– This fucking week. A large explosion in Texas has killed dozens.
– It’s the deadline for bills not related to the budget came and went this week. Now marital rape is illegal in all cases and localities can set their own speed limits sometimes.
– There’s a lot to take in about the “children and vagina’s” guy. On top of the gendered fuckery that the piece mentions, there is also the fact that he tried to say I’m just smarter than all of you despite the fact that he used the possessive for no reason. (h/t)
– I know the straw poll of the 43rd district is meaningless, but McGinn beating Ed Murray who represents the district and everyone else is indicative of something.
– And in somewhat more meaningful polls, it looks like Rodney Tom is less popular with his constituents (pdf) than he once was.
– Blair Butterworth’s memorial service is this Sunday at Town Hall.
– I can’t find anything to quote in this Lindy West piece making fun of a list-of-women-men-don’t-want-to-marry piece without the rest of the context, but it’s amazing.
Wonder if Piddles has anything to say about Paul Kevin Curtis. Why just a few short hours ago he was all in that some leftist had sent a Republican Senator some Ricin.
“I’ll take leaping at unfounded conclusions for $500, Alex.”
I have not previously seen the word ‘synecdoche’.
I guess that’s like when you guys call Rodney Tom an asshole, right?
Yup, the guy sounds like a total whackjob…angry at the government about a failed cleaning business and convinced that the government was in the for-profit body part business…and sometime Elvis impersonator.
He had sent letters to various politicians, and was incredulous that he hadn’t heard back. (!)
He was quoted…
I wonder if he believes the Earth is 6000 years old?
Nope, wrong again.
‘Synecdoche’ is the use of a term for a part to represent a whole … like calling a car ‘wheels’ or that Republican idiot in NH calling women ‘vagina’s’ (sic on the possessive).
Calling Rodney Tom an asshole is merely descriptive, because that is precisely, entirely what he is, no more, no less.
Bombshell revelation:
A majority of Americans want the government to hand them someone else’s money.
A separate question focuses more directly on these issues, finding that 52% of Americans think the government should redistribute wealth “by heavy taxes on the rich,” …
It’s like it was a call-in poll and YLB had nothing else to do that day.
Gee, if that guy from Mississippi tried to corner me and talk about his “government conspiracies”, I would also be pretty nervous and make a fast exit toward the door.
Yawwwwn.. Like in Ike Eisenhower’s day? The days when we waged cold war, build interstates and funded a lot of higher education in engineering and science to surpass the Soviets in space?
Poor Bob.. So fixated on right wing bullshit he loses perspective.. Common affliction on the right.
So by his own logic, the “children and vagina’s” guy is himself a total dick. Right?
Well, I’ve got a few of the usual people over at Sound Politics upset because I view abortion as a possible way of avoiding poverty for poor women. They have all this sympathy for the unborn complain but loudly about their taxes being used to support those out-of-wedlock births.
Isn’t it just more efficient to have abortions rather than having to pay for years of public support? Also, if the right doesn’t believe in abortions, then those righties shouldn’t have them, but leave the rest of us alone.
@ 7
Like in Ike Eisenhower’s day? The days when we waged cold war, build interstates and funded a lot of higher education in engineering and science to surpass the Soviets in space?
Yeah, back then. Back when your laziness wouldn’t have been tolerated, YLB. Not even by your own fellow liberals.
@ 9
Isn’t it just more efficient to have abortions rather than having to pay for years of public support?
Why, yes, yes it is.
In the same vein that it’s more efficient to shoot a burglar rather than having to pay for all that due process shit by holding a gun trained on him until the police arrive.
Doesn’t make it a good argument.
Hilarious.. Well you’re entitled to abandon your own argument..
@4, Lib Sci: Tom is not just an asshole. He’s actually a feces encrusted sphincter with a throbbing thrombosed hemorrhoid.
Unfortunately for the rest of us, Surgery is not scheduled until 2014.
@ 7 @ 12
You keep wanting it to be so simple, YLB. Easier to get your mind around it and it fits better into your cheerleading chant.
It isn’t.
Think effective tax rates. Think about the global options that companies have if those in the US grow too high.
It isn’t simple, YLB.
What Zotz sez.
Someone connected the dots on Piddles favorite “national security expert.” Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Wants to spy on 14-year-olds may be a little bit corrupt.
@5 Why not? The rich redistribute our money to themselves. What goes around, comes around.
@9 Better be careful over there, or you’ll get banned like me. :D
@9 Better be careful over there, or you’ll get banned like me. Disagreeing with pudge is NOT allowed. :D
I keep getting booted out of HA by a “resource limit.” Anyone else having this problem? Maybe HA is so popular it needs a bigger server.
@14 Given that many U.S. corporations pay zilch in federal income taxes, how could any other country offer them a better deal?
20) I have been getting that too.
With U.S. corporate taxes at their lowest level in 60 years, and many U.S. corporations paying nothing at all, Kap’n Krunch warns us we must be careful about raising their taxes or they may flee to some tax haven like … um … like Cyprus? Yeah, that’s where there’ll go, they’ll pull up stakes and move to fucking Cyprus! Plenty of low-wage workers and compliant banks there! And nobody pays taxes in Cyprus, which may explain why their government is so desperately broke they’ve resorted to confiscating bank deposits.
Concern trolling again. Fine. Tax the wealthy like the Northern Euro countries do.
Then we pay down the debt on those fucking wars and that useless military pork your ilk ignores
Oh by the way Bob, just did an april snapshot scrape:
% b cs -t ylb -s 201304 -c
| count |
| 135 |
1 row in set
b cs -t bob -s 201304 -c
| count |
| 208 |
1 row in set
Get to work, slacker. It helps to get the mundane shit out of the way before Glee comes on at nine which I proved here is an hour where you’re strangely absent.
21) I have read both editions of the book “Twilight of the Great Trains”(It was a journalist describing the battles of the 1960s by railroads to remove passenger trains, and of a few, save them), and the author described a quote from the president of Northern Pacific, Lois Menk, who later ran BN, in the battle to shed the Chicago-Seattle Mainstreeter. The train, despite good ridership, was the railroad’ s biggest loser. Menk said the losses it incurred ate the profits, and compromised NP’ S ability to pay taxes. I was thinking, today, his fellow CEO’ s might ask, “are you crazy?”
The railroad president was Louis Memo. I missed a letter.
Puddy commented on Kevin Curtis. Butt for you checkmate, Kevin is being discussed as an anti-guvmint Elvis Impersonator loon. Remember the HA commentary on Jared Loughner? Well it turned out he was a leftist anti-guvmint loon! And it seems Paul Kevin Curtis is another leftist anti-guvmint loon!
C H E C K – M A T E!
Oh everyone’s favorite overgrown toddler is here…
% b cs -t puddymoron -s 201304 -c
| count |
| 341 |
1 row in set
Makes Bob look like a workaholic.
@27, the last name was Menk. Still getting used to the tablet.
Oh look the unemployed moron ylb is posting when others are work! How is staying at home while others toil treating ya unemployed moron ylb?
