– Jonah Goldberg is super smart, and knowledgeable, you guys.
– Permanent Defense has a tool to report on signature gathering for Eyman initiatives.
– Maybe Mitt Romney has something to hide?
– Seamus didn’t enjoy being on the top of the car. I don’t understand why the Romneys keep bringing it up.
– I don’t follow hockey at all, but fans making fun of Tim Thomas is pretty funny.
Pretty funny Washington Caps fan response.
Would have been funnier if Obama himself had shown up.
Just sayin’:
Going green cost rural electric ratepayers in Minnesota more than $70 million last year, according to the Minnesota Rural Electric Association (MREA). The MREA represents about fifty mostly small, rural electric co-ops and utilities which serve more than 625,000 Minnesota homes and businesses.
“It’s an enormous subsidy. You have to add wind power, whether you need it or not,” said Mark Glaess, MREA executive director. “Right now we’re paying for wind we don’t need, we can’t use and can’t sell.”
Reading Jonah Goldberg makes me feel that all actions are meaningless and futile. I’d say ‘absurd’, but you Americans take that to mean that I’m saying life is like a Marx Brothers movie — which is absurd.
Just heard Condi (Kindaliesaslot) Rice being floated as a Veep pick for (R – Money)..
Not all that bad as that thing goes.
As we all know he could do way, way, way worse..
On April 10, 2012, a guy named Travis Mills got all his limbs blown off by an IED in Afghanistan. Needless to say, this is a tragedy for SSgt Mills and his family. There is a website you can go to to make a donation to the Mills Family:
Or, if you’d prefer,:
The Mills Family Fund
C/O Mandy Bishop
Frisco, TX 75034
While we rant against some of the stupid wars we get involved in, it’s important to remember the guys and gals who get hurt are the same oridinary folks that make up all of America. If you can afford a little to help out, I ask you to make a small donation for the Mills Family.
How much fun would it be if she were the nominee?
Your ilk could be misogynist, racist, and journalistically unethical all at once, with full cover from your media friends!
Oh, and don’t forget that your hate and racism starts locally:
Seriously, she’s a wicked-smart lady, and I agree: Romney could do far, far worse. Hell, Barack already has.
6 – LMAO! Bob your ilk is all that and more every freaking day with full cover and support from your mighty Wurlitzer. We point that out here every day. Kenyan Muslim anyone?
And no not necessarily you. You come close though..
Wow. A BELLEVUE teacher made a watermelon joke. Mustabeen a right wing racist who was a little ticked at Condi frustrating the bloodlust of Duck! Cheney. No bomb, bomb, bomb Iran on Faux News for that racist. No paving Lebanon for Israel either.
Here’s a local right wing racist making a little funny about my latino heritage:
now go have a taco and shut the fuck up.
Nice try at racist baiting bob.
Heh.. Yeah Biden couldn’t compete in the winking department..
Here’s a funny right winger who blinded by the light from the quitter’s eyes:
Son of the mortgage bubble:
Joe Walsh (R – Deadbeat) is no longer a deadbeat!
Paul Ryan (R – Randroid Creep) respectfully disagrees with Jesus:
It just keeps getting better…
Eric Cantor (R – Right wing tool) wants to raise taxes on the poor.. (“You’ve got to discuss that issue..)
After all they don’t pay any federal income taxes right?
Might as well “discuss that issue”.. How are you going to avoid another debt downgrade while giving the rich more tax cuts (see the Randroid Ryan plan) and letting fortune 500 corps not pay any taxes at all?
@ 7
I think that’s the third time you’ve relayed that line about your heritage, to me. Probably dozens of additional times to others on HA.
We get it. We got it the first time. Really we did.
13 – And why do I that bob?
Something about glass houses/stones perhaps?
It’s good to see Obummer trying to attack Romney for the imaginary “silver spoon” when Obummer’s white grandmama got Obummer into an exclusive Hawaiian private school!
And since PMSNBC Moron Martin Bashir has attacked Romney for doing his missionary work during the Vietnam years, why didn’t you inquire through Jim Messina why Obummer didn’t join the military Moron Martin Bashir?
