I’m never particularly thrilled when debate behind the scenes are the news. But there will be another debate in New York. I’m generally happy with more debates, so yay.
But I’m even less happy when I see the names of the moderators. Not because I think, in this case CNN people and a local reporter, will be fuck ups. But I don’t think we actually need moderators. I say just have the candidates have a conversation. Sanders and Clinton are both smart people with interesting things to say. They don’t need Wolf Blitzer to coax a debate out of them. If it’s on a network like CNN, you can have someone say they’re going to commercial, but otherwise butt the hell out.
Once again the libtard media proves the vomit producer wrong… http://www.politico.com/magazi.....ics-213795
Well it’s very easy to prove the vomit producer wrong.
@1 It could’ve been far worse. At least their dues didn’t bankroll Republicans who wanted to cut their wages, eliminate their health care, and turn their pensions and Social Security over to Wall Street.
The best reason to vote against Drumpf: China loves him. The best reason to vote for Hillary: China dreads her.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A vote for Drumpf is a vote for China. A vote for Hillary is a vote for America.
The kind of people Boeing hires in South Carolina.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You get what you pay for.
Oregon GOP candidate argues we shouldn’t let in Syrian refugees because Vietnamese refugees kidnap dogs and cats to eat them.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: At some point a political party goes away because it becomes so ludicrous and irrelevant that most people stop listening to its candidates and don’t vote for them anymore. It’s hard to tell exactly where that point is, but the GOP is getting there.
More backlash against North Carolina’s homophobia.
Once again R senile missed the point. Do you ever get it or has the senility taken such a deep hold you are now in Alzheimer’s Stage 2 Phase 3?
The HA vomit producer claimed Puddy was wrong about deep union support of DUMMOCRETINS. Link after link has proven the vomit producer so wrong. In fact the vomit producer has been so wrong for so long it’s chronicled in the crazed databaze from its arrival on day one as one of those well known HNMMTs!
Sux having a senile mind! R senile proves that with a great sucking sound.
Meanwhile ESPN, lover of the DUMMMOCRETIN way also loves to promote libtard causes… Now they are promoting female abusers… http://thinkprogress.org/sport.....edemption/
So watch now… The vomit producer will ask how can Puddy claim ESPN loves DUMMOCRETIN way? Please ask vomit producer. Please make Puddy’s day. On this Puddy will only answer to the vomit producer. Then the links will fly so fast your Zika virus microencephalopathy induced head will spin!
Well the vomit producer could google it and see many of the links too!
Mississippi isn’t North Carolina so economic pressure can’t really be put on the legislature which makes me wonder,
Why does anyone with even the slightest of means stay in Mississippi?
Uneployment rate – 48th highest in nation
Fortune 500 companies based in Mississippi – 0
Major or Secondary Professional Sports Teams – 0
Education Spending per pupil K-12 – 46th
Medium Income – 50th (We’re #1, We’re # 1)
% of Residents below the Poverty rate – 1 highest in nation
The state is only 77 miles wide along Interstate 10, 154 miles on I- 20, 290 miles North/South on I-55. At 2-3 MPH, a modest pace, one could walk out on I-10 in a day, 2-3 on I-20 and 4-5 on I-55 if you lived at each one’s midpoint. Why are you still there? What’s in in for you?
@8 ESPN has been morally compromised for a long time. Sports Fandom often involves moral gymnastics.
Sports is complicated emotionally. One of my favorite teams had Lawrence Phillips for a while. Should I have dropped my season tickets? Probably. Did I still enjoy going to games on Sunday? Definitely. NFL Network prominently features former ESPN analyst and multiple drug conviction having prostitute patronizing Michael Irvin. I still watch Thursday night games. The Seahawks just drafted a guy who was thrown off his college team due to domestic assault. The greatest baseball players of my adult life have mostly proved to be steroid users. Do I still recall fondly the feeling I got watching two of them break an “unbreakable” record within seasons of each other? Absolutely. ESPN currently has someone who plead guilty to a felony to avoid a murder charge on air every night during the NFL season. Do I still watch SportsCenter? Well yeah…have you seen the train wreck of suck that is the Fox national or Root Sports highlight show? Although that new Van Pelt hosted Sports Center that regularly has L.A. Celebrities pontificating on sports is equally unwatchable, I’m lookin’ at you Jay Mohr.
What’s your point? Is the fact that Greg Hardy can’t find a job and it might just be because his Domestic Abuse issues news? Totally! Did you watch the interview? It seemed like Adam Schefter did a pretty good job of calling bullshit on his “redemption.” If you think Greg Hardy came off looking good from that segment…
I would be totally happy if Greg Hardy finds himself unemployed by a high profile, high publicity employer. But I don’t expect it to happen. Could Greg Hardy be someone the NFL passes on and so begins incremental change? We’ll see. Johnny Manziel is also without a job at the moment.
The league for a long time has been, can you play? Then whatever else you do is fine. That time may have passed and that’s a good thing.
It’s interesting to me that by bringing this up the Piddles character is sowing a deeply held belief among conservatives.
“All Liberals (Democrats) agree about everything. There is no Grey.”
The two people battling for the Democratic nomination offer clear evidence this is ludicrous.
@7 Blah blah blah. When have you ever been right about anything? Anything at all?
@8 What’s wrong with promoting liberal causes? They’re a lot better, and more moral, than conservative causes.
Also contradicts their efforts to distract from their party’s crack up by claiming a similar level of disharmony among Dems.
Which is it?
Dems are a vast uniform conspiracy of mindless Hippie pinkobots?
Or Dems are an undisciplined rabble of single issue radical extremists poised to self destruct at any moment?
They’ll say “both” and mean it too. That’s just how they roll on angry old white guy fantasy Island.
