Whenever there is good news for President Obama, Klynical is silent. Where in the hell is that clown anyway??
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 29% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -9. Thirty-three percent (33%) now say the U.S. is generally heading in the right direction.
33% of voters say we are headed in the right direction Klynical you idiot.
I’ve asked this of Stupes many times and to my knowledge I’ve yet to receive an answer:
Got anything left in the tank for the “cow on the tracks”?
@2 Hmm, I wonder if Puddy would find it “stressful” to be around Michael Steele 24/7?
I wonder if Puddy would find it “stressful” to be around Sarah Palin 24/7?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
With Michael Steele, we’d eat the cookies together and Puddy wouldn’t be illegally checking Mr. Steele’s social security number like Chucky Schumer had two of his operatives do. Wait a minute… Steve forgot about that having moronic memory malady.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Puddy would have Sarah personally sign her book and have a picture taken with her and my wife.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Be sure to watch Glenn Beck tonight. There will be people on his show who are “invisible” to the libtardo MSM. 2:00 Fox News Network. Tape it. Learn something!
11 – Yawwwwn.. Something with to do with sex I’m sure. Probably Wilbur cornered one too many interns in the office supply closet.
Puddy would never admit that being around a Palin or Steele 24/7 could be “stressful” as that would translate in Puddyese as he “hates Steele” or that he “hates Palin”. You see, headless lucy once wrote that he found being around blacks 24/7 to be “stressful”. For that, Puddy has been lying for years that headless said that he “hates blacks 24/7”. That makes Puddy a lying sack of shit. This is a minor thing for others, sure, but accusations of racism based on a lie can be a larger thing for the accused. Then there’s the hypocricy. The likes of Puddy and Klynical tell us repeatedly what wonderful Christians they are and that Christians on the left aren’t really Christians at all, that we’re just Godless heathens. It’s apparent that Puddy doesn’t consider bearing false witness to be a sin. So for Puddy there’s only nine commandments. Or is it eight? Seven? Six? How many other commandments would Puddy toss out in order to score some pathetic point on a leftist blog?
Beck. The whackaloon who programmed Stupes to salivate at the letters SEIU and then pop a vein about SEIU and ACORN being in the same building.
The same Beck who lauded the good care he got from SEIU nurses for his inflamed appendix.
Never in a million years would I waste a second of time watching that loon’s show except to laugh at what a freaking joke he is.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Why Steve? it was a culmination of all of the other comments he wrote about “niggers”. Any peep with a brain knows when you’ve called blacks niggers for the past few days and then makes the “stressful” comment is trying to ruin someone’s feelings.
You are too damn dense to get that because you are white and don’t understand demeaning racial commentary.
Now we know why Andy Stern had 22 visits to the whitey house between Janusry 20, 2009 and July 31, 2009.
@11 Fisher’s statement on the KVI Web site states that today was Kirby’s last show, and that the Laura Ingraham Show will fill that time slot starting next week.
Most likely (1.) it’ll cost them less to run Laura’s syndicated show than they’ve been paying Kirby, or (2.) her show has been pulling more listeners in similar markets than he’s been getting here, or (3.) both.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
You see ylb arschloch, Puddy Remembers while you have moronic memory malady…
“Obama and Clinton both have plans that would change the health insurance landscape in a big (and largely similar) way — most notably, perhaps, by giving everyone the option of buying into Medicare-like insurance. At last night’s debate, Obama said, as he has said before, that his plan and Clinton’s plan are 95% similar.
But the 5% difference — which largely comes down to whether everyone should be mandated to buy health insurance — is getting a lot of attention from the candidates and the press.”
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Peeps may be gravitating to Glenn Beck in the morning. That’s a great thing… There is nothing much else on morning AM Radio except 950 KJR.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
The whackaloon who programmed Stupes to salivate at the letters SEIU and then pop a vein about SEIU and ACORN being in the same building.
It was the fool AKA ylb arschloch who claimed up and down HA Libtardos that Puddy was wrong about the claim having both groups in the same building. When Puddy provided the proof including the street location ylb arschloch next comment was Duuuuuuuuuh!
Nuff Said Sucka
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Watched Ed and Rachel. Mrs Puddy said, “turn that mess off!” Rachel is such an intellectual idiot she didn’t know the US Constitution had a preamble. Ed’s viewership is at the same level as ylb arschloch’s IQ, very low double digits.
