Time for the weekly sandbox. Here’s a starter for the culture of life crowd… felinicidal maniac Bill Frist isn’t the GOP’s only cold-blooded killer. Tom DeLay killed his father, and Laura Bush ran over and killed a boyfriend. (That should get things rolling, but please feel free to rant on whatever you want.)
What would happen to our political structure (LMAO) if there was a law that all political campaign contributions could only come from individuals and not corporations or institutions? I, for one would like that idea. I truly believe that most elected officials (on both sides of the divide) get elected by large corporations, institutions, or associations and spend their first term repaying the ‘debt’ owed for the funds received. Make the campaign contribution laws state that only contributions from individuals (lets say below $100) are allowed in US Politics!!!!! I dread the day that/if lil dino gets to the governor’s mansion (all lower case because he is lower case)! He will have to do whatever the BIAW wants for his entire political career!!! I can see it now, BIAW running the entire show and lil dino as his ‘mascot’ what a horrible thought!!!!!!!!!
Wakey wakey pgee…
Can you say UNIONS?…
You know… a gregoires best friend
…and Ted Kennedy is still the hero of Chappaquiddick. Life-Saving 101, Ted? Back in your bottle, genie.
Old booze em and Lose em,
Drink and Sink, Drunk and Sunk,
Rape on the Cape
Down em and Drown em, Teddy!
Jpeg-gee @ 1—Dino balanced a budget for the first time in ages by bringing both sides of the aisle together…IN THE MIDDLE! What have YOU done in the past year or two? Anything note-worthy you can tell us about? Here is your chance to shine….hmmm?
I’m back! Goldy and DON, Did you wear white neck braces [like Teddy “Oldsmobile” Kennedy, D- Mary Jo] when you went out drinking so the bartender would feel sorry for you [Democrats: Victims!] and then try to pass the tab to someone else? That IS the Democrat way!!
Heh… Yer killin’ me. John Bolten’s a kiss-up to his superiors and an abusive prick to his subordinates. Sounds like Barbara Streisand syndrome to me. I think he should be seen by Dr.”Catman Carruthers” Frist. Well, after these revelations it’ll be awhile before he gets his hands on anymore pussy! To quote Randy Bachman,” That’s for sure!”
Stop the stuttering @ 4 Why in the world would I want to share my accomplishments with you? You have got to be kidding, right? And if I did decided to say anything you and your talibaptist/theocons/wingnuts would just spin it away. Why don’t you start the circus? Tell us what you have done that is worthwhile in the past…say….lifetime!…..hmmmmmmmmmm?
Stop the whistling @ 5
Dino did it by kicking poor kids off Medicaid. I wouldn’t brag about that, if I were him.
looneytunes @ 6
Oh shit.
Let the all CAPS, exclamation marks, dead cat and Marmy (sp) comments come fourth!
Since I missed out on the Pope thread:
A visiting minister during the offertory prayer:
‘Dear Lord,’ he began with arms extended and a rapturous look on his upturned face, ‘without You we are but dust…’
He would have continued, but at that moment one very obedient little girl (who was listening carefully for a change!) leaned over to her mother and asked quite audibly in her shrill little girl voice,
‘Mommy, what is butt dust?’
Church was pretty much over at that point…
Don’t be so modest about your major accomplishments:
1) First kid on your block to give a blowjob to his dawg.
2) World-class impressionist. Recently did a 3-hour impression of a pinata for school kids. Realistic right up to the point where 10 pounds of candy came out of jpgee’s ass as the little kids spanked him with their belts!
3) Last week, finally stopped wetting the bed. That electric blanket his “life partner”, BEN DOVER, purchased was the key!
4) Founded and continues to this day to be Executive Director of the Fremont District Fudge-pushers Society.
5) jpgee was such an ugly baby, his mother was forced to make him the first chile breast-fed thru a straw!
