– Happy Jackie Robinson Day.
– I don’t know what’s worse, the general dickishness of this picture, or that fact that people from Mercer Island and Auburn think they’re cowboys.
– Child sex trafficking – as easy in Seattle as ordering a pizza
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Happy Jackie Robinson Day.
– I don’t know what’s worse, the general dickishness of this picture, or that fact that people from Mercer Island and Auburn think they’re cowboys.
– Child sex trafficking – as easy in Seattle as ordering a pizza
– Bitcoin isn’t a currency. It’s a commodity.
Jackie Robinson… A GREAT American!
Meanwhile another view of the Californian low information voter.
From our own UW comes this work, which suggests that:
1) Ice loss in Antarctica might not be due to global warming
2) There were temperature spikes before we started spewing all that CO2. Like, a hundred and fifty years before we started spewing all that CO2.
In the last few decades, glaciers at the edge of the icy continent of Antarctica have been thinning, and research has shown the rate of thinning has accelerated and contributed significantly to sea level rise.
New ice core research suggests that, while the changes are dramatic, they cannot be attributed with confidence to human-caused global warming, said Eric Steig, a University of Washington professor of Earth and space sciences.
Previous work by Steig has shown that rapid thinning of Antarctic glaciers was accompanied by rapid warming and changes in atmospheric circulation near the coast. His research with Qinghua Ding, a UW research associate, showed that the majority of Antarctic warming came during the 1990s in response to El Niño conditions in the tropical Pacific Ocean.
Their new research suggests the ’90s were not greatly different from some other decades – such as the 1830s and 1940s – that also showed marked temperature spikes.
Steig has previously done work on the Antarctic peninsula. But applying those findings to the whole continent isn’t a whole lot different than, say, taking measurements in southern Florida and applying them to the whole North American continent.
Go figure.
Yup…the little cowboy-wannabes…fingers poised as six shooters…all suburban Republicans. Barf.
Marco Rubio was on all five English-language Sunday shows, AND on two Spanish-language shows.
7 in one day.
Someone on the left has already tried to catch him unawares of how old the earth is, unsuccessfully.
Lib Sci and cronies will have to come up with some other method of smearing another minority with whom they disagree. They’ve got three years. I’m sure they’ll think of something.
From cheapshotBob’s link, above…
And so we witness the ongoing cavalcade of things not linked to anthropogenic climate change.
What next, bob? Are you going the show us that the Heartbreak of Psoriasis is not caused by human-sourced CO2?
@ 6
Lib Sci, since Steig got so much press for his 2009 publication, I thought this was a nice balance to that.
Do you think it will be as widely covered, Lib Sci? I’m not holding my breath.
Steig will probably get voted off the warmist peninsula for this one.
From bob…
As with our discussion yesterday, the data you invoke DO NOT say that. You’re being either stupid or dishonest. Again.
Try this…
1) SOME ice loss in Antarctica might not be due to global warming.
Had you done that, you’d have been accurate, and you could have honestly launched into a rant about how we liberals are blaming too many environmental phenomena on anthropogenic global warming. It would have been the basis for honest discussion.
BTW, you still haven’t owned up to the fact that your attempts at apples-to-oranges comparison yesterday with the Bedmap studies was totally full of shit, as I pointed out.
Regarding the bumper sticker… It’s probably a result of the Kermit Gosnell abortion trial, where live babies were executed by this leftist jackASS and his staff.
Puddy wonders about Obummer’s silence here. Was Kermit an Obummer bundler in Philadelphia? Hmmm…?
Um, no…you’re most likely wrong again.
Regarding the story about the bumper sticker, it’s sane people simultaneously laughing at and crying about the unholy confluence of gun-fetish bozo Republicans with women-hating fetus-fetish bozo Republicans.
Awwww…cheapshotBob has gone suddenly silent about climate change…just like yesterday…just like a cockroach when the lights go ‘on’.
Seems if he can’t have the floor to himself to fill the first 5-10 comment slots unopposed, and pass of his (at best) half-truths…he skitters off…
I’m not sure why y’all get so worked up about the minutae of climate change. For us long-timers in ag country the changes are quite noticeable….longer growing season, less harsh winters, less permanent mountain snowpack, opportunity to grow more productive and financially attractive crops but also more invasive species and associated costs. As to why, I’d personally suspect that humanoids have a hand but how much I think is still speculation. The fact is that we gotta live with it good and bad and adapt. Lucky that we’re an adaptable species.
