Here are some recent news items:
– Remember the big push a few years back after the Terri Schiavo mess to encourage people to have a living will for such situations? If you were one of the people who did that, make sure you avoid Catholic health care institutions as they’ve been ordered by the United States Council of Catholic Bishops to ignore people’s wishes and keep patients alive regardless of the circumstance.
– Laura Onstot in the Seattle Weekly points out that if the marijuana decriminalization bill passes in the state legislature, it would somewhat undermine incoming City Attorney Pete Holmes’ decision to no longer prosecute people for marijuana possession in Seattle. I’m not so convinced that it will make much of a difference. The police have generally abided by I-75, which made marijuana possession the lowest priority for law enforcement, and with a mayor and city attorney about to take office who seem to understand this better than their predecessors, I’m not terribly worried about people all over Seattle getting slapped with $100 fines. Then again, I could be underestimating the amount of enforcement that will still be done in Seattle’s minority communities.
– The first marijuana cafe in modern United States history has opened in Portland. It’s only for Oregon NORML members who have state-issued medical marijuana cards. When the state-wide smoking ban passed here in Washington a few years back, this was an aspect of the law that was unclear to me. If such a club opened in Seattle, would the law apply to marijuana smoke or just tobacco smoke? Would vaporized marijuana be considered smoke? I imagine that these questions will be settled in the most irrational way possible as we get closer and closer to simply allowing all adults to use marijuana legally.
– The Maryland Sheriff who was behind the horrifying mistaken raid of Berwyn Heights mayor Cheye Calvo is running for County Executive of Prince George’s County. Sheriff Michael Jackson still contends that his officers did nothing wrong when they invaded Calvo’s home, shot his two dogs, and held his family members captive for several hours, despite having absolutely zero evidence that they were involved in drug dealing. Now the county is trying to block the discovery process in Calvo’s lawsuit until after the election. Jackson is running as a Democrat against several other Democrats in a crowded primary and is actually being audacious enough to claim that he’s the law-and-order candidate.
– Finally, Tim Lincecum won the NL Cy Young Award today – for the second year in a row – as further evidence that pot smoking will derail your career.
“…they invaded Calvo’s home, shot his two dogs, and held his family members captive for several hours, despite having absolutely zero evidence that they were involved in drug dealing…”
If Calvo was to blow this guy Jackson away some day, I’d say Jackson deserved it and shouldn’t be prosecuted at all. Justifiable homicide IMO.
Would you please spare us your anti-Catholic bigotry? It was disgusting during the I-2000 campaign. It is despicable now.
A simple call to Providence administrators, or the boss up at St. Joseph Hospital in Bellingham, would have given you honest material with which to work.
You could have asked about living wills — in which a person’s wishes get laid out — which are strongly encouraged.
You could have asked about the provision for hospice care, available to everyone regardless of ability to pay.
Or you could have delved into what they’d do in the case of a patient wishing to exercise his/her “right” to end life.
Instead, we get an ignorant screech.
Apparently, on, one form of religious prejudice is not only acceptable but encouraged.
From the USCCB site:
The bishops also approved revision to the directive dealing with medically assisted nutrition and hydration of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services. The revised directive, which passed with 219 in favor, four opposed and 1 abstaining, takes into account elaborations on Catholic teaching by Pope John Paul II and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome predated by the current directives. It states more strongly the need to provide food and water even to patients in a persistent vegetative state.”
@2 “Would you please spare us your anti-Catholic bigotry?”
Looks like Lee is reporting fact. As for you and facts, Joel, where’s the bigotry in Lee’s post?
@2 “Instead, we get an ignorant screech.”
Where’s the ignorant screech, Joel? I’ll tell you what, it looks to me like the only screeching on this page is to be found in your own comment.
If you find me on my back, legs in the air, stiff with rigor mortis — but my eyeballs are moving — take me to a humane vet … he’ll know what to do.
The bigotry is in urging people to stay away from Catholic hospitals, and in not checking with those hospitals on how they react in end-of-life situations.
As one with a living will, I’ve been told several times by Catholic hospital administrators that my wish not to be kept alive by artificial means would be fully respected.
The file by Lee — and the quote you cited — remind me a great deal of e-mails arriving regularly from right-wing morons who see something on Fox News and take it as full Gospel truth.
Reality is more complex. Lee has chosen to indulge his prejudice rather than making a few calls and asking how hospitals would respond.
And has, with unfortunate frequency, been a soapbox for anti-Catholic prejudice.
“The file by Lee — and the quote you cited — remind me a great deal of e-mails arriving regularly from right-wing morons”
Joel, the quote is from the the USCCB.
Hardly “right-wing morons”, unless you’re sharing your own anti-Catholic bigotry with us.
“I’ve been told several times by Catholic hospital administrators that my wish not to be kept alive by artificial means would be fully respected”
Wouldn’t it behoove you to revisit this in light of the revised directive?
That said, there’s no better hospital care around than that provided by the Sisters of Providence facilities. The good Sisters turn nobody away.
I would think that people would be able to smoke at cafes when marijuana is eventually legalized. There are plenty of hookah bars in Seattle that don’t seem to run into problems. I don’t know if the treatment would be the same for marijuana cafes but I don’t see why it wouldn’t be.
