Country’s going bonkers. Meantime, the police are shutting down the bus system for the procession for their fallen comrade, and unemployment is up to 10%. Paul Krugman points out that it’s still the economy, stupid, and says a public option for the stimulus plan, aka WPA, might be a good idea.
I think we are on track for 1932 in 2012. Palin for President! Croak!
Roger Rabbitspews:
CBS News has upgraded the casualty list from this morning’s mass shooting in Orlando, Florida to 2 dead.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That should be “updated” not “upgraded.”
This blog needs an edit function — one that works.
At least 20 office workers are still trapped and barricaded inside the Orlando building as police conduct a floor-by-floor search for a male shooter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 I don’t even see an edit button. As for browser incompatibility, I use AOL which isn’t compatible with anything, not even itself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 You think Palin would make anything better? That’s satire, right? That would be like hiring a first grader to run Boeing or GM. Oh wait — we already have first graders running Boeing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 The name sounds Cuban to me, and practically all Cubans are Catholics, practically all Catholics are former altar boys who were sexually molested by priests, and practically all sexually molested Cuban ex-altar boys are Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Re 11: “(AP) His name had barely been released, his heritage and history not immediately known, but the reaction was fast and furious. …
“‘The name tells us a lot, does it not, senator?’ Fox News’s Shep Smith said while interviewing Kay Bailey Hutchison, a Texas senator.”
@9,10: Palin would feed us corvids very well. Irony. Right.
AOL’s browser is way out of date & probably doesn’t support the very nice editing facility. However, you can start your connection with AOL & use another browser once you’re on the internet. What kind of system are you using? Can you run a current version of Firefox?
Daddy Lovespews:
If he’s Cuban (and we can just assume he is, because why wait for the facts?), then this should be investigated as a terrorist attack by Castro. There’s at least as much reason to do that as there is in Fort Hood.
Daddy Lovespews:
BTW, watch that video of Jon Stewart’s brilliant parody of Glenn Beck. It’s long but masterful and knee-slapping.
i am sexy plz send massege.
Jason Rodriguez! Holy crap. A Mexican….and definitely/probably a Catholic. This points to a Mexo-catholic terrorist organization on the rise. And what the hell are the Libruls doing about our security?! Calling the ACLU?? Preparing indictments?!?
This won’t happen post 2012 when Sarah’s in the ovary office.
Oval office, sorry.
Yet another healthcare horror story involving some malpractice.
This time the story happens to an RN. You’d think they, working for a hospital, could get decent care.
And these right wing freaks want to cap lawyers at the knees. Great system we have. Best in the world.
@15 I just watched that! Fucking hilarious!
If this parody doesn’t take that lunatic Beck down I don’t know what will.
Freaking brilliant.
I kept cracking up at that Che Guevara in the lower right of the blackboard. I mean Stewart is doing Beck going nutso in the foreground and Che is kind of floating there in the background as the typical right wing boogieman.
23 Can you imagine if Acorn was BIAW? The outrage.
OL’s browser is way out of date & probably doesn’t support the very nice editing facility. However, you can start your connection with AOL & use another browser once you’re on the internet. What kind of system are you using? Can you run a current version of Firefox?
Uhm…..Rabbits and foxes are also not compatible.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Police Shoot Suspect In Seattle Cop’s Death
KIRO 7 News and KPCQ Fox 13 are giving live TV coverage of a massive police response in Tukwila, where a suspect has been shot by police at a Tukwila apartment building. The TV stations are saying this was the suspect in last week’s murder of a Seattle police officer. No word on whether the suspect is dead or alive, but he was gunned down by a SWAT team as he came out firing. The car they’re looking for in the Seattle police officer’s death is at the apartment building.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It appears a tip led police to a suspect in last week’s murder of a Seattle police officer, and the suspect’s car has been found, and the suspect has been shot by police. There are dozens of police officers on the scene.
Update: The suspect is at Harborview. Reports originating from unnamed police sources say police were serving a search warrent at the suspect’s apartment when the suspect fired at officers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 The situation is a bit confused but apparently the police knew who they were looking for, and when they went to Tukwila to serve a warrant, one individual came out shooting. He’s been shot and was alive when loaded into an ambulance on a stretcher. He’s been taken to Harborview. A second person has been arrested at a bus stop. Police sources indicate a 3rd person has been detained. Officers with drawn guns are still searching the apartment building.