@1 So was Branch Rickey, who gave Jackie Robinson his shot at the majors. One of my college experiences was working at a motel where Rickey’s family stayed while he lay dying in a hospital, and washing his Rolls Royce for them every weekend. Which, of course, tells you I was hopping around the University of Missouri in 1965.
Bob “Swift Boat” Perry, a Texas GOP donor who pushed for laws to shield homebuilders from lawsuits by buyers of defective homes built by guys like him, has died at age 80.
A standard tag line used by GOPers to oppose minimum wage laws is they destroy fast food jobs that provide teenagers their first work experience. My response to that lie is that only 16% of fast food workers are teenagers — and dropping. Fast food is now a job many adults depend on to support themselves and their families.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I might be willing to go along with a lower minimum wage for part-time workers under age 18 in exchange for a higher adult minimum wage. (I’m talking about the federal, not state, minimum wage.)
And of course Lib is “always” right. His thoughts are oh so [NOT] “correct”!
This picture is hilarious. Three taxpayer paid representatives, who have never done a hard days work in their lives, renowned for their hatred of environmental protections,laborers, Mexicans and Government, wearing Mexican brimmed hats and celebrating a disneyfied version of a profession that paid little and required the labor of mostly illiterate poor people to function.
I’m in awe of the stupidity of some people.
Hey survivalists — I hope y’all didn’t buy $1800 gold on margin in anticipation of The Great Bernanke Inflation. But if ya’ll did, I unnerstand fallout shelter crackers last for years, and water in sealed containers never spoils if the seal ain’t been broken into. (And why would it be? I mean, who would steal water from a dugout?)
@17 Those “cowboy” hats look like they came from a cheap souvenir stand.
Speaking of cowboys who work hard to take care of the land … http://tinyurl.com/ccxcfq2
@2 Speaking of low information voters … http://tinyurl.com/bvxlhwv
Looks like the fight for control of Victoria is on, as the 2013 BC election, is now underway. The Liberal party leader, and BC Premier, Christy Clark would like to only debate NDP Leader Adrian Dix, but he wants the Greens and Conservatives in the Leaders Debate, which from past debates, they could exclude those two,as their parties did not have seats at dissolution, but exceptions have been made in the past.
Before 2001, the BC Liberals would not have been in the position they are in. It used to be, unless a vote of no confidence occurred forcing an early election, the premier had leeway for setting the date. In 2001, the NDP was out of time when they called an election they were sure to lose. They lost 77 of 79 seats, sweatshirt the Liberals only polled 50-60% province-wide. One reform that did pass, was the fixed-election date. Some are saying it could be 2001all over again, in reverse. Not whether it will be a loss for the incumbents, but how bad of a loss.
@ 19
Those are the hats they sell in Mexican grocery stores. Quite popular with the Mexican-American folks. Hell, they’re pretty much formal wear at Quincenera parties. The local Mexican store here has dozens of them in stock.
@ 21
Heh, nothing bespeaks American values more than a chubbed-out old backhoe operator protesting the Government with a Red Ryder BB gun.
Well, for the BC election, Premier Clark, lost on debate participation. The Conservatives and Greens will be included to.
The criteria for inclusion, at least at the Federal level, is seats held at dissolution, or popular support of at least 5%.
Bob’s Method of Operations is to scuttle in, spew some posts for maximum Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, and post as many cheap shots referencing employment, children and sexual practices as he can, and scurry away. We spend all day, documenting how he lies and distorts with facts and logic, which he ignores because it’s all about the FUD, not the truth.
@24 “Keep government out of my Medicare!”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Damn socialists!!!
This is interesting, in Germany, the German Constitutional Court has delayed the start of a trial of a terrorist cell(It’s a extremist group that I just don’t feel comfortable mentioning), because of the lower court using a loophole in the accreditation process. 8 of the victims of the terror spree were of Turkish descent, and no Turkish media was allowed in.
The German judiciary is independent, the top courts Don’t even meet in Berlin, nor Bonn, but in Karlsruhe.
I’m interested in watching “42”, particularly after having recently seen the old movie, “Jackie Robinson”. I’m interested in comparing the difference in portrayals through the presumably different lenses of today versus 60 years ago. Also in how Chadwick Boseman’s portrayal of Jackie differs from Jackie playing himself.
RR @ 15: I was paid the minimum wage for “teenagers” for a while, when they tried it last time. That was in the early 1970’s. Where I worked, it made sense – the staff was going to be 90% teenager anyway.
The problem was, places like McDonalds would staff their restaurants with teenagers, then fire them the moment they turned eighteen, and replace them with other teenagers. I still remember my sister’s boyfriend bitterly complaining that after working at a McDonald’s for four years, he finally got a raise – which matched the increase in the minimum wage a week later. And yes, he was fired the moment he turned eighteen.