Wow. The role model for the economic miracles of KansASS and Louisiana.
When it comes to being pressed into sexually slavery, I’d have to defer to the expertise of our trolls.
But at least to me, this guy looks like he’d be plunked big time in the joint.
I hope they’re gentle.
Not really.
Funny that.
driving to a meeting this morning I heard one of our local RWRadio dipshits, not sure who talking about it’s shocking that the media is reporting 1/3 of Republicans who say Never Trump and never mentioning the 1/3 of Sanders voters saying Never Hillary.
A little math:
All Republicans x .333 > (All Democrats – Hillary voters) x .333
I’ve seen this idea pop on on RW Blogs too. It’s the new “Unskewed.” It’s the thing that will keep the base from knowing the party is doomed come November, It will keep the grift alive. Gotta get your money because with your $50…WE CAN MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
What’s your point?
You answered it for Puddy with line #1
@8 ESPN has been morally compromised for a long time. Sports Fandom often involves moral gymnastics.
Yes, ESPN is morally compromised following DUMMOCRETIN causes!
Some ESPN co-workers disagree with you on Schefter! Thanks for playing checkmate! You almost didn’t checkmate yourself again! You actually wrote something cogent for a change so even R senile could understand it! It was better than R senile’s standard insipid answer!
@15 Don’t you mean LOUSY-ana?
“You actually wrote something cogent”
Says the cogent-challenged loon.
@16 he probably doesn’t like it gentle.
3 cheers for the woman who told off Gov. Rick Scott!
This video is an internet sensation!
Pro-lifers behaving like Nazis.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But they’re on a mission for God, and that makes it okay.
Anyone remember that odious troll we all called ASS?
Dead ringer…
I think that a debate requires a moderator. Otherwise you just get the candidates talking points. For the most part you get that anyways in a debate. I do though that the moderator should not be someone not concerned about the ratings that their network will get. Yep I would prefer to see all the debates on public television and on NPR. And if they preempt the Goldie’s daughters Sesame Street. I will call that a character building exercise. Hopefully it won’t turn her into a Republican, but she will be an informed preschooler or elementary school student.
@1 So how much has Shell given to candidates to both parties since 2008?
Bet it’s more than $8.7 million since 2008.
And we all know that Republicans love unions and union members. They just love workers.
@5 Should we tell the GOP candidate that dog was considered a delicacy by many American Indian tribes including those in the northwest. Of course they may consider a lot of us refugees. If the Vietnamese eat dog then the tribes and the Vietnamese would have a commonality to build raphor, and could vote in someone they really like. Maybe a Independent candidate that would speak for them at the state and federal level. Such a candidate might not have to attend too many fund raisers at the Oyster bar in Washington DC or spend too many hours calling donors in a non descript cubicle. Can you believe our representatives want to be in office so badly they subject themselves to being nothing more than telemarketers?
@9 It would be difficult to walk along a lot of those highways as it’s illegal to walk there and past the shoulder it’s swamp or bayou. There are gators, cotton mouths, and crazy Cajuns and Sheriffs to deal with. It’s also hot and humid.
Also Mississippi is a have and have not state. If you are a have you got it pretty good. There are even some very well off black folk there.
Could be the food though. Grits, collard greens, black eyed peas, ect. Make you fat or a little fatter.
And if you want to hear real jazz just go up to Tupelo and hang out at the most hang dog place you can find. Some old man will play there and later you find out he’s one of the greats.
Then there are memories of Biloxi and Keesler AFB. That was a rocking Air Mans club.
Rolling on the River.
Still some folk down there gotta be chuckling at the legislature. At least Pogo gotta be, or he’s one sad possum.
@24 It’s clearly not the same one the Blues Brothers were on.
Go for it Missouri I bet a Federal Judge will ask to see your mule. Still got Sons of Bitches in Missouri.
A few days ago R asked for proof that there were plans to use nuclear weapons on Cuba during the Missile Crises.
Considering the SA 14 were tipped with a 1 to 2 megaton warheads on mobile transport seems the weapons what weapons in the inventory would be guaranteed to take them out?
Now with South Korea stating the North now has the capability to place a nuclear warhead on one of their missiles seems the dilemma there gets worst, Not a lot of effective ways to take out any deployed warheads or if they are in storage.
Ted Cruz is trying to walk back his “New York values” dig before the primaries there. So I thought it’s time to define “Conservative values” like religious bigotry, racism, economic collapse, education destruction, infrastructure destruction, war, refusal to follow the constitution and tax cuts for the wealthy elite. Nice resume.
Indiana University libtards at it again. Can’t tell one from the other. http://www.breitbart.com/tech/.....kk-member/
Yeah, hilarious miscommunitcation my ASS!
Gap, Hmmm… Who do they contribute to? http://www.msn.com/en-us/money.....ar-BBrqS4q
In which a crypto-Libertarian, “level 5” feminist complains that Dems fake the GOP war on women to raise money.
Bear in mind that as she was writing, Republicans in Missouri were preparing to jail the Director of the last abortion clinic in that state for refusing to disclose 20 years of confidential patient data.
@25 The ass who doesn’t believe KING 5 polls? Did you ask him what Mike McGavick is doing with his time these days?
@26 Last time I met Goldy’s daughter, she was well past the Sesame Street stage, and that was years ago.
@28 I know lots of dogs I’d like to see turned into someone’s delicacy. Dogs are good for nothing! All they do is crap in parks and chase rabbits.
