It amazes me that people still give Cheney a soap box to stand on.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Puddy knows certain HA Libtardos are humorless dumb bricks and cinder blocks.
A man went into a pharmacy and asked to talk to a male. The woman he was talking to said that she was the pharmacist and that she and her sister owned the store, so there were no males employed there.
She then asked if there was something which she could help the gentleman with.
The man said that it was something that he would be much more comfortable discussing with a male pharmacist.
The female pharmacist assured him that she was completely professional and whatever it was that he needed to discuss, he could be confident that she would treat him with the highest level of professionalism.
The man agreed and began by saying, “This is tough for me to discuss, but I have a permanent erection. It causes me a lot of problems and severe embarrassment. So I was wondering what you could give me for it?
“The pharmacist said, “Just a minute, I’ll go talk to my sister.”
When she returned, she said, “We discussed it at length and the absolute best we can do is: 1/3 ownership in the store, a company car and $3,000 a month living expenses.”
Happy New Year.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
The honorable Dick Cheney will always go down in the hearts of American citizens as a great man for his tireless service to this country. I was proud to have served under him while he was the Sec. of Defense in the adminstation of that other honorable and patriotic man, Ronald Reagan.
Only a complete imbecile could think Cheney is wrong on the terror issue. Of course, the real deep thinker in there now (/sarcasm) calls the people that want to slice your heads of ‘man-caused disasters”. How friggin ignorant is that?
Asking Obama to make an executive decision is like asking Ted kennedy what diet plan he was following.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Puddy @ 2–
Good one..
But I think you’ll need to explain it to the humorless KLOWNS!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
BTW Lee-
Cheney is correct.
O-BOMB-out has this ridiculous passion for making sure the rest of the world loves us…no matter what the cost.
Perhaps it is part of his insatiable need to be worshipped? You know, going on Letterman and Leno, giving endless, meaningless speeches.
O-Bomb-out fails to understand WE ARE AT WAR!
IF we do get hit again on American Soil, O-bomb-out will face impeachment.
“Former Gitmo detainees help al-Qaida grow in Yemen
“SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — As a prisoner at Guantanamo, Said Ali al-Shihri said he wanted freedom so he could go home to Saudi Arabia and work at his family’s furniture store.
“Instead, al-Shihri, who was released in 2007 under the Bush administration, is now deputy leader of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, a group that has claimed responsibility for the Christmas Day attempted bomb attack on a Detroit-bound airliner.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Waytago wingfucks! Keep the innocent in jail and let the guilty go free! The Busheviks released hundreds of Gitmo detainees, and some of them are now attacking us! That’s Republican bunglers for ya.
Why would anyone vote for these people?(TM)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Got any goat jokes?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “The honorable Dick Cheney will always go down in the hearts of American citizens as a great man for his tireless service to this country.”
That’s funny, but do you have any goat jokes?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “I think you’ll need to explain it”
C’mon, guys, where are the @#%$&!! GOAT JOKES?!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 “O-Bomb-out fails to understand WE ARE AT WAR!”
See #6. Now, where are the fucking goat jokes? Don’t you have even one fucking GOAT JOKE?!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Okay, since you lamebrain wingfucks can’t come up with a goat joke, I’ve got one:
One day, on a normally tranquil farm, a rancid stench led the farmer to the rotting corpse of a murdered pig buried in the straw inside the barn. The farmer was determined to find the killer. The only witness was a rabbit.
The farmer lined up the suspects: A cow, a young goat, a horse and a rooster. He instructed the rabbit to point to the killer. The rabbit hopped up and down the lineup. He stopped and nodded his head at the young goat. The nervous goat said, “I didn’t do it!”
The farmer replied, “Hare’s looking at you, kid.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
That, my wingnut friends, is what’s called a shaggy dog story about a rabbit, a goat, and a pig.
Do I need to explain it for you idiots?
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
That’s funny, but do you have any goat jokes?
As a matter of fact, I do.
So this rabbit and Goat walk into a bar…they begin to belly up to the bar when the goat asks the rabbit “may I push in your stool?” to which the rabbit replied “wasn’t last night enough for you? I’m not doing that in a public setting.”
He’s not correct about anything. His understanding of what causes terrorism and how to best prevent it is so far off the mark that you’d be hard pressed to be more wrong than him.
O-BOMB-out has this ridiculous passion for making sure the rest of the world loves us…no matter what the cost.
What cost? What the hell are you talking about?
First of all, it’s unrealistic to expect that everyone in the world will love us. That’s impossible. But Cheney’s strategy ends up making sure the rest of the world hates us. How is that helpful? How does that help reduce terrorism?
Perhaps it is part of his insatiable need to be worshipped? You know, going on Letterman and Leno, giving endless, meaningless speeches.
He’s the President. It’s his job to speak to the American public. That’s part of the job. But I care more about what he does than what he says, and so far he’s shown himself to be a much smarter and much tougher player in world affairs than either Bush or Cheney.
O-Bomb-out fails to understand WE ARE AT WAR!
To the extent that we’re at war, the goal of the war is to have our values triumph over the values of those in Al Qaeda and among Middle East dictators. In that respect, Dick Cheney, by supporting torture, indefinite imprisonment, and disrespect for civil liberties, is on the side of the terrorists in that war. There’s simply no ambiguity about this. Dick Cheney and Osama Bin Laden are on the same side. Moderates around the world are on the other.
We are at war, not because of the threat of terrorism, but rather because the Bush Gang wanted to have a war. They were in fact arrogant enough to document this several years earlier. Apparently some of the rest of us were such dumbfucks that we thought they were only joking, and the rest are even more depraved than they are and get their rocks off on dead “furriners”. (The neocons are more pragmatic: they do it for the money.)
From Pennsylvania comes the news from that state’s dog breeders, many of whom are also farmers, that it’s their standard practice to dispose of not only the animals’ waste but the remains of puppies died of “natural” causes or were unsold (not “cute” enough, perhaps) but composting it all and spreading it on their crops. In Lancaster County, this typically amounts to 135 tons of dogshit, and an unspecified amount of composted animal carcasses, spread on a typical cornfield in a year’s time.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Goldy—
How about your boy, Hizzoner Nickels and his chicken-shit staff..
They wanted taxpayer dollars for Health Insurance in a recession with all kinds of deficit issues.
Pretty much says it all about Chickenshit Nickels and his gang of taxpayer-rapers.
Nickels legacy—Chickenshit
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
15. Jason Osgood spews:
I’ve preordered my copy of Dick Cheney’s video on gun safety.
Yeah, well I’ve preordered my copy of “how to win elections” co-authored by D. Burner and J. Osgood.
Should be a short read…
Looks like Seattle is getting real leadership under McGinn.
Never could stand Nickles.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
In the stupidest comment of the week and to end the year 2009, comes this gem from the hare-brained HA commenter Roger Roadkill in the “patty murray stands tall” post he pelleted the following:
28. Roger Rabbit spews:
Watching Wingnuts Eat Each Other Dep’t
Rupert Murdoch is kicking Fox news off his cable channel in a fight over money.
If you run for office, I’ll vote for you. Failing that, I’ll donate to your campaign.
You’ve got the stones?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
21. Michael spews:
Looks like Seattle is getting real leadership under McGinn.
Never could stand Nickles.
Goldy loved the guy.
Shows what kind of judge of character Goldy is.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Best Question ever by John Boehner!! “All year long, Republicans have asked the question: what is this Administration’s overarching strategy to confront the terrorist threat and keep America safe?”
Who know’s John??
O-Bomb-Out sure don’t!!
I was proud to have served under him while he was the Sec. of Defense in the adminstation of that other honorable and patriotic man, Ronald Reagan.
Close. Dick was Sec-Def in the honorable and patriotic administration of GHWB. Signed on after John Tower flamed out.
Last week I threw away Cheney’s response to my letter in which I urged him to get on the GOP ticket in 1992, preferably at the top.
He was and is a good man, despite what the cottontail wingfucks tell you, mostly because he came from a good state where the cowboys ride and where no goat has to worry about being molested by wingfuck rabbits.
As The Man (Mr. Cheney) said, keeping us safe after 9/11 wasn’t an accident. It was an accomplishment.
Goldy’s heart’s in the right place, he’s just too much of a conflict avoider.
Having played for the NFL (the big F stands for Forensic) at Cheney’s NCHS (Natrona County High School), I thought of writing a story about the Girl Who Loved Dick.
Here’s the hook: Everybody remembers Nan Britton, the little lass from Marion who had a hot crush on Warren Harding … Well, The Girl Who Loved Dick would have been something like that. Only Wyoming.
“All year long, Republicans have asked the question: what is this Administration’s overarching strategy to confront the terrorist threat and keep America safe?”
Why, didn’t you hear? There is no terrorist threat because there is no War on Terror. That was so … Bush. So last year. Obama’s totally got us beyond all that nonsense.
Want proof? Go to (if you’re ok with barfing up your lunch) and notice that the Global War on Terror isn’t there anywhere. That’s because Goldstein is still jonesing on his Global War on Hutchinson.
Goldy’s heart’s in the right place …
Somewhere near his asshole.
The S&P 500 is up 23% for the year.
Companies have expanded more than what was forecast and the # of jobless (always fudged by every government) is down.
Concern that the Fed will consider raising interest rates was spurred today after initial U.S. jobless claims fell to 432,000, the lowest since July 2008, following a report yesterday from the Institute for Supply Management-Chicago Inc. that showed companies expanded more than forecast.
“Jobless claims numbers show we’re heading in the right direction,” said Joseph Saluzzi, co-head of equity trading at Chatham, New Jersey-based Themis Trading LLC. “It’s also a double-edged sword. The better the economy gets, the more likely the Fed will raise rates.”;pos=1
My two favorite indicators of how we’re doing, the CPI and Personal Savings Rate, look good for the year.
On the bad side of things, oil is headed back up, lets hope it doesn’t go high enough to undo the good that’s been done this year. And way too many people got shot, here at home and abroad.
I think it’s a mistake to try to “get back where we were.” Where we were was living well beyond our means and in a bubble. Plus, oil was half what it costs now. Hopefully we’ve said good by to bubble economies, living beyond our means and needs, and thinking that oil is cheap and inexhaustible.
I think we’re better off at the end of ’09 than we were at it’s start. 2010 looks like it’s going to be a rough ride but, everything good comes from hard work and struggle. I think we’ll come out of the end of 2010 looking better than we went into it as well. I’m looking forward to the new year.
Happy New Years everyone.
President Eisenhower warned us to be wary of the “industrial military complex.”
