– Happy Earth Day.
– There was a lot that we missed last week as we focused on West and Boston. I didn’t even realize that CISPA was up for a vote.
– McGilvra Place looks nice.
– I hate that background checks couldn’t get 60 votes in the Senate, but this narrative that Obama could just lean on some Democrats is ridiculous.
From a commenter to Krugman’s column today:
It’s plainly obvious really, and discussed here often – the plutocracy, that is, the ruling echelons of the Republican party, mostly, and their enablers – they are well on their way to serf-ifying all of us.
I surprised cheapshotBob wasn’t right out of the box this morning, like he usually is, getting in the first 4 or 5 posts with his regurgitated drivel.
Well, after yesterday, I guess I’m not surprised.
Should we form a pool on how long it takes him to show his face again?
I still haven’t heard back from piddl as to whether…
1. The Tsarnaev brothers are children of God, and as such, deserve our love and compassion?
2. Whether his Jesus would approve the glee with which he applauded the prospect of ‘special interrogations’ for the surviving brother?
@3 God Shmod, you only have to believe in him at times of convenience.
200 UNION MEMBERS, Boston Teamsters’ Local 25, form human shield to keep Westboro Baptist crazies from disrupting the funeral of Marathon bombing victim Krystle Campbell.
Suck on that, cheapshot.
Does this Keynesian stuff really work, or are they just doing something to say that they’re doing something?
@ 5
“Does this Keynesian stuff really work…”
What do you mean by “Keynesian stuff”? I ask, because the vast majority of self-professed libertarians I know simply haven’t a clue when it comes to talking about “Keynesian stuff”.
For a comment on the BSA link
By that logic, do they also believe that straight men are just a bunch of denied and frustrated predators of girls? Have some common sense. Gay men don’t want boys anymore than Straight men want girls. That’s just sick.
The Scouts have rules now that NO man is alone with a boy that is not their son. Any man who breaks those rules is out of scouts. I know, I had to sit through the BSA cub scout training films.
# 1: The 1% in a feudal society ws supposed to justify it’s existence by purchsing armor and weaplons (both expensive in those days) and spend most of their day in training for battle. They also were supposed to supply troops “men-at’arms” from among the lands granted to them for their support and, in expreme circumstances, impose a draft among it’s peasant army.
right now we have a national draft against a peasant army, but I don’t see many 1%’s using their wealth to to go to spend their days in military training, or going to war themselves. Sure, there are expections, but most of them (and their prodigy) fall into the “fortunate son” category (cue CCR).
# 7: Yep, that’s about it. They worry about recruiting in the Bible Belt,which is their strongest area for membership. Parents there are worried about what’s really going on during those camping trips, with an adult gay leader and nine year old kids.
Republicans: Dang it Obama, the sequester was not supposed to bother me and my constituents, we only intended it to make liberals and the poor and minorities even more miserable. Shared Sacrifice is for someone else, not me.
Even Shorter Republicans: Spend the limited money on me and my people, F**K everyone else.
Yup. The sequester thingy was just supposed to keep Republican money (they pay for everything, after all *eye roll*) from going to the ‘wrong’ people.
Heaven forbid that they might actually realize we’re all in this together.
Should we call the Whidbey police to go out and so a safety check on cheapshot?
What a bunch of HorseSHIT from Schmucko… You guys controlled Congress from 1955 until 1995. Then you guys got it back from 2007-2011. What did DUMMOCRAPTS do when they had large majorities in both houses? ABSOLUTELY NUTHIN!
Cry me a river SCHMUCKO!
Since Schmucko has a bulging vein in his neck
One is still a child of God. The other chose his path and is now a Satan recipient. His outlook will be resurrected after the 1000 year millennium!
Obummer’s own people called it special interrogations.
BTW Schmucko… Have you seen/read the BLISTERING NY Times Opinions today about the moronic actions of the Obummer Sadministration with the Brothers Tsarnaev ? Wow! The infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into Obummer’s sadministration while ignoring the voice of American Islamic Forum for Democracy. OMG!
Westboro Baptist… 24×7 haters like unemployed salt licking moron ylb.
Daily Kooks every day on HA. Sequestration… Came from Obummer 7/27/2011 2:30PM
Facts Really Sux
While y’all are kissing Markos’ ASS with his pitiful news, real news happens on the Nets!
