I’m sure data like this hurts YLB arschlochs l’il Pinhead as his IQ is less than Room Temp and all he ever wants for Christmas is Disney Coloring Books!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Did you KLOWNS know that ANTARCTICA has 90% of the Earth’s Ice and 80% of the Freshwater and the ICE is growing???
More convenient to talk about the North Pole, huh Al Gore??
Hahha Klynical is calling someone stupid….pot meet kettle.
Gee Klynical, I miss your stock market going down due to Obama trants and your winter is cold = no global warming statements…the musings of a mind cluttered with rightwing nut BS and unable to think….
Latest on the senate health care bill:
the budget office estimated that the proposal would reduce the federal deficit by $127 billion over the next 10 years and by more than $600 billion in the following decade.
That is 600 BILLION (according to the CBO)! More savings in this bill than anything else we have seen. Of course the republicans will oppose this bill….they don’t really want to balance the budget or have the economy recover.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Finally, jesse jackson has defined what it takes to be a black man. To do otherwise, well, you lose your right to call yourself black I guess.
The democrat big tent of only one thought, one opinion, one vote, one plantation.
@2: Klynical:
Dear absolute moron with no credibility:
Follow and actually read your link fool – it says nothing about Antarcic ice caps growing…it is about sunspots.
Wow, you are not just stooooopid but also incompetent. Plus, your knowledge of science is at the third grade level. Thanks for being such a fool and demonstrating vapid rightwingnut third-grade level thought.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The liberal ny times is reporting that oba-mao is admitting that gitmo won’t be closed when he promised us it would.
It looks more and more every day that oba-mao overestimated the help that the liberal media would help in promoting his lies.
@4: The best that can be said from the article is that the ice may be somewhat stable right now – but that sea levels are expected to up.
If you look at the graph – that is just plain stupid since it is oscillating with the season….course you were probably too dumb to notice the monthly scale….
@9: Big deal – it will be closed….don’t you have anything significant to say?
Where were you when the illegal torture was occuring at gitmo? MIA as usual. Anything the criminal bushies did was to your liking.
Once again, another Bush mess for Obama to clean up. Let’s see:
the economy
North Korea
What didn’t Bush screw up?
Marvin Stamnspews:
The man oba-mao appointed is now saying he can’t certify (ie:prove it’s true) how many jobs were created/saved.
Barack Obama rewards big donors with plum jobs overseas
“He may have promised to change Washington, but President Barack Obama is continuing one of its most renowned patronage traditions: bestowing prized ambassadorships on big donors.”
@20 With all your deleted posts, have you still learned nothing about copyright law?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Ahhhhh, point avoidance once again.
Where did I “copy” this from steve??
You do the math.
We have a system that rewards Illegals to an extent most cannot imagine.
Are y’all mad yet??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
We are splitting and stacking more firewood today. Should have 5-6 more cords to add to my stash which should be about 14 cords.
I see in Washington, you KLOWNS pay $200+/cord.
Mine is basically free. My buddy has a most excellent splitter. I stack it. Great exercise. We grew the trees, cut ’em, split ’em, stack ’em and burn ’em keeping the house nice and cozy warm.
I thought you KLOWNS were into “sustainable living”?? I guess that means a little garden and riding your bike thru rush hour traffic sucking up carbon emissions, huh?. Phoneys.
You KLOWNS read about it….I live it.
Fish & game in the freezer.
Jams, Apple Cider, Veggies, frozen fruit….
do it yourself you lazy bastards.
Roger Rabbitspews:
According to our Resident Scientific Expert @1 and @2, the billions of tons of CO2 that humans pump into the air every year have no effective on atmospheric temperatures; everything is explained by sunspots.
Hey Klown, why don’t you submit that as a Ph.D. thesis and see what happens.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Republicans don’t have tax problems because they spent 30 years writing the tax code so they don’t owe any taxes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The conservatives demanding more tax cuts for the rich are conveniently overlooking the fact that current tax rates on the rich are already lower than they were after the Reagan tax cuts.
Kellogg Co. says there will be a nationwide shortage of its popular Eggo frozen waffles until next summer because of interruptions in production at two of the four plants that make them.
Daddy Lovespews:
Please remove Cynical’s #20 as a copyright violation.
Daddy Lovespews:
1 Cyn
Do you ven know what a sunspot is?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 The main story about the Antarctic is that it’s the planet’s climate regulator, and if the Antarctic goes the whole planet will go.
Daddy Lovespews:
16 Cyn
John Kerry’s daughter arrested for DUI!!
Only Fox would report this.
Yes, only Fox…and the Seattle Times, NPR, LA Times, People magazine, Boston Herald, Associated Press…
Idiot, yesterday you made the “point” that only Republicans started businesses, created jobs and hired employees. Evidently, today you go further and make the “point” that Republicans hire illegals to shaft American workers. That’s a point well taken.
“Where did I “copy” this from”
Without attribution or a link, how would I know? Do you claim this to be original? While obviously whack, it’s at least coherent. Obviously not you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But hey, even the worst-case scenario is no worse than this:
And a goat in the barn. Yup, you’re all set for a long, cold winter, Mr. Klynical.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 “Jose Legal works in construction, has a Social Security Number, and makes $25.00 per hour with payroll taxes deducted.”
I can tell you right now this is wingnut bullshit, because the only contractors who pay $25 an hour are those using union labor on commercial construction jobs.
It’s true that most homes are built today with mostly-immigrant crews. But they’re making $9 to $10 an hour, not $25 an hour. That’s the whole point of using immigrant labor.
Daddy Lovespews:
Regarding Antarctic ice, there is no controversy within the scientific community, as the small observed changes in Antarctica are consistent with the small changes predicted by climate models.