@31 That isn’t proof the U.S. planned to use nuclear weapons against Soviet missile installations in Cuba if diplomacy failed to bring about their removal. Had Kennedy authorized airstrikes against those installations, there’s no reason why conventional bombs wouldn’t take them out. The nuclear weapons of 1962 were designed to be used against large-area targets, such as cities, and to compensate for the relative inaccuracy of the ICBMs of the time when used against military targets such as missile silos in the Soviet Union. There would be no need or reason to use them against missile launchers in Cuba whose precise location was known.
You misunderstand what the memo you linked to actually says. It’s a recommendation, not an operational plan. Even if it was adopted, which isn’t clear, (a) it was written after the crisis was resolved, (b) argued for inclusion of Cuba in the “Soviet-Sino bloc” target list in the event of general nuclear war, and (c) refers to contingency plans in the event the U.S. was attacked with nukes. The U.S. always had contingency plans to respond in kind to such an attack. This memo appears to be part of the Pentagon’s internal followup process to include in its strategic planning JFK’s policy that warned Moscow a nuclear attack launched from Cuba would be treated as a Soviet attack against the U.S. calling for a retaliatory response.
There is nothing here that even remotely suggests the Pentagon intended to use, or Kennedy would have authorized the use of, nuclear weapons to take out the missile installations in Cuba.
The great danger of the Cuban missile crisis is that the U.S. didn’t know the Soviets had 100 nuclear-tipped tactical missiles in Cuba and had authorized its field commanders in Cuba to use them to repel a U.S. invasion of Cuba. As the U.S. didn’t know about these weapons, the Pentagon couldn’t possibly have targeted them or taken them out. Had our military planners known about them, which they didn’t, but suppose they did and couldn’t determine their location, then in that event it wouldn’t have been feasible to take them out with nukes because they would have had to destroy the entire island instantaneously to prevent them from being launched. That would have killed all the Cuban people, and the fallout would have killed many Americans, as well. The U.S. never would have done such a thing.
@31 (continued) Leaving aside the question of whether North Korea has an operational nuclear missile capability (it probably doesn’t), a deployed weapon is one our surveillance capabilities can locate and our conventional weapons can destroy, if need be.
A nuclear weapon in storage is a nuclear weapon that presents no immediate threat.
Far more threatening to South Korea than North Korea’s budding nuclear weaponry is the fact its capital and largest city, Seoul, is within range of North Korean artillery. That threat has existed for many years, and is more problematical for South Korea than NK’s tinkering with low-yield nukes.
North Korea probably has a handful of A-bombs. Perhaps they could lob them into South Korea if they chose. So what? No one uses nukes because of this thing called deterrence. Use them, get vaporized. They’re a lot of things, but they’re not suicidal.
@33 Sure they’re not Young Republicans?
Steve Wynn being an asshole, which is what the rich do best.
“Yeah, hilarious miscommunitcation my ASS!”
Irony alert! The unintelligible loon appears to have an issue with miscommunication.
Oh yes our klownservatic trolls are for higher taxes.. Very high, punishing taxes.
Poll taxes:
The more people they turn away from the polls, the easier it is for them to steal elections.
Former Wisconsin state senator’s staffer says about their voter ID law, “It left a pit in my stomach to think that a party that I had worked for for years and years and years was literally talking and plotting to deny someone, a fellow citizen, their constitutional right”.
“Ex-Staffer: Wisconsin GOPers Cheered Voter ID Bill For What It ‘Could Do For Us’”
As Republicans have no moral compass, of course they’d do that. They want to rule America, no matter the price American democracy must pay to satiate their disgusting lust for power.
I used to respect Bernie Sanders even though I didn’t support him. Now I don’t respect him at all. Clinton is more qualified than all the candidates and now that includes him.
So the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS brings forth voter ID laws.
Well crazed databaze deala:
Do you need ID to qualify for low income public housing? What does Seattle say?
Do you need ID for food stamps? Surely in California!
Do you need ID to purchase booze? Everywhere!
Do you need ID to purchase tobacco? Everywhere!
Do you need ID for welfare checks? Surely in California!
Do you need ID for certified mail pickup? Try it arschloch!
Do you need ID for a Post Office (PO) Box?
Do you need ID to cash a check at the grocery store? Puddy was told that you do in WA State.
Do you need ID to enter Media Morons offices? Wouldn’t be dead caught there!
So what’s going on here arschloch? www. theusreport. com/the-us-report/2011/12/31/naacp-fights-voter-id-but-never-mentioned-executive-convicte.html
Mississippi NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers was convicted on 10 counts of voter fraud. 5 years each count! So what did Lessadolla Sowers do for her convictions? She voted as these four dead persons: James L. Young, Dora Price, Dorothy Harris, and David Ross. She also stole Carrie Collins, Walter Howard, Sheena Shelton, Alberta Pickett, Draper Cotton and Eddie Davis living voter IDs.
Remember, vote early and vote often! She voted early and she voted 10 times.
Voter ID Law screaming.
That tired old meme of DUMMOCRETINS!
So the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS brings forth voter ID laws.
Well crazed databaze deala:
Do you need ID to qualify for low income public housing? What does Seattle say?
Do you need ID for food stamps? Surely in California!
Do you need ID to purchase booze? Everywhere!
Do you need ID to purchase tobacco? Everywhere!
Do you need ID for welfare checks? Surely in California!
Do you need ID for certified mail pickup? Try it arschloch!
Do you need ID for a Post Office (PO) Box?
Do you need ID to cash a check at the grocery store? Puddy was told that you do in WA State.
Do you need ID to enter Media Morons offices? Wouldn’t be dead caught there!
So what’s going on here arschloch? www. theusreport. com/the-us-report/2011/12/31/naacp-fights-voter-id-but-never-mentioned-executive-convicte.html
Mississippi NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers was convicted on 10 counts of voter fraud. 5 years each count! So what did Lessadolla Sowers do for her convictions? She voted as these four dead persons: James L. Young, Dora Price, Dorothy Harris, and David Ross. She also stole Carrie Collins, Walter Howard, Sheena Shelton, Alberta Pickett, Draper Cotton and Eddie Davis living voter IDs.