Wouldn’t know. It’s not because you are out of original ideas.
Maybe your feelings were hurt. Maybe you think it’s more persuasive as proof of racism on the part of another when what whoever wrote it might have been trying to do was hurt your feelings. Dunno. But it’s getting old and it’s quite repetitious. Like Rujax in that regard.
re 15: What does Loggins and Messina have to do with Obama’s military service?
Loggins and Messina, got me! U brought it up!
16 – Gimme a friggin break.. Let’s see the next racist baiting attack from old bob coming in…
Let’s go on till November shall we?
‘Let’s see the next racist baiting attack from old bob coming in’
Maybe you could remind me of my first one?
Or are you one of those who maintain that any criticism of The One is, by definition, racist?
@ 19, not @ 18. Sorry.
20 – In this thread? 6 perhaps..
Gee.. Mention a Republican person of color and its time for bob to go on a racist baiting jag.
Let’s go back a little..
Quote a New York Magazine article (about declining demographic prospects for Republicans) and old bob knee-jerks, “isn’t that magazine racist?”..
Shall I go back further?
Shades of “my opponent, the incumbent”.. Funny I don’t recall anyone on my side of the debate in these comment threads calling the President “the one” or “messiah”..
It all comes from right wingers – period.
Obama can be criticized for many things – mainly moving so far to the right, he’s taken for a chump only to by saved from himself by insisting on something, one thing back in return – even if it’s imaginary in nature.
There I criticized him ok?
Your move bob.
Romney realizes that government single payer health insurance would be good for business.
@ 22
Had to do a memory check. That referred to a cover, or a graphic along with a story, which showed Obama’s evolution insofar as his position of same-sex marriage is concerned. Recall he famously said his perspective is ‘evolving’.
It started with a chimp, progressed to a gorilla, then to an anthropological half-man, then to Obama, then to Obama holding the rainbow flag.
It was in the news for the questionable use of graphics and I obliquely referred to it, totally in cheek, if I recall correctly.
I didn’t think it was race-baiting since I only referred indirectly to the accusations that the magazine chose its graphics poorly.
Try again. With context.
@ 23
Perhaps you should recall how your side described Bush43 and Cheney.
By comparison referring to Obama as ‘The One’ (seemed OK when Oprah did it, didn’t it?) is downright charitable.
What “it” was is neither here nor there. Certainly not after I referred to the Chait article.
What YOU did in response was baiting and its tiresome..
But if that’s all you got, by all means continue. Thanks in advance for making our point.
26 – Yep. 1st ammendment and all.. She’s entitled to say what she wants..
Same as right wingers winking at the Rich Lowry’s of the world..
Have a great day.
@ 27
“if that’s all you got”, indeed.
Yum! Brands (KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut) dumps ALEC..
Nice to see. But right wing politicians will copy and paste ALEC’s “model” legislation even it’s only the Koch brothers and the rest of their billionaire ilk ponying up the funds for it.
Notice his nuance? Because the leftist media did and I delivered it to the leftist punks here.
You can’t make this up.
Well his wife just said this a few days ago
Speech attendee: I love you, Barack!
Obummer: I love you back. But first — but if you love me — if you love me, you got to help me pass this bill. If you love me, you got to help me pass this bill.
Here’s John 21:15, Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”
Leftist Newsweek did this…
Why Newsweek leftist? Well…
Newsweek editor Evan Thomas said this on Chris Matthews No Balls Show…
Leftist art
Chicago Tribune…
Oh my…
Donna Brazile…
Places not to buy from anymore!
Heh. Notice that a certain zombie cretin can’t quote a single regular HA commenter (other than a right wing plant leaving ONE comment, maybe) referring to the President (ooh how the zombies hate that title for Obama) as “messiah” or “the one”..
but I can do this:
╰─$ b cs -h puddybud -b “the messiah” -c
| count |
| 346 |
1 row in set
AND notice how the same cretin has attained a certain skill over the course of his miserable life – that of detecting “nuance”..
Perhaps more than can be said of his beloved politician for whom he voted for twice:
“Joe, I don’t do nuance.”
