Meanwhile a group of women adventurers plan to ski to the South Pole. They’d better take a life raft.
@1 Naturally, some of the anything-that’s-good-for-business crowd can vehemently deny global warming and then turn around and get all sweaty over the prospect of shipping goods via the Northwest Passage.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Allianz, a big European insurance company, says rising sea levels will cost insurers billions in damage losses, and eastern U.S. ports will be among the first major ports to be threatened because of their proximity to meltwater from Greenland.
We just got this in the e-mail from our company’s health insurance provider. They wanted to warn us of “limited telephone service” over Thanksgiving Weekend. Included was the following paragraph:
Emergency hospital admission
For hospital admission authorization in case of emergency admission, the caller is kindly asked to leave the hospital, and leave the patient information along with the phone number we can contact on the following business day. The request will be processed on the following business day as a timely contact.”
I’m guesing that they meant it to read was “… in case of emergency admission the caller is kindly asked to leave the hospital and patient information along with the phone number we can contact…”
But these days, who knows?
Marvin Stamnspews:
The liberal concept of a “consensus,” like the one about man-made-global-warming…
New Consensus Sees Stimulus Package as Worthy Step
some liberal-leaning economists see confirmation of their warnings that the $787 billion stimulus package President Obama signed into law last February was way too small. The economy needs a second big infusion, they say.
some conservative-leaning economists counter, we were right: The package has been wasteful, ineffectual and even harmful to the extent that it adds to the nation’s debt and crowds out private-sector borrowing.
has allowed more dispassionate analysts to reach a consensus that the stimulus package, messy as it is, is working.
The first 3 paragraphs all give a different opinion.
And to liberals, that’s a consensus.
Marvin the butt trumpeter apparently thinks we’re trying to make sense of his gibberish.
The news comes out today that a Dept. of Homeland Security program to put systems in place in our seaports to detect uranium or plutonium in cargo containers (yanno….like maybe from some sort of crude bomb the terr’ists sent us) is stalled. Seems the design of the detectors requires the use of helium-3, and there ain’t any of that. There used to be a ready supply from back when we were making thousands of thermonuclear warheads, but since that stopped in 1989, we’ve gone through the entire stockpile.
This was all designed (ahem!) during the last administration. Disregarding the trolls’ splooging over how everything is now Obama’s fault, it seems there’s been a very consistent pattern of avoiding the implementation of a viable cargo-container screening program from the get-go.
“The accused in this case had decided that they wished to withdraw all motions… and wished to enter pleas in what was termed as confessions in this case,” the judge, Army Colonel Stephen Henley, said shortly after the pre-trial proceedings began.
When asked by the judge if he was prepared to enter pleas Monday to all the charges should the commission allow the defendants to withdraw their motions, Mohammed said “Yes.”
“We don’t want to waste time,” Mohammed told the judge.
the earth is gonna change whether we like it or not – it always has and always will….just deal with it.
then again, like algore says, the earths core is a million degrees…dumbass.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Q: Have you heard about McDonalds new Obama/Democratic Party Value Meal?
A: Order anything you like; and the guy behind you has to pay for it.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Marine Corps Bumper Stickers
” U.S. Marines — Certified Counselors to the 72 Virgins Dating Club”
” Water-boarding is out so kill them all!”
“Interrogators can’t water board dead guys”
” U.S. Marines — Travel Agents To Allah”
“Stop Global Whining”
“When In Doubt, Empty The Magazine”
“Naval Corollary; Dead men don’t testify”
“The Marine Corps — When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be Destroyed Overnight”
“Death Smiles At Everyone — Marines Smile Back”
“Marine Sniper – You can run, but you’ll just die tired!”
“What Do I Feel When I Kill A Terrorist? …. A little Recoil”
“Marines – Providing Enemies of America an Opportunity To Die For their Country Since 1775″*
“Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Anyone Who Threatens It”
“Happiness Is A Belt-Fed Weapon”
“It’s God’s Job to Forgive Bin Laden — It’s Our Job To Arrange The Meeting”
“Artillery Brings Dignity to What Would Otherwise Be Just A Brawl”
“One Shot, Twelve Kills — USN Gun Fire Support”
“Do draft dodgers Have Reunions? If So, What Do They Talk About?”
“My kid fought in Iraq so your kid can party in college”
“Machine Gunners — Accuracy by Volume”
“A Dead Enemy Is A Peaceful Enemy — Blessed Be The Peacemakers”
“If You Can Read, Thank A Teacher. If You Can Read It In English, Thank A Veteran”
“Except For Ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism, and Communism, WAR has Never Solved Anything.*
“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don’t have that problem.” – Ronald Reagan
Shhh… Don’t give them any ideas.
Q: Have you heard about the Republican Value meal.
A: Eat everything, demand the minimum wage guy behind the counter pay for it, call him a union ass-kissing socialist, ask for his immigration papers and a birth certificate, if he fails to deliver the papers and the new meal, INVADE!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Answer too wordy. ArtFart will become confused.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “It doesn’t matter what man-made-global-warming deniers say.”
I’m glad at least one of you idealogues understands that our government will make rational decisions on matters of national and global importance from now on.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Since you think it’s funny let me explain it to you. The earth is not perfectly round and the oceans are not perfectly level. As the Greenland ice cap melts and spills water into the Atlantic Ocean, it takes a while for all that water to disperse. It will reach port cities like Boston and New York before it reaches Europe or Florida, so the sea level will rise there first, and by a greater amount, causing more damage in those places and causing it sooner. Is it clear now?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Great work, Marvie Stupes! Linking global warming to economic stimulus, I mean. It takes an ADHD brain like yours to see a physical connection between rising deficits and rising sea levels. Physicists and other scientists of all stripes will be astounded! Hell, you may even get a Nobel Prize, if the committee can figure out your theory.
What we have here is a prime example of “he said, she said” reporting that leaves readers clueless about what the truth of the matter is. That isn’t journalism, it’s stenography, and nowadays even the venerable NY Times is infected with it. Perhaps, in a way, it’s fortunate that newspapers have gotten so bad, because we won’t miss them after they collapse financially.
Global warming is either happening or it isn’t. It’s either man-caused or it isn’t. Opinions are irrelevant. Opinions are important only when they cause people to make bad decisions, such as when the ancients thought they had to offer human sacrifices of their children to the “gods” to make their crops grow. People like you operate at the same level of ignorance, with more or less the same consequences.
Anyone who looks at an aerial photo of the North Cascades taken 30 years ago and then looks at a recent aerial photo of the same area can see the glaciers are melting. That means it’s gotten warmer around here. That’s an indisputable fact.
Assessing the actual economic impact of a federal stimulus package is a bit trickier, but not a whole lot more so. Spending works like gravity; if you spend money, it will have a stimulating effect on economic activity, as surely as an apple falls down instead of up. The only tricky part is trying to measure the effect with fairly close exactitude. We can say with certainty, however, that Obama’s stimulus package kept this recession from being worse, and kept unemployment from going higher. There’s room to debate how much.
@24 Is it clear now?
Not exactly. Could you provide estimated increases in sea level by specific periods (eg, within 50 years, 100 years, etc) for the East coast vs. Europe?
Does anyone here know if Goldy has ever applied to work at the Seattle Times? Goldy is afraid to say. I’m going to investigate this. Maybe the Times will tell me?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 There’s some data in this press release, on which the news story was based.
@24 It will reach port cities like Boston and New York before it reaches Europe or Florida, so the sea level will rise there first, and by a greater amount, causing more damage in those places and causing it sooner. Is it clear now?
Rabbit, could you provide some of the data for this? What are the levels and time periods being discussed for each region (East coast, Europe) in the report you read?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 No, they won’t tell you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans didn’t object to a booming economy being stimulated by rampant private borrowing, including irresponsible and dangerous “liar loans.” They only object to a sinking economy being stimulated by government borrowing, even though private debt dollars and government debt dollars spend the same. What a bunch of hypocrites.
Interesting stuff, but it would have to be read carefully. thx.
Rog, I say we build sea walls out of people like Stephen.
Roger Rabbitspews:
According to Consumer Reports, a third of credit card consumers carry balances, and the other two-thirds pay off their balances every month. This means if you have credit card debt you are paying to provide free services to those of us who don’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 No, I say abandon the coastal cities and let ’em drown, because I don’t want to pay taxes for human mistakes! We rabbits don’t need seawalls. We’ll simply move to higher ground. That’s what the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit gave us our hind legs for.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Which is easier to relocate — a rabbit hole or the Columbia Center? And you humans think you’re the smartest species? Ha!
I’ve got an uncle that was a Marine in ‘Nam (mechanized infantry). He seems real normal until your conversation goes near anything other than food, the weather, and what his kids are up too.
My family’s full of vets (my dad was in the army durring the Korean war), everyone of them is an anti-war, everyone of them resides in the center or on the left side of the political spectrum. Every one of them told their kids not to join the military.
proud leftistspews:
Of course, neither Puddy nor Troll served in the military. They are cowards from afar. They are those who worship the military, but were afraid to serve themselves. I have always scowled at the military. (I respect grunts who had no choices, but refuse to bow down to some fuck just because he did some time taking orders from others. We have fought too many wars that were/are wrong.)