Ever since WWII America has been fixated on it’s national security. Throughout the 60’s, 70’s, & especially the 80’s we’ve greatly ignored this warning. Ever since 9/11 we’ve gone hog wild on security.
China, on the other hand has been and is continuing to fixate on commerce. If we continue down this path China will become the only superpower in the world.
For a meager $3 billion dollars China has made the largest investment in Afghanistan’s history buying the rights to what will be a very fruitful copper mine. It will create 10,000 jobs to mine the copper. Which, in turn will create other sources of commerce for Afghanistan.
Now, in the long run, who do you think the Afghan’s will be loyal to; Americans who’ve for the last 8 years torn up their country and killed many civilians in the process, or, China who brought them economic security with one bid?
China is sucking in so many US dollars it has to convert the paper assets to hard assets that will either appreciate in value and/or help them fuel their growing economy — which grew at 8% this year. Compare that to the financial disaster Bush and the Reagan Republicans left us this year.
Next time you’re at Wal-Mart buying products Made in China a Chinese family thanks you for making China great.
Voting Republican = killing America.
Why do Republicans hate America?
Eisenhower, as we’ve noted here at least twice, was trying to caution us about the military-industrial-Congressional complex, an iron triangle of contractors and Senate Democrats (such as JFK and Stu Symington) who were trying to terrify us with the spectre of missile gaps and bomber gaps.
Democrats lied then, as they always do, and asserted without proof that General Eisenhower had allowed our force structure to be overtaken and surpassed by the USSR. To be fair and balanced, the gaps in missiles and bombers did exist, but they were totally in our favor.
That episode tells us much about now. Democrats have again misrepresented the threat we face, but now they try to diminish it and talk it away.
Apologists for Islam told us in 2001 that “only” 10% of the world’s Moslems followed the path of radical and militant holy war. I did the math. We had only 130,000,000 militants, who interpreted jihad as violent apocalypse, to worry about. And tell us again, GBS: how did war-criminal Bush push 130,000,000 peaceful pacifists into violence when Bush had been pres for only eight months? Since everything then and now is GWB’s fault, I’d really like to know what he did between January 2001 and Sept 2001 to make (almost) everybody hate us.
Isn’t it odd that yesterday you were reciting tired canards about GWB’s inattentiveness to an opaque and vague PDB in August 2001. How convenient. You’re having it both ways. Blaming Bush for fanatically forcing the Religion of Peace to become a religion of crotch-bomb war, while being too laid back about a threat that everybody else (that would be Richard Clarke) later asserted was blindingly obvious.
Remember that Clarke tried to take credit (generously shared with Blue Dress Bill) for foiling the Millennium Plot a stone’s throw from here. The Seattle Times showed that Clarke was a lying liar. And that Ahmed Ressam tried to do his bomb a year before GWB (whom you accuse of inciting Muslim violence) was president.
As for Afghanistan, well … that’s Mr. Obama’s war, isn’t it? That’s his surge, isn’t it? Should be no problem, since he promised to have us out of Iraq in 2009. That gives him about two more hours to follow through. Just as he followed through on his promises about transparency, whacking earmarks (while signing a ‘stimulus’ bill with thousands of them and while push a defense bill with thousands of them), and whacking lobbyists (while pulling dozens of them into his government.
Hope’n’change, man. Believe it.
proud leftistspews:
Karl Rove’s divorce last week should free him up to pursue the true love of his life–GWB.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Why do Republicans hate America?
What an ignorant statement. The newest, freshest immigrant off the boat could tell you within a week which of the political persuasion love their country more.
Is it the liberals that threaten to leave the country if “their candidate” doesn’t win a presidential election? NO
Is it the dirty,filthy hippies that protest in the streets by throwing rocks, bottles at police and damage private and public property causing several thousands to millions of dollars in damages? NO.
Is it the leftist hate sites like HA, KOS and HUFFPO who take incredible cheap shots on their oppostions family members like that of Sarah Palin from the time she was announced to present? Or engage in orgiastic revelry when “one of theirs” passes on like that experienced with the passing of Ronald Reagan or Jerry Falwell, etc? NO
Is it those same liberals in Hollywood that threaten to leave the country, but don’t, but then go on to make anti-American movies by the dozens to include one that has the American president assasinated in it? NO
I could go on, but the point is made. That person would recognize that it is thin-skinned leftists that hate this country. That is a given.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Not a bad year for the investments – up 33.61% for 2009.
Dow Jones – +18.82%
S&P 500 – +23.45%
NASDAQ – +43.89%
Not too shabby! Better than 2008, for sure!
headless lucyspews:
Cheney’s a bitter old cold war factotum whose understanding of the world is colored by an avidity for war, but the physical cowardice to actually participate.
5 deferments and his explanation is that he had ‘better things to do’.
After a lifetime of wasted effort I would challenge anyone to point to one thing that Cheney has done that was more important than ducking hgis service during the Vietnam War.
Does getting drunk and shooting a friend in the face count?
Well, one thing is for sure. Taking a hunter’s safety course was not one of the more important things Dick did during his multiple deferments.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
33. Jason Osgood spews:
I’m not sure I follow you.
Well, that’s good news. Because we have stalking laws in this state. That said, perhaps your therapist can work out why you’re not sure if you are or aren’t following me.
Why bother when I said the point was made. Judging by the lack of a meaningul defense by the overwhelming amount of people on this site that self identify as being on the “left”, is there really anything substantive to add that doesn’t just reinforce those above statements that have gone unchallenged? Yeah, me neither.
Roger Rabbitspews:
No Worker Rights Next Year
Rep. Mike Sells (D-Everett) says he won’t reintroduce the workers’ rights bill that Republican Gov. Christine Gregoire and Republican legislative leaders Frank Chopp and Lisa Brown killed last year, the Everett Herald reports.
Sells, who works for a labor organization, says there’s no point in bringing up the bill if it won’t pass. The bill would allow workers to skip meetings called by employers to harangue their workers about politics, religion, or unions.
Business groups claim the law would infringe on employers’ “constitutional right of free speech.” Of course, there’s no such thing as workers’ right of free speech, because anytime a worker says what he really thinks, the employer fires his ass. In a world run by employers, the only rights workers have are: The right to have their pay cut, their jobs outsourced, their production quotas increased, their health benefits cut, and their pension funds looted.
Well, workers don’t have to put up with this shit! If the Legislature won’t protect them from aggressive employers, they can protect themselves! All they have to do is QUIT. That’s what I did, and ever since I quit working, I don’t have to put up with any employer bullshit anymore.
We wouldn’t need such a law if no one worked. If our Republican governor and legislative leaders won’t give workers any rights, then workers will have to TAKE those rights — by not working. No one should work. Working doesn’t make any sense. I don’t work! I’m a capitalist now, and make my money the same way Republicans do, by skimming off the top of the economy. Working is the worst way to get money there is. Workers have no rights and get peanuts. The real money goes to unproductive leeches like bankers, business owners, and investors like me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“When Gov. Chris Gregoire, Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown and House Speaker Frank Chopp read the e-mail they huddled behind closed doors, then announced the bill was dead. They also asked the Washington State Patrol to investigate if the e-mail amounted to a crime by linking donations to legislative action; troopers found no wrongdoing.
“Some Democrats questioned the timing of and motives behind the legislative leaders’ actions. Back then Boeing, one of the most ardent opponents, hadn’t announced its decision to build a second production line for the 787 Dreamliner in Washington state or South Carolina. Officials of the aerospace giant made clear to the governor and legislative leadership that passage of the bill would be viewed as a negative for the state.
“Sells was one of several legislators who said then he felt party leaders overreacted to the e-mail because they didn’t like the bill and wanted to send a message to Boeing.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We all know what sucking up to Boeing got them, don’t we? With this batch of so-called “Democrats,” who needs Republicans to screw us?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I suppose it’s too much to ask that our elected Democrats look out for Washington’s workers instead of sucking up to those Chicago guys.
Roger Rabbitspews:
When this crowd of so-called “Democrats” finally, after much kicking and biting, gets dragged into putting the brakes on tax cuts that are gutting public services in our state, they’ll make our tax system even more regressive by extending our most regressive taxes in order to soak poor people even more … and leave big business and affluent households untouched … wait and see.
Sales tax on services; more taxes on small businesses; more gambling; more user fees. That’s how they’re gonna stick it to the overtaxed underclass. Mark my words.
Why the hell do we keep voting for these people?
Roger Rabbitspews:
So now Gregoire, Chopp, and Brown think it’s a criminal offense if you refuse to donate to their campaigns because you’re tired of getting screwed over by them? Go figure.
And they want us to vote for them? If we do, shame on us.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 “Because we have stalking laws in this state.”
Don’t worry, you’re not worth stalking.
headless lucyspews:
re 43: Go fuck yourself.
I’m done with the lot of them. Too bad the Green Party is full of useless crazy talk.
headless lucyspews:
re 47: If the underclass were not so obdurately uninformed and willfully stupid, they would support an income tax on those who can afford it. But they are so easily demagogued, that is a near impossibility.
That is the political reality Democrats face.
headless lucyspews:
re 47: You cannot imagine the amusement that I get from listening to delivery boys of whatever age explain to me that they are ‘free traders’.
headless lucyspews:
It is a bittersweet amusement, I must admit.
headless lucyspews:
“I dreamed I saw St. Augustine alive as you or me.” Bob Dylan
Roger Rabbitspews:
Break Up Big Banks!
It’s easy, and you don’t have to wait for Congress to do something — just move your money to a little bank.
Happy New Year KLOWNS.
I see Rog had another big night last night gasping for breath from his oxygen tank and posting on HA. Great life Rog.
2010 promises to be much worse for you…you love to suffer though so it’s probably a blessing for you.
To a huge Democrat defeat in November!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
The Busheviks released hundreds of Gitmo detainees, and some of them are now attacking us!
More vile bile from Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny.
Who in 2007 screamed and shouted “Close Gitmo” “Let them Go” “It’s a Travesty of Justice” etc. etc. etc.? It was your libtardo leftist progressives in Congress, leftist whackamole websites, leftist whackamole cable commentators and peeps such as you Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny. It was the ACLU who brought lawsuits, recriminations and personal attacks on Republicans and conservatives for keeping all those prisoners in Gitmo.
Now it seems these Little Eichmanns you all screamed to be released have come back to roost in Yemen.
Such a Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny you are Dumb Bunny!
So why do leftist progressives hate America so much? Maybe Don Joe knows the answer since he claims to be “independent” but seems to swing Dummocraptic 100% of the time like The Socialist Bernie Sanders.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
We are at war, not because of the threat of terrorism, but rather because the Bush Gang wanted to have a war.
