Y’know that banner ad on this page that says, “Sarah Palin’s New Book — Free Offer”? Well, now ya know how it’s gonna make the “bestseller” list: They’re giving it away! That way the publisher can say “umpty-million copies in print!”
(Note: 5 million “copies in print” doesn’t mean anything if 4.999 million of them end up in landfills.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
That Mortensen guy is pretty weird. Unfortunately, there’s more where he came from! That’s why we have an educational job on our hands.
Memo to wingnuts: Birth control and Christianity (read: state-imposed religion) aren’t in the Constitution, but income taxes are! If you don’t believe me, don’t file a return or pay taxes, and see what happens to you!
Her book will end up in the same purgatory as John Tesh albums.
Blue Johnspews:
I just heard that the Greenwood arsonist has been caught. If he turns out to be a christian, can we expect the conservatives to demand action be taking against all christians to defend ourselves from the Christan terrorists, the way conservatives apply to anything that happens involving a muslim, must be a terrorist act?
Puddybud Remembersspews:
Hey Roger Dumb Bunny,
Since the Palin book is “free”, you can afford it and become educated instead of depending on the whackamole sites for your daily kook-aid lessons.
You know, for some guy who’s whole fucking ambition in life was to be President of the United States. Somebody needs to remind him HE’s THE FUCKING PRESIDENT, not a Japanese subject (nor a Saudi one). Fuckwit.
Everyone already knows that the monied right wing kooks buy a bunch of copies and suddenly their flunky’s book (Palin, in this case) is a ‘best seller’.
The kind of people who would vote for a Sarah Palin are not people with a lot of book larnin’.
I’ll provide you with links if you care to challenge me on this. Make you look doubly foolish.
8 – Del, this knee jerk wingnuttery was dealt with in a earlier thread. Hell, it was dealt with months ago when Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs showed tape of Bush bowing to the Saudi King.
Oh I forget, you’re a Sarah fanatic. Nevermind. That dumbass book of hers will make any right wing dumbass even dumber.
John Tesh. LOL. Whatever happened to that guy once PBS finished making specials out of him?
“Why did pro-choice Democrats vote to approve the Stupak Amendment, the most serious assault on abortion rights in a generation?”
” . . . state Attorney General Martha Coakley, said that if she had been in the Senate she would have killed the health care reform bill rather than support the Stupak amendment.”
16 – We’re counting on the Stupak stuff being removed before it gets to the White House.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
” . . . state Attorney General Martha Coakley, said that if she had been in the Senate she would have killed the health care reform bill rather than support the Stupak amendment.”
Stupak Amendment was in the House of Representatives of the United States of America! Good choice of commentary emelia!
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
I don’t read the onion that often. I’ve been missing out.
We know all too well ylb arschloch.
Great article in today’s Tacoma paper about small startup companies in SW Washington:
Where will the jobs of tomorrow come from? Where will the industries and companies of tomorrow that will generate those jobs come from?
Here’s one possible answer: A proliferation of innovative, niche-seeking small and medium-sized manufacturers the region is growing the way it used to produce Douglas-fir seedlings.
Frequent readers will note that I’ve been talking up this meme for the last two years…
22. Headless spews:
re 15: He started collaborating with Yanni and Michael Buble.
Playing to sold-out arena, making millions of dollars doing something they love.
Just think if you had learned more than 3 chords.
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
it was dealt with months ago when Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs showed tape of Bush bowing to the Saudi King.
Well if bush did it doesn’t that prove it was the wrong thing for oba-mao to do?
What happened to CHANGE?
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
That dumbass book of hers will make any right wing dumbass even dumber.
Your link talks about the Ap fact-checking sarahs book.
Any chance you have a link to the AP fact-checking either of oba-mao’s books?
That was a joke. The ap never fact-checked his books. After all, he was only running to be president, not something important like a private citizen.
Lobbyists Win Again In Securing Tax Break For Home Builders
“Even as unemployment continues to rise and the Obama administration’s foreclosure plan appears to be failing, Congress and the White House are signing off on tax breaks that reward those who are partly responsible for our financial predicament.”