Reports of explosions at the site of the Boston Marathon, from what I am seeing, reports of injuries, no reports of fatalities, or the cause yet.
Reports of one or two massive explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Don’t know yet if it’s an accident (natural gas) or bombing. There are injuries, no deaths reported yet, but chaos at the scene.
Stock market is down sharply (Dow -207 points) and gold is plunging (-$139).
The CNN piece had comments.
The number of assholes that had already jumped on it to to make snarky liberal bashing, gun regulation comments was amazing. It’s like a sea of bobs are just waiting for an excuse to post.
CNN is reporting there were two explosions on opposite sides of the street a few seconds apart. This is a terrorist attack for sure, not a natural gas accident.
I think I saw on Think Progress that Boston PD is reporting 3 deaths. I am listening to a Boston Radio station on the tunein.fm app.
I figured that would happen. On WBZ, they are saying that they do not have any confirmation yet of the cause, it may be terrorism, it seems like it, but no need to speculate until it does get confirmed. Plus, remember, this could be domestic terrorism, it could be right or left. It has only been a few hours since it happened.
@ 34
It’s like a sea of bobs are just waiting for an excuse to post.
Actually, I’m a little surprised that RR has posted twice and hasn’t blamed anyone on the right as yet.
Guess what today is, BTW (wiki):
Patriots’ Day (officially Patriots’ Day in Massachusetts[1] and Patriot’s Day in Maine[2]) is a civic holiday commemorating the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the first battles of the American Revolutionary War. It is observed on the third Monday in April in Massachusetts[3] and Maine[4] (once part of Massachusetts), and is a public school observance day in Wisconsin.[5]
Yes, it’s terrorism. Now we must find out whether it’s domestic or foreign.
I don’t think that the persons responsible will claim “credit” for these explosions for a while. These people may be totally unknown to us at this point.
April 15?? The most hated day on the right in this country I can think of..
Coinky dink?
RR @ 33: Is this a buying opportunity, or is it too early? I mostly missed out on the last big rise (from Dec. onward).
I’m seeing reports of more devices..
Well, that didn’t take long:
Nicholas KristofVerified account
explosion is a reminder that ATF needs a director. Shame on Senate Republicans for blocking apptment
Yeah, that must be why it happened.
Maybe it’s a reminder, too, that there are ways of killing people other than with guns, asswipe.
From 41,
Probably not. Any talking now is just speculation.
@ 41
Yeah, that, too. Plenty of grist for everyone’s mill.
There is a suspect who is injured, and that person is being guarded in a Boston hospital now.
Over the weekend was Lexington’s 300th Birthday(the town’s anniversary of incorporation).
44. Serial conservative spews:
Of course you would say that. “Do Nothing EVER” is your motto.
Maybe it’s a reminder, too, that there are ways of killing people other than with guns,
The NRA said that the only thing protecting us from a bad person with an explosive device that killed 2 people and cut off legs is a good person with an explosive device that killed 2 people and cut off legs.
Also, my earlier post about BC Election season being underway, I was off a day. The official announcement from the Lt. Governor(provincial equivalent of the Governor General, which is the Head of State of Canada), is tomorrow.
Best video I’ve seen:
Brace yourself before watching this one.
Evergreen @ 50: Could you let us know why we should care about the B.C. elections? I’m not criticising the posts, I would genuingly like to know how this affects us in the Pacific Northwest.
@ 49
NTfF, perhaps you have forgotten the derision heaped upon the Bush administration for periodic elevated terror threat warnings.
Sometimes not just derision, but open mockery. Recall the Seattle P-I’s efforts to turn one notification into a contest for purposes of humor:
The paper’s decision not to run photos of the two Seattle ferry passengers sought by the FBI didn’t take long yesterday to become part of a widespread debate that provoked readers around the country.
It also spread throughout the blogosphere. While most blogs pointed directly to the debate, some made some poignant comments about the topic of yesterday’s Daily Haiku contest, a topic that — considering the sensitivity of the issue — was probably not the best we could have come up with.
That was combined with the P-I’s decision not to help out the FBI when they were looking for a couple of suspects.
When your side spends less time looking for opportunities to capitalize on tragedy, my side will spend less time fighting your side.
Radio says third incident at the JFK library.. About half hour ago..
First two explosions occurred simultaneously.
No links I can see.
@34 Look for Fred Phelps and the Westboro Zombie Apocalypse to show up in three…two…one…
@53 When WHICH side capitalizes on tragedy? (Snort!)