Words from a person who holds Palestinian Terrorists in high regard – FartyArt.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Republican legislative leaders Frank Chopp and Lisa Brown
Oh spare me the “pain” Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
I suppose it’s too much to ask that our elected Democrats look out for Washington’s workers instead of sucking up to those Chicago guys.
What? You helped elect the Chicago guy and his “disciples”.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Sure Cynical with pleasure…
The New Years Day Poll isn’t up.
@2 Pu7ddy6 makes a joke
Sorry,k that must be a Christian joke. Can you explain it to those of us not possessed by the holy spirit?
The judge, Ricardo M. Urbina of the District’s federal court, found that prosecutors and agents had improperly used statements that the guards provided to the State Department in the hours and days after the shooting. The statements had been given with the understanding that they would not be used against the guards in court, the judge found, and federal prosecutors should not have used them to help guide their investigation. Urbina said other Justice Department lawyers had warned the prosecutors to tread carefully around the incriminating statements.
“In their zeal to bring charges,” Urbina wrote in a 90-page opinion, “prosecutors and investigators aggressively sought out statements in the immediate aftermath of the shooting and in the subsequent investigation. In so doing, the government’s trial team repeatedly disregarded the warnings of experienced, senior prosecutors, assigned to the case specifically to advise the trial team” on such matters.
BTW Urbina as appointed to the United States District Court by Monica Wet My Willy Clinton
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Once again why does the ACLU hate America? And by extension HA Libtardos love the ACLU so why do HA Libtardos hate America?
Watch Proud Leftist bring Rep. Jason Chaffetz’ argument back again…
The chemical misfire of the dingaling underwear bomber was God’s warning and His benevolence in action. Let’s see how the progressive libtardos “react” once the “report” is finalized.
Your character is delving into the absurd and illogical again…
“Once again why does the ACLU hate America”
What the fuck? Even a role-playing character should try to exhibit more intelligence than to pretend an organization experiences and emotion like love or hate.
“And by extension…”
“By extension”??? Your character is using a big word in a nonsensical way.
“…HA Libtardos love the ACLU”
The idea that HA liberals “love the ACLU” is more of your character’s infantile stereotyping. I suspect there are many who LIKE the ACLU, and appreciate it, and some who don’t care either way. Some probably “love” the ACLU, but your comment, that HA liberals love the ACLU, is sophomoric psychobabble.
“so why do HA Libtardos hate America?”
This is a logical fallacy. You are (symbolically) stating: A hates B. All C love A. Therefore all C hate B.
The path of reasoning does not lead from your premise to your conclusion.
Example: if my sister hates my wife, and I love my sister, it does not imply that I hate my wife.
Of course, your character’s mal-logic isn’t helped by the fact that you began with a false premise.
Cynical, this may interest you (speaking of Roger Rabbit):
@60 It wasn’t us who released those guys, puddy. You guys released them. End of argument.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 “To a huge Democrat defeat in November!”
Really? Who are people gonna vote for? You guys?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 What are you babbling about now, idiot?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 Everything you post is a joke. You’re a joke.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
58. Mr. Cynical spews:
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
01/01/2010 at 5:22 am
I thought “open thread” meant just that. Apparently I was wrong.
The idea that HA liberals “love the ACLU” is more of your character’s infantile stereotyping. I suspect there are many who LIKE the ACLU, and appreciate it, and some who don’t care either way. Some probably “love” the ACLU, but your comment, that HA liberals love the ACLU, is sophomoric psychobabble. ~ Darryl (the lazy and unprepared professor)
Wow, Darryl quoting Rush Limbaugh. Now that’s funny stuff.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@67 The judge is merely enforcing the immunity agreement made by the Busheviks, puddy. Don’t blame the judge; blame Bush’s apparatchiks who offered the immunity deal in the first place.
The net result is that a gang of murderers gets off scot-free because incompetent Republican lawyers fucked up.
And poodlekins is leaping for joy! Almost makes you want to vomit …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 “Once again why does the ACLU hate America?”
What’s hilarious about this rant is the ACLU is the law firm of choice for Republican miscreants who want legal services without paying for them.
Bush’s apparatchiks who offered the immunity deal in the first place. ~Roger Roadkill
Wow, now the roadkill regurgitator is quoting the honorable Daniel Hannan, conservative from the UK. Of course, as they say, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
video can be seen below while Mr. Hannan dresses down the liberal PM Gordy brown. Good stuff
@70 If we squandered 100 billion dollars a year for 100 years, we still wouldn’t match the amount of money you buffoons threw away in Iraq. And that’s before mentioning the trillions of dollars of wealth your economic policies wiped out …
It does. But comments are deleted for reasons other than being “off topic”. See the HA Comment Policy.
“Apparently I was wrong.”
You are wrong about thinking you were wrong.
“Wow, Darryl quoting Rush Limbaugh.”
Um…no I wasn’t. If I had been quoting Limbaugh, I would have used typographic conventions to indicate it.
“Now that’s funny stuff.”
I suppose. I mean, when you invent “facts”, it cannot be much of a challenge to find yourself amused by it….
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 So this comparison of government vs. private employer compensation costs is supposed to prove what? That government should pay traffic engineers, IT professionals, urban planners, program managers, wildlife biologists, epidemiolists, crime lab technicians, state troopers, bank examiners, etc., what workers in dry cleaning and fast food establishments get?
What you’re overlooking is that most government jobs require college degrees, many require advanced degrees, and government organizations have a much higher proportion of professional and managerial staffing.
You’re comparing apples to oranges. But don’t let basic honesty stop you from making a pointless point …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@78 It takes effort to get deleted from an open thread.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Hey Darryl,
Why the fuck should Puddy react to you when your side says worse shit every day on this blog? So everything coming from an HA libtardo is full psychobabble, but but gets a pass from da professor because he blindly turns away from their psychobabble.
The ACLU is against those full body scanners. The full body scanners would have caught the dingaling underwear bomber. They hate the US PERIOD!
Stuff it dude.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@81 I never heard of the guy, so how could I be quoting him? Apparently it escapes you that when facts are obvious it’s likely that several million people will reach the same conclusion on their own. Also, you can’t grasp the notion that some of us think for ourselves, because you have no experience with that.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny,
So the ACLU takes a Republican case every so often. It doesn’t excuse their propensity to back the absurd anti-religion anti-US position 95+% of the time.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
re: the word “Psychobabble”
Um…no I wasn’t. If I had been quoting Limbaugh, I would have used typographic conventions to indicate it. ~ Darryl
Wrong. Limbaugh invented that word over 15 years ago and seeing you use it is hilarious. Like I said, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and Rush, I’m sure, is smiling somewhere in Hawaii knowing that.
87. Roger Rabbit spews:
@81 I never heard of the guy, so how could I be quoting him?
Liar. That word hasn’t been used in eons until recently when Hannan abused PM Brown with it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@86 I have a better idea, puddlehead. Let’s skip the cost of the scanners and simply make everyone disrobe in the inspection line.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
76. Roger Rabbit spews: Nothing important.
Puddy was responding to your insane moronic psychobabble about Chicago.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Actually, as a lawyer, I like the idea of installing scanners capable of producing images which, if stolen by TSA employees and posted on the internet, could cause extreme social embarrassment and economic loss to airline passengers — provided there’s no tort immunity attached. I always welcome new business opportunities for my legal brethren.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Well once they see you disrobe the smell and stench of vomit will permeate the airport terminal Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Of course, Republicans will demand tort immunity. Legal immunity in conjunction with a free hand to invade your privacy, violate your legal rights, and take away your property and dignity is the essence of Republicanism.
For example, those trigger-happy Blackwater guards getting away with the murder of 17 Iraqi civilians is a cause for celebration by the likes of pudpacker.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Who said Puddy was celebrating Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny? What a retard you continue to be.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
92. Roger Rabbit spews:
Actually, as a lawyer, I like the idea of installing scanners capable of producing images…
This from the same rodent that can’t discern Fox News from Fox entertainment…From the “patty murray stands tall thread”:
28. Roger Rabbit spews:
Watching Wingnuts Eat Each Other Dep’t
Rupert Murdoch is kicking Fox news off his cable channel in a fight over money.
Wow, that is just sloppy work Rodent. And you claim to have passed the bar exam? Please!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@95 Now I’m confused. Are you saying those Blackwater thugs should go to jail? Are you knocking the Bush administration for blowing the case?
@84 What you’re overlooking is that most government jobs require college degrees, many require advanced degrees, and government organizations have a much higher proportion of professional and managerial staffing.
Great: then show us YOUR data for these jobs vs. the private sector and provide us with the apples to apples salary/benefits comparison.
If we squandered 100 billion dollars a year for 100 years, we still wouldn’t match the amount of money you buffoons threw away in Iraq.
Numbers are not your strong suit, that’s obvious.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
ylb arschloch,
Lee needs the thread where Goldy discussed a used condom in the grass. Make your worthless ASS useful for a change. Be a good little libtardo and visit your HA backup database and give Lee the link.
“Why the fuck should Puddy react to you when your side says worse shit every day on this blog?”
I don’t think Puddy should react to anything. Puddy is a role-playing character that, apparently, allows you to escape the commitments of your personal and religious philosophy. You know—commitments like not to lie.
This blog, on the other hand, was developed as a place for real humans (not characters) and, specifically, for liberals.
“So everything coming from an HA libtardo is full psychobabble, but but gets a pass from da professor because he blindly turns away from their psychobabble.”
I’m sorry…your babbling didn’t really make any sense.
“The ACLU is against those full body scanners.”
“The full body scanners would have caught the dingaling underwear bomber.”
“They hate the US PERIOD!”
Here, again, your character seem to be engaging in the torture of rationality (i.e. a logical fallacy). Here is the form:
A disagrees with policy X. Policy X could prevent event B. A hates entity D.
Utter nonsensical drivel.
Can’t you play a better character?
“Stuff it dude.”
Cute…is that your character’s inner third-grader??
Roger Rabbitspews:
By the way, “Blackwater” is no more. (Geez, whoever dreamed up that name was one of the clumsiest PR flacks of all time!)
Recognizing the need for distancing their company from the notoriety now forever associated with the “Blackwater” name, the company is now known as …
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny,
They would all be still safely “ensconced” in Gitmo if the ACLU and other congressional critter libtardos didn’t lose their minds over them being in GITMO. Bush reacted to the ACLU and Congressional ‘Rats in 2007 and many were released.
@103 (continued) Don’t try to pin the Bush Clusterfuck on us, piddly. You asswipes own it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In order to believe puddy’s latest scribblings, you have to suspend belief and accept the premise that Bush took orders from the ACLU and Democrats.
