Of all the books I’ve read while out to eat or on a bus, or whatever, I’d say this is the one that I’ve had the most people ask me about. I don’t know if the Supreme Court is an interesting topic generally. Or possibly it’s because you hear so many conservatives ranting about the court, a long haired Seattle person reading “Case Against the Supreme Court ” might seem incongruous.
Anyway, if you want to be super depressed, it’s one I’d recommend. Very interesting and really shows the importance of the court.
Restaurant uses automatic wok to make fried rice
Automation and Algorithms. Drip by drip.
This should make bob happy. He can fire the cook that used to do that by hand.
The cheap labor argument could be made that if the worker would just be willing to work for free, then he wouldn’t have his job replaced by a machine.
Or maybe the cook could be a profit generator and pay to cook the rice so he could keep his job.
I just finished reading a wonderfully funny book that made me laugh out loud many times.It’s “A Confederacy of Dunces”. It’s a book from the last century. I recommend skipping the foreword
until you have finished the book.Do yourself a favor and try it!
@ 1
This should make bob happy. He can fire the cook that used to do that by hand.
The liberal plan for supporting the displaced worker is to have him supported by the taxpayer.
This should make Better happy.
@1 that charhan will taste like shit, cost bob the same amount of money and bob won’t complain or even notice. (but, the restaurant will make an extra $0.50 a serving minus one employee per hour, so ka-fuckin-ching!)
and that’s pretty much why bobs i-whatever is made by child slaves or prison inmates and bob won’t complain or even notice.
what’s in common here? the producer wants to reduce labor costs to a minimum no matter the cost to humans (or their humanity) and bob and his ilk (puddy, etc.) will pay the exact same fucking price for lower quality, less u.s. jobs and less regulatory oversight.
lazy fuckers. ==> please let me pay the same prices for contaminated, substandard goods.
the rest of us. ==> i would like to pay the same or a little bit more for regulated, quality goods.
What in Life isn’t rigged? I think just about every aspect is rigged….stop crying you babies. Life itself has no guarantees. You pop out of a vagina, eat, shit, fart and then die.
Get over yourselves you fucking morons.
Donald Trump says that he is going to help students out by making sure they have jobs when they graduate so they can pay off those cheap loans. Well, maybe we should start sending the robots to America’s Universities and Colleges.
I’m sure the Robots are going to get a kick at Boob trying to send back his food to the kitchen because it was under cooked.
@3 the Conservative Neo-Nazi Evangelical support plan is for them to die.
“The liberal plan for supporting the displaced worker is to have him supported by the taxpayer.”
Beats the Republican plan to ship them off to die in senseless wars.
I started reading SPQR by Mary Beard. Her constant comparisons between ancient Rome and today are not comforting.
Now remember, libbies, anger at Trump made them do this. So really, Donald Trump incited this violence. That’s your talking point. NYDN has helped you out with the headline, which links the violence to pro-Trump protesters when, in fact, it was the anti-Trump crowd that did it. Pussies gonna pussy.
A pair of young girls, ages 8 and 11, were among the bystanders struck by an anti-Trump counter-protester’s stream of pepper spray into the crowd. The unidentified suspect then fled the demonstration, Anaheim police Sgt. Daron Wyatt said in an email to the Daily News.
When I see verbs like ‘fled’ I always think of YLB. Dunno why. I just do.
Lessee, doing my best Goldy-Hagopian imitation, I should allege that the anti-Trump protesters first conspired to target those kids, then ran up to them in order to spray them directly in the face.
Did I leave anything out?
I believe this is called “Gilding the Lily”.
And to SnideShow Bob @ #3
The liberal plan for supporting the displaced worker is to have him supported by the taxpayer.
And the Conservative plan for displaced workers is to label them “surplus labor” and kick them out of their homes to starve, which then provides the perfect excuse to start rounding them up for mass extermination by the most fiscally responsible method available once they have become excessively burdensome to the Rentier Class.
It’s what Conservatives have always done.
Thats what the Germans, British, French, Spanish, Belgians and Russians did, for exactly that reason.
@ 13
Hey ‘froggy, look at it this way:
Through elimination of all of that low-skill competition, it improved your chances of finding and keeping a job.
Wasn’t successful, apparently, but it did improve your chances.
How’s that Family Values theme been working out for you dumbshit National-Corporatists lately?
