– Inslee’s office really should have done better on the arctic oil drilling fleet.
– Looks like Dow’s State of the County speech was pretty good.
– So Sally Bagshaw both “felt jilted for not being able to join Licata and Sawant on stage at last week’s rent control forum” and thought the forum was an ethics violation?
– Paid parental leave for King County employees
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The nation’s economic growth slowed to a crawl in the first quarter, a period marked by severe weather, a soaring dollar that curbed American exports and a steep drop in investment by U.S. energy companies after oil prices tanked.
Gross domestic product expanded by a meager 0.2% annual pace, well below the MarketWatch forecast of a 1.2% gain.
• Weather was severe in ’14 Q1, too.
• Were it not for business expanding their inventories, ’15 Q1 GDP would have been negative.
Add @2…
‘Boob’ and Squid Ink are gonna say of course that ‘Newsmax’ is no conservative news outlet…ESPECIALLY…now.
You have to hand it to them – some of the protesters/rioters/thugs, whatever you want to call them, are speaking back with better words than the media. Maybe they and all the haters wil eventual get it.
@1 how many crawls and baby steps and falls flat on the face occurred prior to 2009?
You dumb fuck! Go drink more Pee soup.
how many net fucking jobs did GWB create?
Fuck you, you no good mother fucker.
@1 protesters can explain their bad behavior better than you can, you fucking dipshit.
Well useless tools above if you read Breitbart you’d know Chris Ruddy was making a 200K/year donation to Clinton Foundation for 5 years. He and the Clintons have been friends since 2007. Butt to morons like you whom live on libtard left wrong sites it’s the standard eureka moment of nothingness! This isn’t news except to the LIV crowd! http://www.breitbart.com/big-j.....oundation/
Thanks for proving how stoooooooooooopid y’all really are!
Butt while we are on the Clinton Foundation… Their latest claim earned 3 Pinocchos! http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....onor-info/
Wow Doomberg News is hitting them out again… http://www.bloomberg.com/polit.....-donations
Someone whom has info is feeding them on this!
When you are the Clintons’ a silly “memorandum of understanding” means nothing. Being a DUMMOCRETIN means “memorandums of understanding” are speed bumps to the ends justifying the means!
Didn’t read the story.
In conservoworld the Clinton’s had an obligation by agreement, not by law, to disclose a list of names it would be illegal by ACTUAL law for them to have. Mmmmkay..got it.
I think there may have been a court case that the Roberts court thought was great and would never ever lead to foreign money in politics (“Not True” shakes head) that might have addressed anonymous donors. Hmmmmm Something about United….what, damn. Wish I could remember.
How’d that Whitewater investigation work out for derailing the Clintons? How About Filegate? Rose Law Firm? Lewinsky? Benghazi? E-Mail Gate?
The sky has fallen so many times around the Clintons but wing-nut radio listeners will be singing, “How could they vote for her when they mnow what I know” on innauguration day.
“if you read Breitbart you’d know”
LMFAO! Too funny.
It’s easy to see the way 2016 is shaping up for the wingnuts.
Besides hating brown people, women, LGBT and legalizing discrimination, giving yet more tax cuts to the very rich and to corporations, denying health care insurance to millions of Americans, starting another senseless Middle-East war, exterminating 90% of all life on earth through plunder of its resources and establishing a theocracy in America, it looks like we can include hating for mere accounting mishaps a charity beloved by even the CEO of Newsmax for the good it does as the issues the GOP is gearing up to campaign on in 2016.
Where is Stop your Fucking Whining when you need him? @1
@ 11
How’d that Whitewater investigation work out for derailing the Clintons? How About Filegate? Rose Law Firm? Lewinsky? Benghazi? E-Mail Gate?
Bill Clinton was slick, no doubt. You forgot Vince Foster and a few others, BTW.
“Hillary 2016: They didn’t prove nothin’!”
Coming to a Tesla bumper sticker hear you.
Gonna chap your hide when you’re driving around in 2017 seeing Hillary stickers on cars and knowing you’re candidate lost to such a corrupt and beatable opponenent.
“You can’t prove anything” can also be read as “We tried to prove something from nothing for so long that now that we thing we have and actual something….no one cares. Why oh why won’t they listen.”
@4…Sorry but anger about real (or alleged) Police brutality, or anger about any issue is never an acceptable justification for the destruction of businesses, homes or any other property.
North Korea’s young dictator is a tough boss to work for.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The hitch with randomly killing your underlings is that pretty soon they all start thinking they’d better do it to you before you get around to them.
@16 sorry but alleged or real police brutality is never acceptable to be ignored either. See what happens when it does get ignored. Take your head out of your ass.
Did anyone say it was acceptable, or were they just pointing out the laws of physics – for every action their is a reaction. You just don’t care about the action as you do the reaction. Take care of or take away the action and you will not have the reaction.
I’m not justifying it either – I feel the same way about resisting arrest – it’s action has a reaction – and that could be the result of the police brutality. But again, which came first the chicken or the egg. Maybe people are reisting arrest because of an action taken by the police that you yourself has never had to experience.
If you can’t somewhat sympathize with what happened in Baltimore with the rioters, they you will trun this into a professional sports game, and want to see one side win and the other side to loose…why can’t both sides be winners?
@16 Thanks for your brilliant solution to the problem.
