– Seattle’s Road Map to a Climate-Friendly Future
– Call me a skeptic, but I think corporate compassion is mostly PR.
– Pictures of the U-Link breakthrough.
– Our awesome banking system.
– Health care glossary.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Seattle’s Road Map to a Climate-Friendly Future
– Call me a skeptic, but I think corporate compassion is mostly PR.
– Pictures of the U-Link breakthrough.
– Our awesome banking system.
– Health care glossary.
One of the Kings of Democrat Government Waste=John Murtha
And Voila! The faces of government voter fraud in Indiana!
Look at those dishonest, lily-white faces.
@1. David C,
In terms of federal Essential Air Service (EAS) program subsidies where does the John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport rank?
Why does the John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport require a runway big enough to land any airplane in North America?
By comparison, how much was spent in Iraq and Afghanistan?
re 1: Well, the budget problem’s solved. We’ll just stop spending money on infrastructure.
Oh! I forgot. We’ve already done that.
re 2: What does the ‘C’ stand for? No, wait. Let me guess.
6 – right wing craphead..
That schmuck will post right wing garbage until the day Barack Obama and Jay Inslee win their offices.
I had the occasion to be at a rather well-regarded small brewery/pizza place east of Bellingham last Saturday night. An individual, who teaches at the local University here had a pretty interesting three beer postulation. Whilst buying me oyster shooters and Scotch Ales, he came up with this idea:
The GOP is deliberately campaigning to lose. Not just lose, but lose in the biggest way possible. Both houses of Congress, the Presidency and many State Legislatures and Governors offices as possible. As they are campaigning on their total contempt for women, Hispanics, non-evilangelical Christians, in no small way against the New York Bankers (while not too subtlety pointing out that they all have Jewish surnames), campaigning against young people who cannot find work, campaigning against Veterans benefits, Universities, social security and Medicare etc etc etc….
His theory is that they are campaigning to lose, so they can call out massive fraud due to the loss and incite a national riot. A real riot. A Shooting War riot.
When you have a third of any population being as deeply psychotic as the Teabaggers represent, the hard core gun-rubbers and religious fanatics, the crazy people who hate foreigners and uppity book readers and academics, who’ve been taught to disrespect and despise scientists and intellectuals, you have the makings for a real shooting war in the event of a “stolen” election.
All the TeaBagger Nazis have to do is claim fraud that the re-election of a Black skinned human to President is impossible, and the loss of Congress couldn’t have been from anything else but falsely counted ballots or some other sort of fraud. They’ll scream this from their gold-plated private 747’s and watch the fun.
Watch them try to incite “The People” to use violence after they are so horribly smoked in the next election.
re 8: I think that it’s a stretch to believe these klowns could ‘plan’ such an event. Besides, riots cause property damage — a thing that capitalists abhor.
@ 9
Unless it’s property belonging to brown-skinned people. Property in foreign countries. Property that isn’t already paved over with empty mini-malls, gas stations and condominiums.
The only property the Banksters and the Conservatives care about, is the property they already own, and the property that they know they can steal by paying off the right Legislators. It wasn’t all that long ago that a courthouse would burn down if an oil driller wanted to drill on your land without paying you for it. No record of ownership? No problem, we’ll let the courts sort it out ten years after the fact. In the meantime, your farm will be considered the property of the wildcatter.
They’re already doing this legally in Pennsylvania. The Frackers now have the absolute right to use any property they claim to need in the course of their operations. Even property where they’ve been told to stay away. The State Police are helping the Gas Companies throw people off their own land to make the land available for drilling.
# 1: Are you complaining about earmarks, or small-town airports in general? Lots of small-town airports are suffering these days. The example you mentioned, with three daily flights from the hubs in D.C., isn’t the best one to cite to prove your case.
What you should be citing are rural airports where the massive infrastructure improvements support only a dozen or so “general aviation” aircraft, and a three-times-a-week turbo-prop service from a single carrier, charging about $450 each for a seat to get no further than the next biggest airport.