Puddinghead @7: So you think Caribou Barbie’s book can teach me something, eh? Like what? How dishonest, devious, and corrupt she is? I already know that about her, so I don’t need the book.
Associated Press reporter Calvin Woodward fact-checked Palin’s book. Here’s a sampling of what he found:
“WASHINGTON – Sarah Palin’s new book reprises familiar claims from the 2008 presidential campaign that haven’t become any truer over time.”
Hmmm, gee, sounds like he’s calling her a LIAR. Which she is. To wit, Example 1:
“Palin … criticizes President Barack Obama for pushing through a bailout package that actually was achieved by his Republican predecessor George W. Bush — a package she … support[ed] at the time.”
And there’s more LIES to come, e.g. Example 2:
“PALIN: Says she made frugality a point when traveling on state business as Alaska governor, asking ‘only’ for reasonably priced rooms ….
“THE FACTS: … Palin and daughter Bristol stayed five days and four nights at the $707.29-per-night Essex House luxury hotel … overlooking New York City’s Central Park for a five-hour women’s leadership conference in October 2007. … The governor billed her state more than $20,000 for her children’s travel, including to events where they had not been invited, and in some cases later amended expense reports to specify that they had been on official business.”
Example 3:
“PALIN: Boasts that she ran her campaign for governor on small donations, mostly from first-time givers ….
“THE FACTS: Of the roughly $1.3 million she raised for her primary and general election campaigns for governor, more than half came from people and political action committees giving at least $500 ….”
In Example 4, she’s not only CONFUSED, but also FLIP-FLOPS:
“PALIN: Rails against taxpayer-financed bailouts, which she attributes to Obama. …
“THE FACTS: Palin is blurring … Obama’s stimulus plan … and the federal bailout that Republican presidential candidate John McCain voted for and President George W. Bush signed.”
Now here’s the flip-flop:
“In September 2008, she said ‘taxpayers cannot be looked to as the bailout, as the solution, to the problems on Wall Street.’ A week later, she said ‘ultimately what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy.'”
[Emphasis added. Note: If you’re confused about what bailouts have to do with “health care reform,” well, so am I!]
Example 5:
“PALIN: Says Ronald Reagan faced an even worse recession than the one that appears to be ending now, and ‘showed us how to get out of one. If you want real job growth, cut capital gains taxes and slay the death tax once and for all.’
“THE FACTS: The estate tax … was not repealed under Reagan and capital gains taxes are lower now than when Reagan was president. Economists overwhelmingly say the current recession is far worse. … The recession of the early 1980s did not have a financial meltdown.”
Example 6 demonstrates that Palin’s dishonesty extends to outright CORRUPTION:
“PALIN: She says her team overseeing the development of a natural gas pipeline set up an open, competitive bidding process ….
“THE FACTS: … [A]n AP investigation found her team crafted terms that favored only a few independent pipeline companies and ultimately benefited a company with ties to her administration …. Despite promises and legal guidance not to talk directly with potential bidders during the process, Palin had meetings or phone calls with … TransCanada.
Example 7:
“PALIN: Criticizes an aide to her predecessor, Gov. Frank Murkowski, for a conflict of interest because the aide represented the state in negotiations over a gas pipeline and then left to work as a handsomely paid lobbyist for ExxonMobil. Palin asserts her administration ended all such arrangements ….
“THE FACTS: … [T]he leader of her own pipeline team was a former lobbyist for a subsidiary of TransCanada, the company that ended up winning the rights to build the pipeline.”
Example 8 shows she’s also a HYPOCRITE:
“PALIN: Writes about a city councilman in Wasilla, Alaska, who owned a garbage truck company and tried to push through an ordinance requiring residents of new subdivisions to pay for trash removal instead of taking it to the dump for free — this to illustrate conflicts of interest she stood against as a public servant.
“THE FACTS: As Wasilla mayor, Palin pressed for a special zoning exception so she could sell her family’s $327,000 house, then did not keep a promise to remove a potential fire hazard on the property. She [also] asked the city council to loosen rules for snow machine races when she and her husband owned a snow machine store, and cast a tie-breaking vote to exempt taxes on aircraft when her father-in-law owned one.”
