This has been a tough weekend for our trolls, and tomorrow is MONDAY. I’ll bet they started drinking 6 hours ago!
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
I can’t possibly understand what it really means to be a person of color.
Something Puddy agrees with. Unless you have my skin color, you have no clue. So why is Carla Axtman perplexed over race? Could it be she has run into the “progressive enlightenment zone”? Well from her LinkedIn page Freelance Web Content Manager/Contractor at Democratic Party of Oregon. Now she’s shocked that own her progressive peeps are dwelling on race? That’s the progressive modus operandi. Just last week Jessie Hi-Jackson used the race card on another black man Carla. That’s how your side deals with politics. Puddy loves how HA Libtardos try to speak to racial issues or they “equate” the gay marriage issue with the black struggle.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 It must be tough being black and Republican at the same time. I can’t do it! After listening to Saint Ronnie suck up to the killers of those civil rights workers, I’d be tempted to strangle the first Republican I saw.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ronnie sucked up to the thugs who murdered the American nuns in Central America, too. I don’t know how you live with yourself, poodle. If I were you, I’d drown myself.*
* Heh! Just kidding! Coulter joke.
2. Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forget spews:
I can’t possibly understand what it really means to be a person of color.
Something Puddy agrees with. Unless you have my skin color, you have no clue. So why is Carla Axtman perplexed over race? Could it be she has run into the “progressive enlightenment zone”? Well from her LinkedIn page Freelance Web Content Manager/Contractor at Democratic Party of Oregon. Now she’s shocked that own her progressive peeps are dwelling on race? That’s the progressive modus operandi. Just last week Jessie Hi-Jackson used the race card on another black man Carla. That’s how your side deals with politics. Puddy loves how HA Libtardos try to speak to racial issues or they “equate” the gay marriage issue with the black struggle.
Yeah. God knows nobody has ever had it worse than Puddy or risen so far so fast above it all.
they “equate” the gay marriage issue with the black struggle.
Oh when did this happen asshole?
You’re saying gays don’t have civil rights issues?
Of course you don’t. You called the gay struggle, the gay “bowel movement”.
Moron. Such an ugly excuse for a human being.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s Official: Bush Was Worst President Ever.
A survey shows 98.2% of professional historians consider George W. Bush a “failure” while only 1.8% rated him a “success.” And 61% of this group ranked him as the worst president ever, while another 35% ranked him in the bottom 10.
Here’s a sampling of the comments submitted by these historians:
<em“Glib, contemptuous, ignorant, incurious, a dupe of anyone who humors his deluded belief in his heroic self, he has bankrupted the country with his disastrous war and his tax breaks for the rich, trampled on the Bill of Rights, appointed foxes in every henhouse, compounded the terrorist threat, turned a blind eye to torture and corruption and a looming ecological disaster, and squandered the rest of the world’s goodwill. In short, no other president’s faults have had so deleterious an effect on not only the country but the world at large.”
“When future historians look back to identify the moment at which the United States began to lose its position of world leadership, they will point—rightly—to the Bush presidency. Thanks to his policies, it is now easy to see America losing out to its competitors in any number of areas: China is rapidly becoming the manufacturing powerhouse of the next century, India the high tech and services leader, and Europe the region with the best quality of life.”
“He is not a conservative, nor a Christian, just an immoral man.”
Still another remarked that Bush’s “denial of any personal responsibility can only be described as silly.”
“How does any president’s reputation sink so low? The reasons are best understood as the reverse of those that produce presidential greatness. … George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt … guided the nation through … its greatest crises[.] Presented with arduous … circumstances, they rallied the nation, governed brilliantly and left the republic more secure than when they entered office. Calamitous presidents … have divided the nation, governed erratically and left the nation worse off. …
“Bush … has not only stumbled badly in every one of these key areas, he has also displayed … an unswerving adherence to a simplistic ideology that … prevent[s] any pragmatic adjustment to changing realities. …
“No previous president … squandered the public’s trust more than Bush[.] … No other president … faced with … monumental … military and political circumstances failed to embrace the opposing political party to help wage a truly national struggle. … The heart of Bush’s domestic policy [was] nothing more than a series of massively regressive tax cuts[.] … The one noncorporate constituency to which Bush … consistently deferred [was] the Christian right … transform[ing] the GOP into … ‘the first religious party in U.S. history.’ … History may ultimately hold Bush in the greatest contempt for expanding the powers of the presidency beyond the limits laid down by the U.S. Constitution.”
Wilentz also had some choice words about Saint Ronnie:
“[T]he most scandal-ridden administration in the modern era, apart from Nixon’s, was Ronald Reagan’s[.] A total of twenty-nine Reagan officials … were convicted on charges stemming from the Iran-Contra affair, illegal lobbying and a looting scandal inside the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Three Cabinet officers … left their posts under clouds of scandal. In contrast, not a single official in the Clinton administration was even indicted over his or her White House duties, despite repeated high-profile investigations and a successful, highly partisan impeachment drive.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bush is gone, but his brain-dead supporters are rallying behind an even more spectacularly inept tinpot politician: Sarah Palin. Why do these people hate America? And why would anyone listen to them?
Roger Rabbitspews:
The fishwrapper reports that a janitorial company owned by a local CONSERVATIVE TALK-RADIO HOST is being investigated for HIRING ILLEGALS. Union officials say 150 of the company’s employees are undocumented. Predictably, in comments below the artcle, a conservative accuses the government of picking on the company because its owner is a conservative. (Er, what happened to the outrage over illegals taking jobs away from Americans?)
K did a week and a half ago. rijax joined in too. You didn’t read their comments? Well most people skip over their commentary. Glad to see you did too. There is no comparison between the black struggle and gay “rights”.
Even Jesse Jackson agrees with Puddy fool! So do other black leaders but Jesse is the most known.
You are the HA arschloch for a reason. Stupidity and moronic memory malady. That’s why you had to create that tctmgr database. You couldn’t remember what you said yesterday and it was embarrassing.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
X’ad vomits–
Yeah. God knows nobody has ever had it worse than Puddy or risen so far so fast above it all.
Do you even know Puddy and where he came from??
One of 13 kids in a Philly tenement. Mrs. Puddy’s family was even bigger. They worked their asses off, made huge sacrifices and raised 2 high achiever kids.
Sure there are folks that had it worse.
The Puddy’s CHOSE not to sit around like victims….the kind of victims Jesse Jackson loves for his power base. They made it happen, despite obvious obstacles.
Bad example X’ad you wretched a$$hole.
A lot of us here on both sides grew up in families living paycheck to paycheck…me included. I worked since I was a little kid. Worked my way thru college. My parents couldn’t afford to help any of us kids financially thru college. Steve has told his story.
Your hero Goldy grew up in the rich Jewish Philly ‘burbs. The only thing he and lots of you KLOWNS know about struggle is what you read in a book. It’s pathetic how you KLOWNS born into privilege USE Black folks as your political pawns.
Puddy was a bad target for your contempt X’ad.
Ask SeattleJew. He’s met them.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Thanks but for the record there were 10 siblings. The rest is true
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Even LA Times opinion pages say “Although presidential incumbency has hardly kept Obama chained to the Oval Office, he and Joe Biden now own the U.S. economy, where their much-vaunted $787 billion economic stimulus package has so far stimulated unemployment to grow by a quarter from 8% to more than 10%.” PuddyEmphasis
Must suck for MSM libtardos to admit the economy is Mmmm Mmmm Mmmms.