– t terrific commentary
-s superb and factual
-c concise links
Puddy on posted 341? Wow a slow month! ROTFLRHMBBAO! Sad so sad the unemployed moron ylb tracks us!
This is going around on facebook
There should be a background check before the NRA is allowed to buy a senator
“In the same vein that it’s more efficient to shoot a burglar rather than having to pay for all that due process shit by holding a gun trained on him until the police arrive.”
Or to burn heretics at the stake rather than try to convince them that your God kicks their God’s ass.
31 – Can’t deal with the fact that you and Bob, the bobbsey trolls, have spent more time here this month than me. Typical.
And there’s a dozen days more in the month dumbass to break your record of 1336 comments – your most batshit insane month..
Keep being insane.
Well it didn’t take long for the usual trickle down Puddy’s leg.
From your link (Pundit Press? One of the 50 totally respectable news sites you read daily?):
Well there’s a picture of a Lexus with a bumper sticker. Wonder how many Elvis Impersonators with a failed cleaning business drive a $40,000 car? But Pundit Press says it’s his. Good enough for Piddles
That Sodahead screen grab? Funny, it says Curtis checked the “Didn’t vote for Obama” box?
His Twitter feed confirms him as a truther and his favorite video is Charlie Sheen’s message to Obama begging for a meeting so “as a representative of the families of 9-11” he can present evidence. (Side note, can I get a list of the families that contacted Sheen looking for representation?)
And he put this out on Facebook:
Yep, sound TOTALLY like a devoted leftist. Still trying to prove Loughner was a lefty too. Based on the claim of a high school classmate that admitted she hadn’t had any contact with him in several years once heard him say something in high school she thought were “very left-wing.”. (“I haven’t seen him in person since ’07 in a sign language class.” Catie Parker, the PROOF that Piddles relies on. Bwaaaa-ha)
No wonder you believe in intelligent design…err…creationism. Teeny little shreds of non sequitur add up to a full picture.
Uunemployed moron ylb complains:
And Puddy smacks your unemployed moron ylb’s ASS while not at work.
Thanks for playing. So many anti-leftist facts; so easy to find and so easy to post on HA!
@ 29
Makes Bob look like a workaholic.
Hell, YLB, compared with your contribution to society, Deathfrogg comes off looking like a workaholic.
37 – Bob I assume you come here like everyone else for the all-in-good-fun distraction..
I just proved that you, the “contributor”, needed it more than I did.. This month anyway
You seem to lack some confidence about the value of your role in society. Buck up dude.
So checkmate… Puddy posts FACTS which have his own words asking you to support the DUMMOCRAPTIC mayor of Tupelo and you go nutzo. You discount any site NOT APPROVED by checkmate. Why can’t a Christian leftist be upset about missing school prayer? Also did it say he voted for Romney? Man U R stupid. Sodahead?
Like Van Jones being a 9/11 Truther?
Wrong again checkmate… Loughner was a vowed satanist. His female ex-classmate called him “stupid and unintelligent”. His favorite video was flag burning. Sounds just like checkmate. All this was covered last year checkmate. You need to get with unemployed moron ylb. unemployed moron ylb has all the FACTS!
U need to man up checkmate. Your puny arguments are laughable.
Like I said. Insane. Thanks for playing.
The only insane one here is you unemployed moron ylb. Your only claim to fame is a crazed databaze, created while unemployed, hijacking Goldy’s idea. Maintained while unemployed. Has Mrs ylb win the bread and take care of the kids while he sits in his chair drinking a cold one and cruising left wrong sites all day while unemployed. Imagine the life your children could have had with a little self-ambition unemployed moron ylb.
And this moron calls Puddy insane while unemployed. Does a sane person act like unemployed moron ylb? Nope! Does a sane person put their children first? YEP! As they say, the proof is in the pudding. And your pudding is rotten to the core. Psych 101 problem with continuous projection.
Stealing the Crazy Eddie tagline… ylb… … … he’s insane. ROTFLRHMBBAO!
@ 38
You seem to lack some confidence about the value of your role in society. Buck up dude.
Well, YLB, since wealth is transferred from my tax payment to your welfare check, I think I would tend to agree with you there.
Piddles is getting EXTRA crazy today. There’s a picture of a skull, some candles and an ashtray…SATANISM!
I collect Dia De Los Meurtos folk art and I also own cadles. Guess I’m a Satanist. (And yep, I’ll laugh at you for going with Gateway Pundit.)
“(vote for) my good friend” No chance at all they were actually friends?
“Jumping to unfounded conclusions for $1500 is the daily double.”
it’s actually fun goading the unhinged nutcase out into the open. Are you still looking for the birth certificate?
@ 43
I collect Dia De Los Meurtos folk art
Sounds like you’re too embarrassed to admit you’re a Dead Head, cz.
41 – LMAO!! I got a blog post almost all ready to go on your idiot behavior on Saturday nights..
Hardly anything better describes it than insane.
And it sure isn’t putting your kids first.
Over 38,000 comments for you fool. I’ve barely cracked 24k. What a dizzy loon!
Poor unemployed moron ylb. My children are college graduates and one is in law school. Yours are what? While posting on HA Puddy was paying their college education. Only an unemployed moron keeps tabs on what people post and the quantity. Puddy will continue to post. What was unemployed moron ylb doing? Being selfish and being an unemployed moron.
All performed while being selfish and neglecting the unemployed moron ylb children. Why did you sire children if you ignore them by choosing not to improve their childhood lives unemployed moron ylb?
Can’t answer those introspective questions eh unemployed moron ylb? It would force you to be truthful for a change, not plagiarize anyone and admit you failed your children. Puddy’s children have succeed in life. One is working and the other has a summer law job at a big well-known firm, something all 2nd year law students strive for.
Sux to be unemployed moron ylb.
Getting this about every third load/refresh:
@44 Funny you mention it, I spent some time in school with Mickey Hart’s kid and JerBear’s house was on my childhood paper route.
I have never been able to smoke enough pot to make their music sound good.
Has checkmate provided any linked facts in all those rants?
Sadly not one lately. The sign of a mentally deranged lunatic. His word is all that’s needed. It’s standard MO for the ID10T!
@ 48
I have never been able to smoke enough pot to make their music sound good.
That’s because there isn’t enough pot to improve that trash.
Been a while since I’ve had a good mock.
Puddybud’s rules if evidence.
Jimmy owns Marley’s Legends and favors marijuana decriminalization. Jimmy is clearly Rastafari.
Fascist Pigsty… Probably your good friend unemployed moron ylb working on his Saturday Night Speshul Puddy Post taking up da bandwidth!
Wow Bob. You’ve been stalking me!
So tell us, Mr. all-seeing klownservative. What welfare check do I get?
TANF? Any form of housing assistance? Not that my mortgage is any more expensive than the typical rental even with taxes and insurance. SFA?
Once before I denied getting SNAP.. Still don’t get SNAP. If I got anything else why would I not get SNAP?
Shit as I’ve cited many times, SNAP is all the rage with Republicans these days.
You have any concerns with those welfare slacker Republicans Bob? Do they hamper in any way your self-confidence in your role as a contributor to society?