Some of the comments complained that Kirby was not republican enough. “Good riddance. He was always a weak pretender.”
Role out the towels, it’s crying time for conservative women.
Sarah Palin writes a book where she blames being unprepared for national office on Katie Couric and John McCain’s staff. She’s a victim, after all! And those news media folks are so mean – except at Fox News, of course.
Carrie Prajean writes another book and goes on three media interviews which all start with the same sentence, about how badly she’s treated in the liberal news media, just like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman.
Of course, if anyone tries to question why she settled her lawsuit with the Miss California orgainization, she claims its covered under a “confidentiality agreement” and such questions are “inappropriate”. She doesn’t want anyone asking questions about the sex tape she made.
In another news conference, she claims she was 17 at the time she made a single tape. Apparantly she hoped that everyone would burn the tapes since it would be a federal crime to possess pornography involving a minor. Problem is, her boyfriend at the time was quickly located, said he received 15 or 20 such tapes from her over a two-year period, and that she was between 19 and 21 when he received the tapes.
23 – Never said that. I was disgusted with your right wing paranoid conspiracy mongering that apparently you got from that freak Beck. How you lie!
21 – Mandates! Shudder while Stupes cuts a check for his “gubmint” mandated car insurance. Solution: single payer.
19 – Wow. Democratic Party politicians holding rallies at union functions. You’d never catch a right winger at one of those – or a corporate luncheon. What a scandal!
I was browsing the right wing tubes the other day and I saw a lot of lunatic wingnuts parroting that Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm stuff. What a silly band wagoneer!
Problem is, her boyfriend at the time was quickly located, said he received 15 or 20 such tapes from her over a two-year period, and that she was between 19 and 21 when he received the tapes.
LMAO!! Stupes is definitely NOT afraid of this “beautiful” woman.
Like any right wing male, I’m sure he can’t wait to meet her!
For Godly purposes of course!
I'm Barney Frank, the world's only Circumcised PIG!spews:
Yes indeed…..just llok at me.
I am Barney Frank, the world’s only circumcised PIG!!
To Mr. Puddy–
Here is one for you Mr. Puddy. Did you know that SEIU stands for:
Enforcers of
Brilliant, huh?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
ylb arschloch, you did say Duuuuuuuuuuuuh!
You didn’t answer when Puddy provided the SEIU=ACORN proof on 9/19/2009.
I'm Barney Frank, the world's only Circumcised PIG!spews:
Since Klynical Idiot has disappeared from the face of the earth, it’s my job to report the ever-increasing popularity of President Obama. Suck on this KlynicalIdiot.
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 28% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -10
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
ylb arschloch, you continue to compare health insurance to car insurance. Stupid as always.
If Puddy decided to not drive a car and ride a bike everywhere, does Puddy have to buy car insurance? Nope you dope! So why does ylb arschloch jock strap Nancy Pelosi’s threat to throw peeps in jail if they don’t buy health insurance? So now it’s a Dummocraptic crime if you breathe without health insurance?
Amazing how Dummocrapts destroy the US Constitution!
Still lying, huh, Puddy? You just can’t stop, can you? Show us where headless “called blacks niggers for the past few days”. You can’t. You really should stop lying, Puddy. It’s quite unseemly, especially for someone who holds his so-called Christian values above those of other Christians. It makes you look like a lying hypocrite. Oh, wait, you are a lying hypocrite. Sorry. My bad.
You didn’t answer when I asked you what ACORN and SEIU were doing in the same building? You refused whining that I was “dissing” your big Google Maps disovery.
If Chevron and Exxon are in the same building is that evidence of anything?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Steve, Puddy was posting headless’s comments from 9/09/05 through 9/16/05. Puddy been posting them slowly…
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/14/05 @ 11:58 pm
Any peep with a brain knows when you’ve called blacks niggers for the past few days and then makes the “stressful” comment is trying to ruin someone’s feelings.
So who’s lying Steve? Another willing suspension of disbelief by Steve!
Because Puddy already provided the proof here moron! You forgot the $900,000+ hijacked by a Rathke! Well you are a moronic memory malady holder. And Puddy doesn’t answer to whatamorons like you!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Steve said
You’re still lying, Puddy. For some reason you just can’t stop. Headless never “called blacks niggers”.
