– It’s a sign that the right wing are losing the culture war every time they freak out about a Google Doodle.
– Bicycle Sunday is coming up soon, Seattle (h/t).
– If I Admit That ‘Hating Men’ Is a Thing, Will You Stop Turning It Into a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?
– True Facts About the Naked Mole Rat
– It’s opening day, everybody. Let’s imagine how lovely the Mariners will be this year.
Hey, speaking of Cesar Chavez:
But beyond the timing of this designation, one issue that repeatedly comes up in regards to César Chávez, who co-founded the iconic United Farm Workers, is his position on immigration, which was less than friendly. As Amanda Paulson of The Christian Science Monitor writes:
“But Chávez was not a fan of expanding immigration. He believed that undocumented immigrants undercut the pay and negotiating power of unionized workers, and he protested farms’ use of migrant and undocumented workers as “strikebreakers.”
In some instances, he and the UFW even reported some undocumented immigrants to the Immigration and Naturalization Service for deportation.
In the 1970s, under Chávez, the UFW set up a “wet line” along the US-Mexico border to stop immigrants from entering the US illegally.
Note the ‘wet line‘ mention. Rather Don Youngish, isn’t it?
Crosshairs on a picture of the president?
Wouldn’t a big red plastic nose and big floppy shoes be more apropos?
In which Cory Booker takes accuracy lessons from Roger Rabbit:
“There are still thousands of Americans that are being murdered every single day.”
And despite 9.8 percent unemployment (tied for highest in the country), tax, regulatory, and zoning policies make blue-collar job creation in manufacturing and real estate development next to impossible.
No, not Washington State. California.
Although Jay Inslee’s just getting started. Give him some time, y’all.
Looks like Bob was late to “work” this morning. Monday traffic is a bitch!
“Coupled with decreasing demand due to energy efficiency and continued cultivation of alternative energy sources, an increasing number of experts believe the U.S. could achieve energy independence by the end of the decade ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Do you get that, stupid wingnuts? We need drilling and energy conservation and alternative energy to achieve energy independence.
@ 5
Looks like Bob was late to “work” this morning.
Yeah, I know. Sorry.
A patient got a tampon stuck way too far in
and I was called in for some emergency work over the weekend. Had a bit of difficulty getting out of bed this morning.
Oh, hahaha…cheapshotBob intimating that YLB has a vagina. Rich humor…not.
Why do you consider it an insult to call someone a woman, Bob?
Do you own one of these? Was that you in the comment section?
In case anyone had wavered, cheapshotBob is here to reinforce the fact that he’s a twisted little fuck, gleeful at slinging sexual slurs and generally making as ass of himself, which, in his mind, equates with making pithy and edgy political commentary.
Gonna involve my kids in this, too?
California is on track to a budget surplus, and it was the voters who voted for the tax increases. Governor Brown has threatened to veto any bill that increases spending that puts it in jeopardy. I think he will do it, he’s made tough cuts before. The last time he was governor, he sold the Governor’s Mansion. He might even have the votes to sustain it, even with the Democratic Supermajority, the Democratic party is rarely in agreement.
One thing that is a job creator in Los Angeles, is the MTA, as they continue rail expansion. Last year the Expo Line opened it’s first phase, the second phase in 2016, and it looks like they have learned to build a tunnel better in Los Angeles, that they will have the Regional Connector in Downtown by 2020. I would say they are spending billions to bring back the Pacific Electric, but the MTA’ s jurisdiction is only Los Angeles county. They are also getting ready to resume construction on the Purple Line to the sea, if they get passed the Beverly Hills Unified School District(although I was talking about that on a railfan board, and somebody back east said if NYC had to deal with people like that, subway on Manhattan would not have been built.).
@ 8
Your kids? Nah. It’s likely you’ve dropped your mask with them often enough that they already realize what you are.
Sorry, no sympathies from me. I wasn’t on the weekend duty, but I still ended up having to work (from home) all day Saturday, Saturday evening, and Sunday night. I was still in the office by 6:00 a.m. and I’m now taking a short lunch break (at my desk). I’ll probably leave work after 6:00 p.m. nonight, which is pretty much the norm these days.
