing right. Sorta. Nader would have been even worse than Bush.
But Nader did do a fine job of delivering 97,421 votes to Bush.
Come to think of it – Nader probably could have done a less worse job of mangling the invasion and occupation of Iraq compared to what Bush “achieved.”
Gave you my excuse for not being able to produce drop-dead counter citations from the vaunted New York Times and other retailers of leftist hearsay. So what’s your excuse for providing nothing, not even a hearsay link to the New York Times, for your assertion @52? What’s your non-source?
As noted earlier, and relying on mutable memory, the simulated what constituted a vote regime came down to counting “undervotes.” Came down to assuming that a ballot showing a Democrat tilt but having no vote entered for president should have been counted for Gore.
In other words, confecting votes for Gore out of nothing.
Lost my illusions about Iraq on or before April Fools Day 2003. Was almost ahead of the curve.
If you want to be useful, and since you have all the “internets” at your fingertips, tell us about Gore’s partiality. Why was he asking only for partial recounts? Why was he cherrypicking, while permitting the New York Times to pile on Republicans for cherrypicking absentees?
How long, Garth, do we have to wait for your cherries to come home to roost? Surely you can take a minute out of your day to tell us the rest of the story.
Did Gore truly try to steal a national election by asking for partial recounts that would be partial to him? You seem to have admitted it, so it must be true. But fill in the blanks. What kind of scam was Gore running in the corrupt Democrat precincts and corrupt Democrat counties of south Florida?
It’s 1631, 4:31 in the P.M. Do you know where your Garth is?
Apparently he can’t defend the indefensible, Gore’s attempted theft of Florida.
Garth gives up his TKO and re-concedes (like Gore in 2000) Round One. Like Gore, Garth’s a loser. Like Gore, Garth lost.
Get over it.
The Dominican Republic is in terrific shape??
Not even compared to Haiti.
@28 “The election records revealed that Sims’s office unlawfully counted hundreds of ineligible ballots in the governor’s race.”
Who said this? Sharkansky? Bullshit! Sim’s office didn’t count any ballots, lawfully or otherwise. The King County Department of Records and Elections counted them using temporary staff hired by low level functionaries. The only connection Sims had with the process was appointing the head of KCDRE years before.
Yours truly was an official election observer during both recounts. (I was easy to recognize by my long ears.) I was on the recount floor every day for both recounts. I kept track of who came and went. There are two people I can categorically say never entered the building during either recount: KCRP Chair Chris Vance and King County Executive Ron Sims.
Explain, please, exactly how Ron Sims “illegally counted hundreds of ballots”?
Oh, and one more thing: The Republican Party spent $2 million proving in court that they couldn’t prove a single word of all the fraud allegations they bandied about regarding that election. After two weeks of trial, their hand-picked Republican judge in their forum-shopped Republican county docked Rossi for 4 fraudulent votes. That’s the only fraud anyone ever proved.
Hey Garth,
Let Puddy educate you. You can check with ylb arschloch to validate the links from before. Butt being an ASS you won’t ask him.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Exhibit D
Exhibit E
Oh and Pat Robertson’s view of Christianity is not Puddy’s. But Garth, being a HA Libtardo is equivalent to being a fool, so keep on trucking Garth.
Well Garth who’s fault was that?
The chick in this Robertson video doesn’t have anything intelligent to say, but she’s got a good rack, which is all a TV chick needs. Just ask Sarah Palin.
On top of all that, it was Napoleon Bonaparte that the Haitians defeated, not Napoleon III. True story!
Where is the KLOWN?
Good news for us…bad news for the wingnuts.
Barrack is doing great.
Whenever there is an improvement, Klynical disappears!
Friday, January 15, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14.
Fifty percent (50%) of Democrats Strongly Approve while 66% of Republicans Strongly Disapprove. Among those not affiliated with either major political party, 18% Strongly Approve and 43% Strongly Disapprove.
Barrack improved a point among non-affiliateds.
He is on a roll.
Err, no, Gorebasm. The research I posted showed just the opposite was true. The Gore legal team supported one standard for interpreting what a legal ballot was. The Republiklan legal team applied a different standard, depending on what county they were working their magic in.
Being a boy scout definitely does not get you anywhere when a value-free slimeball like Karl Rove is your opponent.
I notice how Gorebasm likes to ask a lot of open ended questions. As if even he doesn’t actually believe the bs he’s been parroting for the last 10 years.
OK, Gorebasm – I will bite. What kind of “scam” was Gore pulling in wide open view before publicly attended canvassing board meetings?
Did Gore turn himself invisible, and stuff the ballot box while those open meeting ballot counting efforts took place?
Did Gore try to harvest illegal / no postmark ballots from aircraft carriers floating around the Atlantic nearly a week after election day?
Did the Gore team try to argue that state election laws were trumped by federal laws totally unrelated to balloting? I know how adament you guys are about your 10th Amendment…
Oh, I get it Puddy. You think Gore should have sucked up to the loony lefties who supported Nader/LaDuke.
So, the most right wing racist commentator here thinks Gore was just too conservative.
Makes sense.
Quincy @ 63: Yep, it was Napolean Bonaparte. It seems that he sent an invasion force to take back Haiti, which was then supposed to be used to garrison and expand New Orleans after Haiti was secure. But the entire force came down sick (I think with the cholera), and most died. When Napolean Bonaparte heard about it, he decided to write off his losses in the Western Hemisphere and concentrate on raising money to fight in Europe. Hence the Louisianna Purchase.
Napolean III was the guy who sent a French force to Mexico to establish a puppet regime under an Austrian prince against the Republican rebels. It seems Napolean III didn’t like the way the Republicans were treating the priests and church property, and he hoped to re-establish a French Empire somewhere in North America. He was helped that this was during the American Civil War, so he didn’t have to worry too much about us enforcing the Monroe Doctrine. The Republicans retreated to the mountains, where they made life miserable for the French. Once the French troops were withdrawn, the puppet government collapsed.