@16 This is a perfect example of a conservative worshipping property while putting no value on human life (except his own).
@18 “Take your head out of your ass.”
You’re asking for the impossible. His head is his ass.
@20…So torching affordable housing for seniors, doesn’t have an effect on their lives? Destroying a business has no effect on the owners and workers lives? Throwing bricks at Police Officers and injuring them has no effect on their lives? Beating up a reporter doesn’t effect their life?
Grow the fuck up. You can take your useless platitudes, race-hustling and class warfare and shove them up your ass.
@22 when have you defended against the lynching of a black person or hate crimes? You seem to be concerned and then not concerned. Have you ever felt the same way and spoken up about it when a gay person was beaten to death because of the hate.
You can’t even agree to two gay people being allowed to love each other and share the same benefits that come with a legal marriage license, or the party you represent, or you stay silent about it. And you want me to believe the bullshit you spew in @22.
Grow up – you selfish privelaged asshole.
@22 how about the effect of being born and not aborted in a poor enviornment, you don’t think that has an effect on their lives, and you turn your back to it..
Why are so interested and involved now for one side of the equation.
@22 if you can’t, even if you have to pretend, come out and say that you feel for the equality of gay people, and their rights, that Republicans so are against, how can what you say be taken with one ounce of sensarity that thas what you truly believe.
@25…Are you high? What the fuck does that have to do with anything? I don’t give two shits about your obsession with gay issues, and your penchant for injecting them into every argument. One reason I call myself Yawn is that you left wing weirdos are so boring and predictable.
@22 Police murdering citizens for petty infractions or none at all doesn’t supersede all that? Of course it does. Grow the fuck up.
@22 “torching affordable housing for seniors”
Shouldn’t happen, but it’s only property, which can be replaced. Lives are irreplaceable.
“Destroying a business”
Shouldn’t happen, but it’s only property, which can be replaced. Lives are irreplaceable.
“Throwing bricks at Police Officers and injuring them”
Shouldn’t happen, and there’s no excuse for it, but what do you expect when police are killers who slaughter citizens with impunity? That everyone’s just going to roll over and play dead? That nobody will fight the police? What planet are you on?
“Beating up a reporter”
When did you grow feelings for reporters? I’m touched — I used to be a reporter, and so was my dad.
“Grow the fuck up. You can take your useless platitudes, race-hustling and class warfare and shove them up your ass.”
I’ve seen better tantrums in nurseries. http://tinyurl.com/oqonsb6
@24 He’s hustling for the race and class warriors of the white tribe.
@26 If “boring and predictable” bothers you so much, why do you copy us?
With the Squiddy Inky Monkey Dance!!! Good show, poodles!!!!!
@8 “if you read Breitbart you’d know”
It’s not possible to know anything by reading Breitbart, because there’s no knowledge there.
Republicans prefer to eliminate food stamps and let the poor starve, as Stalin did to the peasants, but if they can’t do that then forcing them to live on bread and water is the next best thing.
@29..Oy vey!, The race card? Really? When you schmucks call someone a racist with no basis in fact, that’s basically equivalent to a Godwin’s law fail. You lose.
@34 Yawn.
@26 that is my point exactly. You don’t care, so don’t try to pretend you care. You don’t like the point I make because you can’t defend against it.
You are nothing worth protecting.
@34 please justify to me why gay people can’t be married?
I’m not saying you need to accept but I’m saying you denying it is being a bigot. If you are a bigot then you are probably a racist.
Do you get this upset when white people riot after a sports game whether in the USA or outside of the USA? Oh I’m sure you are if they are beazilians or dark skinned.
@16 yep, that’s why we won our independence from the British by asking politely for freedom.
@38…Stay in school.
Ummm derek @38 you really want to go there? Puddy can replay your comedy from a few weeks ago!
rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? Right on time?
Yeah FACTS are always right on time!
checkmate @11
Of course you’d skip #9. Because #9 explains #10.
Another of your EPIC FAYLES! Seems you are inspired to EPIC FAYLE each day!
@39 Is that what you would’ve told Stalin’s victims?
@42 That’s brave talk for someone who gets his ass handed to him a dozen times a day, every day, day after day.
Now this is DAYUM funny! http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....l-clinton/ Wasn’t the Congress DUMMOCRETIN back then in 1994?
yes it was!
More Lois Lerner emails found. Yeah! http://thehill.com/policy/fina.....ner-emails
Meanwhile senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit,
The whitey house doubles down… http://dailycaller.com/2015/04.....nts-video/
Thugs… Looks like Obummer is calling them n^@@ers! Wow!
In any other time besides a Baltimore riot, if that mother smacked her son side his head and it was video taped a DUMMOCRETIN would have called Child Protective Services.
Hey HA DUMMOCRETINS, are you preparing for May Day!
Puddy bets the vomit producer is ready to go!
@43…Stalin was one of yours.
Interesting article… http://hotair.com/archives/201.....-marriage/
So Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe didn’t apologize for the Japanese comfort women and DUMMOCRETIN heads exploded…
Being a frequent visitor to Seoul, Abe needs to apologize to KOREA and China not America! The Kono Statement fails per my Korean friends!
Yet where is the choir of DUMMOCRETINS forcing Obummer to have Turkey acknowledge the Armenian genocide. Puddy has great Armenian friends! They are still saddened by Obummer’s issues!