Remember, vote early and vote often! She voted early and she voted 10 times.
Bill Clinton takes on #blacklivesmatter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW5T4JHZJfU
David Cameron is an admitted liar and a possible crook. He is also disgraceful and needs to resign.
Ok. How did the Puffed Butt post the same post twice but in between another of his posts?
“Do you need ID to purchase booze?”
The loon and the GOP are so stoked to to keep any citizens who won’t vote for them from voting, they really couldn’t give a shit that there’s a difference between buying booze and a citizen’s constitutional right to vote.
Thank Republicans for uncomfortable airline seats.
@53 Republicans believe voting should be difficult and buying guns should be easy. Democrats think it should be the other way around.
QPPS @53,
That’s all you got fool?
PWNAGE by Puddy!
R senile,
PWNAGE by Puddy!
“That’s all you got”
When the loon has nothing, which has become a 24/7/365 issue for him, he resorts to his lame, tired habit of projection. It’s a simple Psych 101 thing.
@57 Rubbing your dick doesn’t make you a father.
Ohhh please, please, please, please, please – separate Koklahoma from the United States and take TexASS with you.
Sometimes a protest is better than actually voting. Stand up people – make a difference.
The idiot troll is AOK with klownservatic tactics that suppress votes of the elderly (some who never missed voting in DECADES) and college students – crappy DMV hours and many other obstacles detailed in that Slate article.
The idiot troll freak supports poll taxes. White identity politics. Sad, sad..
The troll supports this too:
He probably has id too.
Something the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch forgot… DUMMOCRETIN WHITE PRIVILEGE!
Bernie Sanders, Tokens on the NY Subway… oops they use cards now. Tokens went bye bye long ago.
Heilary Clinton, rider of the Bronx Zoo train; oops subway card swiping technique sucks. Her entourage almost took the whole car itself. People looking at Heilary and recognizing how out of place she is on the subway!
Neither are “the man of the people”!
Sux to be the arschloch @62 and its sidekick QPPS @58 as those are your “candidates” and they suck!
Wait for it… R senile will make his usually insipid comment on how great they are!
Fool @62, Puddy never condones anyone of either party voting more than once. It wasn’t a conservative that coined the phrase
“vote early and vote often”!
“those are your “candidates” and they suck!”
Says the batshit crazy loon who now supports Ted Cruz, the slime ball Canadian who fucked over the loon’s hero, Ben Carson, the brain-dead brain surgeon. Too funny, and it’s only going to get better. What a loon!
@64 I want to thank the GOP jackasses who are making it possible for Hillary Clinton (or perhaps Bernie Sanders) to win the White House:
“More than 60 percent of all registered voters and 31 percent of Republicans said they definitely would not vote for Trump in the general election.”
This means, of course, that Drumpf can do no better than 39% in November.
“One group that is still with him includes those who describe themselves as both Republicans and supporters of the tea party movement. Sixty-eight percent of them have a favorable view.”
So who are these jackasses? Need you ask? Thank you Teapartiers!!!
@64 After running from the facts of klownservatic voter suppression of the elderly, students and minorities and a blatant example of klownservatic voter fraud, the moronic jackass troll now babbles about white privilege when…
Lindsey Graham complains about the Republicans running out of angry white men..
The numbers show the Republicans can’t win in Nov unless all white males vote R.
One can only conclude that the babbling jackass politically identifies with the politics of angry, klownservatic white men who fear losing their white privilege.
African Americans are voting in droves for Hillary Clinton. The Clintons have developed those ties to African American communities and leadership for DECADES.
@37 Perhaps I have the wrong parent who would be upset if Public television preempted Sesame Street for a debate rather than a funeral procession of a dead president.
From the Party that says they don’t like frivolous lawsuits, although I think they may have been unfairly treated myself.
The point being that these scum are the biggest hypocrites in the world. You are supposed to not live in a free world like they are.
Lover-lawmakers intend to sue state
@39 There is the point that the Kennedy administration erred in not seeking a declaration of war from Congress before starting a blockade which is a act of war.
A Russian commander shot down a U-2 during the crises. Kennedy did decide to fly another U-2 over the island and it been shot down SAC would have been authorized to do an aerial attack on the missile sites, airfields, command and control sites, ect. The documents on the site all refer to the SIOP and SAC. One strike would have gone in, observer planes and then a second strike. Losses were expected due to the SAM sites the Soviets had set up.
In 1962 there would have been no way even for SAC to tell the President that dumb bombs would be guaranteed to take out 40 missiles and their 1 to 2 megaton warhead. It would not be until the war you served in that the Air Force used missiles that were guided. And a few more years before dumb bombs became smart bombs. In the worst case scenario the missiles could be launched within 30 minutes.
In the documents on the site there was speculation that the Soviets had moved those warheads in. In fact at least one was identified. IT appears some cruise missiles were identified that could have been some of the weapons.
In 1962 to deal with the SAM sites and to take out the offensive missiles and their warheads we were going to nuke Cuba. We were going to take out the bombers that the Russians had flown in, and the migs. The locations of the Soviet rocket forces and supporting forces were going to be hit with nukes. Would that have eliminated all 100 nukes you are referring to it may or may not have. Of course the only target some of those weapons could have hit was Gitmo. We weren’t going to nuke the whole island simultaneously but a large part of it was going to glow, and the President was going to do it without a declaration of war from Congress, and Congress only made some minor noise about all this after the congressional elections and some before.