So Steve what is Puddy if Puddy isn’t black?
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/14/05 @ 11:58 pm
What is Colin Powell or Condoleeza Rice if they are not black?
There were those who worked in the fields and those who worked in the house. Those who worked in the house protected their positions and felt above those who worked in the fields. But at the end of the day, they were all property. This is a truth the house niggers sought to deny. But it is a truism that Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice understand every day of their lives.
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/16/05 @ 12:22 am
Headless was, in poor taste, calling you out as a house nigger, apparently out of concern for the blacks he saw you as betraying with your extremist right-wing politics. How is that “calling blacks niggers”? Really, Puddy, do you understand the difference here or do you need me to explain it to you?
I'm Barney Frank, the world's only Circumcised PIG!spews:
Are you tired of the Obama atrocities?
Sign up here:
This list will provide quite a massive group of Conservative/Libertarian activists for the 2010 and 2012 elections I would surmise.
Could be a rough next 3 years for the left-wingers.
@39 Puddy has a rabid fear of gubmint death panels. But just wait until he or one of his loved ones has to appear before a corporate death panel. Will he be good with the death sentence handed down by some health insurance corporation lackey who’s trying to save a buck to go towards the CEO’s golden parachute?
That’s a funny old thread – you’re a true believer in that 8+ billion dollars for ACORN.
You’ll swallow any right wing bullshit that’s fed to you.
Swallow away fiend – you’re boring me..
I'm Barney Frank, the world's only Circumcised PIG!spews:
Mr. Puddy-
It appears white people want to somehow help you understand that you, a hard-working, tax-paying member of Society pursuing the American Dream with your wife and family, …that you Mr. Puddy are a “N*gg*r”.
Isn’t that nice of them??
Dow and the Democrats LIEDspews:
once again we see how hard YLB is searching for work….
posting all day on HA while the wife works to keep the lights and heat on.
Divorce isnt far away….
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
How is that “calling blacks niggers”? Really, Puddy, do you understand the difference here or do you need me to explain it to you?
Steve, you are so dense it’s pathetic…
What is Colin Powell or Condoleeza Rice if they are not black?
There were those who worked in the fields and those who worked in the house. Those who worked in the house protected their positions and felt above those who worked in the fields. But at the end of the day, they were all property. This is a truth the house niggers sought to deny. But it is a truism that Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice understand every day of their lives.
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/16/05 @ 12:22 am
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Such a dunce…
ylb arschloch, you continue to compare health insurance to car insurance. Stupid as always. If Puddy decided to not drive a car and ride a bike everywhere, does Puddy have to buy car insurance? Nope you dope! So why does ylb arschloch jock strap Nancy Pelosi’s threat to throw peeps in jail if they don’t buy health insurance? So now it’s a Dummocraptic crime if you breathe without health insurance?
And this is ylb arschloch’s answer
32 – You bragged about polluting the air yesterday.
Well Congrats fool. You polluted the air while at the same time paying for “gubmint” mandated insurance.
Not only does that answer make no sense but it also says he has no clue!
43 – Steve, those things only happen to other people in Stupes’ universe and it’s ALWAYS because of ACORN, SEIU or whoever right wing ghouls Glenn Beck and Sean Inanity has trained Stupes to go squirrelly over.
Yawwwwn.. He’s boring me – again.
In any case I’m not pleased with the health care mess that’s coming out of the beltway. It’s going to take many more years of hard fighting to get something that really works for people instead of the doctors, hospitals, big pharma and health insurance companies who’ve had it too good for too long.
Makes more sense than your stupid 8 billion for ACORN.
Andy Stern sits on the ACORN advisory board. How scary to the puny mind of a teabagger.
I'm Barney Frank, the world's only Circumcised PIG!spews:
Mr. Puddy fails to understand his place in the Progressive movement. How dare Mr. Puddy question Barrack Hussein Obama and any Progressive. Go to the back of the bus Mr. Puddy and shut up. Your kind isn’t welcome here in Progressive Utopia. Black people MUST all support Progressive Dogma….or you a “N*GG*R”.
Got that Mr. Puddy.
Perhaps the enlighted white Liberals can help you understand this much better Mr. Puddy.