@24 Cyn’s first few comments seem to be some sort of attempt to justify his behavior as a one-man ecological disaster as described in #23.
“Sustainable living”? Hell, at the rate he’s going, he’ll turn Montana into a lifeless desert by the time he croaks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 Hey Klown, they say wood makes you warm twice — once when you split it, and again when you burn it. Glad to see you enjoying life in the 1880s.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder if Klown uses kerosene lamps or has federally subsidized rural electrification.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 This isn’t a net tax increase. King County taxpayers have given themselves a huge tax cut by spending less in retail stores and at new car lots. All this proposal does is recapture a small portion of the revenue that consumers kept in their pockets by saving their money or paying down debts instead of spending it. Even if voters pass it, they’ll still end up with a net reduction in taxes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 This isn’t unusual. I’ve been reading in the business press for some time that product shortages are looming. Why? Because many businesses overreacted to the recession by cutting back production too far, reducing inventories too much, and laying off too many workers. Now they can’t meet demand.
And what happens when supply can’t meet demand? Prices go up. In this case, not due to government fiscal stimulus, but because of bad business decisions.
But wait and see, the trolls will blame shortage-induced inflation on the government — you can count on it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Eggo is only the beginning. You’re going to see a lot more shortages, across many product lines, because businesses cut back too far. Better stock up on toilet paper while you can still get it.
Fish & game in the freezer.
Jams, Apple Cider, Veggies, frozen fruit….
do it yourself you lazy bastards.
Sounds like my house. We’ve got about 16 pints of canned jam in the garage, apple sauce, apple pie filling, cherry pie filling, homemade maraschino cherries…
Actually, Klynical, your friends at freerepublic has it reading “Joe Legal, Jose Illegal.
Mr. Politically Correct KLOWN reversed it to read Jose Legal, Joe Legal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Shortages are good for stock investors because they make price increases more “sticky” which boosts corporate profits which drives up share prices. Anyone still sitting on cash is a damn fool. I’m 100% invested in stocks right now. I only have temporary cash in my account in between trades. Stocks may look expensive (or fairly valued) right now, in relation to today’s depressed earnings, but demand is stronger than most people think and the trillions of dollars earning no interest on the sidelines eventually will flood back into stocks when increased demand and sticky price increases begin showing up on bottom lines. This is a time to be buying, not selling, quality stocks in well-managed companies.
Nestle Baking said Tuesday that it expects a shortage of its canned Libby’s Pumpkin — far and away the nation’s most popular canned pumpkin — as the holiday season approaches.
Good thing we can our own at our house. We’ve got enough for 15 or so pies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now you know where the so-called “intellectual content” of the goatfucker’s posts comes from — Freep. Speaks for itself …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 Better start hoarding turkeys while you can still get ’em! But hey, if we run out of turkeys, you can eat dogs! The Vietnamese do, and say dogs taste pretty good. All dogs should be sent to rendering plants! Turning them into dogburgers is the only thing dogs are good for.
Cyn neglects to mention that Jose Illegal’s boss is a BIAW Republican…
Oops, that should have read “Joe Illegal, Jose Legal” in the last sentence @45.
Whatever happened to the edit function here?
@49 The freepers would disown him, maybe string him up, if they saw how he called that good white American “Joe” the “Illegal” and the detestable brown guy “Jose” the “Legal”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I know this sounds silly, but we might eventually face a shortage of debt. That’s right, debt is good for something — it produces interest payments that millions of senior citizens live on. But if there’s not enough debt to go around, the law of supply and demand says the price of debt will go up, which means yields will fall and millions of senior citizens will go hungry. But the situation is somewhat self-correcting because then government will have to issue more debt to build more subsidized senior housing for impoverished retirees, which will increase the supply of debt, driving down prices and driving up yields. Then senior citizens will be able to move back into their own homes and we can create jobs for construction workers by blowing up unneeded senior housing projects.
We don’t have room to raise any of those at my place, but I bet we could go co-op with someone that has a bigger place near by (I get my eggs and honey from locals). You have to go with a heritage breed as the modern franken-turkeys are too breast heavy to breed. They’re all the product of artificial insemination.
While we’re on the topic of artificial insemination, it’s time for the state Leg. to get rid of the bull semen sales tax exemption.
In Colorado, Plan to Fill Budget Gap http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11.....orado.html
Published: November 7, 2009
DENVER (AP) — Facing an expected $1 billion shortfall in next year’s budget, Gov. Bill Ritter Jr. is proposing that education spending be cut by $260 million and that Colorado bring in an additional $132 million by charging sales tax on candy and soft drinks as well as online sales.
Under a plan submitted to state lawmakers on Friday, some business-specific tax breaks would also be eliminated or suspended, including a sales tax exemption on agricultural compounds and bull semen, which would be worth $1.5 million a year. Mr. Ritter, a Democrat, also proposed limiting conservation easement credits for three years, raising $13 million annually.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This is what senior housing looked like in Hoover’s time:
The authors report that the ozone hole over the Antarctic has actually had a beneficial effect in limiting summertime snowmelt. Unfortunately, that beneficial effect will decline as our efforts to lessen ozone depletion become more successful:
Our study demonstrates that low melt years during the 1979-2009 satellite record are related to the strength of the westerly winds that encircle Antarctica, known as the Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode (SAM). When the SAM is in a positive phase – meaning that the belt of winds is stronger than average – it has a cooling effect on Antarctic surface temperatures. The SAM was especially strong in austral spring and summer 2008-2009, and subsequently the 2008-2009 snowmelt was lower than normal. During the past 30-40 years, the SAM has gradually strengthened during austral summer (Marshall 2003), due mainly to human-caused stratospheric ozone depletion. In turn, the increasing SAM has weakened longer-term summer warming over Antarctica. … The ozone hole is projected to recover significantly during the next 25 – 50 years due to the Montreal Protocol, which limits ozone-depleting substances used in industrial and household applications. As the ozone hole ‘heals’, the increasing summer SAM trends are projected to subside. As this happens, it is likely that summer temperature increases over Antarctica will become stronger and more widespread because the warming effect from greenhouse gas increases will no longer be kept in check by the dynamic cooling impact of the SAM.