Congrats cretin.. You do “nuance” proud..
No cokes, pepsis, m&m’s, snicker’s bars for the cretin…
Got Blue Cross/Blue Shield?
Let the market decide now fool!
There seems to be a recent upsurge in wingnut talking points with fresh new twists on HA and unSound Politics. I guess they must be rallying around Romney and trying to make the best of it.
35 – Yep, a bunch of new “schnorrers” from the decrepit crew over there.
Awwwww. The poor cretin is offended..
Perhaps if the President wore a cod piece, strutted across a flight deck with the “Mission Accomplished” banner in the background, only then would the cretin not worry and be happy.
wow, somebody’s pussy sure is aching today.
poor ylb cries about having a taco and shutting the fuck up, yet forgets his own rants against southern blacks.
selective memory? eh, who cares. lazy people shouldnt be listened to anyway.
oh well, people are too sensitive anyway nowdays – the pussification of america continues….
..heading back to the shop, have a 440 to pull out of the framerails – phase 1 of the restoration is under way……
Levon Helm, the drummer for The Band passed away today.
To the moron@33,
Right on time idiot!
Still being led by the ring I put in your nose!
No crying racist asswipe dumbass just PROVING you’re a racist..
got a similar link for me??
OOooh I understand.. It’s too hard for you..
41 – Still no link of a frequent HA commenter calling Obama “messiah” or “the one”..
Got plenty (346) of you doing that.
Nice try coward.. You can run but you can’t hide.
Still the same old feckless dope no matter where he goes.
Oh my the crazed databaze moron can’t refute how DUMMOCRAPTS framed OBUMMER as “the messiah”.
Remember I am your alpha, beta boi. U Lose Fool! Led U by the nose again. How does it feel to know Puddy executed another perfect move on your silly ASS? Go ahead make a fool of yourself again. And again. And again!
Speaking of racism…
From the Leftist Politico…
Oh my… another blow for Holder…
44 – As I thought still no link.. As for this shit:
You’re a liar.
Did ylb fart nothing again…?
The reason DUMMOCRAPTS need to be replaced as Senate Leaders…
Another reason…
Yeah a Faux News poll…
Oh my! What a dope!
And Leftist??? What do we have here??
Typical crap from an insane pathological liar…
So why did the crazed database fool not finish the FULL PARAGRAPH? Cuz he’s a DICKHEAD!
Such a schmuck! Typical crap from the primary HA fool…
Leftist? Didn’t stop your beloved idiot son from bestowing his endorsement!
Nice try LIAR!
To a lefty, voter fraud is perfectly acceptable…
I love making ylb’s head EXPLODE!
Right wingers hate it when old nuns are allowed to vote..
Can’t have it! Oh here’s why:
When people vote, right wingers LOSE!
Now to make ylb’s head explode again… I had to re-find it…
We know why. And Ben Smith left Politico after that.
Yet ylb uses old material as always!
Maybe ylb and his buds can pawn their meager finances and buy this…
They can honor their preznit!
And this changes your favorite idiot son’s blessing of Politico how???
Do right wing morons you vote for endorse left wing publications?
You lose dumbass.
What a tool!
59 – You forgot to change the handle to “Mike Webb Sucks”..
Could have had a good laugh. Oh well.. There’ll be many more opportunities to LAUGH AT this feckless pathological liar!
Feckless pathological liar @ 59
I find it kind of funny that you’re quiet when the misogynist, racist pos dumbass @ 39 claims I ranted about “Southern blacks”..
He has claimed this many times yet he NEVER produces a link where supposedly I did this.
Maybe you can help him find this particular link.. Calling people who lean lefty racists makes your freaking day..
And don’t bother about that weak, feckless shit about “north pasadena”.. Sorry it don’t compare to calling ones relatives degrading names like “cheap”.
@51 The kid-glove treatment that Bush — who ran the most corrupt administration since the days of Harding — got from the press is your idea of “liberal bias”?
What is a ‘puddybud’? Is it a man in love with his own tool?? — a cook who only jerks his own chicken?? — a ball player who waxes his own bat??