PuddyCommentary… Imagine that while the Older Brother Tsarnaev was ignored by Obummer’s FBI!
Sux to be demented libtards! Like the unemployed salt licker moron ylb, y’all wake up to Daily Kooks! So typical of the daily libtard morning coffee sipping.
That’s not an answer to my question. I asked YOU what you thought JESUS would think about YOUR behavior.
There was no mention of Obama. You’re being evasive, which is an answer in its own right.
Meanwhile Time has an interesting story…
This guy must be leading a good life!
Keep that thought Schmucko. You can ask Jesus when He returns in His Clouds of Glory. Puddy not worried about your silly questions!
Nothing you said, however spittle-flecked, refuted what I said. Which of the two parties nominally controlled one or another house of Congress says nothing about socioeconomic trends that have resulted in the ongoing impoverishment and disenfranchisement of increasing numbers of our citizens.
Those trends are vastly favorable to wealthy white people, generally represented by the Republican party. As for ‘enablers’ that could include anything from the Bibul-thumpers, who while yawping about shiny things like gays and abortions, vote Republican, to Democratic legislators who act in the interests of the people who bought them (wealthy/powerful), rather than those who vote for them.
I wonder if one day you’ll actually answer a question on the level, rather than in piddl gibberish.
4)Way to go Teamsters
Union members have been victims of terrorists in recent years too, and many of the people who were associated with the Miracle on the Hudson were union members.
More evasions.
I assume that means that you realize you’ve been called out for cackling in hideous glee a call to torture a 19 year old.
My guess is that Jesus would not be pleased, were he real.
Because truth makes Schmuckos head hurt. Remember the Great Society from LBJ. We’re living through that even today. Your crap is just that… Bunkum, horseASS–SHIT
More superstition from the piddl.
How can you so easily excuse, piddl, the very real possibility that they had to opportunity to kill the guy, and chose, rightly, not to.
Kind of makes them seem more human, huh? Isn’t that the path of love and compassion, to see the humanity and possibility for goodness, for redemption, in all people? Isn’t that our task?
Keep making an ASS out of your self Schmucko. Puddy called out Special Interrogations… Puddy didn’t call for torture. Remember Obummer don’t do torture. Butt torture is all you got. That’s all in that little pea-brained mind of yours!
Puddy has a plane to catch so see ya later! Another 10Gig system to make more efficient. I love my job!
Supposition on your part Schmucko. Innuendo, twisting someone’s words into something not said or thought of… That’s the Schmucko’s way to debate. Only facts are from Daily Kooks. Did you notice the links Puddy placed today Schmucko? Nope cuz you are a dope!
Gotta go!
Throwing a random ‘true’ fact out that bears little or no relation to the topic at hand is not the basis for what most sane people would call a ‘refutation’, piddl.
Moreover, much more germane to our present economic and social situation is Reagnomics – the destruction of unions, outsourcing of industrial jobs to either the South or China, the de-coupling of advances in productivity with advances in wages and income, the stagnation, and even decline, of wages in parallel with more work hours for people who still have jobs. Politically, the effective disabling of government by both defunding (a consequence of Republican deficit spending and howls of DEBP CRISES when Democrats get near power), regulatory capture and an electoral strategy of widespread disenfranchisement has made the government a plaything of the very wealthy/very few, more than it ever was.
You’re yawping protests are likes farts in the wind, schmucko.
10)One irony, Amtrak is unaffected, they actually can survive off ticket revenue for a short time, and they are down to 12% on the operating subsidies, and are requesting less operating subsidies this year. Now I am not saying they are perfect, last Friday, Amtrak service from Portland(Maine) to NYC was suspended due to the Boston Manhunt.
Yes, supposition. My question, again, was to you, piddl, and how you’re so quick to dehumanize these people. At this point we KNOW NOTHING about what went down in their minds that led to the release of the car-jack victim.
One can choose to assert that it was the released guy’s good life that somehow led to this good thing happening to him. That’s voodoo.
I asked how you can dismiss a related, but not opposed, notion that one or both of the brothers, in a moment of goodness, elected to let the man live, as opposed to killing him.
That sort of rejection of evil is the basis of humanity and redemption, no?
I don’t understand, as a Christian, why you would not be more eager to entertain that there is redeemable goodness in this young man’s heart.
Why is that, piddl?
You draw the most jesuitical of distinctions.