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. Mr. Cynical spews:
X’ad vomits–
Ku KluX’ad Klan
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. Mr. Cynical spews:
Goldy grew up in the rich Jewish Philly ‘burbs. The only thing he and lots of you KLOWNS know about struggle is…
…when the hired help has the day off.
Marvin Stamnspews:
There is a rumor going around that oba-mao wants to change the 10 commandments, specifically, the eighth one.
He wants to change it to-
Thou shalt not steal, except by majority vote
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obam-Mao’s race card politics is really paying off: Monday, November 23, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 28% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13.
For the first time in the Obama Administration, the Approval Index has been in negative double digits for nine straight days. Among men, the President’s Approval Index rating is -20. Among women, it is -7.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
12. Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forget spews:
Thanks but for the record there were 10 siblings. The rest is true.
I have another friend who is 1 of 13 where only he and 1 brother and 1 sister are Conservative. 3 out of 13…the rest Libs.
They all grew up with the same lack of opportunities. Who do you think are the most successful??
You guessed correctomundo!
X’ad and his spoiled KLOWNmates are sooooooo obvious that they view Black Folks as their Useful Idiots. It’s a power grab…pure and simple.
And for Jesse Jackson to say what he said about the Black Democrat Congressman….saying voting against Health Care Debacle makes him NOT BLACK, is telling. It’s really pathetic and indicative of the pressure to keep Blacks in line. You cross the line Puddy and you are an Uncle Tom or deemed White by his royalty the Wrong Reverend Jesse.
I can see why many Blacks are reluctant to come forward and stand up for Conservative/Small Government Principles.
Condi Rice, Star Parker and other Conservative Black Women seem to be treated a lot more carefully than Black men.
Hey Puddy…thanks for being a standup guy.
I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. I’m just hopin’ some of the Naive Kool-Aid Drinkers hear a different perspective on their PLANTATION POLITICS!
I’ll bet most of our Jewish LIBTARDO’s have zero Black Friends and would never invite a Black couple to dinner!
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Condi Rice wasn’t treated well by the Libtardo MSM. Remember the modified pictures? HA’s arschloch, ylb arschloch called her and Colin Powell wonderful names. Puddy posted them here and naturally the arschloch diarrhead all over the blog on that one.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Then there was this one from Steve Guilliard. Puddy posted it before. Let’s see if ylb arschloch can find it. BTW Steve is a held on the reservation black man!
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Remember when Puddy told the HA Libtardo moronic class to watch Glenn Beck’s November 13th show on conservative black people? Remember when Puddy posted this about liberals?
This is sooooooooooo progressive!
14. Marvin Stamn spews:
11. Mr. Cynical spews:
X’ad vomits–
Ku KluX’ad Klan
Xad apologized to puddy. You seem to conveniently overlooked that What a surpise.But by all means do your worst.
I’m pretty sure that’s just a rumor, but it’s a pretty funny rumor.
I don’t need to watch Glenn Beck to see that. My sister-in-law is a church going, conservative, black person. A conservative, church going, black person, who can’t stand Glenn Beck, Rush L, or the bat shit crazies that are in charge of the Republican party at the moment.
Those funny conservatives…
A janitorial company owned by a local conservative talk-radio host [ed: KVI talk-radio host Peter Weissbach] is among the early targets of a new strategy by the Obama administration to thin the ranks of illegal immigrants by going after the companies that hire them.
Over 100 illegal immigrants working for his company.
Seems to be original reporting day at the Times.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 Stamn preaching about “stealing” is like Gary Ridgway complaining about crime.
As usual you’re talking out your ass without any backup.
And no I’m not going to any database on your silly orders..
You hate 8-10 percent of the people in this country and you won’t acknowledge they’ve been discriminated against in housing, employment, cohabitation and survivor’s benefits and other areas.
You’re a miserable fiend who is addicted to right wing bullshit and that bullshit doesn’t have the kick it used to. Moon’s bullshit newspaper is melting down. The stock market is up this morning despite all the socialism your chimp started to save capitalism. Oh wait – you said Paulson was a lefty so that’s the excuse. Nice try fool. That moronic simian you voted for twice signed the “socialism” into law. He had the power to veto it. HE CHOSE socialism..
And you made it happen by voting for the fool twice. You were mumbling a while back that the TARP was working, i.e. socialism works! Wow. You’re on a roll tool!
Marvin Stamnspews:
22. X’ad spews:
Ku KluX’ad Klan
Xad apologized to puddy. You seem to conveniently overlooked that What a surpise.But by all means do your worst.
The effects of climate change have driven women in communities in coastal areas in poor countries like the Philippines into dangerous work, and sometimes even the flesh trade, a United Nations official said.
Remember, a condom is your friend.
28. Marvin Stamn spews:
22. X’ad spews:
Ku KluX’ad Klan
Xad apologized to puddy. You seem to conveniently overlooked that What a surpise.But by all means do your worst.
You apologized for being a racist?
Got link?
11/23/2009 at 9:29 am
30. Marvin Stamn spews:
Good news Ku KluX’ad Klan, thanks to man-made-global-warming there are job opportunities opening up for you in the philippines.
‘Climate change pushes poor women to prostitution, dangerous work’
The effects of climate change have driven women in communities in coastal areas in poor countries like the Philippines into dangerous work, and sometimes even the flesh trade, a United Nations official said.
Remember, a condom is your friend.
You absolute piece of shit. Capitalizing on severe misfortune for your petty sniping.
You pathetic little vermin.
You really are excrement.
Marvin Stamnspews:
When you want news about oba-mao, you can’t look to the american media, you got to go overseas.
Obama’s Nice Guy Act Gets Him Nowhere on the World Stage
Barack Obama looked tired on Thursday, as he stood in the Blue House in Seoul, the official residence of the South Korean president. He also seemed irritable and even slightly forlorn. The CNN cameras had already been set up. But then Obama decided not to play along, and not to answer the question he had already been asked several times on his trip: what did he plan to take home with him? Instead, he simply said “thank you, guys,” and disappeared. David Axelrod, senior advisor to the president, fielded the journalists’ questions in the hallway of the Blue House instead, telling them that the public’s expectations had been “too high.”
In Tokyo, the new center-left government even pulled out of its participation in a mission which saw the Japanese navy refueling US warships in the Indian Ocean as part of the Afghanistan campaign. In Beijing, Obama failed to achieve any important concessions whatsoever. There will be no binding commitments from China to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A revaluation of the Chinese currency, which is kept artificially weak, has been postponed. Sanctions against Iran? Not a chance. Nuclear disarmament? Not an issue for the Chinese.
If you believed the liberal american media, you would have thought that the world was embracing oba-mao.
Marvin Stamnspews:
31. X’ad spews: 28. Marvin Stamn spews:
22. X’ad spews:
Ku KluX’ad Klan
Xad apologized to puddy. You seem to conveniently overlooked that What a surpise.But by all means do your worst.
You apologized for being a racist?
Got link?
You call Puddy all kinds of names, insinuate I suck his cock and now you call on him to protect you.
What’s wrong little one, you like talking shit to people.
Can’t you take what you dish out?
You call Puddy all kinds of names, insinuate I suck his cock and now you call on him to protect you.
I expect people to have a basic sense of minimal honor and decency.
Fuck you. You are vomit.
Marvin Stamnspews:
32. X’ad spews:
You absolute piece of shit. Capitalizing on severe misfortune for your petty sniping.
You pathetic little vermin.
You really are excrement.