The pre-‘Nam and post ‘Nam militaries are two different animals. Nowadays it’s all about projecting and protecting empire.
I think it’s cool that one of my ancestors left the south to fight for the north in the civil war. He didn’t get a real warm welcome home after the war was over…
Muslims should protest against terrorism, not criticism or insults to their religion.
Anyone notice the same tactics used over and over again by Muslims in response to the world-wide Muslims violence and terrorism?
Deflect questions, ignore evidence, provide cover for the Islamist threat, blame the messenger for the words and actions of Muslims, blame Israel, portray Muslims as victims in the wake of Americans and others being killed by Muslims, and so on.
There are just wars. They are few and far between. There are unjust wars. They are launched all the time. They are all the wars that are currently occurring.
proud leftistspews:
Troll @ 41: “Deflect questions, ignore evidence, provide cover”
That is the mantra of Bushites/Limbaughians/Becksters like you, Troll. How could you possibly accuse others of such sins (unless, please don’t tell me it’s true, you are a . . . hypocrite)?
Troll, one thing I’ve learned in my life, and I’ve lived long enough to learn, is that idiots do not overcome their affliction. So, sorry, Troll, you were born an idiot, and so you shall always be.
The communitaranism stuff looks pretty cool. I’ll read it over when I’m more awake.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 You’re a big fan of killing people, aren’t you? Do you think that’s a goddam sport? A real soldier does his job but doesn’t take glee in it. Those bumper stickers are KID STUFF! I’ve seen them on cars driven by high school kids who hope to join the Marines someday. In the real world, war is an unmitigated evil, and real men know theat. Only armchair assholes like you, who know nothing about real war, try to make it sound like a high school pep rally. It’s also been my experience that people full of braggadocio can’t be counted on when the chips are down. If I had to be in a foxhole again, I’d rather be in that hole with someone with a cool head and a steady hand, not a knucklehead who’s seen too many Rambo movies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Another thing armchair warriors like puddy don’t understand is that real soldiers respect their enemy. In Vietnam, I saw 4 Vietcong get caught in the open by a pair of Cobra gunships. They were just outside our perimeter, but this happened at night, so we only saw muzzle flashes, tracers, flares, and the choppers’ running lights. Those Chucks knew they were dead. Know what they did? They stood up and fought, firing their AK-47s at the choppers until the miniguns chopped them to bits. My buddies and I watched them die. Do you think we didn’t respect those Charlies? You’re damn right we did! Watching that made us understand who we were up against. You won’t find a bumper sticker like that on my car. I saluted those brave dead bastards.
@26 This is about the point in an earlier conversation in which God asked Noah, “How long can you tread water?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 Those of us who were in Nam have simple wants. We like hot meals, hot showers, and a warm dry bed with no one shooting at us. Wives, kids, and grandkids are nice, too. It doesn’t take more than that to make us happy, because we’ve lived with so much less.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 I was in a PX line in Nam one day behind this kid who looked like he lied about his age to get into the Marines. I was up by the DMZ with the 3rd Marine Division which was doing some hard fighting. The conversation went like this:
ME: If you don’t mind my asking, why did you join the Marines?
HE: Because my old man didn’t want me to.
ME: How do you like the Marines?
HE: Should’ve listened to my old man.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 My dad lost a brother in the Big One, another brother fought in Korea, and two of his sons fought in Vietnam. Some wars have to be fought. Kicking Saddam out of Kuwait was a good thing, and I respected Old Man Bush for getting the job done with light loss of American lives. He also deserves respect for not killing more Iraqis than the mission required. I respect Clinton enormously for stopping a genocide in Kosovo without a single American combat death. Afghanistan is a tougher nut to crack, but I support Obama’s apparent decision to beef up our military efforts there.
I have a niece who enlisted in the Army last year at age 17. The recruiter told her she’d be sent to Afghanistan. I won’t go into why she did it. Suffice to say this kid has more guts than Bush, Cheney, almost every Republican in Congress, puddy, Troll, and the rest of our non-veteran armchair-warrior trolls put together. I don’t like the idea of her going in harm’s way, but I respect her. Them … not so much.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Nothing disgusts me more than cowards who send other people’s children to wars they won’t fight or send their own children to fight. How can anyone vote for those Republicans?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Proud Leftist has no clue about Puddy
Of course, neither Puddy nor Troll served in the military. They are cowards from afar.
Puddy already told his story here. Puddy volunteered but due to physical circumstances was given honorable discharge. GBS and PacMan know why. ylb arschloch has it in his tctmgr. Up yours fool.
Sooooooooooooo before you spout off on what you don’t remember, stop being another ylb arschloch!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Roger Dumb Bunny farts
@19 You’re a big fan of killing people, aren’t you? Do you think that’s a goddam sport? A real soldier does his job but doesn’t take glee in it.
Hey Dickhead, those came to Puddy from a Khe Sahn Vietnam based Marine you stupid idiot. He later became Exec VP of a computer company who Puddy worked for. I like that man even today. Puddy learned much from him in dealing with business peeps. So shove your sanctimonious crap up your ylb arschloch’s arschloch.
You can always tell when Roger Dumb Bunny has nuthin to say. He always takes at least five posts to say it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
cnbc, which has NEVER been considered anything close to right-wing, now decides to tell the truth.
raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.
That’s not some right-winger describing you rabbit, that’s how a democrat described you. And he was there so it’s not as if he doesn’t know the truth about you and your kind.
Marvin Stamnspews:
55. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
So Proud Leftist,
Where did you serve?
I wonder if john kerry was talking about proud leftist?
“Over the weeks and months ahead, will continue to release information from this shocking document dump by ACORN, slowly revealing the ugly truth of ACORN: the fact that their stated mission of helping the poor and downtrodden is just a ruse and a cover for an organization that is highly partisan and highly political, and thus rotten to the core.”
“rotten to the core” – That’s an apt description of ylb arschloch.
Getting ACORNED – a new term to describe what happens when you hang with them.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
RECORD LOW for Obama!
Congratulations…only the Fringe Lunatic Left still support this KingKlown Obam-Mao.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15. This is the lowest Approval Index rating yet measured for President Obama (see trends).
Fifty-two percent (52%) of Democrats Strongly Approve while 68% of Republicans Strongly Disapprove. Among those not affiliated with either major political party, just 16% Strongly Approve and 51% Strongly Disapprove
These are staggering numbers considering Obam-Mao was at +32 only 10 months ago.
Political Capital gone because of a failed ideology.
Perhaps that is why Obam-Mao is having the White Gala…to celebrate his collapse.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Unbelievable how the Obam-Mao DECEPTION MACHINE is failing America.
Published: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009 | 4:55 PM ET By: Jeff Cox
As experts debate the potential speed of the US recovery, one figure looms large but is often overlooked: nearly 1 in 5 Americans is either out of work or under-employed.
According to the government’s broadest measure of unemployment, some 17.5 percent are either without a job entirely or underemployed. The so-called U-6 number is at the highest rate since becoming an official labor statistic in 1994
Thanks to Obam-mao, we are now stuck with massive, strangling debt on top of high unemployment.
The Rookie, with no experience, has lead us to the Promised Land…which is apparently ECONOMIC HELL.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
More info for the ylb arachloch and his love of ACORN…
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Monday, November 23, 2009
Just 38% of voters now favor the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s the lowest level of support measured for the plan in nearly two dozen tracking polls conducted since June.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 56% now oppose the plan.
One disaster after another.
Porkulous DEBT Bill, Afghanistan, and now this.
The Republicans have sooooooooo many campaign issues, it’s staqggering.
All Dems can do is trying to pull the Blame Bush scam in 2010.
Polls say that won’t work.
I hope they try…it makes they look like they aren’t in charge when America knows that unfortunately they are!
A good visual explanation of why oba-mao bows to foreign leaders.
Marvin Stamnspews:
42. proud leftist spews:
There are just wars. They are few and far between. There are unjust wars. They are launched all the time. They are all the wars that are currently occurring.
Oba-mao repeated many many times during his campaign that afghanistan is the “war of necessity.”
If oba-mao believes it’s a war of necessity, doesn’t that make it “just?”
Since you don’t agree with oba-mao, I hate to tell you but that makes you a racist.
Marvin Stamnspews:
60. Mr. Cynical spews:
Thanks to Obam-mao, we are now stuck with massive, strangling debt on top of high unemployment.
The Rookie, with no experience, has lead us to the Promised Land…which is apparently ECONOMIC HELL.
Don’t blame oba-mao, he wanted to vote present.
The racist right-wing didn’t let him, the racists insisted that as president he make a decision.
