– Congrats to Eli Sanders.
– Our shitty discourse.
– Joel Connelly has a great piece summarizing Super PAC’s. It’s mostly info you already knew, but it’s good to have it in one place.
– Okay, Lord Player is clearly the best phrase ever said in any context ever.
– Fuse has a petition for Amazon to stop funding ALEC.
– Broccoli
I can’t remember if this has been brought up here before but the series on Amazon at the local fish wrapper feels a little light but it’s worth a read:
Yep, not a dollar more for hard-core glibertarian Bezo’s outfit until they are no longer a part of ALEC.
Atrios has unveiled THE ONE TRUE WANKER OF THE (Eschaton) DECADE
He ends his awarding post with the most true words spoken in the decade of Eschaton “We’re fucked.”
Happy Tax Day!
Oh, and Dave, I hope you spent less than $1000 (even if it was discounted from $1200) on your 1040EZ preparation this year.
GALLUP: Romney 48, Obama 43.
@3 Yawn. I have no freaking idea what my taxes are, because
I haven’t done them yet — Rmoney filed an automatic extension, and so did I! My tax prep won’t cost me a cent because I’ll do it myself, when I feel like it, probably not before September. Yawn, nothing to do today except watch the stock market go up, so — yawn — I’m going back to bed. I hope all you cubicle slaves are enjoying your day at work, while I get to sleep in. Yawn. Yawn. Yawn.
The wisdom of Mitt Romney spokesman Ted Nugent:
RCP Average: Obama +3.0
Gallup is a daily tracking poll.
RCP Average 3/30 – 4/16
i.e. worthless. The true poll will be taken on November 6, 2012.
Are you related by any chance to a troll from Montana bob?
Dream on bobby.
@8 Bob,
In the spirit of trying to be helpful…
While national polls are interesting, whether Rmoney is leading or Obama is leading today or on November 2nd it has very little bearing on the outcome of a presidential election.
As Darryl shows us it is about state level wins.
I was dubious too, but I checked with Al Gore, winner of the popular vote in 2000, and he verified this for me.
@8 Bob,
and Mitt Rmoney Shows Record Shortfall in Personal Popularity in ABC News/Washington Post Poll
Every time you hear an attack on Romney’s dog, his religion, his wife, or something else that has nothing to do with his qualifications for the office, you keep repeating that to yourself.
’cause you won’t hear much about Obama defending his record in office, unless it includes something having to do with how tough things were when he came into office as an excuse for why things aren’t better than they are.
I caught a short blurb on the radio yesterday. I don’t know who was speaking, except it was on NPR. His take on the 2012 presidential election: It will all come down to some 200,000 “independents” in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Sorry, we all know that you WANT to believe that your vote counts, that you NEED to believe that every vote throughout the country counts. And it does, in an indirect way, as long as you vote as you usually do. There’s always a chance you could refuse to vote or vote unpredictably, and therefore throw a curveball into this anaylsis. Or there could be a third-party candidate which syphons off votes from one candidate to another, especially in states where it throws the electoral balance in unpredictable ways.
But for the most part, it’s a relatively small number of votes in Ohio and Pennsylvania that are at issue. I don’t know why he didn’t discuss Florida at the same time – perhaps that’s an old issue.
@14 Perhaps closer to 7 states but you’re correct. California ain’t turnin’ red and Texas ain’t goin’ blue.
Strange the guy didn’t include FL. Wonder which way he assumes it will go.
Oh…so so sorry bobby…I JUST PLUM FORGOT all those comments from you when Cheney/Bush were stealing elections and running the country into trillions of dollars in debt!
How could I forget your insightful posts about Bush letting the job market hemorrhage 700,000 jobs a month.
Oh??? So those weren’t your comments???
So nothing for ME to be sorry about, you fucking puke?
Glad we got that straight.
Off your knees and wipe your mouth before speaking. You’re embarrassing The One.