I wasn’t capitalizing on anything, I was simply pointing out you have job opportunities when you finally leave america.
35. X’ad spews:
I expect people to have a basic sense of minimal honor and decency.
Do you consider a “basic sense of minimal honor and decency” to include the “sucking cock” insults you routinely use? You have proven that you hold others to a higher standard than you hold yourself.
Fuck you. You are vomit.
Excellent display of your basic sense of minimal honor and decency.
Kinda seems like she wants oba-mao to be more like palin.
Barack Obama, who once had his own electric book tour testing the waters for a campaign, could learn a thing or three from Palin. On Friday, for the first time, his Gallup poll approval rating dropped below 50 percent, and he’s losing the independents who helped get him elected.
Sinking in the polls is now giving democrats the idea that carterII is 3 years from being over.
The animating spirit that electrified his political movement has sputtered out
Not sputtered out exactly. The time has come for something a little more grown up than voting present and oba-mao is dithering his term away. After 11 months in the white house, what’s his decision on the “war of necessity?”
Like Reagan, Obama is a detached loner with a strong, savvy wife. But unlike Reagan, he doesn’t have the acting skills to project concern about what’s happening to people.
When someone that know oba-mao like dowd does, what else could she say but oba-mao doesn’t have the acting skills to project concern. If he had actual concern, there would be no reason to “act” concerned.
If we could see a Reduced Shakespeare summary of Obama’s presidency so far, it would read:
Dither, dither, speech. Foreign trip, bow, reassure. Seminar, summit. Shoot a jump shot with the guys, throw out the first pitch in mom jeans. Compromise, concede, close the deal. Dither, dither, water down, news conference.
That’s how an ona-mao supporting democrats sees him. Does that make her a racist?
It’s time for the president to reinvent this formula and convey a more three-dimensional person.
Palin can be stupefyingly simplistic, but she seems dynamic. Obama is impressively complex but he seems static.
She nurtures her grass roots while he neglects his.
He struggles to transcend identity politics while she wallows in them. As he builds an emotional moat around himself, she exuberantly pushes whatever she has, warts and all — the good looks, the tabloid-perfect family, the Alaska quirkiness, the kids with the weird names.
Yeah, if only oba-mao was more like palin.
Now we see why the left hates palin. She’s what they want oba-mao to be.
@25 Does this mean Seattle Building is now interviewing applicants from the local labor pool, or are they going to sit tight, put their remaining employees on forced overtime until the smoke clears, and then bring in a couple of busloads of fresh illegals?
Politically Incorrectspews:
@1, 3, 8, 9 & 26,
rodent got his Preparation-H confused with his Poly-Grip: he talks like an asshole, but his gums don’t itch!
Shockingly, we now learn that the ACORN office in National City (San Diego County) engaged in a massive document dump on the evening of October 9th, containing thousands upon thousands of sensitive documents, just days prior to the Attorney General’s visit.
… has learned that not only did this document dump occur, but the documents in question were irresponsibly and brazenly dumped in a public dumpster, without considering laws and regulations as to how sensitive information should be treated.
I am a local licensed private investigator. I took it upon myself to keep an eye on what the local ACORN office was up to, in light of the release of the undercover videos. I retrieved these documents from the public dumpster.
Not only that-
the local head ACORN organizer in California, David Lagstein was caught on tape earlier this month speaking to an East County Democratic Club.
Mr. Lagstein stated: “…the attorney general is a political animal, but certainly every bit of the communication we have had with them has suggested that the fault will be found with the people that did the video and not the people with ACORN.”
To sum it up…
Before an investigation, acorn dumps documents into a dumpster.
The head of acorn in kalifornia is recorded saying that the kalifornia attorney general, also a democrat, has already decided the case and will target the filmakers.
The documents dumped have been retrieved.
Maybe ylb will explain why acorn was dumping documents before an investigation by a democrat.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Oba-mao is in trouble, big trouble.
When the liberal ny times start actually reporting the truth you know the bad policy decisions by the oba-mao administration is affecting them personally.
Even as Treasury officials are racing to lock in today’s low rates by exchanging short-term borrowings for long-term bonds, the government faces a payment shock similar to those that sent legions of overstretched homeowners into default on their mortgages.
In concrete terms, an additional $500 billion a year in interest expense would total more than the combined federal budgets this year for education, energy, homeland security and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
… “Clever debt management strategy,” the group said, “can’t completely substitute for prudent fiscal policy.”
Dick Army is a description of the membership of the Republican Party. (Yes, I know the name is spelled Armey)
Mr. Cynicalspews:
X’ad has flipped his wig!
Part of the Progressive Handbook prohibits racist outbursts….you can only quietly treat Blacks like 2nd class citizens while make them think you are helping them.
I thought X’ad had threatened to stop posting?
Now he has put his Birkenstock in his mouth…again.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
21. Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forget spews:
Remember when Puddy told the HA Libtardo moronic class to watch Glenn Beck’s November 13th show on conservative black people? Remember when Puddy posted this about liberals?
This is sooooooooooo progressive
I remember.
These Lunatics have made it clear how they feel about “YOUR TYPE” Puddy.
They all wanna be Jesse Jackson.
Those crazy Libtardos want to help people by training them for jobs and creating a green workforce.
What could be more deceitful? All black people need is a good kick in the ass — just like white kids get!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 A Republican complaining about the national debt is like John Dillinger complaining that a bank he just robbed is broke.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 “HAR HAR HAR” belongs to me! Quit using my copyrighted material and get your own, plagiarist! Is there anything a Republican won’t steal?!
Daddy Lovespews:
Looks like 0-dork-thirty in here, pretty much as usual.
I have never understood how it is that over the last few decades Republicans have apparently been flabbergasted in every single election by the fact that African-Americans vote overwhelmingly Democratic and in recent years have almost completely abandoned the former Party of Lincoln. Why is this a mystery to you all? I know y’all are crazy these days, but are you stupid? (rhetorical)
It’s a simple bottom line: African-Americans know that Democrats favor policies that align with their interests, and Republicans favor policies that are antithetical to their interests.
And when Republicans fly the Confederate flag, carry Obama monkey dolls, distribute “Obama bucks” containing representations of watermelon, ribs, KFC and Kool-aid, send around racist “witch doctor” pics of Obama, and so on, the meaning is not lost on anyone. Many of these representations have been by elected officials or Party officials.
African-Americans are not idiots, and their voting patterns are clearly explained as an expression of what they know to be in their own best interests.
However, as always, I do want to encourage you Republicans to keep telling black people how foolish and stupid they are. It’s really been workin’ well for you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Typo alert @45: That should read “Duck Army.” Because ducking Army service is what Republicans do. Don’t believe me? Then read this list and go listen to the “Chickenhawk Song” again:
George W. Bush – went AWOL from National Guard
Dick Cheney – 5 deferments, never served
Phil Gramm – 4 deferments, never served
John Ashcroft – 7 deferments, never served
Jeb Bush – never served
Karl Rove – never served
Dennis Hastert – never served
Bill Frist – never served
Dick Armey – never served
Tom DeLay – never served
Newt Gingrich – never served
Trent Lott – never served
Saxby Chambliss – claimed “bad knee,” never served
Mitch McConnell – did not serve.
Rick Santorum – did not serve.