@39 We have fought too many wars that were/are wrong
Yea, well just a reminder that Vietnam cost well in excess of a millions lives on both sides to say nothing of the injured and long-term devastation, and there were many then and now who considered it an illegal and immoral war. The really courageous thing to do in that war was to refuse to serve and participate in what many considered war crimes.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Enclosed in those emails that were hacked from the believers of man-made-global-warming comes a prediction.
On December 30, climate scientists from the UK Met Office and the University of East Anglia projected 2009 will be one of the top five warmest years on record. Average global temperatures for 2009 are predicted to be 0.4∞C above the 1961-1990 average of 14 ∫ C. A multiyear forecast using a Met Office climate model indicates a rapid return of global temperature to the long-term warming trend, with an increasing probability of record temperatures after 2009.
Their prediction that 2009 will be one of the top five warmest years on record turns out to be an epic fail.
Marvin Stamnspews:
msnbc is reporting that the growth in the last quarter wasn’t as much growth as the oba-mao administration told us it was.
I know, msnbc reporting that the oba-mao administration lied to us is amazing. Don’t forget, the stimulus fiasco is hurting even democrats in the wallet. Money talks.
Barack Obama’s increasing disregard for Britain’s views is no way to treat an ally whose troops have fought side by side with America since September 11
Obama, meanwhile, has made his own deliberations so secretive that only about three people in the whole of Washington — and, ergo, the rest of the world — know precisely what he has in mind, and none of them is talking. Even President George W. Bush, who was frequently criticised for his arrogance and unilateralism, was better than this.
Being an American ally has never seemed so unrewarding.
At that point, Obama will discover a simple but essential truth. The world divides between those who support American values of freedom and democracy, and those who seek to destroy them.
Maybe oba-mao should go to britain and give a speech.
Oba-mao is good at reading the teleprompter, not so much at making decisions. It’s hard to vote “present” as a president.
RR @ 46: “Another thing armchair warriors like puddy don’t understand is that real soldiers respect their enemy….”
That’s one thing I’ve noticed, both among my personal friends who have been combat veterans, and in all my readings as a “perpetual student of history”. Combat veterans have more in common with the grunt on the other side than they do with the REMF’s or, heaven forbid, the civilian leadership who decides whether they fight or not.
Oba-mao is good at reading the teleprompter, not so much at making decisions. It’s hard to vote “present” as a president.
Man is that the bottom-line truth.
These self-proclaimed “intellectual Progressives” seem to consistently mistake motion for ACTION!
They are enthralled by WORDS from ‘the messiah”.
Yak Yak Yak..
Don’t any of you KLOWNS ever feel like the Vulture on the Power line who turns to his fellow Vulture and says “I’m tired of waitin’ for somethin’ to die, I’m gonna go out and kill somethin’!”
The problem is when you do do something IT IS HARMFUL like Porkulous, Auto Bailout, Kash for Klunkers and Health Care.
The time Clock is running.
The longer the Health Care debate is delayed into 2010, the worse it will be for the Dems in the 2010 elections.
miserable idiot @ 52 – chicken hawk! bawk! bawk! bawk! You could “serve” because you had no fear in those days of a microgram of pork slop being in your mre but your kids??? No they don’t go to chimp wars to practice enhanced interrogation on the peeps with the funny names. What? Are they “libruls” (they go to “librul” school UW to be taught by Prof Darryl types) or is Stupes paranoid of their souls being in eternal damnation like that which excuses the Hasidim from service in the IDF?
Miserable moron @ 58 – yeah, that Andy Breitbart has a never-ending Limbaughian viagra-fueled hard-on for ACORN. What a great source of info for the paranoid teabagger cult.
despicable fool @ 61 – Wow money gets around. The tentacles of ACORN spread far and wide. More paranoia from’s most moronic representative of the teabagger cult.
idiotic teabagger @ 63 ooooohh you’re so sceeeered of big bad SEIU so you go running to Papa Andy’s Breitbart’s skirts. Hide me Andy, hide me! Will you watch Glen Beck with me??? I’m so sceeeeeeeeeeeeeered!
What a miserable, knee-jerk, teabagging, feckless right wing tool!
# 1: “Nein, nein — go ahead! I vould not think of interfering.”
# 2: “Ya don’t git combat pay ’cause ya don’t fight.” (Notice the Combat Infantry Badge being worn by the clerk/typist).
# 3: “Didn’t we meet at Cassino?”
# 4: “Nonsense. S-2 reported that machine gun silenced hours ago. Stop wiggling your fingers at me.”
# 5: “Th’ krauts ain’t followin’ ya so good on ‘Lili Marlene’ tonight, Joe. Ya think maybe somethin’ happened to their tenor?”
# 6: “Straighten those shoulders! How long have you been in the army?”
Sorry about the captions not coming along with the Mauldin cartoons in the previous post. I added the captions in # 77. Let’s try one more time – one of my favorites:
I won’t even bother with Stamm’s cut and paste this morning. Yet another robotic right wing moron.
Great sources of right wing propaganda from that tool: IBD which in a racist-fueled bender blamed the economic crash on minorities getting home loans from a Carter Era program and a Brit right wing newspaper with strong ties to the Conservative Party.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Now ABC wants in on the beginning of the oba-mao bashing.
The CNN cameras had already been set up. But then Obama decided not to play along, and not to answer the question he had already been asked several times on his trip: what did he plan to take home with him? Instead, he simply said “thank you, guys,” and disappeared.
Great, oba-mao didn’t want to answer the question so he walked away.
I guess that explains his fear of faux, they will ask him question.
The mood in Obama’s foreign policy team is tense following an extended Asia trip that produced no palpable results.
No results? Were they talking about the stimulus? Oops, that did produce something, unemployment over 10%. Kudos to the obna-mao for making such well thought out decisions, unlike that bush guy.
Upon taking office, Obama said that he wanted to listen to the world, promising respect instead of arrogance. But Obama’s currency isn’t as strong as he had believed.
Of course he believed he was the messiah, so many democrats called him that. (ask Puddy for links)
The White House did not even stand up for itself when it came to the question of human rights in China. The president, who had said only a few days earlier that freedom of expression is a universal right, was coerced into attending a joint press conference with Chinese President Hu Jintao, at which questions were forbidden. Former US President George W. Bush had always managed to avoid such press conferences.
Once again the comparison to bush. At least that’s CHANGE. Not good chaange, but it’s change.
Obama’s new foreign policy has also been relatively unsuccessful elsewhere, with even friends like Israel leaving him high and dry.
Where the hell is that “present” option oba-mao loves so much.
While in Asia, Obama mentioned “consequences” unless it followed his advice. This puts the president, in his tenth month in office, where Bush began — with threats.
Again, the comparisons to bush. No CHANGE here.
Marvin Stamnspews:
79. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
I won’t even bother with Stamm’s cut and paste this morning.
I don’t blame you.
Besides for my snarky comments, what else can you say?
blamed the economic crash on minorities getting home loans
Got link? Or is this just more bullshit you get called out on that you never prove?
Got link?
Marvin Stamnspews:
76. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
chicken hawk! bawk! bawk! bawk!
When did you serve in the military?
Marvin Stamnspews:
79. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
Great sources of right wing propaganda from that too
Feel free to comment on the left-wing links-
9. ny times
54 cnbc
56 .edu
71 msnbc
80 abc
Or ignore them since it doesn’t validate your opinion.
To hear today’s Democrats, you’d think all this started in the last couple years. But the crisis began much earlier. The Carter-era Community Reinvestment Act forced banks to lend to uncreditworthy borrowers, mostly in minority areas.
Bullshit? Right wing bullshit is what you serve up here every day.
I haven’t but I don’t come here every day supporting the belligerent chimp policies without putting skin in the game like most right wingers do.
Have you served? If so – thank you for your service.
Mr. Concervycalspews:
So, whatever the excuse was, Puddwaxx did not serve.
Therefore, according to your own way of thinking, you have no way of REALLY knowing wwhat it is like to be a soldier and you should shut your trap about it.
Mr. Concervycalspews:
Nobody knows the trouble he’s seen….
2. Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forget spews:
‘I can’t possibly understand what it really means to be a person of color.’
“Something Puddy agrees with. Unless you have my skin color, you have no clue.”
11/22/2009 at 6:08 pm
Unless you’ve been in the military you can’t, “…possibly understand what it really means….”
Case closed.
@86 I haven’t but I don’t come here every day supporting the belligerent chimp policies without putting skin in the game like most right wingers do.
Yes, but you are a supporter of the war in Afghanistan, a war you’ve argued is vitally important as I recall. So what’s your “skin in the game?”
Marvin Stamnspews:
86. my ancestors came from Europe spews: When did you serve in the military?
I haven’t
Of course you haven’t.
Covering routine checkups keeps people healthy and saves money (and keeps people on the job instead of at home drawing sick pay) in the long run.
Just a general statement.
Dow and the Democrats LIEDspews:
obviously its another day of YLB and his intensive job searching….
I was against the first gulf war while it was going on, later on I realized that I’d been wrong on that. Poppa Bush did a better job than he’s generally credited for.