Not that I’m bragging or anything. I’d love to be able to retire about now.
About the Montana bus operator that the FMCSA shut down, I got curious, because it looked like the fleet was in good condition, but you could do anything with a website photo. Inspectors found safety issues with 8 buses in the Rimrock fleet, that is too many, and if it were not for Jefferson Lines, Montana would be without the bulk of it’s intercity bus services. There is never a good time to cut corners on safety and maintenance, but right now, the FMCSA is on a major campaign against unsafe operators.
@7 Are you sure the “tampon” wasn’t wingnut dogma rolled into a tight cylinder and rammed up your own ass? That might explain why your butt hurts this morning.
37 years ago today, the major railroads of the northeast were nationalized to form Consolidated Railroad Corporation, but after restructuring,was privatized, and later bought out by CSX and Norfolk Southern. It was a necessary step, and with skin in the game, the government was later able to deregulate the industry. Of the three major railroad bankruptcies at the time, this was the only one where this drastic action.
Even though the U.S. economy is allegedly “recovering” now, capitalism is still doing a lousy job of supporting the American people, except for the one-percenters who always do fine (and do even better during the depressions they create).
“Workers in seven of the 10 largest occupations typically earn less than $30,000 a year, according to new data published Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. … Some 58% of the jobs created during the recovery have been low-wage positions, according to a 2012 report by the National Employment Law Project. These low-wage jobs had a median hourly wage of $13.83 or less.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Meanwhile, sorry-fuck Republicans bitterly oppose any increase in the $7.25 federal minimum wage, which is less than 70% of the 1968 minimum wage (adjusted for inflation). That doesn’t even pay rent in many cities. Why would anyone except a one-percenter vote Republican? You’re cutting your own throat if you do.
Heh. Little Bobby is a misogynist..
And a liar.. I wouldn’t want to be with miles of little Bobby and the rest of the bottom of the barrel trolls.. (Puddyidiot is only other one left.)
Women exist only for breeding and pleasure for little Bobby. Building a future? What’s that? There’s only now for little Bobby and his bodily/ego gratification.
Here’s a present for little Bobby.
A rape fantasy from the late, unlamented little Maxie.
It’s truly hideous the kinds of people attracted to right wing degenerate ideology.
Little Bobby was a little pissed that I called him out on his silly “black genocide” fantasy.
What an silly diminished man.
Take This Job And Shove It Dep’t
Corporate profits, as a percent of GDP, have soared to record levels (n.b. while businesses pay a record-low share of federal taxes). Much of these profit gains have come at the expense of workers.
Perhaps not so strangely, employers who have squeezed longer hours and harder work from employees for lower pay and less benefits, have become so accustomed to riding this gravy train they’re blind to the tsunami of discontent building within their workforces.
“They’ve slogged through years of belt-tightening and downsizing, and endured endless requests to work harder, smarter or just plain longer. Now, experts say signs of life in the job market could start pushing some employees to do what they’ve been dreaming about … for years: quit. Too bad their employers … won’t see it coming.
“‘Most companies are … not … prepared for all the … pent up turnover that is likely to come when the job market … turns around,’ said David G. Allen, a management professor at the University of Memphis who has studied employee turnover extensively.
“Experts say employers appear to have grown … complacent about whether their employees will find a … job somewhere else. And even as many bosses have complained about how hard it is to find good workers, few have paid much attention to keeping the ones they have. ‘People are saying … they can’t find the right talent, and yet when they do, they don’t take … good care of it,’ said Sandi Edwards … of the American Management Association ….
“Paul McDonald … of staffing firm Robert Half International, said … ‘If there are employers around and they haven’t experienced staff leaving them yet, they will shortly,’ he predicted.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s a clue for greedy slavedriver bosses — if you treat your workers like shit, they’ll shit on you in return. Gee, who wudda thunk?! As for me, I’ve already fired every goddamned boss in the world. Capitalism is taking such good care of me, I’ll never have to work again! So, bosses, take your lousy job and shove it! Do it yourself. I don’t have to, and I won’t. I don’t take orders from anyone anymore, and pretty soon, you’ll be taking orders from me! As a shareholder, I own your company, which means I own your ass, too! Suck on it.