Disband Public Education – Socialism at it’s best. Parents should be responsible to home school their kids or find and pay for their schooling on their dime…Why am I paying for it? 85% of my local taxes goes towards public education, but I have no kids. Why am I paying for your kids education? Conservatives are hypocrites – go find you own education. This comment is being made at 8:12pm Eastern Time Friday Night, due to my comments being moderated you will probably not get it until Sunday evening, thanks probably to Darryl. Why this posting has to be moderated, I have no idea.
But let’s disband public education, kids are failing the grades anyways. All they care about today is who won the game or how’s tit looks better.
So know my comments don’t even post, nice, you people are really cruel Nazi’s. What are you so afraid of? The truth? HorsesAss.Com, where your comments will be delted. What bull shit.
Douch Bag saus what?spews:
Why the deletion of comments…you people are Nazi’s. If I have to drive to all 50 sates and post anonymously, I will and I will let everyone know that you are censoring my comments.
Douch Bag saus what?spews:
Censorship lives.
Douch Bag saus what?spews:, where your comments will be censored.
Douch Bag saus what?spews:
Being censored again.
You know who. But I can’t say otherwise the comment will be deleted.
Things just keep getting worse for stoner Lee and his pals….cough, hack, dude! Whoa!
“Why this posting has to be moderated, I have no idea.”
It isn’t about this particular comment. ALL of your comments are currently held for moderation. Those that fall within the comment policy are released as soon as a moderator notices; those that don’t will be deleted.
When we are confident that you understand and are willing to comment within the policy, you’ll regain full commenting privileges.
Don’t like it? Tough shit! There are millions of other blogs you can comment on.
MSNBC now reports there’s at least 1 death in this morning’s mass shooting in Orlando, Florida.
Quick, to what religion does the shooter belong? I need to know who to blame.
@2 My early guess would be Christofacist Fundamentalism, but stand by for further reports.
Country’s going bonkers. Meantime, the police are shutting down the bus system for the procession for their fallen comrade, and unemployment is up to 10%. Paul Krugman points out that it’s still the economy, stupid, and says a public option for the stimulus plan, aka WPA, might be a good idea.
I think we are on track for 1932 in 2012. Palin for President! Croak!
CBS News has upgraded the casualty list from this morning’s mass shooting in Orlando, Florida to 2 dead.
That should be “updated” not “upgraded.”
This blog needs an edit function — one that works.
RR, works for me–just edited this post. I wonder if you have a browser incompatibility.
Best coverage so far, the local television station, WESH.
A suspect has been named, a Mr. Jason Rodriguez.
At least 20 office workers are still trapped and barricaded inside the Orlando building as police conduct a floor-by-floor search for a male shooter.
@7 I don’t even see an edit button. As for browser incompatibility, I use AOL which isn’t compatible with anything, not even itself.
@4 You think Palin would make anything better? That’s satire, right? That would be like hiring a first grader to run Boeing or GM. Oh wait — we already have first graders running Boeing.
@7 The name sounds Cuban to me, and practically all Cubans are Catholics, practically all Catholics are former altar boys who were sexually molested by priests, and practically all sexually molested Cuban ex-altar boys are Republicans.
Re 11: “(AP) His name had barely been released, his heritage and history not immediately known, but the reaction was fast and furious. …
“‘The name tells us a lot, does it not, senator?’ Fox News’s Shep Smith said while interviewing Kay Bailey Hutchison, a Texas senator.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, if Fox News can do it, why can’t I?
@9,10: Palin would feed us corvids very well. Irony. Right.
AOL’s browser is way out of date & probably doesn’t support the very nice editing facility. However, you can start your connection with AOL & use another browser once you’re on the internet. What kind of system are you using? Can you run a current version of Firefox?
If he’s Cuban (and we can just assume he is, because why wait for the facts?), then this should be investigated as a terrorist attack by Castro. There’s at least as much reason to do that as there is in Fort Hood.