Mr. Politically Correct KLOWN reversed it to read Jose Legal, Joe Legal.
Good to see you have so much time on your hands steve.
I reversed the names because the issue is Illegals..not names.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I see I’ve succeeded in raising the blood pressure of you KLOWNS. Since you are all sedintary, this is the only stress your heart gets.
Watch California legalize ON-LINE POKER to help fix their Budget Hole.
Washington will ultimately do it too.
Encourage gambling Democrats….it’s your only way outta this mess. Prostitution can’t be far behind.
(I get my eggs and honey from locals)
Hair cuts too! Why should I give my hard earned egg/honey/haircut money to some ginormous corporation where most of the cash will go to people that had nothing to do with the labor it took to produce those products, when I can give my hard earned cash directly to the people who’s labor produced the product?
I used to pay $20 ($15 + tip) to get my haircut at some corporate hair hackers are us place. Now, I invite the the boys over every month and a half or so and we have haircut night. I have a hair stylist that lives down the street from me come over and she gives 5 or 6 of us haircuts in my kitchen. We get to hangout and get our haircut and she walks out the door with $100-125 cash for an hour or so worth of work.
She a good chain store hating liberal, so we know our money is going to stay local and help out the local economy.
@34, 57
Last I checked neither one of them were running for public office, so why not leave them alone.
I really wish the media would spend less time on crap like this.
“I see I’ve succeeded in raising the blood pressure of you KLOWNS.”
What. From rolling on the floor laughing?
(And yeah…we’re laughing AT you Cynical, not WITH you.)
@63 Perhaps you shouldn’t fuck with his reality construct. His head just might explode or something.
Yesterday he was prattling on about how liberals can’t run a business, despite the fact that businesses run by liberals, like Apple, are doing better than most companies.
Today he prattles on about us riding bicycles, but we’re not being sustainable, @# 23 and then claims we’re all “sedintary” @#59.
Which is it are we all riding bikes or are we sedentary.
Somehow I figure my bicycle is more sustainable than his buddies gas powered log splitter. My log splitter’s a 6 pound splitting maul, which I’m guessing is also more sustainable than his version.
BTW Cyn, it’s sedentary, not sedintary.
@63, 65
Jefferson’s Brother: My brother’s gonna kill us! He’s gonna kill us! He’s gonna kill you and he’s gonna kill me, he’s gonna kill us!
Jeff Spicoli: Hey man, just be glad I had fast reflexes!
Jefferson’s Brother: My brother’s gonna shit!
Jeff Spicoli: Make up your mind, dude, is he gonna shit or is he gonna kill us?
Jefferson’s Brother: First he’s gonna shit, then he’s gonna kill us! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083929/quotes
@58 “Good to see you have so much time on your hands steve.”
Time. Yeah, all of 30 seconds to google one of the phrases, go to the freeper site, grab a link and come back and post. Thanks for sharing some more of the stupid with us.
“I reversed the names because the issue is Illegals..not names.”
Sure thing, Klynical. Say, got anymore racist jokes to share?
@59: hahaha
Poor little Klynical – not only are you just plain stooopid – but you make assumptions too.
I would kick your sorry little butt in just about any sport or fight.
Go whine somewhere else squirt!
Sedentary, my ass. Typical republican BS – hide in Montana and spout BS.
Right. We laugh at your ignorance – fool. Blood pressure – like that will bother me after a 10 mile run. I could probably bench press you a dozen times, lightweight.
Keep driveling Klynical – you are some fool! If you are in any way representative of the typical ignorant right wingnut – no wonder your sorry party is losing it.
@67: Nice catch Steve
We know that Klynical get’s his rightwing BS from the rightwing sites – and now we know he changes their obviously racist crap to make it more palatible and then copies it outright for here.
Typical. The guy is too dumb to make this crap up on his own.
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. Roger Rabbit spews:
Resident Scientific Expert @1 and @2, the billions of tons of CO2 that humans pump into the air every year have no effective on
CO2, isn’t that the stuff humans and bunny rabbits exhale?
To cut down “the billions of tons of CO2 that humans pump into the air every year,” should we start killing off rabbits first or humans.
Oops, oba-mao is working on that death panel thing, you’re safe rabbit.
@68 For my part, full court basketball for two hours an evening with guys half my age. Something like that would likely kill the Klynical KLOWN.
Republicans just hate the thought of gub’mint death panels. That’s why they’re working sooo hard to preserve the profiteering-for-CEO golden-parachutes-driven corporate death panels. Now if they could just get the corporate death panels to check party affiliation before handing out their death sentences then everything would be just ducky.
Standing on a riser wearing a blue suit and red tie, with a cluster of troops and a large American flag behind him, Obama expressed “the gratitude of the American public” and said his meetings in four countries over eight days in Asia will help deliver a “safer, more prosperous world for all of us.”
He got a huge cheer when he told them he was increasing military pay. “That’s what you call an applause line,” he said, before boarding his jet and taking off at 4:11 p.m.