You fucktards will never learn. You just don’t have the intellectual wherewithal. You always fall for the same old bullshit fairy tales, year after year.
@14 Boob ISIS is coming for you.
Look at who Republicans pal around with.
Just wait for the misogyny that will be spewed when the GOP has a woman on the ticket and the Democrats don’t.
“Did I leave anything out?”
Yeah. How it feels to be a white racist whose sole buddy is a black batshit crazy loon.
It’s now official.
Melting Face/That Face 2016
“Shep Smith Mocks Ted Cruz’ Pick Of Carly Fiorina For VP As A ‘Dead End'”
@ 18
You think that alone is enough to turn an election one direction or the other?
Great Noodles thats a stupid assumption. Especially considering that woman’s resume’ and her particular “qualifications”. That’s one turd nobody can polish.
@ 21
You think that alone is enough to turn an election one direction or the other?
No, but even if it doesn’t get them the nomination, Fiorina’s now got a continued voice on the stage, and she’s uniquely positioned, amongst GOP higher-ups, to bash Hillary without being accused of sexism. She was good at it when she was one in a crowd. Now she’ll get to do it in a significantly higher-profile position. No doubt she’s learned from her 2008 experiences.
I squirm thinking about it but her efforts to keep Trump from the nomination might actually help Trump in the general, to the extent that she lands effective body blows against Hillary for the next two months.
She’s a pretty good speaker. Very quick. Very precise.
She’s got two-plus months, maybe no more. I think that she can do some serious damage to Hillary even in that short period of time.
My first thought was Uh oh, no Floridian on the ticket. My second thought is that it might not matter because Trump could pick Rubio.
I’m pissed that our governor has not wiped the convictions for pot possession off the record. And I’d like to know if there are still people in jail for possession. What is going on? This is costing taxpayers, one way or another.
“Trump could pick Rubio”
Yes, Trump will pick the guy who introduced making jokes about the size of his dick to the Republican presidential campaign.
@3 The conservative plan for displaced workers is mass starvation.
@ 24
Depends on whether Trump wants to win. And Rubio’s sorta out of a job at the end of the year.
Doubt Obama put Hillary in the SoS seat because he liked her so much.
Boob is more stupid today than any other day. Seems like everytime there is some breaking bafoonery on the Tepublican side he goes one notch or two lower. Must be the cause of derangement syndrome.
@26 “Doubt Obama…” What? That makes no sense. He certainly trusted her judgement. I can’t think of a better reason to like somebody.
“And Rubio’s sorta out of a job at the end of the year.”
If it’s somehow Cruz and Fiorina, your “hot wife” routine will have hit a brick wall.
@ 29
Yup. But the debates will be sharper. And something tells me Joaquin Castro won’t make the cut.
Wherein we see that being picked as a running mate by not-gonna-be-the-nominee is assumed to get Not-gonna-be-on-the-ticket coverage after a few news cycles.
Yep the 3% watching Fox will see her but everyone else she’s not remotely relevant
“After a great deal of time and thought, after a great deal of consideration and prayer, I have come to the conclusion that If I am nominated to be president of the United States, I will run on a ticket with my vice presidential nominee, Carly Fiorina”
The new GOP VP vetting process – prayer. But I suppose that’s no worse than the vetting process that gave America the Quitta from Wasilla.
Bernie Sanders to Cut Hundreds of Staff Members and Focus on California
Missed it by that much.
“And something tells me Joaquin Castro won’t make the cut.”
With Trump’s wall and his tagging Latinos as rapists and murderers, Clinton doesn’t need Castro. Warren seals the deal with Sanders’ supporters.
@ 34
Steve, I was replying in the context of a Cruz/Fiorina ticket, as you brought up in the immediately preceding spew. No room for Trump in the scenario you @ 29 brought up.
@35 My bad. But after last night and then today’s Sanders staff cutbacks, it seems to make more a lot more sense to speculate about Trump versus Clinton.
Fiorina gave a desperate Cruz a news cycle, but it seems that nobody sees her bringing him much in the way of votes. Her status in the last polls she was in would seem to confirm that.
Ain’t it sad lead pipes was found in libtard land Tacoma and no screams from the HA DUMMOCRETIN hoard?
Wait a minute… that’s only for Republican peeps!
How incompetent are SeattleDoT and WADoT with the closing of the viaduct tomorrow for the next two weeks for Bertha tunneling?