Example 9:
“PALIN: Welcomes last year’s Supreme Court decision [on] punitive damages for … the Exxon Valdez disaster …. As governor, she says, she’d had the state argue in favor of the victims, and she says the court’s ruling went ‘in favor of the people.’
“THE FACTS: That response is at odds with her reaction at the time [of] the ruling, which … reduc[ed] punitive damages … to $500 million from $2.5 billion. … Palin … was ‘extremely disappointed’ [and] said the justices had gutted a jury decision favoring higher damage awards[.]”
Example 10:
“PALIN: Describing her resistance to federal stimulus money, Palin describes Alaska as a practical, libertarian haven of independent Americans who don’t want ‘help’ from government busybodies.
“THE FACTS: Alaska is … one of the states most dependent on federal subsidies, receiving … $1.84 for every dollar it sent to Washington.”
Got a link to his fact-checking of the books of obama?
To wit, Example 1:
“Palin … criticizes President Barack Obama for pushing through a bailout package that actually was achieved by his Republican predecessor George W. Bush — a package she … support[ed] at the time.”
And there’s more LIES to come, e.g. Example 2:
“PALIN: Says she made frugality a point when traveling on state business as Alaska governor, asking ‘only’ for reasonably priced rooms ….
“THE FACTS: … Palin and daughter Bristol stayed five days and four nights
Here’s the rest of the AP quote you thought best not to include- asking “only” for reasonably priced rooms and not “often” going for the “high-end, robe-and-slippers” hotels.
So she said “not often.” And calvin proved she did stay at a high priced hotel. You’re the ex-judge, does “not often” mean never?
This fact-checking is a joke.
Glad to see you believed it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
screwed up that formatting
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
The merit (or complete lack there of) of Obama’s books is immaterial.
You got that right. Or not worth the material they were printed on? Especially when Frank Marshall Davis really gave Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm his early life imprimatur.
Y’know that banner ad on this page that says, “Sarah Palin’s New Book — Free Offer”? Well, now ya know how it’s gonna make the “bestseller” list: They’re giving it away! That way the publisher can say “umpty-million copies in print!”
(Note: 5 million “copies in print” doesn’t mean anything if 4.999 million of them end up in landfills.)
That Mortensen guy is pretty weird. Unfortunately, there’s more where he came from! That’s why we have an educational job on our hands.
Memo to wingnuts: Birth control and Christianity (read: state-imposed religion) aren’t in the Constitution, but income taxes are! If you don’t believe me, don’t file a return or pay taxes, and see what happens to you!
He’s not a real person, but the person in the thread below this one is (and just as entertaining).
The Onion hits too close to reality again!
The know-nothings who claim all that crap about the constitution, are, unfortunately, all too real.
Her book will end up in the same purgatory as John Tesh albums.
I just heard that the Greenwood arsonist has been caught. If he turns out to be a christian, can we expect the conservatives to demand action be taking against all christians to defend ourselves from the Christan terrorists, the way conservatives apply to anything that happens involving a muslim, must be a terrorist act?
Hey Roger Dumb Bunny,
Since the Palin book is “free”, you can afford it and become educated instead of depending on the whackamole sites for your daily kook-aid lessons.
You know, for some guy who’s whole fucking ambition in life was to be President of the United States. Somebody needs to remind him HE’s THE FUCKING PRESIDENT, not a Japanese subject (nor a Saudi one). Fuckwit.
@1 Go for it Roger.
You might learn something new. Then you’d know _two_ facts.
Everyone already knows that the monied right wing kooks buy a bunch of copies and suddenly their flunky’s book (Palin, in this case) is a ‘best seller’.
The kind of people who would vote for a Sarah Palin are not people with a lot of book larnin’.
I’ll provide you with links if you care to challenge me on this. Make you look doubly foolish.
8 – Del, this knee jerk wingnuttery was dealt with in a earlier thread. Hell, it was dealt with months ago when Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs showed tape of Bush bowing to the Saudi King.