Waxx: You’ve been here all the time, haven’t you?
Michael @ 40,
Fuck politics, I’m mourning Levon’s passing. Hey, Levon, Godspeed. And, might you find eternity with that gal who forever mends you when you leak:
Oh headless@63,
Where is your “mind” on this ya racist moron?
Will Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson appear?
I comment on what I want to comment on, not anything from you beta boi! You still forget I can pull on your nose ring any time I want. Your Politico argument exploded badly! Sucks to be you!
Seething anger… you need anger management beta boi!
I wonder if the perp voted for Obummer in 2008? With his mental issues he has potential to become another HA leftist pinhead, this time posting from prison!
If you are a Kossack, an unborn baby is just a parasite.
No wonder leftists love the Kossacks. Y’all are just parasites!
From puddle’s link to the NY Daily News:
So you’re advocating for more services for poor people with psychiatric diseases? How liberal of you – congrats!
Did you have another point? Any point?
Are you contesting the right of citizens with psychiatric disorders to vote?
Or are you contesting the right of black people to vote?
Or are you contesting the right of New Yorkers to vote?
That would certainly be more Republican of you.
So you’re advocating for more services for poor people with psychiatric diseases? Who said he was poor? Just because he was black, musclebound and mentally unstable, he must be poor? You are a JACKASS! A RACIST JACKASS!
I advocate psychiatric services for liberals all the time. Liberalism is a psychiatric disease!
Did you have another point? Any point? My point about your comments every day!
Are you contesting the right of citizens with psychiatric disorders to vote? No but you must think that way since you asked the stupid question!
Or are you contesting the right of black people to vote? No but you must think that way since you asked the stupid question!
Or are you contesting the right of New Yorkers to vote? No but you must think that way since you asked the stupid question!
Lib the moron. Proving it to all every minute!
puddybud – demonstrating everyday the apex of conservative ‘thought’ and ‘argument’
I really cannot put a more negative spin on your words than you do yourself – an amazing achievement in self-immolation.
(BTW, I asked above which geologic period you were born in – the 6000-year-old earth, right? Are you from the Eocene, like me? Do you believe the last dinosaur died March 1927?)
I propose this woman is a DUMMOCRAPT. If she was a Republican then her political affiliation would have been in the first sentence.
Oh my Lib the moron lost another argument so ad hominem attacks it is!
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
-Inigo Montoya
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
-Inigo Montoya
The ad hominem attack was on another thread:
And you are, you batshit young earth creationist sociopath.
Whatever… Lib the moron.
More not discussed in CBS President Poll:
A lousy 16 percent feel they are getting ahead financially. Only 33 percent of Americans believe the economy is moving in the right direction. Some 38 percent think their situation will get worse if Obama is re-elected, 26 percent think it will get better.
Watch the Friday Night Comedy Prince Spin this Poll differently!
Unemployment claims up again… 388,000 last week, 386,000 this week. This is after the “original” numer was 380,000… Ooopsie we need to update it by 8,000 cuz we made a mistake.
So much for the Obummer economy. Watch when the new cooked numbers appear… They will keep it at 8.2 when it’s really over 9 with the people who stopped trying to get a job.
Search on the real unemployment rate in Google and see how the Obummer porkulus weally weally worked!
The aggressive stupidity never fails to leave me awestruck.
How does puddles get through breakfast without killing himself with a spoon?
LMAO!! Over half the time you’re trying to find a way to call lefties racists (projection, because you’re a bigot yourself) and you let this one skip..
Well.. It can only mean one thing..
You’re sceeeeeeered.. Like your buddy the asshat troll..
So full of fears. As your anxiety and fear mounts, you cling ever more tightly to right wing bullshit myths and distortions.
As the world keeps changing under your feet.
You never contested Smith’s assertion that the beloved moron you voted for twice gave Politico HIS ENDORSEMENT..
I thought you were perfect dumbass. You’d never vote for a guy who’d endorse a lefty publication (except in your youth as it was your sky god’s plan for you). Well some of your peeps have dumped on the moron Dumbya (HNMT, Mark the Redneck welsher) and you hold out..