I’ve seen weak plots in bad movies that were more plausible than that.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
What is amusing is the curent OJT president is afraid to use the word “terrorism” or even fathom that such a thing exists. It’s akin to pulling the covers over your head as a child thinking “the boogeyman can’t see me now”. A “man-caused disaster” could be used to describe the presidential election of 2008.
Personally, I can’t wait to see the Chitown Assclown sent back to the South side in 2012, which given the current job approval ratings, is more likely than not.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
I don’t think Puddy should react to anything. Puddy is a role-playing character that, apparently, allows you to escape the commitments of your personal and religious philosophy. You know—commitments like not to lie.
Oh really? A character? One who identifies the continual lies of the left!
This blog, on the other hand, was developed as a place for real humans (not characters) and, specifically, for liberals.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Show me a real human. SJ could pass for one. GBS is almost human. There are many sub-humans and a few who identify with simians.
I’m sorry…your babbling didn’t really make any sense.
Wrong again professa. You seldom if ever correct the lies, innuendos and half-truths of your side.
“The ACLU is against those full body scanners.”
Perhaps.WTF? They have stated it since day one. And this fool thinks Puddy is delusional.
“The full body scanners would have caught the dingaling underwear bomber.”
Perhaps. WTF? The peeps you jockstrap have already said it would have. Airplane flies over Darryl’s head
Here, again, your character seem to be engaging in the torture of rationality (i.e. a logical fallacy). Here is the form:
A disagrees with policy X. Policy X could prevent event B. A hates entity D.
Nope you dope! Common sense.
Utter nonsensical drivel.Yes Darryl, you are starting the new year like you left the old year
Can’t you play a better character?Why, this one gets under the HA Libtardos with truths provided from leftwing MSM and whackamole sites everyday.
Cute…is that your character’s inner third-grader??Sometimes one needs to gravitate to the common denominator conversation of HA Libtardos.
“Limbaugh invented that word over 15 years ago and seeing you use it is hilarious.”
Huh…Richard Rosen would be mighty surprised at that claim. (*Snicker!*)
“Like I said, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…”
And like I said, when you make shit up, it is easy to be self-amused.
“…Rush, I’m sure, is smiling somewhere in Hawaii knowing that.”
Agreed. The question is…is it just the Oxycontin talking?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
@103 Bullshit.
Yep all the commentary of Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny today like yesterday and the day before is BULLSHIT!
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Huh…Richard Rosen would be mighty surprised at that claim. (*Snicker!*)
Truth be told, Darryl had never heard of Richard Rosen until he used Google today, nor had I. The fact remains that Darryl was using a word reincarnated in our modern day lexicon by Rush Limbaugh. I don’t expect Darryl to admit as much, but at least he knows deep down inside (where his integrity lies) he wasn’t imitating Mr. Rosen by referencing the word.
Am I correct, Darryl?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Here Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny. It was your side who continually complained to the world about the supposedly overly restrictive military detention rules of Gitmo. It was your side in trying to destroy the Bush Administration year after year whipped up a frenzy over Gitmo.
“American officials agreed to send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an “art therapy rehabilitation program” and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials.” They were probably goat herders so Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny could relate to their occupation.
“Show me a real human. SJ could pass for one. GBS is almost human. There are many sub-humans and a few who identify with simians.”
By “me”, I take it you are now decloaking. While Puddybud could make such an absurd statement (because he can, apparently, say almost anything without consequence), you (i.e. the person who plays Puddy) shouldn’t stoop to such dishonesty.
“You seldom if ever correct the lies, innuendos and half-truths of your side.”
“WTF? They have stated it since day one.”
I don’t doubt it. (But, given your character’s penchant for lying, I would verify it before stating it as fact.)
“And this fool thinks Puddy is delusional.”
Not following your connection. My statement “perhaps” was not a disagreement with your character’s claim about the ACLU.
“WTF? The peeps you jockstrap have already said it would have.”
Again, the word “perhaps” isn’t a substantive disagreement with your statement. It does acknowledge the fact that all assays have some rate of false negatives.
“Nope you dope! Common sense.”
In other words, your conclusion, while disguised as a logical argument was, in fact, simply your character’s preconceived conclusion.
“Why, this one gets under the HA Libtardos with truths provided from leftwing MSM and whackamole sites everyday.”
Most people ’round here who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you in person or who believe that Puddybud is real firmly believes that Puddybud suffers from serious psycho-pathologies.
According to one of the popular online rating systems, RankMyProfessor, [Darrryl Holman] ranks dead last in terms of overall quality in the UW Anthropology Dept.
Somehow, I’m not surprised by that finding…
You are incorrect. I’ve used the word “psychobabble” long before Rush was a Hate Talker.
You’re lying again, Darryl. And exactly where can you find examples of Limbaugh being a “hate talker”? Just because he makes fun of liberals and exposes their hypocrisy doesn’t exactly add up to “hate” except in the mind of some really thin-skinned liberal types like yourself.
If anyone has a monopoly on hate speech, it’s the left.
You are incorrect. I’ve used the word “psychobabble” long before Rush was a Hate Talker.
Look lil’ Ricky Dumbass, it’s only you wingding retards who build vocabulary on AM radio.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 118
You’re a lying fuck, Darryl, but you already knew that.
I’ve used the word “psychobabble” long before Rush was a Hate Talker.
…and your proof is where?
Don Joespews:
@ 118
Look lil’ Ricky Dumbass, it’s only you wingding retards who build vocabulary on AM radio.
On this Darryl, I believe you’re quite wrong. Ricky builds his vocabulary in the vast and vacuous confines of his own head with the aid of any external sources whatsoever including a well-respected dictionary. See the”Guns” thread for proof.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 120
Poor, Don Joe. I slap him around in one of the posts and he just can’t let it go.
No worries, though Don QuixJoete…there are plenty of windmills in your future to avenge your fallen honor…
“You’re a lying fuck, Darryl, but you already knew that.”
…cries the imbecile who just claimed:
Limbaugh invented that word [psychobabble] over 15 years ago…
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
…cries the imbecile who just claimed:
Yet, Darryl had to google the word to find Richard Rosen.
Of course, Darryl was using that word on a regular basis back in the early 90’s as he “claims”. However, his “lazy and unprepared” status as an “educator” remains fully intact.
“Yet, Darryl had to google the word to find Richard Rosen.”
“Of course, Darryl was using that word on a regular basis back in the early 90’s as he “claims”.”
Once again, our leading candidate for imbecile-of-the-year “scores” big! I’ve made no claim that I used the word “on a regular basis back in the early 90’s.” (Neither have I denied doing so.)
Odd how you wingding idiots never bother to encumber yourselves with facts….
Amazing how often Don Joe puts in an appearance to tag-team with Darryl . . .
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 125
Don Joe is Darryl’s mini-me . He even uses Darryl’s often used term “squirt” often when responding to a comment- really original.
I Call him Don QuixJoete because you can always find him tilting at windmills…
@126 He even uses Darryl’s often used term “squirt” often when responding to a comment- really original.
Yes, they have much in common. Perhaps Don Joe would like to put in another appearance at DL sometime.
Don Joespews:
@ 127
Yes, they have much in common.
Well, we are both intelligent, rather articulate, and can spot an idiotic wingnut argument a mile away. Frankly, I consider it an honor that you would find so much in common between Darryl and me as to suggest that we might even be the same person.
But, that is what you pipsqueaks do when you’ve run out of rhetorical ammo, isn’t it?
Really, better trolls, please.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Well, we are both intelligent, rather articulate, and can spot an idiotic wingnut argument a mile away. Frankly, I consider it an honor that you would find so much in common between Darryl and me
Christ, how embarrassing is that? As I asserted earlier, Don Joe is Darryl’s Mini-me.
Don’t you mean “squirt”?
Don Joespews:
@ 129
Don’t you mean “squirt”?
No. Unlike you, I use precisely the word that’s correct in context.
@128 Well, we are both intelligent, rather articulate
You sure are, and let’s not forget humble and easy on the eyes:
No. Unlike you, I use precisely the word that’s correct in context.
Or could it be we’ve outed you for your man-crush on Darryl?
@ 131
Good Christ!! Who knew Darryl was actually Cactus Jack from the WWE. With a mug like that, I can understand why Darryl’s so bitter. Hell, I’d be bitter too!
Don Joespews:
@ 131
You sure are, and let’s not forget humble and easy on the eyes
Now you’ve stooped to flattery. The lengths to which you people will go when your arguments have failed you.
Or could it be we’ve outed you for your man-crush on Darryl?
You know, I think you’re jealous.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
You know, I think you’re jealous.
Well, as has been demonstrated time and again on this blog, thinking is exactly your strong suit.
Don Joespews:
@ 134
Well, as has been demonstrated time and again on this blog, thinking is exactly your strong suit.
Why, thank you.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 135, yeah. I noticed that typo as well, albeit a little too late.
The fact reamains, that thinking isn’t your strong suit.
Don Joespews:
@ 136
The fact reamains, that thinking isn’t your strong suit.
Aw, and here I thought you were trying to be nice.
‘Course if thinking is not my strong suit, then thinking is clearly something you’ve never actually done. You are they guy that Eddie Vedder was writing about in Even Flow.
“To minimize expected losses in next fall’s election, President Barack Obama’s party is testing a line of attack that resurrects George W. Bush as a boogeyman and castigates Republicans as cozy with Wall Street.”
But NewsMeat and OpenSecrets display and demonstrate the “cozy facts” being quite the opposite.
And they are using polling groupies like Bill Monica Wet My Willie Clinton did. Same playbook different administration.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
BTW ylb arschloch all the professa did was play devils advocate. When questioned his responses were
Creating his personal logical fallacies about his family
142 – Poor fool.
You were PWNED…
Darryl is too kind. There’s no character, no scripted role-play. You’re no actor.
Your words here are a map into what passes for your “mind”.
Puddybud, MWS and all the other feckless buffoons you’ve carried on about here???
It’d be too boring if it weren’t so mentally deranged and occasionally made for cruel entertainment.
Contrary to the nugget thinkers who see every Umar Farouk as a security failure, the fact that terrorists are reduced to smuggling explosive materials on-board in their underwear, without the casings and detonators that make for an efficient explosion, is proof of our success in deterring them from even trying to board with a capable bomb.
The correct response to terrorists is not the chicken-little response we see from the land of wingnuttia. The correct response is a collective and whole-hearted “Fuck You,” in which we proceed on with our lives.