“That’s what you call an applause line,” he said,
he being oba-mao.
photo-ops, applause line??? At least he’s not wasting his time thinking about what to do with the war of necessity when he could be thinking about photo-ops and applause lines.
Marvin Stamnspews:
45. Steve spews:
Actually, Klynical
I’m not a psychic, but my hunch says I’ll be seeing links to this page for years to come.
@69 It was on a number of sites but I guessed right on the freeper, which he obviously didn’t deny. And yes, I’m sure he changed it to be more palatable and did so for all the obvious reasons.
You know me, Marvin, and that I would never do something like that!
Marvin Stamnspews:
76. Steve spews:
You know me, Marvin, and that I would never do something like that!
Neither would I. Which makes it so funny I would project like that.
Smith Studentsspews:
Do you think media coverage in the U.S. is biased?
Many people feel that the media can lead people in different ideological directions. We are Smith College students in a Senior Political Psychology Seminar and we want to invite you to take our survey. We are investigating the relationship between media coverage and political information. If you take our confidential survey you can choose to be entered into a raffle for a $50 gift certificate to Amazon.com. If you are interested follow this link to Surveymonkey.com
(And yeah…we’re laughing AT you Cynical, not WITH you.)
I’m glad you have a sense of humor Darryl.
But be careful with the word “we’re” as some of your KLOWNmates actually agonizing over what is posted on HorsesAss.org. That is what is funny Darryl.
You must be talking about yourself and some turds in your pocket!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I wish it was a little bit harder to make these KLOWNS get all riled up about HorsesAss.org–
They are sick bastards who live for this stuff.
Can you imagine a world run by Goldy and his Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats??
If only one of them merely had limited success in the real world. But alas, it will never happen. They are jealous & envious of successful people that create jobs and pay all the taxes so they can freeload.
@77 Good one.
@80 Have we ever discussed reality constructs? Perhaps someday we should. It strikes me that every time you’re confronted with someone like myself, who started from a lower station in life and who worked hard and became significantly more successful than you, it seems to throw you into a fit of delusional rantings. Here’s an old psych teaching you might consider, KLOWN, “delusions have a lousy future”.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Since no one has linked to the zogby poll, I guess I will…
Of course reps stuck up for bush 72% like dems stick up for oba-mao 70%, no big surprise.
The independents, well… 41% believe less under oba-mao, 29% more under oba-mao.
Wasn’t transparency one of the CHANGES he promised?
I guess voters mis-heard or misunderstood oba-mao when he said CHANGE.
Obama promised to do a better job than George Bush and John McCain. So far he’s lived up to that promise, but that is a pretty low hurdle to get over.
Marvin Stamnspews:
83. Michael spews:
Obama promised to do a better job than George Bush and John McCain.
I know the liberal media didn’t keep reminding you, george bush was not running for president against oba-mao.
So far he’s lived up to that promise, but that is a pretty low hurdle to get over.
I’m not expecting much from oba-mao either.
The country voted in someone that voted “present.” And considering his “decision” about gitmo, looks like he’s still voting “present.”
83. Michael spews:
Obama promised to do a better job than George Bush and John McCain.
I know the liberal media didn’t keep reminding you, george bush was not running for president against oba-mao.
As in Obama promised to do a better job than the guy that was leaving the white house.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Look Out For Sneaky Price Increases!
Don’t take anything for granted when you shop for groceries these days. The 6.25-oz. can of tunafish you paid 50 cents for yesterday may be a 5-oz. can for 69 cents today — that’s a 72.5% price increase!!
Everywhere you look, manufacturers and processors are trying to raise prices, even though inflation is low and demand is weak. Not by little increments, but in massive leaps — and they’re being sneaky about it. They’re using the same same packages, but putting less product in it.
Nowadays, if you open a box or can, you’re likely to find it half empty. You were conned into buying it, because the seller hoped you wouldn’t notice the change in “net contents” in the very fine print on the label.
When inflation is under 3% and manufacturers are raising prices by 30%, 50%, or 70% — you know it’s pure greed. These huge price increases flow straight through to the bottom line. You’re not paying higher costs for raw materials, labor, or R & D. Hell, they’re probably cutting wages and benefits at the bean factory — while they’re raising the price and putting fewer beans in the package! The only thing you’re paying for is the CEO’s jet and yacht.
Well, you can do something about it — DON’T BUY THEIR STUFF! It’s a competitive market. Nobody needs to make the margins these guys are pulling in on shit paper, cough drops, or canned beans to stay in business. Vote with your feet! If you don’t pay these outrageous prices, they’ll either have to lower them, or lose sales to someone else who will. Above all, don’t reward cheats who put half as much product in a full-size box by giving them your hard-earned money. You deserve better.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You gotta watch out for stock dilution, too. I never buy stock in a company without looking at whether the number of outstanding shares is increasing or shrinking. Some companies dilute their stock by issuing more shares in the form of stock options to their execs — so you may be getting only a fraction of what you thought you were paying for. There’s a million different ways to cheat people with sneaky packaging. Don’t be a victim! Be careful and read the fine print before reaching for your wallet.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You are the same idiot who said Gold was a bad buy at $1020 and that the Dollar was strengthening.
You are a moron.
Klynical, “Mr. Trade Confirmation No-Show”, was the same idiot who said Wells Fargo was a buy at $30. A few weeks later it was at $8.
80. Mr. Cynical spews:
I wish it was a little bit harder to make these KLOWNS get all riled up about HorsesAss.org–
They are sick bastards who live for this stuff.
Can you imagine a world run by Goldy and his Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats??
If only one of them merely had limited success in the real world. But alas, it will never happen. They are jealous & envious of successful people that create jobs and pay all the taxes so they can freeload.