You should check out Peter Maas’s book about Yugoslavia, Love Thy Neighbor. Maas makes a good argument that in Yugoslavia’s case we did too little too late. We did too little and did it too late because there was no connection to American Empire being served by acting there.
Sounds like your niece is a spunky kid. If she starts hankering for a care package from home and can get food sent to her, I make some pretty good oat meal cookies and would be happy to send her a tin.
Dow and the Democrats LIEDspews:
hhmm…so now we find out that the census worker found hanged actualy DID kill himself – and had staged it to look like a murder. This just announced by police after an investigation.
Will the lying liberals come clean and apoligize for accusing the locals down there of murder?
Marvin Stamnspews:
How is the liberal ny times responding to all those emails about man-made-global-warming?
Just imagine if some hacker found handwritten notes about bush wanting to go to war for profits. Would the ny times take the attitude that since the documents were illegally obtained that they won’t comment on them?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Once again a liberal network throws a gay guy under the bus.
And you? Not gonna say are you? Any kids in Iraq or Afghanistan? Stupes has two kids – in UW, a liberal University where Professors like HA’s own Darryl teach and do their research.
How interesting!
Why can’t right wingers put their kids in a wingnut University like Regent University.
You don’t have to agree 100 percent with Pat Robertson.
Still mourning the overwhelming rejection of that “non-partisan” Suzie Hutchison?
Gee all anyone has to do to defeat an empty-suit right winger is call them exactly that.
Just tell the truth. The voters then make up their own minds.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey headless@87, Whatever racist. Puddy volunteered, was told to leave, chose to stay and then was discharged after injury. Unlike you Puddy wanted a military career.
Your feckless commentary has no meaning whatsoever. Suck on that fool!
Marvin Stamnspews:
79. my ancestors came from Europe spews: economic crash on minorities getting home loans
85. my ancestors came from Europe spews: mostly in minority areas.
Do you see the difference in your quotes?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb arschloch@76… You’ve been ACORNED… right in the arschloch.
No retort for the ACORN documents.
No retort for SEIU thuggery.
Truth hurts… Kicks the arschloch right in his arschloch. Figgers Fool!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Stupes has two kids – in UW, a liberal University where Professors like HA’s own Darryl teach and do their research.
Hey arschloch, let’s see where your two end up. At least my sons have a brain. The jury still out on the junior ylb arschlochs. Lets see them pass the 10th grade WASL. Or… as Puddy suspects you’ll be down there complaining if your son/daughter does poorly. If they have your brain it’s Shoreline Community College. No offense to kids going to Shoreline… making a point on the ACORN falling close to the rotten stump called ylb arschloch! BTW ylb arschloch, one son just approved by foreign country and university to study abroad. Now that’s a bill Puddy has to come up with. How would you pay for it ylb arschloch with your leftist web site job perusing skillz?
It’s no use pretending that this isn’t a major blow. The emails extracted by a hacker from the climatic research unit at the University of East Anglia could scarcely be more damaging(1). I am now convinced that they are genuine, and I’m dismayed and deeply shaken by them.
There appears to be evidence here of attempts to prevent scientific data from being released(2,3), and even to destroy material that was subject to a freedom of information request(4).
Worse still, some of the emails suggest efforts to prevent the publication of work by climate sceptics(5,6), or to keep it out of a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(7). I believe that the head of the unit, Phil Jones, should now resign
To bury manmade climate change, a far wider conspiracy would have to be revealed. Luckily for the sceptics, and to my intense disappointment, I have now been passed the damning email which confirms that the entire science of global warming is indeed a scam. Had I known that it was this easy to rig the evidence, I wouldn’t have wasted years of my life promoting a bogus discipline.
As said by a man that believed in man-made-global-warming.
You repeat Breitbart’s lies – you’re an empty shell calling lies truth.
Dismissed and IGNORED!
Fool @ 100
You come here with your right wing bullshit every day and your kids go where?
You do realize that, even if your kids don’t get a single cent of finical aid, they’re still getting a subsidized rate on their tuition don’t you?
UW’s a good school, nothing wrong with sending them there.
I’d be careful about ranking on the community colleges, some of the tech program grads are making more money than college grads these days.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Hey ylb..
Did dailykos have any comment on those 440 fake congressional districts the oba-mao administration made up?
Does kos have any idea where that money really went to.
The truth is, the districts are fake and the money was spent.
Or was kos a good democrat and look the other way?
Maybe mediamatters wrote about it?
Any links you could provide would be appreciated.
Marvin Stamnspews:
103. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
You repeat Breitbart’s lies
What’s the lis about acorn you are talking about?
Marvin Stamnspews:
104. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
99 – You’re about as braindead in reading comprehension as Stupes.
So you think those two comments are the same?
Marvin Stamnspews:
105. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
Yawwwwn… These wingnut hypocrites are boring me.
Well, what’s your choice?
1. Sit on the couch watching jerry springer reruns
2. get a job
3. hang out all day on HA.
Marvin Stamnspews:
It’s now open season on oba-mao.
SNL mocked him.
Now leno…
Jay Leno: “Obama, Pelosi and Reid are drafting a new stimulus bill that White House says could have twice the number of non-existent jobs as the last jobs bill.
Liberal bias goes out the window when oba-mao and his administration screw up the economy to the point liberals lose money.
It’s the economy stupid.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Michael asks
You do realize that, even if your kids don’t get a single cent of finical aid, they’re still getting a subsidized rate on their tuition don’t you?
Irrelevant. First you need to have a brain to get into a good school. Second you need to work to stay in those schools. As a resident of WA state for almost 17 years so what? Did you pay Puddy’s B&O taxes those years when Puddy was self-employed? Did you pay Puddy’s L&I taxes those years when Puddy was self-employed?
UW’s a good school, nothing wrong with sending them there.
Then why are you making disparaging commentary over tuition? Puddy pays what the state charges. If they charged more Puddy would have to pay more.
The use of Shoreline Community was the first that popped into Puddy’s head since ylb arschloch has Jim McDimwitt as his congressman!
Almost every public school of higher education today is a librul university fool. This is why you are the dumbest brick on HA as well as the well known ylb arschloch; monomaniacal chronological idiot. You live on kook-aid sites. No sense whatsoever of the times and actions of today’s universities. There are very few conservative public universities today.
Why are you sending your kids to public school. Isn’t that “socialist”?
Why not send your kids to Regent instead? A proper wingnut school and private – note to Stamm: your hero Stupes insists on sending his kids to PUBLIC school. Hypocrite!
To top it all of off – your doctor is on salary with a socialist health care plan.
You are so full of miserable right wing bullshit and its attendant hypocrisy. It’s too freaking sick!
I have now been passed the damning email which confirms that the entire science of global warming is indeed a scam. Had I known that it was this easy to rig the evidence, I wouldn’t have wasted years of my life promoting a bogus discipline.
Gentlemen, the culmination of our great plan approaches fast. What the Master called “the ordering of men’s affairs by a transcendent world state, ordained by God and answerable to no man”, which we now know as Communist World Government, advances towards its climax at Copenhagen. For 185 years since the Master, known to the laity as Joseph Fourier, launched his scheme for world domination, the entire physical science community has been working towards this moment.
The early phases of the plan worked magnificently. First the Master’s initial thesis – that the release of infrared radiation is delayed by the atmosphere – had to be accepted by the scientific establishment. I will not bother you with details of the gold paid, the threats made and the blood spilt to achieve this end. But the result was the elimination of the naysayers and the disgrace or incarceration of the Master’s rivals. Within 35 years the 3rd Warden of the Grand Temple of the Knights Carbonic (our revered prophet John Tyndall) was able to “demonstrate” the Master’s thesis. Our control of physical science was by then so tight that no major objections were sustained.
The right wing moron Stamm PWNED by a “socialist” economist.
Did dailykos have any comment on those 440 fake congressional districts the oba-mao administration made up?
Weren’t they posted on a public website? Yeah like they were really trying to hide that like say oh Bush wiretapping and reading e-mail.
You misunderstood what I was going for. I wasn’t trying to make a disparaging remark about tuition. I’ve met way too many people, mostly on the right, that thought they were paying the full cost of their kids college because their kid didn’t qualify for finical aid.
The use of Shoreline Community was the first that popped into Puddy’s head
I live in Seattle fool. NSCC is much closer.
Pinhead most def.
Daddy Lovespews:
Pud @ 19 is violating the extended excerpt rules.
Daddy Lovespews:
102 MS
Nope, wrong.
Daddy Lovespews:
95 MS
More Republican “logic.” I am sure we can parse this a little. How about examing premises, facts, and logical conclusions, if it is presented as “logic.”
Premise: ABC network is liberal (if only because you say it is).
Fact: ABC News will not air an Adam Lambert performance segment.
Conclusion: ABD News is throwing someone gay “under the bus” and is thus “anti-gay.”
Unexpressed additional premise without which MS conclusion makes no sense: A liberal network would not be exepected to refuse to air gay content.
Unexamined possible alternative conclusion: ABC network/News is not liberal.