Soooooooooooooooooooooooo it seems Obummer won’t uphold treaty agreements… http://hotair.com/archives/201.....d-by-iran/
More hope and change!
@50 and Hitler is what you and the GOP are, resurrected from the dead, here you are again.
Meanwhile another hateful DUMMOCRETIN airhead on CNN has to apologize to the veterans! http://dailycaller.com/2015/04.....e-to-vets/
http://dailycaller.com/2015/04.....-unmasked/ This fool endangered firefighters! Of course he won’t be arrested. OWS Looters like this will skate.
Will his mother go on teevee and slap his head silly?
Jeb calling for State for Puerto Rico. I’m sure that’s going to go over well with the Bigots and Nazis.
I’d think that this is fair – make Sodomy illegal and Adultery. You got a deal. Great compromise. Let’s see if this freedom of religion is popular. But I like it. Let’s see how everyone likes this….I bet the general public wouldn’t like it that much because it would effect them. Bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Fair is Fair.
@54…Godwin’s law fail. You lose…schmuck.
Umm…why would you think that Conservatives would be against statehood for Peurto Rico? I personally have no issue with that, if that’s what they want there.
I think that this is fair – make Sodomy illegal and Adultery. You got a deal. Great compromise. Let’s see if this freedom of religion is popular. But I like it. Let’s see how everyone likes this….I bet the general public wouldn’t like it that much because it would effect them. Bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Fair is Fair.
I think that this is fair – make Sodomy illegal and Adultery. You got a deal. Great compromise. Let’s see if this freedom of religion is popular. But I like it. Let’s see how everyone likes this….I bet the general public wouldn’t like it that much because it would effect them. Bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Fair is Fair.
@59 Jew Boy
@59 – well you are right…supposedly Peurto Rican culture is pretty conservative, I know you like that part, and you’ll have more gay haters….but you know they also have a lot of poverty and you don’t like the 47% takers.
It’s downright amazing the lack of skillz Internet demonstrated teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla. So Puddy visits that old left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN standby Detroit Free Press! http://www.freep.com/article/2...../140417009
Adultery is downright legal in WA State. And of course in California. Otherwise all those DUMMOCRETIN loving actors and actresses would be in hot water!
And the Freudian drip is castigated… http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....3110612784
If you want to denounce the thugs who burn bulidings down and
sliced into fire hoses;
maybe we can talk.
This guy has his head on straight.
If ypu want to denounce the thugs who injured over 20 police officers;throwing rocks etc.;maybe we can talk.
the etymology of thug…
Thug, Hindi ṭhag, Sanskrit sthaga (“thief,” “rogue”), member of a well-organized confederacy of professional assassins who traveled in gangs throughout India for several hundred years. (The earliest authenticated mention of the thugs is found in Ẓiyāʾ-ud-Dīn Baranī, History of Fīrūz Shāh, dated about 1356.) The thugs would insinuate themselves into the confidence of wayfarers and, when a favourable opportunity presented itself, strangle them by throwing a handkerchief or noose around their necks. They then plundered and buried them. All this was done according to certain ancient and rigidly prescribed forms and after the performance of special religious rites, in which the consecration of the pickax and the sacrifice of sugar formed a prominent part. Although the thugs traced their origin to seven Muslim tribes, Hindus appear to have been associated with them at an early period; at any rate, their religious creed and practices as worshipers of Kālī, the Hindu goddess of destruction, showed no influence of Islām. The fraternity possessed a jargon of its own (Ramasi) and signs by which its members recognized each other.
Though sporadic efforts were made toward the extinction of the gangs, it was not until Lord William Bentinck (British governor-general of India, 1833–35) took vigorous steps that the system was seriously attacked. His chief agent, Captain William Sleeman, with the cooperation of the authorities in a number of princely states, succeeded so well in eliminating the evil that from 1831 to 1837 no fewer than 3,266 thugs had been captured, of whom 412 were hanged, 483 gave evidence for the state, and the remainder were transported or imprisoned for life. The fraternity presumably thereafter became extinct.
Just two paragraphs!
@64 yeah, I’d love to see Gov. of South Carolina, and Senator from Louisiana in Jail. Yeah I’m sure they would love what the Bible preached then, they can read all about in the big house, they’ll have plenty of time. I’m sure they would have a problem with that kind of law. Hypocrites!
@66 and 68 – What Thugs?
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla @62 demonstrates his bona fides!
Waytogo FASCIST progressive gay DUMMOCRETIN!
And you want us to respect you?
Gravity Baby, Gravity.
If you want to walk away from your ethos of
calling for the inmates to run the asylum;
maybe we can talk.
Here we go HA DUMMOCRETINS… someone actually telling the truth!
?uoy tcepser ot su tnaw uoy dnA
Interesting admission… http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
@74 The Rapture is coming.
What has Elijah Cummings done for his city all those years in Congress? What pork has he brought home?
@ 74
If you want to walk away from your ethos of
calling for the inmates to run the asylum;
maybe we can talk.
Of course you must be talking about Michelle Bachmann, Louie Gohmert Jr, Mitch McConnell, Tom Cotton, Peter King, Greg Abbott, Scott Walker, Rick Scott, Pradesh Jindal, Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, John Cornwin, Ted Cruz, and Virginia Foxx.
@62…Wow, really showing your true self now. What was that about Hitler?