So today Cynical is in here sucking Marvin’s cock ( when he can find it. I assume he has optical assistance).
Puddy must be busy today.
I do love it when Cynical realizes he a has no audience paying attention and has to resort to the incest that occupies him in Montana.
Marvin Stamnspews:
90. X’ad spews:
So today Cynical is in here sucking Marvin’s cock ( when he can find it. I assume he has optical assistance).
You’ve mentioned my penis quite a few times in different threads.
I wonder why my dick spends so much time on your mind.
Are you one of those cougars?
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Are you one of those cougars?
Marvin, now that was funny
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Not sure how X’ad swings but he/she/it does seem to focus on your Johnson a whole lot!
Let’s get educated on Solar Activity.
Here are NASA’s updated predictions–
I’m sure data like this hurts YLB arschlochs l’il Pinhead as his IQ is less than Room Temp and all he ever wants for Christmas is Disney Coloring Books!
Did you KLOWNS know that ANTARCTICA has 90% of the Earth’s Ice and 80% of the Freshwater and the ICE is growing???
More convenient to talk about the North Pole, huh Al Gore??
The AP is reporting that ANOTHER oba-mao appointee has a backdue taxes problem.
Another Obama nominee runs into tax problems
Is it really that hard for oba-mao to find democrats that have paid their taxes?
Here is the story about the Antarctic–
And AGAIN oba-mao is bowing to a king.
Hahha Klynical is calling someone stupid….pot meet kettle.
Gee Klynical, I miss your stock market going down due to Obama trants and your winter is cold = no global warming statements…the musings of a mind cluttered with rightwing nut BS and unable to think….
Latest on the senate health care bill:
That is 600 BILLION (according to the CBO)! More savings in this bill than anything else we have seen. Of course the republicans will oppose this bill….they don’t really want to balance the budget or have the economy recover.
Finally, jesse jackson has defined what it takes to be a black man. To do otherwise, well, you lose your right to call yourself black I guess.
“You can’t vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man.”
The democrat big tent of only one thought, one opinion, one vote, one plantation.
@2: Klynical:
Dear absolute moron with no credibility:
Follow and actually read your link fool – it says nothing about Antarcic ice caps growing…it is about sunspots.
Wow, you are not just stooooopid but also incompetent. Plus, your knowledge of science is at the third grade level. Thanks for being such a fool and demonstrating vapid rightwingnut third-grade level thought.
The liberal ny times is reporting that oba-mao is admitting that gitmo won’t be closed when he promised us it would.
President Obama acknowledged for the first time on Wednesday that his administration would miss a self-imposed deadline to close the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, by mid-January, admitting the difficulties of following through on one of his first pledges as president.
Good thing oba-mao told us his administration would be ready from day one.
If not, just think how much longer it would take oba-mao to make a decision that didn’t include the word, “PRESENT.”
Liberal ABC news is reporting that-
More than 50,000 jobs, or one out of every 10 jobs the White House says were “saved or created” by their economic stimulus plan, came from projects that reported spending no money yet, according to a government report obtained by ABC News.
It looks more and more every day that oba-mao overestimated the help that the liberal media would help in promoting his lies.
@4: The best that can be said from the article is that the ice may be somewhat stable right now – but that sea levels are expected to up.
If you look at the graph – that is just plain stupid since it is oscillating with the season….course you were probably too dumb to notice the monthly scale….
@9: Big deal – it will be closed….don’t you have anything significant to say?
Where were you when the illegal torture was occuring at gitmo? MIA as usual. Anything the criminal bushies did was to your liking.
Once again, another Bush mess for Obama to clean up. Let’s see:
the economy
North Korea
What didn’t Bush screw up?
The man oba-mao appointed is now saying he can’t certify (ie:prove it’s true) how many jobs were created/saved.
The chief federal oversight official for the stimulus program said in a letter Wednesday that he can’t certify whether the number of jobs “created or saved” by stimulus funds is accurate.
When did he figure that out, after right-wingers ripped apart the recovery.gov website was filled with lies?
Too bad he wasn’t as concerned about the truth before they posted all those lies.
THe CHANGE is democrats no longer care if a president lies.
It will? When?
Obviously not when oba-mao told us it would.
Maybe next time he will keep his word.
bush isn’t president, moveon.
Is bush going to be the excuse democrats use for not keeping their campaign promises?
Good thing we elected Dow “NO TAX INCREASE IN A RECESSION” Konstantine, isn’t it.
Is Dow a man of his word?
If so, there won’t be wasted dollars putting a tax increase on the ballot–
John Kerry’s daughter arrested for DUI!!
Only Fox would report this.
Barack Obama rewards big donors with plum jobs overseas
“He may have promised to change Washington, but President Barack Obama is continuing one of its most renowned patronage traditions: bestowing prized ambassadorships on big donors.”
[Deleted —see HA Comment Policy and this may help]
Run Sarah, run.
She hasn’t ruled out a Palin/Beck ticket.
[Deleted —see HA Comment Policy and this may help]
@20 With all your deleted posts, have you still learned nothing about copyright law?
Ahhhhh, point avoidance once again.
Where did I “copy” this from steve??
You do the math.
We have a system that rewards Illegals to an extent most cannot imagine.
Are y’all mad yet??
We are splitting and stacking more firewood today. Should have 5-6 more cords to add to my stash which should be about 14 cords.
I see in Washington, you KLOWNS pay $200+/cord.
Mine is basically free. My buddy has a most excellent splitter. I stack it. Great exercise. We grew the trees, cut ’em, split ’em, stack ’em and burn ’em keeping the house nice and cozy warm.
