It was Hutchison who needed to effectively go negative if she had a hope of winning this race, and yet it is Constantine who has come up with the most devastatingly effective ad. I guess that’s because there are more truly negative things to say about Hutchison than about Constantine.
Fucking TVW… they’re playing their takedown notice game again, so I had to replace the YouTube video with one from Vimeo. More on this later.
Great ad. Should tell people all they need to know about Suzie Hutchison – waaaaaaay out of the mainstream.
YES on R-71
NO on I-1033
Vote Dow Constantine for King County Executive.
Send in your ballot today!
Great ad. It would be so satisfying to see KC utterly reject this wingnut stealth candidate. Sad, what the Washington State Republicans have come to, denying their brand and trying to sneak into office as something they’re not. Begone with the lot of them.
So much for the Obama Admin. being soft on terrorism.
This is a pretty devastating ad. I don’t know much about political campaigns, but I hope this ad isn’t too late.
This is a bunch of filthy lies about a great group of people.
Plz read http://washingtonpolicyblog.ty.....enter.html and http://washingtonpolicyblog.ty.....sizes.html as able for balance.
Yes, I donate to the WPC & have two friends who work there. Also yes, I like lite rail.
Another sex scandal. Another Republican. And in South Carolina.
What are the odds? 9,999 in 10,000.
The surprise of the story. He wasn’t a pedophile.
Yeah, he’s 66 and she is an 18 year old stripper.
Oh, and he kept sex toys in his car “just in case” according to the police report.
I’ll bet Limbaugh will some how make it Obama’s fault.
So much for the moral majority shit.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
3rd quarter GDP grew by 3.5%.
1st quarter GDP “W” left us, -6.4%.
That’s about a 10% GDP growth change in 6 months.
The political ads of 2010 will rightly remind us that every single Republican stood against the Stimulus package and stood against America’s recovery.
What’s bad for America is good for Republicans.
RealClear Politics shows Corzine +2…even with Rasmussen factored in.
Let’s see who is closest.
1 more poll before election tally results I believe.
In Virginia, ALL the polls have McDonnell crushing Deeds by double-digits @ 15.2.
Rasmussen is actually only at +13.
You’re back…and shallow as ever I see.
I love Obama the LIAR.
Just wait until the numbers are fully vetted.
Oh, and just to remind everyone about my prediction of the GOP going the way of the Whig Party, look no farther than the political in fighting for the congressional seat in up state New York where Palin and Newt are splitting the conservative movement.
All the Dems need between now and July/Aug 2010 is for the unemployment rate to drop to 7.5%. Then, the Dem majority will grow by 2 seats, at least, in the Senate and a few more seats in the House.
Mid term elections are the year the opposition party is supposed to pick up seats. in 2010 the Republicans will fall short.
This will cause even more bitter infighting.
Come 2012, when Pres. Obama wins reelection, and the Dems still control both houses of congress, we’ll be taking about the “new” independent conservative party movement that will split the GOP.
You can only remain an opposition party and not the governing party with 20-30% of the vote.
Conservatives, on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of traditional American Values.
The PEOPLE have spoken and they have rejected the Reagan Republican philosophy of governance.
The death of the Reagan Republicans, and idea whose time has come, albeit, a bit late.
Mr. C.
What’s this rumor I hear you’re a retired school teacher?
Any truth to that?
GBS at 13
He taught home economics and typing.
13. GBS spews:
Negative…all though I have a high regard for teachers in general. Despite the Bureaucratic goo, many of them are in it for the right reason and effective despite lack of Administrative support on discipline and irresponsible parents.
Most teachers are ANGELS!
14. proud leftist spews:
I’ve tried to teach you how to make money pl.
You are gutless and retarded.
GBS spews:
Obama is great at making numbers up GBS. Actually, when you look at UNDEREMPLOYED numbers, the current rate is way over 16%.
You want 7.5%…damn the facts, Obama will give you 7.5%!!
Obama’s chronic lying is getting old.
He lied about Kash for Klunkers, Jobs created/saved by Stimulous, cost of New Buyer home credits…the list goes on & on.
Lying about Unemployment will be easy for Obama.
If a Democrat State like NJ elects a Republican Governer and if Virginia also elects a Republican by double-digits…you don’t see any cause for concern GBS??
Good, dumb & happy. Your special comfort zone.
Quote of the Year–
Newt is fantastic!
@6 You don’t have to go clear across the country for a sex scandal.