In other news, Rep. Susan Fagan (R, Pullman) has resigned her seat in the State House, effective May 1st, due to being caught red-handed (heh) padding her expense account reports to the tune of several thousands of dollars.
Color me shocked, really. I’m appalled that someone of such high ethical standards (she’s a Christian!) was dipping her fingers in the cookie jar when she thought she wouldn’t be caught.
Hell, if this was Oklahoma or Texas, she wouldn’t have been.
@66 We’re not interested in discussing this on your terms. Gratuitous police violence against citizens has to end, and until it does, nothing else takes higher priority. So there’s no ambiguity: Go fuck yourself.
Those were your words you wrote, tool!
Naturally… DUMMOCRETINS make their silly case… http://dailycaller.com/2015/04.....nequality/
@74 Go fuck yourself again. The first time didn’t get the job done.
@82 If this was Texas, she would’ve set up a dummy foundation and funneled millions of taxpayer dollars to the Republican Party, like Rick Perry did.
According to Mother Jones, this is how the Baltimore riots started:
“When school let out … police were in the area equipped with full riot gear. According to eyewitnesses … the police were stopping busses and forcing … students who were trying to get home, to disembark. Cops shut down the local subway stop. They also blockaded roads near the Mondawmin Mall and Frederick Douglass High School, which is across the street from the mall, and essentially corralled young people in the area … they did not allow the after-school crowd to disperse.
“Meghann Harris, a teacher at a nearby school, described on Facebook what happened: ‘Police were forcing busses to stop and unload all their passengers. Then, [Frederick Douglass High School] students, in huge herds, were trying to leave on various busses but couldn’t catch any because they were all shut down. No kids were yet around except about 20, who looked like they were waiting for police to do something. The cops, on the other hand, were in full riot gear, marching toward any small social clique of students…It looked as if there were hundreds of cops.’
“The kids were ‘standing around in groups of 3-4,’ Harris said in a Facebook message to Mother Jones. ‘They weren’t doing anything. No rock throwing, nothing … The cops started marching toward groups of kids who were just milling about.'”
Numerous other teachers have come forward with similar stories. Looks like the cops were spoiling for a fight. With children.
There you go!
Another FASCIST progressive response!
In other news, teachers in Texas get funny feelings in their satanic dirty parts when they see a five year old girl wearing a spaghetti strap dress.
Who are the perverts now? I wonder if the Principal had to go rub one out over this.
@91 This kind of shit doesn’t happen in commie states like ours. It happens only in states with school boards run by freedom-loving Republicans.
The Squiddy Inky motherfucker has no idea what the term ‘fascist’ means.
Various Star Wars programs that klownservatics REALLY REALLY LOVE wasted 10 BILLION taxpayer dollars…
Yep, klownservatics thought the world was coming to an end when the Federal Government granted the now defunct ACORN 54 MILLION dollars over 10 YEARS. Not a peep about wasting money on Star Wars, Wars of recreation in the Middle East, tanks and jet engines even the Pentagon doesn’t want. That costs TRILLIONS.. and klownservatics want to double down on that bullshit.
“la-la-land” indeed.
Better link for above:
But of course this isn’t a concern of the Yawnster. I wonder why? He is so terribly concerned about the people. He tells how concerned he is. But is he concerned about this? Oh please tell me that he is concerned. Yawnster is so ethically and righteously concerned.
Meatloaf At Rikers Reportedly Tests Positive For Rat Poison
Religion is attractive to the mentally ill, the low intelligences and the corrupt. Because mentally healthy, intelligent and honest people see what religion does for people who would find and use any tool, any method to increase access to other cultures for the purpose of controlling them. The European conquests of Africa and North and South America are absolute proof of this. Religion was the primary tool of social control. It permitted the conquerors the psychological construct that enabled them to butcher human beings like cattle , and gave them permission to murder hundreds of millions of people so they could be “saved”.
Religion is about access to political power and social control, not to teach people about honesty, kindness and empathy. We certainly do have glaring examples of that right here.
Roaming yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch @94 and @95, so you are against Boeing Military Group employing thousands of union workers trying to develop something on the west coast to keep your silly ASS safe? You’d rather have those workers unemployed, depressing the WA state economy and driving property values lower?
Really yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch?
So sad and so typical!
rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears proves once again Puddy knows what FASCIST means!
Meanwhile the New Republic strikes again… http://www.newrepublic.com/art.....ta-defense
Tired and old. Yes Saul Alinsky tactics are always used by Obummer and DUMMOCRETINS. There is nothing new under the sun for a DUMMOCRETIN!
How the NYPD does business.
They don’t need food, pr blankets, or fresh water, they need capitalist Aryan Jesus!
This latest load of crapola from the moron who told all of us Drexel University Law School is a public for profit university in it to subjugate the masses! No one trusts anything you post vomit producer! Butt “go ahead” and use the Lord’s name in vain; right?
Matthew 28:19-20 will always be lost on the vomit producer!
@ 102
I don’t CARE about your death-cargo cult. I don’t care what people say it means, I don’t care what it claims to represent, I don’t care a goddamn whit about any of it.
It’s bullshit. Every single word of it is pure, unadulterated bullshit. The fact that it attracts people like you is a glaring example of that.
@ 102
You mean, like this?
or this?
How about this?