Yes, terrorists want to kill us all off, but that desire of theirs is no different than the desire many of us might have to own a Mercedes Benz. Merely having the desire to do something doesn’t convey the ability to carry it out, and Islamic Terrorists are not an existential threat to the United States. To act as if they are an existential threat is to do precisely what those terrorists want us to do.
144 – Ooops. I can see Murdoch calling a “come to Jesus” meeting with the editorial board.
They’d better pay heed or Murdoch will replace ’em with the hacks from Investor’s Business Daily.
Don Joespews:
Yet another data point in support of the notion that calling Republicans “terrorists” is no longer hyperbole:
Research has shown that a terrorist attack conducted shortly before an election increases the vote in that area for right-wing Israeli parties by 1.35 percentage points. That may seem small, but in Israel’s fractured system, a few terrorist attacks in the months leading up to an election are often enough to propel the conservative parties to victory.
The dynamic isn’t any different in the United States. There is a symbiotic relationship between terrorism and the political fortunes of right-wing parties. And that relationship is a direct consequence of the manner in which right-wing parties exploit terrorist activities for partisan political gain.
It amazes me that people still give Cheney a soap box to stand on.
Puddy knows certain HA Libtardos are humorless dumb bricks and cinder blocks.
A man went into a pharmacy and asked to talk to a male. The woman he was talking to said that she was the pharmacist and that she and her sister owned the store, so there were no males employed there.
She then asked if there was something which she could help the gentleman with.
The man said that it was something that he would be much more comfortable discussing with a male pharmacist.
The female pharmacist assured him that she was completely professional and whatever it was that he needed to discuss, he could be confident that she would treat him with the highest level of professionalism.
The man agreed and began by saying, “This is tough for me to discuss, but I have a permanent erection. It causes me a lot of problems and severe embarrassment. So I was wondering what you could give me for it?
“The pharmacist said, “Just a minute, I’ll go talk to my sister.”
When she returned, she said, “We discussed it at length and the absolute best we can do is: 1/3 ownership in the store, a company car and $3,000 a month living expenses.”
Happy New Year.
The honorable Dick Cheney will always go down in the hearts of American citizens as a great man for his tireless service to this country. I was proud to have served under him while he was the Sec. of Defense in the adminstation of that other honorable and patriotic man, Ronald Reagan.
Only a complete imbecile could think Cheney is wrong on the terror issue. Of course, the real deep thinker in there now (/sarcasm) calls the people that want to slice your heads of ‘man-caused disasters”. How friggin ignorant is that?
Asking Obama to make an executive decision is like asking Ted kennedy what diet plan he was following.
Puddy @ 2–
Good one..
But I think you’ll need to explain it to the humorless KLOWNS!
BTW Lee-
Cheney is correct.
O-BOMB-out has this ridiculous passion for making sure the rest of the world loves us…no matter what the cost.
Perhaps it is part of his insatiable need to be worshipped? You know, going on Letterman and Leno, giving endless, meaningless speeches.
O-Bomb-out fails to understand WE ARE AT WAR!
IF we do get hit again on American Soil, O-bomb-out will face impeachment.
What a Patriot.
“Former Gitmo detainees help al-Qaida grow in Yemen
“SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — As a prisoner at Guantanamo, Said Ali al-Shihri said he wanted freedom so he could go home to Saudi Arabia and work at his family’s furniture store.
“Instead, al-Shihri, who was released in 2007 under the Bush administration, is now deputy leader of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, a group that has claimed responsibility for the Christmas Day attempted bomb attack on a Detroit-bound airliner.”
(Quoted under fair use for educational purposes.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Waytago wingfucks! Keep the innocent in jail and let the guilty go free! The Busheviks released hundreds of Gitmo detainees, and some of them are now attacking us! That’s Republican bunglers for ya.
Why would anyone vote for these people?(TM)
@2 Got any goat jokes?
@3 “The honorable Dick Cheney will always go down in the hearts of American citizens as a great man for his tireless service to this country.”
That’s funny, but do you have any goat jokes?
@4 “I think you’ll need to explain it”
C’mon, guys, where are the @#%$&!! GOAT JOKES?!!!
@5 “O-Bomb-out fails to understand WE ARE AT WAR!”
See #6. Now, where are the fucking goat jokes? Don’t you have even one fucking GOAT JOKE?!
Okay, since you lamebrain wingfucks can’t come up with a goat joke, I’ve got one:
One day, on a normally tranquil farm, a rancid stench led the farmer to the rotting corpse of a murdered pig buried in the straw inside the barn. The farmer was determined to find the killer. The only witness was a rabbit.
The farmer lined up the suspects: A cow, a young goat, a horse and a rooster. He instructed the rabbit to point to the killer. The rabbit hopped up and down the lineup. He stopped and nodded his head at the young goat. The nervous goat said, “I didn’t do it!”
The farmer replied, “Hare’s looking at you, kid.”
That, my wingnut friends, is what’s called a shaggy dog story about a rabbit, a goat, and a pig.
Do I need to explain it for you idiots?
As a matter of fact, I do.
So this rabbit and Goat walk into a bar…they begin to belly up to the bar when the goat asks the rabbit “may I push in your stool?” to which the rabbit replied “wasn’t last night enough for you? I’m not doing that in a public setting.”
Cheney is correct.
He’s not correct about anything. His understanding of what causes terrorism and how to best prevent it is so far off the mark that you’d be hard pressed to be more wrong than him.
O-BOMB-out has this ridiculous passion for making sure the rest of the world loves us…no matter what the cost.
What cost? What the hell are you talking about?
First of all, it’s unrealistic to expect that everyone in the world will love us. That’s impossible. But Cheney’s strategy ends up making sure the rest of the world hates us. How is that helpful? How does that help reduce terrorism?
Perhaps it is part of his insatiable need to be worshipped? You know, going on Letterman and Leno, giving endless, meaningless speeches.
He’s the President. It’s his job to speak to the American public. That’s part of the job. But I care more about what he does than what he says, and so far he’s shown himself to be a much smarter and much tougher player in world affairs than either Bush or Cheney.
O-Bomb-out fails to understand WE ARE AT WAR!
To the extent that we’re at war, the goal of the war is to have our values triumph over the values of those in Al Qaeda and among Middle East dictators. In that respect, Dick Cheney, by supporting torture, indefinite imprisonment, and disrespect for civil liberties, is on the side of the terrorists in that war. There’s simply no ambiguity about this. Dick Cheney and Osama Bin Laden are on the same side. Moderates around the world are on the other.
I’ve preordered my copy of Dick Cheney’s video on gun safety.
Empty @ 3
Aha. A fanboi. You should work harder to protect your anonymity.
We are at war, not because of the threat of terrorism, but rather because the Bush Gang wanted to have a war. They were in fact arrogant enough to document this several years earlier. Apparently some of the rest of us were such dumbfucks that we thought they were only joking, and the rest are even more depraved than they are and get their rocks off on dead “furriners”. (The neocons are more pragmatic: they do it for the money.)
From Pennsylvania comes the news from that state’s dog breeders, many of whom are also farmers, that it’s their standard practice to dispose of not only the animals’ waste but the remains of puppies died of “natural” causes or were unsold (not “cute” enough, perhaps) but composting it all and spreading it on their crops. In Lancaster County, this typically amounts to 135 tons of dogshit, and an unspecified amount of composted animal carcasses, spread on a typical cornfield in a year’s time.
Hey Goldy—
How about your boy, Hizzoner Nickels and his chicken-shit staff..
They wanted taxpayer dollars for Health Insurance in a recession with all kinds of deficit issues.
Pretty much says it all about Chickenshit Nickels and his gang of taxpayer-rapers.
Nickels legacy—Chickenshit
Yeah, well I’ve preordered my copy of “how to win elections” co-authored by D. Burner and J. Osgood.
Should be a short read…
Looks like Seattle is getting real leadership under McGinn.
Never could stand Nickles.
In the stupidest comment of the week and to end the year 2009, comes this gem from the hare-brained HA commenter Roger Roadkill in the “patty murray stands tall” post he pelleted the following:
Then links to a story here:
Unfortunately for the furry, big-eared rodent, the story he linked to in the post has nothing to do with Fox news, but Fox entertainment.
Congrats Rog, you really outdid yourself this time.
Empty @ 20
Actually, that’s pretty funny.
My first bit of advice, use your real name.
If you run for office, I’ll vote for you. Failing that, I’ll donate to your campaign.
You’ve got the stones?
21. Michael spews:
Goldy loved the guy.
Shows what kind of judge of character Goldy is.
Best Question ever by John Boehner!!
“All year long, Republicans have asked the question: what is this Administration’s overarching strategy to confront the terrorist threat and keep America safe?”
Who know’s John??
O-Bomb-Out sure don’t!!
Close. Dick was Sec-Def in the honorable and patriotic administration of GHWB. Signed on after John Tower flamed out.
Last week I threw away Cheney’s response to my letter in which I urged him to get on the GOP ticket in 1992, preferably at the top.
He was and is a good man, despite what the cottontail wingfucks tell you, mostly because he came from a good state where the cowboys ride and where no goat has to worry about being molested by wingfuck rabbits.
As The Man (Mr. Cheney) said, keeping us safe after 9/11 wasn’t an accident. It was an accomplishment.
Goldy’s heart’s in the right place, he’s just too much of a conflict avoider.
Having played for the NFL (the big F stands for Forensic) at Cheney’s NCHS (Natrona County High School), I thought of writing a story about the Girl Who Loved Dick.
Here’s the hook: Everybody remembers Nan Britton, the little lass from Marion who had a hot crush on Warren Harding … Well, The Girl Who Loved Dick would have been something like that. Only Wyoming.
Why, didn’t you hear? There is no terrorist threat because there is no War on Terror. That was so … Bush. So last year. Obama’s totally got us beyond all that nonsense.
Want proof? Go to (if you’re ok with barfing up your lunch) and notice that the Global War on Terror isn’t there anywhere. That’s because Goldstein is still jonesing on his Global War on Hutchinson.
Somewhere near his asshole.
The S&P 500 is up 23% for the year.
Companies have expanded more than what was forecast and the # of jobless (always fudged by every government) is down.
My two favorite indicators of how we’re doing, the CPI and Personal Savings Rate, look good for the year.
On the bad side of things, oil is headed back up, lets hope it doesn’t go high enough to undo the good that’s been done this year. And way too many people got shot, here at home and abroad.
I think it’s a mistake to try to “get back where we were.” Where we were was living well beyond our means and in a bubble. Plus, oil was half what it costs now. Hopefully we’ve said good by to bubble economies, living beyond our means and needs, and thinking that oil is cheap and inexhaustible.