Well if I’ve guessed wrong at your all-seeing prowess, I can understand why you’re so confused. Your fellow bobbsey troll was confused as well. To this day he can’t handle the arithmetic involved..
Must be a common affliction on the right.
Puddybud’s rules of evidence.
Mary goes to Yoga class on Saturdays. Mary doesn’t eat beef as she’s a vegetarian.
Clearly Mary is Hindu.
NtfF nailed it down just recently.. Did you notice?
Poor Puddyasswipe.. You can’t process this can you?
A decent human being would be happy for them all political differences aside. You?
Heh.. Stuck..
Still waiting for links not your blather; the sad sign of a deranged mind.
% b cs -t puddymoron -c
| count |
| 37935 |
1 row in set
Add 341 and change more to that!
% b cs -t ylb -c
| count |
| 23992 |
1 row in set
Heh.. Like I said. Insane. Thanks for playing.
As long as you’re so internet savvy and obsessed with the database, I posted those links when we all debunked your Loughner BS in 2011. Or you could use the Google. Only you are stupid enough to keep trying the same “evidence” two years after all the non-insane have dismissed it as supposition at best, pure Beck-Crap at best.
Puddybud’s rules of evidence:
I know all the words to Hava Nagila. I think Hebrew National are the best tasting mass-market Franfurters.
Clearly I am Jewish.
BTW, the problem for me is the re-direct. If I use the drop down or a bookmark from the old horsesass.org which I’ve been far too lazy to change, you don’t get in. If I directly go to haseattle.com, no problem.
Puddy’s rules of evidence, special county/rap edition:
Brad is driving a truck down the street. The radio is playing Leonard Skynard. Clearly Brad is a Redneck.
Our national agenda is based on a paper using an error in a spreadsheet.
That was the substance of an NPR story yesterday evening. I seems that a couple of economists published a paper saying that countries with the highest debt – to GNP ratio had the lowest job growth. The probem is, their spreadsheet showing their final calculations had a flaw – it excluded the five nations with the highest debt-to-GNP ratio and the the highest growth rates.
They took their conclusions to Congress, and received a sympathetic audience in early 2009 in a meeting with 40 mostly Republican Senators. they argued that it was imperitive to act immediately to lower the debt in order to not endanger the job growth rate for decades to come. Thus the “deficit is the problem” mantra from the Republicans was born.
But don’t expect them to change their tune now that the study has been discredited.
unemployed moron ylb @55,
Questions waiting for you @46.
Wait for it…
@55. Thanks for the references. Glad you liked them. They were meant for the adults on the board.
I rarely read or respond to puddy. It wouldn’t matter what I posted, if I didn’t agree with puddy, he’d call me some clever-in-his-head name and insult me. Why bother? Life is too short to interact much with that person/bot/performance art project/alternate personality.
I do find it disturbing that both Puddy and Serial Conn so often attack the victim of their wrath’s kids, work status or sexual practices. If they are representative of conservatives, I want nothing to do with the group.
@60. That’s sad. I don’t see Republicans changing course. They have too much invested in the idea of Austerity.
The report was convenient because it “proved” what they wanted to do, now that it’s not accurate, it is irreverent, and they will continue to do what they want to do.
Really Fascist Pigsty? Let’s set the record straight Fascist Pigsty… Puddy talks about his children on this site all the time. Puddy proud of his children. Remember Fascist Pigsty unemployed moron got upset my sons don’t like unions.
Wait for it…
Puddy been asking unemployed moron ylb why he chooses to neglect his children while spending all his time viewing left wrong web sites INSTEAD OF GETTING A JOB! That’s a LEGITIMATE question. A parent’s job is to nurture, cherish, and improve their child’s life; i.e., make it better than theirs. Puddy and Mrs Puddy have done that. Puddy works long hours to ensure my children have a better life. We have ample evidence of unemployed moron ylb posting all day every day during the day. Puddy has it on great evidence unemployed moron ylb told HA peeps on a Drinking Libtard night he’s unemployed. So how would Puddy know that Fascist Pigsty? unemployed moron ylb has not gotten a job. The evidence is very clear. Look at the times unemployed moron posts. unemployed moron claims a modest income from Mrs SEIU. unemployed moron claims they pay taxes. Yeah, house, gas, internet, etc. Prolly small income taxes. She works so unemployed moron ylb can post on this blog.
Sux to be you two!
Yep, that’s his MO.. Wise course to ignore the Pudster.. We probably should all do the same just like we did with JCH and Klake back in the day.
Yeah this was really creepy..
He’s just so… repellent..
And why should I respond to questions from a pathological liar?
@60 Now wasn’t that an interesting little coincidence? Those guys just happened to shop their study to the GOP leadership at the moment in time that they were looking for anything convenient to pin on the Horrible Fascist Dark-Skinned Muslim from Kenya. All of a sudden it became almost plausible to declare that the deficits that “didn’t matter” when they were their deficits paying for corporate welfare and the Dumbest War In History were actually the Great Horror of the New Millenium when they became his deficits. The really cool part is that unlike the stuff about Saddam’s weapons-of-mass-somethingorother, the books were already pre-cooked.
Oh Puddy scared…. Puddy wouldn’t acknowledge where Puddy copied a post. Big deal unemployed moron ylb. unemployed moron ylb, you are a pathological plagiarizer and Puddy was the one to catch you plain and simple.
See ya!
From wiki:
Plagiarism is the “wrongful appropriation” and “purloining and publication” of another author’s “language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions,” and the representation of them as one’s own original work.
When did I ever do that? Lying again..
That wasn’t the point of my link. It was your creepy designs on my kid based on a distorted fantasy you have of his political views. What a scumbag.. I’ll be back on Friday or Saturday to post my investigation of your Saturday night lunacy.
@ 60, 63
Not quite. A couple of entries were missing. The study was based on median, not mean data.
The study conclusions changed very little.
The response can be found on the Wall Street Journal’s website. They do concede the Excel mistake, which they called a “regrettable slip” that they will fix. But they defend their work, saying it doesn’t impact in a “significant way” their findings.
Here’s their response link:
There’s not a material change in their conclusions.
Did I-502 have a spillover effect on the other side of the 49th? Looks like a majority supports legalization on the other side of the Peace Arch too. I think it was the NDP that looked the other way, with B.C. Bud.
The FBI has released photos of persons of interest/suspects in the Boston Marathon Bombing.
Lying again unemployed arschloch plagiarizer?
Do you want Puddy to replay the thread, the time and the link you hijacked it from. First you better check your crazed databaze. Hint… check before 2007! It was a post from Daily Kooks!
You really want to be embarrassed again Clueless?
That’s pretty amazing. I haven’t the time to look at the response but if they are really saying, “Now that the spreadsheet doesn’t in any way show what we said it did we still stand by our conclusions” that is major league cajones.
but they still don’t address the weighting problem. Why does New Zealand matter exactly the same as the UK? I’m tempted to use a poll bias joke here.