Let’s give them a chance to explain it to you. What I hear them saying is–
Mr. Puddy, you are Black so you should be satisfied with whatever the White Progressives trickle over to you. Where is your gratitude Mr. Puddy? You ungratefulness for the “crumbs” and your desire to live free to pursue and reap the fruits of your labor and risk capital makes you a lowdonw “N*GG*R”!
Understand you place now Mr. Puddy.
Now log off, keep your mouth shut and be a good “N*GG”*R”.
Just as Fox News Channels Sean Hannity ran “fake” video of a recent rally. MSNBC has run fake photos of Sarah Palin…CNN runs fake quotes attributed to Limbaugh.
They are all the same. All or untrustworthy.
@56 He hasn’t proved jack shit.
MSNBC Uses Fake, ‘Sexy’ Photos of Sarah Palin on Air; Will Network Correct and Apologize?
By Scott Whitlock (Bio | Archive)
November 13, 2009 – 13:21 ET
On Friday’s edition of Morning Meeting, host Dylan Ratigan featured fake photos of Sarah Palin during a mocking segment on why Americans are fascinated with the former vice presidential candidate. While listing the show’s top ten reasons, Ratigan showed a doctored photo of Palin’s head on the bikini-clad body of a woman holding a weapon.
It looks like everybody’s fucked up, Rightstuff. The article outing a doctored photo infers that all of the photos were doctored. Not true. The headline and first sentence are misleading.
Right Stuffspews:
Not sure what you mean. You didn’t read far enough. The very next sentence is.,..
“The host never admitted or addressed the fact that his network was passing off counterfeit pictures to his viewers. Earlier in the segment, Ratigan displayed an image of Palin in a short, black mini-skirt. This photo is also not real. MSNBC should immediately apologize for presenting such false information. ”
Hey Steve, you should check this out. Just try not to drool too much with your O.C.D. and fascination for the barnyard. Remember, it is a felony in this State now, so keep your lil pud in your pants. Good luck!
Yep, spoken as a white guy who lives in goat shit!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
56. Headless spews: …and by the way, FUCK YOU Uncle Remus!
I’ll be sure to show this to my bud Remus who works at Boeing. He’ll get a kick out of you headless…
Got goats on the brain? I thought that was just your friends Klynical and Marvin.
I’d stomp all over racism if I saw it, Puddy. But so far I only see it out of the likes of Klynical, Mark and Marvin. And who are you to complain about me, when you sit on your ass ignoring the racism spewed by your very own friends? You can just shut up on any matters concerning racism until the day comes when you grow a spine.
Wrong. Neither HAS a brain.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Puddy still waiting for headless to prove he ain’t white.
Black, white, asian, native american. I’ve seen right wingers in all categories.
If they get off on Limbaugh, Faux News and other right wing bullshit, it’s all the same:
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Why not tell that to their face ylb arschloch instead of sitting on your ASS behind a screen?
Bwaaaaack bwaaaaack!
@57, 60
The photo is an obvious fake and while I didn’t see the news piece it sure looks like it was done in the spirit of parody.
There’s a big difference between parody and trying to pass something fake off as true (never thought I’d have to type that last sentence.).
Ex-Rep. Jefferson (Democrat-La.) gets 13 years in freezer cash case
“Former congressman William J. Jefferson was sentenced to 13 years in prison on Friday for accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes, the longest prison term ever handed down to a member of Congress convicted of corruption charges.”
re 73: Would you consider Romare Bearden to be white or black?
But just because GWB and Co took care of their flunky does NOT mena the Jefferson should not serve his time. We are NOT like the Bush administration. We do NOT use them as an excuse.
That’s what makes us better.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey, remember “maggie” who called me out for referring to “ugly Republican women” whose men fuck goats? Well, I did a Google search for “troll maggie” and found her photo:
“But just because GWB and Co took care of their flunky does NOT mena the Jefferson should not serve his time. We are NOT like the Bush administration. We do NOT use them as an excuse.
That’s what makes us better.”
Ha Ha Ha..Thanks for the laugh
Marc Rich anyone?
Hey who’s that at #16? Something you want to tell us Goldy?
A 10 year old kid has more common sense than grown ups and knows how to be more effective than voting for a referendum on Gay marriage.
How about a referendum vote on whether the issue should be voted for in a referendum?
Whenever there is good news for President Obama, Klynical is silent. Where in the hell is that clown anyway??
Thursday, November 12, 2009
33% of voters say we are headed in the right direction Klynical you idiot.