It’s too funny.
Oh ylb the idiot… You are another moron…
Leftist Blacks are the bigots…
Butt your friend Roseanne Barr made an ASS of herself like you do here each day!
Butt when the same clergy and pastors tell them to vote DUMMOCRAPT Obummer that’s A-OK! No “misuse” of their votes for that!
Does ylb get it?
This tool and fool has once again been schooled by his ALPHA!
Still on Politico..
What a DUMBASS! You were the one who used Ben Smith’s comment. You were too stupid to know he left! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Scared of you. When challenged to meet at a DL you made up some shucking and jiving excuse.
See ya moron!
The 16 percent that you and your ugly party only care about.
Add to the above their lackeys like you.
The 33 percent + some more you’ve been able to dupe.
The 26 percent? Folks who actually have a brain.
NOT YOU! Being right wing is a brain damage disorder..
And this is relevant to Dumbya’s endorsement how???
Hahhahahahahaha! You have no answer!
Face it dumbass.. You LOVE “socialism”..
Group Health, UW, HA.org, Politico and now Dumbya who so many of your peeps pissed on as not being a “conservative”..
It’s all collapsing on you fool.
It’s a pain in the ass to have to scroll past all of the loon’s batshit-insane ravings, but it’s far, far better than pausing to read any of it.
Well I just got through saying you LOVE acting lefty..
you TALK right wing.. Kinda “schizo” no?
Anyhow.. You’re still handwaving…
Here’s your bigotry…
We already know how her vineyards don’t hire union labor but cheap relatives of ylb.
She hired Germans, Lithuanians, French, Swiss right?
From the Guardian:
In Iran, homosexuality is punishable by death — at least according to the fatwas that are issued by most Iranian religious leaders. Even more odd than the notion that such a “crime” would cost one his or her life is the fact that laws governing sodomy among men (referred to as “Lavat”) have recently changed.
But under new amendments approved recently in the Iranian parliament the person who played an active role will be flogged 100 times if the sex was consensual and he was not married, but the one who played a passive role will still be put to death regardless of his marriage status.
So which of the HA leftists are the active participant and the passive participant?
Hey moronic ylb.. it was a CBS poll. The numbers don’t lie.
Too bad you are still stuck on stupid since December 2004.
Why not quote a Faux News poll?? I thought CBS was “leftist”…
Sigh… Now it seems the cretin is saying that “leftists” promulgate “truth”…
Wow what do have here? Suddenly all lefties here are gay and the cretin advocates medieval sharia-style remedies??
Gee one would think he’d be leading up to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.. But no…
Now to go with “socialism” he’s lovin’ sharia law.
tsk, tsk, tsk..
So which of the HA leftists are the active participant and the passive participant?
Wow what do have here? Suddenly all lefties here are gay and the cretin advocates medieval sharia-style remedies??
Gee one would think he’d be leading up to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.. But no…
Now to go with “socialism” he’s lovin’ sharia law.
tsk, tsk, tsk..
Of course ylb forgets his love of OWS bigots… and how they think!
Again projecting like your moron friend above.
Remember useless tool, HA leftists love Palestinians just like Iranians do!
93 – zzzzZZZ… handwaving..
Where’s that rant of mine desperaging “southern blacks”?
This rhetoric is right up the HA Leftist “alley”…
– Moussa Abu Marzouk, the Islamic militant group’s number two figure.
He should be allowed thread creation status here.
You are the beta boi moron!
I am your ALPHA. (pulls ylb nose ring again)!
And you HATE them right?
We revere social justice just like many Israeli Jews.
A brutal 40+ year military occupation is not just. It must end.
Our occupation of Iraq is over if you didn’t notice.
97 – Oh I get it. It’s beyond your skillz of finding it..
Too bad for your miserable friend, the asshat troll.
And this kind of thinking is relevant how??
Israelis have guns and fancy hardware up the wazoo.. And no end of U.S. support in that department..
Yet this cretin is “inspired” by other cretins with violence on their minds.
Meet me at a DL ylb. You can have the first swing.