“The bigotry is in urging people to stay away from Catholic hospitals, and in not checking with those hospitals on how they react in end-of-life situations.”
If Lee was urging people to stay away from Catholic hospitals because they’re, well, Catholic, you might have a point about bigotry. If anything, Lee was encouraging people to stay away because of a revised directive regarding end of life care. Where’s the bigotry in that?
“Lee has chosen to indulge his prejudice”
Good grief, Joel, first bigotry and now prejudice. My, how the baseless accusations do fly. Where exactly is the prejudice in Lee remarking on a revised directive?
Stop trying to muddy the subject:
Did Lee bother to check with Catholic hospitals in this area, and ask essential questions:
Do they respect patients’ end-of-life wishes as expressed in living wills?
Do they make provision for hospice care, the REAL death with dignity?
Do they feel to be under orders to keep patients alive artificially?
Like a Fox wing-nut, quote all you like from the USCCB’s press statement.
The truth is to be found in what hospitals and attending physicians do in these situations. It is very different from what Lee represented, and the smoke screens you are laying down in his defense.
Swedish Medical Center says it might stop accepting Regence because it’s reimbursment rates are too low. Now, just what was it you wingnut freaks were whining about Medicare?
Look, Joel, I seek to muddy nothing. I’m not trying to create a “smokescreen”. Rather, I seek clarification out of you about what appears to be baseless accusations of bigotry and prejudice directed towards Lee. Really, Joel, we get enough of that from wingnut trolls without someone of your, um, stature contributing to the bile. I would hope for better from you.
I’ll ask again. Where’s the bigotry, or the “stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion” in Lee’s post?
“The truth is to be found in what hospitals and attending physicians do in these situations.” In other words, will they defy the revised directive? “Did Lee bother to check with Catholic hospitals in this area, and ask essential questions” Did you revisit this with the hospital directors since the release of the revised directive? If not, then what would you know of the truth of the matter?
I wouldn’t call that bigotry. I’d call it a snap judgement and like most other snap judgements it lacks nuance. Joel’s post @5 is a good example of nuance.
Really, Joel, any smokescreens or muddying of the waters in this conversation is arising from your trying to avoid an accounting for your seemingly baseless accusations of bigotry and prejudice towards Lee. It appears that you have issues with Lee. Fine. But I suggest that you don’t lower the level of your game to that of blog trolls throwing out baseless accusations.
Criminy, Goldy, would you upgrade this bog edit function? You need money to do it? Just say so.
Oops, blog, not bog.
Goldy’s edit function? Grrrrr
Well, the part about the hospitals is nuanced. The part about Lee being a bigot is a snap judgement.
@12 I agree with your call on a snap judgement out of Lee. However, that’s a long ways from bigotry and prejudice. Joel’s accusations seem to be uncalled for. If he was a troll such crap would no surprise. But coming from one of Seattle’s more respected journalists, a big fish in our little pond, a guy with his mug on the side of a bus? Not good.
That is, if your snap judgement comment was about Lee. I realize now that I’m not clear on what you meant.
They both made snap judgements. Lee’s blanket statement about Catholic Hospitals and Joel’s about Lee.
Steve, drinking another of his Stupid Solution Frappuccinos farted…
That’s the reason the Dummocrapts with their two cost low balling health care bills are writing another bill in each chamber to pay the $250 Billion shortfall in Medicare payments. And they are gonna raid part of Medicare to pay for these bills? Each chamber bill is over $1 Trillion! They FAILED to meet Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s cost containment goal!
Another reason Steve can’t connect the dots even when the line is there for Steve to follow.
Congressman Burton asks,
How do you prove a job has been saved by the Stimulus Package?
Surely you can audit these jobs?
GAO questions 58,000 “jobs”.
What part of the linked article (or my post) is incorrect? Did the United States Council of Catholic Bishops not do that?
Even if there are various hospitals who say they don’t intend to follow the directive, I’d still have legitimate concerns.
And it was I-1000, not I-2000, and it passed by a huge margin despite the heaping piles of bullshit you and others unloaded about it.
The bigotry is in urging people to stay away from Catholic hospitals, and in not checking with those hospitals on how they react in end-of-life situations.
As one with a living will, I’ve been told several times by Catholic hospital administrators that my wish not to be kept alive by artificial means would be fully respected.
That may be true (and even if it does, it neither shows that anything in my post is incorrect or anti-Catholic). But if so, why isn’t there a public rebuke of the policy? How come when I search on Google for news about this, there isn’t a Catholic hospital administrator outraged at the directive? If such a strong rebuke exists, send it to me, and I’ll immediately put it on the front page.
You’re acting like those people who see a post about an Islamic terrorist attack and assume that the author is anti-Islamic, or see a post about Israeli war crimes and assume that the author is anti-Semitic.
I care a lot about people’s end-of-life issues being respected. That often puts me in conflict with Catholic organizations who very openly take positions on those issues that seek to remove individual choice. That does not make me a bigot by any stretch.
You’re not one of the idiot trolls who hang out here and take absurd potshots at me. You’re a longtime respected journalist in this city. Start acting like it.
I find the anti-Catholic bigotry a refreshing balance to Knute Berger’s anti-atheist rants.
So, how did Joel report Lee’s story (so I can see how the fact of the matter is expressed with unbiased reporting)?
