Steve Elliott takes on the useless waste of humanity that is Frank Chopp. It makes absolutely no sense to me that Mike McGinn can win the mayoral race, but that guy can’t be defeated by an actual progessive in the 43rd District.
I know you’re being somewhat hyperbolic, but it’s silly to ignore the obvious – the power of incumbency is huge. Beyond that, McGinn becoming mayor is more of a fluke. If even one Seattle politician (Murray, Licata, Steinbrueck) had a spine, he’d be back at his old job now, just like Mallahan.
If someone wants to run to Chopp’s left, let’s see it, but when was the last time he faced anything more than token opposition?
I’m in the 43rd and I’d love to see chopp gone. I’d volunteer and vote for someone to replace him and actually get things done. The last session was a disaster. Someone just need to actually run. Isn’t there some type of organization that tries to recruit people for things like this?
Daddy Lovespews:
I am fining it encouraigng that this president is determined to get our policy right in Afghanistan.
I am totally amused that he is ignoring the idiots on the Right (you know, PROVEN idiots like Dick Cheney and Mitt Romney) who would prefer that he proceed like Bush, making snap judgements based in his own ignorance and proceeding for years without meaningful review or course change.
You remember these guys, right? Dick Cheney, who has been completely and disastrously wrong about every major foreign policy question for the last twenty years, and who famously snoozed while terrorists prepared the 9/11 attacks, who told us all that Iraqis would greet us with flowers instead of IEDs, that there is “no doubt” that there were WMDs in Iraq, that two old trailers rusting in the desert was “conclusive proof” of an illicit Iraqi bioweapons program, that 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta met in Prague with Iraqi intelligence despite FBI insistence that ther actual investigation showed such a meeting to have been impossible, and who, when asked in the 2004 vice-presidential debate how American Black women between the ages of 25 and 44 were 13 times more likely to die of HIV/AIDS than their white counterparts, somehow fumbled out, “I have not heard those numbers…I was not aware that…they’re in epidemic…” It’s been said before, but what a Dick.
and Mittens Romney, who was for abortion before he was against it, for gays in the military before he was against it, for gun control before he was againast it, and, well, you can guess the rest. How the fuck he decides what he thinks when he get up in the morning I’ll never know.
Anyway, good chuckles when these fools yelp.
No Warspews:
@3 I am fining it encouraigng that this president is determined to get our policy right in Afghanistan.
Are you volunteering for this war? Obama’s going in the wrong direction. Tell him to bring the troops home:
Getting back to the topic at hand the referenced article gives Frank Chopp credit for Washington State having the highest minimum wage in the country.
This is incorrect. Several years ago voters overwhelmingly passed an initiative which indexed the state’s minimum wage to the rate of inflation.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
who famously snoozed while terrorists prepared the 9/11 attacks
Oh you mean William Jefferson Clinton. They arrived during his watch.
See ya moron!
Something similar to what occurred with Weinstein and Williams happened in Arkansas. State Rep. Richard Carroll, one of the highest ranking Green Party members in the nation, proposed that home warranties be studied due to complaints from his constituents. This was immediately killed. The distraction used in this ploy was being displeased with the sponsor. Seems to be a common ploy when it comes to avoiding regulation of the building industry. Bullying the new guy
I see trolls like Puttybutt are already trying to hijach this thread.
Can anyone think of a progressive they’d like to see run against Frank Chopp?
Goldy – You’re assuming that McGinn won as a result of support from progressives. I don’t have that much faith in the electorate. Out of the three candidates, one was associated with a snowstorm (“bad”), one was associated with Big Corporations (“greedy”) and then there was the third guy. I think it was more a simple process of elimination.
Sorry, not Goldy, but Lee.
Puddy, your effort to pin what went wrong during Bush’s term on someone else is truly pathetic.
When are you going to realize that your conservative leaders and conservative theories had their day and were proven to be miserable failures?
Miserable failures.
Miserable failures.
Miserable failures.
proud leftistspews:
Trying to educate Puddy is pointless. He exists in a joyful realm free of empiricism. He spews without any reference to reality. But, we love him anyway. Just pat the little fella on the head and tell him everything will be alright.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
To marks and doggril,
When a libtardo tries revisionist history, Puddy will always correct with the facts. All the hijackers arrived and established themselves way before 01/20/2001.
That’s the empirical truth, the whole empirical truth, and nothing but the empirical truth! Progressives run from the truth or have to rewrite it to make themselves look good!
Patting Puddy on the head means you’ll be standing really tall proud leftist.
What do you expect legislators–including Chopp–to do when the budget is full of holes? Enact legislation to levy new taxes for the revenue we need to keep people alive? Actually, I do expect that, but apparently the rest of you don’t, so you really shouldn’t complain about “the last session.”
And no, no more “cut the fat” whine; we’ve run out of fat, unless you can find about $100 million or so of fat. If you don’t want to pay more taxes, then tell your legislator to cut the tax breaks that Microsoft, et al. receive. Microsoft is still technically a start-up. How’s that for equity?
Chris Stefanspews:
We need a corporate and a personal income tax.
proud leftistspews:
Ah, Pud,
I won’t feel any less about myself if I must reach up to pat you on the head.
Re 16
You’re damn right Chris! Some businesses still stay in Washington, the bastards! We need to get rid of those capitalist pigs providing jobs and tax revenue and….
Wait, why is a corporate and personal income tax a good idea?
Oh yeah, now I remember. Those rich assholes are unfairly working hard to provide a good life for themselves and their families. That’s un-American! They need to get to pay their fair share (say 90% of their incomes) because the lazy poor need help doggone it! Why should the people who actually use the lions share of state services actually pay for them?
I’m not actually responding to lostinaseaofblue because I don’t think arguing with him would be very productive. I’m just writing this in case anyone is actually wondering why an income tax would be a good idea.
The basic idea is that lower income families spend a larger portion of their income on goods, to which the sales tax applies, and direct a smaller portion of their income into investments and the purchase of services to which the sales tax does not always apply. Because of this a larger portion of low income families income is taxed with a sales tax than would be taxed with an income tax.
I would actually like to see both the sales and property taxes eliminated and replaced with a income tax. I don’t know if any state actually has no property taxes so I’m less sure about eliminating it, but it does seem to be regressive and unpopular. If it could be eliminated it might make it easier to pass an income tax.
I’m wondering if anyone has ideas for getting rid of Frank Chopp. I would imagine there’s someone out there who can run against him. Discussion on this topic would probably be more productive than arguing with trolls.
Chris Stefanspews:
@18 & @19
Well I assume a state corporate income tax would replace the current state B&O tax which is a gross receipts tax and varies by industry plus has various exemptions that have been put in place by industry lobbying over the years.
A corporate income tax would be a tax on profits which alone would be a great relief for many businesses, particularly in the critical startup phase. Furthermore it would be the same no matter if you were selling hamburgers, haircuts, airplanes, or software. Most states have a corporate income tax of some sort so it isn’t as if this is some strange tax that would be unique to Washington.
As for personal income tax the idea would be to reduce the state’s portion of the sales and property taxes at the same time a personal income tax was put in place. Income taxes tend to track best with demand for government services compared to sales or property taxes.
Oh and I wouldn’t be opposed to going back to a 90% top marginal rate at the Federal level. After all we have two wars to pay for.
“the lazy poor”
Good fucking grief.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hello KLOWNS…I’m back from an extended adventure. I won’t waste my time reading your myopic BS. I’ll just weigh in with this–
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 28% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -10
Pretty much where King Klown was when I left…to no surprise.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Never Lose Your Grandson!
A heartwarming story.
A small grandson got lost at the shopping mall………
He approached a uniformed security guard and said,
“I’ve lost my grandpa!”
“The guard asked, “What’s he like?”
The little tyke hesitated for a moment and then replied,
“Jack Daniel’s whiskey and women with big tits.”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is a very important poll since the Economy will be issue #1 in 2010 and 2012–
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Forty-five percent (45%) of U.S. voters now give President Obama poor marks for his handling of the economy, the highest level of disapproval this year.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 39% believe the president is doing a good or excellent job on the economy following the announcement last week that unemployment in October rose to 10.2 percent, the highest level in 26 years.
via the liberal ny times– But the “thou need not bow” commandment from the State Department’s protocol office maintained a constancy of more than 200 years. Administration officials scurried to insist that the eager-to-please President had not really done the unthinkable.
“Presidents don’t bow, and Emperors don’t toast,” one official said.
Change… now liberals don’t even try denying that the “eager-to-please” oba-mao bows down to world leaders.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Poor ignorant Rabbit–
I am selling all my Gold & Silver stocks and options as we speak.
Gold is up $100/oz. in less than 3 weeks (when you told me the dollar was strong & I was stupid…remember??)
So Gold is trading @ $1119/oz and Silver at $18.18/oz. and ALL the Gold & Silver stocks & options are waaaaaay up…especially the options which have tripled in some cases.
You are an idiot Rabbit.
HOWEVER, I am also selling some Gold Stocks….Randgold (GOLD) and Barrack Gold (ABX) short and buying Put options. My target is for Gold to go back under $1040 in the next 3 months…perhaps under $1000.
There is always money to be made.
Long-term…the dollar will continue to weaken.
It must with the Obama printing press and the Chinese in a powerful position to teach us lessons.
Think about it.
But Feb. PUTS today!
6. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
who famously snoozed while terrorists prepared the 9/11 attacks
Oh you mean William Jefferson Clinton. They arrived during his watch.
See ya moron!
27. Mr. Cynical spews:
Poor ignorant Rabbit–
I am selling all my Gold & Silver stocks and options as we speak.
Gold is up $100/oz. in less than 3 weeks (when you told me the dollar was strong & I was stupid…remember??)
So Gold is trading @ $1119/oz and Silver at $18.18/oz. and ALL the Gold & Silver stocks & options are waaaaaay up…especially the options which have tripled in some cases.
You are an idiot Rabbit.
HOWEVER, I am also selling some Gold Stocks….Randgold (GOLD) and Barrack Gold (ABX) short and buying Put options. My target is for Gold to go back under $1040 in the next 3 months…perhaps under $1000.
There is always money to be made.
Long-term…the dollar will continue to weaken.
It must with the Obama printing press and the Chinese in a powerful position to teach us lessons.
Think about it.
But Feb. PUTS today!
And you want us to believe that an utterly worthless scumbag like you has a job?? Much less stocks???
You’re as phony as the Freemen and the Wannabe Militias.
Thanks for the morning laugh.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
3. Daddy Love spews:
I am fining it encouraigng that this president is determined to get our policy right in Afghanistan.
O-blah-blah is a naive Ideologue who has allowed the Taliban and Al Qaeda to strengthen in both resolve and organizationally. Innocent lives have been sacrificed because of O-blah-blah’s ineptness and indecisiveness.
The Presidency did not come with training wheels. Obama should be IMPEACHED!
He is a disgrace….and Americans know it.
Live in your special place Daddy called Denialville. Obama has been tested and failed to meet the challenge. He has “chilled” the ability of the Military to question Muslims and got us Ft. Hood.
There is plenty of American blood on Obama’s incompetent hands.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
5. MarkS spews:
Getting back to the topic at hand the referenced article gives Frank Chopp credit for Washington State having the highest minimum wage in the country.
This is incorrect. Several years ago voters overwhelmingly passed an initiative which indexed the state’s minimum wage to the rate of inflation.