Never mind
53)Since the amount of cross border trade, and the fact that it looks like they could be seeing a change of government. What I like to point out, is the current ruling party, shows that some of our trolls are so fixated on the labels, that outside of this area, the labels are different. The current center-right party is the BC LIberal Party. THe old, all politics is local, although this is the only local one in Canada that I will put in the open threads here, unless it looks like it will be interesting. Issues that I am seeing coming up, are some of the ones we are talking aboutm or at least on other blogs, like the Tar Sands. THe other option for the Keyston XL Pipeline, is another proposal, called the Northern Gateway. It too has had some opposition, partly due to impact on First Nations(down here the PC term is Native American), and that the company Enbridge has had a history of accidents.
Also, before I got the breaking news email about the Boston Explosion, I was in the middle of typing that last update on the topic, but deleted that one and changed to the news.
If the JFK Library explosion is connected, then perhaps it could be foreign terrorists, or domestic, right wing extremism, but again, probably not a good idea to speculate yet.
2 Dead approximately 100 injured in various Boston Hospitals from police scanner reports. Don’t know how many are duplicate reports.
Two explosions within 15 seconds apart.
Explosion is a fire at JFK Library. Puddy will reserve commentary on who did what. Let the FBI figure it out.
But Fascist Pigsty, remember it was your side who always attacked Bush for those elevated warnings. Even on this blog it was ridiculed. So if you want to throw stones against those who think right, WE can throw boulders back at leftist pinheads like you.
Joe Biden called it a bombing. This may be the first time he’s right about something.
From 60,
It’s too early to rule out left wing extremism.
I believe it was the Bush Administration who wrote the book on capitalizing on tragedy. What proceeded from 9-11?
And yes, we attacked Bush for such behavior, like cynically using the terror threat level multicolored indicator of fear for partisan advantage.
You two are quite the pair…fuck you both.
I know, still, sometimes signs point that way. Another thing I was thinking, was that since they found other devices, they might be able to trace the components.
The Atlantic has some pictures. One is graphic and very sad!
Or you can visit the NY Post. Puddy doesn’t expect unemployed moron ylb to get the latest news there.
64), I remember those warnings, they were often vague, saying that they had no specifics, but to be on the lookout. Although I am surprised that they have not closed down Logan Airport, from what I am hearing on WBZ, their is a no-fly zone, for obvious reasons, where the explosion happened. .
I was thinking about that when I heard that an unexploded devise had been detonated by the police (heard that about noon – not sure if true).
Had me thinking – you have all sorts of potential evidence in an unexploded bomb, but sure is dangerous to try to analyze it. Tough call.
Awwwwwwww, your little feelings are hurt.
Stop thinking about your silly ASS and the past and think about those affected by loss of life, loss of limb, and other injuries.
TRULY, You are an ASSHole, Lib da schmucko! A real leftist ASSHole.
But No Time for Fascists, remember it was your side who always attacked Bush for those elevated warnings.
The Bush era Be-Afraid-ometer would always go up to UltraViolent just before an election. It seemed to be only there to scare already terrified conservatives like you to vote solidly republican.
Ummm no, John Effin Kerry was useless. We see this in action right now with his failure as SoS to get the Chinese to put their thumb on Kim Jung Un.
First, you attack us about criticizing the Bush era Be-Afraid-ometer @61, and then you attack us for living in the past for our justified ridicule of the Bush era Be-Afraid-ometer @70.
You are a partisan loon.
Awww Poor Fascist Pigsty… Facts are facts. Libtards like you hate facts! John Effin Kerry is still useless. North Korea wants concessions. Kerry offered concessions! Standard Op for this NK idiot. He’s declare victory and we’ll look stupid around the globe. Puddy will soon find out as Puddy has overseas trips coming up and Puddy will read their newspapers.
Puddy commented on Lib da schmucko because it’s ALWAYS ABOUT HIM! Too bad your libtardness can’t figure that out. The Bush Era Color Scheme seemed to work after 9/11 didn’t it? People became more vigilant even though your ilk hated Bush. And as previously stated you are a leftist moron!
piddl, you sanctimonious prick…
Could you be less self-aware?
TRULY, You are an ASSHole, Lib da schmucko! A real leftist ASSHole. Puddy was responding to Fascist Pigsty. He brought it up first. Puddy reminded him of HA commentary. You chose to ignore that. You tend to do that a lot here. You decided to make it personal to yourself.
TRULY, You are an ASSHole, Lib da schmucko! A real leftist ASSHole. Dead people. Injured people. Sad People. Families never the same again. It’s all about you!
Stay the way you are a real leftist ASSHole. It’s you who is clueless.