All I see, is “fuck your empty starving bellies, the love of Jesus will fill your heart with wonderfulness and wondrous applause while your starved corpse is being munched on by jackals and buzzards”.
Oh my vomit producer… run to Daily Kooks to make another of your insipid points? Did you claim Drexel was a public for profit university or not?
Now to Daily Kooks and those pictures.
First picture… The Bible was photoshopped in there vomit producer. Easy to spot with the right software. Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa. Whatacrock! Did you find that on some left wrong site you peep at? What a joke you are!
The second picture is some hand drawn graphic… whoop de doooo!
Then Daily Kooks. Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa. Why not go to Forbes which covered Fincher’s statement more evenhandedly? Because Daily Kooks pollutes your mind the way you want it!
BTW Fincher is partially wrong. You have to give handouts to those not working and actively seeking work. Giving handouts forever doesn’t make a person want to work. Butt then again in the Obummer economy over 12,500,000 people have lost their jobs since the recession ended in 2009! BOL gov site. This is why disability payments are maxed out at 70% of your salary vomit producer. Otherwise lazy shits like you would never work again!
Sux to be the klown you really are!
The Bible attracts people who love God and love people who are sinners. Butt when sinners continue to live in their sinful ways, people like you heads explode because the Bible calls you out…
This is why Solicitor General Donald Vermilli claimed in the gay marriage oral arguments this week Obummer will use the government to force Christian institutions to perform gay marriages or lose their tax exempt status if gay marriage is “approved” by the SCOTUS! Only 14 legislatures have approved gay marriage, while the other 23 were by court fiat.
God so loved the world He gave His only Son to die for all mankind. You can’t accept God dying for you! It means you’d have to give up all those vices like dreaming of raping and slitting the throats of black women as you wrote two weeks ago! Want Puddy to replay that insipid comment again? Or dreaming of 5 year olds in post #91! You are one disturbed individual vomit producer!
Sux to be you vomit producer!
NYPD is a libtard led union outfit in a libtard led city in a libtard led county in a libtard led state!
FACTS vomit producer. FACTS.
Now where is the harpy harpie harpy producer again to the rescue?
Wisconsin now has two supreme court chief justices.
Abrahamson’s attorney Robert Peck says in a letter filed in a federal court that Abrahamson continues to believe she is still chief justice.
TARP. waste of money
Auto Bailout, Total fraud
Stimulus, outright communism
Any government funding for research that goes against my religious views, ABOMINATION get them out of office.
Funding a program that never had a chance to succeed and actual engineers knew it…well Boeing got some money and that employed people so THAT’S GREAT!
Hey Piddles, you’re sounding like a socialist. Wasting tax payer dollars is fine as long as some of it is wasted on things that benefit you. Duly noted.
Yep, He’s also comin’ fer yer guns. He’s going to make you drop your pants and do some sodom to prove you’re ready for your new gay partner. In fact, he’s going to take away all yer FREEEEDOMS and make y’all convert to Islam. Mooslims run his life. I heard he gots false flag operation all ready to go fer July 2016 so he can declare Martial Law ‘n stay in office. I seen’em dip his matzoh in blood. And he kills kittens.
Sounds like “Bovary”.
Alexander, who is considered a possible candidate for the state Senate, said she found it interesting that people have jumped to the conclusion that she was referring to Hillary Clinton when she discussed “Ovary‘s campaign.” She noted that Time Magazine ran a “sexist” article on the former secretary of state earlier this month by suggesting that Clinton is ready to run for president now that she’s past menopause.
Prisoner in van said Freddie Gray was ‘trying to injure himself,’ document says
In support of the memory of Freddie Gray, five members of the Baltimore Ravens have announced that they will play the 2015 season without helmets.
Clinton Foundation in campaign tailspin
Bill Clinton did not want to cancel the meeting, the sources said. They said the foundation had already booked a hotel and secured more than $1 million in funding from former Greek parliamentarian Gianna Angelopoulos, a major foundation donor who is friendly with the former president.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/.....z3YoPuU2pX
Not only that, but Mediterranean prostitutes
are hot.
“Prisoner in van said…”
Any straw which can be grasped to blame the black guy will be grasped by racists. In this cesspool, that guy is usually Bob, although this week Puddy seems to be hating blacks with his first and last thoughts of each day and every moment in between. Not quite 24/7, unless he also dreams hatred for blacks in his sleep and, given his behavior here, that might well be the case.
@ 114
“Any straw”?
The document, written by a Baltimore police investigator, offers the first glimpse of what might have happened inside the van.
What else ya got, Steve? Look at what happened in Baltimore over the past few days without any glimpse at all.
It Takes A Village to loot a community. But it doesn’t take any factual information, apparently. That’s how you roll.
“Wisconsin now has…”
Fuck you, Toonerville. Look what you’re cheering, you piece of fucking shit. The selling of a court system. A green light for corruption. Fucking makes you proud, no doubt.
“A state constitutional amendment, passed Tuesday in the state Senate 17-14 along strict party lines, will allow the court’s seven justices to vote on a chief justice, undoing a 126-year-old tradition”
“the justices can establish political committees to accept donations on their behalf from individuals, corporations, and what remains of Wisconsin’s unions”
“a justice can rule on a case—or at least cannot be forced to recuse himself—even if one of the parties in the case contributed to that justice’s campaign committee”
“the conservatives ruled that such an arrangement does not undermine public confidence in the court, nor does it promote the appearance of corruption”
“In 2011, “$3 out of every $4” spent to elect Justice David Prosser, a member of the court’s conservative wing, came from outside groups. Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce spent $1.1 million on Justice Prosser’s behalf, while Club for Growth dished out $520,000. He is now expected to rule impartially in a case alleging that both of those groups broke the law.”
