– Did you pay your taxes? I’m sure this open thread will be all the reminder you need.
– Yesterday I had a post complaining about how much money was in the City Council race. Maybe comparing it to last time isn’t as bad after all.
– Patty Murray is working hard for the Healthy Families Act for paid sick leave.
– Is it possible we’ll have some action on oil trains, or is anything good just going to die in the State Senate?
– It’s kind of sad that a silly cartoon about Hillary Clinton has more useful info on her policy than most think pieces.
Retirement planing is actually very easy when you get down to it. It’s the discipline of sticking to the plan that people have difficulty dealing with.
– The recent push for guns on campus in the name of rape prevention, then, adds just another data point to the long story of the gun lobby’s fight to arm white people, and only white people, for self-defense.
Never let a crisis go to waste. That pepper spray must not be too effective if one in five women are being sexually assaulted on campus. Maybe a bigger spray bottle, kinda like the one that got Hagopian, could be more dissuasive.
Moreover, it’s not like co-opting a protest movement for unrelated purposes is anything new:
Seattle’s “Justice for Mike Brown” Movement Wants Equality Under the Law—Not Anarchy or Revolutionary Communism
Democratic Leaders Spike Women’s Health Bill Over Abortion Issue
The Democratic leadership of Oregon’s Legislature, including Senate President Peter Courtney, D-Salem, has killed a bill that would have ensured a woman’s access to abortion and blocked sponsor and Health Chairwoman Sen. Laurie Monnes Anderson, D-Gresham, from even holding a public hearing, in effect silencing the debate.
Despite this support, and despite a Democratic supermajority, the women’s comprehensive health bill went nowhere, and was killed behind the scenes in an apparent attempt to avoid public debate, possibly to protect some Democrats who were wavering on how far they would join in a debate to support a woman’s ability to get an abortion.
The Moynihan Effect.
“Did you pay your taxes? I’m sure this open thread will be all the reminder you need.”
Hell no. I filed a Form 4868, also known as the Procrastinator’s Pass.
“It’s kind of sad that a silly cartoon about Hillary Clinton has more useful info on her policy than most think pieces.”
Meanwhile, a guy sitting in the cellar in polls predicts he’ll win the nomination and proceed to whip Hillary in the general. I guess being brash and bombastic is an occupational requirement for Republican politicians. I mean, Ben Carson is 10 times as popular as he is.
If you think rightwing extremists support the police think again.
I paid my taxes, not today, but weeks ago, to support education that I don’t really benefit from, being that I have no kids.
I’ve paid a minimum of $150,000 over the last 25 years for local, and federal funded education. But someone doesn’t want to serve me a cake.
I don’t ever hear of the teahadists standing up for me, and tell me that this is unfair, and that they’ll fix this by making those with kids pay more and those without to pay less. And to think that I have paid even more tax money go toward paving roads to all those schools.
Teahadists aren’t about fairness or justice, they are selfish little bastards, whining about everything.
Oh…just another ni***r.
Right ‘Bob”?
Right pddyfuckwad?
(the Hawks were a playoff team, btw)
On the radio yesterday I heard one of the evening radio whack-jobs doing a story on Judicial Watch’s 937,324th lawsuit this one to reveal all the names on t HSA’s no fly terrorist watch list.
Repeated various times, “What is the Obama adminstration trying to hide by not telling the public who is on the list but allowed entry into the country and who is not allowed in the country,,,”
All I could think was this,
Yeah, I can’t think of a single reason NOT to release the exact names of everyone HSA is keeping an eye on…
It’s not every day you can get trolled this hard…
“We are in talks with the major powers and not with the Congress” – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani
Chris Christie says he would crack down on legal pot. He’s going for the Mexican cartel demographic.
@12 That’s nothing. He wants to crack down on rich people* getting Social Security, too. (* defined as senior citizens with income of $80,000 a year)
There are people out there who want to make SS benefits based on needs. That is, those with pensions, defined contribution plans or accumulated wealth may have their SS benefits reduced or even eliminated so that larger payments can be made to those who have the need but not th means to retire.
You Christo-Fascist extremists need to get together and have a meeting of the minds. Do you, or do you not agree that gays should be stoned to death? It’s an easy question. Yes, or no?