My understanding is that building Northern Gateway isn’t contingent on not building Keystone.
This coming from a clueless loon who relentlessly writes about himself in the third person.
He really seems to be hyperventilating, too – might be time for more meds.
Hmmm…? Just like Afghanistan IEDs.
Oh another ad hominem attack. So typical of you! To leftists like Steve, Puddy writes in the first person. Puddy respects Steve. You on the other hand are a moron. Third person for you!
You lost the argument again Lib da schmucko!
TRULY, You are an ASSHole, Lib da schmucko! A real leftist ASSHole.
I was guessing for awhile that they were, because if they were being built for export, the Northern Gateway makes more sense, since many(not all) supertankers are Post-Panamax, adding a lot of time to the journey to Asia. Although I have never weighed in on the Coal Terminal debate, there are already coal trains passing through Seattle, I have seen the trainloads of Black Diamonds, holding near Auburn, sometimes in Balmer Yard in Interbay(I had a job in Intrerbay for awhile), and have even been stuck behind one once(BNSF rarely has stack trains hold up passenger trains on the Cascade Corridor, and the was near a junction), and I have heard of the Roberts Bank BC terminal.
@71 @74 @76 @79 @80 @83 Parisian Loon Word Salad.
Another ad hominem attack. Devoid of facts just a useless attack.
The way Boston cops operate, I suppose we’re lucky they didn’t start raking the crowds with machine gun fire.
Didn’t say Terrorist!
Lapel Pin!
Birth Certificate!
Secrete Muslim Socialist!
79) Ball Bearings? The would-be bomber of the 2011 Spokane MLK Parade, used fishing weights. They caught that guy, though.
Of course the leftist pinkos are out in force… Leftist idiots will be libtard idiots!
Wolf Blitzer of CNN speculates anti-tax people did this. Another ASSHole in the Lib da schmucko ilk!
Looks like one dead is a 8 year old child. Don’t know for sure.
Thse Spokane case, the sentence was 32 years in prison. Besides the before mentioned enhancement, it also included rat poison. Thankfully that device was discovered. White Supremacists were behind that one, as I doubt the other parade that week in Spokane would have been controversial.
That perpetually money-losing Murdoch rag?
Nope. I don’t look at that right wing swill.
My eyes are connected to my brain..
The nerve of this crypto-leftist lecturing to right wingers like Bob and Puddyidiot.
Oh! It’s JOKIII..
Never mind..
August 2001 Presidential Daily Briefing anyone?
# 69: One of the tactics which has arisin in the terrorist playbook is to plant another bomb, timed to go off well after the first explosion, in order to take out the First Responders. So they don’t play around with them and try to disarm them, they contain them and blow them up (on-site, if possible). Then they collect evidence from what is left. It’s surprising how much evidence they can obtain from an exploded bomb.
Too funny.. A picture of puddyidiot’s favorite band:
% tctmgr search -pv .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘moby’ | cut -f1,4-5
moby count 73
@38 “Actually, I’m a little surprised that RR has posted twice and hasn’t blamed anyone on the right as yet.”
You’re the only one who’s surprised by that, Bob. Frankly, I’m surprised you haven’t blamed me yet.
@39 “Guess what today is”
My daughter’s birthday. We’re talking to her on the phone right now.
Of course, I have many daughters, and many sons, and we love them all equally, but this one is special in an equal sense.
@42 It’s definitely a buying opportunity, but the question is whether this is it, or will the selloff go deeper? Tomorrow should give us some indication of whether to buy now or wait longer.
@62 “Joe Biden called it a bombing. This may be the first time he’s right about something.”
That puts Joe one ahead of you.
@72 “his failure as SoS to get the Chinese to put their thumb on Kim Jung Un”
You’re blaming Kerry for China supporting NK? Hasn’t China been supporting NK for the last 60 years? Why do you expect Kerry to accomplish what none of your Republican presidents or secretaries of states could do? Piddl has risen to a new depth of ludicrousness.
@87 She’s as good a scapegoat as any, and better than most, until they find the real culprits. I would’ve start with the anti-abortion bomber crowd, though, given their track record (see, e.g., Eric Rudolph).
McDonald’s has ordered its $16,000-a-year employees to be more cheerful.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns a few shares of McDonald’s stock, but never eats there (rabbits are herbivores); he just takes money from people who do. Thanks, everyone! I appreciate your business! Please come again.)
Where did Puddy say that Roger? Memory leak again? Read #99. You wrote about yourself.
Let’s find out who the culprits are before we go off half-cocked.
Seems unemployed moron ylb missed Puddy writing about him. I G N O R E D!