Why wasn’t this done during spring break time? They claim to adjust traffic signals? Yeah right!
Ever driven in Seattle? Single party town! Height of incompetence!
There’s nothing more irrelevant at this point than Cruz’s idea of a ticket. While Cruzorina! is hilarious, the GOP nominee will be Trump.
Let’s talk about the longest serving Republican Speaker of the House, [ever!] ADMITTED SERIAL CHILD MOLESTER, Dennis Hastert.
Youre beginning to get it, Steve.
At this point it’s just a random series of desperate hail Mary’s from now until November. Resurrecting klown Kar roadkill is no different than resurrecting Mittens. There’s reasons these campaigns are suspended.
Does he suggest going back to the Articles of Confederation, oh that would be so much fun.
Does the author bother to mention the Federalist Papers No 78 to 82? They probably address his objections. Or has he really answered or improved on the solution brought about in the Constitution, and those first 10 amendments.
There is truth that the judges on the court are politicians in robes. After all the court was impotent during the trail of tears, but was potent during the civil rights era.
It has gotten things wrong from time to time. Sometimes the court manages to sort things out or makes things more difficult.
What about this magic number of nine judges. Why not 11? 13? or 15? Or 7?
MAybe the court should be able to tell Congress to get off its butt and fill judgeships at the Supreme level down to the trial courts.
The court could handle more cases than it does today. It used to handle a lot more cases in years gone by.
Perhaps the court should be able to speak up that a note made by a court clerk doesn’t make corporations people.
Maybe the Senate could be the High Court or supply the judges. This is how it’s done in England as the HOuse of Lords supplies the courts judges.
Could the court remind lawmakers they make an oath to the Constitution, and they should not pass blatently unconstitutional laws a bit more often.
Should the court review all laws passed by Congress for being Constitutional?
Are we going to do a Constitutional Circus ummm Constitutional Convention to implement his suggestions. Could happen, not likely. So both right and left will applaud decisions they like and say the court has exerted it’s proper authority and when the court makes decisions they don’t like it’s a bunch of unelected judges making law.
@1 an @3 Perhaps we consumers should make the choice and use our power to tell the restaurant we want our fried rice prepared by human beings. We could refuse to use ATM’s and insist on using tellers at banks. Insist on face to face when doing business. That would put some business plans in a fix, but will we human beings do what is in our best interest?
@10 Most Romans would feel comfortable in these United States cities. Do you prefer pagan or Christian Romans? Those from the Republic or the Empire?
And some of the similarity is because the founders tried borrowing some of the good things from the Romans and they liked the classics and classical architecture.
@20 It’s Ted’s swan song. If you are shooting for a contested convention you can’t name your VP. The process is unpredictable as the convention may well choose for you, and it’s giving up a bargaining chip. At least pick someone with delagates or gravitas.
Is this election going to Monty Python?
@25 The conservative plan for displaced workers is no plan. Backfired on them in the 30’s. They had to agree with Roosevelt or some of the rentier class was likely to find out what happened to the class in France during the Revolution or the more recent one in Russia.
@37 Tacoma liberal?
Lead be it in pipes, paint, gas, ect is oddly an American thing. We knew in the 1920’s how dangerous lead was to humans, but unlike the Europeans (even the NAZI’s) we couldn’t ban lead. The Europeans did, most of the world did, but we Americans listened to the lead associations shills lies, and thought lead was good for you. It sure does sweeten wine. Hey another way we are like ancient Rome!
@38 Well if the viaduct falls in the next two weeks they will have achieved a high rate of competency.
Just go with it without checking right.
Tacoma –
District 22 Dem State Senator, 2 Dem reps
District 25
Republican State Senator 2 republican state reps
District 27 3 Democrats
District 28 Republican State Senator, split State Reps.
District 2 3 republicans
So of the 15 elected state representatives in Tacoma, 8 Republicans, 7 Democrats.
You were saying something along the lines of libtard land Tacoma
So apparently, by your own logic the Republican led contingent is at least partially responsible for allocating public works dollars at the state level are to blame for any issues regarding over-aged infrastructure.
The TeaBaggists are just doing God’s work.
It’s Alabama, so he’ll do less time than a 14 year old black kid caught with a gram of weed.
@3. If the alternative is Americans starving and homeless, then yes i’m for spending tax money to support them.