But given that – why the cackling glee over what you claim is benign?
Piddl sez…
You mean this, ‘How to Handle a Terrorism Case’?
I agree – very blistering.
Has anyone else noticed, that when piddl (finally) realizes he’s getting backed into a corner, he starts bragging about his job. You know he’s piling it on thick when he goes on about the Marriott ‘concierge floor’ and ‘full size’ car rentals.
I have a feeling that rather than a plane to a ’10Gig system’, piddl rides a short bus to the sheltered workshop.
The CBC has details of the foiled plot, it was against a VIA Rail train, the photo(unless it is a file photo), a corridor train, as except for the Montreal-Halifax Ocean, all non-corridor services use the 1950’s vintage cars they took over from Canadian Pacific. Although I believe that the Maple Leaf/Adirondack trains, although Amtrak services, might be operated by VIA crews.(The former Chicago-Toronto service worked that way.)
From 6,
Maybe they don’t wee any of this Keynesian stuff working.
@ 35
Maybe they don’t wee any of this Keynesian stuff working.
How could they if they have absolutely no clue what “Keynesian stuff” actually means?
Which is why I asked you what you mean by “Keynesian stuff”. Telling, isn’t it, that you chose not to answer my question?
A little into on the alleged plot against the VIA train from Railway Age.
Eric Toth, a child pornographer who replaced Osama bin Laden on the FBI’s “10 Most Wanted” list, was nabbed in Nicaragua today.
@35 Some people see what they want to see, and don’t see what they don’t want to see.
@12 Tomorrow. Let him lie in his own vomit for a few hours. But we can’t let him die. We need our trolls! Without trolls, who would we kick around?
@13 Oh, and Democrat congress critters aren’t part of the 1%? You should know they’re part of the problem; after all, you complain about them almost every day.
@14 “The infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into Obummer’s sadministration …”
Democratic administrations used to be infiltrated by Reds; with the USSR gone, the new bogeyman is … wait for it … … Muslims!
Conservatives have no imagination. It’s been 80 years since they’ve invented a new slander. They simply keep recycling the old ones.
Keynesian economics is the belief that, if consumer spending is not sufficient to stimulate demand for products and services, then the government should step in and spend money in order to increase aggregate demand. Keynes believed governments should do this even if it meant borrowing to do so.
Maybe they don’t see this Keynesian stuff working.
@17 “PuddyCommentary… Imagine that while the Older Brother Tsarnaev was ignored by Obummer’s FBI!”
I’ve been waiting days for this. I began wondering if any of our trolls would ever throw this at us. Thank you puddy, thank you puddy, thank you puddy! It’s about time, what took so long. Our reply:
Obama not only inherited Chimp’s depression, but also Chimp’s FBI.
@26 “Puddy called out Special Interrogations… Puddy didn’t call for torture.”
Puddy Word Games’ finest hour!
@27 “Gotta go!”
You’ve been “going” all morning. Smells like a skunk got run over.
@44 I put Keynesian Deniers in the same basket with Climate Change Deniers. Even before Reinhart and Rogoff established themselves as the Bjorn Lomborgs of economics.
46) plus it sounds like the media on both sides of the border are confused over which train, train(although it said no specific train, just the route).
I am guessing that the route in question could be, if it was the one the NYC-Toronto Maple Leaf takes, as this article suggests, it would be the Toronto to Niagra Falls route.
@45 If it wasn’t working we’d be reliving the 1930s right now. I’ll tell you what’s not working: Wingnut Wack-O-Nomics; check out Spain’s 25% unemployment rate.
“The suspected gunman … had a concealed-weapons permit and … had been the subject of two previous domestic violence calls ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A guy with two domestic violence incidents on his rap sheet has a concealed weapons permit? Why? Seems like those permits are too easy to get. Now his girlfriend and three neighbors are dead. It’s small solace that he’s dead, too.
@19 According to an FBI affidavit, he “managed to escape.”
An article on NBC’s site catalogs the boneheaded mistakes of terrorists. Top candidates for a Darwin Award are the Palestinian terrorists who blew themselves up with their own bomb because they didn’t realize Daylight Saving Time had gone into effect when they set the clock timer. Timothy McVeigh wasn’t one of the brightest nebulae in the universe, either, when he tried to make his getaway in a car with no license plate. It would seem the cops were justified in believing the Boston bombers would “make a mistake”; not only did they tell their carjack victim what they did, but the cellphone he left in his car led the cops straight to them. The carjacking victim still hasn’t been identified, but we now know he was “a man in his 20s” and was “hysterical” when the police found him.