But conservatives are dedicated to twist reality to fit a preconceived narrative, and therefore no logical conclusion that does not fit the preconceived narrative can be either considered or expressed.
Daddy Lovespews:
Re: hacked e-mail “discovery” by right-wing global climate change deniers
Hey, ley it not be said that Republicans underestimate the stupidity of the public. THey KNOW there is no scientific controversy, but in slavish obedience to their corporate masters they muddy the waters for the ordinary person.
More gold:
Gavin Schmidt, a climate scientist at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, said: “There’s nothing in the e-mails that shows that global warming is a hoax,” adding, “It’s just scientists talking about science, and they’re talking relatively openly as people in private e-mails generally are freer with their thoughts than they would be in a public forum. The few quotes that are being pulled out [are out] of context. People are using language used in science and interpreting it in a completely different way.”
But hey, why believe NASA scientists when we have Marvin Shithead telling you what to think?
“But do these revelations justify the sceptics’ claims that this is “the final nail in the coffin” of global warming theory? Not at all. They damage the credibility of three or four scientists. They raise questions about the integrity of one or perhaps two out of several hundred lines of evidence. To bury man-made climate change, a far wider conspiracy would have to be revealed.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
126. Daddy Love spews:
Premise: ABC network is liberal
Americans now have to climb out of two deep holes: as debt-loaded consumers, whose personal wealth sank along with housing and stock prices; and as taxpayers, whose government debt has almost doubled in the last two years alone, just as costs tied to benefits for retiring baby boomers are set to explode.
I’m not a money expert, my best guess is now is the best time to change the country’s healthcare system. There’s still space on the good ole’ ChinaVisa platinum card. America can always call one of those democrat donating lawyers on teev and just file bankruptcy. I don’t really expect to china call in the debt and show up and start hauling stuff away.
The problem, many analysts say, is that record government deficits have arrived just as the long-feared explosion begins in spending on benefits under Medicare and Social Security. The nation’s oldest baby boomers are approaching 65, setting off what experts have warned for years will be a fiscal nightmare for the government.
I wonder how many years the government knew this day was coming. Oh well, it’s all bush’s fault. He tried to privatize social security but you left-wingers knew better. Ask gbs & steve how they have done with investments, they have both bragged that instead of losing they have gained.
jobless ylb posts ALL DAY LONG….lazy libby much?
@126 But conservatives are dedicated to twist reality to fit a preconceived narrative, and therefore no logical conclusion that does not fit the preconceived narrative can be either considered or expressed.
New studies show the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets melting faster than predicted.
Meanwhile a group of women adventurers plan to ski to the South Pole. They’d better take a life raft.
@1 Naturally, some of the anything-that’s-good-for-business crowd can vehemently deny global warming and then turn around and get all sweaty over the prospect of shipping goods via the Northwest Passage.
@2 Allianz, a big European insurance company, says rising sea levels will cost insurers billions in damage losses, and eastern U.S. ports will be among the first major ports to be threatened because of their proximity to meltwater from Greenland.
Goldy, have you ever applied for a job at the Seattle Times?
@3, thanks Roger for the best laugh I’ve had all day.
*poopy cartoon trombones*
did you forget, bush is not president anymore. It doesn’t matter what man-made-global-warming deniers say.
Now it’s a democrat president that is turning his back on the man-made-global-warming problem, just like gore did as vice-president.
Or as they say in germany,
Obama Has Failed the World on Climate Change
We just got this in the e-mail from our company’s health insurance provider. They wanted to warn us of “limited telephone service” over Thanksgiving Weekend. Included was the following paragraph:
I’m guesing that they meant it to read was “… in case of emergency admission the caller is kindly asked to leave the hospital and patient information along with the phone number we can contact…”
But these days, who knows?
The liberal concept of a “consensus,” like the one about man-made-global-warming…
From the liberal ny times…
The first 3 paragraphs all give a different opinion.
And to liberals, that’s a consensus.
Marvin the butt trumpeter apparently thinks we’re trying to make sense of his gibberish.
The news comes out today that a Dept. of Homeland Security program to put systems in place in our seaports to detect uranium or plutonium in cargo containers (yanno….like maybe from some sort of crude bomb the terr’ists sent us) is stalled. Seems the design of the detectors requires the use of helium-3, and there ain’t any of that. There used to be a ready supply from back when we were making thousands of thermonuclear warheads, but since that stopped in 1989, we’ve gone through the entire stockpile.
This was all designed (ahem!) during the last administration. Disregarding the trolls’ splooging over how everything is now Obama’s fault, it seems there’s been a very consistent pattern of avoiding the implementation of a viable cargo-container screening program from the get-go.
Answer me this…
Are you older or younger than 12 years old?
Where’s Jesse Jackson? Where’s Al Sharpton? Why aren’t they on the news proclaiming their outrage over these racial hate crimes?
In 2008 Khalid S. Mohammed wanted to plead guilty…
“The accused in this case had decided that they wished to withdraw all motions… and wished to enter pleas in what was termed as confessions in this case,” the judge, Army Colonel Stephen Henley, said shortly after the pre-trial proceedings began.
When asked by the judge if he was prepared to enter pleas Monday to all the charges should the commission allow the defendants to withdraw their motions, Mohammed said “Yes.”
“We don’t want to waste time,” Mohammed told the judge.
Now another defendant’s lawyer says they want a platform for their views so Not Guilty.
Marvin, ArtFart has issues reading the NY Times. You proved his incompetence along with Alki Postings identifying his ADD issues.
Great job dude!
So correctnotright, what if the IPCC data was cooked? What say you?
the earth is gonna change whether we like it or not – it always has and always will….just deal with it.
then again, like algore says, the earths core is a million degrees…dumbass.
Q: Have you heard about McDonalds new Obama/Democratic Party Value Meal?
A: Order anything you like; and the guy behind you has to pay for it.
Marine Corps Bumper Stickers
” U.S. Marines — Certified Counselors to the 72 Virgins Dating Club”
” Water-boarding is out so kill them all!”
“Interrogators can’t water board dead guys”
” U.S. Marines — Travel Agents To Allah”
“Stop Global Whining”
“When In Doubt, Empty The Magazine”
“Naval Corollary; Dead men don’t testify”
“The Marine Corps — When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be Destroyed Overnight”
“Death Smiles At Everyone — Marines Smile Back”
“Marine Sniper – You can run, but you’ll just die tired!”
“What Do I Feel When I Kill A Terrorist? …. A little Recoil”
“Marines – Providing Enemies of America an Opportunity To Die For their Country Since 1775″*
“Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Anyone Who Threatens It”
“Happiness Is A Belt-Fed Weapon”
“It’s God’s Job to Forgive Bin Laden — It’s Our Job To Arrange The Meeting”
“Artillery Brings Dignity to What Would Otherwise Be Just A Brawl”
“One Shot, Twelve Kills — USN Gun Fire Support”
“Do draft dodgers Have Reunions? If So, What Do They Talk About?”
“My kid fought in Iraq so your kid can party in college”
“Machine Gunners — Accuracy by Volume”
“A Dead Enemy Is A Peaceful Enemy — Blessed Be The Peacemakers”
“If You Can Read, Thank A Teacher. If You Can Read It In English, Thank A Veteran”
“Except For Ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism, and Communism, WAR has Never Solved Anything.*
“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don’t have that problem.” – Ronald Reagan
Shhh… Don’t give them any ideas.
Q: Have you heard about the Republican Value meal.
A: Eat everything, demand the minimum wage guy behind the counter pay for it, call him a union ass-kissing socialist, ask for his immigration papers and a birth certificate, if he fails to deliver the papers and the new meal, INVADE!
Answer too wordy. ArtFart will become confused.
@7 “It doesn’t matter what man-made-global-warming deniers say.”
I’m glad at least one of you idealogues understands that our government will make rational decisions on matters of national and global importance from now on.
@5 Since you think it’s funny let me explain it to you. The earth is not perfectly round and the oceans are not perfectly level. As the Greenland ice cap melts and spills water into the Atlantic Ocean, it takes a while for all that water to disperse. It will reach port cities like Boston and New York before it reaches Europe or Florida, so the sea level will rise there first, and by a greater amount, causing more damage in those places and causing it sooner. Is it clear now?
@9 Great work, Marvie Stupes! Linking global warming to economic stimulus, I mean. It takes an ADHD brain like yours to see a physical connection between rising deficits and rising sea levels. Physicists and other scientists of all stripes will be astounded! Hell, you may even get a Nobel Prize, if the committee can figure out your theory.
What we have here is a prime example of “he said, she said” reporting that leaves readers clueless about what the truth of the matter is. That isn’t journalism, it’s stenography, and nowadays even the venerable NY Times is infected with it. Perhaps, in a way, it’s fortunate that newspapers have gotten so bad, because we won’t miss them after they collapse financially.
Global warming is either happening or it isn’t. It’s either man-caused or it isn’t. Opinions are irrelevant. Opinions are important only when they cause people to make bad decisions, such as when the ancients thought they had to offer human sacrifices of their children to the “gods” to make their crops grow. People like you operate at the same level of ignorance, with more or less the same consequences.