@ 15
…capitalism is still doing a lousy job of supporting the American people, except for the one-percenters who always do fine …
@ 18
Capitalism is taking such good care of me, I’ll never have to work again!
Hard to reconcile those. RR’s too fucking stupid to have earned his way into the 1%. If he was granted a trust fund we’d have heard about it by now.
What’s left?
Both, probably.
To be honest, I’m tired of hearing about how hard women’s lives are. Just give to a rest for a while!
18 – As much as I’d like to see workers in this country do exactly that there’s a downside – inflation..
Right wingers have been whining for years about inflation from money printing and pump priming. And there’s been some inflation – in commodities and financial assets and scarce things like top-flight university educations.. But not much else.
In my lifetime I’ve seen inflation become a problem only when workers have the autonomy to jump jobs for higher pay, much higher pay. But that in turns fuels more consumption (of oil especially) and inflation spirals.
Of course it’s a much different economy than the 70’s. Less of our GDP is in manufacturing, certainly less people are employed by manufacturers.
The freakout over inflation in the 70’s just gave us Reaganism.. The reaction to renewed inflation can be just as bad even worse. I can only hope we’ve learned something since then.
@19 “RR’s too fucking stupid to have earned his way into the 1%.”
You’re right about one thing, Bob, I’m not a 1%-er. I was a public servant (I think you already knew that), and I wasn’t a trust fund baby. No one ever threw special privileges my way, so I had to work for everything, including my position atop the capitalist heap. (There is no higher status under capitalism than that of shareholder. CEOs are merely employees.) I started investing 30 years ago with less than $7500 and now my stocks are worth mid-6-figures. I wrung it out of dolts like you.
Getting back to public service jobs, you don’t see public servants living in mansions or driving Porsches. You gotta be a greeedy fuck in the private sector to enjoy that stuff. But just because public service doesn’t pay well doesn’t mean those jobs are easy to get.
A typical Civil Service job attracts maybe 100 applicants for 1 job. They take a test and the top 3 get referred to the agency for interviews. The other 97 go home. It’s kinda like “America Has Talent,” many compete, but only 1 gets the contract.
Bob wouldn’t know about this, because he never had a public service job. So he’s clueless about how hard it is to get a public service career. Public service isn’t about money, it’s about serving the public good, and you have to be damned smart to get a chance to do that.
@21 The wingers, as always, are wrong. We won’t get inflation from the Fed’s money-printing. Why? Because that money goes on bank balance sheets and stays there. It’s not entering the economy. That’s why there’s no inflation, and that’s also why bank deposits don’t pay any interest. Banks don’t have to rent money from savers, because they can borrow it from the Fed for free. And they don’t have to lend it to consumers and small businesses to make money, because the Fed borrows it back from them — and pays the banks interest on its own money. Quite a racket. And the crazy thing is Republicans call the president behind these policies a “communist.” (!!!)
Corporations have a huge cash hoard right now.. In the trillions. When the economy picks up, they will have to draw on that to retain workers and hire new workers.. The demand for oil will spike and that will be a significant new cost to boot.
I don’t think it will be too long before Corps start competing for the funds on bank balance sheets.. That will force longer term interest rates to climb.
When there’s blood in the water..
Hey that Keystone Pipeline is a no-brainer..
Nothing will ever happen..
Awwwww…wingnut savior Ben Carson running into some trouble with people who…think.
Seems there’s a controversy at Emory University, where people think, over having piddl’s latest favoritist wingnut, ’cause he doesn’t believe in evolution, but rather the fairy-tale Young Earth Creationism…
Who does Walker blame for WI being 44th in job creation?
Workers of course:
26 – Funny that I see Puddyfool bringing up Ben Carson here in the threads back in 2005..
I guess Carson has been a wingnut hero to fools like PuddySilly for a long time.
I went to Norwescon, a local science fiction convention this weekend. It was so much fun to be around a forward thinking, tolerant, optimistic bunch of people.