Of course, there’s that little matter concerning the governor’s possible violations of campaign finance law.
“The court will likely have a new chief justice just in time for its ruling on the John Doe case, expected to be issued this summer.”
Fuck you, Toonerville, and everything you stand for.
“What else ya got, Steve?”
You give us “Prisoner in van said ..” to justify your racist bullshit and you ask what else I’ve got?
Fuck you and everything you stand for, you fucking racist.
@ 116
Uh, Steve?
Do you recall that the change in the Wisconsin supreme court was approved by the voters?
The chief justice is now selected by the justices themselves, every one of whom faces the voters after each 10-year term.
“Uh, Steve?”
“The proposal often overshadowed a race for a seat on the high court, with outside money flowing mostly to the referendum rather than the court election.”
So a state’s Supreme Court was bought with outside money and lies, paving the way for corruption, and you’re just fucking giddy about it. Fuck you, Toonerville.
“But it doesn’t take any factual information, apparently. That’s how you roll.”
The only “factual information” you needed was ““Prisoner in van said ..” and you ran with it, inferring the black guy should be dead. That’s how racists like you roll, Toonerville.
@ 119
Giddy? No.
Bemused? Absolutely.
A seniority system is replaced by a system in which the chief justice role might shift from one to another every two years, after review/passage by two state legislative bodies and approval by a statewide electorate. Any changes in the chief position are made by justices who face the voters, albeit infrequently.
That would seem very democratic going forward, wouldn’t it?
But not to Steve. Not today.
That’s even more amusing than the news item itself.
@ 120
Refresh my memory, Steve. Who ran with ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’?
I was readin g Puffy’s post @ 106 and got as far as
and thought to myself – what he really means by sinners are the gay people. And of course I continue to read and of course he goes into a rant of gay people and gay marriage. And people wonder why I interject gay marriage always to make my point that if people can’t get beyond this, then they really can’t complain about other freedoms, and bullshit that happens.
Well Puffy – why don’t you complain about all the other sinners. Like murderers, rapists, adulterers, liars, thieves, disrespectful bigots and racists….why are you stuck with just the gays……Do you think the hundreds of pages of the bible really just pertain to the gays?
Get over it.
And God made the gays. You should concentrate on your sins, not the sins of others…oh but you don’t sin?
You and your bible thumpers are nut bags and I can say this but still be able to believe in what I think God and Christianity means. I don’t need to follow some damn book. You don’t care about david vitter nor sanford, so go fuck yourself.
I pray to the lord, and when I do 80% of the time is me praying for others, not myself….you on the other hand are a selfish fucking APE!
@115 “It Takes A Village to loot a community.”
I assume you mean bankers. The incenstuous little village of Wall Street bankers who run this country. You’ve got to admire the ingenuity of people who figure out a way to loot virtually every community in America, and the government too, from behind a desk in a Manhattan office tower without ever getting their hands dirty or risking prosecution. They didn’t even have to give the money back.
You’re banging your head on a wall. To the modern American Christianists who want to re-make the political arena in the image of their understanding of scripture, God did not make the Gays and God is infallible. And God explains all. If there is anything that you don’t understand, it is God’s will. Done! Anything anyone is doing that they don’t like is against God’s will. It’s all ver simple(minded).
To the Christianist no amount of science will disavow them of the belief that being gay is completely a choice. Right Mr. Bachman? It can be prayed away. Or shock therapied away. Torture’s fine as long as it brings one away from the gay and thus closer to Jayeeesus.
I thought this was interesting:
Wow. Who’d a thunk it? More air pollution, “leaner” babies. Fat is bad right?
The Koch bros and their ilk must look at China, their underweight babies every day and “think”..
“Why not us?”
The Koch bros and their ilk see the sweat shops of Bangladesh, India, Vietnan, etc and ponder..
“Why not us?”
The Koch bros and their ilk see the palatial estates of the oligarchs of Russia and ask each other at their Palm Desert or Scottsdale confabs..
“Why not us?”
“Who ran with ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’?”
Who would give a flying fuck about the centuries of slavery, Jim Crow, unequal opportunity, ghetto segregation, unrepresentative government, a prejudiced judicial system and police shootings of unarmed black men which led blacks to adopt the protest symbol of hands up? Who would mock their protest symbol? Who would show up here today after yet another death of an unarmed black man and subsequent protests by blacks with “a prisoner said…”? A fucking racist bitch like you, Toonerville.
“what he really means by sinners are the gay people”
If it is any consolation, he hates everybody else too, and he directs his eliminationist rhetoric at all of us, all the time. So we’re all on Puddy’s death list, it’s just that you’re first! Well, it could be YLB. I’m sure such a decision, Teabagger or YLB, would leave Puddy vexed. I’d bet he’d go with whoever posted a comment last. As I write this, that would be YLB.
Fuck you and everything you stand for, you fucking racist.
Yet Stupid Solution Steve gives a pass to vomit producers racism. Puddy has identified it more than once and Stupid Solution Steve is
M I A !
