League of American Voters – John Zogby poll Support/Oppose Obama plan, combined data for Arkansas, North Dakota and Maine
Age —- – Support/Oppose Obama Plan
Under 30 – – – — 25/65
30-49 – —- – —– 28/60
50-64 – – —- —– 41/50
Over 65 – – — — 32/55
“These results among 18- to 29-year-olds are striking. It puts in jeopardy the whole theory of the new Democratic majority, because young people are essential to that base.” – John Zogby
Wait for it… Pavlov calls it… some left-wing moron will call John Zogby a right wing bullshit poller.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
And in other news…
Is your car insurance policy 2000 pages long?
Daddy Lovespews:
Hilarious video documenting the idiocy of Palin supporters…
Daddy Love, smacking down some of the idiocy of “2000 pages”:
In other news, my car insurance policy also does not reduce the federal deficit.
Nor does it revise the United States Code.
A large proportion of those pages are the stricken-out legislation being replaced by the proposed legislative language. It’s probably about half old stuff that looks like this and half new stuff.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 So what? Obama will still be president tomorrow, and also the day after that, and for years to come. Eat shit, puke.
Daddy Lovespews:
“Big bill bad! Hulk smash!”
Daddy Lovespews:
6 RR
They talk about “the Obama plan” as if that is something that is before Congress. What a useless polling result. Who the fuck knows what people even think “the Obama plan” IS?
Heck, what we DO know is the “Boehner plan.” Don’t get sick, and if you do, die quickly.
Daddy Lovespews:
And honestly, the video I linked to is hilarious. Palin followers are saying things like “We have to get the polar bears off the endangered species list so we can drill there.”
But mostly they just say “I don’t know” to policy and issue questions. Unsurprisingly.
Daddy Lovespews:
Also re: the Senate health care bill…
Jonathan Gruber is a leading health economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who is consulted by politicians in both parties. He was one of almost two dozen top economists who sent President Obama a letter earlier this month insisting that reform won’t succeed unless it “bends the curve” in the long-term growth of health care costs. And, on that front, Gruber likes what he sees in the Reid proposal. Actually he likes it a lot.
“I’m sort of a known skeptic on this stuff,” Gruber told me. “My summary is it’s really hard to figure out how to bend the cost curve, but I can’t think of a thing to try that they didn’t try. They really make the best effort anyone has ever made. Everything is in here….I can’t think of anything I’d do that they are not doing in the bill. You couldn’t have done better than they are doing.”
Republicans couldn’t do something like this with years to produce it. Heck, they proved that. And if they hadn’t fucked around for six years cheerleading Dumbya’s useless and stupid wars instead of passing legislation to help sick people get medical care, maybe they wouldn’t be
1. Out of power.
2. Incredibly unpopular.
3. Unlikely to reverse 1 and 2.
Goldy farted “Um… putting aside the question of whether a pot grower/meth producer would want to call attention to himself by hanging a census worker and scrawling “Fed” on his chest, even that would be anti-government.”
Roger Dumb Bunny “Plenty of rightwing freaks get their jollies (after masturbating becomes boring) by farting off about assassinating Obama, overthrowing the government, exterminating liberals, etc.”
The king of lunatic thought Rujax! shits: “lostinhisownasshole. How apropos.” Yep, a really dumb cinderblock that Rujax is!
In another thread rhp6033 farted – “Given what we know so far, I’m not buying the suicide theory, without reading all of the investigative reports. So far, nothing authoritive has been posted on SmokingGun.com. Based on what we know so far, it seems that there is probably a 95% chance that this guy was murdered, for whatever reason. There might be a 5% chance that this guy volunteered for the census, went out into redneck country where people have a history of not liking government agents, and when he couldn’t find anybody willing to kill him, he disfigured himself with a sharp object, and then hanged himself in a graveyard. In other words, it may be possible, but highly unlikely.”
Well libtardos EPIC FAIL AGAIN!
Mr. Concervycalspews:
What’s the proof?
Mr. Concervycalspews:
I checked the Waxxman’s link and it is possible that he did committ suicide. But it is just as likely that he bought the insurance because he had been threatened.
One commenter stated that:
“I’m of two minds here.
On one hand, I really want to think that things haven’t gotten so bad that we have people murdering census workers because they work for the gubmint. (And then, just that this scenario is believable is scary in itself.)
On the other hand, I am not sure I can believe a local police investigation concluding that a man managed to bound his feet and hands and then hang himself in a suicide. I hope they have something other than the insurance policies as basis for their conclusion.”