@20 Christ, quit acting the stupe, Puddy. You’re coming across like you wouldn’t get a point even if I sharpened a stick and shoved it up your ass.
Steve, and your point was? Who is whining about Medicare or is it some libtardos writing about Republicans whining about “health care”.
Stay Stupid Steve! Being Stupid Comes Naturally to You!
Mark, Mr. Cynical, Puddy et al:
While you were babbling on a political blog deriding “libruls” and everything Obama, I was doing my nightly homework.
Here’s what I found and I’ll share it with everyone. But mostly to give you an example of what you get when you trade your time wisely for something of value. Instead of blogging and whinning about everything Democrats do. Get that Mark?
Here’s the stock trade of the month and how you construct a winning trade.
Symbol RMBS.
Closed today @ $18.35.
Feb 10 call options sold @ @3.20 each
Buy 100 shares of RMBS at $18.35
Sell 1 contract of RMBS Feb 10 calls @ $3.20
Set your stop loss at (- 8%) of your purchase price or $16.88
Your cost basis for purchasing the stock is $15.15. ($18.35 – $3.20 call option you get paid for right away).
The 3 possible outcomes:
1) The stock price drops to your stop loss trigger and you make $1.73 per share per share ($16.88 stop loss – $15.15 cost basis) or 9.04% (1.73 / 18.35)
2) The stock price doesn’t drop to your stop loss or gets high enough to get called away, you make $3.20 per share or 17.4% (3.20 / 18.35) and you get to write another coverd call opotion in late Feb at $15.15 cost basis.
3) The stock price hits the strike price of $19.00 and you get called away. $.65 equity gain (18.35 + .65 = $19.00) PLUS the $3.20 call option = total profit of $3.85 per share or 20.98% (3.85 / 18.35).
That’s 9.04%, 17.4% or 20.98% in 3 months for an annualized return of either 36.16%, 69.60% or 83.92%. At those rate of returns I’m happy as FUCK to pay SHORT TERM capital gains tax. While some morons want to hold a stock for a year or more to avoid paying a higher capital gains tax.
I challenge any conservative who thinks they know something about investing to post a better trade in ADVANCE of it happening.
OK Mr. C., you always like to GLORY HOUND after the numbers are in and you’re always miraculously calling the tops and bottoms perfectly.
The gauntlet is laid down, the challenge is made to all conservatives. Beat my trade or SHUT the fuck up about your trading conquests.
Odds are you won’t and you’ll firmly keep your tail between your legs while you piddle on the floor.
Golly it was in ylb arschloch favrit site NPR… Holder got spanked…
And you HA Libtardos are all gung ho over this…
OMG This is too funny…
“Al: It definitely is, and it’s a relatively new one. People think about geothermal energy — when they think about it at all — in terms of the hot water bubbling up in some places, but two kilometers or so down in most places there are these incredibly hot rocks, ’cause the interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees, and the crust of the earth is hot …”
Yet he’s correctnotright’s “hero”.
Lael Brainerd, nominated For Assistant Treasury Secretary for International Affairs.
Looks like she learned at the feet of Turbo Tax Tim Geithner. You can’t make this up…
improperly claiming a home office deduction
late payments on DC unemployment tax
late property tax payments
hiring a possibly illegal alien
Hmmm… There’s hope and change for you!!!!
Great Video
re 5: Joel’s right. People should shop around for a hospital to die in.
Make a few calls while the ambulance is on the way.
I do like the way you think about stock trades and invest some of your time in positive, profitable activities.
Writing covered calls is nothing new obviously.
There are a couple issues for you to consider about your Rambus example–
1) Trade costs–Buying stock, selling option & exit costs if you hit stop-loss. On 1 contract, it can add up. Right?
2) All day yesterday only 4 Feb 19 call contracts traded. Hardly enough volume to do the # of contracts needed to better amortize your trading costs.
Take a look at your example and tell me the Return AFTER Trading Costs using your 1 contract example. And let’s assume you put your orders in 1st thing this AM at the closing prices and see if they are executed.
Good thinking….executing is not as simple as looking at closing prices.
And yeah, I’m hanging onto 4,000 shares of Wells Fargo waiting another 4 months for the 1 year L-T Capital Gains waiting period IF THE STOCK STILL LOOKS GOOD. I monitor it GBS.
I have more than doubled my $$ on this so looking at 35% vs. 15% tax rate is only prudent, don’t you think?
After all, it’s AFTER TAX RETURNS that really matter, right?
3 Days in a Row-
Obama is a failure and Americans are taking notice.
Rasmussen is the most accurate poll the past 2 Presidential Election cycles AND the recent NJ & VA Governors races.
They also had Obama at +32 post-inauguration.
He is now at -14 THREE DAYS IN A ROW!
Read & weep KLOWNS–
Friday, November 20, 2009
Phoney-baloney Progressivism has had the covers pulled off. The Kommander has no clothes!
More ugliness for the “Progressives”–
From Rasmussen:
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Progressivism…so-called forward thinking…is a bunch of power-grabbing , class warfare BS.
DEMOCRATS BUSTED in Health Care Bill bait-and-switch!!
Obam-mao-liar and the rest of the DemoLiars are blowing all their political capital FOR NOTHING!!