Its a similar tack as when people say the US economy is like Greece. Well except that U.S. GDP is several orders of magnitude larger AND Greece’s trade deficit is 6.6% while the U.S. is about 3.2%, but other than that GREECE AND AMERICA ARE EXACTLY THE SAME!
Today’s Brain Teaser
“A woman has been jailed after she allegedly attacked her male roommate with an ax and hammer Wednesday night in Seattle’s Wallingford neighborhood.
“The victim told police that the incident near North 50th Street and Stone Way started when his 53-year-old roommate started yelling at him and his girlfriend while they were inside his bedroom. …
“Seattle Police Department spokesman Jeff Kappel said officers don’t know why she attacked her roommate.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Okay, let’s see if we can help the cops solve this case. Anyone got any bright ideas about why this woman might be upset with her roommate?
Did you find it yet clueless unnemployed moron ylb arschloch? Puddy wants the embarrassment to be P E R F E C T!
@71 Yeah, never mind the economy of every country that has adopted austerity policies is in the shithouse, that’s just a minor spreadsheet error too.
According to wingnut theology, less spending causes economic expansion.
@ 78
the economy of every country that has adopted austerity policies is in the shithouse
You might as well say that because everyone who just got out of bankrupcty has very little left and needs to start over, the real problem was that some horrible entity made them stop spending far more than they had. It’s the same rationale.
@80 That explanation of why austerity economies are tanking strikes me as incomplete.
But I would like to ask you, Bob, where you were when Bush and the GOP Congress were spending like drunken sailors with a stolen credit card? I don’t recall you complaining about it then.
Ahhh yes, the clueless unemployed moron is searching the unemployed moron ylb crazed databaze… that’s why the unemployed moron ylb has posted. All can see Puddy doesn’t attack attack attack with the “presumed” hatred HA leftist love to throw out.
Puddy waiting unemployed moron ylb!
The theology of austerity has never stopped wingnuts from giving taxpayer money to their friends or spending billions to kill foreigners in their own countries and villages.
Puddy guesses Roger@83 is speaking from experience when LBJ was in da whitey house.
Interesting, in Chicago, a man was sentenced for punching a METRA conductor, after a dispute over a fare. The guy had spent his money drinking at a Cubs game, and did not have the proper fare. It’s a dangerous job, and the type of coach METRA uses, could have made the injuries worse or fatal. METRA
Uses an older type of coach, called a gallery car. The upper deck is designed so the conductor can check tickets without going upstairs, hence the name. Six months periodic imprisonment, two years probation, 150 hours community service, seems about right, especially when you read the judge’s comments.
METRA is the regional commuter rail operation that serves the six counties in and around Chicago, with a stop or two in Wisconsin.The service was taken over from the railroads in the seventies and eighties, although UP predecessor Chicago and Northwestern still made money off it in the sixties.
@84 They were drafting fathers when I enlisted, so because I volunteered, some dad got to stay home with his kids. Give me all the guff you want to about that. Btw, what was your military service?
I know puddle likes to leave wet spots all over this blog, but I never thought he’d stoop to bashing Vietnam veterans. It appears I overestimated him. Hey puddle, why don’t you come right out and call me a “baby killer,” because I know you’re thinking it. What a jerk.
Where do you get off you jackASS? Fuck you DUMB Wabbit. Is Vietnam in Puddy’s post? Another of your wild ASS ASSertions with no proof. Where has Puddy bashed Vietnam vets? Such a useless ASSHole. Puddy makes fun of John Effin Kerry because he’s a buffoon. You claimed to be rear echelon. Therefore Puddy made fun of you DUMB Wabbit.
??? That’s what your ilk called you when you came back… DUMMOCRAPTS called Vietnam vets baby killers. They are now the Bernadine Dohrns and the Bill Ayers of today DUMB Wabbit.
BTW Puddy volunteered too. The Navy said my knee defect put me out. Puddy explained this long ago on HA DUMB Wabbit. Too bad senility is taking your mind away!
It was you who made silly assertions about 15 deaths in Texas.
In the Drinking Libtards thread Roger the Weally DUMB Wabbit makes a political attack against Texas Governor Rick Perry regarding the tragedy of 15 people dying in a fertilizer explosion. It’s the lack of safety inspectors the Weally DUMB Wabbit claimed. That’s Weally sick Weally DUMB Wabbit!
Puddy went back through the HA archives (using Google of course) and did not find a similar political attack on Guvnur Queen Gregoire during a similar tragedy of five people dying in the Anacortes Tesoro Oil Refinery explosion. In that case it couldn’t be the lack of safety inspectors because we all know the Weally DUMB Wabbit would have told us, right?
Maybe the unemployed moron ylb can save the Weally DUMB Wabbit’s ASS by proving Puddy wrong. Puddy not worried about that outcome!
Not only is the DUMB Wabbit a jackASS, he has no sympathy for those who died. The Weally DUMB Wabbit is just like Lib da Schmucko, everything is held through the lens of politics; no matter the circumstances or the number of deaths involved in the tragedy.
That’s today’s HA libtard. P R I C E L E S S!
You seem to forget the horseSHIT you post DUMB Wabbit. You claimed only Republicans spend on wars. Puddy proved you wrong again with FACTS! No wonder you react viscerally to FACTS! You were never confronted with facts during your law career!
How do we get the private sector to start spending? It’s obvious that Benanke’s stuff isn’t working.
@88 “Where has Puddy bashed Vietnam vets?”
In #84.
“the Bernadine Dohrns and the Bill Ayers”
Are not, and never were, my “ilk”. The closest I ever came to their ilk was when a local group of domestic terrorists planted a bomb at a state building I worked in.
From 84,
I think he was talking about Iraq and Afghanistan, not Vietnam.
@88 “Not only is the DUMB Wabbit a jackASS, he has no sympathy for those who died.”
Man, piddle is really on a roll in #88; I must have hit a sensitive nerve. I wonder if he got rabies somewhere? Got bit by a bat, or something?
@92 Well, that’s piddle’s M.O.; when I brought up the subject of Republicans’ expensive military adventures, he jumped on LBJ and Vietnam to say, in effect, “Democrats do it, too!”
The problem is, Vietnam was not Iraq, and vice versa. LBJ was confronting Soviet communism. When he committed troops to Vietnam, the Cuban missile crisis and Berlin Wall were fresh memories. And the Republicans of his time certainly did their share of contributing to a climate in America of militant opposition to the spread of communism into Southeast Asia. They went for that war whole hog, too; and in the end, it was Democrats who questioned it, and a Republican president who kept America in the Vietnam War for another four years. The majority of American casualties in Vietnam occurred during Nixon’s presidency.
The 2003 invasion of Iraq is a totally different story. That was a war started by the U.S. under a Republican administration, ginned up with false evidence of WMDs, against a country that had not attacked or even threatened us. Saddam was an odious thug, to be sure, but he had nothing to do with 9/11/01. Our enemy was in Afghanistan. Getting rid of Saddam inarguably was a good thing, but it wasn’t necessary in terms of our national interests, was waged incompetently, and it cost over 4,000 American lives, tens if not hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, and more than $1 trillion of American taxpayers’ money. One can reasonably ask whether those lives and that money was wasted. (The Busheviks told so many lies about that operation that many people now forget one of their whoppers was that Iraqi oil would pay for the war. It didn’t. American taxpayers got stuck with the bill.)