“Pastor condemns fellow clergyman for not supporting death by stoning for gays”
“But just because they don’t believe that [homosexuals] should be stoned,” he said, that church’s teachings are invalid.
“I think it’s very clear” in the Bible, Berzins insisted, that people with same-sex attractions should be stoned to death.
“Look, God came up with the laws of the Old Testament! They’re breathed by the Lord,” he said. “And if you think that you know better on how to run a country than God has ordained,” he went on, you’re against the teachings of the Bible.
By not calling for their deaths, Berzins said, “you are just giving the enemy that much more ground and you’re letting them win.”
@15 Speaking for myself, I may be vile and wicked but at least I would never advocate killing another human being just for living their lives. That’s just another level of wickedness that’s uncivilized and inhuman.
I think means testing social security is a bad idea.
Just watched a piece on All in with Chris Hayes regarding increase in minimum wage. And he had a CEO who gave all his employees who mad $35,000 salary a raise to $70,000 and paid for it by cutting his million dollar salary to $70,000. He sometime you are in business to server and not make a lot of money.
Damn, I bet it says that in the Bible….but them preachers sure like money and so do all the Republican Teapublican Jihadists. Fucking whining cry babies, couldn’t live by the bible if they even gave it any effort.
@16 I would consider stoning the preacher.
@17 Me, too. Once it gets a foot in the burrow, it won’t stop until eventually everyone is caught in the snare, just like a state income tax. http://www.how-to-hunt-rabbit......Snare.html
The future looks bleak for the Koch bros and their ilk:
Sux to be those fossil fuel dinosaurs.
@ 17
You even think it’s a bad idea if it could be used against people like me or Puddy, Better?
Add one reason (#7) to the list in the article:
If, after decades of the higher-earning/better-off people paying into the fund as workers, the retirement distribution to some of them is cut off or significantly curtailed because they have other income sources, then Social Security withholding effectively becomes a tax, and one way or another you will have to essentially recognize it as a tax. That isn’t good for the tax-the-rich movement. It also isn’t good for those who believe that by working hard, they might achieve their version of the American Dream, if it turns out that by working hard they end up having a promise made become a promise broken.
Good on you, Better. Whatever your rationale.
@22 I think everyone should get the benefits they paid taxes for, regardless of their income or net worth.
The babbling jackass hasn’t come here with news of the ISIS camp in Mexico?
8 miles from the border even? Courtesy of… Judicial Watch…
Oh wait a sec. This shit was debunked one time before..
Mostly false..
Damn (un)SP is super dead.. Long live HA!
Hahahahahaha. RFRA – Pandora’s Box.
A Texas Woman Might Use The ‘Religious Freedom’ Law In The Most Amazing Way Possible http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....66860.html
Comment ripped from FB “I hated the idea from the start. As an engineer, I smelled another ” faster, better, cheaper” scheme…and they never ever deliver. (You can have 2 out of the 3, going for all 3 usually gets you none).
On top of the remaining work, the cost over runs and legal battles will be horrendous, and the tax payers will end up paying. Backfill it and cut the losses.”
Start calling.
@22. I’ve always been for the America Dream. We just differ wildly on how to level the playing field to allow motivated people to attain in.
If Liberals are against making Social Security more needs-based, and Conservative are against making Social Security more needs-based, then the idea must truly be a bad idea.
hey rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthineverappears,
NYC, is the land of libtards… as always this moron blames conservatives. This city is full of libtards you IDIOT!
hey rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthineverappears,
Chicago, it’s in Illinois, the state where the SCOTUS said it was legal to video tape the police. The Chicago libtard his panic state attorney argued it’s illegal to video Chicago police. DUMMOCRETINS hide police brutality Recently the Illinois DUMMOCRETINS revoted the basic law in again. So if rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthineverappears paid attention to what’s actaully happening to reading left wrong e-rags it would already know this. Butt, rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthineverappears would rather stay stooooooooooooooopid!
hey clueless database cretin arschloch,
Bill Koch sold his coal stakes in 2012. Puddy found that in Salon back in 2012. Butt being the clueless cretin arschloch hating scumbag it is… this wasn’t remembered. Stoooooooooooooooooopid as a bunch of rocks!