“Little Bobby was a little pissed that I called him out on his silly “black genocide” fantasy.”
I must have missed that one. Did it involve right-wing militias roaming the streets of Detroit?
Oh wow.. Didn’t know that Carson was SDA..
That explains it!
From 29,
Yeah, but everyone there was dressed up like it was Halloween or something!
30 – He apparently believes that the abortion rate in the U.S. is higher than Canada because of the higher rates of abortion among black women in the U.S.
And why is that higher? He linked to some hysterical right wing catholic bullshit…
Wow Lib da schmucko.. you need help! Those sick left wrong sites really go to the extreme! And then you post it for everyone else to view. Sick, you really are sick!
Means Puddy owns you lock stock and barrel unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron!
See ya!
At Norwescon: Middle age Klingons, 10 year old Doctor Whos, Elderly Fairy Queens, Starfleet officers, Drow, Giants, Buck Rodgers in his silver suit, A bazillion Steampunkers, Ninja Mom, Frodo, Toroto, Mad hatter and Alice, The Cheshire Cat, more than one Riversong, Nerdcore Rappers, a Doc Who companions in 1920s in striped boating skirt and Fin from Adventure time. And that was in the hallways, that I could name. The costume show got weird.
It was really fun diverse group of people. They were forward thinking, trying new ideas, finding the ones that worked better. Good lord, they were a tolerant bunch. They were inclusive, so long as you weren’t destructive or disruptive, come on in, be you a flaming liberal or an open minded conservative, come on in. They were optimistic that society was good and going to, in general, get better if we keep working at it.
Hey Lib da schmucko, Since Puddy is a creation of God through Adam, and you being an evolutionist claim God didn’t create you; therefore which primate did you evolve from:
Spider monkey
We all would like to know. Also if you came from the monkey family, were your ancestors house broken or wild. Are you a new world monkey or old world monkey? headless lucy could more effectively classify you!
@37. You are so right! Way to bring up the Monkey argument cause that’s so relevant to the discussion! You know, they rigged the Scopes Monkey Trial. It doesn’t make you look unhinged and scrambley at all.
@ 29
I went to Norwescon, a local science fiction convention this weekend. It was so much fun to be around a forward thinking, tolerant, optimistic bunch of people.
Reminds me that I haven’t seen Galaxy Quest in awhile. Time to pull out the ol’ VHS TV.
Current Evolutionary theory is that we shared a common ancestor millions of years back. Humans evolved one way, the other primates evolved differently to fit their ecological niches.
@ 24
Corporations have a huge cash hoard right now.. In the trillions. When the economy picks up, they will have to draw on that to retain workers and hire new workers.. The demand for oil will spike and that will be a significant new cost to boot.
I don’t think it will be too long before Corps start competing for the funds on bank balance sheets.. That will force longer term interest rates to climb.
YLB, I barely know where to begin.
Here’s a start:
1. Corporations with huge cash hoards are adding to that hoard each quarter.
2. In many cases don’t have to draw on it to fund expansion. They can either expand based on their ongoing cash flow, which doesn’t have to be added to their hoard if there’s a better use for it, or they can borrow by floating bonds or other instruments, which are purchased by investors.
3. Similarly, they can add more employees by using cash earnings rather than their banked cash and investments.
4. The cost of oil means little to how JPM or Wells Fargo conduct business. Or Apple or Microsoft, for that matter. Companies with the largest cash hoards aren’t manufacturers, YLB. You’re throwing everything into your argument and making little sense.
I elected not to reply to RR because…… well, because RR.
You, on the other hand, might have the available grey matter to comprehend that what will force long-term interest rates upwards won’t be a need for capital by corporations that already have plenty of it. It will be a realization on the part of people buying bonds and other Treasury instruments from the government that the government is selling new debt to pay off maturing debt as well as to finance silly spending, and that they instead can invest in financial instruments offered by corporations/banks/finanicial entities that pay better rates and have far better abilities to increase payouts when inflation starts creeping in. Right now the government still is considered a safe place to park cash. Give the recovery a couple more years while Obama adds on another $2+ trillion in those years, and the government won’t be looking so good as a comparable source of stability.