Dow Constantine has one closer to home. Apparently, he got a little touchy-feely with a staffer and she filed a complaint. Which got Keith Ervin from the Times a TRO for trying to investigate the public documents.
The staffer either didn’t want her name dragged through the mud or Dow paid off well enough that she had a shyster file the TRO.
Cyn @ 16: “You are gutless and retarded.”
Please be politically correct when you address me. You should have said, “You lack courage and are developmentally delayed.”
Newt. Newt. He’s the guy who committed adultery, filed for divorce and then told his wife about it while she lay in a hospital bed fighting for her life against cancer.
Yeah, I guess you’d think he is fantastic.
A Schrammie For Boeing …
… and troll idiots who blame the union:
“I don’t think Boeing was ever really serious about staying. For example, … the … announcement was made yesterday. Today, Boeing says it’ll be digging into the South Carolina dirt next week. The company plans to have the Charleston assembly site up and running in about a year.
“That tells me the architectural drawings have been long completed; contractors have already been hired; cement and steel already ordered. …
“As far as blaming the machinists union …, I think that’s totally bogus. The union was more than willing to make huge concessions, including an agreement of 10 years or more of strike-free labor here.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Say what??? The union AGREED TO BOEING’S TERMS but the company moved 787 production anyway? And construction starts NEXT WEEK??? What this should tell any sentient intelligent organic being is that NOTHING THE UNION, GOVERNOR, OR DOW CONSTANTINE COULD HAVE DONE would have changed this decision. Hell, they started worked on that South Carolina plant at least a couple years ago.
Sorry. Meant Goldstein’s Fall Pledge Drive. Remember, trolls: Every hit of HA you take helps Goldy rake it in.
And Sarah Palin’s book? The one Goldy is pimping on the left side of his homepage? God only knows how much Goldy Moneybags Goldstein skims off the street price of every copy we buy.
This Goldstein person is such a shameless greedhead that he deserves his own Obama czar to administer a well-deserved smackdown. To say nothing of an excess profit tax to pay for the public option.
@18 Newt who? The slimeball who was run out of Congress on corruption charges?
Not Your Average Family Wage Job
$14 an hour is $2,000 a year above the federal poverty guidelines for a South Carolina family of four.
That may be a good wage in South Carolina, but in the civilized parts of this country, a 14-buck-an-hour job is what most people would take while they’re looking for something else.
I mean $28,000 a year? Who the fuck are they kidding? That’s textile mill wages — if you can still find a textile mill that hasn’t packed its jobs off to China.
20. Ekim spews:
You must be thinking about Johnny Edwards…Democrat Candidate for V-P with John Kerry and pathetic, ambulance-chasing DEMOCRAT Presidential candidate.
The Union DID NOT agree to Boeing’s terms you KLOWN.
According to Seattle Times, here are the “showstoppers”
The Times article has a lot of Union Leader posturing and demonizing…it shows the level of angst towards Boeing.
It says it all after loooooooong negotiating.
Now it appears the Union is crying over spilled milk. They took a shot…and lost.
Time to move forward and find other ways to grow the Puget Sound economy.
22. Day 1,293 of KUOW’s Fall Pledge Drive spews:
12 HA Regulars posting hundreds of posts yields little profit. Besides, don’t you feel kind of warm inside knowing Goldy is a true Capitalist??! Not a very successful one….but at least he is trying.
He takes money from wherever he can.
If his Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbat’s don’t like Goldy profiteering from pushing right-wing agenda’s…TOUGH!
They are Goldy’s USEFUL IDIOTS!
Cable News Network Ratings 10/27/09–
Read & Weep KLOWNS–
Look at Beck…over 3 million!
“Look at Beck…over 3 million!”
So what?
I love GOP sex scandals because they (the scandals) are so pathetic and desperate.
12 GBS
That’s not bloody likely to happen.
But the GOP will make few if any gains.
Turns out that the House health insurance reform bill wiil reduce the federal deficit by $104 billion over ten years. CBO numbers have not yet been released, but this is insider stuff from Jerrold Nadler.
Republicans are lying idiots. But that goes without saying.
Suzie’s Lying Ad
Just saw a Hutchison ad on TV. She criticized Dow for, among other items, closing parks. WTF?! Keeping parks open takes MONEY which comes from TAXES and Suzie is a rightwing Republican running on an anti-tax platform (she wants to balance the county budget by eliminating health benefits for county workers, which is why Reagan Dunn is the only county employee who donated to her campaign). So what gives? I’m forced to conclude this ad is a FUCKING LIE.
She reminds me of what George Will said about Nixon: “His lies are so petty and demeaning you wonder why he stoops to it.”