Nice try Piddles
Koch Industries, Inc. is an American multinational corporation based in Wichita, Kansas, United States, with subsidiaries involved in manufacturing, trading, and investments. Koch also owns Invista, Georgia-Pacific, Molex, Flint Hills Resources, Koch Pipeline, Koch Fertilizer, Koch Minerals, and Matador Cattle Company. Koch companies are involved in core industries such as the manufacturing, refining, and distribution[1] of petroleum, chemicals, energy, fiber, intermediates and polymers, minerals, fertilizers, pulp and paper, chemical technology equipment, ranching,[3] finance,[citation needed] commodities trading, and other ventures and investments.
Travis Bickle,
worser is a conservative hating IDIOT. Arguing with IDIOTS is difficult thing to do. It’s just you and me against all the left wrong IDIOTS
@ 34
He’s not an idiot, and he doesn’t hate. Separates him from a few others around here.
Does checkmate read… Hell no it doesn’t read! Koch sold his COAL stake you moron. Does the Koch pipeline move chunks of coal?
Why do you continue to be an IDIOT? Oh wait… you can’t help it.
Stooooooooooooopid as evah!
Sorry Travis, worser has written some very hateful bad stuff before. Almost as bad as the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM boring gorilla
The Leftist Whackjob Imaginary fairytale organization NBC has had the covers pulled on yet another of its brainwashed poor excuse for journalism kooks. I even will give you the MSN link on the story so you can see how bad it is and not discredit the messenger. WIll be interesting to see how many Hillary Fairytales they will tell in the months ahead. And coverups. Who would possibly listen to these frauds? Why, the leftist kooks of HorsesAss.org that’s who!!! http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/.....id=DELLDHP
Piddles…you should just learn to keep your mouth shut occasionally. Koch industries is heavily involved in non-renewable energy and they are a major transporter of oil and yes, coal. Even if one of the brothers divested from coal in his personal portfolio, which he didn’t realy because his company still trades and trasnports an awful lot of the stuff.
Is coal pure?
“Koch Carbon trades coal derivatives on the over-the-counter markets and is also an active merchant of physical coal in the eastern U.S. Capabilities include coal sourcing, sales, risk management, and project financing.”
Too Damn Funny.
Koch Industries transports coal. And checkmate hates that per the link proffered, The blabbering arschloch was offering Koch Industries and their old coal holdings. Butt contrary to checkmate’s puny knowledge, steel and cement use coal in their processing. Hence… it seems checkmate wants to put the steel industry, buldings, cars, ships, bridges, etc.; cement for buildings, bridges, roads, and fertilizers for produce production out of business. So because libtards hate Koch, put these workers on the unemployment line.
This is why Puddy loves when checkmate runs its mouth. Makes a jackASS all the more apparent.
As typical for Piddles, who likes to talk about moving the goalposts, he has to move from a discussion of coal as an energy source to coal for steel production.
From the America Coal Association:
“Nine out of every 10 tons of coal mined in the United States today is used to generate electricity.”
“Hey look over there. Some things are made with coal and not wanting to burn it for electricity will mean every industry that uses coal will DIE, DIE, DIE. It would be a shame if something happened to your nice Steel industry America.” Piddles, concern troll
1970s over 500,000 people were employed by the Steel industry. By 2010 that was down to under 150K. Right Piddles, lack of cheap coal is totally going to kill that industry, and automotive, you hated the bailout right? Those jobs should be gone already, right?
Gotta hand it to Piddles, he’s consistantly contradictory and dumb as a lump of…well…too easy.
Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but on the same day Hillary announced she’s running for president, someone vandalized her father’s grave.
Florida Pork, Oink! Oink!
To get Florida pension monies, investment firms had to donate to the Bush brothers’ political campaigns.
Oh goodness you are in interminable moron checkmate. Always claiming the goal posts are moving when it’s well known that’s what checkmate does when checkmate is losing the argument.
50% of electricity in America is generated by coal. So we can assume now that checkmate wants to put half of America in the dark. Way to go checkmate. And all the other activities identified above are still true. Butt that doesn’t matter to checkmate. Who cares how much coal is used for what. Goal post movement by checkmate. It’s the Koch hatred that’s necessary. All else is expendable. All workers are expendable. stop the Koch Industries at all costs.