Our friend puddy is trying to draw a parallel between Vietnam and Iraq. I don’t think that parallel exists. George W. Bush was no LBJ, and even if he was, that wouldn’t be saying much; but the sad truth is he makes LBJ look good, or at least better. Vietnam was a waste, but Iraq was an even less justifiable waste, and puddy is piddling into the wind by claiming, in effect, that if Bush was a wastrel, LBJ was a worse wastrel. That’s simply not true.
@90 “How do we get the private sector to start spending? It’s obvious that Benanke’s stuff isn’t working.”
Write off lots of debt. If we don’t, we’ll spend 20 years deleveraging. Consumers can’t pay debt and spend at the same time.
Really Roger? Do you need to have Puddy regurgitate the parallels posted over the years on HA? Are you really that stupid?
Dohrn and Ayers… Love Obummer
Roger Rabbit … Loves Obummer
Where have you previously condemned Dohrn and Ayers on HA Roger?
Therefore same ilk dude! Case closed. Oh that worthless baby killer rant… Those people are Obummer’s biggest cheerleaders… just like you on HA…
Seems the transitive mathematics property holds true here! Or is it the Pythagorean theorem that fits here. Who cares. Y’all think alike on Obummer. That’s all that matters. Never read you condemning the organizations Dorhn and Ayers were members of on HA Roger. Otherwise Puddy would not have used that analogy!
Puddy doesn’t like Obummer. Puddy definitely doesn’t like Ayers and Dohrn.
There is seldom anything we agree on except abortion. Puddy has stated all Puddy’s reasons forever here.
Nuff said sucka. Come back with a better argument!
Regarding Texas, 15 people died and you make a stupid political statement. Demonstrates to all you have no sympathy for anything or anyone.
Facts like:
[cue up the Banjo Music, Puddy is declaring his superiority!]
Sometimes, when reading comments by Puddy, Yakety Sax starts playing in my head.
Man, what happened to unemployed loser moron ylb. Must be he can’t find when he plagiarized. Puddy even gave him hints. MUST BE THAT CRAZED DATABAZE HAS FAILED AGAIN!
Gotta go. Realy early morning in the morning!
#97 gives us a pretty good picture of how the poster at #96 sees parallels.
@97 “Where have you previously condemned Dohrn and Ayers on HA Roger?”
You’re really stretching things tonight, piddle — you sound desperate. More times than I can remember. Someone more adept with computer technology than me might be able to come up with a count.
@98 “Regarding Texas, 15 people died”
Actually, authorities haven’t said how many people died, because they don’t know.
From 95,
I don’t think our creditors will allow us to simply write-off all of those government bond obligations. They want to be paid on time and with the agreed-upon interest paid along with the return of principal.
An Armed Society Is A Polite Society Dep’t
“Police and the FBI have responded to reports of gunshots on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge …. They have surrounded and cordoned off … Building 32, as police consider the situation still active.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not to worry, would-be shooters, the GOPers defeated background checks so you’ll still be able to get guns and wreak mayhem!
Also, writing off debt creates reduced taxes paid by the lenders that write off the debts owed to them. It’s also considered a taxable event for those whose debt has been forgiven.
@104 I wasn’t referring to government debt. Government debt isn’t keeping consumers from spending. (If you think it is, please explain how, because I’d like to know so I can factor it into my investing decisions.)
From 107,
Yes, I knew you were talking about non-government debt. I was just pulling your chain.
But simply writing off consumer and mortgage debt is like saying, “If you don’t want to pay back your loans, it’s OK because the lenders won’t mind.” Somehow, I think they will mind a great deal!
If one thing comes out of this whole mess, I hope it’s the message that borrowing money (for whatever reason) creates an obligation to repay to money according to the terms of the loan agreement. People should recognize there is responsibility when borrowing money.
Shrug.. Serve it up asshole..
Before 2007? You mean 2006? The days of MWS?
Nothing “embarassing” about a miserable dumbass circle jerking his own sock puppet.
Oh and in the same thread!!!!
Wear it with pride you insane fool. Please find something I’ve done that’s “pathological” like your batshit insanity.
Clearly, Puddy’s in need of a lesson in basic mathematics. My 12 yr old daughter could explain this, but she’s busy reading.
Transitivity is a property of mathematical operators, like “<," as applied to things. If Don Joe is smarter than Puddy, and Roger Rabbit is smarter than Don Joe, then Roger Rabbit is smarter than Puddy.
Puddy's argument doesn't involve transitivity. In Puddy's argument, two different things are considered equal because they share a common property. To see how well this works, consider baseballs and basketballs. Both are round, but baseball's are much harder to dribble than basketballs.
In fact, we can think of a ball that is similar to a basketball in every respect–size, color, weight, etc.–but without the same kind of bounce. The particular way that a basketball bounces is a defining attribute of what it means to be a basketball. So, even if this ball shares every other attribute with a basketball except for the way that basketballs bounce, then it wouldn't be a basketball.
Puddy's attempt to equate Roger Rabbit with Bernadine Dohrn and William Ayers is like saying that baseballs and basketballs are the same because they're both round.
And, yes, Puddy's reasoning is so pathetically bad that my 12 yr old daughter can spot the flaw in seconds.
Puddy said, "Come back with a better argument!" Puddy should put more effort into coming up with a reasonable argument in the first place. Frankly, I don't think Puddy can. Puddy's just too stupid.
@90, @106 You asked what it would take to get consumers to start spending. I gave a factual answer to that question, with no value judgments attached.
A young person saddled with $100,000 of student debt isn’t going to start a family, buy a home, or finance a new car.
An underwater homeowner won’t be financing any consumer purchases for a long, long time.
An unemployed worker buried in credit card debt isn’t a consumer anymore.
If corporations can go “bankrupt” to tear up union contracts and pension obligations without going out of business for a single day, why can’t indebted individuals use bankruptcy for its original intended purpose?
America is about risk-taking. The concept of “risk” includes the fact that a certain number of business ventures will fail, a certain percentage of debts will not be repaid, and so on. Bad debt is a normal cost of doing business and always has been. It’s usually included in prices of goods and services. No one benefits from keeping bad debt on the books.
@109 This country has never been the same ever since they emptied the asylums into the streets to save money.
From 110,
Can you loan me $1,000,000? I won’t pay it back, but I’d sure appreciate it?
111 – Heh. Good one..
@ 112
“Can you loan me $1,000,000?”
You’re an idiot. Either you really have no understanding of the concepts of risk and reward, or you think you’re being funny. In either case, you’re an idiot.
Yesterday, after the news of the fire and explosion in Texas broke, I went looking for a comparable example. I thought that the Ozark Hotel Fire was the most fatal, but was wrong. IT was the Frye Meat Packing plant fire, caused by the crash of the B-29 prototype. 32 lost their lives in that fire, including everybody on the plane,and 1Seattle firefighter.