I think we’re better off at the end of ’09 than we were at it’s start. 2010 looks like it’s going to be a rough ride but, everything good comes from hard work and struggle. I think we’ll come out of the end of 2010 looking better than we went into it as well. I’m looking forward to the new year.
Happy New Years everyone.
President Eisenhower warned us to be wary of the “industrial military complex.”
Ever since WWII America has been fixated on it’s national security. Throughout the 60’s, 70’s, & especially the 80’s we’ve greatly ignored this warning. Ever since 9/11 we’ve gone hog wild on security.
China, on the other hand has been and is continuing to fixate on commerce. If we continue down this path China will become the only superpower in the world.
Take for instance this story;
For a meager $3 billion dollars China has made the largest investment in Afghanistan’s history buying the rights to what will be a very fruitful copper mine. It will create 10,000 jobs to mine the copper. Which, in turn will create other sources of commerce for Afghanistan.
Now, in the long run, who do you think the Afghan’s will be loyal to; Americans who’ve for the last 8 years torn up their country and killed many civilians in the process, or, China who brought them economic security with one bid?
It’s a no brianer.
China is also investing in other assets, oil assets, right in our backyard:
China is sucking in so many US dollars it has to convert the paper assets to hard assets that will either appreciate in value and/or help them fuel their growing economy — which grew at 8% this year. Compare that to the financial disaster Bush and the Reagan Republicans left us this year.
Next time you’re at Wal-Mart buying products Made in China a Chinese family thanks you for making China great.
Voting Republican = killing America.
Why do Republicans hate America?
Eisenhower, as we’ve noted here at least twice, was trying to caution us about the military-industrial-Congressional complex, an iron triangle of contractors and Senate Democrats (such as JFK and Stu Symington) who were trying to terrify us with the spectre of missile gaps and bomber gaps.
Democrats lied then, as they always do, and asserted without proof that General Eisenhower had allowed our force structure to be overtaken and surpassed by the USSR. To be fair and balanced, the gaps in missiles and bombers did exist, but they were totally in our favor.
That episode tells us much about now. Democrats have again misrepresented the threat we face, but now they try to diminish it and talk it away.
Apologists for Islam told us in 2001 that “only” 10% of the world’s Moslems followed the path of radical and militant holy war. I did the math. We had only 130,000,000 militants, who interpreted jihad as violent apocalypse, to worry about. And tell us again, GBS: how did war-criminal Bush push 130,000,000 peaceful pacifists into violence when Bush had been pres for only eight months? Since everything then and now is GWB’s fault, I’d really like to know what he did between January 2001 and Sept 2001 to make (almost) everybody hate us.
Isn’t it odd that yesterday you were reciting tired canards about GWB’s inattentiveness to an opaque and vague PDB in August 2001. How convenient. You’re having it both ways. Blaming Bush for fanatically forcing the Religion of Peace to become a religion of crotch-bomb war, while being too laid back about a threat that everybody else (that would be Richard Clarke) later asserted was blindingly obvious.
Remember that Clarke tried to take credit (generously shared with Blue Dress Bill) for foiling the Millennium Plot a stone’s throw from here. The Seattle Times showed that Clarke was a lying liar. And that Ahmed Ressam tried to do his bomb a year before GWB (whom you accuse of inciting Muslim violence) was president.
As for Afghanistan, well … that’s Mr. Obama’s war, isn’t it? That’s his surge, isn’t it? Should be no problem, since he promised to have us out of Iraq in 2009. That gives him about two more hours to follow through. Just as he followed through on his promises about transparency, whacking earmarks (while signing a ‘stimulus’ bill with thousands of them and while push a defense bill with thousands of them), and whacking lobbyists (while pulling dozens of them into his government.
Hope’n’change, man. Believe it.
Karl Rove’s divorce last week should free him up to pursue the true love of his life–GWB.
What an ignorant statement. The newest, freshest immigrant off the boat could tell you within a week which of the political persuasion love their country more.
Is it the liberals that threaten to leave the country if “their candidate” doesn’t win a presidential election? NO
Is it the dirty,filthy hippies that protest in the streets by throwing rocks, bottles at police and damage private and public property causing several thousands to millions of dollars in damages? NO.
Is it the leftist hate sites like HA, KOS and HUFFPO who take incredible cheap shots on their oppostions family members like that of Sarah Palin from the time she was announced to present? Or engage in orgiastic revelry when “one of theirs” passes on like that experienced with the passing of Ronald Reagan or Jerry Falwell, etc? NO
Is it those same liberals in Hollywood that threaten to leave the country, but don’t, but then go on to make anti-American movies by the dozens to include one that has the American president assasinated in it? NO
I could go on, but the point is made. That person would recognize that it is thin-skinned leftists that hate this country. That is a given.
Not a bad year for the investments – up 33.61% for 2009.
Dow Jones – +18.82%
S&P 500 – +23.45%
NASDAQ – +43.89%
Not too shabby! Better than 2008, for sure!
Cheney’s a bitter old cold war factotum whose understanding of the world is colored by an avidity for war, but the physical cowardice to actually participate.
5 deferments and his explanation is that he had ‘better things to do’.
After a lifetime of wasted effort I would challenge anyone to point to one thing that Cheney has done that was more important than ducking hgis service during the Vietnam War.
Empty @ 30
I’m not sure I follow you.
Yea, that’s a pretty good idea.
lucy @ 32
Does getting drunk and shooting a friend in the face count?
Well, one thing is for sure. Taking a hunter’s safety course was not one of the more important things Dick did during his multiple deferments.
Well, that’s good news. Because we have stalking laws in this state. That said, perhaps your therapist can work out why you’re not sure if you are or aren’t following me.
Why bother when I said the point was made. Judging by the lack of a meaningul defense by the overwhelming amount of people on this site that self identify as being on the “left”, is there really anything substantive to add that doesn’t just reinforce those above statements that have gone unchallenged? Yeah, me neither.
No Worker Rights Next Year
Rep. Mike Sells (D-Everett) says he won’t reintroduce the workers’ rights bill that Republican Gov. Christine Gregoire and Republican legislative leaders Frank Chopp and Lisa Brown killed last year, the Everett Herald reports.
Sells, who works for a labor organization, says there’s no point in bringing up the bill if it won’t pass. The bill would allow workers to skip meetings called by employers to harangue their workers about politics, religion, or unions.
Business groups claim the law would infringe on employers’ “constitutional right of free speech.” Of course, there’s no such thing as workers’ right of free speech, because anytime a worker says what he really thinks, the employer fires his ass. In a world run by employers, the only rights workers have are: The right to have their pay cut, their jobs outsourced, their production quotas increased, their health benefits cut, and their pension funds looted.
Well, workers don’t have to put up with this shit! If the Legislature won’t protect them from aggressive employers, they can protect themselves! All they have to do is QUIT. That’s what I did, and ever since I quit working, I don’t have to put up with any employer bullshit anymore.
We wouldn’t need such a law if no one worked. If our Republican governor and legislative leaders won’t give workers any rights, then workers will have to TAKE those rights — by not working. No one should work. Working doesn’t make any sense. I don’t work! I’m a capitalist now, and make my money the same way Republicans do, by skimming off the top of the economy. Working is the worst way to get money there is. Workers have no rights and get peanuts. The real money goes to unproductive leeches like bankers, business owners, and investors like me.
“When Gov. Chris Gregoire, Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown and House Speaker Frank Chopp read the e-mail they huddled behind closed doors, then announced the bill was dead. They also asked the Washington State Patrol to investigate if the e-mail amounted to a crime by linking donations to legislative action; troopers found no wrongdoing.
“Some Democrats questioned the timing of and motives behind the legislative leaders’ actions. Back then Boeing, one of the most ardent opponents, hadn’t announced its decision to build a second production line for the 787 Dreamliner in Washington state or South Carolina. Officials of the aerospace giant made clear to the governor and legislative leadership that passage of the bill would be viewed as a negative for the state.
“Sells was one of several legislators who said then he felt party leaders overreacted to the e-mail because they didn’t like the bill and wanted to send a message to Boeing.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We all know what sucking up to Boeing got them, don’t we? With this batch of so-called “Democrats,” who needs Republicans to screw us?
I suppose it’s too much to ask that our elected Democrats look out for Washington’s workers instead of sucking up to those Chicago guys.
When this crowd of so-called “Democrats” finally, after much kicking and biting, gets dragged into putting the brakes on tax cuts that are gutting public services in our state, they’ll make our tax system even more regressive by extending our most regressive taxes in order to soak poor people even more … and leave big business and affluent households untouched … wait and see.
Sales tax on services; more taxes on small businesses; more gambling; more user fees. That’s how they’re gonna stick it to the overtaxed underclass. Mark my words.
Why the hell do we keep voting for these people?
So now Gregoire, Chopp, and Brown think it’s a criminal offense if you refuse to donate to their campaigns because you’re tired of getting screwed over by them? Go figure.
And they want us to vote for them? If we do, shame on us.
@36 “Because we have stalking laws in this state.”
Don’t worry, you’re not worth stalking.
re 43: Go fuck yourself.
I’m done with the lot of them. Too bad the Green Party is full of useless crazy talk.
re 47: If the underclass were not so obdurately uninformed and willfully stupid, they would support an income tax on those who can afford it. But they are so easily demagogued, that is a near impossibility.
That is the political reality Democrats face.
re 47: You cannot imagine the amusement that I get from listening to delivery boys of whatever age explain to me that they are ‘free traders’.
It is a bittersweet amusement, I must admit.
“I dreamed I saw St. Augustine alive as you or me.” Bob Dylan
Break Up Big Banks!
It’s easy, and you don’t have to wait for Congress to do something — just move your money to a little bank.
If the Rapture doesn’t come this year, we can blast you up there with a rocket! Who’s game for a ride?
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Happy New Year KLOWNS.
I see Rog had another big night last night gasping for breath from his oxygen tank and posting on HA. Great life Rog.
2010 promises to be much worse for you…you love to suffer though so it’s probably a blessing for you.
To a huge Democrat defeat in November!
More vile bile from Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny.
Who in 2007 screamed and shouted “Close Gitmo” “Let them Go” “It’s a Travesty of Justice” etc. etc. etc.? It was your libtardo leftist progressives in Congress, leftist whackamole websites, leftist whackamole cable commentators and peeps such as you Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny. It was the ACLU who brought lawsuits, recriminations and personal attacks on Republicans and conservatives for keeping all those prisoners in Gitmo.
Now it seems these Little Eichmanns you all screamed to be released have come back to roost in Yemen.