Did you know that Gov. Rick Perry on Thursday declared McLennan County – home to West, the small community rocked by the deadly fertilizer plant explosion – a disaster area and announced that he’s asking President Barack Obama for a federal emergency declaration. This is the same Gov. Perry who was promoting secession because of the “oppressive” federal government, now is asking for federal government money.
U.S. Rep. Bill Flores, whose district includes West, called on all Americans to pray for the victims of this tragedy. Flores voted against federal aid for Sandy victims, so I assume prayer is all he wants for his district also.
The two Texas senators: John Cornyn and Ted Cruz of Texas released a joint statement saying “…. We remain in communication with Gov. Perry’s office and emergency management officials, and stand to offer whatever support we can.”
Both Cornyn and Cruz voted against Sandy aid as well . What kind of support do they think they are proposing for West that would be in keeping with the spirit of their vote for Sandy Aid?
How do we as a country respond with communities in need, who’s representatives voted to deny help to other communities?
@ 44
You said:
Wrong. Almost completely wrong. Ask any Keynesian today, and they’ll tell you that fiscal policy is a last resort, and only under a particular set of extenuating circumstances. Moreover, they’ll tell you that object of fiscal policy is to increase spending. Period. Not “consumer” spending. Indeed, there’s little macroeconomic distinction to be drawn between consumer spending and investment spending.
Also, fiscal policy won’t work if the monetary authority adopts a monetary policy that counteracts the effects of the fiscal policy.
In other words, any discussion of “Keynesian stuff” that fails to address both monetary and fiscal policy and how those two policy channels interact with each other is, to be blunt, ignorant ramblings of someone who doesn’t know the subject being discussed.
Lastly, it’s probably worth noting that the vast majority of people who seem to believe that this “Keynesian stuff” doesn’t work do not have an alternative working model for understanding how economies tick. For example, a large number of people who advocate ideas out of the Austrian school Economics have been predicting, for several years now, that we are on the verge of run-away hyperinflation. Yet, the data show that there is no inflation in sight.
@55 Should we not aid West because of their representatives voted against Sandy Aid?
By being kind, are we rewarding them to be miserly to others, and yet get help when THEY need it?
Is it revenge or Quid Pro Quo politics?
Ummm no Schmucko, that was yesterday… Thanks for proving you are a chronological idiot. Today is the 22nd!
Well since Darryl and Carl can demonstrate to Schmucko what cities Puddy has been posting from today… and one was an airport…
It really sux to be Schmucko! Eating his own SHIT every day!
You are a little late ERF!
@13 Oh, and Democrat congress critters aren’t part of the 1%?
Yup, couldn’t see that coming a mile away.
Prattling about ‘states’ rights’ and ‘secession’, denying others needed emergency relief, preening self-made individualists…..then when their state inspectors and zoning regime fail, and they’ve hobbled OSHA, and the inevitable happens and one of their towns is blown to smithereens….”Can we have some aid now?”
Yes, they should get aid, and Obama should make a big show of going there and delivering it.
Oh, piddl is back. Did the short bus just drop you off at home?
You referenced the NYT, without a link. I don’t normally read the Times, but went to their opinion page and at the top was the article I excerpted. You know, the one where they take Huckleberry Graham and the other grandstanding torture-loving Republicans to task. The one you haven’t bothered to comment on.
If you want us to read something specific, something else, please provide a link. Bozo.
Wrong Again DUMB Wabbit. Obummer’s FBI dismantled its training materials to exclude references to militant Islamism. The FBI’s High-Value Interrogation Group has been totally revamped under Obummer because of complaints from muslim groups to Obummer’s Sadministration.
Why don’t you ask Carl where Puddy is blogging from Schmucko?
Go on Puddy dares ya! Grow a real pair dude. Step up to the plate!
Puddy hasn’t ever met someone as idiotic as you Schmucko. Lately more idiotic that unemployed salt licking moron ylb!
Wait for it… a mirror comment will magically appear!
That describes quite well the entire population of our trolls here on HA.
Again everyone this lunatic has real comprehension problems… So here’s the comment again Schmucko…
Search for it Schmucko!