The cop died. If only there’d been a trained and armed good person with a gun there to stop the bad person with a gun.
I meant comparable local example. Thanks for the info on the Texas City Disaster, though.
Because those very same corporations(and a handful of 1%’er) own both the consumer debt, the banks, and much of the government.
@108 “If you don’t want to pay back your loans, it’s OK because the lenders won’t mind.”
I didn’t say that, and that’s not a reasonable inference from what I did say. Anyone who’s read a news story in the last 5 years knows we’re in a debt crisis. Of course you don’t write off all debts; you write off debts that can’t be repaid. What happens in a debt crisis is bad debt gets nationalized. It migrates from private financial institutions to government central banks and dies there. That’s what’s happening here, and it’s what’s happening in Europe. When bad debt overwhelms the private credit system, the sovereign takes it over in order to purge it from the system, so it doesn’t drag down the economy. That process is well under way for bad mortgage debt. It hasn’t even started for bad student debt, but it will, because the drag on the economy of a trillion dollars of student debt is more than the economy can bear. We have people in their thirties living with their parents. Unless they can get jobs and a fresh start, they will never be producers or consumers of anything.
@110 “Puddy’s attempt to equate Roger Rabbit with Bernadine Dohrn and William Ayers is like saying that baseballs and basketballs are the same because they’re both round.”
It’s more like saying a softball and a plutonium bomb core are the same because they’re both round and about the same size.
@113 “Can you loan me $1,000,000?”
No. You’re not creditworthy. My investigation of your application reveals you have no intention of paying it back.
@117 Yeah, I saw that on MSNBC a few minutes ago. A sad day for the MIT community.
@119 That one was equivalent to a 2.3kt nuclear bomb. Fertilizer is powerful stuff.
125) can’t tell if this is related to Monday’s tragedy or not. Either way, a suspect is in custody.
I flipped by FOX for a second, even they, as of now, are reporting that the FBI is saying too early to tell, if it is related to Monday’s tragedy.
MSNBC reports:
“Police, federal agents and even National Guardsmen descended on Boston suburb where there were reports of violence, gunshots and two loud booms Thursday night into early Friday morning — all following the fatal shooting of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer. The large law-enforcement presence gathered in Watertown, Mass, just a few miles from the shooting on MIT’s Cambridge campus, where two men had reportedly shot at police officers. The Watertown scene was marked by reports of rapid gunfire and explosions.
WNBC’s Jonathan Dienst said FBI and local police were looking for a connection between the Boston Marathon bombs and the incidents in Watertown and MIT. ‘Dozens and dozens’ of federal agents had been dispatched to the crime scenes.”
“Local resident Andrew Kitzenberg described a police standoff outside his house, where two shooters and police engaged in gunfire for a several minutes. The gunmen used ‘bombs that looked like grenades,’ Kitzenberg told NBC News. Kitzenberg said when he looked out the window he saw two people taking cover between a black Mercedes SUV and a sedan and watched them shooting 70 or 80 yards toward six Watertown police vehicles. ‘They engaged in gunfire for a few minutes,’ Kitzenberg said. ‘They were also utilizing bombs, which sounded and looked like grenades, while engaging in the gunfight. They also had what looked like a pressure-cooker bomb.’ He said the pair took cover behind the Mercedes SUV and were shooting westward toward the police officers. They also had backpacks.”
Pete Williams has not been quick to jump on the bandwagon this week, so I will give him the benefit of the doubt. Still, his conclusion is based on the data they have.
“Not yet definitive”is what Dienst is adding,but visual and physical evidence.
From Fox News:
“BREAKING NEWS: Police in Watertown, Mass., reportedly were searching for a heavily armed suspect who may have been involved in the shooting death of an MIT police officer after reportedly taking another suspect into custody early Friday. Police and federal authorities were investigating if the suspects are possibly tied to the Boston Marathon bombing. WCBV-TV said the suspects threw and detonated explosives during a car chase with police. … An FBI official told Fox News early Friday that one person was in custody and an officer was down but said it was too early to tell if the police activity in Watertown or the MIT shooting were related to the Boston Marathon bombing.”
WCVB-TV in Boston is reporting these are the Boston Marathon bombing suspects; one is dead and the other is still at large; the MIT shooting is believed related and another police officer has been wounded.
Live coverage from a Boston TV station here:
What we know now: Two men robbed a 7-11 store, then shot and killed an MIT police officer in his car, then carjacked a Mercedes SUV, threw explosive devices from the vehicle while being chased by police, then engaged in a shootout with police in which Suspect #1 was killed and another police officer was critically wounded, and police teams are currently searching for Suspect #2.
It’s daybreak in Watertown, MA, where police are searching for Marathon bombing Suspect #2, who is still at large and believed to be on foot.
Suspect #1 was killed in a shootout with police, and apparently was dead at the scene, but was transported to a hospital. The ER doctor who worked on him said he had multiple gunshot wounds and blast injuries.
No ID on the suspects, although a police official giving a press briefing said they “came here” to kill people, suggesting they may be from out of country.
MIT has cancelled Friday classes.
137)have you seen what the people making comments on news stories on Facebook. Seems, since they don’t need to confirm first, they know more than reporters and the police officials. The police official said at the briefing that one suspect was light-skinned or Caucasian.
They have now shut down the whole MBTA, all modes, as a precaution.
@139 I’m sure that’s to keep the suspect from escaping from the area via public transit.
@138 I don’t use Facebook.
WCVB-TV, Boston, is reporting police have a person in custody, but no confirmation it’s the suspect.
Also for the safety of the riders. Remember, Remembei mentioned that the Green line is the most heavily ridden light rail line in the US, over 200,000 riders a day.
As for Facebook,good point. I use it for a few sites of my hobby, and got family in different states.
Police bomb squad are checking out a “suspicious device.”
Bombing Suspects Identified As Russians From Chechnya
Associated Press reports the Boston Marathon bombing suspects are Russians from the Chechnya area who have been in the U.S. about one year. There has been a very brutal war in Chechnya between the Russian government and Chechnyan separatists. An ABC reporter just said there is a link between Chechnyan terrorist groups and Al Qaeda.
Pete Williams on NBC said that they might be possibly Turkish or Chechen, if it is the latter, it could fit the bill of Caucasian. (Caucuses mountains) My problem with the speculators I mentioned, is they jumped to conclusions, and with the help of the press, already ruined one person.
Putin at least has some explaining to do. By the way, any Russians participating in the Marathon?
Summary of Stunning Overnight Developments
HAers who went to bed last night will wake up to shocking headlines.
The Boston Marathon bombing was committed by two teenaged Russians from Chechnya with high probability this was an Al Qaeda operation.
Last night, they robbed a 7-11 store, then killed a 26-year-old MIT campus police officer, then carjacked a Mercedes SUV, freed the driver, then fought police in a shootout that left a 30-year-old transit police officer (who has a wife and 3-month-old baby) critically wounded and one of the bombers dead. That suspect died from gunshot, blast, and shrapnel injuries.
The other suspect fled the shootout scene and police are searching for him.