They should also give Democrats “credit” for the Minimum Wage hike fallout…the highest unemployment among young/untrained people.
Businesses simply cannot afford cost-adding taxes, minimum wage and other government mandates.
However, this is the Marxist Obamunism plan.
Government control of everything by forcing small business folks to the sidelines.
Obamunists are either STUPID or EVIL…neither one is good.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I find it humorous that Gregoire and the Democrats have created a fiscal trainwreck by passing 2 consecutive unsustainable, smoke-and-mirrors Budgets.
$2 BILLION and likely to go higher this week.
How reckless & irresponsible.
A gift to Washington residents from the spineless Democrats and the State Employees Union!!
The chickens have come home to roost.
Had this been addressed 2 Budget cycles ago, we would not be in this mess.
People need to realize there’s still a Republican Party that wins elections in Washington, but it operates as a subdivision of the Democratic Party now.
In other words, there are two Democratic parties in our state: The Democrat-Republicans, and the Democrat-Democrats. All of our recent governors (Gardner, Locke, Gregoire) have been Democrat-Republicans, and the Legislature also is controlled by Democrat-Republicans (Lisa Brown, Frank Chopp).
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Frankly, I was glad to see Gregoire re-elected so she would have to be held accountable for the consequences of her reckless actions.
Let the Democrats continue to muddle thru this nightmare.
Businesses are quietly escaping.
Just what you KLOWNS want.
No one gives a crap about the “studies” that claim Washington is a great place to do business. It’s not.
Think about it..
Traffic is a nightmare.
B&O Tax—the never-reported last straw.
High unemployment benefits.
High Workers Comp benefits.
Highest minimum wage.
You have to be brain-dead to not question the consequences of all this nonsense.
Oh yeah, all you KLOWNS are brain-dead.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 You can always count on puddinghead to start the day with some totally disingenuous and utterly false bizarro bullshit.
The truth is 9/11 was a 100%-made-in-GOP clusterfuck.
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs… by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings … for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. … Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’
“In another briefing, Richard Clarke … gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo … warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’
“The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made.
“‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798 (emphasis added).
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 “I was glad to see Gregoire re-elected”
Yeah, sure you were … but you should now be jumping up and down with joy that she has turned out to be a Republican in Democratic clothes.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Oh my God! Check this latest Obama SNAFU out. Obama is screwing the middle class.
This ought to help the Democrats in 2010 and Obama in 2012….NOT!!
Here is the beginning of the article for the in-denial KLOWNS!!
By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER, Associated Press Writer Stephen Ohlemacher, Associated Press Writer – 36 mins ago
WASHINGTON – More than 15 million taxpayers could unexpectedly owe taxes when they file their federal returns next spring because the government was too generous with their new Making Work Pay tax credit.
Taxpayers are at risk if they have more than one job, are married and both spouses work, or receive Social Security benefits while also earning taxable wages, according to a report Monday by the Treasury Department’s inspector general for tax administration. The tax credit, which is supposed to pay individuals up to $400 and couples up to $800, was President Barack Obama’s signature tax break in the massive stimulus package enacted in February.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Taxpayers generally vote more than non-taxpayers. 15 million owe money??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
36. Roger Rabbit spews:
@34 “I was glad to see Gregoire re-elected”
Yeah, sure you were … but you should now be jumping up and down with joy that she has turned out to be a Republican in Democratic clothes.
Republicans don’t pander to Unions you Idiot.
She is a victim of her spineless non-action.
She should have laid off 10,000 state employees…and did NOTHING!
She knew better…and is now the biggest CHUMP in Washington State History.
Rog now calls her a Republican.
That’s priceless Rog.
She is an idiot Democrat who obviously gets her advise from the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS at
Hopefully she will begin the lay-offs pronto.
The longer she waits, the worse it will get.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 Think about it..
Traffic is a nightmare.
B&O Tax—the never-reported last straw.
High unemployment benefits.
High Workers Comp benefits.
Highest minimum wage.
You have to be brain-dead to not question the consequences of all this nonsense.
Item 1 — Traffic was a nightmare long before Gregoire showed up, dummy! Seattle’s traffic nightmare started, oh, back in Dan Evans’ time. Now let’s review the GOP solution to traffic: No gas tax, no mass transit, no way no how! We can put an infinite number of cars on potholed two-lane streets with parking on both sides.
Item 2 — Everyone agrees the B & O tax is a small business-killer. Now let’s review the GOP position on replacing the B & O tax (and state sales tax) with a more equitable state income tax: No way, no how! Our existing structure would be just fine if it had a few more revenue caps.
Items 3, 4, & 5: Leave it to Republicans to see “high” unemployment benefits, injured worker benefits, and minimum wage as a “problem.” But just try to find a Republican willing to live on these “high” benefits or a $9-an-hour wage.
Why on earth would anyone vote for these fucks?
Chris Stefanspews:
You forgot one recent governor who was a Democrat-Democrat: Mike Lowry. Unfortunately between the screaming harpies on KVI and some stupid moves he made regarding his personal conduct he had limited political capital and was a one-term governor.
I don’t know I’d classify Gardner as a Democrat-Republican either, he was more of a moderate democrat of the old school and thus to the left of both Gregiore and Locke on many issues.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The stupid world of Atheist Progressivism is krumbling before our eyes. Folks need a healthy dose of the consequences to wise up and get on the CONSERVATIVE bandwagon.
It happened in lots of YerAPeein’ Countries and will happen in America.
It is happening.
The Progressives are keeping their eyes closed so as to not see the inevitable.
Arrogant bastards.
You reap what you sow.
Cynical sucks Puddy’s dick every time he gets on here as some kind of justification for his depravity.
Even PUDDY should be offended at this phony Christian pretender trying to co-opt him.
Or maybe Puddy, too, has decided all of us are hellbound atheists.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Klynikal Klown is one of the best campaign spokespeople we liberals have. He sits here all day posting even better anti-Republican propaganda than I can dream up! After reading his bullshit no rational person would ever vote for the ham-handed party and idiotic ideology he represents. Oh, btw, he fucks goats too!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
41. Chris Stefan spews:
You forgot one recent governor who was a Democrat-Democrat: Mike Lowry.
Yeah, a perverted creepy guy with a laugh that makes your skin crawl.
And the ultimate economy killer.
You KLOWNS are so entrenched in your Marxist Ideology you cannot see it is failing.
Keep beating your heads against the wall.
When you finally stop in 3 years, you will awaken to a CONSERVATIVE world.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The GOP should be renamed GFP to more accurately reflect what it represents — the Goat Fuckers Party.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 “When you finally stop in 3 years, you will awaken to a CONSERVATIVE world.”
Still having daydreams about a Dixie Lee Ray comeback, eh? Hate to tell you this, but she died quite a while ago.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Gee Rog–
Looks like you have lost the argument…again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
After the last 8 years, it would take a real idiot to want to wake up to a conservative world. That’s a lot like the vestigial nostalgia among older Russians for the good ol’ Stalin days.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 Where? When?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
43. X’ad spews:
Cynical sucks Puddy’s dick every time he gets on here as some kind of justification for his depravity.
Even PUDDY should be offended at this phony Christian pretender trying to co-opt him.
Or maybe Puddy, too, has decided all of us are hellbound atheists.
Puddy, are KLOWNS like X’ad who is going to the Phillipines to fondle little boys, a hellbound Atheist??
Methinks he is.
Notice how desperate these KLOWNS are for us to turn on each other???
They still seem to think Black Men must bow to the alter of Marxism and accept the table scraps.
Chris Stefanspews:
So dumbass you do realize that laying off 10,000 employees would be 1/6 of the state work force? Which departments should take the cuts? State Patrol? Corrections? Liquor Board? Higher Education? Department of Licensing?
Do you also realize just how far below market wages and benefits state employee pay had gotten prior to the recent contract? The state was having a real problem attracting and retaining quality employees. You don’t keep good tax lawyers in the Department of Revenue by paying them less than an intern at a Downtown Seattle law firm would make.
Puddy, are KLOWNS like X’ad who is going to the Phillipines to fondle little boys, a hellbound Atheist??
Methinks he is.
You have a real Christian compatriot there Puddy. You should be really proud to be associated with him.
I am sure your silence will signify your full agreement.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 Gardner was a rich bidness guy who thought he could run state government like a lumber warehouse. Remember his “managing by walking around”? The best thing you can say for Gardner is he was ineffectual and didn’t do much of anything — it could have been worse.
I remember a DSHS worker who became (sort of) famous. She came back from a break to find the “walking around” governor sitting at her desk. You have to understand that Molly had no patience with VIP photo ops when there was work to be done. She told the governor to get out her chair unless he wanted to do her job. A very flustered Gardner leaped up and got out of her way. Molly was a big woman, and had a reputation for not taking any backtalk from anyone. A lot of people thought she ought to be the governor and Gardner ought to get her desk on a permanent basis.
But, alas, Gardner went back to Olympia and continued to preside over a do-nothing administration that was long on talk and short on delivery. In that respect, his successors resemble him too much.
The people that vote in state races are a very small number of loyal voters. Chopp has a strong base among that small number of loyal voters in the 43rd. That doesn’t mean that the 43rd progressives love Chopp, most people know he is a douchebag. The reason why he is not going to be unseated is that, they don’t turn out to vote. Same with the “youth” vote. Small races bore them. And just like the majority of voters in this great land of ours, they cant be bothered.
It is the reason why you’re not going to beat him or you’re not going to unseat Margarita Prentice in the 11th. Those two, just like many others, are in until they die. State races are small and these incumbents just have to cultivate a small following. Its a formula and it has nothing to do with a “progressive” district. Anybody who has worked on a state wide campaign knows that.
I attended the KC Legislative Action Committee yesterday. Speaker Frank Chopp was the special guest. He gave a long, detailed presentation followed by a very good Q & A.
This is the second time I’ve heard him speak.
I gotta say, I like hearing what he’s saying. Nothing is as simple as it looks. And he definitely has a keen grip “the art of the possible”.
I don’t mind the criticisms (political pressure) like the original post. That’s what democracy looks like. And Chopp can certainly handle the heat.
Here’s my plebe nickel analysis: Chopp does what he can with the hand he’s dealt. He’s very good at counting votes and assessing support. I definitely don’t expect him to take a principled stand on any particular issue.
I’m okay with that. I’ve read Sun Tzu. Fight the battles you can win, live to fight another day.
Like other politicians, though Chopp may agree with our progressive values, we still have to move the caucus. Like FDR (?) said “Ma’am, I agree with you 100%. Now make me do it.”
My criticism of Chopp and our state’s Democratic (party) leadership is they’re not doing all they can to elect more and better Democrats. They focus on the marquee races. Candidates else where are pretty much on their own. (I heard from many local candidates, “When you get back to Seattle, tell them we need some love.”)
I recognize there’s a difference of opinion. I favor a “39-county” strategy. Others have strong arguments in favor of high profile races.
Walter Shapiro lays out how Sarah Palin could become the GOP nominee in 2012. The secret is in the GOP “winner take all” rules, which vary some from state-to-state, but which give an inordinate advantage to someone who comes out on top of a multi-candidate race, even though they have considerably less than a majority of the total votes.