Hopefully they replaced that with warnings of militant Christianism. As we all know, the majority of terrorist violence in this nation is perpetrated by white males, and I’d bet nearly all of them call themselves Christians.
You’ve still failed to provide a link.
You’re an idiot.
How many communists are there in the State Departemnt, piddl? 56? 72? 88?
The fool who seldom provides links excpet from Daily Kooks is screaming…
Puddy not your servant Schmucko. You can search the Times Opinion Pages today!
Deflection! What a moron!
You fantasize that anyone cares about your job.
That your employer sends you out on errands to enrich themselves does not impress me, even if those errands involve you sitting for hours in the back of some sort of aircraft munching on smoked almonds. The petty indulgences, like which hotel you are allowed to stay in, or what kind of car you are allowed to rent, do not impress me either.
Why do you insist on perseverating about this, as if it were some sort of point you were scoring?
No, piddl, deflection and evasion are your stong suits. I was merely pointing out, as Roger did above, that your contention about the Muslim Brotherhood ‘infiltrating’ the Obama Administration would be laughable, if it weren’t so tragically a rerun of conservative thought for the past 60 years.
You people always have to have somebody to be afraid of. Why are conservatives such delicate flowers? One poorly executed bombing and you’re all ready to shred the Constitution.
Puddy just found out assassinated MIT Police Officer Sean Collier killed by the Brothers Tsarnaev is a friend of a friend by email. Puddy will be in the Boston area in the next couple of months Schmucko. Why don’t some HA libtards do like Puddy and give to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund in remembrance of Sean?
What a moron! See everyone… when caught Schmucko changes his tune. First Puddy was on the bus… Now that it’s established Schmucko won’t grow a pair and ask Carl we see just how mentally damaged Schmucko is!
What are you trying to say with that statement? Is it a bad thing that Obama’s FBI has been responsive to Muslim citizens?
You are so fucking concrete it’s unbelievable.
And, I didn’t say you were on the bus, I said you were on the short bus. Look it up.
And, I was not ‘caught’ at anything, and I haven’t ‘changed my tune’ – I have been thoroughly consistent in taunting you and pointing out what a silly, shallow, incompetent and hypocritical fool you are.
Well Schmucko is you stopped reading Daily Kooks as your choice du jour of “information” you’d actually learn something… And you can meet them here…
Really sux to be the mentally deranged one Schmucko!
Wait for it… FPM is not a left wrong kook site so Schmucko will discount the facts!
You used bus lunatic Schmucko.
The Prosecution Rests. No Sentient Life Exists There!
I just searched the NYT opinion page for the terms ‘blistering’, and then for ‘piddl fantasy’, and then for ‘Muslim Brotherhood infiltrating Obama Administration’ – and they all came up with no hits.
The feeling is more than mutual Schmucko.
So where is Puddy? Is Puddy in WA State? Ask unemployed salt licking moron ylb. He tracks Puddy’s every move!
My 60 year old lawn mower died, so I’m off to Home Depot to get a new one. It probably won’t last that long; they don’t make ’em like they used to.
States Rights?
Puddy thought libtards were for states rights for gay marriage… Oops… that’s the only thing libtards support for states rights!
!!!States Rights!!! !!!States Rights!!! !!!States Rights!!! !!!States Rights!!! !!!States Rights!!! !!!States Rights!!! !!!States Rights!!! !!!States Rights!!!
Um, wrong, piddl. This is just way too easy.
Go back up and look at posts @33 and @63 – I used the term ‘short bus’ both times.
@55 etc I’d imagine that FEMA had its wheels turning before the echoes of the explosion had faded away in West. If it took only a couple of days to co-ordinate with the local authorities and determing what was actually needed (in this case, I’ll bet primarily temporary housing for the survivors whose houses were destroyed) that would be about an order of magnitude faster than it took the horse lawyer to get his fancy new shirt buttoned after Katrina. If Obama or other administration officials didn’t have much to say about it, or if they did and hardly anyone noticed because of the ongoing crisis up north in which there were still a couple of maniacs on the loose killing people….well, so what?
No, I don’t think we should deny the actual victims and survivors in West a God-damn thing, regardless of whatever their twit of a governor might have said in the past or what he’s saying now. In fact, we’re best off not paying any attention to Perry or any other Texas officeholder who bleating about some sort of “states’ rights” bullshit. Now, the good citizens of the Lone Star State, on the other hand, might give that some thought before the next election.