@15 “Most teachers are ANGELS!”
That’s true; they starved to death on Republican wages. Pretty soon most Boeing workers will be angels, too.
@16 What you do isn’t “making” money, it’s leeching money, just like I do.
@16 (continued) The difference between you and me is that I don’t pretend there’s anything honorable or productive about it.
@17 Hey, well, that Republican ex-legislator getting caught in a cemetery with a stripper and sex toys in his car makes good reading, anyway! (See @6 above)
They’ve been pulling down everything they could possibly lay claim to. Some friends had posted a renegade ad–student made–that included less than one minute of Hutchison as the lead in to a critique and parody. It got pulled by TVW. So did recent footage of her introducing Reagonomist Steve Moore so that he could cheer for Fox News and Teabaggers as the guardians of freedom. See “Kids Censored by Religious Right .
@26 “The Union DID NOT agree to Boeing’s terms you KLOWN.”
Schram says they did. I’ll believe him before I’ll believe you.
“The union had asked for a commitment to put future work here in exchange for a long-term no-strike commitment through 2020.”
By your own fucking quote in your own fucking comment the union offered Boeing a 10-year no-strike commitment!
Of course, a close reading reveals what Boeing really wanted: A 10-year no-strike agreement and the union’s agreement that the company could oppose union organizing IN RETURN FOR NOTHING. That isn’t bargaining; that’s dictating. In fact, it’s pretty goddam obvious the company deliberately presented IAM with terms it couldn’t possibly accept because BOEING HAD ALREADY DECIDED TO BUILD THE PLANT IN SOUTH CAROLINA.
You’re confusing market consolidation with market growth. Look at how many places those who don’t want a conservative spin on their TV watching can go verses those who do.
What counts is how many people you get elected and how much legislation they get passed. How’s that working out for you?
The Right likes to complain that CNN, CNBC and MSNBC (correctly on MSNBC) have a liberal bias. Look at the
Nielsen Cable Network Coverage Estimates from the page you linked to.
Looks to me like a lot more people are watching the liberal media than the rightie version.
@39 Nice Daily Kos coverage there, Valerie. I can see what they’re up to, pulling these videos and the 10 days or so to review for fair use, but by then the election being over. Clever. Clearly, Republicans understand that their brand is so tarnished, so foul, that the only way to compete is by stealth. She presents herself as something she’s not, but as you can see, the HA trolls here got the message, as would most King County wingnuts. She’s with them all the way. They struggle to sing any praise as she has accomplished nothing, but they do know a useful stooge when they see one.
Oh no…now Norm Dicks is in the cesspool with the scuzzball John Murtha–
From the Washington Post–
5 Dems and 2 Republicans.
Here’s Puddy’s Republican Health Care Initiative…carefully crafted by the leaddership of the Republican Party.
I guarantee you it’s gonna be a beaut. Someday.
Wow, my congressman is corrupt! That’s a shocker. The real shocker is that my corrupt, drunkard, congressman wins election after election without even having to try.
If you guys on the right are so smart and have the will of the people behind you and- by god- just look at the number of people watching Fox! Why can’t you unseat a corrupt, drunkard that few people even like. Hell, I usually vote against Dicks because I feel sorry for the Republican that’s going to get creamed by him.
Gotta love how Daddy Lover runs with no information…
CBO Puts House Health Bill Total Cost At $1.055 Trillion
“The $1.055 trillion estimate also does not include $245 billion needed to stop Medicare payments to doctors from decreasing, which the House plans to address through separate legislation introduced Thursday.”
Yep this is what killed a similar bill in the Senate. Remember when Puddy gave you the Debbie Stabenow bill which was rejected? Well Puddy Remembers! Pelosi, Hoyer and gang are producing smoke and flashing mirrors.
rujax with another of his dumb cinder block comments. Too bad the femtometer sized pea isn’t remembering anything…
Voters ain’t buyin’ what Obama/Reid/Pelosi are peddlin’
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Friday, October 30, 2009
Yup, Barry/Harry/Scarey sure have voters eating out of the palm of their hands.
More Democrat Party Ethics investigations leaked!!
Surprise…DEMOCRATS lead by Maxine Waters-
Here’s something Mr. Klynical will NEVER talk about:
The right wing is just filthy with corruption. All the screaming and handwaving is just there to distract from that ugly fact. And it has worked for too long.
Rog Rabbit looks like the idiot he is…AGAIN.