6) jpgee’s parents hated him so much because he was so ugly and stupid that he was the only kid at his school who’s bath toys were a plug-in radio and a toaster!
wow, you are up bright and early mr homophobe! what happened, BIAW needs some more books ‘fixed’?
Well Happy Birthday to Michael Moore, the bloated bloviator is 51!
He shares his birthday with William Shakespeare who summed it up quite nicely: A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.
Just think, Earth Day, Noam Chomsky in Pullman, Moore’s Birthday and TA-DAAAA! it’s WASL week!!
Celebrate little libs, Celebrate!
Stop the stuttering @ 4 Why in the world would I want to share my accomplishments with you? -Comment by jpgee— 4/22/05 @ 10:51 pm
What the hell are you talking about?
I didn’t address you in #4… let alone inquire as to what your accomplishments might be.
Lib Pets–
The ever-Angry Gay Male (aka jpgee, Rudy and other ID’s) loves to be the center of attention!
His accomplishments speak for themselves–see Post #13
jpgee is our resident homophobic homo
That means he is afraid of himself…as well he should be!
Oh just to make the Liberals nuts and give em some Saturday heavy breathing aerobics let’s mention all those folks that met an untimely in-Clinton’s-way death… BESIDES those kids at Waco, of course.
Yea, yea you’re going to break out your urban legends site… whoop de do.
This is a partial list, of the most suspicious Clinton-connected deaths prior to the end of 1994. For a complete list go here: http://www.freerepublic.com/fo.....372c27.htm
July 1978 Susan Coleman Allegedly became pregnant after having an affair with Clinton, a problem which threatened to disrupt Clinton’s election bid. Coleman was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head (an extremely unusual method of suicide for a woman). She was 7 1/2 months pregnant at the time. The death was ruled an apparent suicide.
February 19, 1986 Alder Berriman “Barry” Seal. Millionaire pilot and supplier in the Mena, Arkansas drug smuggling operation, the money from which was laundered through BCCI and Clinton’s Arkansas Development and Finance Authority. After turning state’s evidence against several other drug dealers, the DEA released him to a halfway house, where he was gunned down by three assassins with submachine guns. Clinton told Terry Reed, “Seal just got too damn big for his britches and that scum basically deserved to die, in my opinion…”
August 23, 1987 Kevin Ives Teenager who wandered near the site of a Mena, Arkansas drug/cash air drop. State medical examiner Fahmy Malak, a favorite of Clinton who had cleared Clinton’s mother of causing the deaths of two patients to whom she had administered anesthesia, ruled that Ives and Henry “fell asleep on the tracks.” A second autopsy, performed at the parents’ request by another coroner, found that they had been stabbed in the back and that their skulls had been crushed before the train had run over their bodies.
August 23, 1987 Don Henry Teenager who wandered near the site of a Mena, Arkansas drug/cash air drop. State medical examiner Fahmy Malak, a favorite of Clinton who had cleared. Clinton’s mother of causing the deaths of two patients to whom she had administered anesthesia, ruled that Ives and Henry “fell asleep on the tracks.” A second autopsy, performed at the parents’ request by another coroner, found that they had been stabbed in the back and that their skulls had been crushed before the train had run over their bodies.
April 1988 Keith Coney Claimed to have knowledge of the Ives/Henry murders. Killed before he could testify. After Coney had been slashed in the neck, he was fleeing for his life on his motorcycle when he slammed into the back of a truck and was killed. His death was ruled a “traffic fatality”.
November 1988 Keith McKaskle, Claimed to have knowledge of the Ives/Henry murders. Killed before he could testify. McKaskle, knowing that his life was in danger, had said goodbye to his friends and family. He died from 113 stab wounds which were inflicted upon him in his home.
January 1989 Gregory Collins, Claimed to have knowledge of the Ives/Henry murders. Killed before he could testify. Collins was found dead from a shotgun blast to the face.
April 1989 Jeff Rhodes, Claimed to have knowledge of the Ives/Henry murders. Killed before he could testify. Rhodes’ body was found in the city dump, where it had been burned. He had been shot in the head, and his hands, feet, and head had been partly cut off.