Mr. Concervycalspews:
Well, Waxx, are you still as cheerful about the man’s demise?
Wow, people don’t support something that doesn’t exist. Shocking!
“Andrew Sullivan pointed his finger at “Southern populist terrorism, whipped up by the GOP and its Fox and talk radio cohorts” in a post titled “No Suicide,” which decried the “Kentucky lynching.”
When I called him and other nutroots opportunists out for exploiting the case and when I reiterated that authorities had NOT ruled out suicide, he smugly nominated me for his “Malkin Award” and wrote: “Many of the details she pooh-poohs have now been confirmed. In fact, the murder seems even grislier the more you examine it.””
How many times have HA Libtardos used Andrew Sullivan here…
right wing moron @ 17 – that right wing teabagging cult atrocity of a site has nothing to do with me fool.
Plenty to do with you though – the right wing, always projecting…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Golly Daddy Love, where is the scoring for the $250 Billion for the AMA Bribe for additional doctor Medicare payments missing from the Bill?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
always projecting
Truth… You forgot the operative word ylb arschloch… TRUTH!
Michelle got it right again and Andrew was wrong BIG TIME!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Even if that guy was a suicide (which hasn’t been proved), it’s still true that plenty of rightwing freaks get their jollies (after masturbating becomes boring) by farting off about assassinating Obama, overthrowing the government, exterminating liberals, etc.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Great work by the Obam-Mao Administration.
Business is soooo excited about the prospects in USA under Obam-Mao that now Adidas is going to move it’s NBA Jersey Factory from NY to Thailand!
The lone major sport with its roots in America could soon see its premier players dunking and driving to the hoop wearing uniforms made in Thailand, costing nearly 100 workers their jobs in upstate New York.
Go Kobe Bryant!
Kobe will pocket the dough anyway.
Thank goodness Roger, YLB and Daddy Love read Puddy’s posts so I don’t have to. Hey guys, thanks for rebutting all the all non-stop wingnut bile he spews.
Marvin Stamnspews:
3. Daddy Love spews:
Hilarious video documenting the idiocy of Palin supporters…
30. Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forget spews:
Remember this Chris Matthews moment… Still appropriate today!
After the oba-mao stimulus failed and unemployment went higher than if oba-mao dithered on the economy, rich democrats started losing money so they are turning on oba-mao.
Here’s the new chris matthews on the dithering oba-mao…
Sure, not as outraged as glenn beck but then glenn beck never got thrills up his leg listening to oba-mao like chris admitted to.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
26. Marvin Stamn spews:
23. Mr. Cynical spews:
Go Kobe Bryant!
Kobe will pocket the dough anyway.
I like it when you make fun of democrats.
Not so much when you talk about Lakers.
Remember, it’s not Kobe that is raising taxes on the middle class.
Nor was it Kobe that made up congressional districts to prove how well his stimulus worked.
I have been a Celtic fan all my life.
The Lakers make me wanna puke!
I was a Milwaukee Bucks fan in the late 60’s when Lew Alcindor played. We went to a bunch of games and in one exciting finish, my buddy ripped off Alcindor’s warm-up jacket. It was in February and we were driving out of the parking lot when he pulled it out from under his coat.
What a trophy…for a THIEF!
Marvin Stamnspews:
32. Mr. Cynical spews: 26. Marvin Stamn spews:
Not so much when you talk about Lakers.
I have been a Celtic fan all my life.
Maybe the left-wingnuts on HA should learn from this.
Trolldom is the big tent. We have all kinds of people, tall, short, some Laker fans, some Celtic fans. But we all get together despite our differences.
The democrat big tent only allows for one opinion, one view point. Group think.
Remember when veep candidate liebermann disagreed with the democrat party on ONE thing, the iraq war. So the democrats tried to out someone with only one different viewpoint.
Chris Stefanspews:
Sorry, ol’ Joe Lieberman was a douche-bag and a sanctimonious twit long before the Iraq War or even L’Affaire Lewinski. Among other things he was one of the more idiotic crusaders against violence in video games.
Nope the operative words are lies and hypocrisy – it’s been exposed here many, many times and it’s why you fiends lose where it counts – the ballot box.
Marvin Stamnspews:
34. Chris Stefan spews:
Sorry, ol’ Joe Lieberman was a douche-bag and a sanctimonious twit long before the Iraq War or even L’Affaire Lewinski.
Besides his votes on the war, could you name 5 votes that you didn’t agree with?