Yesterday, the Rabbit was overflowing with praise about Obama’s GDP numbers and how the Dow was gonna skyrocket.
I cautioned the Rabbit not to invest…that once the GDP numbers were vetted the market would fall.
Cynical is right…again.
Dow DOWN over 200 points, the day after Obama’s GOOD NEWS!
Obama is a liar.
He lied about cost of Kash for Klunkers, Obama lied about the cost of the credit for 1st time homebuyers, Obama lied about Unemployment numbers, Obama lied about jobs created/saved by Porkulous..
and Obama lied about GDP numbers true meaning.
Obama has lost the trust of the American People. Obama has blown it in about 6 months///playing Americans for idiots.
Rog Rabbit drinks the Obama Kool-Aid, throws his meager money in the market and LOSES!!
Wake up Rog you cretin.
The real peeps looked at the claim, inspected the numbers and found it ain’t true.
Dow tanked over 250
“Obama has lost the trust of the American People.”
Do you click your heels three times as you write that horseshit?
“Dow tanked over 250”
Why does Puddy hate America??
Let’s not forget this little tidbit:
DJIA breaks 10,000
by Goldy, 10/14/2009, 10:26 AM
Minutes ago, the Dow Jones Industrial Average broke the 10,000 mark for the first in over a year… yet more evidence, I suppose, of President Obama’s failed economic stimulus policies.
Goldy called the market top, though he didn’t appreciate that fact at the time (despite the fact it was already groaning . .).
Will Goldy do a follow-up?
GBS and Roger Rabbit are Obama’s USEFUL IDIOTS.
Thank God we passed when they passed around the kool-aid, huh?
Yup…I TOLD Rabbit that the numbers needed vetting and weren’t the whole story, but he didn’t listen. The Kool-aid controlled his thought process….to his financial loss.
Rabbit, you are once again, the HORSESASS IDIOT OF THE WEEK.
Can you imagine anything worse than being the most idiotic poster at HA??
Hard to imagine.
“Can you imagine anything worse than being the most idiotic poster at HA??”
heh- Finally a subject Klynical knows something about. So, Mr. Klynical, what’s it like being the most idiotic poster at HA?
Mr. C-huckle Head.
You and Puddybud are so far in last place that just because you don’t seen anyone in front of you, you think you’re winning the race!!!
In 2006 you said I was a Klown because I predicted the Dems would win BOTH houses of congress.
In 2008 you said I was a Klown because I predicted the House would pick up more seats, Dems would get to at least 57 seats (turned out to be 60 in their caucus) and Obama would THUMP McCain.
All along you faithfully spouted off the RNC/FOX News talking points about the economy and what happened??
The Great Reagan Republican Recession!! Over $50 Trillion down the crapper.
Obama gets his fiscal policies in place, stops the bleeding and rebounds the Dow and the economy from the Bush Bottom around what 6,600 points to 10,000 points.
I know dipshits like you and Puddy believe in those late night “get rich quick” infomercials. Because if you didn’t, and you KNEW from experience that wealth building takes time you would be happy with the progress that President Obama has made considering we were at the abyss of another Republican caused Great Depression.
What? 40-50% gain in 6 months since the Bush Bottom is “disastrous”?????
Get real!!
Now, all of a sudden, we should believe you and your dorky poll numbers???
Where’s the rational thinking behind your logic?
Never mind, my question was obviously an enigma. I mean really “RATIONAL THINKING” from a conservative.
YEA! Go Death Panel.
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Mr. C-huckle Head.
You were always filled with hate and envy.
But now that the GOP has been rudely tossed to the curb by the American electorate, you’re leaders have been exposed as the immoral deviants and corrupt criminals that they are, and you’re infighting threatens the very existance of your party, you’re more hateful then ever before.
Sad, really, really sad.
I hope you quit hating America and yourself so much.
A retired, eatin’ the gummint cheese school teacher. No wonder you had to move to Montana.
Know why real estate is so cheap on the interior parts of America and the locations on the coast are always more EXPENSIVE to live??
Location, location, location.
Montana, a solid RED Republican state where the men are men and the sheep are nervous.
Joke Break (hey, it’s an open thread):
What’s the difference between Mick Jagger and Sean Connery?
Mick said: “Hey! You! Get offa my cloud!”
Sean said: “Hey! McCloud! Get offa my yew!”
That would be gbs.
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
What an idiot gbs is.
Hey dumb ass gbs, where’s your proof?
What’s wrong, did I not only get you to show us all how tolerant you are of “faggots” but I got you to think you had proof about something when the reality is I played you like a fool.