How funny is this Puddy and Marvin?
They have blown it all in 10 months!!
Too Damn Funny!!!
Read & Weep–
Yet another telling poll from yesterday–
Thursday, November 19, 2009
My guess is that there are waaaaaaaaaaaaay more DemoLiars unemployed and not even bothering to look for a job.
I offer up as evidence the Leftist Losers at!!
Mr. C.
Got in $18.13 and wrote the Feb 10 call for $3.10.
Round trip it’ll cost me $28 regardless of the number of shares plus $1.25 per contract. I’m making 1.73 PER SHARE!!!!
You don’t understand COMPOUNDING INTEREST do you??? That’s why I don’t believe you’re a real investor. You FUNDAMENTALLY do not understand the MOST imortant tool in creating wealth.
See you doubled your money on WFC. WFC is arond $28 today and hit that number in early May. That means you got in around $14 per share profit.
Your gain is obviously $14. Tax on 15% is $2.10 vs. 35% tax = $4.9.
The difference: $12.90 per share or $9.10.
You’re happy to keep your $12.90
I take my $9.10 and REINVEST it!! Making interest on my interest!! (LIKE A TRUE CAPITALIST) You know that Liberal Obama supporter, Warren Buffet, does the same thing. Have you heard of him? (LOL)
Say I double that again to $18.20. Less the tax on the $9.10 gain @ 35% is $3.18. I now have $5.92 in extra profit. Add that to my CAPITAL GAIN from the original trade of $9.10 and I now have $15.02.
That’s an 8% more $$$$ than you AFTER PAYING taxes.
8% more profit on a million dollars is $80,000.
You said you’re worth $5 million plus. $80,000 x 5 is $400,000 of additonal POST TAX income.
Why wouldn’t you leverage your MILLIONS of dollars to create that kind of EXTRA income?
Seriously, Mr. C.
What’s a retired school teacher making these days??
How much does the RNC pay you per post?
Cuz someone with more than $5 million in the bank doesn’t get up at 5 am to start posting on an out of state political blog.
No. You’re scrimping on a wood shop teachers pension, pissed of because a black man is president, liberals are running the show and you have to resort to blogging to make ends meet for that
single wide in Woodinvilleranch house on acerage in Montana.C’mon Mr. C.
Answer the challenge. Give us your next trade set up.
Prove to us you can walk the walk instead of your normal yap yap.
Good luck in your investing. If you are disciplined, you can make $$ for sure.
However, your anger & envy have once again outweighed your common sense.
I’m happy to talk about investment strategies.
I am a lot old than you.
Of course I understand compound interest.
I am basically a long-term investor who has only occassionally played around with short-term plays the last couple of years. It’s fun to mess around with..but I don’t make it my focus because I don’t have to.
I am not a retired teacher….although I have a lot of respect for most teachers.
And are you really so deluded to actually believe the RNC would pay anyone to post on and it’s tens of readers??
C’mon GBS. I’m not even a Republican. I’m a Conservative. I give ZERO to the Republican Party and only give $$ to candidates that are true Conservatives.
Do you get any enjoyment out of the jealousy and envy that seems to grip you GBS?
Why not let go of that stuff?
Let’s talk investing, ok?
You are also beginning to sound like ReRun…ReRun Stubbs from the old TV Show “What’s Happening”.
Fred Berry was a funny dude on that show.
Check it out.
I’m trying to loosen you up GBS.
How can you enjoy life when you are so uptight it would take a John Deere Tractor to pull a pin outta yer ass??
C’mon…don’t be a ReRun.
I think what really bothers you is I dislike Obama’s policies and I want to see him plunge in the polls…and I post the polls.
I’m sure you put a whole lot of faith in his hope & change….good luck with that.
He is a Socialist…Big-Time.
He says one thing and does the opposite.
He has a Socialist Agenda.
And he is trying to jam it thru in 1 year.
Thank God there are some Democrats who are adults to slow it down so the American people can vet these crazy ideas and deficit spending.
I disagree with you politically GBS.
I don’t dislike you for that.
In fact, we have lots of friends that supported Obama. Some even regret it! Imagine that. So what?
Do you have any close True Conservative friends GBS??
Answer that question.
I told you the only other individual stock-related positions I have are 20 PUT Option Contracts in RandGold (GOLD) and Barrick Gold (ABX).
I bought in a little over a week ago.
The options are about where I bought them.
The only reason I did this little trade was because I felt gold was due for a significant correction.
I did ride up the “Gold Rush”. Got out a little early which is OK.
I have hardly ever bought PUTS.
Only makes sense as a hedge or short-term play or legalized gambling.
You all seemed to love Impeachment talk so much…how about adding your names to this list??
How often does Klynical post here projecting his “jealousy and envy” onto someone else? Every fucking day. Every fucking post. No wonder he’s earned the handle “Klynical”.
My portfolio is up over 240% in eight months. Goldy has trade confirmations. He doesn’t have yours. You talked big but couldn’t back it up. Sigh! Anyways, now my wingnut girlfriend wants stock tips. Rather than toss out, “Buy XXX”, I’m starting off with teaching her technical analysis. As a good Christian I don’t give her a fish, I teach her to fish. Oh, wait, as a hate-filled, jealousy and envy enraged Godless heathen pretending to be a Christian, you wouldn’t get it.
steve spews–
What happened to your wife??? Or is it Wives??