Keep searching Schmucko. Puddy read it in the newspaper in an airport waiting for a flight Schmucko. Surely with that advanced edumication you can find it. Why not ask for help. Serial Conservative may be able to help you!
@78 Maybe you could get through piddl’s thick skull with one of these?
@79 Uncle Puddles – welcome back you ignorant troll!
Hey, so I went to the frontpagemag.com link you provided, and all it does is make an accusation.
I went to the israelnationalnews.com link you provided and it was a tad better. It refers to some other accusation.
I’m sure Egypt’s Rose El-Youssef magazine is one helluva news reporting outfit that nobody has ever heard of, but ….
how exactly does participation with Muslim affiliated groups by Muslims get to be a plot of the Muslim Brotherhood to “infiltrate”?
Go ahead. Tell us.
So now you are attacking short bus people.
Wow schmucko you are a real jackASS! A friend of mine has a special needs son. You are a real ASSHole Schmucko!
As roger said above, cheapshot is likely lying in a pool of his own vomit, and likely other effluvia as well, right now.
Oh my….I think this means that piddl doesn’t have a link…I doubt he could find it at all.
Hey Nephew CubScout, at least you now have new sources of material instead of Daily Kooks! Those peeps are in Obummer’s Sadministraion inner circle of “sadvisors”! Are you that dense? Let Puddy assist your sad sack of a mind…
Arif Alikhan – Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Mohammed Elibiary – Homeland Security Adviser.
Rashad Hussain – Special Envoy to the (OIC) Organization of the Islamic Conference.
Salam al-Marayati – Obama Adviser, founder of Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director.
Imam Mohamed Magid – Obama’s Sharia Czar, Islamic Society of North America.
Eboo Patel – Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.
Only by associating you with them. My apologies to bona fide short bus riders everywhere.
Some of the nicest people in the world Schmucko. Lunatic idiot!
@72 So you’re disavowing this guy?
That’ll get you in trouble with Diana West!
You know what you’ve done piddl?
You’ve listed a bunch of people with non-European sounding names, and perhaps Middle Eastern sounding names….gasp….perhaps even MOOSLUM sounding names who happen to work in the Obama Administration.
You know what you’ve proven?
That you’re a bigot.
Hey Artfart…
!!!States Rights!!! !!!States Rights!!! !!!States Rights!!! !!!States Rights!!! !!!States Rights!!! !!!States Rights!!! !!!States Rights!!! !!!States Rights!!!
Like I said, it was an insult for me to associate them with you.
Minorities can’t be bigots… DUMMOCRAPT Libtards said so!
This has been covered many times here Schmucko. More moronic moonbat memory malady!
@92 “Let Puddy assist …”
You have a talent for turning a simple task into a complicated one. All he’s asking for is a link to the NYT article you referred to when making your assertions. Finding it can’t be this difficult unless there isn’t one.
You are an insult a second Schmucko. No wonder you’re a lunatic moron!
Thanks for playing!
Why DUMB Wabbit. Schmucko claims to be so much superior than the rest of us!
Yup, that horrible term, the one Ronald Reagan proudly embraced in Philadelphia, Mississippi at the start of his campaign in 1980.
Trolling for mouth-breathing white supremacist Republicans on the graves of Goodman, Cheney, and Schwerner.
Nice. That’s your team, piddl. And as you’ve shown us @92, you fit right in.
@99 You’re right, he forgot you’re a victim, not a bigot. A thousand pardons.
@92 Uncle Puddles – welcome back you ignorant troll!
I asked “how exactly does participation with Muslim affiliated groups by Muslims get to be a plot of the Muslim Brotherhood to “infiltrate”?”
and you responded with an accusation. The exact same accusation, word for word, posted at the frontpagemag.com link you provided earlier.
Let’s try again, and let me offer you help.
Infiltrate – 4: to enter or become established in gradually or unobtrusively usually for subversive purposes.
Where is the evidence of those people you have now accused of having “subversive purposes”?
Who are high advisors in Obummer’s Sadministration, who have changed the face of the FBI!
Facts smack Schmucko and DUMB Wabbit all over the place!
@102 Notwithstanding his incandescent brilliance, he’s not smart enough to find a non-existent NYT article.