So funny unemployed moron ylb is using James O’Keefe. Thanks for playing! B U S T E D!
The leftists are in blame mode already!
Boston reports the person “in custody” could be a Saudi national. Hmmm… didn’t Obummer give Global Entry Trusted Traveler status to them?
Sho nuff.
@103 Maybe you should read #72 again.
@107 Didn’t your organ grinder monkey give special dispensation to the bin Laden family to fly out of the country on 9/11/01, when everyone else was grounded?
Remember when certain wingnuts here claimed that conservatives donated more money than liberals, and paid more in taxes?
President Obama released last year’s tax return (2012 tax year). He paid 18% in income tax, and contributed almost a quarter of his income to charity.
This year, he has already begun by cutting his pay by 5%, in solidarity with the federal workers who will suffer similar reductions in pay due to sequestration.
Nope. This was covered over and over Roger. You DEFINITELY have memory issues. Richard Clarke, hero of the left claimed responsibility. This time Puddy used a DUmmies link. Puddy placed that many times on HA. Why don’t you ask the unemployed moron ylb, someone you support with your stupid unemployed commentary for the total number?
You need Gingko or something else Roger!
@71, @100 For that matter, for the last 25 years or so China has been supporting NK with the proceeds of all the stuff the Teahadist double-wide dwellers slurp up from Wal-Mart and the same stuff with different labels the Mitt-o-philes buy from Nordstrom and Neiman-Marcus. Oh, yeah–and the airplane parts the Chinese sell to Boeing while they’re copying their CAD files. And don’t forget all those yummy pig-shit-fed tillapia fillets.
110) A couple members of the cabinet and and a member of Congress have also followed suit, and she did not vote for the sequester.
As to John Kerry, I do personally wish somebody would get him to ask his wife to get the high-fructose corn syrup out of her damn ketchup.
Hey rhpee6033… Why did you skip over the Bidens and their paltry giving? The Bidens contributed $7,190 to charity in 2012 on income of $385,072… How big a percent was that? PALTRY!!!
BTW rhpee6033, Puddy’s effective tax rate was higher than Obummers. Does Puddy begrudge Obummer like HA leftists would? HELL NO! Conservatives don’t do that!
John Effin Kerry wanted a statement from China regarding North Korea. Effin Kerry didn’t get it.
See ya Roger. Another EPIC FAYLE effort.
@116 And I could publish a list of all his GOP predecessors who didn’t get that statement, either. Maybe the fact we killed a million Chinese in the Korean War has something to do with it?
My point is, why are you picking on Kerry for failing to do what everyone else has failed to do? You must be stretched for topic material today.
I just wonder what the wingnutters are going to do if it comes out the Boston Bombings were perpetrated by some NARasite tax-protesting TeaBagger type?
Alex Jones, crackpot asshole and the guy piddl linked to @2 to attack sensible gun regulations, has this to say about the Boston bombings, alleging a false-flag operation by the US government, and linking it to collapsing gold prices, which have the bunker denizens all aflutter.
This is the kind of shit that piddl brings to these threads.
With cluelessPiddl and cheapshotBob, all we get from conservatives on this blog are creationist-inspired climate change denials and the ravings of paranoid cracker conspiracy theorists. Ugh.
(I suppose piddl will start raving, in response to this, that I’m ‘ad-homineming’ him. *eye roll*)
Puddy would condemn it Fraggy. Would you if it is one of your OWS brothers?
How long did he wait? I am surprised it was not instantaneous on this.
Ummm NOTE TO EVERYONE… Who TRIED to link a different Alex Jones post to this thread? BTW your link FAYLED.
Lib da schmucko. Only Lib da schmucko. Butt, he’ll blame everyone else.
TRULY, You are an ASSHole, Lib da schmucko! A real leftist ASSHole.
@116 Of course, the Chinese knew damn well that there’d be no repercussions if they told Kerry (or any other US envoy) to go piss up a rope.
It’s one thing to talk about sanctions against Korea (or even Iran in the short term) because nobody on this side stands to suffer. Sanctions against China….well sir, that’d be very very bad for business now, wouldn’t it?
From 118,
I’m thinking this attack’s source is from a foreign land. We will see.
@119 If that doesn’t float your boat, wait until we start hearing about this from Hal Lindsey and the other Rapture-mongers on TBN….
Oh lib da schmucko… You mean this false-flag operation from the NY Times?
You mean this false-flag operation from Mother Jones?
Man you are such a moron! TRULY, You are an ASSHole, Lib da schmucko! A real leftist ASSHole.