Is your girlfriend on a Milk Carton steve-o?
You asked why I post on HA.
Good question…real good question.
A friend of mine from Washington sent me the link to HA years ago.
I started reading and studying the mindset, the deep-seated anger and jealousy of the Progressive Movement. It is fascinating how it has evolved into sick vulgarity…but predictable after the shine has worn off of the movement.
Really, the only thing of value I have gotten beyond a better understanding of you KLOWNS is to get to know Puddy, some enjoyable banter with other Conservatives like mark, Marvin RickD et al and a profitable stock tip from you.
I actually enjoy some of the posts by Goldy and Darryl and Lee.
They aren’t stupid. Just short-sighted and misguided.
That’s it.
I really don’t spend much time.
I post in spurts and go about my day.
Nothing y’all post here do I take personally or fret over.
Afterall, it is and always has been!!
Idiot. I’ve never mentioned a wife. Ever. Which makes sense since I haven’t been married for over 30 years. On the other hand, I’ve spoken a number of times of my Republican girlfriend. You have no comeback so once again you resort to your insipid fantasies. So telling. So obvious. So Psych 101 of you.
Impeachment? For taking on the difficult job of cleaning up after yet another Republican catastrophic failure to govern? We already know that you hate America, Klynical. No need to remind us again.
Klynical – you started posting here Nov 2004 or a little earlier when Goldy was getting a tiny fraction of the comment traffic he started getting only a few months later. Your reaction to the “Progressive mindset” doesn’t wash very well. It’s plainly obvious to me you had a reaction formed at the outset.
There was very little gloating over Bush’s victory back in 2004 here at because this website was tiny then. It just wasn’t on the right wing’s radar.
But it was pretty sweet because here in WA Gregoire edged out Rossi. It was a bit of comfort after the debacle of Bush stealing two straight elections. It made you wingnuts tear your hair out.
And you’ve been losing ever since. We won. The people were with us. The “anger”, the “jealousy” are myths you’ve constructed to ameliorate your failure.
May that failure long continue.
And poor number 5….The Messiah now has shit on both shoes.
Since that sight is all hyperbole and no fact I think I’ll take a pass.
Lee is a bigot and a troll. He is so addicted to pot that he supports child abuse.
Ducking for cover ….
I should focus on Lee’s demeaning Joel Connely.
Joel and I have had a number of disagreements. This guy is a ruddy faced son of Ireland and, I believe, an Episcopalian by choice. Joel is a smart, opinionated, principled writer. Disagreeing with Joel is a good thing because he argues from knowledge as well as belief.
Lee, in contrast, is a devout anti. He is anti Israel, though often misinformed, anti medical profession .. often with no real knowledge, and anti Catholic with no respect for the good side of this complex institution.
Even when I agree with Lee, his arguments quickly become mired in his personal obsessions ranging from sex and pot to a sad tendency to accuse his opponents of being “retards.” Lee’s use of obscenities bothered me until I decided just to make fun of it.
The bottom line is that Lee is a troll. His attacks on the Catholic Church and on the medical professions are worthy of Mr. Cynical. Even if Lee is correct on an issue, he is too lazy and biased to do the work suggested by Joel. Lee’s posts often have all the charm of the Glenn Beck Show.
Joel’s points about Lee’s failure to find out what the bishops’ policies mean is a good example. ALL physicians are subjects to legal, ethical, and moral codes that are VERY real. When I was in the US Navy, my CO ordered me to do some things I considered unethical. He backed off because he knew that the AMA would support me. I find it very hard to believe that the bishps have MORE authority over the hopsotals then Admiral Zumwalt had over Long Beach Naval Medical Center.
I find Lee’s morality on these issues rather self centered . If a doctor or a pharmacist considers I-1000 unethical (as many, perhaps most do). should the State have any right to force them to assist in suicide? Hiw is that sort of moral imposition any different then the claim of a right wing troll to tell Lee he can’t smoke pot?
We had a similar debate during the I-1000 campaign. Lee and the I-1000 movement used the opposition of the Catholic church as an argument to vote for I-1000. This is like Geln Beck’s rants afainst NBC because Rockefeller Center has works by communist artists.
The same doctrines that led the church to oppose I-1000 motivated father Drinan to oppose the Vietnam war and to support Dr. King. Would Lee reject the antislavery movement because Seward and others claimed they were acting under God? Should we NOT have had the Revolution because Sam Adams was bigoted against Catholics and Quakers?
I am NOT saying Lee does not have a point. I can imagine that the Catholic Hospitals might have a polcy that was worrisome. Certainly there have been concerns about their policies on abortion. Before spreading scary rumors, Lee ought to do the work to find out if the bishop’s policies have any meaning.
Are any of you KLOWNS into boating???
I know most of you probably get seasick in a bathtub.
But on the oft-chance one of you KLOWNS has some experience, do any of you know anything about TollyCraft’s? A family friend passed away and his widow has a Tollycraft she wants to unload. I don’t have any details about size or model at this time.
What should I look for?
I’m an unlikely buyer other than she desperately wants to get rid of it and the moorage costs.