I’ve asked this of Stupes many times and to my knowledge I’ve yet to receive an answer:
Got anything left in the tank for the “cow on the tracks”?
@2 Hmm, I wonder if Puddy would find it “stressful” to be around Michael Steele 24/7?
I wonder if Puddy would find it “stressful” to be around Sarah Palin 24/7?
With Michael Steele, we’d eat the cookies together and Puddy wouldn’t be illegally checking Mr. Steele’s social security number like Chucky Schumer had two of his operatives do. Wait a minute… Steve forgot about that having moronic memory malady.
Puddy would have Sarah personally sign her book and have a picture taken with her and my wife.
Be sure to watch Glenn Beck tonight. There will be people on his show who are “invisible” to the libtardo MSM. 2:00 Fox News Network. Tape it. Learn something!
SJIN has discovered the secret behind the HA Trolls. The reason for the suckpuppetry and concealed identities .. they are all Swedes!
I hope the GOP never gets rid of Michael Steele.
@9: Michael Steele is the gift that keeps giving. Thank you republican party!
It almost not fair to skewer Steele, it is too darn easy. All he has to do is open his mouth.
That was one funny bit o’ comedy
What’s up with Kirby Wilbur and KVI? Publicola is reporting he was fired rather suddenly.
What a sick man pairing his wife and a power-mad freak in the same photo.
@7 There will be people on his show who are “invisible” to the [marginally liberal] MSM.
What kind of people would that be?
What’s your problem with MSM? MSN is Microsoft’s portal. You mean the people invisible to Microsoft? Linux users?
I’ll watch Glenn Beck if you watch Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddox. Tape them. Learn something!
Maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll get on the crying episodes.
11 – Yawwwwn.. Something with to do with sex I’m sure. Probably Wilbur cornered one too many interns in the office supply closet.
Puddy would never admit that being around a Palin or Steele 24/7 could be “stressful” as that would translate in Puddyese as he “hates Steele” or that he “hates Palin”. You see, headless lucy once wrote that he found being around blacks 24/7 to be “stressful”. For that, Puddy has been lying for years that headless said that he “hates blacks 24/7”. That makes Puddy a lying sack of shit. This is a minor thing for others, sure, but accusations of racism based on a lie can be a larger thing for the accused. Then there’s the hypocricy. The likes of Puddy and Klynical tell us repeatedly what wonderful Christians they are and that Christians on the left aren’t really Christians at all, that we’re just Godless heathens. It’s apparent that Puddy doesn’t consider bearing false witness to be a sin. So for Puddy there’s only nine commandments. Or is it eight? Seven? Six? How many other commandments would Puddy toss out in order to score some pathetic point on a leftist blog?
Beck. The whackaloon who programmed Stupes to salivate at the letters SEIU and then pop a vein about SEIU and ACORN being in the same building.
The same Beck who lauded the good care he got from SEIU nurses for his inflamed appendix.
Never in a million years would I waste a second of time watching that loon’s show except to laugh at what a freaking joke he is.
Why Steve? it was a culmination of all of the other comments he wrote about “niggers”. Any peep with a brain knows when you’ve called blacks niggers for the past few days and then makes the “stressful” comment is trying to ruin someone’s feelings.
You are too damn dense to get that because you are white and don’t understand demeaning racial commentary.
Here is something missed by ylb arschloch about Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and SEIU.
Now we know why Andy Stern had 22 visits to the whitey house between Janusry 20, 2009 and July 31, 2009.
@11 Fisher’s statement on the KVI Web site states that today was Kirby’s last show, and that the Laura Ingraham Show will fill that time slot starting next week.
Most likely (1.) it’ll cost them less to run Laura’s syndicated show than they’ve been paying Kirby, or (2.) her show has been pulling more listeners in similar markets than he’s been getting here, or (3.) both.
You see ylb arschloch, Puddy Remembers while you have moronic memory malady…
“Obama and Clinton both have plans that would change the health insurance landscape in a big (and largely similar) way — most notably, perhaps, by giving everyone the option of buying into Medicare-like insurance. At last night’s debate, Obama said, as he has said before, that his plan and Clinton’s plan are 95% similar.
But the 5% difference — which largely comes down to whether everyone should be mandated to buy health insurance — is getting a lot of attention from the candidates and the press.”