Roy Blunt – never served
Richard Shelby – never served
Dana Rohrabacher – never served
John M. McHugh – never served
JC Watts – never served
Jack Kemp – never served becaue of “knee problem” that didn’t keep him from playing in NFL for 8 years
Arnold Schwarzenegger – went AWOL from Austrian army
George Pataki – never served
Spencer Abraham – never served
John Engler – never served
Elliott Abrams – never served
Paul Wolfowitz – never served
Vin Weber – never served
Richard Perle – never served
Douglas Feith – never served
Rudy Guiliani – never served
Kenneth Starr – never served
Antonin Scalia – never served
Clarence Thomas – never served
Ralph Reed – never served
Michael Medved – never served
Charlie Daniels – never served
Ted Nugent – never served
Jon Kyl – never served
Tim Hutchison – never served
Christopher Cox – never served
George Will – never served
Chris Matthews – never served
Bill O’Reilly – never served
Sean Hannity – never served
Rush Limbaugh – never served
Michael Savage – never served
Paul Gigot – never served
Bill Bennett – never served
Pat Buchanan – never served
Pat Robertson – never served
Bill Kristol – never served
Ann Coulter – never served
51. Daddy Love spews:
African-Americans know that Democrats favor policies that align with their interests
I feel like a fool for keep asking a question that you won’t answer.
What have democrats done to help poor black people?
SJ on Troll Patrolspews:
People of Color … a Racist Term Worthy of South Africa
SJ believes that the term “people of color” ought to be dropped because it is a racist term that castigates Europeans while placing a very divers group of humans in some sort of protected status. In other words, POC is an apartheid term.
What is that term supposed to mean?
definition 1
POC are people descended from America’s racist history? I would include any of the descendants of slaves, Amerinds (including Mexican and Puerto Rican), Filipinos, and Aleuts appearance.
This, definition, however, leaves out lots of descendants who have a totally European appearance. Are these “people of color?” How do you determine from someone’s color, who their ancestors or and where those ancestors lived? Such determinations have been made historically by legal test under Nuremberg and S. African law.
How does one deal with the term when the person being referred to is culturally a member of one of the descendant communities but has a “white” appearance? Eric Holder, the current Attorney General, could easily pass for a Greek, Italian or Spaniard. Does he lose his POCness because of his skin color?
definition 2
Perhaps POC refers to people not descended for the European light skinned folks who have dominated world politics for the lats five centuries?
This broader definition includes Koreans, Nigerians, Hindus, Arabs, Iranians, Australian Aborigines, Chinese, etc … Arguably the folks the Euroes have treated badly can be identified this way.
That is an awful lot of POC!
Of course this definition would leave out Hispanics of European origins, including many Mexicans and Puerto Ricans who certainly have suffered prejudice here.
Try telling the Irish that they have not suffered under the racist hands of the Brits. Or tell it to the Oakies and Hillbillies who now have suffered generations of prejudice form the mainstream of American culture.
Also, should the American idea of POC include groups we Americans have not encountered before? There are, after all many affluent American groups who are POC but have little or no history of prejudice, .. Iranians, Hindues, Koreans, etc. Our half Kenyan President comes from an area of Africa that has had little to do with the slave trade and mainly positive interactions with the US since WW II.
How about Jews? Are we POC?
It seems to me that POC ought to be restricted to those ethnic groups that have a record of being racially discriminated against by the US. Those groups are not hard to enumerate: Native American Indians (including Mexican and Puerto Rican), African Americans, and Filipino-Americans. Every one of these groups have been treated as a “race” and people from thsoe groups have been deprived ont heir rights simply because they either looked a certain way or were known to be part of one of these communities.
This definition is hardly complete.
POC, defined this way, leaves out “white folks” who have been treated with prejudice as well … spik, kike, polak, and rag head are as racist in meaning as nigger or slant eye. But, members of all these groups have a huge advantage in being able to pass for “white” and none of these has suffered the severity or the generations of bigotry that affect, for example, African Americans.
Recently a rather privileged African bought an enormous estate in Malibu. Does he belong to the same minority as Michelle Obama or her husband just because of his skin? We now have growing immigrant communities form the Indian Subcontinent. These people bring great cultures to the US but why would their Indo-European cultures be treated differently than
Jewish or Irish cultural contriobutions to the US?
What a mess!
Roger Rabbitspews:
GOP voter suppression mastermind Tim Griffin plans to run for Congress next year against Democrat Vic Snyder, who represents Arkansas’ 2nd C.D.
Snyder served as a combat Marine in Vietnam, and after the war, earned a medical degree from the University of Oregon and served as a volunteer doctor in Thailand refugee camps.
Griffin joined the peacetime Army Reserve in 1996 as a JAG officer (i.e., lawyer) and finagled a 4-month “show tour” of duty in Mosul, Iraq, in 2005 after the area had been secured by combat Marines.
I see Daddy Love is taking another LONG time out during the middle of the day from his JOB at Microsoft while hackers wreak MORE havoc with our PCs:
why acorn was dumping documents before an investigation by a democrat.
Uhhh?? Any indictments of any ACORN people yet??
Get back to me when that happens.
Last I looked Mike Steele was still taking Bertha Lewis at her word.
Well let’s say a few bad apples turn up and some people go to jail.
I bet ACORN still exists and still signs up poor people to vote and participate in our democracy. What’s wrong with that?
Oh it makes it a lot less likely that right wingers will be elected. Ho hum…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 One of the nice things about being a hobby farmer is you can spend all day playing on the computer while your goats break through the fence and eat other people’s gardens.
I want a hobby farm too! I have my heart set on a lettuce farm in the Skagit Valley — not too far from Seattle, and lots of fresh crisp greens to eat in season! I might even keep a buffalo or two to run off trespassing goats.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 Republicans, like Nazis, can’t function without scapegoats.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Substitute the word “acorn” for “Jew” and you’re there.
Marvin Stamnspews:
58. my ancestors came from Europe spews: why acorn was dumping documents before an investigation by a democrat.
Uhhh?? Any indictments of any ACORN people yet??
Get back to me when that happens.
Using that logic…
bush did not commit any crimes.
As evidenced by the fact there is no indictment.
Good call ylb.
Rabbit's PCspews:
Yes, well, once of the especially nice things about being an ex-hobby attorney for the state who struggles with the “complexities” of AOL on a daily basis is you’d probably never know it if someone did hack me!
On ACORN sticking around to sign poor people up to vote? Better than even odds I’d say definitely.
Chris Stefanspews:
Damn, not nearly enough hot troll-on-troll action around here today!
Marvin Stamnspews:
64. my ancestors came from Europe spews: Good call ylb.
On ACORN sticking around to sign poor people up to vote? Better than even odds I’d say definitely.
So you agree, bush did not break the law.
As evidenced by the lack of indictments.
Don’t vote present ylb, take a stand on your principles.
Daddy Lovespews:
57 cyn
Issue-free ad hominem attack is the GOP specialty here apparently.
But for those of you who want to bash me for writing something so long it would have taken you an hour to compose it (while for me it is only minutes):
I’m home taking advantage of my extremely generous sick leave and vacation benefits to care for my wife who just underwent surgery for breast cancer.
Fuck you very much.
Daddy Lovespews:
66 MS
Because indictments for employees of public-service organization are EXACTLY as easy to get as indictments against former presdients who are sons of presidents.
Thanks for clearing that up for us.
oh, and thanks again for the ack-blay eople-pay are-ay upid-stay comments.
@51 “African-Americans are not idiots”
I respectfully disagree. Blacks can be as idiotic as people of any other race. As proof, I refer you to any one of the idiotic comments posted here by Puddy.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
“As evidenced by the lack of indictments.”