The operative quote:
“If Palin launches a 2012 race – and survives the South Carolina primary with her aura intact – she could theoretically sweep the winner-take-all states without ever winning a majority anywhere. The Republican establishment (the congressional leadership, the governors, the major donors and national consultants) could all agree that Palin would be an electoral disaster against Obama in November and still be powerless to halt her juggernaut.”
So, in theory, the two essential wins for Palin are in Iowa caucuses and South Carolina, even if she doesn’t do as well in New Hampshire. By working her “base”, and making sure they turn out to vote for her, she profits from the rest of the field being split between multiple candidates, as long as she gets the most votes. If enough GOP’ers stay in the race during the early primaries (at least five total), then she can get only 25% of the GOP vote and still win the lion’s share of the delegates under “winner take all”.
Which means that if the current GOP support holds true (party identification at around 20% of total electorate), She could end up being one of two “major party candidates” by winning the support of only between 5% and 10% of the electorate in the early primaries.
The big wild-card right now is whether the Republican Party will discard the GOP label entirely, form an alternative party (labeled in Orwelian terms like “Conservative Party” or “Freedom Party”. Then they will refuse to accept responsibility for anything that happened between 2001 and 2008, claiming that it was some other party (the Republicans) that did that.
I’m already hearing something like that from my Republican friends. They are now claiming not to be Republicans (they now claim they never were), they argue that Bush & Co. weren’t true conservatives but sold out to “liberal” economics which they claim was the cause of the economic problems (ignoring history up to September 2008 in the process).
All they are looking for is another leader/label to rally behind.
Kind of like when a kids breaks all the furniture playing football in the house, and then try to blame it on the dog.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Jason @ 56,
Yes, Frank was very effective yesterday once he’d put the first questioner in his place. I sat through the whole thing and never once were the words “income tax” ever uttered. Well, he did mention a couple of groups ‘working’ on it.
Frank’s “Fair Shake” doesn’t stand a chance supported by our regressive tax system.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You Democrats are a riot!
2 straight CLEARLY unsustainable Budgets.
Now the shit has hit the fan.
Raise taxes you say??
Good luck with that.
To many of you KLOWNS on the Public Payroll..stop whining. You are sooooooo lucky to have a secure job with a Diamond Benefit Package.
According the State’s own HR Website, the average Benefits are 31%.
The Paid Time-off (vacation, sick, holidays & personal) adds another 18%.
That’s WAGES + 50% you KLOWNS.
The Party is over.
No money.
Look for a real job.
Chris’ statement that Government is way below private is LAUGHABLE! The unemployment is at the PRIVATE level Chris. Factor that in and see what you come up with.
Public Sector employees are totally out of touch with those they serve.
Unless you consider serving YOURSELF to be serving.
Grow up and wise up.
Our current crop of Democrats aren’t going to touch progressive tax reform. I’ve just come to accept it.
Maybe this is a generational issue. We just need to keep educating people. Eventually, a future crop of Democrats will do the obviously correct reform.
Marvin Stamnspews:
40. Roger Rabbit spews:
Now let’s review the GOP solution to traffic: No gas tax, no mass transit, no way no how!
Is the GOP in charge in seattle?
If not, let us focus on the political party that is in power and not doing what is best for the people.
Marvin Stamnspews:
49. Roger Rabbit spews:
After the last 8 years, it would take a real idiot to want to wake up to a conservative world.
As said by someone that daily talks about how he now acts like a republican making money without working.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hit-Run Cyclist Nabbed
KING 5 News reports that witnesses gang-tackled a bicyclist who attempted to ride away after smashing into a 6-year-old boy Friday night.
The boy’s mother said, “The bike came out of nowhere, just flying down the street,” and knocked her son into a 360-degree somersault through the air.
The boy has severe facial injuries and will need reconstructive surgery. The cyclist is in jail.
So now we have scum from a bankrupt state coming here to tell us how to run our lives as in @63
What a pathetic troll. Has to come here for a life.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A new study shows 1/3rd of 16 and 17 year old drivers have texted while driving, and 48% of kids from 12 to 17 have ridden in cars whose driver was texting, MSNBC reports.
I think people under age 18 are too young to drive. I’m sick and tired of my kids getting run over by cars on Aurora Avenue and Greenlake Way! All cars should be shot! And dogs too! Cars and dogs are useless.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
A teacher is explaining biology to her 4th grade students.
“Human beings are the only animals that stutter,” she says.
A little girl raises her hand. “I had a kitty-cat who stuttered.”
The teacher, knowing how precious some of these stories could become, asked the girl to describe the incident.
“Well”, she began, “I was in the back yard with my kitty and the Rottweiler that lives next door got a running start and before we knew it, he jumped over the fence into our yard!”
“That must’ve been scary,” said the teacher.
“It sure was,” said the little girl.
“My kitty raised her back, went “Ffffff!, Ffffff!, FfffffF,” but before she could say ‘Fuck!,’ the Rottweiler ate her!”
Marvin Stamnspews:
65. X’ad spews:
So now we have scum from a bankrupt state coming here to tell us how to run our lives as in @63
And you regret being told what to do because you are leaving the country?
So does the fact I own 2 houses and property in washington state allow me to come in here?
What a pathetic troll. Has to come here for a life.
Good try. Sorry, once again you missed with your guess.
I have a life.
I come here to give YOU something to do babycakes.
After all, you’re the one that keeps replying to me.
@67: Klynical
Possibly the funniest story you have ever told.
@68 Stamn: We love making fun of how dumb you are….please keep coming back for more bbeat-downs. I love your republican “plan” for health care….the only thing it did not have was a plan to fix the things that are wrong (Lack of coverage for poor people and for pre-existing conditions and cost control).
How preciously stupid you are….we love you for your implaccable ignorance.
Check out the latest info on the “best health care system in the world”:
The researchers took into account the severity of the injuries and the patients’ race, gender and age. After those adjustments, they still found the uninsured were 80 percent more likely to die than those with insurance — even low-income patients insured by the government’s Medicaid program.
“I’m really surprised,” said Dr. Eric Lavonas of the American College of Emergency Physicians and a doctor at Denver Health Medical Center. “It’s well known that people without health insurance don’t get the same quality of health care in this country, but I would have thought that this group of patients would be the least vulnerable.”
MSN today
Oh, and the article in the NYT on how drug costs are going up abnormally high before health care reform starts….got to love the defense of the insurance and drug industry by Stamn and the republicans.
Not to mobilize supporters, but to pay hundreds of dollars in outstanding taxes.
Her trip downtown was more than just civic duty. Under state law, candidates with overdue tax bills are ineligible for the ballot.
Government job? Sure, I’ll pay my back-taxes now.
Now I see why democrats always want higher taxes.
But at least one good thing about the oba-mao, he’s getting democrats to become patriotic and pay taxes now.
Marvin Stamnspews:
69. correctnotright spews:
I love your republican “plan”
Are you talking about the republican plans you insisted didn’t exist and I found them for you? Weren’t a couple of those plans that didn’t exist on .gov websites dated months ago?
I’m not sure about you, I’m not surprised you didn’t know there were any plans considering where you get your news.
@72: Yeah, the republican plan I asked about for weeks and that finally came out. You could not come up with it.
It turned out to be half-baked and did not solve any of the health care problems.
The older plans were even less complete…and more foolish. Thanks for playing. I enjoy toying with a fool like you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Talking about global warming, who said– “Now is the time to confront this challenge once and for all. Delay is no longer an option. Denial is no longer an acceptable response.”
That was then, this is now– US president Barack Obama and other world leaders agreed in Singapore today that next month’s much-anticipated climate change summit will be merely a way station, not the once hoped-for end point, in the search for a worldwide global warming treaty.
Change against the “Delay is no longer an option.”
The oba-mao didn’t do very well convincing anyone to place the olympics in chicago either.
Is oba-mao against the climate? Thanks to non-american news we get the real truth– The United States is the main obstacle to concluding an ambitious agreement at the Copenhagen meeting on climate change next month, French Environment Minister Jean-Louis Borloo said today.
Speaking after world leaders meeting in Singapore said it was unrealistic to expect binding targets to be negotiated by the time the meeting starts on December 7th, Mr Borloo said Washington was posing the biggest difficulty.
Global warming, the debate is over… As soon as we change the prediction to climate change.
Marvin Stamnspews:
74. correctnotright spews:
@72: Yeah, the republican plan I asked about for weeks and that finally came out. You could not come up with it.
You can ask for anything from me you want, my refusal to do as you ask doesn’t mean the “plan” doesn’t exist.
As I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt with .gov and the dates on those “plans.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
When the liberal ny times is calling the oba-mao out, you know it’s not good…
President Obama has sent the Senate far fewer judicial nominations than former President George W. Bush did in his first 10 months in office, deflating the hopes of liberals that the White House would move quickly to reshape the federal judiciary after eight years of Republican appointments.
Of course no mention of the reason why…
Can’t find liberal judges that have paid their taxes.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Wow, lost booze is going to be drilled for. Probably going to make a lot of rich drunks happy.
Does anyone else find it strange that we are drilling though ice that wasn’t there in 1909? Was there man-made global warming in 1909?
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
– Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798 (emphasis added).
Golly Roger Dumb Bunny… Still using that old Clinton discredited fool? Puddy already destroyed Blumenthal three weeks ago when you slung this shit before…
Blumenthal is a Clinton apologist. Remember Sandy Berger pleading with Clinton July 1996 to take out Bin Laden and he wouldn’t? Remember Lt Col Patterson who had the nuclear football and told all about how Clinton dithered? No? Contact ylb arschloch. He has the previously written Puddy Missives on this subject and all the facts.
The record is clear Roger Dumb Bunny. You can’t revisionist the facts either fool!
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Puddy noticed how you HA Libtardos are not discussing the H1N1 Mexican Pig Virus. If GWBush had messed this up as bad as Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm, you all would be screaming and hollering. More Americans died from H1N1 Mexican Pig Flu than they did in New Orleans.
Why is this HA Libtardos? Why are you all mum on this? Aren’t you upset over the “lack” of coverage? Ohhh wait a minute it would make Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm look more incompetent.
Can’t have that!
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
To comment on your comments is a real waste of time. You expect Puddy to respond after all your recent attacks on Puddy?
When Sid Blumenthal was a journalist, part of his beat was the right wing especially the neo-cons.
They were too happy to talk to him given that their whacked out ideas of global hegemony after the fall of the USSR didn’t get any traction in the Papa Bush administration.
Now Sid’s son Max is covering the right wing and oh my is it in a sorry state.
To the fool with his finger up his arschloch…Sidney Blumenthal is a Clinton apologist. No matter what you try and claim, he was right there when Hillary was running in 2008, plain and simple.
Just like it’s plain and simple you are still the dumbest brick on HA.
83 – Still a miserable, losing, defeated FIEND after all these years.
Marvin Stamnspews:
53. X’ad spews: X’ad who is going to the Phillipines to fondle little boys
You have a real Christian compatriot there Puddy. You should be really proud to be associated with him.
I am sure your silence will signify your full agreement.
In all fairness, with all the hate you spew at those that don’t believe as you do, you shouldn’t be talking.
Why are you so anti-tolerant against people that don’t share your opinion?
And speaking of I am sure your silence will signify your full agreement, I noticed you never denied leaving the country to molest little boys. Very telling. Although, I know better. You like those little girls, that’s more your taste.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Wow MSNBC, the favorite channel of many HA Libtardos had to apologize again…
Yep, just like Rachel Maddow who didn’t know about the Preamble to the US Constitution. No wonder the HA Libtardos love this channel. So wrong so often.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Marvin, notice how the arschloch ignores the Blumenthal facts and continues with ylb arschoch ad hominem attacks?