Such a Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny you are Dumb Bunny!
So why do leftist progressives hate America so much? Maybe Don Joe knows the answer since he claims to be “independent” but seems to swing Dummocraptic 100% of the time like The Socialist Bernie Sanders.
Words from a person who holds Palestinian Terrorists in high regard – FartyArt.
Oh spare me the “pain” Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny!
What? You helped elect the Chicago guy and his “disciples”.
Sure Cynical with pleasure…
The New Years Day Poll isn’t up.
@2 Pu7ddy6 makes a joke
Sorry,k that must be a Christian joke. Can you explain it to those of us not possessed by the holy spirit?
Read it again! It’s just a joke!
Now this must pizz off the HA Libtardo bunch…
The judge, Ricardo M. Urbina of the District’s federal court, found that prosecutors and agents had improperly used statements that the guards provided to the State Department in the hours and days after the shooting. The statements had been given with the understanding that they would not be used against the guards in court, the judge found, and federal prosecutors should not have used them to help guide their investigation. Urbina said other Justice Department lawyers had warned the prosecutors to tread carefully around the incriminating statements.
“In their zeal to bring charges,” Urbina wrote in a 90-page opinion, “prosecutors and investigators aggressively sought out statements in the immediate aftermath of the shooting and in the subsequent investigation. In so doing, the government’s trial team repeatedly disregarded the warnings of experienced, senior prosecutors, assigned to the case specifically to advise the trial team” on such matters.
BTW Urbina as appointed to the United States District Court by Monica Wet My Willy Clinton
Once again why does the ACLU hate America? And by extension HA Libtardos love the ACLU so why do HA Libtardos hate America?
Watch Proud Leftist bring Rep. Jason Chaffetz’ argument back again…
The chemical misfire of the dingaling underwear bomber was God’s warning and His benevolence in action. Let’s see how the progressive libtardos “react” once the “report” is finalized.
Goodness the times seem to be a changing…
More problems costing taxpayers big bucks due to Dummocraptic political morass
Person Playing Puddy @ 68,
Your character is delving into the absurd and illogical again…
“Once again why does the ACLU hate America”
What the fuck? Even a role-playing character should try to exhibit more intelligence than to pretend an organization experiences and emotion like love or hate.
“And by extension…”
“By extension”??? Your character is using a big word in a nonsensical way.
“…HA Libtardos love the ACLU”
The idea that HA liberals “love the ACLU” is more of your character’s infantile stereotyping. I suspect there are many who LIKE the ACLU, and appreciate it, and some who don’t care either way. Some probably “love” the ACLU, but your comment, that HA liberals love the ACLU, is sophomoric psychobabble.
“so why do HA Libtardos hate America?”
This is a logical fallacy. You are (symbolically) stating: A hates B. All C love A. Therefore all C hate B.
The path of reasoning does not lead from your premise to your conclusion.
Example: if my sister hates my wife, and I love my sister, it does not imply that I hate my wife.
Of course, your character’s mal-logic isn’t helped by the fact that you began with a false premise.
Cynical, this may interest you (speaking of Roger Rabbit):
Stupes having diarrhea of the keyboard again..
@60 It wasn’t us who released those guys, puddy. You guys released them. End of argument.
@59 “To a huge Democrat defeat in November!”
Really? Who are people gonna vote for? You guys?
@63 What are you babbling about now, idiot?
@66 Everything you post is a joke. You’re a joke.
I thought “open thread” meant just that. Apparently I was wrong.
Wow, Darryl quoting Rush Limbaugh. Now that’s funny stuff.
@67 The judge is merely enforcing the immunity agreement made by the Busheviks, puddy. Don’t blame the judge; blame Bush’s apparatchiks who offered the immunity deal in the first place.
The net result is that a gang of murderers gets off scot-free because incompetent Republican lawyers fucked up.
And poodlekins is leaping for joy! Almost makes you want to vomit …
@68 “Once again why does the ACLU hate America?”
What’s hilarious about this rant is the ACLU is the law firm of choice for Republican miscreants who want legal services without paying for them.
Wow, now the roadkill regurgitator is quoting the honorable Daniel Hannan, conservative from the UK. Of course, as they say, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
video can be seen below while Mr. Hannan dresses down the liberal PM Gordy brown. Good stuff
@70 If we squandered 100 billion dollars a year for 100 years, we still wouldn’t match the amount of money you buffoons threw away in Iraq. And that’s before mentioning the trillions of dollars of wealth your economic policies wiped out …
Lil’ Empty Suit Dumbass,
“I thought “open thread” meant just that. “
It does. But comments are deleted for reasons other than being “off topic”. See the HA Comment Policy.
“Apparently I was wrong.”
You are wrong about thinking you were wrong.
“Wow, Darryl quoting Rush Limbaugh.”
Um…no I wasn’t. If I had been quoting Limbaugh, I would have used typographic conventions to indicate it.
“Now that’s funny stuff.”
I suppose. I mean, when you invent “facts”, it cannot be much of a challenge to find yourself amused by it….
@72 So this comparison of government vs. private employer compensation costs is supposed to prove what? That government should pay traffic engineers, IT professionals, urban planners, program managers, wildlife biologists, epidemiolists, crime lab technicians, state troopers, bank examiners, etc., what workers in dry cleaning and fast food establishments get?
What you’re overlooking is that most government jobs require college degrees, many require advanced degrees, and government organizations have a much higher proportion of professional and managerial staffing.
You’re comparing apples to oranges. But don’t let basic honesty stop you from making a pointless point …
@78 It takes effort to get deleted from an open thread.
Hey Darryl,
Why the fuck should Puddy react to you when your side says worse shit every day on this blog? So everything coming from an HA libtardo is full psychobabble, but but gets a pass from da professor because he blindly turns away from their psychobabble.
The ACLU is against those full body scanners. The full body scanners would have caught the dingaling underwear bomber. They hate the US PERIOD!
Stuff it dude.
@81 I never heard of the guy, so how could I be quoting him? Apparently it escapes you that when facts are obvious it’s likely that several million people will reach the same conclusion on their own. Also, you can’t grasp the notion that some of us think for ourselves, because you have no experience with that.
Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny,
So the ACLU takes a Republican case every so often. It doesn’t excuse their propensity to back the absurd anti-religion anti-US position 95+% of the time.
re: the word “Psychobabble”
Wrong. Limbaugh invented that word over 15 years ago and seeing you use it is hilarious. Like I said, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and Rush, I’m sure, is smiling somewhere in Hawaii knowing that.
Liar. That word hasn’t been used in eons until recently when Hannan abused PM Brown with it.
@86 I have a better idea, puddlehead. Let’s skip the cost of the scanners and simply make everyone disrobe in the inspection line.
76. Roger Rabbit spews: Nothing important.
Puddy was responding to your insane moronic psychobabble about Chicago.
Actually, as a lawyer, I like the idea of installing scanners capable of producing images which, if stolen by TSA employees and posted on the internet, could cause extreme social embarrassment and economic loss to airline passengers — provided there’s no tort immunity attached. I always welcome new business opportunities for my legal brethren.
Well once they see you disrobe the smell and stench of vomit will permeate the airport terminal Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny.
Of course, Republicans will demand tort immunity. Legal immunity in conjunction with a free hand to invade your privacy, violate your legal rights, and take away your property and dignity is the essence of Republicanism.
For example, those trigger-happy Blackwater guards getting away with the murder of 17 Iraqi civilians is a cause for celebration by the likes of pudpacker.
Who said Puddy was celebrating Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny? What a retard you continue to be.
This from the same rodent that can’t discern Fox News from Fox entertainment…From the “patty murray stands tall thread”:
Wow, that is just sloppy work Rodent. And you claim to have passed the bar exam? Please!!
@95 Now I’m confused. Are you saying those Blackwater thugs should go to jail? Are you knocking the Bush administration for blowing the case?
@84 What you’re overlooking is that most government jobs require college degrees, many require advanced degrees, and government organizations have a much higher proportion of professional and managerial staffing.
Great: then show us YOUR data for these jobs vs. the private sector and provide us with the apples to apples salary/benefits comparison.
If we squandered 100 billion dollars a year for 100 years, we still wouldn’t match the amount of money you buffoons threw away in Iraq.
Numbers are not your strong suit, that’s obvious.
ylb arschloch,
Lee needs the thread where Goldy discussed a used condom in the grass. Make your worthless ASS useful for a change. Be a good little libtardo and visit your HA backup database and give Lee the link.
That’s why he’s Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny!
To the Person Playing Puddybud @ 86,
“Why the fuck should Puddy react to you when your side says worse shit every day on this blog?”
I don’t think Puddy should react to anything. Puddy is a role-playing character that, apparently, allows you to escape the commitments of your personal and religious philosophy. You know—commitments like not to lie.
This blog, on the other hand, was developed as a place for real humans (not characters) and, specifically, for liberals.
“So everything coming from an HA libtardo is full psychobabble, but but gets a pass from da professor because he blindly turns away from their psychobabble.”
I’m sorry…your babbling didn’t really make any sense.
“The ACLU is against those full body scanners.”
“The full body scanners would have caught the dingaling underwear bomber.”
“They hate the US PERIOD!”
Here, again, your character seem to be engaging in the torture of rationality (i.e. a logical fallacy). Here is the form:
A disagrees with policy X. Policy X could prevent event B. A hates entity D.
Utter nonsensical drivel.
Can’t you play a better character?
“Stuff it dude.”
Cute…is that your character’s inner third-grader??
By the way, “Blackwater” is no more. (Geez, whoever dreamed up that name was one of the clumsiest PR flacks of all time!)
Recognizing the need for distancing their company from the notoriety now forever associated with the “Blackwater” name, the company is now known as …
Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny,
They would all be still safely “ensconced” in Gitmo if the ACLU and other congressional critter libtardos didn’t lose their minds over them being in GITMO. Bush reacted to the ACLU and Congressional ‘Rats in 2007 and many were released.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the “new” Blackwater:
@103 Bullshit.
@103 (continued) Don’t try to pin the Bush Clusterfuck on us, piddly. You asswipes own it.
In order to believe puddy’s latest scribblings, you have to suspend belief and accept the premise that Bush took orders from the ACLU and Democrats.
I’ve seen weak plots in bad movies that were more plausible than that.
What is amusing is the curent OJT president is afraid to use the word “terrorism” or even fathom that such a thing exists. It’s akin to pulling the covers over your head as a child thinking “the boogeyman can’t see me now”. A “man-caused disaster” could be used to describe the presidential election of 2008.