Peeps may be gravitating to Glenn Beck in the morning. That’s a great thing… There is nothing much else on morning AM Radio except 950 KJR.
It was the fool AKA ylb arschloch who claimed up and down HA Libtardos that Puddy was wrong about the claim having both groups in the same building. When Puddy provided the proof including the street location ylb arschloch next comment was Duuuuuuuuuh!
Nuff Said Sucka
Watched Ed and Rachel. Mrs Puddy said, “turn that mess off!” Rachel is such an intellectual idiot she didn’t know the US Constitution had a preamble. Ed’s viewership is at the same level as ylb arschloch’s IQ, very low double digits.
Lots of discussion over at blatherwatch on Kirby
Now if they would just can Dori.
Some of the comments complained that Kirby was not republican enough. “Good riddance. He was always a weak pretender.”
Role out the towels, it’s crying time for conservative women.
Sarah Palin writes a book where she blames being unprepared for national office on Katie Couric and John McCain’s staff. She’s a victim, after all! And those news media folks are so mean – except at Fox News, of course.
Carrie Prajean writes another book and goes on three media interviews which all start with the same sentence, about how badly she’s treated in the liberal news media, just like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman.
Of course, if anyone tries to question why she settled her lawsuit with the Miss California orgainization, she claims its covered under a “confidentiality agreement” and such questions are “inappropriate”. She doesn’t want anyone asking questions about the sex tape she made.
In another news conference, she claims she was 17 at the time she made a single tape. Apparantly she hoped that everyone would burn the tapes since it would be a federal crime to possess pornography involving a minor. Problem is, her boyfriend at the time was quickly located, said he received 15 or 20 such tapes from her over a two-year period, and that she was between 19 and 21 when he received the tapes.
23 – Never said that. I was disgusted with your right wing paranoid conspiracy mongering that apparently you got from that freak Beck. How you lie!
21 – Mandates! Shudder while Stupes cuts a check for his “gubmint” mandated car insurance. Solution: single payer.
19 – Wow. Democratic Party politicians holding rallies at union functions. You’d never catch a right winger at one of those – or a corporate luncheon. What a scandal!
I was browsing the right wing tubes the other day and I saw a lot of lunatic wingnuts parroting that Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm stuff. What a silly band wagoneer!
LMAO!! Stupes is definitely NOT afraid of this “beautiful” woman.
Like any right wing male, I’m sure he can’t wait to meet her!
For Godly purposes of course!
Yes indeed…..just llok at me.
I am Barney Frank, the world’s only circumcised PIG!!
To Mr. Puddy–
Here is one for you Mr. Puddy. Did you know that SEIU stands for:
Enforcers of
Brilliant, huh?
ylb arschloch, you did say Duuuuuuuuuuuuh!
You didn’t answer when Puddy provided the SEIU=ACORN proof on 9/19/2009.
Since Klynical Idiot has disappeared from the face of the earth, it’s my job to report the ever-increasing popularity of President Obama. Suck on this KlynicalIdiot.
Friday, November 13, 2009
ylb arschloch, you continue to compare health insurance to car insurance. Stupid as always.
If Puddy decided to not drive a car and ride a bike everywhere, does Puddy have to buy car insurance? Nope you dope! So why does ylb arschloch jock strap Nancy Pelosi’s threat to throw peeps in jail if they don’t buy health insurance? So now it’s a Dummocraptic crime if you breathe without health insurance?
Amazing how Dummocrapts destroy the US Constitution!
Still lying, huh, Puddy? You just can’t stop, can you? Show us where headless “called blacks niggers for the past few days”. You can’t. You really should stop lying, Puddy. It’s quite unseemly, especially for someone who holds his so-called Christian values above those of other Christians. It makes you look like a lying hypocrite. Oh, wait, you are a lying hypocrite. Sorry. My bad.
@27 “How you lie!”
Answer to whackaloon paranoia? What’s the point?
You didn’t answer when I asked you what ACORN and SEIU were doing in the same building? You refused whining that I was “dissing” your big Google Maps disovery.
If Chevron and Exxon are in the same building is that evidence of anything?
Steve, Puddy was posting headless’s comments from 9/09/05 through 9/16/05. Puddy been posting them slowly…
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/14/05 @ 11:58 pm
So who’s lying Steve? Another willing suspension of disbelief by Steve!