Among other things he was one of the more idiotic crusaders against violence in video games.
Do you feel the violence in video games has no negative effect on kids?
Have I ever asked you before… are/were you a Sonic fan and know someone named Coz?
In other news…
League of American Voters – John Zogby poll Support/Oppose Obama plan, combined data for Arkansas, North Dakota and Maine
Age —- – Support/Oppose Obama Plan
Under 30 – – – — 25/65
30-49 – —- – —– 28/60
50-64 – – —- —– 41/50
Over 65 – – — — 32/55
“These results among 18- to 29-year-olds are striking. It puts in jeopardy the whole theory of the new Democratic majority, because young people are essential to that base.” – John Zogby
Wait for it… Pavlov calls it… some left-wing moron will call John Zogby a right wing bullshit poller.
And in other news…
Is your car insurance policy 2000 pages long?
Hilarious video documenting the idiocy of Palin supporters…
In other news, my car insurance policy also does not reduce the federal deficit.
Daddy Love, smacking down some of the idiocy of “2000 pages”:
Nor does it revise the United States Code.
A large proportion of those pages are the stricken-out legislation being replaced by the proposed legislative language. It’s probably about half
old stuff that looks like thisand half new stuff.@1 So what? Obama will still be president tomorrow, and also the day after that, and for years to come. Eat shit, puke.
“Big bill bad! Hulk smash!”
6 RR
They talk about “the Obama plan” as if that is something that is before Congress. What a useless polling result. Who the fuck knows what people even think “the Obama plan” IS?
Heck, what we DO know is the “Boehner plan.” Don’t get sick, and if you do, die quickly.
And honestly, the video I linked to is hilarious. Palin followers are saying things like “We have to get the polar bears off the endangered species list so we can drill there.”
But mostly they just say “I don’t know” to policy and issue questions. Unsurprisingly.
Also re: the Senate health care bill…
And it reduces the deficit by $130 billion over ten years (link to CBO scoring dcument in article).
Republicans couldn’t do something like this with years to produce it. Heck, they proved that. And if they hadn’t fucked around for six years cheerleading Dumbya’s useless and stupid wars instead of passing legislation to help sick people get medical care, maybe they wouldn’t be
1. Out of power.
2. Incredibly unpopular.
3. Unlikely to reverse 1 and 2.
Remember when the HA Lunatics screamed and shouted over the death of Census Worker Bill Parkman
Well here it is fools…
Goldy farted “Um… putting aside the question of whether a pot grower/meth producer would want to call attention to himself by hanging a census worker and scrawling “Fed” on his chest, even that would be anti-government.”
Roger Dumb Bunny “Plenty of rightwing freaks get their jollies (after masturbating becomes boring) by farting off about assassinating Obama, overthrowing the government, exterminating liberals, etc.”
The king of lunatic thought Rujax! shits: “lostinhisownasshole. How apropos.” Yep, a really dumb cinderblock that Rujax is!
In another thread rhp6033 farted – “Given what we know so far, I’m not buying the suicide theory, without reading all of the investigative reports. So far, nothing authoritive has been posted on SmokingGun.com. Based on what we know so far, it seems that there is probably a 95% chance that this guy was murdered, for whatever reason. There might be a 5% chance that this guy volunteered for the census, went out into redneck country where people have a history of not liking government agents, and when he couldn’t find anybody willing to kill him, he disfigured himself with a sharp object, and then hanged himself in a graveyard. In other words, it may be possible, but highly unlikely.”
Well libtardos EPIC FAIL AGAIN!
What’s the proof?
I checked the Waxxman’s link and it is possible that he did committ suicide. But it is just as likely that he bought the insurance because he had been threatened.
One commenter stated that:
“I’m of two minds here.
On one hand, I really want to think that things haven’t gotten so bad that we have people murdering census workers because they work for the gubmint. (And then, just that this scenario is believable is scary in itself.)
On the other hand, I am not sure I can believe a local police investigation concluding that a man managed to bound his feet and hands and then hang himself in a suicide. I hope they have something other than the insurance policies as basis for their conclusion.”
Well, Waxx, are you still as cheerful about the man’s demise?
Wow, people don’t support something that doesn’t exist. Shocking!
Well headless@14,
Only a moron such as you would come to that conclusion. Where is the proof fool?
It’s your side who loves to jump to conclusions. Oh that’s right you have no proof… on political conjecture now proven wrong… Merry Fitzmas moron!