Anyone who looks at an aerial photo of the North Cascades taken 30 years ago and then looks at a recent aerial photo of the same area can see the glaciers are melting. That means it’s gotten warmer around here. That’s an indisputable fact.
Assessing the actual economic impact of a federal stimulus package is a bit trickier, but not a whole lot more so. Spending works like gravity; if you spend money, it will have a stimulating effect on economic activity, as surely as an apple falls down instead of up. The only tricky part is trying to measure the effect with fairly close exactitude. We can say with certainty, however, that Obama’s stimulus package kept this recession from being worse, and kept unemployment from going higher. There’s room to debate how much.
@24 Is it clear now?
Not exactly. Could you provide estimated increases in sea level by specific periods (eg, within 50 years, 100 years, etc) for the East coast vs. Europe?
Does anyone here know if Goldy has ever applied to work at the Seattle Times? Goldy is afraid to say. I’m going to investigate this. Maybe the Times will tell me?
@26 There’s some data in this press release, on which the news story was based.
@24 It will reach port cities like Boston and New York before it reaches Europe or Florida, so the sea level will rise there first, and by a greater amount, causing more damage in those places and causing it sooner. Is it clear now?
Rabbit, could you provide some of the data for this? What are the levels and time periods being discussed for each region (East coast, Europe) in the report you read?
@27 No, they won’t tell you.
Republicans didn’t object to a booming economy being stimulated by rampant private borrowing, including irresponsible and dangerous “liar loans.” They only object to a sinking economy being stimulated by government borrowing, even though private debt dollars and government debt dollars spend the same. What a bunch of hypocrites.
This is the actual report:
Interesting stuff, but it would have to be read carefully. thx.
Rog, I say we build sea walls out of people like Stephen.
According to Consumer Reports, a third of credit card consumers carry balances, and the other two-thirds pay off their balances every month. This means if you have credit card debt you are paying to provide free services to those of us who don’t.
@33 No, I say abandon the coastal cities and let ’em drown, because I don’t want to pay taxes for human mistakes! We rabbits don’t need seawalls. We’ll simply move to higher ground. That’s what the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit gave us our hind legs for.
Which is easier to relocate — a rabbit hole or the Columbia Center? And you humans think you’re the smartest species? Ha!
I’ve got an uncle that was a Marine in ‘Nam (mechanized infantry). He seems real normal until your conversation goes near anything other than food, the weather, and what his kids are up too.
My family’s full of vets (my dad was in the army durring the Korean war), everyone of them is an anti-war, everyone of them resides in the center or on the left side of the political spectrum. Every one of them told their kids not to join the military.
Of course, neither Puddy nor Troll served in the military. They are cowards from afar. They are those who worship the military, but were afraid to serve themselves. I have always scowled at the military. (I respect grunts who had no choices, but refuse to bow down to some fuck just because he did some time taking orders from others. We have fought too many wars that were/are wrong.)
The pre-‘Nam and post ‘Nam militaries are two different animals. Nowadays it’s all about projecting and protecting empire.
I think it’s cool that one of my ancestors left the south to fight for the north in the civil war. He didn’t get a real warm welcome home after the war was over…
Muslims should protest against terrorism, not criticism or insults to their religion.
Anyone notice the same tactics used over and over again by Muslims in response to the world-wide Muslims violence and terrorism?
Deflect questions, ignore evidence, provide cover for the Islamist threat, blame the messenger for the words and actions of Muslims, blame Israel, portray Muslims as victims in the wake of Americans and others being killed by Muslims, and so on.
My strongest influence with regard to war:
There are just wars. They are few and far between. There are unjust wars. They are launched all the time. They are all the wars that are currently occurring.
Troll @ 41: “Deflect questions, ignore evidence, provide cover”
That is the mantra of Bushites/Limbaughians/Becksters like you, Troll. How could you possibly accuse others of such sins (unless, please don’t tell me it’s true, you are a . . . hypocrite)?
Troll, one thing I’ve learned in my life, and I’ve lived long enough to learn, is that idiots do not overcome their affliction. So, sorry, Troll, you were born an idiot, and so you shall always be.
The communitaranism stuff looks pretty cool. I’ll read it over when I’m more awake.
@19 You’re a big fan of killing people, aren’t you? Do you think that’s a goddam sport? A real soldier does his job but doesn’t take glee in it. Those bumper stickers are KID STUFF! I’ve seen them on cars driven by high school kids who hope to join the Marines someday. In the real world, war is an unmitigated evil, and real men know theat. Only armchair assholes like you, who know nothing about real war, try to make it sound like a high school pep rally. It’s also been my experience that people full of braggadocio can’t be counted on when the chips are down. If I had to be in a foxhole again, I’d rather be in that hole with someone with a cool head and a steady hand, not a knucklehead who’s seen too many Rambo movies.
Another thing armchair warriors like puddy don’t understand is that real soldiers respect their enemy. In Vietnam, I saw 4 Vietcong get caught in the open by a pair of Cobra gunships. They were just outside our perimeter, but this happened at night, so we only saw muzzle flashes, tracers, flares, and the choppers’ running lights. Those Chucks knew they were dead. Know what they did? They stood up and fought, firing their AK-47s at the choppers until the miniguns chopped them to bits. My buddies and I watched them die. Do you think we didn’t respect those Charlies? You’re damn right we did! Watching that made us understand who we were up against. You won’t find a bumper sticker like that on my car. I saluted those brave dead bastards.
@26 This is about the point in an earlier conversation in which God asked Noah, “How long can you tread water?”
@37 Those of us who were in Nam have simple wants. We like hot meals, hot showers, and a warm dry bed with no one shooting at us. Wives, kids, and grandkids are nice, too. It doesn’t take more than that to make us happy, because we’ve lived with so much less.
@38 I was in a PX line in Nam one day behind this kid who looked like he lied about his age to get into the Marines. I was up by the DMZ with the 3rd Marine Division which was doing some hard fighting. The conversation went like this:
ME: If you don’t mind my asking, why did you join the Marines?
HE: Because my old man didn’t want me to.
ME: How do you like the Marines?
HE: Should’ve listened to my old man.
@39 My dad lost a brother in the Big One, another brother fought in Korea, and two of his sons fought in Vietnam. Some wars have to be fought. Kicking Saddam out of Kuwait was a good thing, and I respected Old Man Bush for getting the job done with light loss of American lives. He also deserves respect for not killing more Iraqis than the mission required. I respect Clinton enormously for stopping a genocide in Kosovo without a single American combat death. Afghanistan is a tougher nut to crack, but I support Obama’s apparent decision to beef up our military efforts there.
I have a niece who enlisted in the Army last year at age 17. The recruiter told her she’d be sent to Afghanistan. I won’t go into why she did it. Suffice to say this kid has more guts than Bush, Cheney, almost every Republican in Congress, puddy, Troll, and the rest of our non-veteran armchair-warrior trolls put together. I don’t like the idea of her going in harm’s way, but I respect her. Them … not so much.
Nothing disgusts me more than cowards who send other people’s children to wars they won’t fight or send their own children to fight. How can anyone vote for those Republicans?
Proud Leftist has no clue about Puddy
Puddy already told his story here. Puddy volunteered but due to physical circumstances was given honorable discharge. GBS and PacMan know why. ylb arschloch has it in his tctmgr. Up yours fool.
Sooooooooooooo before you spout off on what you don’t remember, stop being another ylb arschloch!
Roger Dumb Bunny farts
Hey Dickhead, those came to Puddy from a Khe Sahn Vietnam based Marine you stupid idiot. He later became Exec VP of a computer company who Puddy worked for. I like that man even today. Puddy learned much from him in dealing with business peeps. So shove your sanctimonious crap up your ylb arschloch’s arschloch.
You can always tell when Roger Dumb Bunny has nuthin to say. He always takes at least five posts to say it.
cnbc, which has NEVER been considered anything close to right-wing, now decides to tell the truth.
The ‘Real’ Jobless Rate: 17.5% Of Workers Are Unemployed
The number dwarfs the statistic most people pay attention to—the U-3 rate—which most recently showed unemployment at 10.2 percent for October, the highest it has been since June 1983
No surprise that oba-mao isn’t giving us the real truth.
So Proud Leftist,
Where did you serve? We’ll wait while the cold crickets chirp.
John kerry told us about the wants soldiers like you had…
That’s not some right-winger describing you rabbit, that’s how a democrat described you. And he was there so it’s not as if he doesn’t know the truth about you and your kind.
I wonder if john kerry was talking about proud leftist?
Hey ylb arschloch, This will get you going on your other favorite support site ACORN…
“Over the weeks and months ahead, will continue to release information from this shocking document dump by ACORN, slowly revealing the ugly truth of ACORN: the fact that their stated mission of helping the poor and downtrodden is just a ruse and a cover for an organization that is highly partisan and highly political, and thus rotten to the core.”