The classic case of a rich liberal democrat not wanting to pay taxes…
The article is nothing political, no where in the article are the words obama/palin.
She explained to insiders, “Why would anybody stay in Chicago? It’s freezing here, and I have a mansion in Montecito that I haven’t been able to enjoy.”
Another reason she hasn’t is taxes. My sources say Oprah and her people have long limited the time she spends in Montecito so she doesn’t exceed the number of days mandating her to pay exorbitant taxes as a California resident.
How bad must taxes be in kalifornia when someone as filthy rich as oprah makes decisions based on taxes.
Hey Puddy–
Did you see the Rev. Jackson “Uncle Tom” blathering—
Updated November 20, 2009
Jesse Jackson Tones Down Racially Charged Challenge to Black Lawmakers
The KLOWNS at HorsesAss called you the same thing and much, much worse.
Gotta love this American Ride!
Ah, Puddy has invited Cynical to suck his (puddy’s) dick again?
Well, Puddy, is the anti-racist Cynical going to bring a quart of bullshit with him?
STEVE?? Got that wonderful joke of Cynical’s handy????
Now you’re thinking of Puddy’s dick.
You’re not getting any are you?
Isn’t it about time for the liberal media to trot out that video of palin standing in front of turkeys being slaughtered?
Maybe if we do it every year people will learn that turkeys really are slaughtered for the masses to eat on thanksgiving and that it wasn’t some right-wing death panel.
Speaking of Palin, it looks like Obam-Mao is clearly in fear of the lady. Did you read about the over-reaction to her presence at Ft. Bragg??
This has Obam-Mao’s fingerprints all over it.
Why is the most powerful man in the worl afraid of a citizen from Alaska??
The oba-mao administration is scared of something.
For one, it seems like oba-mao doesn’t want any anti-obama protests.
That is such bullshit!!! As if the “news media” would ever cover an anti-obama rally.
Guess that free speech thing isn’t so important now. Transparency is just another color.
No autographs at a book signing? How devious is that sarah palin?
Have any of you seen the “leaked” e-mails from the prominent British Climate Change organization?
What do you think “hide the decline” in temperature data means??
Seems pretty obvious…it means to lie!!
Oh Algore, you pathetic bastard with your little tranced bastardo’s.
What a joke you played on us Al.
@54 Tollies
I am not a klown, but I a Tolly owner and would be happy to help.
Please feel free to contact me.
It means that they changed the name of the upcoming disaster from man-made-global-warming to climate change just in time.
When even cnn starts talking about it you know bad days are coming…
According to the poll, 27 percent now blame the Democrats for the recession, up 6 points from May, and 27 percent now say both parties are responsible.
“The bad news for the Democrats is that the number of Americans who hold the GOP exclusively responsible for the recession has been steadily falling by about two to three points per month,” said Keating Holland, CNN polling director. “At that rate, only a handful of voters will blame the economy on the Republicans by the time next year’s midterm elections roll around..”
And if democrats get the blame for the economy, well, it’s the economy stupid.
ping ylb
Don’t worry about being unemployed, this poll says that democrats have a higher unemployment rate than republicans.
Data from Rasmussen Reports national telephone surveys shows that 15.0% of Democrats in the workforce are currently unemployed and looking for a job. Among adults not affiliated with either major party, that number is 15.6% while just 9.9% of Republicans are in the same situation.
Say, Marvin, did you see that we got deleted from the other thread? WTF? Maybe we strayed too far off topic. I thought our posts were rather tame compared to some of the things we post here.
Spoken like someone who never served their country that doesn’t realize ALL military installations do not allow political events on bases, except for the Commander-in-Chief, regardless of party affiliation.
See, Marv, serving the military isn’t the partisan issue you like to make it out to be, even though you never served.
That’s why the MILITARY has a long standing tradition of not allowing political events on post.
Now that you’ve proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that you don’t understand the Constitution or military protocal, why don’t you refrain from talking on those topics.
Since you clearly don’t get it.
I didn’t see it, thanks for the heads-up Steve.
I’ll try to keep my posts more on-topic.
Marv, Democrats are more likely to be out of work than Republicans BECAUSE. . . wait for it. . . wait for it . . . you had to be empolyed in the first place to get LAID OFF.
That’s why Demcorats make up 50% more of the unempolyed than Republicans. Hell, the workforce has 50% more Democrats than Republicans.
Why do you think workers support UNIONS and Democrats???
Spoken like someone that is not doing a very good job of ignoring me.
LOL… My dad was a commercial fisherman. I grew up on the water. I used to own a sail boat, sold it when I moved to a drier part of the country for a couple of years. I did a little bit of work as a sea kayaking guide. Man, was that ever a pain in the ass. Show me a person that doesn’t think people are stupid and unaware of how to act towards their own self preservation and I’ll show you a person that’s never taught an intro to kayaking class.
I, the reigning Yacht Klub Kommodore, have a huge yacht!
I can’t believe that the moran KLOWN fell for that commodore BS I handed him. Oh, wait, yes I can.
@69 If we have at least an opening sentence on topic, I bet we’d be OK.
From someone that is ignoring me you’re doing a crappy job.
Almost as bad as the job you did with proving I was Puddy.