Just went to ylb arschloch’s favorite beautiful Filapena site.
“Andrew Sullivan pointed his finger at “Southern populist terrorism, whipped up by the GOP and its Fox and talk radio cohorts” in a post titled “No Suicide,” which decried the “Kentucky lynching.”
When I called him and other nutroots opportunists out for exploiting the case and when I reiterated that authorities had NOT ruled out suicide, he smugly nominated me for his “Malkin Award” and wrote: “Many of the details she pooh-poohs have now been confirmed. In fact, the murder seems even grislier the more you examine it.””
How many times have HA Libtardos used Andrew Sullivan here…
Hey headless,
Here is another favrit blog of HA Libtardos on the subject…
right wing moron @ 17 – that right wing teabagging cult atrocity of a site has nothing to do with me fool.
Plenty to do with you though – the right wing, always projecting…
Golly Daddy Love, where is the scoring for the $250 Billion for the AMA Bribe for additional doctor Medicare payments missing from the Bill?
Truth… You forgot the operative word ylb arschloch… TRUTH!
Michelle got it right again and Andrew was wrong BIG TIME!
@11 Even if that guy was a suicide (which hasn’t been proved), it’s still true that plenty of rightwing freaks get their jollies (after masturbating becomes boring) by farting off about assassinating Obama, overthrowing the government, exterminating liberals, etc.
Great work by the Obam-Mao Administration.
Business is soooo excited about the prospects in USA under Obam-Mao that now Adidas is going to move it’s NBA Jersey Factory from NY to Thailand!
The lone major sport with its roots in America could soon see its premier players dunking and driving to the hoop wearing uniforms made in Thailand, costing nearly 100 workers their jobs in upstate New York.
Go Kobe Bryant!
Kobe will pocket the dough anyway.
Thank goodness Roger, YLB and Daddy Love read Puddy’s posts so I don’t have to. Hey guys, thanks for rebutting all the all non-stop wingnut bile he spews.
At least this oba-mao supporter isn’t an idiot like those palin supporters are.
Wouldn’t you agree daddy love?
I like it when you make fun of democrats.
Not so much when you talk about Lakers.
Remember, it’s not Kobe that is raising taxes on the middle class.
Nor was it Kobe that made up congressional districts to prove how well his stimulus worked.
Hey Steve, where did they rebut facts? Show me Steve. Another high dose of Steve’s Stupid Solution – Raspberry Frappuccino Style.
What a tool!
merry christmas goldstein
Hey Look it’s Burqa Barbie…
What does Daily Kooks say?
What do HA Libtardos say…
Marvin@25, Puddy agrees with your use of that YouTube. It is appropriate at all Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm functions.
Remember this Chris Matthews moment… Still appropriate today!
After the oba-mao stimulus failed and unemployment went higher than if oba-mao dithered on the economy, rich democrats started losing money so they are turning on oba-mao.
Here’s the new chris matthews on the dithering oba-mao…
Sure, not as outraged as glenn beck but then glenn beck never got thrills up his leg listening to oba-mao like chris admitted to.
26. Marvin Stamn spews:
23. Mr. Cynical spews:
Go Kobe Bryant!
Kobe will pocket the dough anyway.
I have been a Celtic fan all my life.
The Lakers make me wanna puke!
I was a Milwaukee Bucks fan in the late 60’s when Lew Alcindor played. We went to a bunch of games and in one exciting finish, my buddy ripped off Alcindor’s warm-up jacket. It was in February and we were driving out of the parking lot when he pulled it out from under his coat.
What a trophy…for a THIEF!
Maybe the left-wingnuts on HA should learn from this.
Trolldom is the big tent. We have all kinds of people, tall, short, some Laker fans, some Celtic fans. But we all get together despite our differences.
The democrat big tent only allows for one opinion, one view point. Group think.
Remember when veep candidate liebermann disagreed with the democrat party on ONE thing, the iraq war. So the democrats tried to out someone with only one different viewpoint.
Sorry, ol’ Joe Lieberman was a douche-bag and a sanctimonious twit long before the Iraq War or even L’Affaire Lewinski. Among other things he was one of the more idiotic crusaders against violence in video games.
Nope the operative words are lies and hypocrisy – it’s been exposed here many, many times and it’s why you fiends lose where it counts – the ballot box.
Besides his votes on the war, could you name 5 votes that you didn’t agree with?
Do you feel the violence in video games has no negative effect on kids?
Have I ever asked you before… are/were you a Sonic fan and know someone named Coz?