What kind of monsters would we be, if we did not.
I don’t use the self checkout machines at the grocery store and go inside the bank and transact with live people. I wonder how long before grocery stores put a surcharge on the human checkout lines.
@43 I would prefer pagan during pax Augusta. But if I really had a choice, I’d choose to be a lemur playing in the trees.
Call me a mysagonist Boob. But the comment about Carly thinking that being VP means being a nanny is funny.
@52 I just can’t help thinking “Dracula and Bride of Frankenstein” when I look at them.
Bonehead calls Crud Lucifer
Says the Peach to the Orange.
Lucifer now has a bitch too.
It’s pretty amusing. Cruz is loathed. Everyone agrees on that. So let’s say they go into a Brokered convention. What’s the scenario where if not Trump, Cruz? 100% of Kasich and Dr. Ben delegates go Cruz after the Fisrt ballot? That gets him to maybe 1000 if he can perform at all in the remaining primaries of 1237, less than have been won by Trump. No chance 75-100 go Trump getting him over the hump? ( I’m a poet and I don’t realize )
Cruz has no future. Fiorina is the next Palin. Reliable guest, small grasp on facts, decent talking head, wrong a lot but she’s not busy so she can get to the studio by 4 and we need to fill the block. Book her!
@55. You are a Poet and don’t even know it. Literally. Lol
@55 I think Drump will be their Nominee. Not sure how they can pull off him not being it. I don’t think Cruz has any chance.
@ 55
1. You didn’t include Rubio’s delegates.
2. You didn’t account for the fact that delegates that (supposedly) will vote for Trump on the first ballot have no required loyalty thereafter, and Trump has earned a far higher percentage of delegates than he has primary votes, due to the winner-take-all aspects of the primary system. Many suspect he will hemorrhage large numbers of pledged delegates after the first ballot.
If Trump doesn’t get 1237 on the first ballot it’s anyone’s guess as to what happens after that. At least be complete if you’re going to speculate.
I have to wonder if all the HA libbies tittering at ‘that face’ and ‘bride of Frankenstein’ descriptions of Fiorina will be similarly mirthful at comments about Hillary’s appearance later this year.
Or will they be screaming misogyny?
Someone on Goldy’s Twitter feed made fun of Walker’s sliding hair during a debate, and people have addressed Rubio’s stature and his receding hairline. Trump’s hair and makeup are objectively obvious jokes and everyone deserves a pass whenever they criticize his appearance, I’ll agree.
But if we’re going to go after looks of both sexes, on both sides of the election, then there’s really no gender basis behind it. Remember that when the Hillary attacks begin in earnest. ’cause you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.
Uh, oh! I saw that there’s a video clip of a goat and a little girl playing together on Huffpo. For a wingnut, that’s porn. Doesn’t Huffpo know any better? They should have thought twice before posting something like that.
“comments about Hillary’s appearance later this year”
Later this year? That’s been going on for over two decades and it includes her daughter, including remarks by yourself. And now you whine when someone behaves as you have?
Melting Face/That Face 2016
@ 61, 62
Not whining at all. Carly’s got a hard, no-nonsense look to her. She could knock back a couple before going out on the stump. Although she’s more incisive unaltered. I’ll take incisive.
@ 60
Speaking of HuffPo, guess who just joined Uber’s BoD?
Yeah, baby.
I love it when liberals sell out. She’s got a ways to go before she tops the Goreacle, tho.
You really think it will be Cruz? Rubio delegates still don’t get him there, again assuming they 100% line up for Cruz.
Here’s the thing Trump is likely to win Indiana (+6 polling), New Jersey(+28) and California(+17) winner take all primaries and add 290 delegates to his total. If he wins not a single additional delegate that’s 1261. It’s over.
Even if he loses Indiana he’s over 1200 delegates needing only 27 more to win outright. Outside the three states above there are still 200 or so primary delegates to be decided.
In your world, some winner take all, some proportional Cruz is going to win 90% of those delegates and keep Trump from the magic number?
The writing’s on the wall. If they screw Trump and all hell breaks loose the Republican party’s coalition of Tea Partiers, Religious Conservatives, outright racists, and main stream fiscal conservatives go into all-out warfare and the Party is done for at least the next decade. While it is customary for pledged delegates for a candidate not nominated at the convention to vote for whom their candidate endorsed they are not required to do so,
So you really think Trump won’t convince 20-30 of those kind of sort of pledged delegates or at large delegates to avoid blowing up the party if he doesn’t have 1237 in his pocket?