But, please, YLB. Tell us why Apple and Cisco need to tap into their cash hoard so they can grow and hire more. Can’t they just bank a billion or so less each quarter and do it that way? If a major corporation has a AAA rating and the federal government doesn’t, why can’t that corporation sell bonds instead?
41 – Oh please Bob.. Over the weekend supposedly I couldn’t comprehend fear-based hysterical crap about the lower abortion rate in Canada
Now today I have grey matter..
Not that my views are all that great, I could give a flip right now about your all too confused, incoherent and self-serving views of the economy..
Maybe someone else.
A quick look at why large amounts of cash are hoarded offshore:
It’s to avoid double-taxation.
Apple holds $94 billion of its cash offshore, 69% of the gross figure. That money would first be taxed at up to 35% before it could be distributed…
Microsoft has $68 billion in gross cash and equivalents, of which $61 billion, or 90%, is held offshore and could be subject to taxes if brought back to the U.S.
Cisco has $45 billion in cash, of which $38 billion, or 84%, is held offshore.
Companies are playing a game of chicken with the government. Government needs the money repatriated but wants to fully tax income that has already been taxed elsewhere. Corporations, meanwhile, want a break from that full fare on money they have already paid tax for having earned.
Apple doesn’t need the money. Microsoft doesn’t need the money – money makes people do stupid shit like trying to buy Yahoo.
So it sits offshore.
Spoken like the projecting fool you’ve always been!
Ben Carson SDA? Whoa! Says a lot about your cult..
Question for you:
Was the first sermon in your skygod church after Nov 6 titled:
Election day 2012: The “Great Disappointment” of our Time?
Do tell fool, do tell..
Green jobs update:
After furloughing its US workers, Fisker Automotive has hired a law firm for a potential bankruptcy, Reuters reports, citing a person familiar with the process.
Kirkland & Ellis is advising the California-based maker of the extended-range plug-in Karma for a potential bankruptcy filing, which hasn’t produced a car in about eight months and is losing interest from two prospective China-based buyers. Fisker declined to comment to Reuters.
Or, not so much, apparently.
# 43: You might have missed the story on NPR a few weeks back where researches tried to find all that offshore money. Turns out they could find it pretty easily.
It turns out that about half of it was right here in the U.S. But the U.S. Corporations were hiding it in the accounts of their foreign subsidiaries, in various tax avoidance schemes, and to take advantage of the much lower taxes on capital gains here.
When you getting a job unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron? Answer then we’ll discuss all those Pluto boy questions.
rhpee6033… Puddy didn’t miss any overseas money stories…
Puddy identified all those libtard supporting companies who have those large cash caches (read $$$ Billions) sitting overseas. All those corporations who voted libtard or had Obummer personally visit them and cheered Obummer on! You can view the list by contacting unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron who has it in the crazed databaze. He’s posted three of Puddy’s best yesterday!
From WikiPedia
Seems modernists are at odds with HA evolutionist libtards Fascist Pigsty. Well Fascist Pigsty… Puddy doesn’t share a common ancestor with apes. Puddy is glad you think you do. Helps explain some of fetid answers on this blog. They are not from a thinking human!
Heh.. Dumbass can’t answer my questions.. The last one was a simple yes or no..
What a “great disappointment”!
And yawn I already answered one of your questions. Remember?
No worries I don’t expect shit but shit from the likes of Puddyfool..
Puddy doesn’t share a common ancestor with apes.
Slugs perhaps?
I couldn’t care less if evolution ‘was consistent’ with religion…religion is irrelevant with regard to scientific investigation. Evolution only needs to be consistent with rigorous scientific inquiry.
He does, alas. He is just is too stupid and frightened to know it.
Piddl is a close-minded Bibul-pounder whose preacherman told him that their sky-daddy would be very very angry if he started to actually think independently, rigorously.
I imagine if there is a god, that she is going to in fact be quite disappointed with piddl for both wasting the neurons she gave him in his silly myth-worshipping, and for his completely missing the actual breathtaking beauty and grandeur of her creation, evolution and all.
Hope she doesn’t send him to hell.