I thought you KLOWNS were into “sustainable living”?? I guess that means a little garden and riding your bike thru rush hour traffic sucking up carbon emissions, huh?. Phoneys.
You KLOWNS read about it….I live it.
Fish & game in the freezer.
Jams, Apple Cider, Veggies, frozen fruit….
do it yourself you lazy bastards.
According to our Resident Scientific Expert @1 and @2, the billions of tons of CO2 that humans pump into the air every year have no effective on atmospheric temperatures; everything is explained by sunspots.
Hey Klown, why don’t you submit that as a Ph.D. thesis and see what happens.
@3 Republicans don’t have tax problems because they spent 30 years writing the tax code so they don’t owe any taxes.
The conservatives demanding more tax cuts for the rich are conveniently overlooking the fact that current tax rates on the rich are already lower than they were after the Reagan tax cuts.
Leggo My Eggo!
Please remove Cynical’s #20 as a copyright violation.
1 Cyn
Do you ven know what a sunspot is?
@4 The main story about the Antarctic is that it’s the planet’s climate regulator, and if the Antarctic goes the whole planet will go.
16 Cyn
Yes, only Fox…and the Seattle Times, NPR, LA Times, People magazine, Boston Herald, Associated Press…
“point avoidance”
Idiot, yesterday you made the “point” that only Republicans started businesses, created jobs and hired employees. Evidently, today you go further and make the “point” that Republicans hire illegals to shaft American workers. That’s a point well taken.
“Where did I “copy” this from”
Without attribution or a link, how would I know? Do you claim this to be original? While obviously whack, it’s at least coherent. Obviously not you.
But hey, even the worst-case scenario is no worse than this:
@16 So what? Palin’s daughter is an unwed mother.
“fish and game in the freezer”
And a goat in the barn. Yup, you’re all set for a long, cold winter, Mr. Klynical.
@20 “Jose Legal works in construction, has a Social Security Number, and makes $25.00 per hour with payroll taxes deducted.”
I can tell you right now this is wingnut bullshit, because the only contractors who pay $25 an hour are those using union labor on commercial construction jobs.
It’s true that most homes are built today with mostly-immigrant crews. But they’re making $9 to $10 an hour, not $25 an hour. That’s the whole point of using immigrant labor.
Regarding Antarctic ice, there is no controversy within the scientific community, as the small observed changes in Antarctica are consistent with the small changes predicted by climate models.
@24 Cyn’s first few comments seem to be some sort of attempt to justify his behavior as a one-man ecological disaster as described in #23.
“Sustainable living”? Hell, at the rate he’s going, he’ll turn Montana into a lifeless desert by the time he croaks.
@23 Hey Klown, they say wood makes you warm twice — once when you split it, and again when you burn it. Glad to see you enjoying life in the 1880s.
I wonder if Klown uses kerosene lamps or has federally subsidized rural electrification.
@15 This isn’t a net tax increase. King County taxpayers have given themselves a huge tax cut by spending less in retail stores and at new car lots. All this proposal does is recapture a small portion of the revenue that consumers kept in their pockets by saving their money or paying down debts instead of spending it. Even if voters pass it, they’ll still end up with a net reduction in taxes.
@27 This isn’t unusual. I’ve been reading in the business press for some time that product shortages are looming. Why? Because many businesses overreacted to the recession by cutting back production too far, reducing inventories too much, and laying off too many workers. Now they can’t meet demand.
And what happens when supply can’t meet demand? Prices go up. In this case, not due to government fiscal stimulus, but because of bad business decisions.
But wait and see, the trolls will blame shortage-induced inflation on the government — you can count on it.
Eggo is only the beginning. You’re going to see a lot more shortages, across many product lines, because businesses cut back too far. Better stock up on toilet paper while you can still get it.
Sounds like my house. We’ve got about 16 pints of canned jam in the garage, apple sauce, apple pie filling, cherry pie filling, homemade maraschino cherries…
Actually, Klynical, your friends at freerepublic has it reading “Joe Legal, Jose Illegal.
Mr. Politically Correct KLOWN reversed it to read Jose Legal, Joe Legal.
Shortages are good for stock investors because they make price increases more “sticky” which boosts corporate profits which drives up share prices. Anyone still sitting on cash is a damn fool. I’m 100% invested in stocks right now. I only have temporary cash in my account in between trades. Stocks may look expensive (or fairly valued) right now, in relation to today’s depressed earnings, but demand is stronger than most people think and the trillions of dollars earning no interest on the sidelines eventually will flood back into stocks when increased demand and sticky price increases begin showing up on bottom lines. This is a time to be buying, not selling, quality stocks in well-managed companies.
@45 And he thought he was covering his tracks …
And pumpkin!
Good thing we can our own at our house. We’ve got enough for 15 or so pies.
Now you know where the so-called “intellectual content” of the goatfucker’s posts comes from — Freep. Speaks for itself …
@48 Better start hoarding turkeys while you can still get ’em! But hey, if we run out of turkeys, you can eat dogs! The Vietnamese do, and say dogs taste pretty good. All dogs should be sent to rendering plants! Turning them into dogburgers is the only thing dogs are good for.
Cyn neglects to mention that Jose Illegal’s boss is a BIAW Republican…
Oops, that should have read “Joe Illegal, Jose Legal” in the last sentence @45.
Whatever happened to the edit function here?
@49 The freepers would disown him, maybe string him up, if they saw how he called that good white American “Joe” the “Illegal” and the detestable brown guy “Jose” the “Legal”.