Or are you a chicken bwawk bwawk bwawk?
Too screeeeered mental midget?
Been there, seen their unprovoked atrocities. Where is Arafat’s Hundreds of Millions in aid? Why aren’t you screaming for some one to take it out of Swiss bank accounts.
And Iran isn’t sending weaponry to Israel? Remember the exploding bus that killed the Israeli boy? I was less than 30 minutes from there you idiot. Saw the carnage on Israeli TV. Of course ylb from his armchair cheered that exploding bus. Yessiree!
Yes you are an idiot. Nose Ring and Chain jerked again.
Oh yeah it’s only bad if Republicans have Swiss Bank Accounts.
101 – LMAO!!! I’m not violent fool..
It’s funny you have violence on your mind.
Just like your buddy the asshat troll.
Like I’ve said many, many times before – I don’t care to make your acquaintance.
Mental midget??
Like this guy maybe??
And a 40+ year military occupation isn’t a “provocation”? No excuse for extreme violence but just sayin…
Maybe you should find out.. Walk in the Palestinian shoes for a while..
Are you sceeeeered??? Of course you are. HATE makes the coward.
You’re an insane liar.
One last blast from the past sealing the fool’s fate as one hopelessly in love (in a schizo way) with left-leaning thought:
Goldy, I like this blog.
Goldy, I like this blog. To attack leftist pinheads like yourself.
Nose Ring and Chain jerked again. Right on time!
Since Wasserman-Schultz is calling to see Romney’s tax returns will Wasserman-Schultz pony up her tax returns for public scrutiny?
107 – Oh to attack lefties? Just like you love UW and Group Health..
Face it dumbass…
You’re in love… Awwwwwww…
Heh.. I perceive a little mourning for the loss of the Klown and his Montana “friendo”..
Fool, you’re a lonely man indeed without your tag team partner. Awwwwwww..
Maybe you can invite one of those hit squad trolls back. You know those guys with the funny little lower/mixed case names: bJav, jon, xota,… Those guys are fun! They entertain me!
Sez you?
Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
Stupid moron!
Class warfare rolls off your fingas! Doesn’t the SEIU offer Group Health? No. Awwwwww
UW, good school, even if it is leftist leaning. Will your chillen spawn have da brains for UW? Probably not. Awwwwww
The most infamous tag team partner of the fool was MWS of course..
Oh that one was HILARIOUS!
112 — zzzzZZZZZzzzz.. Wrong on SEIU and Group Health.. Stupid wrong..
How can anything “leftist” be good? What’s your freaking purpose here then? Why do send your children to be educated by lefty leaners?
Man you are one FUCKED UP right winger!
Standard liberal attitudes.
Liberalism is a psychiatric disease!
Dumbass right wing propaganda loving is a brain damage disorder.
Notice the tool @114 realizes his spawn will be community college material so he attacks mine.
Can your spawn qualify for UW? Doubt it. Look what they have for a father.
Did you know UW is a competitive school? Wait a minute… Libtards don’t like competition. They act like Van Jones. Got to shut up or boycott the opposition.
Let us know when your spawn graduate. Tell us where they go.
Suck a feckless wonder. Still a psychiatric diseased moron since December 2004.
Oh wait a strange lying 1%er is still bundling for Obummer!
Cracks you up!
Media Morons, who knew?
The evidence is strong indeed.. Especially when the hit squad troll is female in character ..
The cretin is in ecstasy with a female tag team partner!
Here’s a thread with “allysa”:
only 5 minutes separates the cretin and his female hit squad troll tag team partner.
117 – Fool. Your kid, if he takes after your degenerate “mind”, will be a shill for the oligarchy in this country.
Nice living to be sure but a hollow soul is the price.
My kids will not choose that path if they’ve learned anything from their parents.
Sure sucks to be you dummy!
Yeah you told us your son rejects your politics. Hopefully he’ll reject your life too!
Good teenager!
Damn that crazed databaze is still failing you!
You are the dingleberry of HA.
Oh! look here..
Walker hands out payola to his lackeys while everyone else (teachers, cops, etc) gets the shaft.
