what about the kids with the corn rows in their hair that set that kid on fire? i’m sure glad they dont allow jesus in the classroom anymore. yeah, i’m sure glad classrooms dont look like the ones in the old leave it to beaver shows. thank god for diversity, it is our strength.
Calling a truce in a long and bitter battle, timber executives and environmentalists united Wednesday in supporting legislation to codify and expand current protections for old-growth forests on federal land in eastern Oregon.
After nearly eight months of talks, representatives of both groups joined Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon, at a news conference in Washington as he introduced a bill that would ban cutting of trees more than 21 inches in diameter and protect delicate watershed areas.
The timber industry had little to loose by signing this, their mills have been retooled over the last 20 year or so for milling smaller uniformed shaped logs.
Looks like HP needs to do a little bit of a software update…
What does this say about hiring practices in the HP engineering and testing departments?
[deleted by author]
proud leftistspews:
That computer would not be able to track manoftruth’s face as he is not human.
Politically Incorrectspews:
To say that a computer is racist is among the stupidest things I’ve heard in a long while. This guy just wants to play the victim because he gets off on it, and it justifies his stupidity.
proud leftistspews:
The guy is pretty clearly just having some fun, all the while making a small point. He’s not playing “the victim.”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
43 Blue Dog Democrats in the House voted against the Spending Bill recently.
1 has already become a Republican and the recruiting of more is hot & heavy.
There are 51…now 50 Blue Dogs.
At least 30 of them are in very vulnerable Districts.
There are 18 other Democrats in Districts that went to McCain.
The Republicans need 40 to take the majority.
Democrats are clearly in denial.
There ONLY hope is to try to localize all these races…trying to convince voters that all the pork they supported and actions taken Nationally by the Democrat Party was good for America.
Republicans will Nationalize all these District races.
Will they be successful??
Right now, momentum is overwqhelming on the Republican side.
Republicans are +8 in Generic Congressional Races.
Obam-Mao is -18 in his Strong Approval vs. Strong Disapproval.
Likely voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on virtually every issue.
Independents, who helped elect Obam-Mao have done a 180 and feel lied to.
This is going to be an interesting year.
With legal challenges of the rushed Health Care Bill inevitable, the Democrats will be on the defensive.
Blaming Bush has run it’s course already.
10 months from now…it certainly will not work.
I suspect more Blue Dogs will shift to the R side….and even some non-Blue Dogs, if they want to get re-elected.
Progressive has become akin to CANCER!
The new Marvin Guy @ 10:
I recall you spouting off before last November about your polls and how McShame & Falin would win.
How’d those predictions work out fer ya?
Baaa haaa haaa haaa
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Back when I was in high school and we had school prayer and all my classmates watched Leave It To Beaver, one of my classmates went to prison for burning down the local Safeway store and another one died from putting a plastic bag over his head to get high by inhaling glue and three more got expelled for bringing guns to school and another one got expelled for masturbating a dog in gym class and several of the girls got raped.
And all that shit happened even before any of them got killed in Vietnam.
My point is the good old days weren’t as good as you remember.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Gee, if you guys convert 43 more Democrats to your party you’ll have a majority — barely.
Good luck with that.
proud leftistspews:
You haven’t the slightest credibility. You have the political forecasting skills of someone who’s lived in a cave in Bali for the last 40 years. I’m glad, though, that you’re feeling so good about things at the moment. If our trolls are happy, I’m happy.
@14 Cynical
You haven’t the slightest credibility
what a joke, a fucking liberal antichristian liar saying someone has no credibility. you and your brethren are a fucking sick joke just ruining this once great country. what dont you take your fucking dual citizenship and take goldstien with and get the fuck out of here.
you two faced faggot.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
11. GBS spews:
I recall you spouting off before last November about your polls and how McShame & Falin would win.
How’d those predictions work out fer ya?
How did the Obam-Mao erection work out for you??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
13. Roger Rabbit spews:
@10 Gee, if you guys convert 43 more Democrats to your party you’ll have a majority — barely.
40 Rog–
What happens with the Dem retirees on 1/1??