Your hail mary pass is going to fall meekly to the turf no closer than the 15 yard line.
Leader Pelosi, my Mylan stock, fresh from it’s successful inversion to foreign ownership, thanks you for your help.
House Democrats Push Back On Obama Plan To Cut Drug Prices
Pelosi encouraged her caucus to get behind the Neal letter to fend off the GOP attack. In fact, Pelosi’s office even helped with the letter: Democrats forgot to scrub their data from the document before circulating it, and an inspection of its properties reveals that it was last handled by a health policy fellow in Pelosi’s office.
Now Nancy, anything you can do to convince the IRS to treat the Mylan dividends as qualified rather than non-qualified? I’d really appreciate it if you can look into it after the election. Thanksalot.
@ 67
I think there will be more than one ballot. I’ll leave it at that.
Check your methodology in assigning IN, NJ, and CA delegates as winner-take-all. I think it’s more complicated than you seem to indicate.
You’re right on that one. California and New Jersey award delegates for each district won but with polling numbers as favorable for Trump as they are you can’t expect Cruz to win more than a couple-three dozen.
The overall point still stands. There are 502 delegates left to win and Trump needs 250 to end it.
You are suggesting that Trump won’t win a hair under 50% of those 502? He won 94% of available this week and 66% of delegates decided in April so we’ll see.
@66 a more careful reading is needed.
In order to stop a really horrible idea by Republicans that some conservative Dems were going to go along with, Democratic leadership sat down with conservative Democrats and crafted a proposal they would accept.
I get that compromise is a thing the R side of the aisle can’t possibly do so I can see why you didn’t recognize it.
@ 69
I read it, and comprehended it. Just chose what I wanted to share.
Like your average, ballpark Goldy piece.
You’re right about compromise. Someone like the current House Speaker would never compromise with the someone like the highest-ranking woman in the US Senate on anything, for any reason. He’s a Republican, after all, and would never give an inch on anything.
Why does Boob equate what someone here makes comment about Carly’s looks, with what a national figure should say.
Boob must think that Ima Dunce is Trump. I don’t think Ima Dunce would want to be Trump, but Trump is a Dunce.
Nice that Boob warns us that he’s going to wave his little index finger at us but has nothing to say about Trump’s lady comments (wagging my finger at Boob- my middle finger)
Rubio’s wife is hot but Boob will settle for Carly after knocking a few back.
Don’t blame you Boob – wouldn’t do it either unless I had more than a few in me.
Sounds like Boob knows for sure that Trump will not be the Nominee, I now couldn’t be more convinced that Trump will be the Noninee, Boob being wrong never disappoints.
Boob how about those big ears? My Boob is real sensitive to name calling….how about fag, maybe fag is acceptable for Boob instead of man with stooping posture.
@71 “I don’t think Ima Dunce would want to be Trump…” Oh, I suppose you could force me to have the money Trump has. But my comment about Fiorina was more about the fact she got a hold of the bad brain in the laboratory than her face. And Cruz does look like a vampire. But he’s also a blood sucking prick.
Heh.. The Rubio “hot wife” thing died…
And the Rubio – Martinez with it.. Too funny..
Now we see a role for Carly as the perfect weapon for going negative on Hillary. Yawwwn. Leaves so much for a voter to support! Like lower taxes on the rich and endless war.
Drumpfhole takes the nomination on June 7 at the earliest. The white identity base WANTS that scumbag. That’s today’s Republican party.
Lots to recommend it. Good luck with that.
I think the only thing that could beat Hillary is Drimpf. They would lose the election for sure if Crud was candidate with or without Carlonia.
That’s how fucking stupid that party is.
“California and New Jersey award delegates for each district won but with..”
Indiana is a “hybrid”. But as it stands, Trump will get close, if not over the top. Deny him the nomination if he gets close, and I bet all hell breaks loose – a right-wing version of Chicago ’68, possibly much worse.
Hmm, I probably shouldn’t mention children and goats in the same sentence. The loon’s probably been jacking off all day at the mere mention.
And they wonder why Bernie is so popular.http://www.dailykos.com/storie.....rug-prices
Once again it’s so sad to watch dr checkmate checkmate itself here on HA DUMMOCRETINS.