Fidel Castro was not happy with the Soviets after the Missile Crises. Primarily he felt duped, and realized he had put the Cuban people at risk so the Soviets could set the missiles with little risk to Soviets other than the forces in Cuba. Although he did get a promise that the United States would never invade Cuba he didn’t trust the Soviets to stand by the agreement if the US did invade, and as of 1992 or so the Soviet Union ceased to exist. Cuba was on Reagan’s list of bad actors, but other events got our attention fixed on the middle east.
@40 Most likely they are only a little behind where the Soviet Union was in 1962. The Soviet Union had ICBM’s maybe 3 at the time and the missile was unreliable.
The location of Seoul has been an issue ever since the guns went quiet. It’s vulnerable. Yes the North Korean’s have artillery, but so do the South Korean’s and the Norths capabilities have degraded in comparison to South Korea since the Soviet Union demise. The North Korean decision to pursue missiles and nukes has something to do with this.
From the viewpoint of Soviet war theory nuclear weapons are just another weapon. As the North Korean leadership are true believers and just like some folks in Victoria, BC being more British than the folks in Britain the same applies to North Korea.
I’m not sure North Korea would hit Seoul with a nuke. Holding Seoul for ransom would make more sense. Using one to put a hole in the DMZ and into South Korea is a possibility. If you think you can operate in such an environment. Using nukes to shut off ports in the south and Japan would make strategic sense. It’s possible they could hit into the Aleutian Islands, or maybe we could be in for a rude awakening. Seems the docks in Seattle would be a prime target. All that hitting America where it would hurt, burning it to the ground and well hitting someplace where the troops shipped out of to go to Korea might hold sentimental value to the young dictator.
@47 Citizens have a right to vote. The state cannot take that away. It’s on the state to prove an individual cannot vote.
Voting early and often can get you prison stripes. It does happen though more often someone makes an innocent error. Or it’s someone with means flaunting the rules. More of those people of means are Republicans. Must be why they know all this voter fraud is going as they are doing it.
@55 Personally I think former felons should be able to vote in fact citizens in jail or prison should be able to vote, and if you really believe in gun rights then felons should be able to own guns, even murderers.
@71 What the hell are you talking about? First off, any, any use of nukes by North Korea would result in their complete annihilation. Second, you left out submarines which are moveable, hidden and have all the weapons needed.
The one thing the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch forgets is how Bernie and Heilary claim neither is prepared to be president. Both are so right. Their WHITE PRIVILEGE status doesn’t prepare them to be president. It’s IDIOTS like the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch who slavishly vote DUMMOCRETIN all the time and when the consequences of their vote (Jay Inslee and Ed Murray for example) become crystal clear, they moan the fact how bad their winning candidates really are. It’s
You HA DUMMOCRETINS love their WHITE PRIVILEGE candidates.
BTW Ted Cruz is a minority like Dr Ben Carson. It seems the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch has issues with highly intelligent minorities. Now why is that? Well God gave intelligence to the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch, but it wasted it growing up. Dr Ben and Ted were not rich but they applied themselves in school. Became the best they could be., So all can understand that it loves WHITE PRIVILEGE. Otherwise we see his panic over greatly inspired minority candidates like Ted and Dr. Ben. Both are mentally accomplished and way smarter than the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch or its spawn!
Sux to be the IDIOTIC monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
Puddy loves it when the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch listens to Lindsey Graham. Failed candidates are what the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch likes. It still has a deep love for that WHITE PRIVILEGE wife cheating ambulance chaser DUMMOCRETIN John Deadwards.
Does anyone wanna see the crazed databaze entry of the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch swooning for WHITE PRIVILEGE candidate DUMMOCRETIN John Deadwards again? Puddy posted those words before. Butt we all know HA DUMMOCRETINS have 24 hour moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady! A real man crush of WHITE PRIVILEGE! It was EPICLY funny to read!
Oh QPPS @65,
That quadruple shit pressure between the ears and behind the eyes is really getting to you! Puddy will support whomever the Republican nominee is because they are way better than adding 13 Trillion more to the deficit as Bernie Sanders programs will per DUMMOCRETIN economists claim or a lying shill of a woman Heilary Clinton who enabled Bill to use his WHITE PRIVILEGE to abuse all those women over the years! Talk about the WAR on WIMENS, Heilary performed it all those years!
How many abortions did Heilary have? No wonder she supports late term abortions when the baby is viable. A real WHITE PRIVILEGE Kermit Gosnell in an orange pants suit!
Has anyone noticed the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS can’t pass 24 hours without mentioning world renown brain surgeon Dr Ben Carson?
Monomaniacal indeed! Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS… mr. monomaniacal was named by a certain prominent at the time leftist pinhead poster on HA DUMMOCRETINS! This poster also wrote the clueless crazed databaze cretin as a foolish idiot.
Wanna review that post? Just as the monomaniacal salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS! IT has the post keyed up ready to go at your beck and call!
“Puddy will support whomever the Republican nominee is because they are way better than…”
What a batshit crazy loon! Wakes up every morning spewing unintelligible hate.
“Rep. Peter King Says He’ll Take Cyanide If Cruz Nominated”
Before it’s over the loon will be begging King to share the cyanide with him. Then it’ll be good riddance to the batshit crazy loon and his hatred for America.
Irony – Typing the word monomaniacal 13 times in about 20 minutes.
That’s WAY more extreme than moving to Canada. Good on him. It should be easy to track if he keeps his word.
@69 Lawyers love clients like these. They’re cash cows.
cracker jax checkmate…
Copy and paste, You should try it some time!
So you counted monomaniacal ? How monomaniacal of you!
Thanks for playing cracker jax doc!