@106 I haven’t been hit by anything today.
I don’t know where you’ve heard that….but you’ve proved it quite wrong with your post above.
Aren’t you a homophobe, too?
I don’t have any more time for this crap. I have to go get my new lawn mower before Home Depot closes. Later.
So what you’re saying…people of Middle Eastern descent cannot be employed by the executive branch? Or is it their religion? MOOSLUMs can’t be employed by the executive branch?
Can they use the same bathrooms everyone else does?
What about lunch counters?
Can they donate blood to black people? White people?
What about black MOOSLUMS? If Obama appointed, say, Keith Ellison (nice European-sounding name) to a position in his administration, would that be a priori evidence of subversion?
I just realized…..BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA….
Oh My God!!!! If piddl is right…we’re being led by a dude with a MOOSLUM-sounding name!
The outlines of this plot are becoming clear to me…
Exactly Little CubScout! What have we learned.
War on Terror – Overseas Contingency Operation
Benghazi Attack – took them over a month to call it a terrorist attack.
John Brennan – CIA director – “Nor do we describe our enemy as ‘jihadists’ or ‘Islamists’ because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one’s community, and there is nothing holy or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women and children.”
Nuff said CubScout.
Oh My God!!!! If piddl is right…we’re being led by a dude with a MOOSLUM-sounding name!
There goes Schmucko again. Deflect, spin twist and say horseSHIT not thought about or commented on!
Hey Schmucko,
Did you ask Carl yet where Puddy posted from when Puddy said Puddy had to catch a flight?
Yeah, I’m with Rog….I’ve had enough of this crap.
What we’ve learned today….
piddl demands we read an article this doesn’t exist on the NYT opinion page, and he cannot provide a link. However, there is a very nice piece there shredding Huckleberry Graham.
piddl is a bigot who thinks that anyone with a Middle Eastern derived name, or might possibly be a MOOSLUM should not be allowed to work in government. It’s unclear if he thinks they should be allowed to use the same bathrooms as the rest of us.
The believer in a 6000-year old universe was dispatched by his employer to do some work somewhere, and he’s really proud he got to fly in a plane to get there.
Is that it?
The Defense Department still classifies Major Hasan’s attack at Fort Hood in Texas as an act of workplace violence. Therefore Nephew CubScout,
@133 Uncle Puddles – welcome back you ignorant troll!
Do I understand from your avatar that the reason you fail to answer where the evidence for your accusation can be found is because you are a lazy, shiftless, chronically idle, inarticulate buffoon?
I read on the internet that people who look like your avatar suffer from these maladies, so it must be true.
Standard supposition from Schmucko when he loses the argument.
Declare vistory… Call someone a bigot… Call him a short bus rider… Run away…
CubScout, CubScout, CubScout. You can’t process facts… You fail to grasp a simple concept. The tenor and tone of what constitutes terror… jihad… demonstrations… workplace violence… All new from Obummer’s Sadministration since 2009.
And if Puddy was all you claim… Puddy would be home, unemployed, and citing class warfare in a positive light. Only one HA libtard does that CubScout!
CubScout… Dense as granite in the side of a mountain!
Thanks for playing. ROTFLRHMBBAO!
@121 Uncle Puddles – welcome back you ignorant troll!
Playing? I read on the internet that people who look like your avatar spend too little time working and too much time playing.
Seems you willing comply with the stereotype.
Of course, you could prove me wrong by telling us where is the evidence of those people you have now accused of having “subversive purposes”?
But maybe it is true what they say on the internet and you are just a lazy, shiftless, chronically idle, inarticulate buffoon.
So Cubscout likes Puddy’s avatar. Glad you like it. You still miss the point CubScout. Subversion… changing the definitions as stated above, you subvert the future argument! Claiming what Major Hasan performed at Ft Hood when he yelled “Allulu Akbar” that is obvious terrorism is now workplace violence. From WikiPedia…
Memo to CubScout… This is what has happened in Obummer’s Sadministration by others previously identified above Cubscout!
You are truly dense as a load of bricks CubScout. Carry on! Puddy has work to do! Sux to be you! Now we see you are the “lazy, shiftless, chronically idle, inarticulate buffoon”. Can’t figger out subversion is happening in front of his face!
@ 124
[Subversion] is what has happened in Obummer’s Sadministration by others previously identified above Cubscout!