Oh! Here’s the problem…according to piddl-friend and all-around imbecile Pat Robertson, Americans are ‘too educated’ and ‘sophisticated’ and know too much, and so God-God has a sad and sends us fewer miracles.
Could one of God’s rationed miracles to Americans be sending piddl to Antarctica, without an internet connection, just like she did the Emperor Penguins after their Ark cruise?
Oh please oh please!
So Puddy will ask again… When you gonna find a job, be a man and support the family unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron?
Hey Lib da Schmucko, when did Puddy claim Pat Robertson was a friend of Puddy’s? Projecting again?
Right now unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron is scanning the crazed databaze to help out Schmucko! Pavlov calls it!
PROVE IT ape descendent!
As always Schmucko is always proving PuddyPoints!
Nope you Dope. Puddy is in awe of God’s creation every time Puddy visits a new overseas city. Puddy is in awe of God’s creation every time Puddy looks at the sky from 35,000 feet at night. My God is an AWESOME God. Your god is nuthin!
@24 Actually some corporations are borrowing money to buy their own stock.
Who dat moron herzog? Projecting again?
@57 God created cities? They weren’t built by construction workers?
@53 The greatest miracle of all is that God helped Pat Robertson get filthy rich from dealing in blood diamonds.
@54 What’s so great about having a job? I don’t have one. Don’t want one. Don’t need one because I’m a CAPITALIST living off the fat of the land.
piddl seems unable to apprehend the grandeur of the Universe unless he’s bragging about his business travel….you know, Marriott Concierge floors, full size rentals, zinc-plated wage slavery.
Tellingly, he also changes the gender in my quote, from ‘her’ to ‘His’, while still presenting it as a quote. Fraud. Frightened little putz, scrambling to assure himself that his myths are the Right Myths ™.
God probably worked a long time on something so sublime and wonderful as evolution and natural selection and random gene mutation, and she is going to be PISSED that pinheads like you spend your precious few decades on the planet doing your best to make as many people as stooopid as possible, denying her handiwork and instead worshiping the tired writing of some bronze age nomads. She’s going to be really annoyed that you embraced fear and loathing and ignorance, rather than rejecting dogma and embracing the collected wisdom that those of her creation have revealed through the earnest use of the faculties she gave them.
But given that God is Love, she’ll undoubtedly let you into heaven, enjoying the joke on you that the personification of Love couldn’t construct a fear-inspired torture chamber like Hell. She left that task to some of her more flawed creatures.
Golly dickhead Lib da Schmucko you gonna scream like that when unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron changes PuddyCommentary?
God is a male spirit. Your denigration calling God a woman is not on the PuddyTable.
DEAL WITH IT! Frightented – no but you are stoooooopid!
DUMB Wabbit… Ask the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron if Puddy is a fan of Pat Robertson. Go ahead Puddy dares ya!
Misspelled Frightened above. Watch Schmucko go nutz!
God gave them the skillz DUMB Wabbit!
So the infinity of ‘god’ is limited by gender? And that limitation has to be male?
You’re a parody of yourself, piddl.
My, my, my…you’re just like cheapshotBob – calling someone a woman is a terrible insult to you.
A true, transcendent, loving ‘god’ would be disgusted with you, if such an entity exists.
If you want to tax the overseas cash, compromise. Half a loaf is better than none. Tax the money at a lower rate.
@68 Fuck that. The rest of us have to pay all the taxes we owe, so they should, too. No privileged characters. Once that gets started it’s a slippery slope.
With corporate taxes at record lows, companies should be taxed more, not less. That’s a no-brainer.
@66 I’m glad you’ve finally admitted that “God” is a union apprenticeship program. I didn’t think you had it in you.
Poor fool was “greatly disappointed” indeed..
After !!Benghazi!! fizzled out.. We didn’t see him for months!
piddl, what would your Jesus have to say about this:
Would Jesus weep over the wrath and anger and spite and pride that that quote represents?
Ben Carson thinks the age of the earth is 6000 years give or take.
Our local village idiot thinks the same.
Is this cult brainwashing?