I know this sounds silly, but we might eventually face a shortage of debt. That’s right, debt is good for something — it produces interest payments that millions of senior citizens live on. But if there’s not enough debt to go around, the law of supply and demand says the price of debt will go up, which means yields will fall and millions of senior citizens will go hungry. But the situation is somewhat self-correcting because then government will have to issue more debt to build more subsidized senior housing for impoverished retirees, which will increase the supply of debt, driving down prices and driving up yields. Then senior citizens will be able to move back into their own homes and we can create jobs for construction workers by blowing up unneeded senior housing projects.
We don’t have room to raise any of those at my place, but I bet we could go co-op with someone that has a bigger place near by (I get my eggs and honey from locals). You have to go with a heritage breed as the modern franken-turkeys are too breast heavy to breed. They’re all the product of artificial insemination.
While we’re on the topic of artificial insemination, it’s time for the state Leg. to get rid of the bull semen sales tax exemption.
This is what senior housing looked like in Hoover’s time:
This is what senior housing looks like after the New Deal:
In response to Mr. Cynical’s spewage regarding Antarctic ice:
There’s good news, and there’s bad news.
Yes, there has been lowered snowmelt for several years. That’s the good news, which matches Mr. Cynical’s preferred narrative.
The bad news is delivered in the article, Putting the recent Antarctic snowmelt minimum into context at RealClimate.
The authors report that the ozone hole over the Antarctic has actually had a beneficial effect in limiting summertime snowmelt. Unfortunately, that beneficial effect will decline as our efforts to lessen ozone depletion become more successful:
34. Roger Rabbit spews:
Unwed mothers don’t kill innocent people…but Drunk Drivers do.
45. Steve spews:
Good to see you have so much time on your hands steve.
I reversed the names because the issue is Illegals..not names.
I see I’ve succeeded in raising the blood pressure of you KLOWNS. Since you are all sedintary, this is the only stress your heart gets.
Watch California legalize ON-LINE POKER to help fix their Budget Hole.
Washington will ultimately do it too.
Encourage gambling Democrats….it’s your only way outta this mess. Prostitution can’t be far behind.
Hair cuts too! Why should I give my hard earned egg/honey/haircut money to some ginormous corporation where most of the cash will go to people that had nothing to do with the labor it took to produce those products, when I can give my hard earned cash directly to the people who’s labor produced the product?
I used to pay $20 ($15 + tip) to get my haircut at some corporate hair hackers are us place. Now, I invite the the boys over every month and a half or so and we have haircut night. I have a hair stylist that lives down the street from me come over and she gives 5 or 6 of us haircuts in my kitchen. We get to hangout and get our haircut and she walks out the door with $100-125 cash for an hour or so worth of work.
She a good chain store hating liberal, so we know our money is going to stay local and help out the local economy.
@34, 57
Last I checked neither one of them were running for public office, so why not leave them alone.
I really wish the media would spend less time on crap like this.
I swam a half mile this morning…
Mr. Cynical @ 59,
“I see I’ve succeeded in raising the blood pressure of you KLOWNS.”
What. From rolling on the floor laughing?
(And yeah…we’re laughing AT you Cynical, not WITH you.)
@63 Perhaps you shouldn’t fuck with his reality construct. His head just might explode or something.
Yesterday he was prattling on about how liberals can’t run a business, despite the fact that businesses run by liberals, like Apple, are doing better than most companies.
Today he prattles on about us riding bicycles, but we’re not being sustainable, @# 23 and then claims we’re all “sedintary” @#59.
Which is it are we all riding bikes or are we sedentary.
Somehow I figure my bicycle is more sustainable than his buddies gas powered log splitter. My log splitter’s a 6 pound splitting maul, which I’m guessing is also more sustainable than his version.
BTW Cyn, it’s sedentary, not sedintary.
@63, 65
@58 “Good to see you have so much time on your hands steve.”
Time. Yeah, all of 30 seconds to google one of the phrases, go to the freeper site, grab a link and come back and post. Thanks for sharing some more of the stupid with us.
“I reversed the names because the issue is Illegals..not names.”
Sure thing, Klynical. Say, got anymore racist jokes to share?
@59: hahaha
Poor little Klynical – not only are you just plain stooopid – but you make assumptions too.
I would kick your sorry little butt in just about any sport or fight.
Go whine somewhere else squirt!
Sedentary, my ass. Typical republican BS – hide in Montana and spout BS.
Right. We laugh at your ignorance – fool. Blood pressure – like that will bother me after a 10 mile run. I could probably bench press you a dozen times, lightweight.
Keep driveling Klynical – you are some fool! If you are in any way representative of the typical ignorant right wingnut – no wonder your sorry party is losing it.
@67: Nice catch Steve
We know that Klynical get’s his rightwing BS from the rightwing sites – and now we know he changes their obviously racist crap to make it more palatible and then copies it outright for here.
Typical. The guy is too dumb to make this crap up on his own.
CO2, isn’t that the stuff humans and bunny rabbits exhale?
To cut down “the billions of tons of CO2 that humans pump into the air every year,” should we start killing off rabbits first or humans.
Oops, oba-mao is working on that death panel thing, you’re safe rabbit.
@68 For my part, full court basketball for two hours an evening with guys half my age. Something like that would likely kill the Klynical KLOWN.
Republicans just hate the thought of gub’mint death panels. That’s why they’re working sooo hard to preserve the profiteering-for-CEO golden-parachutes-driven corporate death panels. Now if they could just get the corporate death panels to check party affiliation before handing out their death sentences then everything would be just ducky.
Smooth one oba-ma…
“You guys make a pretty good photo op,” the president said.
Standing on a riser wearing a blue suit and red tie, with a cluster of troops and a large American flag behind him, Obama expressed “the gratitude of the American public” and said his meetings in four countries over eight days in Asia will help deliver a “safer, more prosperous world for all of us.”