Further clarification on the Al Qaeda connection: AQ has training camps in Chechnya and is known to recruit young Russians who are Caucasian in appearance and can blend in with Americans. These guys were in the U.S. about a year. So what we have here is a sleeper cell carrying out an Al Qaeda attack.
Further clarification on the Al Qaeda connection: AQ has training camps in Chechnya and is known to recruit young Russians who are Caucasian in appearance and can blend in with Americans. These guys had paramilitary training and spent 1 or 2 years in the U.S. before the attack. So they were a sleeper cell that carried out an Al Qaeda attack.
WCVB-TV reports the suspects told the carjack victim (who was released unhurt) they were the Marathon bombers.
@146 They are Russians from Chechnya working for Al Qaeda.
151)Biggest mistake.
Whatever they call the KGB now, wonder if they knew? Then again, we are not on speaking terms with them.
This was the story I was mentioning the Facebook commenters were talking about.
@154 That FB post says the bombers are brothers.
Later in the Buzzfeed article, they mentioned the missing student. A week of wild goose chases, with everybody blaming everybody domestic and foreign. The comments I had been talking about were from people posting on various Facebook articles for news organizations like MSNBC, NBC, and CBS.
AMTRAK has suspended all services north of Providence, I guess that also includes the isolated Boston-Portland Downeaster as well.
Looks like police just took a woman into custody on the street where one of the bombers had an apartment.
More on the mistaken identity that reddit users were sending around the internet.
Well, looks like MSNBC and Salon got their wishes. White guys.
That’s how y’all will spin this, right?
Oh, yeah. Almost forgot.
Muslim, too.
@160 We can always count on Bob to be … Bob.
Well, it looks like the surviving suspect either slipped through the dragnet or got into a hiding hole, and it’s going to take a while to find him. I’ve been up all night following this story and it doesn’t look like anything will happen soon, so I’m calling it a night. Bob will have to jerk off without an audience until putz shows up.
@ 162
Maybe he’s heading to his militia hideout in rural Michigan.
Sure seems like he’s clinging bitterly to his guns and his religion.
What a wonderful day for the left this will be /sarc. NPR now talking about Islam and Al Queda, not about the Second Amendment. Not a good sign.
It’s amazing how Puffy can make post after post, and not one has any value.
White dude’s YouTube page:
Who’s Allah?
Reuters headline:
Boston suspect’s web page venerates Islam, Chechen independence
Do I hear Chris Matthews crying?
RR @113:
Yes, they do. By keeping all those people you mentioned enslaved by debt, the rentiers create a class of serfs from whom they perpetually steal the products of their labor.
How does last night make any sense, except as a provocation for suicide-by-cop?
Say these two did the bombing Monday…mission accomplished. What do you do if you want to survive to kill another day, or carry on the revolution, or kill the American satan or the tax man? I would think get outta town ASAP as quitely as possible – get a car (quietly), hop a train, whatever.
These two rob a 7-11, kill a cop and hijack a Mercedes.
They seem to be begging to be hunted down and killed in a big conflagration. I hope all the law enforcement folks are being VERY careful for traps and triggers and such.
I have to say, I love when cheapshotBob drops the mask and shows us his true colors – none of that namby-pamby “I make you think, you make me think” shit he started out here with, but rather when he embraces the full-on Muslim-baiting, climate-change-denying asshole that he is down deep.
I love that. More please.
From kos, not sure the attribution…
Sounds like a suicide mission.
168) As I said,everybody speculated on this, on all sides.
@ 167
How does last night make any sense, except as a provocation for suicide-by-cop?
You’re 19. Your brother is 23. By your his own admission your big brother doesn’t have any American friends and likely doesn’t have a good understanding of a lot of what goes on in this country.
All of a sudden there’s your photograph on Boston TV and everyone in the city will have crosshairs trained on you.
Seems less suicidal that way. More survivalist. You know – like the guys you wanted to believe were responsible.
@ 168
…but rather when he embraces the full-on Muslim-baiting…
Well, I’ll admit to wanting the opposite of what Slate’s David Sirota wanted.
I didn’t want it to be a white American-born male.
Because if it wasn’t, it wouldn’t change your hatred of white American-born males. You just wouldn’t have any more reason for it.
So while Sirota was praying it was domestic, I was really hoping it wasn’t.
Cheer up, Lib Sci. You can cling to the skin color being what you wanted. You’ve always got the weapon of race to turn to, don’t you?
@ 171
26, apparently. Not 23. Mea culpa.
Also going around is the rumor that the Saudi National questioned on Monday was being deported. That is not true, the rumor mill confused him for another student being held on a visa violation.
I would love to see a quote from Bill Ayers this morning.
You keep beating that drum, bobbyh, but nobody takes you seriously, though I guess that’s never stopped you before. Just cheapshot being cheapshot, I guess.
Will also be interesting to see how Senator Rubio handles the events of the past hours as he continues to guide the immigration bill through the Senate.
Maybe it will cause another hearing to be granted.
Although time’s a’wastin’. They’re already gonna spend two full afternoons on the topic.
Taking your word for it (a dicey prospect, I acknowledge), David Sirota opined that he hoped the perp was a white guy. You admit that you hoped the perp “wasn’t” – you were hoping the perp was a dude of color.
Quite revealing bobby, though I suppose you don’t grasp that.
Sirota, knowing his politics, was likely motivated for a white perp to avoid more brown-bashing from your side, cheapshot, the vicious right-wing race haters.
You’re hopeful, by your own admission, for a brown perp so as to take the heat off white supremacists and the good ole boys in their bunkers that hate our democratic government.
You’re being especially transparent these days, bobby.
I want to unpack that some more…this is fun!
Where have I ever expressed a hatred of ‘white American-born males’? I am one, after all.
Now, perhaps, in cheapshot’s paranoid greed-driven mind, my openly expressed skepticism of our system, in which while males are systematically advantaged equates somehow with the hatred he posits.
Or perhaps it’s my disgust at the neofeudal economics that his side relentlessly promotes – the side of white males, in cheapshot’s estimation – where more and more wealth and power is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands (hands that are almost invariably white and male). The corollary being that those that are disadvantaged most in this system bobbyh loves tend to be women, children and people of color.
Maybe he’s going to call me a ‘race traitor’ between his sneering accusations of racism?
(Such a contradiction wouldn’t negatively impact the coherence of his ‘argument’ after all – only highlight the essential absurdity of it.)
@ 178
You admit that you hoped the perp “wasn’t” – you were hoping the perp was a dude of color.
That’s not what I said. I said I hoped he wasn’t a white American male.
If he was an IRA member he probably wouldn’t have been a white American male. He still very likely would have been white.
Nice try, Lib Sci. Don’t forget that George Zimmerman is a ‘dude of color’, too.
Feel free to continue misrepresenting what I said. I’m sure your children have seen you misrepresent facts on countless occasions. Teach them well, Lib Sci.
CheapshotBob, defender of the white male.
I love it.
There you go with my children, again.
What is with you and invoking my children in your smarmy posts?
It’s really, really creepy, bobbyh.