“rotten to the core” – That’s an apt description of ylb arschloch.
Getting ACORNED – a new term to describe what happens when you hang with them.
RECORD LOW for Obama!
Congratulations…only the Fringe Lunatic Left still support this KingKlown Obam-Mao.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
These are staggering numbers considering Obam-Mao was at +32 only 10 months ago.
Political Capital gone because of a failed ideology.
Perhaps that is why Obam-Mao is having the White Gala…to celebrate his collapse.
Unbelievable how the Obam-Mao DECEPTION MACHINE is failing America.
Published: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009 | 4:55 PM ET By: Jeff Cox
Thanks to Obam-mao, we are now stuck with massive, strangling debt on top of high unemployment.
The Rookie, with no experience, has lead us to the Promised Land…which is apparently ECONOMIC HELL.
More info for the ylb arachloch and his love of ACORN…
Monday, November 23, 2009
One disaster after another.
Porkulous DEBT Bill, Afghanistan, and now this.
The Republicans have sooooooooo many campaign issues, it’s staqggering.
All Dems can do is trying to pull the Blame Bush scam in 2010.
Polls say that won’t work.
I hope they try…it makes they look like they aren’t in charge when America knows that unfortunately they are!
Hey ylb arschloch, More actions of your wife’s thug union.
@42 There are unjust wars. They are launched all the time. They are all the wars that are currently occurring.
Proud Leftist, Afghanistan is an unjust war in your view. So, we should withdraw our troops posthaste, is that your thinking?
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
A good visual explanation of why oba-mao bows to foreign leaders.
Oba-mao repeated many many times during his campaign that afghanistan is the “war of necessity.”
If oba-mao believes it’s a war of necessity, doesn’t that make it “just?”
Since you don’t agree with oba-mao, I hate to tell you but that makes you a racist.
Don’t blame oba-mao, he wanted to vote present.
The racist right-wing didn’t let him, the racists insisted that as president he make a decision.
@39 We have fought too many wars that were/are wrong
Yea, well just a reminder that Vietnam cost well in excess of a millions lives on both sides to say nothing of the injured and long-term devastation, and there were many then and now who considered it an illegal and immoral war. The really courageous thing to do in that war was to refuse to serve and participate in what many considered war crimes.
Enclosed in those emails that were hacked from the believers of man-made-global-warming comes a prediction.
Their prediction that 2009 will be one of the top five warmest years on record turns out to be an epic fail.
msnbc is reporting that the growth in the last quarter wasn’t as much growth as the oba-mao administration told us it was.
I know, msnbc reporting that the oba-mao administration lied to us is amazing. Don’t forget, the stimulus fiasco is hurting even democrats in the wallet. Money talks.
Recovery’s pace slower than first thought
GDP growth revised to 2.8 percent pace from 3.5 percent
If it’s tuesday, that means another overseas paper is exposing oba-mao as an empty suit.
Maybe oba-mao should go to britain and give a speech.
Oba-mao is good at reading the teleprompter, not so much at making decisions. It’s hard to vote “present” as a president.
RR @ 46: “Another thing armchair warriors like puddy don’t understand is that real soldiers respect their enemy….”
That’s one thing I’ve noticed, both among my personal friends who have been combat veterans, and in all my readings as a “perpetual student of history”. Combat veterans have more in common with the grunt on the other side than they do with the REMF’s or, heaven forbid, the civilian leadership who decides whether they fight or not.
Bill Mauldin Cartoon # 1
Bill Mauldin Cartoon # 2
Bill Mauldin Cartoon # 3
Bill Mauldin Cartoon # 4
Bill Mauldin Cartoon # 5
Bill Mauldin Cartoon # 6
Marvin says:
Man is that the bottom-line truth.
These self-proclaimed “intellectual Progressives” seem to consistently mistake motion for ACTION!
They are enthralled by WORDS from ‘the messiah”.
Yak Yak Yak..
Don’t any of you KLOWNS ever feel like the Vulture on the Power line who turns to his fellow Vulture and says “I’m tired of waitin’ for somethin’ to die, I’m gonna go out and kill somethin’!”
The problem is when you do do something IT IS HARMFUL like Porkulous, Auto Bailout, Kash for Klunkers and Health Care.
The time Clock is running.
The longer the Health Care debate is delayed into 2010, the worse it will be for the Dems in the 2010 elections.
Idiot@73 see #52.
idiot@73 see #53.
How does that dogshit feel in and around your toes? And where did you serve?
miserable idiot @ 52 – chicken hawk! bawk! bawk! bawk! You could “serve” because you had no fear in those days of a microgram of pork slop being in your mre but your kids??? No they don’t go to chimp wars to practice enhanced interrogation on the peeps with the funny names. What? Are they “libruls” (they go to “librul” school UW to be taught by Prof Darryl types) or is Stupes paranoid of their souls being in eternal damnation like that which excuses the Hasidim from service in the IDF?
Miserable moron @ 58 – yeah, that Andy Breitbart has a never-ending Limbaughian viagra-fueled hard-on for ACORN. What a great source of info for the paranoid teabagger cult.
despicable fool @ 61 – Wow money gets around. The tentacles of ACORN spread far and wide. More paranoia from’s most moronic representative of the teabagger cult.
idiotic teabagger @ 63 ooooohh you’re so sceeeered of big bad SEIU so you go running to Papa Andy’s Breitbart’s skirts. Hide me Andy, hide me! Will you watch Glen Beck with me??? I’m so sceeeeeeeeeeeeeered!
What a miserable, knee-jerk, teabagging, feckless right wing tool!
# 1: “Nein, nein — go ahead! I vould not think of interfering.”
# 2: “Ya don’t git combat pay ’cause ya don’t fight.” (Notice the Combat Infantry Badge being worn by the clerk/typist).
# 3: “Didn’t we meet at Cassino?”
# 4: “Nonsense. S-2 reported that machine gun silenced hours ago. Stop wiggling your fingers at me.”
# 5: “Th’ krauts ain’t followin’ ya so good on ‘Lili Marlene’ tonight, Joe. Ya think maybe somethin’ happened to their tenor?”
# 6: “Straighten those shoulders! How long have you been in the army?”
Sorry about the captions not coming along with the Mauldin cartoons in the previous post. I added the captions in # 77. Let’s try one more time – one of my favorites:
Bill Mauldin Cartoon # 7
Here’s the caption, in case it doesn’t come over again:
I won’t even bother with Stamm’s cut and paste this morning. Yet another robotic right wing moron.
Great sources of right wing propaganda from that tool: IBD which in a racist-fueled bender blamed the economic crash on minorities getting home loans from a Carter Era program and a Brit right wing newspaper with strong ties to the Conservative Party.
Now ABC wants in on the beginning of the oba-mao bashing.
Obama’s Nice Guy Act Gets Him Nowhere on the World Stage
Great, oba-mao didn’t want to answer the question so he walked away.
I guess that explains his fear of faux, they will ask him question.
No results? Were they talking about the stimulus? Oops, that did produce something, unemployment over 10%. Kudos to the obna-mao for making such well thought out decisions, unlike that bush guy.
Of course he believed he was the messiah, so many democrats called him that. (ask Puddy for links)
Once again the comparison to bush. At least that’s CHANGE. Not good chaange, but it’s change.
Where the hell is that “present” option oba-mao loves so much.
Again, the comparisons to bush. No CHANGE here.
I don’t blame you.
Besides for my snarky comments, what else can you say?
Got link? Or is this just more bullshit you get called out on that you never prove?
Got link?
When did you serve in the military?
Feel free to comment on the left-wing links-
9. ny times
54 cnbc
56 .edu
71 msnbc
80 abc
Or ignore them since it doesn’t validate your opinion.
obama 9/9/09
And insurance companies will be required to cover, with no extra charge, routine checkups and preventive care, like mammograms and colonoscopies — (applause) — because there’s no reason we shouldn’t be catching diseases like breast cancer and colon cancer before they get worse. That makes sense, it saves money, and it saves lives. (Applause.)
The oba-mao administration a month later-
The big news for women this week was new set of recommendations that most women can wait until age 50, rather than 40, to begin screening for breast cancer with mammograms.
Why does oba-mao hate women?
Salient quote:
Bullshit? Right wing bullshit is what you serve up here every day.
I haven’t but I don’t come here every day supporting the belligerent chimp policies without putting skin in the game like most right wingers do.
Have you served? If so – thank you for your service.
So, whatever the excuse was, Puddwaxx did not serve.
Therefore, according to your own way of thinking, you have no way of REALLY knowing wwhat it is like to be a soldier and you should shut your trap about it.
Nobody knows the trouble he’s seen….
2. Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forget spews:
‘I can’t possibly understand what it really means to be a person of color.’
“Something Puddy agrees with. Unless you have my skin color, you have no clue.”
11/22/2009 at 6:08 pm
Unless you’ve been in the military you can’t, “…possibly understand what it really means….”
Case closed.
@86 I haven’t but I don’t come here every day supporting the belligerent chimp policies without putting skin in the game like most right wingers do.