His cult says god doesn’t even transcend gender?
What a sexist cult!
From 69,
OK, Roger, just keep on keepin’ on and see how much taxes you get to collect with that strategy. Those evil corporations simply won’t repatriate the money under the current deal. So, if you want these evil people to pay, compromise and get something.
Or keep on doing what you’re doing and collect zip.
What’s the most productive choice?
Prolly not. Just identifying hypocritical attitudes of a non-believer!
Nope You DOPE. unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron is as wrong as ever. Still unemployed too! So sad! Hey unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron, Puddy was overseas. Really busy with some interesting installations. Made new out of country friends while ignoring HA leftists for a while!
Who is a cult member unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron? You are such an unemployed jackASS!
Comprende Pendejo?
God is not a woman! DEAL WITH IT moron!
They said let us make MAN in our image and our likeness!
From 78,
Who’s Pluto boy?
The unemployed owner of the crazed databaze who uses it against anyone from the right! Just look at those comments I placed in the blockquote, 10 Years After.
Zzzzzzz.zzzzzzz..zz.. Like that’s ever stopped you from posting an average of 13 comments a day!
Poor fool had a sad..
Today in hatred of second term President Obama:
Psssst.. Rev. Leon is a personal friend of George and Laura Bush.. How desperate they are!
They must be taking cues from Puddyidiot!
It proves Puddy can be gone for a while and still be efficient attacking the likes of you unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron. So, who is a cult member unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron?
Such an unemployed jackASS. Are you making momma proud being lazy and shiftless? Does she know you waste the day away blogging and not working like NORMAL people? Well you aren’t NORMAL!
Wow. We see yet another reason why Puddyidiot has idolized Ben Carson for years!
What an intolerant bigot! “Big Picture”.. Nope the tiny, pinched world of the bigot.
How unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron?
85 – Fool.. It finally comes into focus..
Your cult church, your bigoted views. You’re a whack job..
Take any country where things went bad, Germany, Russia, China, Cambodia, etc..
Fanatics like you fuck things up.. It’s come close here but luckily no cigar.. Hopefully your time has come and gone.
Wow poor unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron. Now demonstrating Ben Carson hatred. Remember this is a free country unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! Except people like unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron want to shut up anyone who disagrees with the fetid thoughts of unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron!
Sux to be U!
HAHAHAHAHA! Pfffffffffft… Struck a nerve on unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron.
Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao… they act like you unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! They shut up their opponents just like you propose every day here on HA unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! Calling free speech names like bigoted! Blacks can be bigoted? Who knew? Can’t disagree with unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! Nosiree!
Get a job and stop your caterwauling unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! Are you making momma proud being lazy and shiftless? Does she know you waste the day away blogging and not working like NORMAL people? Well you aren’t NORMAL!
And how many of those corporations supported Obummer in 2012 unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron? Visit the crazed databaze and view the number of them jock strapping Obummer!
You have been in focus for years Clueless AKA unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! Puddy thought your work was done on Nov 2006. November 10 2006 10:00 AM, Clueless said “I’m leaving”. Nope the innate HATE HATE HATE 24×7 needed a new outlet so you came back. At 5:07 PM the same day Yos Lib Bro appeared AKA unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron!
See ya!
A sad day in supercomputing…
Yeah, another leftist scumbag from Wisconsin is caught!
What a pitiful, nasty, meager sense of divine you have for your Jesus…goes along with your whining, victim-filled, offensive take on life.
As you say, sucks to be you.
The Jesus I was taught of would certainly weep, if this is what those who ostentatiously claim to follow him bray about day in and day out.
How pitiful you are, piddl.
I’ve spotted a dinosaur! ‘our image and our likeness’ – does ‘god’ have a penis, piddl? If so, what does he do with it? Can ‘god’ urinate standing up? Write his name in the snow? Does he leave the toilet seat up, and does Mrs. God get mad at him?
Would your Jesus ever call someone a ‘scumbag’?
Why do you?
@94 Puddinghead whines as if Republican scumbags have never done anything like that …
If “Anonymous” are responsible for the look of utter shock and awe on Karl Rove’s mug when Ohio went for the presidential candidate who actually won it, then they’re good guys in my book.