Read the leftist take on false-flag operations. EYE Opening!
Thanks for playing FartMan!
Chris Matthews claims it was far right extremists. Another leftist ASSHole.
Using a right wing scumbag trying to rehab himself to make fun of fools like Puddydumbass!
That’s entertainment!
The T, has returned to as close to normal, that is, the Green line, which served that area, has resumed service, but the Copley Station, which was closed for the marathon, will be closed for awhile longer. The Green line, and it’s branches are one of the heavily ridden, and it’s downtown portion is the oldest subway in the US, older than the one in NYC.On a weekday, over 200,000 ride it. Although today is far from a normal day.
Part of the reasons why I shared the above piece, is to show a reason it could be worse.
Are you really that stupid?
Are you really that stupid?
The NYT and Mother Jones links you make are to stories about the FBI engaging in what is potentially entrapment, and the Constitutional repercussions thereof, by hoodwinking potential actual terrorists.
Alex Jones (to which you linked so appreciatively in attack on people who favor gun regulations, @2 above) is a paranoid nutbar of the right-wing variety who spent today tweeting and posting about today’s events, just like he did after Sandy Hook, as a covert operation by the government to hoodwink the public into allowing the government to have more power.
You are either a completely deluded loon who cannot tell the difference, or a dishonest hack who chooses to pretend there is no difference.
Pick one, piddl, stupid or lying. Same old, same old.
It is sad that some of those participating in the Boston Marathon were doing it to honor Newtown victims, and now this tragedy, very sad.
@ 133
Why can’t he be both? Bear in mind, that the anti-tax, anti-government lunatics were all calling Tim McVeigh a fucking hero after his little surprise in Oklahoma City. The fact is, that the TeaBagger/Randroid/NARasites run hand in glove with the white supremecists. They’re all the same people. Fucking Stormfront regularly has booths or tables set up at Tea Party rallies for chrissake.
Still waiting for Fraggy to say he’s condemn an OWS person if he did Boston.
Sadly he didn’t and that’s very telling…
Completely missed the reasoning of Puddy posting #2. Completely missed the low information voter aspect! Maybe Lib da schmucko is a low information voter and that’s why Lib da schmucko couldn’t add 2+2. Michael Mooron did in his Boston tweet today.
So why should Puddy continue talking with this moron? Completely gives all the left wing nut jobs a pass today on their Boston bombing conspiracy theories. Such a typical response and it’s so sad.
Man you are such a moron! TRULY, You are an ASSHole, Lib da schmucko! A real leftist ASSHole.
See ya. Got to get an early start on this new job location tomorrow so Good Bye!
Really, REALLY stupid ignorant fuck @ 136
Because the OWS people have no history of, nor have shown any inclination to commit such an act, whereas the Teaparty/NARasite assholes DO. A long, well established one at that.
Maybe the FBI and the BATF need to take a sniff around your ass there Spuddles.
Why don’t we all just wait and see who did this act rather than engaging in urinary Olympics about it?
@120 “Would you if it is one of your OWS brothers?”
Yes; and what jerk would even post a snide remark like this?
@133 No, he knows better; he’s a professional chain-puller. To find people at that level of stupid, you’ve gotta go to a site like Free Republic, see e.g.:
“Just remember what Obama’s politicized-and-militarized Department of Homeland Security was doing while terrorists where planning to blow-up the Boston Marathon… MONITORING ME -an amateur BLOGGER- who posts cartoons about him and his charmless tree of a wife: Damn you self-pleased goofballs for handing our nation’s security over to such an incompetent, agenda-driven scumbag- these people’s blood is on ALL your hands.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Frankly, he sounds like someone who should be “monitored.” Or neutered. In my experience, neutering solves a lot of potential problems before they become actual problems, especially when dealing with dogs with a proclivity for chasing rabbits in parks.
@139 That’s what most of us are doing, except for the loon @136.
@136 Hopefully, civil service rules prohibit requiring a government employee from having to do something like that.
You are a real ignorant ASSHole Fraggy. And a mental midget.
These five guys were rejected by OWS after the fact. But they were welcomed before the fact.
See ya mental midget.
Roger @140,
More proof you are a forgetful mental midget. See #144. You forgot the Occupy Cleveland arrests trying to blow up a bridge. Puddy DID NOT FORGET. PUDDY doesn’t need a stinking crazed databaze!
Thanks for playing mental midget.
Wrong again Roger. You are the most forgetful accusatory loon here.
And your love of left wrong web sites Roger? P R I C E L E S S!
ArtFart@143… See #144 to remind yourself of FACTS!