Oh Piddles, self proclaimed master of all things computer… ctrl+f
How come Obummer hasn’t fixed the VA? http://www.usatoday.com/story/...../82726634/
More lip service, no people fired, allowing them to retire with benefits while veterans died.
Why do DUMMOCRETINS hate veterans?
“Why do DUMMOCRETINS hate veterans?”
What a loon! Wingnuts who start senseless wars, invade the wrong countries, and who have been busy spending “the last decade chipping away at the benefits and support afforded to our veterans when they return from deployment” have no say in the matter.
“Happy Veterans Day? 5 Times Republicans in Congress Screwed Veterans”
LMAO @ the head EXPLOOOOOSION @75-78
Perfect proof of the feckless white identity politics of the babbling jackass troll.
It touts one failed fool and the TexASS ASSHOLE who SCREWED that same failed fool. The troll itself is a fool.
All the progressives here voted for Barack Obama twice, given the miserable alternatives would gladly do it again and all the troll can babble about is “white privilege”.. The troll is an idiot. Its stupid politics are all about the fading white privilege of angry white males.
The troll lies. It makes silly idle threats.
Go ahead, pull your own finger troll. Make our day!
Keep going till November. We look forward to it.. Just like 2012. “Mediaite” anyone?
“the feckless white identity politics of the babbling jackass troll”
What we have here is a batshit insane black male loon in whiteface makeup. Too strange for words.
@70 “There is the point that the Kennedy administration erred in not seeking a declaration of war from Congress before starting a blockade which is a act of war.”
How was this an error? What would have been the result of declaring war against the Soviet Union? Calling the blockade a “quarantine” was a strategem to avoid inciting World War 3. The Kennedy administration settled on a policy of reaching for a diplomatic solution. You think that was a mistake?
“In 1962 there would have been no way even for SAC to tell the President that dumb bombs would be guaranteed to take out 40 missiles and their 1 to 2 megaton warhead.”
Correct. The military thought airstrikes would take out most of these missiles, but acknowledged they probably couldn’t get them all. That’s why Kennedy ordered preparations for a ground invasion. As I stated before, the U.S. decision makers didn’t know until many years later the defenders had tactical nukes at their disposal to use against an invasion.
“A Russian commander shot down a U-2 during the crises. Kennedy did decide to fly another U-2 over the island and it been shot down SAC would have been authorized to do an aerial attack on the missile sites, airfields, command and control sites, ect.”
This statement is plainly incorrect. After the U-2 was shot down, the U.S. flew more surveillance sorties on the same day using low-level aircraft, and those planes were shot at, but Kennedy didn’t order military action.
On a larger scale, there’s something of a point here: The risk that an incident could cause events to spiral out of control. That risk was real and substantial. But arguments about this inevitably venture into the gauzy realm of “what ifs,” for which there will never be definitive answers.
Kennedy’s decision making was driven by strategic considerations, and he would’ve done everything he could to keep a local incident from escalating the crisis. During the crisis, several incidents occurred, and that’s how he responded to them. On the other side, Khrushchev was thinking along the same lines; he had ordered his men not to shoot at our U-2s, but a local Russian commander who either didn’t get the word or was trigger-happy did it anyway. Both leaders understood the potential for accidents to cause bigger problems, which made less likely the sort of knee-jerk reaction you describe.
“The documents on the site all refer to the SIOP and SAC. One strike would have gone in, observer planes and then a second strike. Losses were expected due to the SAM sites the Soviets had set up.”
The documents you’re referring to simply discussed adding Cuba to the target list in the event of a general nuclear war between the U.S. and Soviet bloc. SIOP was the Pentagon’s operational plan for such a war. Tactical airstrikes against Soviet missile installations in Cuba fell under theater operational planning, not SIOP.
“It would not be until the war you served in that the Air Force used missiles that were guided.”
We didn’t have precision-guided munitions in Vietnam. Heat-seeking anti-aircraft missiles (both SAMs and air-to-air) were in widespread use, and ICBM accuracy was improving, but the conventional warfare doctrine of that time emphasized firepower, i.e., volume over accuracy.
“In 1962 to deal with the SAM sites and to take out the offensive missiles and their warheads we were going to nuke Cuba. We were going to take out the bombers that the Russians had flown in, and the migs. The locations of the Soviet rocket forces and supporting forces were going to be hit with nukes.”
Repeating an argument doesn’t make it true. You’ve offered no evidence that Kennedy would’ve used nukes to destroy the missile sites in Cuba, and that’s highly illogical. Why prepare a ground invasion if you’re going to use nukes, and feel confident the nukes will get all the missiles? And if you’re not confident they will, then why use them?
“Would that have eliminated all 100 nukes you are referring to it may or may not have.”
It would have eliminated none of them, because the U.S. didn’t know about them. The U.S. would have been taken by surprise when these tactical nukes hit our invasion forces.
“Of course the only target some of those weapons could have hit was Gitmo.”
The invasion force, not Gitmo, was their target. They would have been used against our ships, and possibly against the landings on the beaches.
” … the President was going to do it without a declaration of war from Congress.”
So what? Everyone involved in the deliberations agreed if we attacked the missile sites, it had to be done before the missiles became operational, for obvious reasons. This deadline was only days away. There wasn’t time to debate it in Congress.
The congressional process isn’t designed for speedy decision making, or to respond to nuclear-age crises. Under the Constitution, commanding the military forces is an executive function. It’s true Congress has the power to declare war, but the U.S. didn’t go to war in the Cuban Missile Crisis, so no declaration was necessary. Also, it’s clear from history and practice that presidents can use military force without a declaration of war.