And before you start harping about taxpayer money being abused, allow me to point out that airport infrastructure is paid from a “use tax” you pay with each airline ticket.
The subsidy for rural airports was a legacy of the demise of the Civial Aviation Board, which (among other things) was tasked in regulating airline rates and making sure there was service to all cities. With the de-regulation begun in the late 1970’s under Pres. Carter, airlines quickly agreed to help cover the costs of abandoning service to small towns and cities. They reasoned that it was cheaper to subsidize a lower service level than to lose money with each trip. But as airlines competed with each other for the lowest overall price, then they insisted they couldn’t bear their end of the bargain any more, so they passed it to the taxpayers – along with a lot of unemployment costs and de-funded pension obligations. Which for some reason Republicans seem to have no problem with that strategy.
@8 Seems to me there were people postulating the same thing about the GOP’s intentions in 2010. We didn’t (quite) have a nationwide riot, but we did wind up with the House firmly under the control of Boeher, Ryan and the teabag-humpers, right-wing putsches in Wisconsin, Michigan, Virginia, Indiana and Arizona, and even-steven paralysis here in Washington and elsewhere.
My guess is that the GOP strategy is to let their oil-baron pals keep jacking the price of gasoline until the majority of Americans don’t bother to vote because they’re too busy fighting each other in the streets out of sheer primal frustration. With only a tenth or a twentieth the usual vote count to meddle with, their digital wrecking crew will have a much easier job.
@1 There’s a reason for subsidizing those airports, dummy. Do they make money? No; if they did, they wouldn’t need government subsidies to keep them open. But those airports support small communities, industries, jobs, commerce, etc. A lot of congressmen — not just Murtha — think it’s worth some taxpayer money to keep the economy alive in those places. Last year, Republicans tried to play politics with this funding by shutting down only the subsidized airports in districts represented by prominent Democrats.
Dallas Hit By Monster Tornadoes
Major damage, no word on casualties yet, a big twister is aiming straight for Dallas-Fort Worth Airport and all flights are canceled as travelers are hustled into shelters. Sounds like at least two F4s or F5s ripped through heavily populated suburbs. This may be a major disaster.
# 13: Yep, and if you want to visit under-utilized but taxpayer-supported airports, take a look at Montana, Utah, etc. You don’t hear complaints because these are “Republican” airports, as distinguished from airports near Democratic constituancies.
RR @ 14: Thanks for the heads-up, I’m asking all our staff in Seattle and L.A. to check for the effects to shipping on A.O.G. basis from Aviall, Boeing/Dallas, and other vendors in the area.
This is exactly the kind of thing you want your state government doing. Public health is both incredibly important and very cost effective. Yet, when it comes time to cut something public health is always on the chopping block. Our state electeds have a habit of cutting cost effective and revenue positive programs to “save money.”
@17. Why should I care? I don’t want a dime of my money going toward people who won’t take care of themselves. Bunch a freeloader slackers. It’s just Darwin at work. It’s not my concern if they don’t have jobs that provide health care or pay enough that they could get on the open market. As St. Cain wrote in Pizza 3.17. “If you don’t have health care, blame yourself!”
My tax money is better spent on charities that I choose, like a new flat screen, (that I’m going to buy in Oregon, so I don’t have to pay a sales taxes.)
Satire Alert
#18 is satire! beep! #18 is satire! beep! #18 is satire! beep! It is not necessary to respond. This is a public service announcement.
@19. Shoot. What gave it away?
@20 Real conservatives don’t read the Gospel of Pizza because they know it’s full of calories. That’s why all conservatives are skinny and beautiful. Except for Ann Coulter — she’s skinny because she lives on wine and nicotine.
re 21: “…she’s skinny because she lives on wine and nicotine.”
Now there’s proof she’s not a guy. A guy would drink beer.