July 1989 Richard Winters, Claimed to have knowledge of the Ives/Henry murders. Killed before he could testify. Winters was silenced by a blast from a 12-gauge sawed-off shotgun.
June 1990 Jordan Ketelson, Claimed to have knowledge of the Ives/Henry murders. Killed before he could testify. Ketelson was found in the driveway of a Garland County house. He had died from a shotgun blast to the head. His death was ruled a “suicide”.
August 10, 1991 Danny Casolaro, Reporter investigating the connections between Inslaw, BCCI, Mena, Park-O-Meter, and the Arkansas Development and Finance Authority. Casolaro was found dead in a bathtub in a West Virginia hotel room with his wrists slit. He had told people that he was about to receive important information regarding his investigation, linking the scandals together. He had warned his family that his life was in danger and, if he were found dead of an apparent accident or suicide, to realize that he had actually been killed. His death was ruled a “suicide”.
July 30, 1992 C. Victor Raiser II, Former finance co-chairman of Clinton’s presidential campaign. Raiser’s plane crashed in good weather (small-plane crashes are relatively easy for professional hit men to stage) near Anchorage, Alaska. His death was ruled an “accident”.
July 30, 1992 Montgomery Raiser, Son of C. Victor Raiser II. He was also aboard the plane in which his father was killed. His death was ruled an “accident”.
May 19, 1993 John A. Wilson, Washington, D.C., city councilman who had decided to come forward with inside knowledge he possessed regarding the Clinton scandals. Wilson was found hanged. His death was ruled a “suicide”.
July 20, 1993 Vincent W. Foster, Jr, Counsel to the President handling the Whitewater investigation. Allegedly shot himself in the head. Despite the cover-up of the Fiske report, numerous pieces evidence points directly to murder, as noted in many different articles regarding his death. His death was ruled a “suicide”.
July 23, 1993 Paul Wilcher, Washington, D.C., attorney investigating the Mena affair Shortly before his death he wrote a 105-page letter to Attorney General Janet Reno describing evidence that he allegedly had concerning Mena. The first page of his letter stated in part; “The lives of key participants, other witnesses, and even myself, are now in grave danger as a result of my passing this information on to you. If you let this information fall into the hands of the wrong persons… some or all of those who know the truth …could well be silenced in the very near future.” Wilcher was found dead, in his apartment, on the toilet. He had been scheduled to meet with Danny Casolaro’s former attorney. No cause of death was determined.
* August 15, 1993 Jon Parnell Walker, Senior investigator for the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) who sought to move the Whitewater-Madison investigation to Washington, D.C., because he felt that Clinton’s people in the Kansas City office were delaying the process. Walker, a man whose friends, family, and co-workers unanimously agree was not depressed, fell to his death from a balcony while looking over a possible new apartment in Lincoln Towers. His death was ruled a “suicide”.
* September 26, 1993 Luther “Jerry” Parks, Owner of American Contract Services, which supplied guards for Clinton’s campaign and transition security teams. He had also been investigating Clinton’s sexual affairs for six years. Parks’ car was forced to stop, and he was cut down by nine rounds from one or more nine-millimeter semiautomatic pistols. His death occurred shortly after the documentation on his investigation of Clinton was stolen from his home.
November 30, 1993 Ed Willey, Manager of the Clinton presidential campaign finance committee. Willey allegedly shot himself. His death was ruled a “suicide”.
March 1, 1994 Herschel Friday, Member of C. Victor Raiser’s campaign finance committee. Friday, a top-notch pilot with an excellent private landing strip, died when his plane crashed and exploded as he approached the runway. His death was ruled an “accident”.
March 3, 1994 Dr. Ronald Rogers ( + 1 ), Traveling to meet London Sunday Telegraph reporter Ambrose Evans-Pritchard with information on Clinton scandals. Rogers and his pilot were killed when their twin-engine Cessna crashed, with a full tank of gas in clear weather, near Lawton, Oklahoma. Their deaths were ruled an “accident”.