Another consideration also shoots down the argument that Kennedy should have sought a declaration of war from Congress. The reality is that Congress was more hawkish than he was, and by not involving Congress in the deliberations, he improved the odds of a peaceful resolution. Congress, if anything, would have pushed for military action. We know now that was the wrong thing to do and probably would have led to catastrophic consequences.
“Fidel Castro was not happy with the Soviets after the Missile Crises.”
This wasn’t about protecting Castro’s regime. It was a strategic move by Moscow to counter the U.S. advantage in ICBMs. At the time, Russia had only a handful of inaccurate ICBMs and believed their weak deterrent put them at risk of a U.S. first strike. Lacing long-range missiles, the logical thing for them to do was basing intermediate-range missiles close to the U.S.
The ICBM imbalance was a temporary problem. The Soviets needed missiles in Cuba for only 3 or 4 years. After that, those missiles would be superseded by improved Soviet ICBM forces. Cuba wasn’t essential. That’s why Khrushchev removed the missiles rather than fight a war to keep them.
Moscow didn’t care what Castro thought and didn’t consult with him. Castro was afforded no say in the decisions being made. That’s what made him unhappy. The resolution of the crisis left his regime more secure, but also left him with the realization he was nothing more than a powerless pawn in the superpowers’ game.
@71 There’s something wrong with your research, because in trying to address strategic topics, your comments consistently get important foundation facts wrong. For example,
“Most likely they are only a little behind where the Soviet Union was in 1962. The Soviet Union had ICBM’s maybe 3 at the time and the missile was unreliable.”
The Soviet Union had about 20 ICBMs in 1962, and while they were inaccurate, they were reliable and could reach the U.S. Today, North Korea has nothing like that capability. Based on U.S. intelligence estimates which have been made public, they have enough fissile material for 3 or 4 bombs, haven’t mastered bomb design and have only inefficient low-yield weapons, and have only short-range missiles. Unlike the Soviets, they can’t directly threaten the U.S.
“From the viewpoint of Soviet war theory nuclear weapons are just another weapon.”
The Soviets thought about military matters differently than we did; see, e.g., this article:
But they also understood the catastrophic risks of nuclear war, sought to avoid those risks, and kept control of their nuclear arsenal segregated from their regular armed forces. It’s clear they didn’t view nuclear weapons as “just another weapon,” but as exceptional weapons whose use was exceptionally dangerous, just as we did.
“I’m not sure North Korea would hit Seoul with a nuke. Holding Seoul for ransom would make more sense. Using one to put a hole in the DMZ and into South Korea is a possibility. If you think you can operate in such an environment. Using nukes to shut off ports in the south and Japan would make strategic sense. It’s possible they could hit into the Aleutian Islands, or maybe we could be in for a rude awakening. Seems the docks in Seattle would be a prime target. All that hitting America where it would hurt, burning it to the ground and well hitting someplace where the troops shipped out of to go to Korea might hold sentimental value to the young dictator.”
North Korea wants nuclear weapons for leverage. They’re an insurance policy against “regime change.” That makes sense; gratuitously attacking the U.S. doesn’t. That would be suicidal. You seem to be ignoring the value of deterrence. The evidence of the last 60 years is that deterrence works.
@72 “Citizens have a right to vote. The state cannot take that away. It’s on the state to prove an individual cannot vote.”
Are you really this naive? Congress passed the Voting Rights Act for a reason. The GOP spends millions on voter suppression because it works. Citizens are, in fact, prevented from voting. It wouldn’t be an issue if it wasn’t happening, and voting rights organizations wouldn’t exist if they weren’t fulfilling a need.
“Voting early and often can get you prison stripes. It does happen though more often someone makes an innocent error. Or it’s someone with means flaunting the rules. More of those people of means are Republicans. Must be why they know all this voter fraud is going as they are doing it.”
Research has found that voting fraud is extremely rare. Voter ID laws purport to “solve” a problem that doesn’t exist. These laws are part of a barely concealed effort to make it harder for certain groups to vote.
@77 We never doubted that “Puddy will support whomever the Republican nominee is” … even if it’s Uncle Adolf’s clone. Puddy would vote for Pol Pot if he pasted an “R” after his name.
@79 “Rep. Peter King Says He’ll Take Cyanide If Cruz Nominated”
Too bad Dr. Kevorkian isn’t taking referrals anymore. Know anyone else?
@85 “Why do DUMMOCRETINS hate veterans?”
Why do YOU hate veterans? I’m a veteran. So are you. I understand the self-hating part, but why do you hate the rest of us?
“I’m a veteran. So are you.”
I’d guess that being a batshit crazy loon dropout from the ROTC program at Cornell who didn’t serve on active duty isn’t quite the same as joining the army and serving a tour or two of active duty in Vietnam as you did.
@95 I don’t deny there’s a qualitative dimension, but I didn’t delve into it.
Remember the discussion around vaccines and those who are anti-vaxxers in Southern California and WA State? Well here is an Australian mother’s regret!
QPPS @95,
PWNAGE by Puddy! Tell the truth QPPS! Puddy was honorably discharged from Navy ROTC because Puddy broke his knee playing basketball in college. Ask the crazed databaze keepa for the original post!
BTW, DoD sends Puddy veterans documentation all the time due to that injury. Puddy has never accepted one cent from DoD! Seems DoD views at Puddy differently than QPPS, and we all know why! Quadruple pressure from all that stored horse manure between the ears behind the eyes! QPPS is just another libtard jackASS living the delusional dream like other HA DUMMOCRETINS here.
Oh R senile,
It’s you DUMMOCRETINS whom hate veterans. Psych 101 Projections don’t work on Puddy! The VA is under Obummer sadministration control.