He got a huge cheer when he told them he was increasing military pay. “That’s what you call an applause line,” he said, before boarding his jet and taking off at 4:11 p.m.
“That’s what you call an applause line,” he said,
he being oba-mao.
photo-ops, applause line??? At least he’s not wasting his time thinking about what to do with the war of necessity when he could be thinking about photo-ops and applause lines.
I’m not a psychic, but my hunch says I’ll be seeing links to this page for years to come.
@69 It was on a number of sites but I guessed right on the freeper, which he obviously didn’t deny. And yes, I’m sure he changed it to be more palatable and did so for all the obvious reasons.
You know me, Marvin, and that I would never do something like that!
Neither would I. Which makes it so funny I would project like that.
Do you think media coverage in the U.S. is biased?
Many people feel that the media can lead people in different ideological directions. We are Smith College students in a Senior Political Psychology Seminar and we want to invite you to take our survey. We are investigating the relationship between media coverage and political information. If you take our confidential survey you can choose to be entered into a raffle for a $50 gift certificate to Amazon.com. If you are interested follow this link to Surveymonkey.com
63. Darryl spews:
I’m glad you have a sense of humor Darryl.
But be careful with the word “we’re” as some of your KLOWNmates actually agonizing over what is posted on HorsesAss.org. That is what is funny Darryl.
You must be talking about yourself and some turds in your pocket!
I wish it was a little bit harder to make these KLOWNS get all riled up about HorsesAss.org–
They are sick bastards who live for this stuff.
Can you imagine a world run by Goldy and his Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats??
If only one of them merely had limited success in the real world. But alas, it will never happen. They are jealous & envious of successful people that create jobs and pay all the taxes so they can freeload.
@77 Good one.
@80 Have we ever discussed reality constructs? Perhaps someday we should. It strikes me that every time you’re confronted with someone like myself, who started from a lower station in life and who worked hard and became significantly more successful than you, it seems to throw you into a fit of delusional rantings. Here’s an old psych teaching you might consider, KLOWN, “delusions have a lousy future”.
Since no one has linked to the zogby poll, I guess I will…
Survey finds 38% of likely voters believe Obama administration more transparent than Bush administration, 38% say less
Of course reps stuck up for bush 72% like dems stick up for oba-mao 70%, no big surprise.
The independents, well… 41% believe less under oba-mao, 29% more under oba-mao.
Wasn’t transparency one of the CHANGES he promised?
I guess voters mis-heard or misunderstood oba-mao when he said CHANGE.
Obama promised to do a better job than George Bush and John McCain. So far he’s lived up to that promise, but that is a pretty low hurdle to get over.
I know the liberal media didn’t keep reminding you, george bush was not running for president against oba-mao.
I’m not expecting much from oba-mao either.
The country voted in someone that voted “present.” And considering his “decision” about gitmo, looks like he’s still voting “present.”
As in Obama promised to do a better job than the guy that was leaving the white house.
Look Out For Sneaky Price Increases!
Don’t take anything for granted when you shop for groceries these days. The 6.25-oz. can of tunafish you paid 50 cents for yesterday may be a 5-oz. can for 69 cents today — that’s a 72.5% price increase!!
Everywhere you look, manufacturers and processors are trying to raise prices, even though inflation is low and demand is weak. Not by little increments, but in massive leaps — and they’re being sneaky about it. They’re using the same same packages, but putting less product in it.
Nowadays, if you open a box or can, you’re likely to find it half empty. You were conned into buying it, because the seller hoped you wouldn’t notice the change in “net contents” in the very fine print on the label.
When inflation is under 3% and manufacturers are raising prices by 30%, 50%, or 70% — you know it’s pure greed. These huge price increases flow straight through to the bottom line. You’re not paying higher costs for raw materials, labor, or R & D. Hell, they’re probably cutting wages and benefits at the bean factory — while they’re raising the price and putting fewer beans in the package! The only thing you’re paying for is the CEO’s jet and yacht.
Well, you can do something about it — DON’T BUY THEIR STUFF! It’s a competitive market. Nobody needs to make the margins these guys are pulling in on shit paper, cough drops, or canned beans to stay in business. Vote with your feet! If you don’t pay these outrageous prices, they’ll either have to lower them, or lose sales to someone else who will. Above all, don’t reward cheats who put half as much product in a full-size box by giving them your hard-earned money. You deserve better.
You gotta watch out for stock dilution, too. I never buy stock in a company without looking at whether the number of outstanding shares is increasing or shrinking. Some companies dilute their stock by issuing more shares in the form of stock options to their execs — so you may be getting only a fraction of what you thought you were paying for. There’s a million different ways to cheat people with sneaky packaging. Don’t be a victim! Be careful and read the fine print before reaching for your wallet.
You are the same idiot who said Gold was a bad buy at $1020 and that the Dollar was strengthening.
You are a moron.
Klynical, “Mr. Trade Confirmation No-Show”, was the same idiot who said Wells Fargo was a buy at $30. A few weeks later it was at $8.
So today Cynical is in here sucking Marvin’s cock ( when he can find it. I assume he has optical assistance).
Puddy must be busy today.
I do love it when Cynical realizes he a has no audience paying attention and has to resort to the incest that occupies him in Montana.
You’ve mentioned my penis quite a few times in different threads.
I wonder why my dick spends so much time on your mind.
Are you one of those cougars?
Marvin, now that was funny
Not sure how X’ad swings but he/she/it does seem to focus on your Johnson a whole lot!
I doubt she swings, people her age are too uptight about how their bodies have sagged. She’s the monogamous type.