* May 10, 1994 Kathy Ferguson, Ex-wife of Danny Ferguson, who was named in Paula Jones’ lawsuit. She had told co-workers about how her ex-husband, a state trooper, had obtained women for the sexual escapades of Bill Clinton. Ferguson allegedly shot herself in the head with a pistol, a method of suicide rarely chosen by women (and even more rarely chosen by nurses, who have access to drugs and the knowledge to use them). Several of her closest co-workers adamantly deny that she killed herself. She died five days after Danny Ferguson was named as a co-conspirator in the Paula Jones case. Her death was ruled a “suicide”.
* June 12, 1994 Bill Shelton, Arkansas police officer and boyfriend of Kathy Ferguson. Shelton had been highly and publicly critical of the police ruling that Kathy Ferguson had committed suicide. He allegedly shot himself in the head — behind the ear, execution style — a month after Ferguson’s death. His death was ruled a “suicide”.
* June 23, 1994 Stanley Huggins, Partner in a Memphis law firm who investigated the dealings of Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan and produced an unpublicized report of several hundred pages in length. Huggins, age 46, was found dead in the state of Delaware, reportedly of viral pneumonia.
October 31, 1994 Florence Martin, Accountant who worked as a subcontractor for the CIA, and who allegedly had the documentation for Barry Seal’s account in the Cayman Islands. Martin was found dead in Mabell, Texas, of three gunshot wounds to the head.
* Information about the suspicious coincidences involved in these deaths appeared in two 1994 issues (5/7/94 and 7/9/94) of The Economist.
“There are other possible victims, like
Paula Gober, Clinton speech interpreter — died in a December 9, 1992 car accident
Jim Wilhite, Associate of Mack McClarty’s former firm — died in a December 21, 1992 skiing accident
Stanley Heard & Steven Dickson, Members of Clinton’s health care advisory committee — died in a September 10, 1993 airplane crash
Timothy Sabel, William Barkley, Scott Reynolds, Brian Hassey, Clinton escorts/bodyguards — died in a May 19, 1993 helicopter crash
Mary Mahoney (Former White House intern shot multiple times in a Starbucks, pockets picked, no cash register money taken)
Eric Butera (Starbucks informant, beaten to death in sting)
Ed Gould (Clinton’s HIV/AIDS Advisory Council, Toxic)
James Milon (Ives/Henry Informant, Decapitated)
Larry Guerin (Inslaw Investigator, unknown)
Alan Standorf (NSA, Inslaw Investigator, unknown)
Dennis Eisman (Inslaw attorney, Shot)
Mitchell D. Abel, (Cocaine dealer and student re Tyson, Gunshot)
Mike Samples (Ives/Henry witness)
Eric L. Henderson (financial advisor to Ron Brown, shot while riding bicycle)
Steve Leung (investor in China, beaten)
Mary Beth (Pixie) Grismore (politically connected, murdered)
Judy Danielak (journalist, sniper)
Cecil Boren (by escaped inmate, tainted blood whistleblower)
Lee Scott Hall (stabbed, Lawrence Livermore Lab employee)
John D Muskopf (CIA Analyst, killed in robbery attempt)
” What IS convincing is just the sheer numbers of untimely deaths in the Clinton circle of influence — plus a long string of threats, attacks, beatings, break-ins, wiretaps, and other intimidation. ”
Breathe, little Libs, breathe!
Well, my very loooong list has disappeared into Goldyland, so, I’ll shorten it to links and highlights – I guess you’ll have to do the “research” yourselves:
Oh just to make the Liberals nuts and give em some Saturday heavy breathing aerobics let’s mention all those folks that met an untimely in-Clinton’s-way death… BESIDES those kids at Waco, of course.
Yea, yea you’re going to break out your urban legends site… whoop de do.