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “you and your brethren are a fucking sick joke just ruining this once great country”
What are you talking about? You repukes didn’t leave anything for us to ruin. All we found was a scorched earth.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 How the hell would I know? I’m not their babysitter.
proud leftistspews:
Hey, Cynical,
You really should extend your thanks to your brother, manoftruth @ 15, for defending you. How’s it feel, bro, to have such well-spoken, thoughtful, Christ-like folks on your side? That’s where your party is headed, Cyn. Toward manoftruth. Enjoy yourself there.
16. Mr. Cynical spews:
11. GBS spews:
I recall you spouting off before last November about your polls and how McShame & Falin would win.
How’d those predictions work out fer ya?
How did the Obam-Mao erection work out for you??
Always with the penis infatuation.
However, the Obama election has worked out quite nicely.
1) Stopped the country from slipping into another Republican caused Great Depression.
2) Job losses are beginning to level off and predictions are there might be an actual job gain for December or January.
3) Finishing the job in Iraq that the failed commander in chief Bush mismanaged.
4) Put in place a real and thoughtful war plan for Afghanistan. Addressing the REAL War on Terror that the failed commander in chief Bush ignored and under resourced our troops in Afghanistan.
5) Won the Nobel Peace Prize. Something no Republican can manage to do.
6) Passing real health care reform. Again, something Republicans always promise but FAIL to deliver.
7) Closed the terrorist retention tool called GISMO.
8) Stopped Bush’s War Crime policy of torture.
9) Restored America’s leadership role in the world.
10) Ordered US Navy SEALs to kill 3 Somali pirates and rescue the American captain.
11) Got Pakistan to get off their dead asses and start going after terrorists in their country. Thus reversing the Bush era policy of making peace deals with al Qeada.
12) Killed a butt load of terrorist in Yemen.
Hell, that’s more accomplishments in less than a year on the job than Bush managed to accomplish in 8 years.
Why do you hate America so much that you willfully ignore the failures of the conservative politicians your advocate for while only being able to tear down the accomplishment of President Obama?
Why do you hate Gold Star mother’s whose sons died in Iraq? You know the one Bush lied us in to.
Why? Why do you hate America?
I hope you have Merry Christmas.
PS: Now that you’re retired stick to your principles. Don’t take Medicare or Obama Care you hate lest you be even more of a hypocrite than you are now.
it isn’t racist, it’s obviously sexist.
Darryl, thanks for deleting my posts . I refuse to go away. And have little patience left
Regarding the murder of the mom and her 13 week old daughter:
The person found guilty should be immediately put to death in a most horrible way.
end of story.
what about the kids with the corn rows in their hair that set that kid on fire? i’m sure glad they dont allow jesus in the classroom anymore. yeah, i’m sure glad classrooms dont look like the ones in the old leave it to beaver shows. thank god for diversity, it is our strength.
The timber industry had little to loose by signing this, their mills have been retooled over the last 20 year or so for milling smaller uniformed shaped logs.
Looks like HP needs to do a little bit of a software update…
What does this say about hiring practices in the HP engineering and testing departments?
[deleted by author]
That computer would not be able to track manoftruth’s face as he is not human.
To say that a computer is racist is among the stupidest things I’ve heard in a long while. This guy just wants to play the victim because he gets off on it, and it justifies his stupidity.
The guy is pretty clearly just having some fun, all the while making a small point. He’s not playing “the victim.”
43 Blue Dog Democrats in the House voted against the Spending Bill recently.
1 has already become a Republican and the recruiting of more is hot & heavy.
There are 51…now 50 Blue Dogs.
At least 30 of them are in very vulnerable Districts.
There are 18 other Democrats in Districts that went to McCain.
The Republicans need 40 to take the majority.
Democrats are clearly in denial.
There ONLY hope is to try to localize all these races…trying to convince voters that all the pork they supported and actions taken Nationally by the Democrat Party was good for America.
Republicans will Nationalize all these District races.
Will they be successful??
Right now, momentum is overwqhelming on the Republican side.
Republicans are +8 in Generic Congressional Races.
Obam-Mao is -18 in his Strong Approval vs. Strong Disapproval.