Wow what a “fiscal conservative”.. It’s a good thing he’s being recalled.
Where is the proof of this? There is no proof.
Because you’re an insane liar..
LMAO!! I got 65 callouts from the cretin to MWS.
We’ll link to them all before we’re done.
I’m seeing a few callouts to “Reckless”..
LOL! We’ll link to them too.
The poor fool. I just read where he claims that homosexuality is bad because Jesus “lived” in Paul the Apostle. Jesus of course never commented on homosexuality or abortion in the Gospels. Apparently he couldn’t be bothered until he started “living” in his delegates on earth after the resurrection. Whatever..
This begs the question. Does Jesus “live” in the fool?? Apparently not that well because the fool has admitted to his “carnality”..
Heh. Indeed..
puddles links to CBN ‘news’ – that’s Christian Broadcasting Network – engaging in a typical right-wing whine of victimhood.
What is with these people?
Media Matters says…
Yeah? So? Incorrect?
Oh NOES!! Cue breathless CBN headline…
I think the Teahaddists are well on their way to destroying the ‘Christian’ brand just as they have the ‘Republican’ brand. People can only take so much aggressive stupidity and hate.
If puddles is a ‘Christian’, then sign me up for for the ‘anti-Christian’ organization!!
If the cretin is going to “heaven” to live for eternity, who in their right mind would want to share his miserable company in this place?
Eternity is a LONG TIME!
Of all the descriptions of hell I’ve ever heard, I think the worst would be being chained to puddles.
You are already a card carrying member.
This moron doesn’t even know his “place”.
Too bad this Lib moron doesn’t read or process too well
Pat Robertson’s outfit. I thought the cretin didn’t like the guy.
Search you own databaze you feckless stooge. I already found it and reposted it. How else did I know this? How did we know you were from California? How did we know you are part Mexican?
You told us dickwad!
I don’t do your bidding.
Does anyone know what he’s trying to say here? Or ever?
Criminal stupidity.
Does ylb even read the posts?
They were rewarded for outstanding performance, something you never received based on your class warfare hatred spewed here. 0.005349 or .5% of the shortfall!
I guess you never received double digit pay raises!
SUCKS to be YOU!
Idiot… Media Matters said it in their filing.
Man this “person” is really a moron.
Still looking for the poor adjective in post #67?
Not in this thread.. Not in 136 either..
Still no proof..
I don’t know how to make this more clear to a braindead pendejo like you.
I never said my son rejected my politics. NEVER. EVER… Shit he even watches the Daily Show and the Colbert Report every freaking day.
So prove me wrong. “Butt” you won’t because…
You’re an insane liar.
“Outstanding performance”.. Heh. Who has the brownest right wing nose I bet. I’m sure you’re a stellar performer there! Just look at your 31k+ comment record here.
As others got the shaft.. That’s life in a right wing “paradise”..
Nothing delights the cretin more (save for a female tag team partner) than right wing PSEUDO-CHRISTIAN bullshit:
Oh this is hilarious! Anne Coulter on what “negroes” need:
If ONLY Trayvon had been packing!
These people make me sick.
Nuge is a freaking lawbreaker.. Wow what a “conservative”..
What a nut!
A great American, William Binney, a retired NSA official and hard-core techie, blows the whistle on the shredding of our constitution:
Yes, wingnuts this situation CONTINUES TODAY under Obama. It’s an abomination.
But you’re fucking crazy if you think Romney’s any sort of solution to this insanity. Sheesh. Certainly not with that data center going up in Utah.
Is that where you were these past few months cretin?? If so, fuck you very much for your hatred of America.
Something else for our resident cretin:
140,000 pages of documents and a website to go with it.
And cretin? Condi’s right hand man said it was illegal..
Isn’t this just like a Republican?
If it was 2008, he’d blame it on Bill Clinton. ODS was just getting started then.
Ahhh yes,
ylb’s head exploded…
148 – Handwaving away his silly antics..
Holding you accountable is never going to stop fool.
Never, ever, ever..
Deal with it. Handwave away, dumbass liar..