That’s because he is the dumbest brick in the HA universe.
“Although, I know better. You like those little girls, that’s more your taste.
The projection never ends with this creep, does it? It’s a Psych 101 thing.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
So ylb arschloch, why aren’t you screaming over the lack of H1N1 Mexican pig flu virus from Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm?
You claimed you would get your daughter vaccinated with the HPV. Why aren’t you screaming for the swine flu vaccine?
Still stupid all the time.
“Blumenthal facts”
Sounds like another one of those Puddyfacts. Unsupported, undocumented, and yet repeated a thousand times as though true.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Ahhh Steve, the one who loses an argument immediately accuses them of fucking goats.
Wait for it. Pavlov has been spotted… Steve will start with his goat attacks on Marvin and Cynical. He knows better than to throw his animal farm sex against Puddy. But Pavlov has called that too…
Coming soon to this thread…
Marvin Stamnspews:
Sure, the AP spends their time fact-checking the book of a private citizen (palin) while the oba-mao is spreading lies all over the .gov webpages.
Here’s a stimulus success story: In Arizona’s 15th congressional district, 30 jobs have been saved or created with just $761,420 in federal stimulus spending. At least that’s what the Web site set up by the Obama administration to track the $787 billion stimulus says.
There’s one problem, though: There is no 15th congressional district in Arizona; the state has only eight districts.
There’s no 86th congressional district in Arizona either, but the government’s Web site says $34 million in stimulus money has been spent there.
And that change is democrats are no longer bothered when the president lies.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
This is why Steve is a real pinhead when he drinks from his Stupid Solution.
“Blumenthal facts” Unsupported, undocumented, and yet repeated a thousand times as though true.
Dailykos and their yearly kos meetings are a bunch of angry old white guys.
To give ylb credit, he did find a picture of a black guy at one of the kos yearly parties.
So what Puddyfact is that supposed to prove? You just go around in fucking circles with your shit.
@91 Only in an alternate Puddyverse does Puddy win arguments.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Steve, your Stupid Solution has warped your memory. Go back and look at comment #80 since you forget.
BTW Steve, why aren’t you complaining about Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s administrative failure on H1N1 Mexican Pig Flu?
Marvin Stamnspews:
88. Steve spews:
Hi Steve. I hope you are having a better week. Last week was real tough for you as evidenced by some of your comments.
Please think good thoughts about yourself.
Once you feel better about yourself you won’t feel the need to lash out. I’m sure you intellectually know all this, change is hard and taking the first step is the hardest.
Smile. And the world will smile back.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Puddy just watched Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm calling for free speech in China.
Yet his good bud Mark Lloyd in the FCC is calling for the Fairness Doctrine to stifle free speech in America…
Another act in the Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm apology world tour.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Wow O’Reilly is running the DNC, DSCC and DCCC Palin talking points. They are against her because…
She had 5 kids
She has a down syndrome kid
She loves to hunt
She named her kids strange names
She is from middle America.
@101 Have you tried googling “psycho-shit” yet? It’s a term I learned in Psych 401. It’s used like in, “Marvin’s a psycho-shit goatfucker”. No charge for educating you. I consider it a public service. The more you know how fucked up you are, the better the chances you’ll decide to off yourself. All part of my quest to make this a better world.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
So Puddy has identified two big scandals and the HA Libtardos are quiet…
Ft Hood Terraist attack on Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s watch…
H1N1 Mexican Pig Flu vaccine failure…
And… coming soon Iran having nuclear weapons. Remember what Roger Dumb Bunny said regarding North Korea nukes and GWBush.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Now with the election over, the truth about oba-mao is slowly leaking out…
In one shocking personal revelation, Obama, who was famed for his BlackBerry-ness and being so tech-savvy during the long presidential campaign (as opposed to you-know-who, the clumsy, unhip old-timer from Arizona), admitted publicly for the first time that he has never Twittered. Ever. Not once. Obama said he has too clumsy thumbs to do that on a phone.
Oops. Those keys on his famous and beloved BlackBerry aren’t all that immense. And Twitter is not just a phone device.
@103 Uh-oh, it looks like Puddy has visited the alternate Puddyverse again. Isn’t that that where you go, Puddy, to glean things like Palin being a vindictive batshit crazy wingnut loon has nothing to do with our opposition to her?
Marvin Stamnspews:
When democrat hillary supporters turn on oba-mao you know there is trouble in the democrat ranks….
And some of these democrats know the truth about oba-mao and his fake birth certificate.
Seems like a lot of democrats are birthers.
Marvin Stamnspews:
104. Steve spews:
@101 Have you tried googling “psycho-shit” yet?
I have to accept responsibility for part of your problem.
Before I decided to out you as a racist homophobe you actually wrote coherent comments.
Probably because I hammered it home so much and your subconscious thoughts you have gone over the edge. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, now your comments are filled with your hate and have problems staying on subject. Are you having problems performing at work? Still having problems performing in the boudoir?
I’m sorry Steve for my attacks on your views against blacks and gays. I never should have pushed it so far.
We have little to say beyond mockery to such a batshit insane fool.
@109 LMFAO!!!
Reduced to believing your deluded fantasies about me, are you? Then again, reality isn’t much of a friend to you these days, is it? Yes, Marvin, it’s best that you avoid reality. Stay with your make-believe shit. No charge for that one.
Sigh! What can I say? Well, other than it’s obvious all that goatfucking has done you grave harm. Yes indeed, something far more serious than a simple dumbing down is going on with you. heh- No charge for that one either.
@111 “Steve,
Why are you skipping over the H1N1 Mexican Pig Flu fiasco?”
Hmm, let’s see…, could it be because it’s pointless trying to converse with someone who’s always acting like they’re fucking batshit crazy??
Marvin Stamnspews:
113. Steve spews:
@109 LMFAO!!!
Reduced to believing your deluded fantasies about me, are you?
Steve, just take a minute of your time and read your comments and my comments.
Why are you filled with such hate.
Since you took all those psych classes, you know that hate inside you is not good for you.
Please ask someone for help. It’s not normal for one person to be wishing another good wishes and that person responds with the hate and vitriol that you do.
@115 Geez, you’re never going to let go of projection shit, are you? Sigh! OK, so you’re full of hate, you know it’s not good for you, and you need to ask for help because you know you’re “not normal”, as you so, eh, politely put it. heh- I straight out call your problem “psycho-shit”!! It’s a Psych 401 thing. You can google it, you crazy goatfucker.
122 – That whole right wing whoring exercise is as credible as the fake pimp’s spiffy wardrobe, as real as the lady in San Berdoo who murdered her husband – and the whole enterprise is as smelly as the crap in David Vitter’s diaper not to mention his “family values”.
Not to mention as credible as Sarah Palin’s “memoir”.
Last I checked Mike Steele, “the cow on the tracks”, was still taking Bertha Lewis at her word.
131 – They mean next to nothing. ACORN is non-partisan and right now receives no federal taxpayer funds. Aside from violence, what more could the right wing do to them?
In 2010 they’ll be signing up poor people to vote just like they did in 2008 which is what the drives the right wing batshit insane.
Right wingers will still lose because it’s right wing policies that have made people in this country poorer so a few could get filthy rich.
Those black people were the ones with the Obama Joker pictures.
Or like steve harvey said after the barbara striesand fundraiser for john kerry… the only black faces he saw were either on stage or with dishes in his hand.
I’m still waiting for ylb to check out that link and decide if dailykos is really a bunch of old white guys.
Marvin Stamnspews:
135. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
I bet this scares the hell out of you:
Of course it does. Someone that served his country with honor and is now going to leave to further his education. Great for him, a loss for the military.
What do you think he meant by-
From afar it seems the Democrats face a lot of challenges, especially on the healthcare front. It seems the country as a whole is still vulnerable to lies and deception.
Doesn’t he know that democrats control the white house congress and senate? If all the democrats vote yes it’s passed.
Sure I can. The most vehement critics of the Democratic Party are old time lefties which are the ones who founded ACORN. Remember the Vietnam War – that one is on the Dems.
Someone that served his country with honor and is now going to leave to further his education.
If he isn’t stop-lossed. Nice of you “not” to notice that he’s writing for the Daily Kos.
“Middle-aged and angry” – yeah right.
I have less net worth now than the day oba-mao took office as do you.
And of course you’re blaming the wrong people. Yawwwwwwn… I’m getting bored of this..
I mean really, would anybody actually hire this batshit loon?
Shit, Marvin, you’ve become such a fucking bore. Sigh! I suppose we could talk horn arrangments, passing notes, alternate chords? Oh, wait, you’re an ignorant shit when it comes to music. My bad. I know! Let’s talk about this pig of yours. What’s up with that? Did the goat die or something? Maybe it’s best that it did. Oh Lord, it didn’t kill itself, did it??
“I have less net worth now”
That must suck. Of course, you’re stupid and deserve your fate. My portfolio is 240% above the high it was at back in August 2007 when the inevitable collapse of Reaganomics started gaining steam. Five of the positions I bought last winter are each up over 400%. Oh, and Goldy has my trade confirmations, thank you. Been there and done that with your loser friend, the Klynical KLOWN. When you two America-haters were sweating bullets, watching your dreams die, I was believing in America, believing in capitalism, and buying up great companies on the cheap. In a nutshell, you hate America and lost, I love America and won.
Oh, and thank you President Obama for my good fortune!!
Marvin Stamnspews:
145. Steve spews:
Shit, Marvin, you’ve become such a fucking bore
I’m sorry you feel that way Steve.
While your words say I’m a bore, the fact you keep replying to someone you call a bore shows that you appreciate the kind words I have for you lately.
Your words about music were quite funny. Maybe you should work more on allowing yourself to exhibit your sense of humor.
Steve, please remind yourself frequently that you are a good person and that you deserve to feel good about yourself.
Marvin Stamnspews:
146. Steve spews:
That must suck. Of course, you’re stupid and deserve your fate.
Quite hostile tonight aren’t you Steve.
Have you ever wondered why you have such hate in your heart?
It seems that when people are nice to you that you react with hostility.
By the way, I am glad you are doing so well financially.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, Marvin. You’re a living bore, for sure, but tracing the path of your psychosis has been quite fascinating. My, but you’re really quite the walking, talking doctoral thesis, aren’t you? Say, how about I trade you some therapy sessions for you being one of the subjects of my paper? Of course, we’d have to get Klynical in on it too. Maybe Puddy, if he’s up for it. Pudge, Piper and any or all of the Marks. Hell, this just might make for a really great book.
Don’t look now! An outbreak of a disorder called “sanity” has taken hold among the batshit insane:
In a joint statement prepared by the Constitution Project, David Keene, founder of American Conservative Union, Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, and former representative and presidential candidate Bob Barr say moving suspected terrorists to the Thomson, Illinois prison facility, “makes good sense.” Taxpayers, they note, have already invested $145 million in the facility, which has been “little used.” And the surrounding community, they add, could benefit from increased employment once the prison becomes filled.
“The scaremongering about these issues should stop,” they add, noting that there is “absolutely no reason to fear that prisoners will escape or be released into their communities.”
Steve, what are you doing tonight just for yourself? A few moments of self-reflection, maybe cooking/eating your favorite meal?