7-2 that the Florida recount was unconstitutional. Damn, that’s so inconvenient for me to bring up, isn’t it?
Oh, and Gore could have requested a statewide recount. He didn’t. He cherry-picked.
Yeah. Bush’s fault. It’s all Bush’s fault.
I wonder how many decades into the future libs will be blaming FL ’00 for their woes.
Gore lost his home state. The state in which he was a US Senator. In which his father was a US Senator.
He couldn’t carry his own fucking home state.
He was a poor candidate who elected not to make use of the greatest campaign machine known to modern man – Bill Clinton.
He chose poorly after the election. Stupidity should be painful.
@13 “you won’t hear much about Obama defending his record in office”
We’ll hear how he prevented a second Great Depression, killed Osama bin Laden, wound down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, is moving us toward energy independence, and you’re also going to see a quite a lot of the “bikini graph” contrasting his upbeat jobs record with the dismal jobs record of the Republicans:
He would have accomplished much more but for obstructionist GOPers who would flush America down the toilet for a bogus talking point.
# 18:
It’s not libs doing the blaming, or the liberal’s woes. It was the Republicans who couldn’t stomach voting for another Republican in 2008 who did the blaming. And it was the country’s woes, not just the liberals.
GOP got spanked in 2008. Deservedly.
Was it TARP that prevented a ‘depression’? Or the ARRA, which only did some sort of ‘created or saved’ thing using creative definitions of affected jobs and might have made a difference of 1%, at most, in the unemployment rate? The ARRA that was supposed to cap unemployment at 8%, only it went pretty much to 10%, and our children will get the bill?
Elaborate, please. BTW, TARP was before he was president.
21 – Look at the picture…
Elaborate enough?
Not really, no. What did he do?
I can see what he’s doing now, which is barely creating jobs at a pace faster than population growth, which is why the unemployment rate is falling really only because the denominator is falling – people are leaving the workforce.
If you took that graph back to, say, 1999, you would find that a nice little recession started just before Bush took office, especially with the revised definition of recession.
Inconvenient, yes, but maybe look a little past MSNBC for your news once in awhile.
23 – Heh. There was no net job growth to speak of during the Bush years…
Actually that’s not quite true. I believe a little over a million net jobs were created in total.. ALL of them in the government sector.. The private sector LOST 653,000 jobs..
So much for tax cuts on “job creators”. What is Romney going to do differently besides more of the same?
As for the efficacy of the Obama policies. Seen those “loyal opposition” approval numbers in Congress lately?
Here’s a fun analysis of “bi-partisanship”..
By all means do read on…
Bobsterino: Also, Obama can strategically loosen the reins on the strategic oil reserves, flood the market with oil, and voila — lower gas prices.
It worked for Clinton. It will work for Obama. The Wankers that you are scaring about gas prices being Obama’s ‘fault’ may also make the connection that the drop in prices is also his doing.
Bob is so fucking stupid he believes “Fat Tony” Scalia.
Bush v. Gore was a 5-4 decision you ignorant fuck.
@27 Rujax,
SCOTUS Justice John Paula Stevens published a book last year that was mostly nice things and praise for the 5 Chief Justices he’s known. There’s maybe 5 criticisms of any of his colleagues in the book. The most pointed barb is for the stay in the Bush v Gore Florida recount.
He pointedly schools his 5 colleagues with authority.
It was a coup…plain and simple.
@23 Okay, if jobs go down during Bush, he’s somehow not to blame; and if jobs go up during obama, he doesn’t deserve the credit? So what you’re saying is presidents and their policies have nothing to do with job destruction or job creation?
Damn Straight. Not an nanogram of legal justification. Even the most conservative legal minds rejected it.
This whacko lefty called it nothing short of treason:
Secret Service agents will interview Ted Nugent on Thursday about his anti-Obama remarks at a recent NRA convention, CNN reports. The Secret Service is investigating Nugent to determine whether he’s a threat to the President.