Proud To Be An Assspews:
“As evidenced by the lack of indictments.” Har. A few more:
Jack Abramoff (technicality–not a member of the administration, but I digress).
Lester Crawford
Brian Doyle
Claude Allen
David Safavian
Larry Franklin
Roger Stillwell
Frank Figueroa
Darleen Druyen
John Korsmo
P. Trey Sunderland III
….and wait, there’s more.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Dusty Foggo
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Thus you are a fuckwad, Stammmmmm. And worse, a liar.
Marvin Stamnspews:
73. Proud To Be An Ass spews:
Thus you are a fuckwad, Stammmmmm. And worse, a liar.
Sorry to rain on your parade…
Reread what you are replying to-
So you agree, bush did not break the law.
As evidenced by the lack of indictments.
Since I was talking about bush, what was the point of you listing all those other names?
Unless you believe bush was indicted for something.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Since I was talking about bush, what was the point of you listing all those other names?
To see if you were paying attention. So, you, of course, will never accuse a Democratic office holder of a crime unless they have been indicted?
Fair is fair and all that…hmmm, maybe puddy can invoke his wayback machine regarding that one! Thanks for playing.
Nope. Typical right winger stuffing words into people’s mouths.
ACORN will be around to sign up poor people to vote in the future. Better than even odds on that.
Bush getting indicted for the crimes he committed? Less than even odds on that. Bush made a lot of rich people even richer. If Bush goes down, they go down. A new administration has to pick its fights carefully. Just the way the world turns.
You mentioned logic? None that I could see coming from you.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb arschloch up yours fool!
10 – No links? No quotes? As usual you’re talking out your ass without any backup. And no I’m not going to any database on your silly orders..
K knows what he recently said regarding gays and civil rights. rujax knows what he recently said about gays and some relative of his. If they would be honest they’d speak up and admit it. Unlike you fool Puddy doesn’t go around creating databases when Puddy should be looking for a job.
ylb arschloch creates a database when he could be looking for a job. Now why is that fool?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve@69, spoken from the inventor of Steve’s Stupid Solution, making stupidity normal on HA Libtardos everyday!
What have democrats done to help poor black people?
Puddy been asking this since 2004!
Marvin Stamnspews:
77. my ancestors came from Europe spews: So you agree, bush did not break the law.
Nope. Typical right winger stuffing words into people’s mouths.
Not exactly putting words in your mouth, anticipating your words.
When asked about acorn activities being illegal you replied- 58. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
Uhhh?? Any indictments of any ACORN people yet??
Get back to me when that happens.
So, has bush been indicted for anything? If you asking for an acorn indictment was proof of criminal behavior, why are you holding bush to a different standard?
And about getting back to you about acorn/indictments…
The indictment includes 13 counts each against Acorn and its former Las Vegas field director, Christopher Edwards,
from st. louis
A voter registration worker for the group ACORN has been indicted on charges of fraud, U.S. Attorney Catherine L. Hanaway announced today.
This is not the first time ACORN workers have been indicted for fraud. In 2007, eight members of the group’s voter registration corps were indicted for submitting fake cards for the 2006 general election.
King and Pierce County prosecutors filed felony charges today against seven people who allegedly committed the biggest voter-registration fraud in state history.
The defendants, who were paid employees and supervisors of ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
Are those the right kind of indictments, or do you need a special kind you didn’t tell me about.
If the Lakers weren’t on teev I would give you more examples of acorn/indictments.
Marvin Stamnspews:
80. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews: Marvin@54: What have democrats done to help poor black people?
Puddy been asking this since 2004!
The best answer I’ve gotten back is raygun and state rights. Not sure what that has to do with democrats, since raygun was a republican and democrats don’t believe in state rights.
This has been a tough weekend for our trolls, and tomorrow is MONDAY. I’ll bet they started drinking 6 hours ago!
Something Puddy agrees with. Unless you have my skin color, you have no clue. So why is Carla Axtman perplexed over race? Could it be she has run into the “progressive enlightenment zone”? Well from her LinkedIn page Freelance Web Content Manager/Contractor at Democratic Party of Oregon. Now she’s shocked that own her progressive peeps are dwelling on race? That’s the progressive modus operandi. Just last week Jessie Hi-Jackson used the race card on another black man Carla. That’s how your side deals with politics. Puddy loves how HA Libtardos try to speak to racial issues or they “equate” the gay marriage issue with the black struggle.
@2 It must be tough being black and Republican at the same time. I can’t do it! After listening to Saint Ronnie suck up to the killers of those civil rights workers, I’d be tempted to strangle the first Republican I saw.
Ronnie sucked up to the thugs who murdered the American nuns in Central America, too. I don’t know how you live with yourself, poodle. If I were you, I’d drown myself.*
* Heh! Just kidding! Coulter joke.
Yeah. God knows nobody has ever had it worse than Puddy or risen so far so fast above it all.
Palin in 2012! They Mayans were right!
Oh when did this happen asshole?
You’re saying gays don’t have civil rights issues?
Of course you don’t. You called the gay struggle, the gay “bowel movement”.
Moron. Such an ugly excuse for a human being.
It’s Official: Bush Was Worst President Ever.
A survey shows 98.2% of professional historians consider George W. Bush a “failure” while only 1.8% rated him a “success.” And 61% of this group ranked him as the worst president ever, while another 35% ranked him in the bottom 10.
Here’s a sampling of the comments submitted by these historians:
<em“Glib, contemptuous, ignorant, incurious, a dupe of anyone who humors his deluded belief in his heroic self, he has bankrupted the country with his disastrous war and his tax breaks for the rich, trampled on the Bill of Rights, appointed foxes in every henhouse, compounded the terrorist threat, turned a blind eye to torture and corruption and a looming ecological disaster, and squandered the rest of the world’s goodwill. In short, no other president’s faults have had so deleterious an effect on not only the country but the world at large.”
“When future historians look back to identify the moment at which the United States began to lose its position of world leadership, they will point—rightly—to the Bush presidency. Thanks to his policies, it is now easy to see America losing out to its competitors in any number of areas: China is rapidly becoming the manufacturing powerhouse of the next century, India the high tech and services leader, and Europe the region with the best quality of life.”
“He is not a conservative, nor a Christian, just an immoral man.”
Still another remarked that Bush’s “denial of any personal responsibility can only be described as silly.”
Sean Wilentz, a Princeton historian, wrote:
“How does any president’s reputation sink so low? The reasons are best understood as the reverse of those that produce presidential greatness. … George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt … guided the nation through … its greatest crises[.] Presented with arduous … circumstances, they rallied the nation, governed brilliantly and left the republic more secure than when they entered office. Calamitous presidents … have divided the nation, governed erratically and left the nation worse off. …
“Bush … has not only stumbled badly in every one of these key areas, he has also displayed … an unswerving adherence to a simplistic ideology that … prevent[s] any pragmatic adjustment to changing realities. …
“No previous president … squandered the public’s trust more than Bush[.] … No other president … faced with … monumental … military and political circumstances failed to embrace the opposing political party to help wage a truly national struggle. … The heart of Bush’s domestic policy [was] nothing more than a series of massively regressive tax cuts[.] … The one noncorporate constituency to which Bush … consistently deferred [was] the Christian right … transform[ing] the GOP into … ‘the first religious party in U.S. history.’ … History may ultimately hold Bush in the greatest contempt for expanding the powers of the presidency beyond the limits laid down by the U.S. Constitution.”