I hope you did something that nourishes your soul.
Marvin Stamnspews:
150. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
Taxpayers, they note, have already invested $145 million in the facility, which has been “little used.”
Little use = pork project
Actually, I’m cooking a t-bone steak and making a sinach salad. After dinner I’ll be doing some recording. After a lot of research and experimentation, I’ve settled on using two mics to record classical guitar – a ribbon about six inches away aimed at about the 10th fret and a LD tube condenser a couple feet away, off axis from the sound hole, both run through decent pres and a triple chain of compressors such that you can’t tell that it’s being compressed. Properly mixed, it sounds like what I’ve been looking for. I’d say it’s the ribbon that does the trick.
Marvin Stamnspews:
153. Steve spews:
Actually, I’m cooking a t-bone steak and making a sinach salad. After dinner I’ll be doing some recording.
Very good Steve. You made great choices.
Like the old saying, music soothes the savage beast.
Good luck with your recordings. Maybe you could post them somewhere for the many of us on this blog that enjoy music and would love to hear your music.
Have fun tonight Steve.
“Maybe you could post them somewhere”
I actually hope to do that someday. But it’s just a hobby and I’m in no particular hurry.
I know you’re being somewhat hyperbolic, but it’s silly to ignore the obvious – the power of incumbency is huge. Beyond that, McGinn becoming mayor is more of a fluke. If even one Seattle politician (Murray, Licata, Steinbrueck) had a spine, he’d be back at his old job now, just like Mallahan.
If someone wants to run to Chopp’s left, let’s see it, but when was the last time he faced anything more than token opposition?
I’m in the 43rd and I’d love to see chopp gone. I’d volunteer and vote for someone to replace him and actually get things done. The last session was a disaster. Someone just need to actually run. Isn’t there some type of organization that tries to recruit people for things like this?
I am fining it encouraigng that this president is determined to get our policy right in Afghanistan.
I am totally amused that he is ignoring the idiots on the Right (you know, PROVEN idiots like Dick Cheney and Mitt Romney) who would prefer that he proceed like Bush, making snap judgements based in his own ignorance and proceeding for years without meaningful review or course change.
You remember these guys, right? Dick Cheney, who has been completely and disastrously wrong about every major foreign policy question for the last twenty years, and who famously snoozed while terrorists prepared the 9/11 attacks, who told us all that Iraqis would greet us with flowers instead of IEDs, that there is “no doubt” that there were WMDs in Iraq, that two old trailers rusting in the desert was “conclusive proof” of an illicit Iraqi bioweapons program, that 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta met in Prague with Iraqi intelligence despite FBI insistence that ther actual investigation showed such a meeting to have been impossible, and who, when asked in the 2004 vice-presidential debate how American Black women between the ages of 25 and 44 were 13 times more likely to die of HIV/AIDS than their white counterparts, somehow fumbled out, “I have not heard those numbers…I was not aware that…they’re in epidemic…” It’s been said before, but what a Dick.
and Mittens Romney, who was for abortion before he was against it, for gays in the military before he was against it, for gun control before he was againast it, and, well, you can guess the rest. How the fuck he decides what he thinks when he get up in the morning I’ll never know.
Anyway, good chuckles when these fools yelp.
@3 I am fining it encouraigng that this president is determined to get our policy right in Afghanistan.
Are you volunteering for this war? Obama’s going in the wrong direction. Tell him to bring the troops home:
Getting back to the topic at hand the referenced article gives Frank Chopp credit for Washington State having the highest minimum wage in the country.
This is incorrect. Several years ago voters overwhelmingly passed an initiative which indexed the state’s minimum wage to the rate of inflation.
Oh you mean William Jefferson Clinton. They arrived during his watch.
See ya moron!
Something similar to what occurred with Weinstein and Williams happened in Arkansas. State Rep. Richard Carroll, one of the highest ranking Green Party members in the nation, proposed that home warranties be studied due to complaints from his constituents. This was immediately killed. The distraction used in this ploy was being displeased with the sponsor. Seems to be a common ploy when it comes to avoiding regulation of the building industry. Bullying the new guy
I see trolls like Puttybutt are already trying to hijach this thread.
Can anyone think of a progressive they’d like to see run against Frank Chopp?
Goldy – You’re assuming that McGinn won as a result of support from progressives. I don’t have that much faith in the electorate. Out of the three candidates, one was associated with a snowstorm (“bad”), one was associated with Big Corporations (“greedy”) and then there was the third guy. I think it was more a simple process of elimination.
Sorry, not Goldy, but Lee.
Puddy, your effort to pin what went wrong during Bush’s term on someone else is truly pathetic.
When are you going to realize that your conservative leaders and conservative theories had their day and were proven to be miserable failures?
Miserable failures.
Miserable failures.
Miserable failures.
Trying to educate Puddy is pointless. He exists in a joyful realm free of empiricism. He spews without any reference to reality. But, we love him anyway. Just pat the little fella on the head and tell him everything will be alright.
To marks and doggril,
When a libtardo tries revisionist history, Puddy will always correct with the facts. All the hijackers arrived and established themselves way before 01/20/2001.
That’s the empirical truth, the whole empirical truth, and nothing but the empirical truth! Progressives run from the truth or have to rewrite it to make themselves look good!
Patting Puddy on the head means you’ll be standing really tall proud leftist.
What do you expect legislators–including Chopp–to do when the budget is full of holes? Enact legislation to levy new taxes for the revenue we need to keep people alive? Actually, I do expect that, but apparently the rest of you don’t, so you really shouldn’t complain about “the last session.”
And no, no more “cut the fat” whine; we’ve run out of fat, unless you can find about $100 million or so of fat. If you don’t want to pay more taxes, then tell your legislator to cut the tax breaks that Microsoft, et al. receive. Microsoft is still technically a start-up. How’s that for equity?
We need a corporate and a personal income tax.
Ah, Pud,
I won’t feel any less about myself if I must reach up to pat you on the head.
Re 16
You’re damn right Chris! Some businesses still stay in Washington, the bastards! We need to get rid of those capitalist pigs providing jobs and tax revenue and….
Wait, why is a corporate and personal income tax a good idea?
Oh yeah, now I remember. Those rich assholes are unfairly working hard to provide a good life for themselves and their families. That’s un-American! They need to get to pay their fair share (say 90% of their incomes) because the lazy poor need help doggone it! Why should the people who actually use the lions share of state services actually pay for them?
I’m not actually responding to lostinaseaofblue because I don’t think arguing with him would be very productive. I’m just writing this in case anyone is actually wondering why an income tax would be a good idea.
The basic idea is that lower income families spend a larger portion of their income on goods, to which the sales tax applies, and direct a smaller portion of their income into investments and the purchase of services to which the sales tax does not always apply. Because of this a larger portion of low income families income is taxed with a sales tax than would be taxed with an income tax.
High income families are more likely to have substantial investments other than their house so a smaller portion of their total wealth is taxed by the property tax making the property tax a regressive tax. Here are some sources:
I would actually like to see both the sales and property taxes eliminated and replaced with a income tax. I don’t know if any state actually has no property taxes so I’m less sure about eliminating it, but it does seem to be regressive and unpopular. If it could be eliminated it might make it easier to pass an income tax.
I’m wondering if anyone has ideas for getting rid of Frank Chopp. I would imagine there’s someone out there who can run against him. Discussion on this topic would probably be more productive than arguing with trolls.
@18 & @19
Well I assume a state corporate income tax would replace the current state B&O tax which is a gross receipts tax and varies by industry plus has various exemptions that have been put in place by industry lobbying over the years.
A corporate income tax would be a tax on profits which alone would be a great relief for many businesses, particularly in the critical startup phase. Furthermore it would be the same no matter if you were selling hamburgers, haircuts, airplanes, or software. Most states have a corporate income tax of some sort so it isn’t as if this is some strange tax that would be unique to Washington.
As for personal income tax the idea would be to reduce the state’s portion of the sales and property taxes at the same time a personal income tax was put in place. Income taxes tend to track best with demand for government services compared to sales or property taxes.
Oh and I wouldn’t be opposed to going back to a 90% top marginal rate at the Federal level. After all we have two wars to pay for.
“the lazy poor”
Good fucking grief.
Hello KLOWNS…I’m back from an extended adventure. I won’t waste my time reading your myopic BS. I’ll just weigh in with this–
Monday, November 16, 2009
Pretty much where King Klown was when I left…to no surprise.
Never Lose Your Grandson!
A heartwarming story.
Here is a very important poll since the Economy will be issue #1 in 2010 and 2012–
Thursday, November 12, 2009
47 leaders meet japanese emperor akihito.
46 shake his hand.
the won bows.
Change from when clinton bowed in 1994.
via the liberal ny times–
But the “thou need not bow” commandment from the State Department’s protocol office maintained a constancy of more than 200 years. Administration officials scurried to insist that the eager-to-please President had not really done the unthinkable.
“Presidents don’t bow, and Emperors don’t toast,” one official said.
Change… now liberals don’t even try denying that the “eager-to-please” oba-mao bows down to world leaders.
Poor ignorant Rabbit–
I am selling all my Gold & Silver stocks and options as we speak.
Gold is up $100/oz. in less than 3 weeks (when you told me the dollar was strong & I was stupid…remember??)
So Gold is trading @ $1119/oz and Silver at $18.18/oz. and ALL the Gold & Silver stocks & options are waaaaaay up…especially the options which have tripled in some cases.
You are an idiot Rabbit.
HOWEVER, I am also selling some Gold Stocks….Randgold (GOLD) and Barrack Gold (ABX) short and buying Put options. My target is for Gold to go back under $1040 in the next 3 months…perhaps under $1000.
There is always money to be made.
Long-term…the dollar will continue to weaken.
It must with the Obama printing press and the Chinese in a powerful position to teach us lessons.
Think about it.
But Feb. PUTS today!
And you want us to believe that an utterly worthless scumbag like you has a job?? Much less stocks???
You’re as phony as the Freemen and the Wannabe Militias.
Thanks for the morning laugh.
3. Daddy Love spews:
O-blah-blah is a naive Ideologue who has allowed the Taliban and Al Qaeda to strengthen in both resolve and organizationally. Innocent lives have been sacrificed because of O-blah-blah’s ineptness and indecisiveness.
The Presidency did not come with training wheels. Obama should be IMPEACHED!
He is a disgrace….and Americans know it.
Live in your special place Daddy called Denialville. Obama has been tested and failed to meet the challenge. He has “chilled” the ability of the Military to question Muslims and got us Ft. Hood.
There is plenty of American blood on Obama’s incompetent hands.
5. MarkS spews:
They should also give Democrats “credit” for the Minimum Wage hike fallout…the highest unemployment among young/untrained people.
Businesses simply cannot afford cost-adding taxes, minimum wage and other government mandates.
However, this is the Marxist Obamunism plan.
Government control of everything by forcing small business folks to the sidelines.
Obamunists are either STUPID or EVIL…neither one is good.
I find it humorous that Gregoire and the Democrats have created a fiscal trainwreck by passing 2 consecutive unsustainable, smoke-and-mirrors Budgets.
$2 BILLION and likely to go higher this week.
How reckless & irresponsible.
A gift to Washington residents from the spineless Democrats and the State Employees Union!!
The chickens have come home to roost.
Had this been addressed 2 Budget cycles ago, we would not be in this mess.