Personally, I can’t wait to see the Chitown Assclown sent back to the South side in 2012, which given the current job approval ratings, is more likely than not.
I don’t think Puddy should react to anything. Puddy is a role-playing character that, apparently, allows you to escape the commitments of your personal and religious philosophy. You know—commitments like not to lie.
Oh really? A character? One who identifies the continual lies of the left!
This blog, on the other hand, was developed as a place for real humans (not characters) and, specifically, for liberals.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Show me a real human. SJ could pass for one. GBS is almost human. There are many sub-humans and a few who identify with simians.
I’m sorry…your babbling didn’t really make any sense.
Wrong again professa. You seldom if ever correct the lies, innuendos and half-truths of your side.
“The ACLU is against those full body scanners.”
Perhaps.WTF? They have stated it since day one. And this fool thinks Puddy is delusional.
“The full body scanners would have caught the dingaling underwear bomber.”
Perhaps. WTF? The peeps you jockstrap have already said it would have. Airplane flies over Darryl’s head
Here, again, your character seem to be engaging in the torture of rationality (i.e. a logical fallacy). Here is the form:
A disagrees with policy X. Policy X could prevent event B. A hates entity D.
Nope you dope! Common sense.
Utter nonsensical drivel.Yes Darryl, you are starting the new year like you left the old year
Can’t you play a better character?Why, this one gets under the HA Libtardos with truths provided from leftwing MSM and whackamole sites everyday.
Cute…is that your character’s inner third-grader??Sometimes one needs to gravitate to the common denominator conversation of HA Libtardos.
Lil’ Empty Suit Dumbass,
“Limbaugh invented that word over 15 years ago and seeing you use it is hilarious.”
Huh…Richard Rosen would be mighty surprised at that claim. (*Snicker!*)
“Like I said, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…”
And like I said, when you make shit up, it is easy to be self-amused.
“…Rush, I’m sure, is smiling somewhere in Hawaii knowing that.”
Agreed. The question is…is it just the Oxycontin talking?
@103 Bullshit.
Yep all the commentary of Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny today like yesterday and the day before is BULLSHIT!
Truth be told, Darryl had never heard of Richard Rosen until he used Google today, nor had I. The fact remains that Darryl was using a word reincarnated in our modern day lexicon by Rush Limbaugh. I don’t expect Darryl to admit as much, but at least he knows deep down inside (where his integrity lies) he wasn’t imitating Mr. Rosen by referencing the word.
Am I correct, Darryl?
Here Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny. It was your side who continually complained to the world about the supposedly overly restrictive military detention rules of Gitmo. It was your side in trying to destroy the Bush Administration year after year whipped up a frenzy over Gitmo.
“American officials agreed to send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an “art therapy rehabilitation program” and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials.” They were probably goat herders so Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny could relate to their occupation.
Person Playing Puddybud @ 109,
“Show me a real human. SJ could pass for one. GBS is almost human. There are many sub-humans and a few who identify with simians.”
By “me”, I take it you are now decloaking. While Puddybud could make such an absurd statement (because he can, apparently, say almost anything without consequence), you (i.e. the person who plays Puddy) shouldn’t stoop to such dishonesty.
“You seldom if ever correct the lies, innuendos and half-truths of your side.”
“WTF? They have stated it since day one.”
I don’t doubt it. (But, given your character’s penchant for lying, I would verify it before stating it as fact.)
“And this fool thinks Puddy is delusional.”
Not following your connection. My statement “perhaps” was not a disagreement with your character’s claim about the ACLU.
“WTF? The peeps you jockstrap have already said it would have.”
Again, the word “perhaps” isn’t a substantive disagreement with your statement. It does acknowledge the fact that all assays have some rate of false negatives.
“Nope you dope! Common sense.”
In other words, your conclusion, while disguised as a logical argument was, in fact, simply your character’s preconceived conclusion.
“Why, this one gets under the HA Libtardos with truths provided from leftwing MSM and whackamole sites everyday.”
Most people ’round here who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you in person or who believe that Puddybud is real firmly believes that Puddybud suffers from serious psycho-pathologies.
Ahhh the delusional musing of Darryl@115!
Always a laugh for a minute.
Somehow, I’m not surprised by that finding…
You’re lying again, Darryl. And exactly where can you find examples of Limbaugh being a “hate talker”? Just because he makes fun of liberals and exposes their hypocrisy doesn’t exactly add up to “hate” except in the mind of some really thin-skinned liberal types like yourself.
If anyone has a monopoly on hate speech, it’s the left.
Lil Empty Suit Dumbass @ 112,
“Am I correct, Darryl?”
You are incorrect. I’ve used the word “psychobabble” long before Rush was a Hate Talker.
Look lil’ Ricky Dumbass, it’s only you wingding retards who build vocabulary on AM radio.
@ 118
You’re a lying fuck, Darryl, but you already knew that.
…and your proof is where?
@ 118
Look lil’ Ricky Dumbass, it’s only you wingding retards who build vocabulary on AM radio.
On this Darryl, I believe you’re quite wrong. Ricky builds his vocabulary in the vast and vacuous confines of his own head with the aid of any external sources whatsoever including a well-respected dictionary. See the”Guns” thread for proof.
@ 120
Poor, Don Joe. I slap him around in one of the posts and he just can’t let it go.
No worries, though Don QuixJoete…there are plenty of windmills in your future to avenge your fallen honor…
Lil’ Empty Suit Dumbass,
“You’re a lying fuck, Darryl, but you already knew that.”
…cries the imbecile who just claimed:
Yet, Darryl had to google the word to find Richard Rosen.
Of course, Darryl was using that word on a regular basis back in the early 90’s as he “claims”. However, his “lazy and unprepared” status as an “educator” remains fully intact.
Lil’ Empty Suit Dumbass @ 123,
“Yet, Darryl had to google the word to find Richard Rosen.”
“Of course, Darryl was using that word on a regular basis back in the early 90’s as he “claims”.”
Once again, our leading candidate for imbecile-of-the-year “scores” big! I’ve made no claim that I used the word “on a regular basis back in the early 90’s.” (Neither have I denied doing so.)
Odd how you wingding idiots never bother to encumber yourselves with facts….
Amazing how often Don Joe puts in an appearance to tag-team with Darryl . . .
@ 125
Don Joe is Darryl’s mini-me . He even uses Darryl’s often used term “squirt” often when responding to a comment- really original.
I Call him Don QuixJoete because you can always find him tilting at windmills…
@126 He even uses Darryl’s often used term “squirt” often when responding to a comment- really original.
Yes, they have much in common. Perhaps Don Joe would like to put in another appearance at DL sometime.
@ 127
Yes, they have much in common.
Well, we are both intelligent, rather articulate, and can spot an idiotic wingnut argument a mile away. Frankly, I consider it an honor that you would find so much in common between Darryl and me as to suggest that we might even be the same person.
But, that is what you pipsqueaks do when you’ve run out of rhetorical ammo, isn’t it?
Really, better trolls, please.
Christ, how embarrassing is that? As I asserted earlier, Don Joe is Darryl’s Mini-me.
Don’t you mean “squirt”?
@ 129
Don’t you mean “squirt”?
No. Unlike you, I use precisely the word that’s correct in context.
@128 Well, we are both intelligent, rather articulate
You sure are, and let’s not forget humble and easy on the eyes:
as long as you “two” are shooting for the moon!
Or could it be we’ve outed you for your man-crush on Darryl?
@ 131
Good Christ!! Who knew Darryl was actually Cactus Jack from the WWE. With a mug like that, I can understand why Darryl’s so bitter. Hell, I’d be bitter too!
@ 131
You sure are, and let’s not forget humble and easy on the eyes
Now you’ve stooped to flattery. The lengths to which you people will go when your arguments have failed you.
Or could it be we’ve outed you for your man-crush on Darryl?
You know, I think you’re jealous.
Well, as has been demonstrated time and again on this blog, thinking is exactly your strong suit.
@ 134
Well, as has been demonstrated time and again on this blog, thinking is exactly your strong suit.
Why, thank you.
@ 135, yeah. I noticed that typo as well, albeit a little too late.
The fact reamains, that thinking isn’t your strong suit.
@ 136
The fact reamains, that thinking isn’t your strong suit.
Aw, and here I thought you were trying to be nice.
‘Course if thinking is not my strong suit, then thinking is clearly something you’ve never actually done. You are they guy that Eddie Vedder was writing about in Even Flow.
Way to go dissecting Stupes’ worthless “arguments”, i.e. utter nonsense.
The fiend however will never learn from it. He’ll be doing the same old, same old a year from now.
You can take it to the bank..
Oh lookie here ylb arschloch@138 vicariously joins in again.
Feckless fool.
Loos like the religion of peace has struck again.
“To minimize expected losses in next fall’s election, President Barack Obama’s party is testing a line of attack that resurrects George W. Bush as a boogeyman and castigates Republicans as cozy with Wall Street.”
But NewsMeat and OpenSecrets display and demonstrate the “cozy facts” being quite the opposite.
And they are using polling groupies like Bill Monica Wet My Willie Clinton did. Same playbook different administration.
BTW ylb arschloch all the professa did was play devils advocate. When questioned his responses were
Creating his personal logical fallacies about his family
142 – Poor fool.
You were PWNED…
Darryl is too kind. There’s no character, no scripted role-play. You’re no actor.
Your words here are a map into what passes for your “mind”.
Puddybud, MWS and all the other feckless buffoons you’ve carried on about here???
It’d be too boring if it weren’t so mentally deranged and occasionally made for cruel entertainment.
O. M. G. The WSJ actually published an intelligent and well-thought-out editorial:
The correct response to terrorists is not the chicken-little response we see from the land of wingnuttia. The correct response is a collective and whole-hearted “Fuck You,” in which we proceed on with our lives.
Yes, terrorists want to kill us all off, but that desire of theirs is no different than the desire many of us might have to own a Mercedes Benz. Merely having the desire to do something doesn’t convey the ability to carry it out, and Islamic Terrorists are not an existential threat to the United States. To act as if they are an existential threat is to do precisely what those terrorists want us to do.
144 – Ooops. I can see Murdoch calling a “come to Jesus” meeting with the editorial board.
They’d better pay heed or Murdoch will replace ’em with the hacks from Investor’s Business Daily.
Yet another data point in support of the notion that calling Republicans “terrorists” is no longer hyperbole:
The dynamic isn’t any different in the United States. There is a symbiotic relationship between terrorism and the political fortunes of right-wing parties. And that relationship is a direct consequence of the manner in which right-wing parties exploit terrorist activities for partisan political gain.
In short, Republicans are terrorists.