Is Tacoma ruled by the state representatives dr checkmate?
Is Tacoma ruled by the state senators dr checkmate?
Public works allocations? Republicans in WA State? HAHAHAHAHAHA!
The mayor runs the show and we see dr checkmate didn’t discuss the mayors or their henchmen/wimens
Bill Baarsma – Not Republican
Harold Moss – Not Republican
A. L. Rasmussen – Not Republican
Marilyn Strickland – Not Republican
Doug Sutherland – Republican
Out of all the years of 1900-2016 seems just 8 years were Republican ending in 1989!
So Puddy sticks with DUMMOCRETIN Tacoma!
R senile was bragging about the stock market. Puddy hadn’t said anything. Well today another 209 point drop.
1 Qtr 2016 GNP was what again R senile?
$9 Trillion to the debt!
People are wage stagnant. And DUMMOCRETINS want to spend $13 Trillion more per Bernie and Heilary?
Obummer’s economy really sux!
And yet, YTD the Dow is up. We all see you only come around to talk finances when you think your money in the mattress is doing well. But then again, you’re wrong.
Looks like the loon finally finished jacking off to imagery of goats and little kids. Nice of him, though, to drop by and share a triple head implosion with us. Sweet!
“We all see you only come around to talk finances when you think your money in the mattress is doing well.”
Eh, he gave it all Ben Carson’s campaign, and we all know how that turned out – an empty mattress and the loon had to unretired and get a job. Sucks to be the loon.
Piddles, you are so clever. Does the mayor of Tacoma have power over Tacoma Public Utilities?
Of course not. It’s a county wide organization. Up until 2014 even the Tacoma City council had little say in the direction (Measure 6 passed in 2014)
Thanks for the irrelevance.
I don’t know what stocks are doing because my computer has been in the shop since last week. (The operating system got corrupted while someone else was using it.) But I know for sure that no one ever made a dime by stuffing money under a mattress.
And they wonder why Bernie is so popular.
Apparently NOT!
Delegate Count:
Heilary 2165
Bernie 1357
http://www.mytpu.org/about-tpu/ and http://www.mytpu.org/about-tpu.....ity-board/
checkmate fart: Up until 2014 even the Tacoma City council had little say in the direction
The Tacoma City Council appoints the board members and they serve five-year terms, unpaid.
Bryan Flint, chair
Term: 2011-2016
Does checkmate factcheck?
NY Slimes called Melania Trump a trophy wife.
Was Heilary Bill’s trophy wife years ago?
Would libtards get upset when a DUMMOCRETIN’s wife was called trophy?
Not sure Hillary is any trophy in the same sense that melania, the third wife of Donald, is. But aid she wins the presidency in sure Bill will think of her as her trophy,
Orange Agent Boner sez about Kruzz:
“Lucifer in the flesh… have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.”
Best that TexASS-hole can be. Best it can be.
Yes, Orange Agent Boner will vote for the Drumpfhole. Such is the mentality of a golf addict.
However there’s more:
Old St. Raygun hand Bruce Bartlett is voting for the Drumpfhole too. Here’s why:
“rabid, nonsensical, right-wing authoritarianism”, i.e. white identity politics. The politics of the HA trolls.
@ Schizo @ 91
I doubt you even know the definition of the term.
Wow vomit producer @95 that was P R E C I O U S !
Bonehead calls Crud
Who are these people HHTL?
Puffy is Lucifer’s bitch.
@51 Lemur playing in tree. Is that a position in the Kuma Sutra as I can’t find it in there?
@53 And Abbot an Cotello will save the Republican party!!! Odd I’m sure those two are democrats maybe even socialists or maybe they escaped the red scare. In any case the Republican may need a couple of saviors. I’m sure our heroes are up to the task. If not I have popcorn and hopefully a good seat. Is it over when the fat lady signs?
@58 Well it’s likely that Prince Humberdinck has been contacted to unleash the brute squad on any of Trump’s delegates that don’t toe the line on the second or subsequent ballots. Trump has folks that can take names and keep track. And he still can wheel and deal the VP position. Or other cabinet positions. It’s how a brokered convention works and Trump claims he can make deals. In any case the candidate won’t be Cruz he’s just a tool. The dude from Ohio is playing that out of exhaustion the party will turn to him. It’s also just possible that Senator Clinton could become the Republican candidate on the 100th ballot round.