People need to realize there’s still a Republican Party that wins elections in Washington, but it operates as a subdivision of the Democratic Party now.
In other words, there are two Democratic parties in our state: The Democrat-Republicans, and the Democrat-Democrats. All of our recent governors (Gardner, Locke, Gregoire) have been Democrat-Republicans, and the Legislature also is controlled by Democrat-Republicans (Lisa Brown, Frank Chopp).
Frankly, I was glad to see Gregoire re-elected so she would have to be held accountable for the consequences of her reckless actions.
Let the Democrats continue to muddle thru this nightmare.
Businesses are quietly escaping.
Just what you KLOWNS want.
No one gives a crap about the “studies” that claim Washington is a great place to do business. It’s not.
Think about it..
Traffic is a nightmare.
B&O Tax—the never-reported last straw.
High unemployment benefits.
High Workers Comp benefits.
Highest minimum wage.
You have to be brain-dead to not question the consequences of all this nonsense.
Oh yeah, all you KLOWNS are brain-dead.
@6 You can always count on puddinghead to start the day with some totally disingenuous and utterly false bizarro bullshit.
The truth is 9/11 was a 100%-made-in-GOP clusterfuck.
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs… by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings … for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. … Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’
“In another briefing, Richard Clarke … gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo … warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’
“The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made.
“‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798 (emphasis added).
@34 “I was glad to see Gregoire re-elected”
Yeah, sure you were … but you should now be jumping up and down with joy that she has turned out to be a Republican in Democratic clothes.
Oh my God! Check this latest Obama SNAFU out. Obama is screwing the middle class.
This ought to help the Democrats in 2010 and Obama in 2012….NOT!!
Here is the beginning of the article for the in-denial KLOWNS!!
By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER, Associated Press Writer Stephen Ohlemacher, Associated Press Writer – 36 mins ago
Taxpayers generally vote more than non-taxpayers. 15 million owe money??
36. Roger Rabbit spews:
Republicans don’t pander to Unions you Idiot.
She is a victim of her spineless non-action.
She should have laid off 10,000 state employees…and did NOTHING!
She knew better…and is now the biggest CHUMP in Washington State History.
Rog now calls her a Republican.
That’s priceless Rog.
She is an idiot Democrat who obviously gets her advise from the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS at
Hopefully she will begin the lay-offs pronto.
The longer she waits, the worse it will get.
@34 Think about it..
Traffic is a nightmare.
B&O Tax—the never-reported last straw.
High unemployment benefits.
High Workers Comp benefits.
Highest minimum wage.
You have to be brain-dead to not question the consequences of all this nonsense.
Item 1 — Traffic was a nightmare long before Gregoire showed up, dummy! Seattle’s traffic nightmare started, oh, back in Dan Evans’ time. Now let’s review the GOP solution to traffic: No gas tax, no mass transit, no way no how! We can put an infinite number of cars on potholed two-lane streets with parking on both sides.
Item 2 — Everyone agrees the B & O tax is a small business-killer. Now let’s review the GOP position on replacing the B & O tax (and state sales tax) with a more equitable state income tax: No way, no how! Our existing structure would be just fine if it had a few more revenue caps.
Items 3, 4, & 5: Leave it to Republicans to see “high” unemployment benefits, injured worker benefits, and minimum wage as a “problem.” But just try to find a Republican willing to live on these “high” benefits or a $9-an-hour wage.
Why on earth would anyone vote for these fucks?
You forgot one recent governor who was a Democrat-Democrat: Mike Lowry. Unfortunately between the screaming harpies on KVI and some stupid moves he made regarding his personal conduct he had limited political capital and was a one-term governor.
I don’t know I’d classify Gardner as a Democrat-Republican either, he was more of a moderate democrat of the old school and thus to the left of both Gregiore and Locke on many issues.
The stupid world of Atheist Progressivism is krumbling before our eyes. Folks need a healthy dose of the consequences to wise up and get on the CONSERVATIVE bandwagon.
It happened in lots of YerAPeein’ Countries and will happen in America.
It is happening.
The Progressives are keeping their eyes closed so as to not see the inevitable.
Arrogant bastards.
You reap what you sow.
Cynical sucks Puddy’s dick every time he gets on here as some kind of justification for his depravity.
Even PUDDY should be offended at this phony Christian pretender trying to co-opt him.
Or maybe Puddy, too, has decided all of us are hellbound atheists.
Klynikal Klown is one of the best campaign spokespeople we liberals have. He sits here all day posting even better anti-Republican propaganda than I can dream up! After reading his bullshit no rational person would ever vote for the ham-handed party and idiotic ideology he represents. Oh, btw, he fucks goats too!
41. Chris Stefan spews:
Yeah, a perverted creepy guy with a laugh that makes your skin crawl.
And the ultimate economy killer.
You KLOWNS are so entrenched in your Marxist Ideology you cannot see it is failing.
Keep beating your heads against the wall.
When you finally stop in 3 years, you will awaken to a CONSERVATIVE world.
The GOP should be renamed GFP to more accurately reflect what it represents — the Goat Fuckers Party.
@45 “When you finally stop in 3 years, you will awaken to a CONSERVATIVE world.”
Still having daydreams about a Dixie Lee Ray comeback, eh? Hate to tell you this, but she died quite a while ago.
Gee Rog–
Looks like you have lost the argument…again.
After the last 8 years, it would take a real idiot to want to wake up to a conservative world. That’s a lot like the vestigial nostalgia among older Russians for the good ol’ Stalin days.
@48 Where? When?
43. X’ad spews:
Puddy, are KLOWNS like X’ad who is going to the Phillipines to fondle little boys, a hellbound Atheist??
Methinks he is.
Notice how desperate these KLOWNS are for us to turn on each other???
They still seem to think Black Men must bow to the alter of Marxism and accept the table scraps.
So dumbass you do realize that laying off 10,000 employees would be 1/6 of the state work force? Which departments should take the cuts? State Patrol? Corrections? Liquor Board? Higher Education? Department of Licensing?
Do you also realize just how far below market wages and benefits state employee pay had gotten prior to the recent contract? The state was having a real problem attracting and retaining quality employees. You don’t keep good tax lawyers in the Department of Revenue by paying them less than an intern at a Downtown Seattle law firm would make.
You have a real Christian compatriot there Puddy. You should be really proud to be associated with him.
I am sure your silence will signify your full agreement.
@41 Gardner was a rich bidness guy who thought he could run state government like a lumber warehouse. Remember his “managing by walking around”? The best thing you can say for Gardner is he was ineffectual and didn’t do much of anything — it could have been worse.
I remember a DSHS worker who became (sort of) famous. She came back from a break to find the “walking around” governor sitting at her desk. You have to understand that Molly had no patience with VIP photo ops when there was work to be done. She told the governor to get out her chair unless he wanted to do her job. A very flustered Gardner leaped up and got out of her way. Molly was a big woman, and had a reputation for not taking any backtalk from anyone. A lot of people thought she ought to be the governor and Gardner ought to get her desk on a permanent basis.
But, alas, Gardner went back to Olympia and continued to preside over a do-nothing administration that was long on talk and short on delivery. In that respect, his successors resemble him too much.
The people that vote in state races are a very small number of loyal voters. Chopp has a strong base among that small number of loyal voters in the 43rd. That doesn’t mean that the 43rd progressives love Chopp, most people know he is a douchebag. The reason why he is not going to be unseated is that, they don’t turn out to vote. Same with the “youth” vote. Small races bore them. And just like the majority of voters in this great land of ours, they cant be bothered.
It is the reason why you’re not going to beat him or you’re not going to unseat Margarita Prentice in the 11th. Those two, just like many others, are in until they die. State races are small and these incumbents just have to cultivate a small following. Its a formula and it has nothing to do with a “progressive” district. Anybody who has worked on a state wide campaign knows that.
I attended the KC Legislative Action Committee yesterday. Speaker Frank Chopp was the special guest. He gave a long, detailed presentation followed by a very good Q & A.
This is the second time I’ve heard him speak.
I gotta say, I like hearing what he’s saying. Nothing is as simple as it looks. And he definitely has a keen grip “the art of the possible”.
I don’t mind the criticisms (political pressure) like the original post. That’s what democracy looks like. And Chopp can certainly handle the heat.
Here’s my plebe nickel analysis: Chopp does what he can with the hand he’s dealt. He’s very good at counting votes and assessing support. I definitely don’t expect him to take a principled stand on any particular issue.
I’m okay with that. I’ve read Sun Tzu. Fight the battles you can win, live to fight another day.
Like other politicians, though Chopp may agree with our progressive values, we still have to move the caucus. Like FDR (?) said “Ma’am, I agree with you 100%. Now make me do it.”
My criticism of Chopp and our state’s Democratic (party) leadership is they’re not doing all they can to elect more and better Democrats. They focus on the marquee races. Candidates else where are pretty much on their own. (I heard from many local candidates, “When you get back to Seattle, tell them we need some love.”)
I recognize there’s a difference of opinion. I favor a “39-county” strategy. Others have strong arguments in favor of high profile races.
Walter Shapiro lays out how Sarah Palin could become the GOP nominee in 2012. The secret is in the GOP “winner take all” rules, which vary some from state-to-state, but which give an inordinate advantage to someone who comes out on top of a multi-candidate race, even though they have considerably less than a majority of the total votes.
The operative quote:
Source: How Palin Could Win the 2012 GOP Nomination
So, in theory, the two essential wins for Palin are in Iowa caucuses and South Carolina, even if she doesn’t do as well in New Hampshire. By working her “base”, and making sure they turn out to vote for her, she profits from the rest of the field being split between multiple candidates, as long as she gets the most votes. If enough GOP’ers stay in the race during the early primaries (at least five total), then she can get only 25% of the GOP vote and still win the lion’s share of the delegates under “winner take all”.
Which means that if the current GOP support holds true (party identification at around 20% of total electorate), She could end up being one of two “major party candidates” by winning the support of only between 5% and 10% of the electorate in the early primaries.
The big wild-card right now is whether the Republican Party will discard the GOP label entirely, form an alternative party (labeled in Orwelian terms like “Conservative Party” or “Freedom Party”. Then they will refuse to accept responsibility for anything that happened between 2001 and 2008, claiming that it was some other party (the Republicans) that did that.
I’m already hearing something like that from my Republican friends. They are now claiming not to be Republicans (they now claim they never were), they argue that Bush & Co. weren’t true conservatives but sold out to “liberal” economics which they claim was the cause of the economic problems (ignoring history up to September 2008 in the process).
All they are looking for is another leader/label to rally behind.
Kind of like when a kids breaks all the furniture playing football in the house, and then try to blame it on the dog.
Jason @ 56,
Yes, Frank was very effective yesterday once he’d put the first questioner in his place. I sat through the whole thing and never once were the words “income tax” ever uttered. Well, he did mention a couple of groups ‘working’ on it.
Frank’s “Fair Shake” doesn’t stand a chance supported by our regressive tax system.
You Democrats are a riot!
2 straight CLEARLY unsustainable Budgets.
Now the shit has hit the fan.
Raise taxes you say??
Good luck with that.
To many of you KLOWNS on the Public Payroll..stop whining. You are sooooooo lucky to have a secure job with a Diamond Benefit Package.
According the State’s own HR Website, the average Benefits are 31%.
The Paid Time-off (vacation, sick, holidays & personal) adds another 18%.