What a moron!
ylb arschloch@25,
Because Puddy already provided the proof here moron! You forgot the $900,000+ hijacked by a Rathke! Well you are a moronic memory malady holder. And Puddy doesn’t answer to whatamorons like you!
Steve said
So Steve what is Puddy if Puddy isn’t black?
What is Colin Powell or Condoleeza Rice if they are not black?
Keep digging your “grave” Steve!
32 – You bragged about polluting the air yesterday.
Well Congrats fool. You polluted the air while at the same time paying for “gubmint” mandated insurance.
Hope you had fun.
Support single payer if you don’t like health insurance mandates – it’s a better system.
Fiend @ 37
Both of those links talk about ACORN.
You’re so fucked up in the head it’s pathetic.
Headless was, in poor taste, calling you out as a house nigger, apparently out of concern for the blacks he saw you as betraying with your extremist right-wing politics. How is that “calling blacks niggers”? Really, Puddy, do you understand the difference here or do you need me to explain it to you?
Are you tired of the Obama atrocities?
Sign up here:
This list will provide quite a massive group of Conservative/Libertarian activists for the 2010 and 2012 elections I would surmise.
Could be a rough next 3 years for the left-wingers.
@39 Puddy has a rabid fear of gubmint death panels. But just wait until he or one of his loved ones has to appear before a corporate death panel. Will he be good with the death sentence handed down by some health insurance corporation lackey who’s trying to save a buck to go towards the CEO’s golden parachute?
Hey Stupes,
That’s a funny old thread – you’re a true believer in that 8+ billion dollars for ACORN.
You’ll swallow any right wing bullshit that’s fed to you.
Swallow away fiend – you’re boring me..
Mr. Puddy-
It appears white people want to somehow help you understand that you, a hard-working, tax-paying member of Society pursuing the American Dream with your wife and family, …that you Mr. Puddy are a “N*gg*r”.
Isn’t that nice of them??
once again we see how hard YLB is searching for work….
posting all day on HA while the wife works to keep the lights and heat on.
Divorce isnt far away….
Steve, you are so dense it’s pathetic…
What is Colin Powell or Condoleeza Rice if they are not black?
Such a dunce…
And this is ylb arschloch’s answer
Not only does that answer make no sense but it also says he has no clue!
43 – Steve, those things only happen to other people in Stupes’ universe and it’s ALWAYS because of ACORN, SEIU or whoever right wing ghouls Glenn Beck and Sean Inanity has trained Stupes to go squirrelly over.
Yawwwwn.. He’s boring me – again.
In any case I’m not pleased with the health care mess that’s coming out of the beltway. It’s going to take many more years of hard fighting to get something that really works for people instead of the doctors, hospitals, big pharma and health insurance companies who’ve had it too good for too long.
Makes more sense than your stupid 8 billion for ACORN.
Andy Stern sits on the ACORN advisory board. How scary to the puny mind of a teabagger.
Mr. Puddy fails to understand his place in the Progressive movement. How dare Mr. Puddy question Barrack Hussein Obama and any Progressive. Go to the back of the bus Mr. Puddy and shut up. Your kind isn’t welcome here in Progressive Utopia. Black people MUST all support Progressive Dogma….or you a “N*GG*R”.
Got that Mr. Puddy.
Perhaps the enlighted white Liberals can help you understand this much better Mr. Puddy.
Let’s give them a chance to explain it to you. What I hear them saying is–
Mr. Puddy, you are Black so you should be satisfied with whatever the White Progressives trickle over to you. Where is your gratitude Mr. Puddy? You ungratefulness for the “crumbs” and your desire to live free to pursue and reap the fruits of your labor and risk capital makes you a lowdonw “N*GG*R”!
Understand you place now Mr. Puddy.
Now log off, keep your mouth shut and be a good “N*GG”*R”.
You’re trying to scare me (who is this) sue/daves/jon/…?
I’ll be here for the next right wing defeat. Suzie Hutchison? That was good one! Dino Rossi? Totally sweet! More like that! I love right wing defeats!
I’ll be here. Count on it.
How right wing are these guys?
What a bunch of winners! Hard working!
Puddy is a Swede? I question that….the accent is wrong.
re 47: PuddWaxx conveniently forgets to mention that he is not the only black person who comments on these threads.
That being the case, my comments to him are more in the nature of chiding a dense but brutal child.