Oh I forget, you’re a Sarah fanatic. Nevermind. That dumbass book of hers will make any right wing dumbass even dumber.
Sarah and Lynn: like peas in a pod.
LOL!! The Onion could generate column ideas for a hundred years just by seeing what these morons get worked up about.
I don’t read the onion that often. I’ve been missing out.
John Tesh. LOL. Whatever happened to that guy once PBS finished making specials out of him?
“Why did pro-choice Democrats vote to approve the Stupak Amendment, the most serious assault on abortion rights in a generation?”
” . . . state Attorney General Martha Coakley, said that if she had been in the Senate she would have killed the health care reform bill rather than support the Stupak amendment.”
There are some pro-legislation asses on HA – all men – who should also get the hanger.
16 – We’re counting on the Stupak stuff being removed before it gets to the White House.
” . . . state Attorney General Martha Coakley, said that if she had been in the Senate she would have killed the health care reform bill rather than support the Stupak amendment.”
Stupak Amendment was in the House of Representatives of the United States of America! Good choice of commentary emelia!
We know all too well ylb arschloch.
Great article in today’s Tacoma paper about small startup companies in SW Washington:
Frequent readers will note that I’ve been talking up this meme for the last two years…
re 15: He started collaborating with Yanni and Michael Buble.
Any Cheers (teev show) fans here?
Remember the episode woody ran for city council with fraiser as his campaign manager?
Remember the advice fraiser gave woody on what to say?
“Say the word changte about 100 times.”
Playing to sold-out arena, making millions of dollars doing something they love.
Just think if you had learned more than 3 chords.
Well if bush did it doesn’t that prove it was the wrong thing for oba-mao to do?
What happened to CHANGE?
Your link talks about the Ap fact-checking sarahs book.
Any chance you have a link to the AP fact-checking either of oba-mao’s books?
That was a joke. The ap never fact-checked his books. After all, he was only running to be president, not something important like a private citizen.
Lobbyists Win Again In Securing Tax Break For Home Builders
“Even as unemployment continues to rise and the Obama administration’s foreclosure plan appears to be failing, Congress and the White House are signing off on tax breaks that reward those who are partly responsible for our financial predicament.”
Lovely! I’m so done with both parties.
Puddinghead @7: So you think Caribou Barbie’s book can teach me something, eh? Like what? How dishonest, devious, and corrupt she is? I already know that about her, so I don’t need the book.
Associated Press reporter Calvin Woodward fact-checked Palin’s book. Here’s a sampling of what he found:
“WASHINGTON – Sarah Palin’s new book reprises familiar claims from the 2008 presidential campaign that haven’t become any truer over time.”
Hmmm, gee, sounds like he’s calling her a LIAR. Which she is. To wit, Example 1:
“Palin … criticizes President Barack Obama for pushing through a bailout package that actually was achieved by his Republican predecessor George W. Bush — a package she … support[ed] at the time.”
And there’s more LIES to come, e.g. Example 2:
“PALIN: Says she made frugality a point when traveling on state business as Alaska governor, asking ‘only’ for reasonably priced rooms ….
“THE FACTS: … Palin and daughter Bristol stayed five days and four nights at the $707.29-per-night Essex House luxury hotel … overlooking New York City’s Central Park for a five-hour women’s leadership conference in October 2007. … The governor billed her state more than $20,000 for her children’s travel, including to events where they had not been invited, and in some cases later amended expense reports to specify that they had been on official business.”
Example 3:
“PALIN: Boasts that she ran her campaign for governor on small donations, mostly from first-time givers ….
“THE FACTS: Of the roughly $1.3 million she raised for her primary and general election campaigns for governor, more than half came from people and political action committees giving at least $500 ….”
In Example 4, she’s not only CONFUSED, but also FLIP-FLOPS:
“PALIN: Rails against taxpayer-financed bailouts, which she attributes to Obama. …
“THE FACTS: Palin is blurring … Obama’s stimulus plan … and the federal bailout that Republican presidential candidate John McCain voted for and President George W. Bush signed.”