When was the last time the IRA detonated a bomb? In the US?
Puh-leez. You doth protest, too much, methinks.
The poor, suffering ‘white, American-born’ male, under relentless attack by…what? Hated by whom?
You are both pathetic, and transparent, cheapshot.
You really are throwing everything at this, trying to put up the most opaque, most disorienting smoke screen you can.
Cat’s out of the bag, bobby, defender of the white American male.
Defender of the white American male.
I just real the David Sirota column to which cheapshotBob takes exception above. It’s excellent, and well worth the read.
Sirota asserts that if the perp were a WAM (white American male), than law enforcement, and the culture more broadly, with dismiss it as a one-off or isolated incident, rather than an attribute of something going on among many or all WAMs.
On the other hand, if it’s a dude of color, then watch out! Since that is not an inherently and systematically privileged class, quite the opposite, then the bombing becomes a pretext for action against all people who share class characteristics with the bombers.
He also links to this, a more in-depth analysis of the power of whiteness in the context of responding to acts of domestic terrorism.
This paragraph from the essay was especially remarkable, and in the original, all the names are hotlinked to source material…
I’ll quote bob again, from @164, above
Irony alert # 1:
UPDATE: According to BuzzFeed, Dzhokhar is a registered voter.
Update: Both were evidently registered voters. Neither were/are citizens of the US.
Irony alert # 2 (same link as @ 188):
Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev @Dzhokhar_
Don’t stop retweeting this! this has to change! #America pic.twitter.com/DWk6AW54
unemployed moron ylb arschloch still hasn’t found his plagiarization. Puddy gave him when to look.
Apparently unemployed moron ylb arschloch has a filter on his horseSHIT in the crazed databaze.
You did it unemployed moron ylb arschloch. unemployed moron ylb arschloch hijacked direct commentary and did not give due credit.
Wow! What a morning!
CheapshotBob, DOTWAM, is now spinning pajamasmedia links using the Boston bombers to both smear gun regulation and to promote the fantasy of wide-spread voter fraud.
You really are entertaining, bobby, as a parody of yourself. I am beginning to think that you may well be a very very clever performance art piece.
It wouldn’t be morning without piddl pulling his head out of his ass, spewing indecipherable gibberish, completely unaware…cackling…
From kos…
Probably faking the shame. ‘They’ all hate ‘us’, for our freedom. Right, cheapshot?
@ 193
Probably faking the shame. ‘They’ all hate ‘us’, for our freedom.
Probably faking the threat against the US.
The father of suspected Boston Marathon bomber called on his son today to give up peacefully, but warned the U.S. that if his son is killed “all hell will break loose.”
Right, Lib Sci?
and your point is what, precisely, cheapshot?
Come on, spell it out for us.
What do these words of a shocked and grief-stricken father tell us about the ‘threat against the US’?
Are ‘they’ all terrorists? Something else? Please, enlighten us, DOTWAM.
Now onto Don Joe and his “12 year old daughter” crapola.
Since you need remedial help in definitions Don Joe, please follow as Puddy delivers it slowly.
Roger DUMB Wabbit is HAs biggest bomb thrower on this blog. The DUMB Wabbit was throwing verbal bombs on the 15 people who died in Texas. 12 bodies have been recovered at this time. Dorhn and Ayers were physical bomb throwers and Ayers became a verbal bomb thrower.
Doesn’t Roger ascribe similar acts against Republicans/Conservatives? Didn’t Roger just claim Republican Rick Perry caused the deaths of those people in West, Texas.
Then Ayers called Breitbart a verbal bomb thrower. Now what has Roger DUMB Wabbit said on this blog. Some really hateful stuff.
And the other still holds Don Joe…
Verbal Bomb Throwers Dorhn and Ayers loves Obummer
HA verbal Bomb Thrower Roger DUMB Wabbit loves Obummer
Can anyone here put forth any HA blog condemnation of Roger DUMB Wabbit of Bill Ayers verbal commentary against Republicans? If one can provide that Puddy will withdraw the association. You see verbal bomb throwers like Roger as just like verbal bomb throwers like Bill Ayers.
So it’s very easy to make the association between today’s HA verbal bomb thrower Roger DUMB Wabbit and Illinois verbal bomb thrower Bill Ayers.
@ 195
Lib Sci, this must be awful for you.
I’ve pointed out that the terrorists are Islamic, illegally registered to vote, and that at least one of them also is a gun control proponent.
What might happen next? Well, I suppose your oldest son might come home wearing a Ronald Reagan T-shirt and holding a signature-gathering clipboard for the next Tim Eyman initiative.
’cause this is the way your day is heading. And it’s still early.
That would be Salon’s David Sirota.
Wow Lib da Schmucko runs to Daily Kooks for the latest on the Boston bomber.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa.
You can’t be serious…… He is! So sad and demented.
It’s like Taranto was reading what Lib Sci spews:
James Taranto @jamestaranto
What the hope-they’re-white crowd really wishes for is a reason to treat their domestic political adversaries as enemies of the state.
Skin color as a weapon. ‘s got Lib Sci’s DNA all over it.
@182 Yeah, Bob is preening in all his glorious plumage this morning.
@188 Update of Bob’s update: Dzokhar is a naturalized American citizen and therefore entitled to register to vote.
LibSci, you really nailed it when you said Bob is throwing everything at this. Now he’s trying to portray these bombers and cop killers as ILLEGAL VOTERS. Ergo, another reason we gotta have voter ID laws is to stop Chechen terrorists from VOTING in our elections. (They might turn out to be Alaskan secessionists, or something like that.)
@191 “I am beginning to think that you may well be a very very clever performance art piece.”
You mean like pigeon poop splattering on a parked car in an art-like pattern?
@196 Looks like I musta hurt piddl’s fragile feelings! Now I’ve morphed into a “bomb thrower.” Sorry, piddl, but I’ve never been to Boston and I don’t know those guys, and all the wishful thinking on your part won’t change that fact.
HA’s two shrillest trolls are in a frenzy this morning.
@ 202
Yup, noted. Naturalized on September 11th, of last year. That date rings a bell for some reason.
Haven’t seen any verification that the other brother is registered without being a citizen, either.
@206 And I haven’t seen any verification he registered to vote.
If you look at rightwing blogs this morning, you see Wingnuttia in a lather about the Boston bombers being ILLEGAL VOTERS. But wait! Only Dzokhar is a registered voter, and he’s a naturalized citizen, which makes him a LEGAL VOTER. Ooops!
If you look at rightwing blogs this morning, you see Wingnuttia in a lather about the Boston bombers being ILLEGAL VOTERS.
@ 204
“@196 Looks like I musta hurt piddl’s fragile feelings!”
No kidding. The incoherent babbling in the comment at 196 is unusually high even by Puddy’s standards. Verbal bombing is the same as blowing up buildings, which is the same as intentionally blowing up children. I guess.
I take the fact that I have no clue what Puddy’s saying to be an irrefutable sign that my sanity remains quite intact.
Yup. He was a brown voter, though, which does raise suspicions, among the usual suspects.