Let’s not forget that frequent name calling and mudslinging are not activities to which the Waxxster is a stranger.
PuddWaxx is not offended by anything that I’ve ever said. He just uses the victim/racism card as a way to deflect.
…and by the way, FUCK YOU Uncle Remus!
This statement will show up at some later point when Waxx is trying to deflect and ‘prove’ that I am a racist.
Just as Fox News Channels Sean Hannity ran “fake” video of a recent rally. MSNBC has run fake photos of Sarah Palin…CNN runs fake quotes attributed to Limbaugh.
They are all the same. All or untrustworthy.
@56 He hasn’t proved jack shit.
It looks like everybody’s fucked up, Rightstuff. The article outing a doctored photo infers that all of the photos were doctored. Not true. The headline and first sentence are misleading.
Not sure what you mean. You didn’t read far enough. The very next sentence is.,..
“The host never admitted or addressed the fact that his network was passing off counterfeit pictures to his viewers. Earlier in the segment, Ratigan displayed an image of Palin in a short, black mini-skirt. This photo is also not real. MSNBC should immediately apologize for presenting such false information. ”
More than one photo = photos
I understand you like to read TPM from time to time.
So do I.
Nothing more fun than to see right wing freaks eat each other.
You are correct, Rightstuff. My mistake.
@61 I see that the wingnuts are getting “Fired up for freedom!”
Hey Steve, you should check this out. Just try not to drool too much with your O.C.D. and fascination for the barnyard. Remember, it is a felony in this State now, so keep your lil pud in your pants. Good luck!
Hey ylb arschloch,
One of your relatives? Another left eye porn guy!
Only in liberal land does this happen…
“Spitzer Speaks at Harvard Ethics Forum”
Yep, spoken as a white guy who lives in goat shit!
I’ll be sure to show this to my bud Remus who works at Boeing. He’ll get a kick out of you headless…
Got goats on the brain? I thought that was just your friends Klynical and Marvin.
I’d stomp all over racism if I saw it, Puddy. But so far I only see it out of the likes of Klynical, Mark and Marvin. And who are you to complain about me, when you sit on your ass ignoring the racism spewed by your very own friends? You can just shut up on any matters concerning racism until the day comes when you grow a spine.
Wrong. Neither HAS a brain.
Puddy still waiting for headless to prove he ain’t white.
Show up at a DL and show yourself fool!
Spine Steve? From you?
Great Glenn Beck show. Black conservatives…
Who knew?
Black, white, asian, native american. I’ve seen right wingers in all categories.
If they get off on Limbaugh, Faux News and other right wing bullshit, it’s all the same:
Why not tell that to their face ylb arschloch instead of sitting on your ASS behind a screen?
Bwaaaaack bwaaaaack!
@57, 60
The photo is an obvious fake and while I didn’t see the news piece it sure looks like it was done in the spirit of parody.
There’s a big difference between parody and trying to pass something fake off as true (never thought I’d have to type that last sentence.).
Ex-Rep. Jefferson (Democrat-La.) gets 13 years in freezer cash case
“Former congressman William J. Jefferson was sentenced to 13 years in prison on Friday for accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes, the longest prison term ever handed down to a member of Congress convicted of corruption charges.”
re 78: An interesting addendum to that is that all Republican congressmen were against the FBI searching Jefferson’s office. I Wonder why?
Scooter Libby and treason = 2 years — no time served.
Jefferson and bribery = 13 years.
Seems we have some officials who must obey the rules and a separate class that don’t.
re 73: Would you consider Romare Bearden to be white or black?
But just because GWB and Co took care of their flunky does NOT mena the Jefferson should not serve his time. We are NOT like the Bush administration. We do NOT use them as an excuse.
That’s what makes us better.
Hey, remember “maggie” who called me out for referring to “ugly Republican women” whose men fuck goats? Well, I did a Google search for “troll maggie” and found her photo:
“But just because GWB and Co took care of their flunky does NOT mena the Jefferson should not serve his time. We are NOT like the Bush administration. We do NOT use them as an excuse.
That’s what makes us better.”
Ha Ha Ha..Thanks for the laugh
Marc Rich anyone?
Hey who’s that at #16? Something you want to tell us Goldy?
83 – IIRC, maggie was outed by Darryl as a sockpuppet for a troll with many names: sue, daves, jon and others.