Wilentz also had some choice words about Saint Ronnie:
“[T]he most scandal-ridden administration in the modern era, apart from Nixon’s, was Ronald Reagan’s[.] A total of twenty-nine Reagan officials … were convicted on charges stemming from the Iran-Contra affair, illegal lobbying and a looting scandal inside the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Three Cabinet officers … left their posts under clouds of scandal. In contrast, not a single official in the Clinton administration was even indicted over his or her White House duties, despite repeated high-profile investigations and a successful, highly partisan impeachment drive.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bush is gone, but his brain-dead supporters are rallying behind an even more spectacularly inept tinpot politician: Sarah Palin. Why do these people hate America? And why would anyone listen to them?
The fishwrapper reports that a janitorial company owned by a local CONSERVATIVE TALK-RADIO HOST is being investigated for HIRING ILLEGALS. Union officials say 150 of the company’s employees are undocumented. Predictably, in comments below the artcle, a conservative accuses the government of picking on the company because its owner is a conservative. (Er, what happened to the outrage over illegals taking jobs away from Americans?)
Good try ylb arschloch. Yep Puddy did.
K did a week and a half ago. rijax joined in too. You didn’t read their comments? Well most people skip over their commentary. Glad to see you did too. There is no comparison between the black struggle and gay “rights”.
Even Jesse Jackson agrees with Puddy fool! So do other black leaders but Jesse is the most known.
You are the HA arschloch for a reason. Stupidity and moronic memory malady. That’s why you had to create that tctmgr database. You couldn’t remember what you said yesterday and it was embarrassing.
X’ad vomits–
Do you even know Puddy and where he came from??
One of 13 kids in a Philly tenement. Mrs. Puddy’s family was even bigger. They worked their asses off, made huge sacrifices and raised 2 high achiever kids.
Sure there are folks that had it worse.
The Puddy’s CHOSE not to sit around like victims….the kind of victims Jesse Jackson loves for his power base. They made it happen, despite obvious obstacles.
Bad example X’ad you wretched a$$hole.
A lot of us here on both sides grew up in families living paycheck to paycheck…me included. I worked since I was a little kid. Worked my way thru college. My parents couldn’t afford to help any of us kids financially thru college. Steve has told his story.
Your hero Goldy grew up in the rich Jewish Philly ‘burbs. The only thing he and lots of you KLOWNS know about struggle is what you read in a book. It’s pathetic how you KLOWNS born into privilege USE Black folks as your political pawns.
Puddy was a bad target for your contempt X’ad.
Ask SeattleJew. He’s met them.
Thanks but for the record there were 10 siblings. The rest is true
Even LA Times opinion pages say “Although presidential incumbency has hardly kept Obama chained to the Oval Office, he and Joe Biden now own the U.S. economy, where their much-vaunted $787 billion economic stimulus package has so far stimulated unemployment to grow by a quarter from 8% to more than 10%.” PuddyEmphasis
Must suck for MSM libtardos to admit the economy is Mmmm Mmmm Mmmms.
Ku KluX’ad Klan
…when the hired help has the day off.
There is a rumor going around that oba-mao wants to change the 10 commandments, specifically, the eighth one.
He wants to change it to-
Thou shalt not steal, except by majority vote
Obam-Mao’s race card politics is really paying off:
Monday, November 23, 2009
12. Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forget spews:
I have another friend who is 1 of 13 where only he and 1 brother and 1 sister are Conservative. 3 out of 13…the rest Libs.
They all grew up with the same lack of opportunities. Who do you think are the most successful??
You guessed correctomundo!
X’ad and his spoiled KLOWNmates are sooooooo obvious that they view Black Folks as their Useful Idiots. It’s a power grab…pure and simple.
And for Jesse Jackson to say what he said about the Black Democrat Congressman….saying voting against Health Care Debacle makes him NOT BLACK, is telling. It’s really pathetic and indicative of the pressure to keep Blacks in line. You cross the line Puddy and you are an Uncle Tom or deemed White by his royalty the Wrong Reverend Jesse.
I can see why many Blacks are reluctant to come forward and stand up for Conservative/Small Government Principles.
Condi Rice, Star Parker and other Conservative Black Women seem to be treated a lot more carefully than Black men.
Hey Puddy…thanks for being a standup guy.
I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. I’m just hopin’ some of the Naive Kool-Aid Drinkers hear a different perspective on their PLANTATION POLITICS!
I’ll bet most of our Jewish LIBTARDO’s have zero Black Friends and would never invite a Black couple to dinner!
Condi Rice wasn’t treated well by the Libtardo MSM. Remember the modified pictures? HA’s arschloch, ylb arschloch called her and Colin Powell wonderful names. Puddy posted them here and naturally the arschloch diarrhead all over the blog on that one.
Then there was this one from Steve Guilliard. Puddy posted it before. Let’s see if ylb arschloch can find it. BTW Steve is a held on the reservation black man!
Remember when Puddy told the HA Libtardo moronic class to watch Glenn Beck’s November 13th show on conservative black people? Remember when Puddy posted this about liberals?
This is sooooooooooo progressive!
Xad apologized to puddy. You seem to conveniently overlooked that What a surpise.But by all means do your worst.
I’m pretty sure that’s just a rumor, but it’s a pretty funny rumor.
I don’t need to watch Glenn Beck to see that. My sister-in-law is a church going, conservative, black person. A conservative, church going, black person, who can’t stand Glenn Beck, Rush L, or the bat shit crazies that are in charge of the Republican party at the moment.
Those funny conservatives…
Over 100 illegal immigrants working for his company.
Seems to be original reporting day at the Times.
@16 Stamn preaching about “stealing” is like Gary Ridgway complaining about crime.
10 – No links? No quotes?
As usual you’re talking out your ass without any backup.
And no I’m not going to any database on your silly orders..
You hate 8-10 percent of the people in this country and you won’t acknowledge they’ve been discriminated against in housing, employment, cohabitation and survivor’s benefits and other areas.
You’re a miserable fiend who is addicted to right wing bullshit and that bullshit doesn’t have the kick it used to. Moon’s bullshit newspaper is melting down. The stock market is up this morning despite all the socialism your chimp started to save capitalism. Oh wait – you said Paulson was a lefty so that’s the excuse. Nice try fool. That moronic simian you voted for twice signed the “socialism” into law. He had the power to veto it. HE CHOSE socialism..
And you made it happen by voting for the fool twice. You were mumbling a while back that the TARP was working, i.e. socialism works! Wow. You’re on a roll tool!
You apologized for being a racist?
Got link?
Hey moronic right wing fiends,
Here’s another headzup cartoon that made me chuckle. Notice the pill bottle on the console:
I love it!
Good news Ku KluX’ad Klan, thanks to man-made-global-warming there are job opportunities opening up for you in the philippines.
‘Climate change pushes poor women to prostitution, dangerous work’
The effects of climate change have driven women in communities in coastal areas in poor countries like the Philippines into dangerous work, and sometimes even the flesh trade, a United Nations official said.
Remember, a condom is your friend.
11/23/2009 at 9:29 am
You absolute piece of shit. Capitalizing on severe misfortune for your petty sniping.
You pathetic little vermin.
You really are excrement.
When you want news about oba-mao, you can’t look to the american media, you got to go overseas.
From germany–
If you believed the liberal american media, you would have thought that the world was embracing oba-mao.
You call Puddy all kinds of names, insinuate I suck his cock and now you call on him to protect you.
What’s wrong little one, you like talking shit to people.