” What IS convincing is just the sheer numbers of untimely deaths in the Clinton circle of influence — plus a long string of threats, attacks, beatings, break-ins, wiretaps, and other intimidation. ”
Breathe, little Libs, breathe!
PUUUULLLLLEEEAASE visit the http://www.shantimai.com website.
Read the testimonials.
It will help you understand the pain our little LEFTIST pinheaded comrades feel and endure every day.
Perhaps some of us will actually feel some compassion toward these pathetic losers.
NOT ME THOUGH!!!!!! I can f***ing guaran-damn-tee that!!
None of those testimonials are from Republicans!
Next thing we know it will be the
SHANTAIMAI/GOLDSTEIN Presidential Ticket!!
They will call themselves:
Looks like Mr. Cynical is taking a creative writing course. I would give him a “Gentleman’s C,” except he is no gentleman.
OREILY LIES, prove me wrong.
Quit shooting the messenger and read the message.
How much more clear do I have to make it…. THEY ARE HIS OWN WORDS
I know it is a site that keeps an eye on him, why? because he lies all the time.
where do you go to verify his tales and bullshit?
Hey! Cats and dogs and all human pets, birds, horses, those who’ve become like family to their humans, go to heaven. Heaven is not some gold-paved city of mansions in the clouds. Boorinnnng. Heaven is and always was the entire planet Earth, the original garden of Eden. Plenty of room for our pets. There is no Hell and Heaven accepts all humans. Those who’ve disgraced themselves prefer a solitary existence. Heaven’s worst bastards are allowed to commit suicide and are reincarnated, given another lifetime to redeem themselves. If the current generation of religious bigots decide to destroy the planet in order to ‘turn God’s hand’, God will simply say, “Sorry, I never said Armageddon had to happen. You’ve destroyed your own heaven and there’s nothing I can do. That’s the way the cookie crumbles, losers”.
I found this great pic of Danw:
Where is the media source I can quote to you? Obviously you are a Marxists (Chico) “Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?”
You won’t believe anything…..Not even…HIS OWN WORDS
So what does it take? Help us all out here. We are constantly trying to show you, that what you stick so firmly to are lies.
If there is nothing or nowhere that can be shown to you…why bother with the ignorant.
Where’s the proof about Media matters lieing? Step up or shut up or just continue your goosestep.
Wjay to try to win me to your side there Dannyboy…
Teally, that so makes me want to start/continue/have a dialogue with you Dannyboy
and thanks for the Picture, really that’s how I feel sometimes when listening to you and the rest of the sheep…Bring up a point…response from you… Personal attack on messenger,Ted Kennedy, Hilary, Dan Rather…Clinton got a blowjob, you can’t trust that left wing rag. (they’re called deflection to talking points) Don’t address the question the answer is not right.
Don’t you think that everytime you brought up something and that was our response you would get frustrated? and want to blow up Whines head?
Dear Sir (name to long)
Deflection again…you just can’t help it…comes pretty natural.
My pleasure Dannyboy.
I plan to get a lot of use out of it.
Yes and thanks again for the kind picture…nothing personal there either.
Instead of the Made up name, put a real name on it, I don’t think we have a righty on here that uses there real name.
You know what?
I don’t give a fat rats butt what O’Reilly says, does or eats for breakfast.
YOU are far more concerned with quoting him and then disproving the quotes than anyone else we’ve seen.
What was it the gregoire had to say… ‘it’s time to move on’?
Anything of substance deflecto? Media Matters? Franken? Media source we can quote to convince you of anything? anything? anyone? knock knock…time to pull the tube.
or if you just want to skip over my questions and challenges, we can go back to name calling.
But I’ll give you one more chance…prove me wrong about O’Reilly.
PS….I’ll respond for you…Bill Clinton, 9/11
Read 31 Dannyboy
Why O’Reilly? ’cause He’s just the tip of the Iceberg to what you are fed as truths…If you start to question one, the whole thing unravels, then your will realize Hmmm…maybe I am being fed a line of Bull….from Whom? and Why?