Jesus called them thieves, hypocrites, empty sepulchres, fools, blind, full of dead men’s bones, serpents, brood of vipers, lawless. Puddy was being nice DUMB Wabbit!
PROVE IT since you made the assertion! You have all day DUMB Wabbit!
Miasma of paranoia, manipulation, naked politics, Obama hatred, Fast-N-Furious!!1!, racism, ‘patriotism’, but mostly right-wing politics that is the NRA, captured elegantly in a year’s worth of their magazine’s covers.
Merely one more spigot of right-wing sewage, and one spouted by our obedient, wholly-owned trolls, piddl and cheapshotBob, with eerie harmony.
What happened to “Love your neighbor”?
Also, it sounds like he was criticizing behavior, while you’re just calling people nasty names, people you’ve decided it’s OK to hate. Seems like you fancy yourself to be on par with your Jesus, rather than a humble sinner trying to be good.
What will he think of that, when he returns in Clouds O’Glory ™?
It is surely amazing how Lib da schmucko runs to all the left wrong sites each morning to justify his hatred and racism. Daily Kooks, TPM above, Media Morons, HuffPo, Salon, etc. Left wrong sites. Puddy has documented it time and again. Just ask unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron for previous PuddyMissives. unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron likes Lib da schmucko. unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron will gladly do it for ya. Just ax (Jesse Jackson) him.
Wouldn’t it be a curious thing if the two Kaufman County prosecutors and one wife were killed with Fast and Furious weapons Lib da schmucko? Wouldn’t that really suck on Obummer’s watch?
Since most DUMMOCRAPT senators have admitted the new draft gun legislation would not had any effect in prohibiting Lanza, Loughner, and Holmes from getting weapons Lib da schmucko, why don’t they just say enforce existing laws? Loughner passed an Arizona background check even though his classmates thought he was a real mental danger. A mental case like you! Mark Kelly was caught with his pants down when Chris Wallace reminded him of that. You know Mark Kelly… No? Well U R stoooooooopid. He’s the husband of Gabrielle Giffords, the congresscritter (DUMB Wabbit word) who was shot in the head. Somehow that fact is lost in that neanderthal cranial orifice on your body.
Senator Richard Blumenthal, DUMMOCRAPT of Connecticut admitted just as much two days ago; background checks would not have stopped Lanza, Holmes or Loughner as they stand today. How come NY, Chicago and LA don’t enforce federal gun laws already passed? The NRA calls for governments to enforce existing laws. Puddy placed the Reuters article regarding this on the blog last week. Ask unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron for it since your memory lapses are getting close to the DUMB Wabbit and his memory lapses are LEGION!
Why does the ACLU jump in and scream bloody murder when legislators want to add mental health checks to gun background checks? Puddy already placed a Dec 15th article discussing this recent occurrence in Connecticut and how the ACLU blocked an amendment to the CT gun law now on the books. Now why is that schmucko? See how facts are on Puddy’s side and all you have left are ad hominem attacks?
So how is the left wrong sewage tasting right now? Fact-less as ever! Thanks for playing!
There you go again schmucko claiming Puddy hates someone when they call them a name. Who sez Puddy hates anyone? It seems that’s your take on life dude. You run to the hateful left wrong sites and make their thoughts your thoughts.
Unfortunately for you, you are a hypocrite. Seems from your commentary above everyone on the left hates Puddy since they all call Puddy names… except Richard Pope. And since you reject Jesus, your association is another EPIC FAYLE!
“Puddy doesn’t share a common ancestor with apes.”
Yes you do.* Both your mother and father are apes. As are my mother and father.
Morphologically, humans are great apes–that is, we are members of the family Hominidae.
“…therefore which primate did you evolve from:
Spider monkey
The answer is “None of the Above.” In just asking this nonsensical question, you demonstrate a profound ignorance of basic biology!
*Update: If one subscribes to the theory that Puddybud is a role-playing character, then this statement may be correct. Nevertheless, the person playing Puddybud is an ape and descended from apes.