And now you know the truth!
Hillary’s father’s grave vandalized… Hmmm…? Puddy wonders if it was an inside job to blame TEA PARTY people.
Let’s talk about the DUMMOCRAT State Auditor Troy Kelly.
Dang…don’t you peabrains vet your candidates at all? No wonder the country is broke!
Oh my goodness…is there no end to the material from the Left???
Now one of your MSNBC Social Justice Guru’s is a Tax Dodger!!! This is too too funny!! Wonder how much she and her hubby make? Top 1% I’ll bet. tee Hee Hee
Oh and here is the MSN link!! I Know if it comes from Fox you shift the focus from the heinous act to the messenger.
@ 47
Hmm, looks more like an oversight issue rather than outright fraud. If they were smart like Republicans, they would have laundered it through a mailbox company in the Caymans into an account in Monaco or Switzerland and then used it to buy a 175 foot yacht in Norway or the Netherlands, registered it in Liberia and then parked it in Grand Bahama.
Then they could write off the costs of purchase and ownership on their Federal taxes.
HOLY SHITBALLS Piddles. What exactly does the CURRENT amount of electricity supplied by coal have to do with the increasing installation of renewables?
Did anyone mention shutting down coal cold turkey.
I misspoke. A lump of, you know…is actually several orders of magnitude smarter than you. More coherent too. I could put a microphone up to a briquette and it would at least not say something assinine which is a step up.
checkmate… Ever read the horsemanure from Tom Steyer? Good golly miss Molly! Cold turkey shutdown of coal industry. Where did Obummer get his 2012 coal ideas from checkmate?
Renewable energy… with big guvmint subsidies? Sounds like the Airbus vs. Boeing competition. Airbus gets big guvmint subsidies just like renewable energy.
So much for that sorry lump of coal theory your yours!
Soaring disapproval in his home state? Sucks to be Scott Walker.
Puddy bets this woman is a DUMMOCRETIN talking down to the common folk http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....amera.html
Only when caught will a DUMMOCRETIN be forced to apologize and only then under duress! From NJ another DUMMOCRETIN cesspool!
Clinton spotted at Ohio Chipotle. Left no tip. Founders major Clinton donors. Now you know why Hillary was at a Chipotle. Nothing spontaneous by Hillary. CEO makes $25 Million a year and wanted to make more. Stockholders said NO!
And libtards scream how great and wonderful y’all are.
Hey libtards,
Hillary wants to raise $2.5 Billion to campaignon. She must really think she’ll need all that money to cvoer the bimbo eruptions from Wee Willy and all her Benghazi emails she erased! http://www.politico.com/story/.....16992.html
The conservative talking heads have stopped talking about Obama and have pivoted to freaking out over Hillary Clinton.
She needs the money to make it a level playing field against the Koch Brothers spending to buy our Democracy.
I”m not a strong supporter of Hillary yet, but I want her over any Koch puppet.
@45 Puddy also wonders what those little nodules are when he’s looking inside his ass.
@46 “Dang…don’t you peabrains vet your candidates at all?”
You don’t, so why do you expect us to?
@51 No wonder they want to export that POS to D.C.
Another nutjob with a gun …
Make that two nutjobs with guns …
Make that three nutjobs with guns …
Is there a full moon tonight?
It’s time for Troy Kelley to resign.
Isn’t that precious, the HA Troll Haters (Pussy and Boob) are complaining of the haters.
Kind of like the Whiner complaining about non existent whining.
Conservatives and Bible Thumpers – the biggest fucking hypocrites going.
Mike Pence approval rating plummets. Bigotry paying off well!
Scott Walker approval rating on the decline. About fucking time.
Puffy will you be celebrating White History month, or are you one of the White haters?
More freedom stifling ideas from the conservative right. All the same, religious Nazism.
Isn’t this just freedom of expression?
Didn’t Boob think that Obama got stiffed on this one?
Puffy you sure you aren’t wearing some clothing that was designed by some gay fashion designer? You may want to become a nudist.
The comments are pretty funny and down to earth, as opposed to the hateful bigoted conservative that would shower down nothing but hate and bigotry, even if it was towards one of their own who supported LGBT equality.
It’s puddy that’s whining.