Another link for R senile to re-remember, since that failing memory is getting worse. http://iava.org/press-release/.....the-union/
Butt then again R senile doesn’t read web sites like this IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN VETERANS OF AMERICA (IAVA)! Why? Because R senile doesn’t care about anyone except hisself. A real narcissist bragging every day about his stocks on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
So again R senile… why do DUMMOCRETINS hate veterans? Because they are a small number throw away votes and they are useless to DUMMOCRETINS! DUMMOCRETINS are focusing on 12-20 million illegal aliens now to swell the national DUMMOCRETIN vote totals.
How fucking pathetic is that?
I’ve got a friend who left one of the Academys in his first year after a pretty serious injury. He was a principal nominee of a Senator among the top of his class. He will not refer to himself as a veteran. When asked he always says that veterans are those who served, not the other way around.
“How fucking pathetic is that?”
I’d say it’s really fucking pathetic.
Why do Republican men want to fuck children? Seems kind of strange. But given how ugly Republican women are, I suppose it makes sense to them.
“Confirmed: Dennis Hastert Molested At Least Four Boys While Coaching”
“why do DUMMOCRETINS hate veterans?”
What a loon!
@89 Of course you can’t point to the documents to anything that says nuclear weapons would not be used.
Strategically you seem to loose the point that the enemy was the Soviet Union and not Cuba. Because the targets were all Russian aircraft, Russian missiles, Russian anti aircraft, ect. We were prepared to use the exact same weapons we would have deployed if those missiles, ect had been in the Soviet Union. Which would have been nuclear. Our missiles taking out a path for our bombers to take out other targets.
Militarily the whole crises is a contrivance. Yes, the missiles shortened the reaction time, but the Soviets did have subs with missiles by this time.
What the missile crises is about is purely political. For politics the United States was going to take out those Soviet forces in Cuba with nuclear weapons as if they were in the USSR. And we were prepared for nuclear war against the USSR and in fact that is why we dispersed our aircraft and were at the highest alert level. None of which was done with Congress’s approval, nor was Congress given an opportunity to weigh in about us preparing to bomb Cuba and perhaps the USSR. It does seem that would be making war and would require Congress’s assent. If a blockade is an act of war it’s an act of war by any other name. Of course using agent orange in Vietnam wasn’t using chemical weapons in a way that violates certain and is a war crime. No we would never use a chemical weapon that not only was supposed to take out the green leaves, but would deprive a human population of a root that was their sustenance. All the tons of that poison we dropped and the stuff was not particularly effective, except in poisoning the Vietnamese and our own military personnel.
So yes I get a little perturbed when Congress won’t actually take that part of the constitution that says it declares war a bit more seriously than they have for the past oh 60 years. They were disengaged during the Cuban Missile crises and were disengaged in large part during Vietnam and tip toe around the issue every time our imperial presidency (Democrat or Republican) decides to take military action. Odd the Air Force has a shortage of bombs right now and we are not at war with any nation except technically North Korea oddly the first conflict that Congress just allowed a President to go around Congress to involve the US in a major conflict. The UN run around has been used since then, but how it was used in the Korean war is the gold standard, and the Russians have not repeated the mistake they made at the UN so in no other conflict has the US gotten the full green light from the UN.
So yes I do think the Congress should have stepped in and reminded the President of Congress’s role and he doesn’t drop the first bomb or do a blockade without a declaration of war from Congress. It might saved us from some other conflicts. Perhaps President Obama could have been saved some embarrassment over Syria if Congress took its power in deciding that this nation is to go war or not. Doesn’t seem that the nation of Syria or the SOB who runs it attacked the United States nor has it attacked our allies. It also seems had we gone into Iraq or Afghanistan under declarations of war from Congress that may have had some bearing in what came after we made war in those countries such as a serious discussion about what to do with Saddam Husseins forces before we ever went in. That we would have sent in the proper forces to control the population like security police men and folks able to maintain waterworks, secure antiquities, ect. Rather than rely on the Neocons cry of they will welcome us freeing them from this bastard and everything will be just dandy. Perhaps a Congress taking its responsibilities seriously would have seen through that BS. Of course Representatives and Senators who have to spend the majority of their time fund raising may give us citizens poor service.
Everyone in the ROTC has signed a commitment with Uncle Sam and they are in the reserve. They can be called up in an emergency. They also have a commitment to serve when they complete their studies. If a person completes their studies and the military determines they don’t have a space of an officer in that area at that time then the military can discharge them from the obligation. They maybe given an opportunity to join or serve in the guard or active as enlisted. Most likely they would keep the person in the inactive reserve until their six year or longer commitment runs out. Someone injured during college may well be discharged, but they would not be a veteran unless they had previously served or had been called up into active service for a period and then placed back into ROTC status.
@91 The largest group disenfranchised in these United States are folks in prison or jail, and former inmates. Even those in jail awaiting trial can be disenfranchised. Just because a citizen is in jail or prison should not be reason to disenfranchise them. Nor should any disenfranchisement continue after any prison sentence. There are communities in the US where the majority of adult men cannot vote because many have been prosecuted and served time. This is where some charges of white privilege comes from. Though the existence of poor communities of color in the inner city where the state can concentrate police forces is institutional discrimination, and the people in the community cannot fully respond because many cannot vote.
All of the US drug policy is tainted by the racism of a previous generation, and while I agree with progressivism it does have a tendency of wanting to protect people from themselves. So alcohol, coffee, and tobacco are fine as they were drugs white men used, while coke (women, blacks), marijuana (Hispanics and blacks) heroin (blacks), and opium (Chinese) became illegal.
The short story here is disenfranchisement is wrong. Which we appear to agree on.
Fraudulent voting does occur, but not at a large number. In this state it’s former prisoners who have lost their right to vote. Which the Republican’s love to point to in support of their actions for ID to prevent fraudulent voting.