BTW, watch that video of Jon Stewart’s brilliant parody of Glenn Beck. It’s long but masterful and knee-slapping.
i am sexy plz send massege.
Jason Rodriguez! Holy crap. A Mexican….and definitely/probably a Catholic. This points to a Mexo-catholic terrorist organization on the rise. And what the hell are the Libruls doing about our security?! Calling the ACLU?? Preparing indictments?!?
This won’t happen post 2012 when Sarah’s in the ovary office.
Oval office, sorry.
Yet another healthcare horror story involving some malpractice.
This time the story happens to an RN. You’d think they, working for a hospital, could get decent care.
And these right wing freaks want to cap lawyers at the knees. Great system we have. Best in the world.
@15 I just watched that! Fucking hilarious!
If this parody doesn’t take that lunatic Beck down I don’t know what will.
Freaking brilliant.
I kept cracking up at that Che Guevara in the lower right of the blackboard. I mean Stewart is doing Beck going nutso in the foreground and Che is kind of floating there in the background as the typical right wing boogieman.
Too funny.
Steve King (R – Nutcake)
What a “patriot”.
Here we go again.
When will it stop?
When ACORN is no more.
Read & weep KLOWNS.
How many times can you defend the most corrupt organization in America?,2933,572706,00.html
23 Can you imagine if Acorn was BIAW? The outrage.
Uhm…..Rabbits and foxes are also not compatible.
Police Shoot Suspect In Seattle Cop’s Death
KIRO 7 News and KPCQ Fox 13 are giving live TV coverage of a massive police response in Tukwila, where a suspect has been shot by police at a Tukwila apartment building. The TV stations are saying this was the suspect in last week’s murder of a Seattle police officer. No word on whether the suspect is dead or alive, but he was gunned down by a SWAT team as he came out firing. The car they’re looking for in the Seattle police officer’s death is at the apartment building.
It appears a tip led police to a suspect in last week’s murder of a Seattle police officer, and the suspect’s car has been found, and the suspect has been shot by police. There are dozens of police officers on the scene.
Update: The suspect is at Harborview. Reports originating from unnamed police sources say police were serving a search warrent at the suspect’s apartment when the suspect fired at officers.
@28 The situation is a bit confused but apparently the police knew who they were looking for, and when they went to Tukwila to serve a warrant, one individual came out shooting. He’s been shot and was alive when loaded into an ambulance on a stretcher. He’s been taken to Harborview. A second person has been arrested at a bus stop. Police sources indicate a 3rd person has been detained. Officers with drawn guns are still searching the apartment building.
Mr. Cynical@23: what, the New Orleans PD?
Disband Public Education – Socialism at it’s best. Parents should be responsible to home school their kids or find and pay for their schooling on their dime…Why am I paying for it? 85% of my local taxes goes towards public education, but I have no kids. Why am I paying for your kids education? Conservatives are hypocrites – go find you own education. This comment is being made at 8:12pm Eastern Time Friday Night, due to my comments being moderated you will probably not get it until Sunday evening, thanks probably to Darryl. Why this posting has to be moderated, I have no idea.
But let’s disband public education, kids are failing the grades anyways. All they care about today is who won the game or how’s tit looks better.
So know my comments don’t even post, nice, you people are really cruel Nazi’s. What are you so afraid of? The truth? HorsesAss.Com, where your comments will be delted. What bull shit.
Why the deletion of comments…you people are Nazi’s. If I have to drive to all 50 sates and post anonymously, I will and I will let everyone know that you are censoring my comments.
Censorship lives., where your comments will be censored.
Being censored again.
You know who. But I can’t say otherwise the comment will be deleted.
Things just keep getting worse for stoner Lee and his pals….cough, hack, dude! Whoa!
Here’s a real smart cookie:
Gman @ 31
“Why this posting has to be moderated, I have no idea.”
It isn’t about this particular comment. ALL of your comments are currently held for moderation. Those that fall within the comment policy are released as soon as a moderator notices; those that don’t will be deleted.
When we are confident that you understand and are willing to comment within the policy, you’ll regain full commenting privileges.
Don’t like it? Tough shit! There are millions of other blogs you can comment on.