Travis, Stupid Solution Steve has selective racism eyes!
Apple and their ilk see the sweat shops of China and ponder..
Thank goodness it’s us first right Apple personal user yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch?
Wait for it…
Sumtin speshul from the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is coming…
“Who ran with ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’?”
Lying pieces of crap like Stupid Solution Steve. It’s amazing how the white HA DUMMOCRETINS sit back in their armchairs or desk chairs and scream all about black inequality butt don’t put their money where their ASS is! Puddy doesn’t see these armchair screamers at the Union Gospel Mission. Or street feeds. Or clothing handouts. They wouldn’t even invite an illegal alien child into their house last year! Afraid of the diseases?
All we notice from Stupid Solution Steve, the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch, rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, checkmate, the vomit producer and others have their standard cheerio comments and race baiting directives from their DNC masters. The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit earlier claimed to have sent money to Nepal. Does the same Wabbit frequent these inner city places?
When it comes to action, it’s nary a peep from HA DUMMOCRETINS. And you expect us whom thing right to care what you think?
ROTFLRHMBBAO while the crickets chirp!
Wait for the stooooooooooooopid retort…
Well Puffy – why don’t you complain about all the other sinners. Like murderers, rapists, adulterers, liars, thieves, disrespectful bigots and racists…
Ummm if you paid attention teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla… Naaaaaaaaah you can’t pay attention with all the hate you spew! Do you realize how many murderers, rapists, adulterers, liars, thieves, disrespectful bigots and racists are DUMMOCRETIN… You just demonstrated your own bgotry with
Teabagger spews:
Wednesday, 4/29/15 at 6:12 pm
@59 Jew Boy
and you want Puddy to cry you a river…
Sux to be you teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
I assume you mean bankers. The incenstuous little village of Wall Street bankers who run this country.
And they jock strap the DUMMOCRETIN… http://www.ijreview.com/2014/0.....arty-rich/
And God made the gays.
Show Puddy that in The Bible… Book, Chapter and Verse…
Ahhh yes Wisconsin… The place where a DUMMOCRETIN Prosecutor ran roughshod over the common conservative folk and is being exposed for being the FASCIST brown shirt Nazi he really is! And Puddy remembers the HA DUMMOCRETINS who jock strapped him! http://townhall.com/tipsheet/g.....s-n1987787
Of course to a DUMMOCRETIN the ends always justifies the means.
Oh my now the Boston Globe… http://www.bostonglobe.com/new.....story.html
Only allowed two paragraphs as a conservative! So much for Peter Schweitzer’s book being partisan, right wing, a hack!
FACTS and TRUTH… never a DUMMOCRETIN friend!
Hey Stupid Solution Steve @114…
Puddy been decrying the plight of inner city blacks under the DUMMOCRETIN thumb since 2005.
Where you been sucka?
#136 continued…
Remember above, checkmate @11 claimed BULLSHITIUM as always…
So the Fox News report of the Baltimore Police told to stand down and let the thugs destroy was TRUE.
Just two paragraphs because Puddy isn’t the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Did you know that for a comparable to Seattle city size Baltimore has 1000+ more po-po 5-O!
@132 I expect nothing from an APE, Jew Boy.
Meanwhile remember this 2010 DUMMOCRETIN BULLSHITTIUM? http://www.factcheck.org/2010/.....ey-really/
Here DUMMOCRETINS claimed the reason the Republicans would take over the House was due to foreign money. Butt, even the NY Slimes proved DUMMOCRETINS outspent Republicans… http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10......html?_r=1
And the beat goes on with the liars at the DNC. And the standard left wrong sites perused by the freakazoids continue to parrot the DNC line there is no proof! Well how cum the Boston Globe is on the trail now in 2015?
In 2015 we see real evidence of foreign money jock strapping the Clintonistas! The DUMMOCRETIN are upset Peter Schweitzer figured it out without the Clinton email server! So they attack the messenger. Howard Screech Dean tried that attack against a New York Times reporter who had first look dibs on Schweitzer’s book and the reporter found it credible. Dean tried to attack live on PMSNBC and the reporter ASShatted Dean immediately!
Wow http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
At all costs even throw the husband under de bus!
Where is mister harpy harpie harpy?
Ahhh yes, those progressive comments… @132 I expect nothing from an APE, Jew Boy.
Waytogo libtardo!
Hey DUMMOCRETINS… http://thefederalist.com/2015/.....s-freedom/
@146 too funny
Benghazi, Benghazi
“Where you been sucka?”
Where you been, bitch? I’ll tell ya. Back in the day, when you were kissing Jesse Jive-ass Jackson’s black ass, I was laughing at fools like you for being so goddamned motherfucking stupid! I thought you might just be slow, but all you’ve done is to move on to another ass to kiss. Now that you’re kissing a Koch brother’s white ass, you’re still good for a laugh, but mostly because it’s so goddamned funny to see that you’re so motherfucking stupid that you… Just. Can’t. Stop. Kissing. Ass!
The Puffy decoder ring.
Jeraldo got his ass handed to him. Hahahahaha
@139 “Did you know that for a comparable to Seattle city size Baltimore has 1000+ more po-po 5-O!”
Really? Being a cop must be a patronage job in that city.
Given how many racists are doing their best to blame the victim in Baltimore, Daily Kos has article has a very good breakdown of all the lies and then presents facts, timelines and video to show how each lie and innuendo is wrong.