That’s WAGES + 50% you KLOWNS.
The Party is over.
No money.
Look for a real job.
Chris’ statement that Government is way below private is LAUGHABLE! The unemployment is at the PRIVATE level Chris. Factor that in and see what you come up with.
Public Sector employees are totally out of touch with those they serve.
Unless you consider serving YOURSELF to be serving.
Grow up and wise up.
Proud @ 59
Yea, I caught that too.
Our current crop of Democrats aren’t going to touch progressive tax reform. I’ve just come to accept it.
Maybe this is a generational issue. We just need to keep educating people. Eventually, a future crop of Democrats will do the obviously correct reform.
Is the GOP in charge in seattle?
If not, let us focus on the political party that is in power and not doing what is best for the people.
As said by someone that daily talks about how he now acts like a republican making money without working.
Hit-Run Cyclist Nabbed
KING 5 News reports that witnesses gang-tackled a bicyclist who attempted to ride away after smashing into a 6-year-old boy Friday night.
The boy’s mother said, “The bike came out of nowhere, just flying down the street,” and knocked her son into a 360-degree somersault through the air.
The boy has severe facial injuries and will need reconstructive surgery. The cyclist is in jail.
So now we have scum from a bankrupt state coming here to tell us how to run our lives as in @63
What a pathetic troll. Has to come here for a life.
A new study shows 1/3rd of 16 and 17 year old drivers have texted while driving, and 48% of kids from 12 to 17 have ridden in cars whose driver was texting, MSNBC reports.
I think people under age 18 are too young to drive. I’m sick and tired of my kids getting run over by cars on Aurora Avenue and Greenlake Way! All cars should be shot! And dogs too! Cars and dogs are useless.
A teacher is explaining biology to her 4th grade students.
“Human beings are the only animals that stutter,” she says.
A little girl raises her hand. “I had a kitty-cat who stuttered.”
The teacher, knowing how precious some of these stories could become, asked the girl to describe the incident.
“Well”, she began, “I was in the back yard with my kitty and the Rottweiler that lives next door got a running start and before we knew it, he jumped over the fence into our yard!”
“That must’ve been scary,” said the teacher.
“It sure was,” said the little girl.
“My kitty raised her back, went “Ffffff!, Ffffff!, FfffffF,” but before she could say ‘Fuck!,’ the Rottweiler ate her!”
And you regret being told what to do because you are leaving the country?
So does the fact I own 2 houses and property in washington state allow me to come in here?
Good try. Sorry, once again you missed with your guess.
I have a life.
I come here to give YOU something to do babycakes.
After all, you’re the one that keeps replying to me.
@67: Klynical
Possibly the funniest story you have ever told.
@68 Stamn: We love making fun of how dumb you are….please keep coming back for more bbeat-downs. I love your republican “plan” for health care….the only thing it did not have was a plan to fix the things that are wrong (Lack of coverage for poor people and for pre-existing conditions and cost control).
How preciously stupid you are….we love you for your implaccable ignorance.
Check out the latest info on the “best health care system in the world”:
MSN today
Oh, and the article in the NYT on how drug costs are going up abnormally high before health care reform starts….got to love the defense of the insurance and drug industry by Stamn and the republicans.
@66 RR
And people over 60 are too old to text :)
What is it about democrats and back-due taxes?
A day before she clinched the nomination to fill a vacancy in the Missouri House of Representatives on Saturday, St. Louis Democrat Hope Whitehead paid a visit to City Hall.
Not to mobilize supporters, but to pay hundreds of dollars in outstanding taxes.
Her trip downtown was more than just civic duty. Under state law, candidates with overdue tax bills are ineligible for the ballot.
Government job? Sure, I’ll pay my back-taxes now.
Now I see why democrats always want higher taxes.
But at least one good thing about the oba-mao, he’s getting democrats to become patriotic and pay taxes now.
Are you talking about the republican plans you insisted didn’t exist and I found them for you? Weren’t a couple of those plans that didn’t exist on .gov websites dated months ago?
I’m not sure about you, I’m not surprised you didn’t know there were any plans considering where you get your news.
Images for cafepress products, here’s a good one…
“Patriotic descent – obama approval index”
@72: Yeah, the republican plan I asked about for weeks and that finally came out. You could not come up with it.
It turned out to be half-baked and did not solve any of the health care problems.
The older plans were even less complete…and more foolish. Thanks for playing. I enjoy toying with a fool like you.
Talking about global warming, who said–
“Now is the time to confront this challenge once and for all. Delay is no longer an option. Denial is no longer an acceptable response.”
That was then, this is now–
US president Barack Obama and other world leaders agreed in Singapore today that next month’s much-anticipated climate change summit will be merely a way station, not the once hoped-for end point, in the search for a worldwide global warming treaty.
Change against the “Delay is no longer an option.”
The oba-mao didn’t do very well convincing anyone to place the olympics in chicago either.
Is oba-mao against the climate? Thanks to non-american news we get the real truth–
The United States is the main obstacle to concluding an ambitious agreement at the Copenhagen meeting on climate change next month, French Environment Minister Jean-Louis Borloo said today.
Speaking after world leaders meeting in Singapore said it was unrealistic to expect binding targets to be negotiated by the time the meeting starts on December 7th, Mr Borloo said Washington was posing the biggest difficulty.
Global warming, the debate is over… As soon as we change the prediction to climate change.
You can ask for anything from me you want, my refusal to do as you ask doesn’t mean the “plan” doesn’t exist.
As I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt with .gov and the dates on those “plans.”
When the liberal ny times is calling the oba-mao out, you know it’s not good…
President Obama has sent the Senate far fewer judicial nominations than former President George W. Bush did in his first 10 months in office, deflating the hopes of liberals that the White House would move quickly to reshape the federal judiciary after eight years of Republican appointments.
Of course no mention of the reason why…
Can’t find liberal judges that have paid their taxes.
Wow, lost booze is going to be drilled for. Probably going to make a lot of rich drunks happy.
A beverage company has asked a team to drill through Antarctica’s ice for a lost cache of some vintage Scotch whiskey that has been on the rocks since a century ago.
The drillers will be trying to reach two crates of McKinlay and Co. whiskey that were shipped to the Antarctic by British polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton as part of his abandoned 1909 expedition.
Does anyone else find it strange that we are drilling though ice that wasn’t there in 1909? Was there man-made global warming in 1909?
Golly Roger Dumb Bunny… Still using that old Clinton discredited fool? Puddy already destroyed Blumenthal three weeks ago when you slung this shit before…
Blumenthal is a Clinton apologist. Remember Sandy Berger pleading with Clinton July 1996 to take out Bin Laden and he wouldn’t? Remember Lt Col Patterson who had the nuclear football and told all about how Clinton dithered? No? Contact ylb arschloch. He has the previously written Puddy Missives on this subject and all the facts.
The record is clear Roger Dumb Bunny. You can’t revisionist the facts either fool!
Puddy noticed how you HA Libtardos are not discussing the H1N1 Mexican Pig Virus. If GWBush had messed this up as bad as Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm, you all would be screaming and hollering. More Americans died from H1N1 Mexican Pig Flu than they did in New Orleans.
Why is this HA Libtardos? Why are you all mum on this? Aren’t you upset over the “lack” of coverage? Ohhh wait a minute it would make Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm look more incompetent.
Can’t have that!
To comment on your comments is a real waste of time. You expect Puddy to respond after all your recent attacks on Puddy?
Don’t think so dude!
Miserable fiend @ 79
When Sid Blumenthal was a journalist, part of his beat was the right wing especially the neo-cons.
They were too happy to talk to him given that their whacked out ideas of global hegemony after the fall of the USSR didn’t get any traction in the Papa Bush administration.
Now Sid’s son Max is covering the right wing and oh my is it in a sorry state.
Enjoy fool!
To the fool with his finger up his arschloch…Sidney Blumenthal is a Clinton apologist. No matter what you try and claim, he was right there when Hillary was running in 2008, plain and simple.
Just like it’s plain and simple you are still the dumbest brick on HA.
83 – Still a miserable, losing, defeated FIEND after all these years.
In all fairness, with all the hate you spew at those that don’t believe as you do, you shouldn’t be talking.
Why are you so anti-tolerant against people that don’t share your opinion?
And speaking of I am sure your silence will signify your full agreement, I noticed you never denied leaving the country to molest little boys. Very telling. Although, I know better. You like those little girls, that’s more your taste.
Wow MSNBC, the favorite channel of many HA Libtardos had to apologize again…
Dylan Ratigan – “I want to apologize to Governor Palin and all of our viewers. On Friday, in a very misguided attempt to have some fun in advance of Sarah Palin’s upcoming book Going Rogue, our staff mistakenly used some clearly photoshopped images of Ms. Palin without any acknowledgment.”
Yep, just like Rachel Maddow who didn’t know about the Preamble to the US Constitution. No wonder the HA Libtardos love this channel. So wrong so often.
Marvin, notice how the arschloch ignores the Blumenthal facts and continues with ylb arschoch ad hominem attacks?
That’s because he is the dumbest brick in the HA universe.
“Although, I know better. You like those little girls, that’s more your taste.
The projection never ends with this creep, does it? It’s a Psych 101 thing.
So ylb arschloch, why aren’t you screaming over the lack of H1N1 Mexican pig flu virus from Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm?
You claimed you would get your daughter vaccinated with the HPV. Why aren’t you screaming for the swine flu vaccine?
Still stupid all the time.
“Blumenthal facts”
Sounds like another one of those Puddyfacts. Unsupported, undocumented, and yet repeated a thousand times as though true.
Ahhh Steve, the one who loses an argument immediately accuses them of fucking goats.
Wait for it. Pavlov has been spotted… Steve will start with his goat attacks on Marvin and Cynical. He knows better than to throw his animal farm sex against Puddy. But Pavlov has called that too…
Coming soon to this thread…
Sure, the AP spends their time fact-checking the book of a private citizen (palin) while the oba-mao is spreading lies all over the .gov webpages.
From the liberal abc news–
And that change is democrats are no longer bothered when the president lies.
This is why Steve is a real pinhead when he drinks from his Stupid Solution.
Once again Steve’s head explodes.
ALL my recent attacks????
I am sure I can find more than one somewhere. But that’s fine. Your agreement with Cynical is fine. You made the call.
No wonder Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm is delaying Climate “Change”… 71 cars in his Chicom motorcade. Gotta love that CO2 footprint.
And I love how failure to dignify and absurdity with a denial is taken as as admission Only in Marvin’s world.
Quantcast dot com is a website that tracks demogrphics. HA doesn’t get enough traffic to attract their attention.
dailykos on the other hand does.
65% male
58% 50 years old+
97% caucasian
Like I’ve been saying for a loooong time…
Dailykos and their yearly kos meetings are a bunch of angry old white guys.
To give ylb credit, he did find a picture of a black guy at one of the kos yearly parties.
So what Puddyfact is that supposed to prove? You just go around in fucking circles with your shit.
@91 Only in an alternate Puddyverse does Puddy win arguments.
Steve, your Stupid Solution has warped your memory. Go back and look at comment #80 since you forget.
BTW Steve, why aren’t you complaining about Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s administrative failure on H1N1 Mexican Pig Flu?
Hi Steve. I hope you are having a better week. Last week was real tough for you as evidenced by some of your comments.
Please think good thoughts about yourself.