You gotta admit, that was an epic fail on your part the way you flew off the handle insisting you had the proof. Being honest, you reacted exactly the way I expected you to when I wrote that you struck a superior officer.
I kept bringing it up and you kept ignoring me, like you said here. So what could I do to get your attention? “Ask why you are afraid of me” like I did here. Seven (7) minutes later you stopped ignoring me. I knew insinuating you were afraid of me would get you to reply to me. I’ve had trumpets that are harder to play.
Are you going to ignore me or not?
Very good point Steve, that’s why I feel we should both be open in this open thread.
That was a good one about the commodore thing. It’s funny what people will believe about another person.
I’m a troll.
What’s your excuse?
25. GBS spews:
Now, back to ignoring you. Unless you have some sort of man crush on me you’ll do the same.
So why aren’t you ignoring me? You got a man-crush on the Marvie like rujax?
@77 You have a good weekend. I’m hoping to do some more recording, this time the B3 and upright bass. I have a book on B3’s with a chapter on recording techniques – could be interesting. I haven’t recorded the B3 before. I’ve been cheating, using my Yamaha Motif synth’s B3 sounds.
Cool. Not many “real” instruments being used these days, technology. Digital or analog?
I have a motif-rackES sitting in one of the racks behind me, doesn’t get much use anymore.
Alas, digital.
I really never had much interest in synths. I bought mine primarily as a platform for the PLG-150 modeling module. Does horns, strings and such – better than synth. I use those horns as placeholders until some of my friends show up and re-record the parts with real instruments.
I have to admit that some of the bass synths on the Motif are pretty cool. I wasn’t expecting that.
I’ve been studying horn arrangements of late. You likely know that subject inside and out.
From the liberal la times…
Never shy about $eeking money, Democratic President Obama’s Organizing for America is now using the threat of Republican Sarah Palin as an opportunity to acquire more.
It has just sent an e-mail out to its millions of supporters today pleading for urgent donations to fight the mother of five, now on her heavily-publicized, cross-country book promotion bus tour. She holds no political office currently; in fact, she’s among America’s unemployed, though doing quite well financially.
Why is the left so scared of palin?
Lee is a bigot and a troll. He is so addicted to pot that he supports child abuse.
Really? Do you even care about being taken seriously anymore?
Most people I work with know analog sounds better but all the benefits from digital (pro tools, cut/paste, autotune, etc.) over-ride the better quality sound. And considering how dumbed-down society has gotten they will never tell the difference again.
What horn stuff are you listening to? What size horn section?
In your defense lee, I’ve never heard you publicly support child abuse.
I’ve long been a fan of many of the old sax players like Gene “Jug” Ammons, Sonny Stitt, Eddie “Lockjaw” Davis, Stanley Turrentine, Coltrane, of course. Others. Bro Jack McDuff was my favorite on B3. As a teen, the father of one of my black friends heard us struggling for a sound and loaned us McDuff’s Gin and Orange and an Ammons album. “You boys should listen to these.” Life changer.
I’m doing some funk and latin-flavored funk, amongst other things. I studied violin for years so I’ll go in many musical directions. I don’t hear much live anymore. I caught these guys. Not bad. I played in a band with one of them many years ago. Yeah, I’d like to learn how to arrange horns like this.
Looks like the democrats aren’t satisfied taxing americans, now they want to out-source their tax victims…
Any tax imposed on financial transactions would have to take effect internationally to keep Wall Street jobs and related business from moving overseas, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday.
So anyways, Lee, it strikes me that, for a journalist, Joel’s comments were more than a little bit odd. And he’s not much of a debater, is he?
63. SJ TrollPatrol (c)2009 spews:
Thanks for the offer. I talked to her just a little while ago. It’s a 40’er but she has another friend that will likely buy it.
I like Tollycraft’s…but am not around enough nor have the free time to justify outlay and moorage. It would sit there 51 weeks out of the year.
Tell me about your boat SJ.
How long have you had it?
Likes & dislikes??
I’ll contact you if the deal doesn’t pan out.
Thanks for the offer.
I’ll tell you another thing I like – movie soundtracks in general – amazing how they can can compliment and enhance the visuals – and the old musicals with music written by Gershwin, Berlin, and all the other great popular music composers of the era.
72. Michael spews:
Now that is funny. As a rather inept kayaker, I RESEMBLE THAT REMARK!
Um… She’s moving to California with its higher taxes. Oprah’s actions would tend to contradict what your gossip rage is reporting.
Anyway, there are a few splits in America: left/right, uber-rich-fuckers/the other 90% of us, religious fundamentalists of all stripes/the rest of us.
Oprah may vote D, but I doubt we have much in common and I doubt she’d be in a room with a little person like me unless she was making money on it.
73. Steve spews:
Thanks for confirming you are a liar Steve…but I already knew that.
If you lie about one thing, we can just assume you are lying about everything else
You are right in what you are thinking now…I am pretty sure you will be seeing your post again…and again…and again.
It’s not a good idea to lie Steve.
Liar, liar diaper on fire!!
I suppose your Kountry Klubbing is a lie too??
I thought you might be the Tollycraft guy.
@90 You’re not alone. A friend has an extra kayak and wants to get me out there. Sigh! I’ll likely soon resemble that remark as well.
Glad to see your sense of humor poking out.