Back to Lib da schmucko @133…
NY Times headline…
Boston Globe Tweets…
So much for that useless explanation by Lib da schmucko from the NY Times.
For the Mother Jones article…
Spin it all you want Lib da schmucko. Puddy didn’t hear Alex Jones’ report but it does show the Times and Jones reported on the FBI “activities”. Alex Jones says some whack job stuff at times. So does Chris Matthews. So does Rachel Maddow. They always get a pass here on HA from libtard loons like Lib da Schmucko!
Man you are such a leftist moron! Always give a pass to libtards and their whack job comments but jump all over a righty for similar commentary! TRULY, You are an ASSHole, Lib da schmucko! A real leftist ASSHole.
Sadly three dead and 140 injured and the leftist msm are out blaming Tea Party people and tax haters. Some had amputations last night. A little boy ran out to hug his father and as he ran back he was killed by the explosion. Reports have his sister lost a leg from the explosion.
Remember Cynthia McKinney… a leftist held in high regard on HA
67 Favorites? Who are those leftist loons? And of course Lib da Schmucko would give Cynthia a pass. Puddy is sad at his lunacy!
Gotta go to work! Puddy expects ad hominem attacks… spun innuendo but no facts or links!
Wow, getting up this morning, perusing the thread above, I must conclude, that, yes, piddl really is that stupid.
@149 is a great example.
The term ‘false flag’ was used above to describe the insane, paranoid rantings of Alex Jones, an unhinged right winger piddl likes.
It’s pretty clear that piddl doesn’t understand the meaning of the term ‘false flag’ nor what Jones is actually asserting the government is doing, that is, trying to manipulate the public by allowing actual violent events to happen so as to accrete more power to itself.
He’s throwing out left-wing (MoJo) and center-right (NYT) links regarding entrapment of specific suspects, and the possibly dubious qualities, from a civil and criminal rights perspective.
He’s clearly confused the two in his bumbling, unhinged spinning. He may have an inkling that he’s once again exposed his misapprehension of the language, his loud and incessant braying alerting all to his ignorance, but he’s going for it, hoping all the dust he’s trying to kick up will obscure his stupidity.
@144 is excellent too.
Piddl is always trying to hang some sort of blame on people sympathetic to Occupy.
However, I’m not sure he reads his quotes or links (I’m not sure he reads), part of his quote about the assholes who were going to try to blow up a bridge contained this…
Did you read that before you posted it, piddl?
oooops…not enough coffee…
@151 should read…
(Felt good to write that a second time)
I just went over to (un)SP to see what our paleo-cons were up to about Boston and such, and found, of course *nothing*.
However, in a discussion decrying the fact that our new AG Ferguson was suing a Richland florist for refusing to provide the flowers for a wedding between two guys, I read a brilliant pudge manifesto…
There you have it, from the Bibul-thumping ‘thought leader’ of SoundPolitics.
@155 I can’t comment because Pudge banned me but I feel like slapping him around. His vision is to allow discrimination. Go shop somewhere else, he says. There’s lots of stores. If the only store owner in a small Mississippi town doesn’t want to sell groceries to a little old black lady, she can just hop a bus and go to the next town and hope the store owner there will sell her something to eat.
Pudge. A stupid, evil motherfucker. I usually abhor violence but, God, how I’d love to wipe and clean the sidewalks of Seattle with his fucking face from South Myrtle street to North 145th.
Damned wingnuts. Along those lines, little old black ladies can also hop on a bus and try to find a birth certificate so they won’t be denied the right to vote. No big deal as far as a wingnut is concerned. But inconvenience a gun seller? Heaven fucking forbid!
Pudge says to bring back discrimination. And his Tinfoil Hat Brigade cheers him on. How fucking pathetic. I say that the sidewalks of Seattle need cleaning.
@ 156
I say that the sidewalks of Seattle need cleaning.
You’re in luck, Steve. Deathfrogg needs a job.
@ 157
I’m in school full time, fuckcheese. Every job wants full time, rotating shifts or 24 hour on-call availability, not to mention the half dozen or so times I’ve been told I’m massively overqualified.
Don’t you have a playground to lurk somewhere?
@147 “And your love of left wrong web sites Roger? P R I C E L E S S!”
You mean CNBC, The Economist, and all the other places commies like me lurk? Shit, I read more capitalist propaganda in a day than you do in a month.
@156 Pudge is too stupid to be evil. But, like you, I don’t read that sucky little blog anymore. If they won’t let me comment on what they write, why should I read what they write? When pudge is down to 3 or 4 readers, maybe he’ll invite us back; but I’m not holding my breath, and frankly, I don’t care.