Question things, don’t just accept them.
I never asked you “Why O’Reilly”?
I said:
“I don’t give a fat rats butt what O’Reilly says, does or eats for breakfast.”
zapporo spews:
Danw spews:
Danw spews:
zip spews:
Stop the CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libs spews:
Danw spews:
chardonnay spews:
chardonnay spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
chardonnay spews:
AllHatAndNoHorse spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
zip spews:
chardonnay spews:
Cybil spews:
Cybil spews:
chardonnay spews:
Cybil spews:
chardonnay spews:
chardonnay spews:
chardonnay spews:
zapporo spews:
chardonnay is a burnt out shell spews:
chardonnay is a burnt out shell spews:
chardonnay is a burnt out shell spews:
zapporo spews:
Danw spews:
chardonnay spews:
chardonnay spews:
VCRW spews:
zapporo spews:
VCRW spews:
Stop the CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libs spews:
VCRW spews:
zapporo spews:
chardonnay spews:
Stop the CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libs spews:
Lib Pets – That picture of Danw is choice. ROFL.
Don’t be afraid to be called a Liberal anymore…It is something to be proud of. So next time someone says they hate liberals, ask them if they want to; resegerate the schools, take back the rights of women, stop working for a living wage, protection from police power and many more reasons why you should be proud, rights that they enjoy as well….for now.
This link will give you the ammunition you need to be proud. not that they will get it, but you will.
Deflection……do you want a debate? or just talking points.
I just posted some for us to throw back at you idiots. Debate is not the onesided thing you like…go back to (U)sp
and circle to your hearts content.
Your problem is that you actually believe that those who disagree with you are a bunch of sheep taking their facts from blowhards like OReilly. You “progressives” take that patronizing attitude too much. If you check out some of Goldy’s favorite “progressive” rant sites, you will see how far out of the mainstream this group is.
Zip, let em go … the best thing that happens to conservatism is when liberals like Danw go off on a wild toot.
And, it’s grand entertainment!
I don’t think all that diagree with me are sheep. The fact that you know that O’reilly is a Blowhard is incouraging. The Problem is that the 78% (Guess) GOP listening audience does not believe he is a blowhard and believe what he says. Even worse for Limbaugh and Hannity. When you have a microphone you should be held accountable, when using the public airways be accountable. that was the reason behind the Air Americas and the Media Matters.( and my challenge to prove them liars)They are trying to make it clear to those who will listen, that much if not most of what they say IS slanted or downright lies…and that people need to be aware and do the research.
How many times does a person have to lie to you, before you start to mistrust what they are saying as a whole?
As for Cat….Still deflecting… I have actual copied it just to paste for your posts…DEFLECTOR
JCH @ 6
FYI, Don calls himself alan now or dubyasux, but I just call him cybil.
danny W, you are calling oreilly a liar and referencing elroy in the same thread? Hun, elroy is a loon. he qoutes the bible out of context. OK? he does it to manipulate you. he claims to be so many things and you fell for it hook line and sinker. and you ridicule christians, isn’t elroy also a believer? I think he admits that on his site. another disgruntled liberal is all he is. the bible doesn’t fit into his lifestyle so he mis quotes it to make it fit his liberal life. danny boy, you are a dunce.
Goldy’s ex-wife said when they were married Goldy was such a cheap, insensitive bastard, he would rent out his side of the bed to strangers for extra beer money when he went away on business trips!
I’ll bet she married a Republican after putting up with a drama queen for a husband. If anything she can have the mirror to herself now. LOL, I’ll bet David has more cosmetics than she did.
danny W, you are calling oreilly a liar and referencing elroy in the same thread? Hun, elroy is a loon. he qoutes the bible out of context. OK? he does it to manipulate you. he claims to be so many things and you fell for it hook line and sinker. and you ridicule christians, isn’t elroy also a believer? I think he admits that on his site. another disgruntled liberal is all he is. the bible doesn’t fit into his lifestyle so he mis quotes it to make it fit his liberal life.