Now here’s the flip-flop:
“In September 2008, she said ‘taxpayers cannot be looked to as the bailout, as the solution, to the problems on Wall Street.’ A week later, she said ‘ultimately what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy.'”
[Emphasis added. Note: If you’re confused about what bailouts have to do with “health care reform,” well, so am I!]
Example 5:
“PALIN: Says Ronald Reagan faced an even worse recession than the one that appears to be ending now, and ‘showed us how to get out of one. If you want real job growth, cut capital gains taxes and slay the death tax once and for all.’
“THE FACTS: The estate tax … was not repealed under Reagan and capital gains taxes are lower now than when Reagan was president. Economists overwhelmingly say the current recession is far worse. … The recession of the early 1980s did not have a financial meltdown.”
Example 6 demonstrates that Palin’s dishonesty extends to outright CORRUPTION:
“PALIN: She says her team overseeing the development of a natural gas pipeline set up an open, competitive bidding process ….
“THE FACTS: … [A]n AP investigation found her team crafted terms that favored only a few independent pipeline companies and ultimately benefited a company with ties to her administration …. Despite promises and legal guidance not to talk directly with potential bidders during the process, Palin had meetings or phone calls with … TransCanada.
Example 7:
“PALIN: Criticizes an aide to her predecessor, Gov. Frank Murkowski, for a conflict of interest because the aide represented the state in negotiations over a gas pipeline and then left to work as a handsomely paid lobbyist for ExxonMobil. Palin asserts her administration ended all such arrangements ….
“THE FACTS: … [T]he leader of her own pipeline team was a former lobbyist for a subsidiary of TransCanada, the company that ended up winning the rights to build the pipeline.”
Example 8 shows she’s also a HYPOCRITE:
“PALIN: Writes about a city councilman in Wasilla, Alaska, who owned a garbage truck company and tried to push through an ordinance requiring residents of new subdivisions to pay for trash removal instead of taking it to the dump for free — this to illustrate conflicts of interest she stood against as a public servant.
“THE FACTS: As Wasilla mayor, Palin pressed for a special zoning exception so she could sell her family’s $327,000 house, then did not keep a promise to remove a potential fire hazard on the property. She [also] asked the city council to loosen rules for snow machine races when she and her husband owned a snow machine store, and cast a tie-breaking vote to exempt taxes on aircraft when her father-in-law owned one.”
Example 9:
“PALIN: Welcomes last year’s Supreme Court decision [on] punitive damages for … the Exxon Valdez disaster …. As governor, she says, she’d had the state argue in favor of the victims, and she says the court’s ruling went ‘in favor of the people.’
“THE FACTS: That response is at odds with her reaction at the time [of] the ruling, which … reduc[ed] punitive damages … to $500 million from $2.5 billion. … Palin … was ‘extremely disappointed’ [and] said the justices had gutted a jury decision favoring higher damage awards[.]”
Example 10:
“PALIN: Describing her resistance to federal stimulus money, Palin describes Alaska as a practical, libertarian haven of independent Americans who don’t want ‘help’ from government busybodies.
“THE FACTS: Alaska is … one of the states most dependent on federal subsidies, receiving … $1.84 for every dollar it sent to Washington.”
@8 I know infinitely more than you.
Palin’s book is crap. The merit (or complete lack there of) of Obama’s books is immaterial.
Got a link to his fact-checking of the books of obama?
To wit, Example 1:
“Palin … criticizes President Barack Obama for pushing through a bailout package that actually was achieved by his Republican predecessor George W. Bush — a package she … support[ed] at the time.”
And there’s more LIES to come, e.g. Example 2:
Here’s the rest of the AP quote you thought best not to include-
asking “only” for reasonably priced rooms and not “often” going for the “high-end, robe-and-slippers” hotels.
So she said “not often.” And calvin proved she did stay at a high priced hotel. You’re the ex-judge, does “not often” mean never?
This fact-checking is a joke.
Glad to see you believed it.
screwed up that formatting
You got that right. Or not worth the material they were printed on? Especially when Frank Marshall Davis really gave Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm his early life imprimatur.
Not about math apparently.