Can’t you take what you dish out?
You call Puddy all kinds of names, insinuate I suck his cock and now you call on him to protect you.
I expect people to have a basic sense of minimal honor and decency.
Fuck you. You are vomit.
I wasn’t capitalizing on anything, I was simply pointing out you have job opportunities when you finally leave america.
And I gave you advice to use a condom.
Ku KluX’ad Klan
Xad apologized to puddy.
Apologized for what little one?
Do you consider a “basic sense of minimal honor and decency” to include the “sucking cock” insults you routinely use? You have proven that you hold others to a higher standard than you hold yourself.
Excellent display of your basic sense of minimal honor and decency.
Liberal maureen dowd compares oba-mao and palin.
Kinda seems like she wants oba-mao to be more like palin.
Sinking in the polls is now giving democrats the idea that carterII is 3 years from being over.
Not sputtered out exactly. The time has come for something a little more grown up than voting present and oba-mao is dithering his term away. After 11 months in the white house, what’s his decision on the “war of necessity?”
When someone that know oba-mao like dowd does, what else could she say but oba-mao doesn’t have the acting skills to project concern. If he had actual concern, there would be no reason to “act” concerned.
That’s how an ona-mao supporting democrats sees him. Does that make her a racist?
Yeah, if only oba-mao was more like palin.
Now we see why the left hates palin. She’s what they want oba-mao to be.
@25 Does this mean Seattle Building is now interviewing applicants from the local labor pool, or are they going to sit tight, put their remaining employees on forced overtime until the smoke clears, and then bring in a couple of busloads of fresh illegals?
@1, 3, 8, 9 & 26,
rodent got his Preparation-H confused with his Poly-Grip: he talks like an asshole, but his gums don’t itch!
More bad news for acorn and democrats-
From the people that have been exposing acorn–
Not only that-
Here’s the audio link–
To sum it up…
Before an investigation, acorn dumps documents into a dumpster.
The head of acorn in kalifornia is recorded saying that the kalifornia attorney general, also a democrat, has already decided the case and will target the filmakers.
The documents dumped have been retrieved.
Maybe ylb will explain why acorn was dumping documents before an investigation by a democrat.
Oba-mao is in trouble, big trouble.
When the liberal ny times start actually reporting the truth you know the bad policy decisions by the oba-mao administration is affecting them personally.
George W. Bush is a military deserter.
Dick Army is a description of the membership of the Republican Party. (Yes, I know the name is spelled Armey)
X’ad has flipped his wig!
Part of the Progressive Handbook prohibits racist outbursts….you can only quietly treat Blacks like 2nd class citizens while make them think you are helping them.
I thought X’ad had threatened to stop posting?
Now he has put his Birkenstock in his mouth…again.
21. Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forget spews:
I remember.
These Lunatics have made it clear how they feel about “YOUR TYPE” Puddy.
They all wanna be Jesse Jackson.
Those crazy Libtardos want to help people by training them for jobs and creating a green workforce.
What could be more deceitful? All black people need is a good kick in the ass — just like white kids get!!!
@43 A Republican complaining about the national debt is like John Dillinger complaining that a bank he just robbed is broke.
@41 “HAR HAR HAR” belongs to me! Quit using my copyrighted material and get your own, plagiarist! Is there anything a Republican won’t steal?!
Looks like 0-dork-thirty in here, pretty much as usual.
I have never understood how it is that over the last few decades Republicans have apparently been flabbergasted in every single election by the fact that African-Americans vote overwhelmingly Democratic and in recent years have almost completely abandoned the former Party of Lincoln. Why is this a mystery to you all? I know y’all are crazy these days, but are you stupid? (rhetorical)
It’s a simple bottom line: African-Americans know that Democrats favor policies that align with their interests, and Republicans favor policies that are antithetical to their interests.
And when Republicans fly the Confederate flag, carry Obama monkey dolls, distribute “Obama bucks” containing representations of watermelon, ribs, KFC and Kool-aid, send around racist “witch doctor” pics of Obama, and so on, the meaning is not lost on anyone. Many of these representations have been by elected officials or Party officials.
African-Americans are not idiots, and their voting patterns are clearly explained as an expression of what they know to be in their own best interests.
However, as always, I do want to encourage you Republicans to keep telling black people how foolish and stupid they are. It’s really been workin’ well for you.
Typo alert @45: That should read “Duck Army.” Because ducking Army service is what Republicans do. Don’t believe me? Then read this list and go listen to the “Chickenhawk Song” again:
George W. Bush – went AWOL from National Guard
Dick Cheney – 5 deferments, never served
Phil Gramm – 4 deferments, never served
John Ashcroft – 7 deferments, never served
Jeb Bush – never served
Karl Rove – never served
Dennis Hastert – never served
Bill Frist – never served
Dick Armey – never served
Tom DeLay – never served
Newt Gingrich – never served
Trent Lott – never served
Saxby Chambliss – claimed “bad knee,” never served
Mitch McConnell – did not serve.
Rick Santorum – did not serve.
Roy Blunt – never served
Richard Shelby – never served
Dana Rohrabacher – never served
John M. McHugh – never served
JC Watts – never served
Jack Kemp – never served becaue of “knee problem” that didn’t keep him from playing in NFL for 8 years
Arnold Schwarzenegger – went AWOL from Austrian army
George Pataki – never served
Spencer Abraham – never served
John Engler – never served
Elliott Abrams – never served
Paul Wolfowitz – never served
Vin Weber – never served
Richard Perle – never served
Douglas Feith – never served
Rudy Guiliani – never served
Kenneth Starr – never served
Antonin Scalia – never served
Clarence Thomas – never served
Ralph Reed – never served
Michael Medved – never served
Charlie Daniels – never served
Ted Nugent – never served
Jon Kyl – never served
Tim Hutchison – never served
Christopher Cox – never served
George Will – never served
Chris Matthews – never served
Bill O’Reilly – never served
Sean Hannity – never served
Rush Limbaugh – never served
Michael Savage – never served
Paul Gigot – never served
Bill Bennett – never served
Pat Buchanan – never served
Pat Robertson – never served
Bill Kristol – never served
Ann Coulter – never served
and check out this one, too:
@51 Gee, and here I thought it was guys with ax handles blocking polling places that keep blacks from voting Republican …
I feel like a fool for keep asking a question that you won’t answer.
What have democrats done to help poor black people?
SJ believes that the term “people of color” ought to be dropped because it is a racist term that castigates Europeans while placing a very divers group of humans in some sort of protected status. In other words, POC is an apartheid term.
What is that term supposed to mean?
definition 1
POC are people descended from America’s racist history? I would include any of the descendants of slaves, Amerinds (including Mexican and Puerto Rican), Filipinos, and Aleuts appearance.
This, definition, however, leaves out lots of descendants who have a totally European appearance. Are these “people of color?” How do you determine from someone’s color, who their ancestors or and where those ancestors lived? Such determinations have been made historically by legal test under Nuremberg and S. African law.
How does one deal with the term when the person being referred to is culturally a member of one of the descendant communities but has a “white” appearance? Eric Holder, the current Attorney General, could easily pass for a Greek, Italian or Spaniard. Does he lose his POCness because of his skin color?
definition 2
Perhaps POC refers to people not descended for the European light skinned folks who have dominated world politics for the lats five centuries?
This broader definition includes Koreans, Nigerians, Hindus, Arabs, Iranians, Australian Aborigines, Chinese, etc … Arguably the folks the Euroes have treated badly can be identified this way.