Like “Perhaps no lie being told, though, is more disturbing than the one the Baltimore police are leaking to/through the Washington Post—that Gray injured himself in the van.”
However “A full six days earlier, Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts claimed that the second suspect said Gray was quiet in the back of the van.”
@151 I no longer consider them racists. I consider them murderers and corrupt individuals.
Do the police have Bibles?
rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears @145,
All true! DUMMOCRETIN are SCUM… The other terms all condense to DUMMOCRETIN are SCUM
Stupid Solution Steve farted,
So let’s break it down…
Puddy hasn’t bent over and dropped trou for you Stupid Solution Steve… Maybe you are mentally visuallizing that like the vomit producer visualizes raping black wimens and slitting their throats. The only bitches you have here are on the left… and we know whom they are; they post on HA DUMMOCRETINS every day since you agree 100% with them. Some are as dumb as a pile of rocks. Puddy don’t wear PuddyPants where PuddyUnderwear is showing!
Psych 101 Projection since you kiss Jesse Jive-ass Hi-Jackson’s black ASS now. Back then Puddy was a DUMMOCRETIN wanting a black man as president. That’s such a “motherfucking stupid” thing eh? Butt we know how the national DUMMOCRETIN DNC treated Jesse back in the 80s. Thuggish behavior! They pariahed him. So you were laughing at blacks who wanted Jesse president? How racist of you Stupid Solution Steve, sitting in your comfy chair back then. Well well well! Thanks for proving how you think!
Since there was no conservative media, many Real Americans didn’t know about Jesse’s shakedown tactics against national corporations until conservative radio and television appeared and told the world what the Rainbow Coalition really was.
ASSkissing? Puddy sees the ASS you kiss… It’s all left wrong sites 24x7x365.
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
There you go! Puddy kisses no ASS! Why? Because Puddy uses all web sites left right center. Where do you use anything other than those above Stupid Solution Steve? The Prosecution Rests Your Honor! Those left wrong sites are all Stupid Solution Steve has!
Pointing out FACTS to a DUMMOCRETIN is kissing Koch ASS? Really? FACTS are kissing ASS to a libtard! Libtards like you view victims. Calling them thugs is criminal. Puddy views libtard dysfunction. You cheer! Black children without fathers. You cheer! Rampant drug use. You cheer! Children who don’t listen to their mothers. You cheer! Black children who burn down their neighborhoods. You cheer! You kiss dysfunction behavior ASS which is what Al NoSoSharpton, Michael Eric Dyson, Tavis Smiley, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake all deliver, cheer and condone! Now you kiss Jesse Hi_Jackson ASS.
That’s the ASS you kiss Stupid Solution Steve! Leave no doubt!
I think my Puddy decoder ring must be on overload again. It usually happens when Puddy completely loses it. All it comes up with for that last comment is, “Jesse Jackson! Beep! Jesse Jackson!”, over and over again, like an emergency distress signal. Huh! I hope Puddy is okay.
A happy ending for all.
Here’s What Happened After An Airbnb Host Kicked Two Men Out For Being Gay http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....83806.html
When Stupid Solution Steve is identified for giving a pass to bigotry and local racism… “decoder ring, decoder ring”
Cheering Jesse “Jive-ass” Jackson back in 1984/1988 was such a “motherfucking stupid” thing per Stupid Solution Steve, butt Stupid Solution Steve cheering Jesse Jive-ass Jackson in 2015 is not a “motherfucking stupid” thing!
Decode that Stupid Solution Steve! Sux to be that stoooooooooooooopid, Stupid Solution Steve!
Sooooooooooooo the HA DUMMOCRETIN hero George Soros will have his taxageddon soon! Uo to $6.7 Billion! Excellent! Watch the skunk try to run again! Remember who controlled Cngress in 2008! http://www.bloomberg.com/news/.....s-tax-bill
Remember the EU is going to rule on Apple doing something similar… http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0.....z3YtLsIw8Q
None of this will make the Friday Night Comix… These two entities love DUMMOCRETINS!
BTW Wasn’t Stupid Solution Steve sexually fantasizing over a married woman, Scarlett Johansson, in recent weeks? Being a DUMMOCRETIN means you can lust after another man’s wife!
Still haven’t seen Stupid Solution Steve calling out the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla for calling some one a “jew boy” or the vomit producer for calling the blacks in Baltimore “undisciplined, pissed off people”, “probably convicted felons and their hangers-on”, and “disorganized, and undisciplined rabble”. That’s A-OK to use those terms on blacks because vomit producer is a DUMMOCRETIN and Stupid Solution Steve can’t call out DUMMOCRETINS but will attack Travis Bickle in every thread. Selective “justice” eh Stupid Solution Steve?
Sux to be a moron like Stupid Solution Steve!
A sad day… Ben E. King has died… http://www.bbc.com/news/entert.....s-32547474
No wonder PunditFact and Politifact lean left… They are funded by the Ford Foundation… https://twitter.com/kerpen/status/593511603498143744
And the fallout from the Baltimore moyor’s inaction or stoooooooooooopid actions cheered by morons like Stupid Solution Steve continues. http://dailycaller.com/2015/05.....yor-video/ Yet SEVEN days ago DUMMOCRETINS wanted the Baltimore police commissioner to resign! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....death.html