It’s looking pretty good that Hillary Clinton will win the White House:
The Drumpfhole’s negatives in every poll are OFF THE CHARTS!
Despite negatives of her own, at this point, it’s looking like she can’t lose.
@90 Tacoma is not particularly. Not particularly conservative. Major Air Force and Army presence. Tacoma’s politicians tend to be moderates and are interested in getting things done. There is some friction between the haves and the poor section. The Tacoma aroma existed as the city has an industrial base and a smaller port than Seattle. The well off tend to move in the direction of Olympia which tends to attract and poach Tacoma’s best and gifted.
The holy rollers are around, but they get told to shove off if they go to far. There are some stripper places in nearby cities that puts some pressure to be a bit more liberal on some issues. Tacoma is one of the most multi cultural cities in Washington.
Western state is there and a major VA hospital. A lot of cops in the Tacoma area.
Tacoma isn’t liberal it tends to be conservative in some areas and generally is pretty moderate and middle of the road.A greater or lesser effect of Joint McChord-Ft Lewis.
@102 I’m not sure Trump will pull it off, but he can beat Hillary. She can’t get the independent vote. Now if Hillary turns to Bernie and asks him to be VP that would be the proper move of a candidate that wants to win and puts the Democratic and American people first. It’s ok if Bernie declines, I don’t think he would. The Democratic party needs a liberal candidate…it’s time the pendulum has swung and she needs to let know she’s not going to try the third way and be more Republican than her opponents.
She needs to show she wants peace, but is able to speak plainly and forcefully on North Korea which is likely to be her first crises if she doesn’t and becomes President. This may also apply to Trump, but I don’t think Kim Jung Un thinks he’s weak.
Trump is starting to pivot to the center and if he wins Indiana he will mend bridges while giving last rites to Cruz and others.
Strategically he’s not going to be overly concerned with the women vote as he knows Hillary is going in with an advantage, but she isn’t going to get more women supporters than she has when she gets the nomination.
Enjoy the potential for a few weeks to enjoy summer and baseball before the gloves come off a week after the conventions. Could be the nastiest politicking after both candidates try out looking Presidential and find out the voters don’t care about that, but who is going to roll up their sleeves and work and fight for America.
Republicans – bunch of fucking do nothing cock suckers.
Rubio Warns GOP: It’s Time To Freak Out Over Zika http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....98934.html
I disagree. He’s 24%/57% favorable/unfavorable among all compared to Clinton’s 31%/52%
On the “If the election were held today” question in Hillary has a decent lead among independents go 45% Clinton / 38% Trump.
And Trump still runs into the EC map issue. On states polled Hillary/Trump on average of polls Hillary has a clear advantage of about 200EVs if you add in all the leaners and states that haven’t elected a Republican in the last three cycles she’s over 300.
So Trump is right where Romney was. He’s going to need to run the table of every toss-up state and flip a couple trending blue states and carve out some wins in states where Hillary currently has a lead of 5 points or less.
Hillary will go into the general campaign needing only to hold on to a few leaner states and it’s done.
Can Trump win? Yes. Are the EC odds very, very, very severely stacked against him. Yes.
And you are probably wrong on the women vote. Trump, continuing to state that Hillary has nothing to offer except being a woman, is really condescending. People don’t like him at all and women are seeing him more and more as an asshole, dare I say with wives that he tosses aside every decade or so for a younger one, so his gap among women is going to be historic. CNN had a poll that showed his unfavorbilty among women at 73% in march. It was mid sixties in Janaury and high fifties in December. And he can’t help himself. He may track politically to the center but his demeaning comments about women are lifelong and will just keep happening. Some people like him for being blunt but it will keep making women dislike him.
Then there’s blacks, latinos….
Trump’s unfavorable rating among Republican women is over 60%. No Republican nominee has been this poorly positioned for the general since Goldwater.
They… are… fucked.
And establishment douchebags like Boob are calling for burning fields and slaughtering cows and pigs ahead of the advance.
107, just wondering, what’s the unfavorable ratings for Hillary?
@ 108
You’re a typical flaming far-leftist, Better, and you’ve consistently stated that you’ll have to hold your nose to vote for her.
What do you think?
Thank sloppy. That’s what I was looking for.