Again, Puddy’s wrong. The “process by which the values and principles” of the United States of America were “contradicted or reversed” happened during the administration of Pres. George W. Bush:
Puddy really does need to become better informed.
@124 Don,
By Uncle Puddles’ example we must hold him to a very low standard and, therefore, place no credence in his lazy, shiftless, chronically idle, inarticulate buffoon comments.
Isn’t it comforting to know that someone not too far away from you right at this very moment is able to exercise his 2nd amendment to the maximum extent just like Federal Way’s Dennis Clark III.
Heh.. It seems everyone’s favorite loon has been “waiting”…
LOL!! We’ll let him wait some more.
Waiting for what unemployed salt licking moron ylb.
133 attacks and 133 EPIC FAYLES with the crazed databaze.
Desperately moronic!
By the way, on the Canadian Train story, it turns out that it was not a VIA Train that they were going to target, but the Maple Leaf, Amtrak’s daily run from New York City to Toronto, and is an extension of the Empire Corridor(New York City-Albany-Buffalo-Niagra Falls)
A little more info on the story out of Canada from Global TV.
The trolls might like the afternoon drive host on the radio station I linked to earlier, CFRB in Toronto, he’s the former head of the povincial Conservative Party. Former, because he lost the bid for a seat in the provincial legislature, in what was allegedly a safe seat, which the incumbent had stepped aside so he could run. The voters did not take too kindly to this kind of parachute candidate and being used by the provincial power brokers. THen again, since the Ontario Provincial Conservatives, like in Alberta, still go by the party’s old name, the Progressive Conservatives.
Uh, oh. Looks like I’ve fed too many facts into Puddy’s brain. The friction in the fuel lines has caused his brain to go into vapor lock.
Let’s see, Obama Administration–softer rhetoric. Bush Administration–torture.
Puddy’s reaction to softer rhetoric: an all out conniption. Puddy’s reaction to torture: “So?”
@ 133
Because Spuddypud, like the rest of the TeaBagger/Idiot set, are low-intelligence, low information voters. They consistently ignore the details of history and basic facts of a discussion in favor of a story that validates their opinion, even when that story s proven to be utterly false.
They made up out of whole cloth, a narrative of the Obama administration that supports their ideas, and now must pursue that validation, even to the point of ignoring reality when it smacks them right in the face.
It’s an aspect of the “faith-based” upbringing they were subjected to their entire lives. It’s a symptom of a terrible and willful ignorance. That sort of ignorance breeds reactionaries, exactly the same as the Zionists and the Caliphatists and the fucking Randroids.
They are people that cannot fathom the fact that they’ve been lied to because the liars they’ve listened to their entire lives are so well-dressed and so pretty and speak with a voice of apparent authority, and have always been considered the leaders. They would follow a well-dressed psychopath if that psychopath echoed their own underlying opinion, even to the end of their own lives and the total destruction of their civilization. The Germans proved how easy it can be, beyond any question of doubt.
Remember kids, the most believable lies, are almost always told by the most confident sounding people. Hungry, pissed off people always latch onto an authority figure who validates their own ideas of how the world functions. Thats why the third wealthiest County in the nation has a 50% poverty rate.
And right now, people are kinda hungry, and desperate, and the people they are choosing as their primary social and economic leadership are the same people that fucked them over and put them in the position they’re in right now.
“Thanks to an unprecedented cooperation between law enforcement and the security units of various departments, VIA Rail and CN, at no time was there an imminent threat to the VIA Rail passengers, employees or the general public.”
Once again terrorism stopped by law enforcement. just sayn.
135)One interesting thing about CN, it is a former entity of the Canadian Government, a former Crown Corporation, but it is well run, but has a lot of trackage in the US. They always had owned the Grand Trunk Western, but in the late 1990’s they bought the Illinois Central, all the way to New Orleans.
Also, I like how it was a tip from the Muslim community that led to the investigation, and bust.
Jimmy Kimmel will disagree with OWS Fraggy! Puddy placed the video on HA. Contact your brother unemployed salt licking moron ylb. It was hilarious. Reminded Puddy of you OWS Fraggy… people spouting off ABSOLUTELY moronic comments and their goose-stepping support of Obummer!
It’s tough to discuss things with corrupt libtards!
Puddy is very surprised how long it took the ERF to report on the train bombing!