Kayaking’s all about finesse. Work with the water grasshopper…
I don’t know anything specific about Tollycrafts.
Boats are weird, it’s hard to price them as a group. If it’s in good condition and has fancy wood work it could be worth a mint. If it’s plain-jane or needs work, you probably can’t get much for a boat right now. It’s a bit of a buyers market.
Some model years might have held up better over time than others. Some might ride better in swells and so their worth more. Some times the same boat was made in a bunch of boat yards and one yards boat might be more popular than the others.
Boats are weird.
It just made sense, Klynical. You were running out of steam. I figured that one would give you some more K’s to work with. You really should be more grateful.
“again…and again…and again”
Well, if that’s what it takes to float your Tollycraft, then be my guest.
Speaking of lying, I did a search on your rental house comments recently. You really do need to work on the continuity thingy.
“we can just assume you are lying about everything else”
You’ve assumed everything so far, you’re assumptions being pulled from your ass, of course. I have no reason to lie about being poor and homeless. If you’d ever been in such a space, then you might get it. Puddy has no love for me, but even he told you once there’s no way I’m faking that stuff. I speak the words of someone who’s been there. And when I read what he wrote to you, I knew for certain that he’d been there too. I may give him a rash of shit and I love doing it, but I also have a ton of respect for the man. What he’s accomplished in life is truly impressive. You? Not so much.
Yeah, I’m a member, Klynical. A Kountry Klubber. So what? But I’ll tell you what, with the Krap with selective enforcement and changes to the building Konstruction Kovenants and the way they’ve been fucking up the Kourse, I’ll likely move on soon. I’d rather play other Kourses anyway and most of them are public like Gold Mountain and Chambers Bay.
The whos who of sax. Good choices, if I was to teach sax I would include all of those as required listening.
Damn, I was just starting to like you.
Been there, done that. I have most of the strokeland catalog. As an ex-trumpet player and arranger, I like the lon bronson live cd.
I’ve played with many “famous” and talented people, travelled the world, seen places I probably never would have seen unless I was with someone famous. My one regret with my trumpet career was I never got to play with tower of power.
If you’re listening to doctorfunk no doubt you’ve already listening to the TOP horn section. TOP was my life changer… from a hendrix guitar student to trumpet.
94. Michael spews:
Michael, Michael, Michael…you have read my posts here. Do you think for even a moment I have “finesse”?? Hell, I couldn’t even spell it unless I looked the word up!
I’m 6′ and 195 lbs and waaaaaay too bulked up to be a water grasshopper. I know what you mean…but try as I might, it’s more like a WATER BUFFALO!
Good point.
I remember playing Gold Mountain years ago when it was….well, a piece of crap. I know they put alot of $$ into it at some point in time.
I used to play in a ton of the Monday Pro-Ams.
We had a really blast…even when we paid real bad. It was a nice way to play a lot of courses. I had friends who were pros at a couple of different courses. My favorite one was playing Seattle Country Club.
The first time I played, I was on I think the 1st tee and blocked it OB by about 40 yards.
Our Pro was really impressed. It really took the pressure off when I hit the 2nd one out too! Since they take the 2 low net on each hole and our pro shot 67 and we had a 10 handicapper shoot a 76…we made money despite my bad day. I was an 8 and shot 89. They made me put what we made into the Beer Money pile….rightfully so.
It got better the next time.
That was probably 25 years ago or more.
Time flies.
“Damn, I was just starting to like you.”
Well, I did quit playing many years ago, if that helps. But the motor skills developed from years of study do come in handy.
I should have mentioned TOP as well. Wonderful horns. I had found a site that seems to have some good stuff on funk horn arrangments. I can’t find it now so I must have saved it to my other computer. I’d be interested to see what your thoughts are on it.
@101 The first time I played was on the short nine at Jefferson. I dibbled the ball so bad it barely got off the mat. I knocked the next one six inches from the hole. That was the last par I got for a few rounds.
I’ve never played Seattle Golf Club. But I saw Watson and Nicklaus play an exhibition there about 1981 or so, and was very impressed. I tried to model my game after Watson’s.
I started late but lived in Palo Alto for five years in the 1980’s and got to practice every day for a couple hours. Practice took me down to nearly scratch. Years of not practicing took me back up. This year I practiced at Gold Mountain (great practice area)for an hour or so after work each day. It took awhile but I started getting back in form. I hardly ever hit balls on the range. I practice the short game instead. It’s more fun and pays off in spades on the course.
The hardest thing to get kids to do is practice the short game. 100 yards and in.
All they want to do is whale away on the driver.
I played in High School. We had a really excellent team that won the State Tournament. Our Captain whiffed on the 1st Tee in Tournament….then shot 69 to win.
I have coached golf. You can tell pretty quick the kids that have the ?never quit? attitude.
Everyone hits bad shots…even Tiger.
It’s what you do NEXT that matters.
“It’s what you do NEXT that matters”
Spot on, Mr. Klynical. It’s much like life. We all hit the ball into trouble now and then. Some relish the moment – the chance to hit a great recovery shot. It’s an opportunity to shine and to show what you’re really made of. Others throw clubs with a “Why me?” despair or anger. The one has resigned himself to carding a snowman or worse, while the other might still par or birdie the hole. Yup, much like life itself.