Once you feel better about yourself you won’t feel the need to lash out. I’m sure you intellectually know all this, change is hard and taking the first step is the hardest.
Smile. And the world will smile back.
Puddy just watched Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm calling for free speech in China.
Yet his good bud Mark Lloyd in the FCC is calling for the Fairness Doctrine to stifle free speech in America…
Another act in the Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm apology world tour.
Wow O’Reilly is running the DNC, DSCC and DCCC Palin talking points. They are against her because…
She had 5 kids
She has a down syndrome kid
She loves to hunt
She named her kids strange names
She is from middle America.
@101 Have you tried googling “psycho-shit” yet? It’s a term I learned in Psych 401. It’s used like in, “Marvin’s a psycho-shit goatfucker”. No charge for educating you. I consider it a public service. The more you know how fucked up you are, the better the chances you’ll decide to off yourself. All part of my quest to make this a better world.
So Puddy has identified two big scandals and the HA Libtardos are quiet…
Ft Hood Terraist attack on Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s watch…
H1N1 Mexican Pig Flu vaccine failure…
And… coming soon Iran having nuclear weapons. Remember what Roger Dumb Bunny said regarding North Korea nukes and GWBush.
Now with the election over, the truth about oba-mao is slowly leaking out…
From the liberal la times–
@103 Uh-oh, it looks like Puddy has visited the alternate Puddyverse again. Isn’t that that where you go, Puddy, to glean things like Palin being a vindictive batshit crazy wingnut loon has nothing to do with our opposition to her?
When democrat hillary supporters turn on oba-mao you know there is trouble in the democrat ranks….
How do you want your America dished up: as an ass-kicker or a boot-licker?
And some of these democrats know the truth about oba-mao and his fake birth certificate.
Seems like a lot of democrats are birthers.
I have to accept responsibility for part of your problem.
Before I decided to out you as a racist homophobe you actually wrote coherent comments.
Probably because I hammered it home so much and your subconscious thoughts you have gone over the edge. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, now your comments are filled with your hate and have problems staying on subject. Are you having problems performing at work? Still having problems performing in the boudoir?
I’m sorry Steve for my attacks on your views against blacks and gays. I never should have pushed it so far.
Please accept my apology and have a better day.
After being punked on right-wing blogs. msnbc finally decides to issue an apology for trying to pass off a fake photo of palin as real.
Strange that msnbc viewers are so gulliable as to believe a fake photo.
Why are you skipping over the H1N1 Mexican Pig Flu fiasco?
Two craptastic right wing bullshit explosions.
We have little to say beyond mockery to such a batshit insane fool.
@109 LMFAO!!!
Reduced to believing your deluded fantasies about me, are you? Then again, reality isn’t much of a friend to you these days, is it? Yes, Marvin, it’s best that you avoid reality. Stay with your make-believe shit. No charge for that one.
Sigh! What can I say? Well, other than it’s obvious all that goatfucking has done you grave harm. Yes indeed, something far more serious than a simple dumbing down is going on with you. heh- No charge for that one either.
@111 “Steve,
Why are you skipping over the H1N1 Mexican Pig Flu fiasco?”
Hmm, let’s see…, could it be because it’s pointless trying to converse with someone who’s always acting like they’re fucking batshit crazy??
Steve, just take a minute of your time and read your comments and my comments.
Why are you filled with such hate.
Since you took all those psych classes, you know that hate inside you is not good for you.
Please ask someone for help. It’s not normal for one person to be wishing another good wishes and that person responds with the hate and vitriol that you do.
@115 Geez, you’re never going to let go of projection shit, are you? Sigh! OK, so you’re full of hate, you know it’s not good for you, and you need to ask for help because you know you’re “not normal”, as you so, eh, politely put it. heh- I straight out call your problem “psycho-shit”!! It’s a Psych 401 thing. You can google it, you crazy goatfucker.
Maybe Steve has a pet pig and pigs are a touchy subject.
I hope Steve does have a pet. Pets have been shown to be very helpful and improve the moods of people.
What can I do to help you?
You seem to be having a hard day.
“pigs are a touchy subject”
Sigh! I’ve said many times before that your inability to quit projecting often leads to revelations about you that we really didn’t need to know.
“Pets have been shown to be very helpful and improve the moods of people.”
LMFAO!!! If only Marvin’s goat could talk. I’m sure we’d hear the other side of the story.,209341556
“You seem to be having a hard day.”
heh- Let me guess. That’s Mr. Psycho-Shit’s way of telling us that he’s had a hard day. LMFAO!!!
ping ylb..
Seen the new los angeles acorn video?
The fake pimp/ho are slowly releasing the videos.
The acorn employee was helping set up the prostitution business.
Like the fake pimp/ho said, this employee said that underage girls was crossing the line. Kudos to him.
But he was still going to help set up an illegal prostitution business.
In other words, he was a democrat criminal with a good moral compass.
Steve, please repeat after me…
I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!
I hope you have a better day tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve, have you noticed how much of your online time here is spent replying to me?
88, 104, 113, 116, 119, 120, 121
Do you feel this is healthy for you?
What can I do to help you feel better about yourself Steve?
Hey you nailed ylb arschloch.
Congrats dude.
Now we all know the real answer… Can’t diss Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm even though peeps are dying left and right.
Pavlov called it…
Wow, I can’t believe how far off the edge Steve has slipped.
I hope that his words are like mine, just the words of a character he is playing on a blog and not the real him.
If Steve is being real, that would truly be sad.
122 – That whole right wing whoring exercise is as credible as the fake pimp’s spiffy wardrobe, as real as the lady in San Berdoo who murdered her husband – and the whole enterprise is as smelly as the crap in David Vitter’s diaper not to mention his “family values”.
Not to mention as credible as Sarah Palin’s “memoir”.
Last I checked Mike Steele, “the cow on the tracks”, was still taking Bertha Lewis at her word.
Quite a few of them and black women as well.
Your bullshit about “white, middle-aged and angry” was just that – bullshit.
By the way, who won on Nov 2008? Guess that organizing and strategy building paid off.
Well let’s see – a whole bunch died on 9/11 and many more Americans died in the wars that followed and a bunch died in NOLA – all on the chimp’s watch
And a certain moron called Stupes decided to be for Obama before he was against him.
As the world turns..
What do you mean?
That those videos are fake and not really acorn employees?
All those acorn employees just actors?
What makes actual video not credible to you?
Did you follow that link? It’s not a political link, it’s a tech link.
So is that link lying about dailykos being mainly white old guys?
Have you tried putting in other websites and seeing the demographics?
Or are you scared that you will find out that dailykos really is a bunch of old white guys?
131 – They mean next to nothing. ACORN is non-partisan and right now receives no federal taxpayer funds. Aside from violence, what more could the right wing do to them?
In 2010 they’ll be signing up poor people to vote just like they did in 2008 which is what the drives the right wing batshit insane.
Right wingers will still lose because it’s right wing policies that have made people in this country poorer so a few could get filthy rich.
132 – You said I found pictures of black people at Yearly Kos/Netroots Nation. Yes I did – a lot more than one.
You were full of crap then and you’re still full of crap.
I bet this scares the hell out of you:
Hey Marvin,
Those black people were the ones with the Obama Joker pictures.
Come one, even you can’t believe that.
I have less net worth now than the day oba-mao took office as do you.
obamanomics – designed by the guy that couldn’t figure out turbo tax.
Or like steve harvey said after the barbara striesand fundraiser for john kerry… the only black faces he saw were either on stage or with dishes in his hand.
I’m still waiting for ylb to check out that link and decide if dailykos is really a bunch of old white guys.
Of course it does. Someone that served his country with honor and is now going to leave to further his education. Great for him, a loss for the military.
What do you think he meant by-
Doesn’t he know that democrats control the white house congress and senate? If all the democrats vote yes it’s passed.
Sure I can. The most vehement critics of the Democratic Party are old time lefties which are the ones who founded ACORN. Remember the Vietnam War – that one is on the Dems.
If he isn’t stop-lossed. Nice of you “not” to notice that he’s writing for the Daily Kos.
“Middle-aged and angry” – yeah right.
And of course you’re blaming the wrong people. Yawwwwwwn… I’m getting bored of this..
Heh. Awwwwwww.. Poor teabaggers get weak at the knees.
Gee, teabaggers. Can’t even manage burning a couple of Dem pols in effigy. Who’d a thunk it?
I mean really, would anybody actually hire this batshit loon?
Shit, Marvin, you’ve become such a fucking bore. Sigh! I suppose we could talk horn arrangments, passing notes, alternate chords? Oh, wait, you’re an ignorant shit when it comes to music. My bad. I know! Let’s talk about this pig of yours. What’s up with that? Did the goat die or something? Maybe it’s best that it did. Oh Lord, it didn’t kill itself, did it??
“I have less net worth now”
That must suck. Of course, you’re stupid and deserve your fate. My portfolio is 240% above the high it was at back in August 2007 when the inevitable collapse of Reaganomics started gaining steam. Five of the positions I bought last winter are each up over 400%. Oh, and Goldy has my trade confirmations, thank you. Been there and done that with your loser friend, the Klynical KLOWN. When you two America-haters were sweating bullets, watching your dreams die, I was believing in America, believing in capitalism, and buying up great companies on the cheap. In a nutshell, you hate America and lost, I love America and won.
Oh, and thank you President Obama for my good fortune!!
I’m sorry you feel that way Steve.
While your words say I’m a bore, the fact you keep replying to someone you call a bore shows that you appreciate the kind words I have for you lately.
Your words about music were quite funny. Maybe you should work more on allowing yourself to exhibit your sense of humor.
Steve, please remind yourself frequently that you are a good person and that you deserve to feel good about yourself.
Quite hostile tonight aren’t you Steve.
Have you ever wondered why you have such hate in your heart?
It seems that when people are nice to you that you react with hostility.
By the way, I am glad you are doing so well financially.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, Marvin. You’re a living bore, for sure, but tracing the path of your psychosis has been quite fascinating. My, but you’re really quite the walking, talking doctoral thesis, aren’t you? Say, how about I trade you some therapy sessions for you being one of the subjects of my paper? Of course, we’d have to get Klynical in on it too. Maybe Puddy, if he’s up for it. Pudge, Piper and any or all of the Marks. Hell, this just might make for a really great book.
Don’t look now! An outbreak of a disorder called “sanity” has taken hold among the batshit insane:
Steve, what are you doing tonight just for yourself? A few moments of self-reflection, maybe cooking/eating your favorite meal?
I hope you did something that nourishes your soul.
Little use = pork project
Actually, I’m cooking a t-bone steak and making a sinach salad. After dinner I’ll be doing some recording. After a lot of research and experimentation, I’ve settled on using two mics to record classical guitar – a ribbon about six inches away aimed at about the 10th fret and a LD tube condenser a couple feet away, off axis from the sound hole, both run through decent pres and a triple chain of compressors such that you can’t tell that it’s being compressed. Properly mixed, it sounds like what I’ve been looking for. I’d say it’s the ribbon that does the trick.
Very good Steve. You made great choices.
Like the old saying, music soothes the savage beast.
Good luck with your recordings. Maybe you could post them somewhere for the many of us on this blog that enjoy music and would love to hear your music.
Have fun tonight Steve.
“Maybe you could post them somewhere”
I actually hope to do that someday. But it’s just a hobby and I’m in no particular hurry.
“Have fun tonight Steve”
You too.