Likely voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on virtually every issue.
Independents, who helped elect Obam-Mao have done a 180 and feel lied to.
This is going to be an interesting year.
With legal challenges of the rushed Health Care Bill inevitable, the Democrats will be on the defensive.
Blaming Bush has run it’s course already.
10 months from now…it certainly will not work.
I suspect more Blue Dogs will shift to the R side….and even some non-Blue Dogs, if they want to get re-elected.
Progressive has become akin to CANCER!
The new Marvin Guy @ 10:
I recall you spouting off before last November about your polls and how McShame & Falin would win.
How’d those predictions work out fer ya?
Baaa haaa haaa haaa
@2 Back when I was in high school and we had school prayer and all my classmates watched Leave It To Beaver, one of my classmates went to prison for burning down the local Safeway store and another one died from putting a plastic bag over his head to get high by inhaling glue and three more got expelled for bringing guns to school and another one got expelled for masturbating a dog in gym class and several of the girls got raped.
And all that shit happened even before any of them got killed in Vietnam.
My point is the good old days weren’t as good as you remember.
@10 Gee, if you guys convert 43 more Democrats to your party you’ll have a majority — barely.
Good luck with that.
You haven’t the slightest credibility. You have the political forecasting skills of someone who’s lived in a cave in Bali for the last 40 years. I’m glad, though, that you’re feeling so good about things at the moment. If our trolls are happy, I’m happy.
You haven’t the slightest credibility
what a joke, a fucking liberal antichristian liar saying someone has no credibility. you and your brethren are a fucking sick joke just ruining this once great country. what dont you take your fucking dual citizenship and take goldstien with and get the fuck out of here.
you two faced faggot.
11. GBS spews:
How did the Obam-Mao erection work out for you??
13. Roger Rabbit spews:
40 Rog–
What happens with the Dem retirees on 1/1??
@15 “you and your brethren are a fucking sick joke just ruining this once great country”
What are you talking about? You repukes didn’t leave anything for us to ruin. All we found was a scorched earth.
@17 How the hell would I know? I’m not their babysitter.
Hey, Cynical,
You really should extend your thanks to your brother, manoftruth @ 15, for defending you. How’s it feel, bro, to have such well-spoken, thoughtful, Christ-like folks on your side? That’s where your party is headed, Cyn. Toward manoftruth. Enjoy yourself there.
Always with the penis infatuation.
However, the Obama election has worked out quite nicely.
1) Stopped the country from slipping into another Republican caused Great Depression.
2) Job losses are beginning to level off and predictions are there might be an actual job gain for December or January.
3) Finishing the job in Iraq that the failed commander in chief Bush mismanaged.
4) Put in place a real and thoughtful war plan for Afghanistan. Addressing the REAL War on Terror that the failed commander in chief Bush ignored and under resourced our troops in Afghanistan.
5) Won the Nobel Peace Prize. Something no Republican can manage to do.
6) Passing real health care reform. Again, something Republicans always promise but FAIL to deliver.
7) Closed the terrorist retention tool called GISMO.
8) Stopped Bush’s War Crime policy of torture.
9) Restored America’s leadership role in the world.
10) Ordered US Navy SEALs to kill 3 Somali pirates and rescue the American captain.
11) Got Pakistan to get off their dead asses and start going after terrorists in their country. Thus reversing the Bush era policy of making peace deals with al Qeada.
12) Killed a butt load of terrorist in Yemen.
Hell, that’s more accomplishments in less than a year on the job than Bush managed to accomplish in 8 years.
Why do you hate America so much that you willfully ignore the failures of the conservative politicians your advocate for while only being able to tear down the accomplishment of President Obama?
Why do you hate Gold Star mother’s whose sons died in Iraq? You know the one Bush lied us in to.
Why? Why do you hate America?
I hope you have Merry Christmas.
PS: Now that you’re retired stick to your principles. Don’t take Medicare or Obama Care you hate lest you be even more of a hypocrite than you are now.
it isn’t racist, it’s obviously sexist.
Darryl, thanks for deleting my posts . I refuse to go away. And have little patience left