That is an awful lot of POC!
Of course this definition would leave out Hispanics of European origins, including many Mexicans and Puerto Ricans who certainly have suffered prejudice here.
Try telling the Irish that they have not suffered under the racist hands of the Brits. Or tell it to the Oakies and Hillbillies who now have suffered generations of prejudice form the mainstream of American culture.
Also, should the American idea of POC include groups we Americans have not encountered before? There are, after all many affluent American groups who are POC but have little or no history of prejudice, .. Iranians, Hindues, Koreans, etc. Our half Kenyan President comes from an area of Africa that has had little to do with the slave trade and mainly positive interactions with the US since WW II.
How about Jews? Are we POC?
It seems to me that POC ought to be restricted to those ethnic groups that have a record of being racially discriminated against by the US. Those groups are not hard to enumerate: Native American Indians (including Mexican and Puerto Rican), African Americans, and Filipino-Americans. Every one of these groups have been treated as a “race” and people from thsoe groups have been deprived ont heir rights simply because they either looked a certain way or were known to be part of one of these communities.
This definition is hardly complete.
POC, defined this way, leaves out “white folks” who have been treated with prejudice as well … spik, kike, polak, and rag head are as racist in meaning as nigger or slant eye. But, members of all these groups have a huge advantage in being able to pass for “white” and none of these has suffered the severity or the generations of bigotry that affect, for example, African Americans.
Recently a rather privileged African bought an enormous estate in Malibu. Does he belong to the same minority as Michelle Obama or her husband just because of his skin? We now have growing immigrant communities form the Indian Subcontinent. These people bring great cultures to the US but why would their Indo-European cultures be treated differently than
Jewish or Irish cultural contriobutions to the US?
What a mess!
GOP voter suppression mastermind Tim Griffin plans to run for Congress next year against Democrat Vic Snyder, who represents Arkansas’ 2nd C.D.
Snyder served as a combat Marine in Vietnam, and after the war, earned a medical degree from the University of Oregon and served as a volunteer doctor in Thailand refugee camps.
Griffin joined the peacetime Army Reserve in 1996 as a JAG officer (i.e., lawyer) and finagled a 4-month “show tour” of duty in Mosul, Iraq, in 2005 after the area had been secured by combat Marines.
I see Daddy Love is taking another LONG time out during the middle of the day from his JOB at Microsoft while hackers wreak MORE havoc with our PCs:
New attack targets weakness in Internet Explorer
Uhhh?? Any indictments of any ACORN people yet??
Get back to me when that happens.
Last I looked Mike Steele was still taking Bertha Lewis at her word.
Well let’s say a few bad apples turn up and some people go to jail.
I bet ACORN still exists and still signs up poor people to vote and participate in our democracy. What’s wrong with that?
Oh it makes it a lot less likely that right wingers will be elected. Ho hum…
@57 One of the nice things about being a hobby farmer is you can spend all day playing on the computer while your goats break through the fence and eat other people’s gardens.
I want a hobby farm too! I have my heart set on a lettuce farm in the Skagit Valley — not too far from Seattle, and lots of fresh crisp greens to eat in season! I might even keep a buffalo or two to run off trespassing goats.
@58 Republicans, like Nazis, can’t function without scapegoats.
Substitute the word “acorn” for “Jew” and you’re there.
Using that logic…
bush did not commit any crimes.
As evidenced by the fact there is no indictment.
Good call ylb.
Yes, well, once of the especially nice things about being an ex-hobby attorney for the state who struggles with the “complexities” of AOL on a daily basis is you’d probably never know it if someone did hack me!
On ACORN sticking around to sign poor people up to vote? Better than even odds I’d say definitely.
Damn, not nearly enough hot troll-on-troll action around here today!
So you agree, bush did not break the law.
As evidenced by the lack of indictments.
Don’t vote present ylb, take a stand on your principles.
57 cyn
Issue-free ad hominem attack is the GOP specialty here apparently.
But for those of you who want to bash me for writing something so long it would have taken you an hour to compose it (while for me it is only minutes):
I’m home taking advantage of my extremely generous sick leave and vacation benefits to care for my wife who just underwent surgery for breast cancer.
Fuck you very much.
66 MS
Because indictments for employees of public-service organization are EXACTLY as easy to get as indictments against former presdients who are sons of presidents.
Thanks for clearing that up for us.
oh, and thanks again for the ack-blay eople-pay are-ay upid-stay comments.
@51 “African-Americans are not idiots”
I respectfully disagree. Blacks can be as idiotic as people of any other race. As proof, I refer you to any one of the idiotic comments posted here by Puddy.
“As evidenced by the lack of indictments.”
“As evidenced by the lack of indictments.” Har. A few more:
Jack Abramoff (technicality–not a member of the administration, but I digress).
Lester Crawford
Brian Doyle
Claude Allen
David Safavian
Larry Franklin
Roger Stillwell
Frank Figueroa
Darleen Druyen
John Korsmo
P. Trey Sunderland III
….and wait, there’s more.
Dusty Foggo
Thus you are a fuckwad, Stammmmmm. And worse, a liar.
Sorry to rain on your parade…
Reread what you are replying to-
Since I was talking about bush, what was the point of you listing all those other names?
Unless you believe bush was indicted for something.
Since I was talking about bush, what was the point of you listing all those other names?
To see if you were paying attention. So, you, of course, will never accuse a Democratic office holder of a crime unless they have been indicted?
Fair is fair and all that…hmmm, maybe puddy can invoke his wayback machine regarding that one! Thanks for playing.
re 52: I could be wrong, but I think that Pat Buchanan was a Marine.
Nope. Typical right winger stuffing words into people’s mouths.
ACORN will be around to sign up poor people to vote in the future. Better than even odds on that.
Bush getting indicted for the crimes he committed? Less than even odds on that. Bush made a lot of rich people even richer. If Bush goes down, they go down. A new administration has to pick its fights carefully. Just the way the world turns.
You mentioned logic? None that I could see coming from you.
ylb arschloch up yours fool!
K knows what he recently said regarding gays and civil rights. rujax knows what he recently said about gays and some relative of his. If they would be honest they’d speak up and admit it. Unlike you fool Puddy doesn’t go around creating databases when Puddy should be looking for a job.
ylb arschloch creates a database when he could be looking for a job. Now why is that fool?
Steve@69, spoken from the inventor of Steve’s Stupid Solution, making stupidity normal on HA Libtardos everyday!
Puddy been asking this since 2004!
Not exactly putting words in your mouth, anticipating your words.
When asked about acorn activities being illegal you replied-
58. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
Uhhh?? Any indictments of any ACORN people yet??
Get back to me when that happens.
So, has bush been indicted for anything? If you asking for an acorn indictment was proof of criminal behavior, why are you holding bush to a different standard?
And about getting back to you about acorn/indictments…
liberal ny times
from st. louis
A voter registration worker for the group ACORN has been indicted on charges of fraud, U.S. Attorney Catherine L. Hanaway announced today.
This is not the first time ACORN workers have been indicted for fraud. In 2007, eight members of the group’s voter registration corps were indicted for submitting fake cards for the 2006 general election.
and even some from your neck of the woods
Are those the right kind of indictments, or do you need a special kind you didn’t tell me about.
If the Lakers weren’t on teev I would give you more examples of acorn/indictments.
The best answer I’ve gotten back is raygun and state rights. Not sure what that has to do with democrats, since raygun was a republican and democrats don’t believe in state rights.