Yes, but you are a supporter of the war in Afghanistan, a war you’ve argued is vitally important as I recall. So what’s your “skin in the game?”
Of course you haven’t.
Covering routine checkups keeps people healthy and saves money (and keeps people on the job instead of at home drawing sick pay) in the long run.
Just a general statement.
obviously its another day of YLB and his intensive job searching….
I was against the first gulf war while it was going on, later on I realized that I’d been wrong on that. Poppa Bush did a better job than he’s generally credited for.
You should check out Peter Maas’s book about Yugoslavia, Love Thy Neighbor. Maas makes a good argument that in Yugoslavia’s case we did too little too late. We did too little and did it too late because there was no connection to American Empire being served by acting there.
Sounds like your niece is a spunky kid. If she starts hankering for a care package from home and can get food sent to her, I make some pretty good oat meal cookies and would be happy to send her a tin.
hhmm…so now we find out that the census worker found hanged actualy DID kill himself – and had staged it to look like a murder. This just announced by police after an investigation.
Will the lying liberals come clean and apoligize for accusing the locals down there of murder?
How is the liberal ny times responding to all those emails about man-made-global-warming?
I’m running down tips and assertions related to the theft and hackings.
Just imagine if some hacker found handwritten notes about bush wanting to go to war for profits. Would the ny times take the attitude that since the documents were illegally obtained that they won’t comment on them?
Once again a liberal network throws a gay guy under the bus.
TVNewser has learned ABC News canceled the concert after Lambert’s sexually charged performance at the American Music Awards Sunday night
Why is liberal ABC anti-gay?
And you? Not gonna say are you? Any kids in Iraq or Afghanistan? Stupes has two kids – in UW, a liberal University where Professors like HA’s own Darryl teach and do their research.
How interesting!
Why can’t right wingers put their kids in a wingnut University like Regent University.
You don’t have to agree 100 percent with Pat Robertson.
Miserable loser @ 91
Still mourning the overwhelming rejection of that “non-partisan” Suzie Hutchison?
Gee all anyone has to do to defeat an empty-suit right winger is call them exactly that.
Just tell the truth. The voters then make up their own minds.
Hey headless@87, Whatever racist. Puddy volunteered, was told to leave, chose to stay and then was discharged after injury. Unlike you Puddy wanted a military career.
Your feckless commentary has no meaning whatsoever. Suck on that fool!
Do you see the difference in your quotes?
ylb arschloch@76… You’ve been ACORNED… right in the arschloch.
No retort for the ACORN documents.
No retort for SEIU thuggery.
Truth hurts… Kicks the arschloch right in his arschloch. Figgers Fool!
Hey arschloch, let’s see where your two end up. At least my sons have a brain. The jury still out on the junior ylb arschlochs. Lets see them pass the 10th grade WASL. Or… as Puddy suspects you’ll be down there complaining if your son/daughter does poorly. If they have your brain it’s Shoreline Community College. No offense to kids going to Shoreline… making a point on the ACORN falling close to the rotten stump called ylb arschloch! BTW ylb arschloch, one son just approved by foreign country and university to study abroad. Now that’s a bill Puddy has to come up with. How would you pay for it ylb arschloch with your leftist web site job perusing skillz?
When well known believer of man-made-global-warming george monbiot sees the damage by the hacked emails, you know the scientific consensus just went down the drain.
As said by a man that believed in man-made-global-warming.
Fiend @ 100
You repeat Breitbart’s lies – you’re an empty shell calling lies truth.
Dismissed and IGNORED!
Fool @ 100
You come here with your right wing bullshit every day and your kids go where?
What a freaking right wing joke you are!
99 – You’re about as braindead in reading comprehension as Stupes.
Yawwwwn… These wingnut hypocrites are boring me.
You do realize that, even if your kids don’t get a single cent of finical aid, they’re still getting a subsidized rate on their tuition don’t you?
UW’s a good school, nothing wrong with sending them there.
I’d be careful about ranking on the community colleges, some of the tech program grads are making more money than college grads these days.
Hey ylb..
Did dailykos have any comment on those 440 fake congressional districts the oba-mao administration made up?
Does kos have any idea where that money really went to.
The truth is, the districts are fake and the money was spent.
Or was kos a good democrat and look the other way?
Maybe mediamatters wrote about it?
Any links you could provide would be appreciated.
What’s the lis about acorn you are talking about?
So you think those two comments are the same?
Well, what’s your choice?
1. Sit on the couch watching jerry springer reruns
2. get a job
3. hang out all day on HA.
It’s now open season on oba-mao.
SNL mocked him.
Now leno…
Jay Leno: “Obama, Pelosi and Reid are drafting a new stimulus bill that White House says could have twice the number of non-existent jobs as the last jobs bill.
Hope is fading fast.
Puddy wonder what happened to correctnotright now that we know some of the global climate change data is “cooked”…
Culture of corruption, are the democrats part of it?
CNN reports
Liberal bias goes out the window when oba-mao and his administration screw up the economy to the point liberals lose money.
It’s the economy stupid.
Michael asks
Irrelevant. First you need to have a brain to get into a good school. Second you need to work to stay in those schools. As a resident of WA state for almost 17 years so what? Did you pay Puddy’s B&O taxes those years when Puddy was self-employed? Did you pay Puddy’s L&I taxes those years when Puddy was self-employed?
Then why are you making disparaging commentary over tuition? Puddy pays what the state charges. If they charged more Puddy would have to pay more.
The use of Shoreline Community was the first that popped into Puddy’s head since ylb arschloch has Jim McDimwitt as his congressman!
Useless tool@103 AKA ylb arschloch…
Almost every public school of higher education today is a librul university fool. This is why you are the dumbest brick on HA as well as the well known ylb arschloch; monomaniacal chronological idiot. You live on kook-aid sites. No sense whatsoever of the times and actions of today’s universities. There are very few conservative public universities today.
Why are you sending your kids to public school. Isn’t that “socialist”?
Why not send your kids to Regent instead? A proper wingnut school and private – note to Stamm: your hero Stupes insists on sending his kids to PUBLIC school. Hypocrite!
To top it all of off – your doctor is on salary with a socialist health care plan.
You are so full of miserable right wing bullshit and its attendant hypocrisy. It’s too freaking sick!
Have you read this “email” moron? Here’s a taste:
The right wing moron Stamm PWNED by a “socialist” economist.
Weren’t they posted on a public website? Yeah like they were really trying to hide that like say oh Bush wiretapping and reading e-mail.
You misunderstood what I was going for. I wasn’t trying to make a disparaging remark about tuition. I’ve met way too many people, mostly on the right, that thought they were paying the full cost of their kids college because their kid didn’t qualify for finical aid.
re 95- ‘Why is liberal ABC anti-gay?’
family values?
I live in Seattle fool. NSCC is much closer.
Pinhead most def.
Pud @ 19 is violating the extended excerpt rules.
102 MS
Nope, wrong.
95 MS
More Republican “logic.” I am sure we can parse this a little. How about examing premises, facts, and logical conclusions, if it is presented as “logic.”
Premise: ABC network is liberal (if only because you say it is).
Fact: ABC News will not air an Adam Lambert performance segment.
Conclusion: ABD News is throwing someone gay “under the bus” and is thus “anti-gay.”
Unexpressed additional premise without which MS conclusion makes no sense: A liberal network would not be exepected to refuse to air gay content.
Unexamined possible alternative conclusion: ABC network/News is not liberal.
But conservatives are dedicated to twist reality to fit a preconceived narrative, and therefore no logical conclusion that does not fit the preconceived narrative can be either considered or expressed.
Re: hacked e-mail “discovery” by right-wing global climate change deniers
Conclusion: BULLSHIT
Hey, ley it not be said that Republicans underestimate the stupidity of the public. THey KNOW there is no scientific controversy, but in slavish obedience to their corporate masters they muddy the waters for the ordinary person.
More gold:
But hey, why believe NASA scientists when we have Marvin Shithead telling you what to think?
more gold:
Simple test…
Follow the money, ie: donations to democrats.
Here’s a nice list of the top national donors. Doesn’t the liberal media always say the big donors are republican?
From the liberal ny times…
Wave of Debt Payments Facing U.S. Government
I’m not a money expert, my best guess is now is the best time to change the country’s healthcare system. There’s still space on the good ole’ ChinaVisa platinum card. America can always call one of those democrat donating lawyers on teev and just file bankruptcy. I don’t really expect to china call in the debt and show up and start hauling stuff away.
I wonder how many years the government knew this day was coming. Oh well, it’s all bush’s fault. He tried to privatize social security but you left-wingers knew better. Ask gbs & steve how they have done with investments, they have both bragged that instead of losing they have gained.
jobless ylb posts ALL DAY LONG….lazy libby much?
@126 But conservatives are dedicated to twist reality to fit a preconceived narrative, and therefore no logical conclusion that does not fit the preconceived narrative can be either considered or expressed.
What an inane statement, absolutely inane.