Comment by chardonnay
Whooaaaaa there,…..settle down, take your prozac!
Geez! and you think the bible is a biography!?!?
No wonder you’re such a loon!
Goldy is a real FANCY BOY!
Actually, Goldy’s worst feature is that piercing, wretched voice!
I’m sure every dog in KingCo was howling when he was gettin’ off!
His wife was probably filing her nails.
You are being such a sucker to refer to Air America and Media Matters as a credible source of anything. Give it up and just admit you are another partisan willing to swallow anything that fits into your lefty mindset.
Good choice of words for Goldy, DRAMA QUEEN. It’s pretty pathetic how paranoid he is becoming these days. Perhaps he is just acting the part to keep the base fired up.
hey guys, check this out
By By hillary 08, looks like Kennedy strikes again. please note who Reggie’s sister is. LOL dems implode while republicans win a generation.
Cheap whine @ 42
I call you shitfaced when you’re drunk which is most of the time.
Cheap whine @ 45
Who are you to talk? You can’t even get a Republican to marry you.
nowhorse @ 46
thanks for posting my entire comment again. I think it is important people know about that liar elroy-jim jones. he is a magician that can make the bible say anything you want, a “living document” of sorts. LOL LOL geez, and you are the progressive party? the “intellectuals”
Vinegar @ 52
What’s with the racist phonetics?
Oh cybil, Hello. does your mommy know you are not under the piano?
what the hell is with the name Alan anyway? oh well, I guess it’s just one of those silly liberal things we may never understand. changing identities and sexual preferences as often as needed to passify the mental anguish liberalism causes. carry on alan/cybil/don, what ever floats your boat, it’s your parade honey.
cybil, this one’s for you, but only because I care.
Ted Kennedy’s brother-in-law pleads guilty to bank fraud charges
April 22, 2005
NEW ORLEANS (AP) A prominent political consultant who is Sen. Ted Kennedy’s brother-in-law pleaded guilty Thursday to fraud charges in a scheme to cheat banks out of money.
In a plea bargain, Raymond Reggie admitted to one count of bank fraud and one count of bank fraud conspiracy.
Reggie runs a media consulting firm, and as a political consultant has worked on the campaigns of Democrats including Bill Clinton, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Al Gore.
Judge Carl Barbier set sentencing for Oct. 26. (just in time for elections) woo hooo yahooy
The conspiracy count carries up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine, while the bank fraud charge carries up to 30 years in prison and a $1 million fine. Terms of the plea deal were not immediately available. (will he take the fall for Hillary???)
Reggie’s sister, Victoria, is married to Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat.
Don finally freaked out. I knew this was coming. He needs to admit publicly that he has a problem. That is the first step. With help, he can recover. But it will take time, the forgiveness of others, and a true desire to turn his life around.
All of your friends here are hoping that you succeed. Don’t let us down.
chardonnay @ 46 elroy is a loon. he qoutes the bible out of context thanks, then it is official…..he is a Republican in Drag…must be your new boyfriend
chardonnay @ 52 from your post he sounds 100% like the rest of YOU theocons and talibaptists….. he’s just your cup a md 2020
we could place zapporo, zip, chardonnay, petlib, jch, prr and the top troll Queen Cynical, in a small room, and they would kill each other trying to convert themselves to their own version or religion and repugnicantism. no brains, no skills, no clean ideas, just brain farts and deflections
jpgee – You can change your callsign but you still show through.
Admit it – you have a thing for Chardonnay. You are sweet on her. Look at your postings. The Freudian slip is obvious.
IRS Crookical, Vinegar, Zapporo, and the poop.
You have all changed my mind, I am know considering the darkside.
Of course there has been no one to post any proof that AA or MM are lieing on there sites. Unlike “The Fucktor”. But that’s okay because I am changing.
You are right my tolerance level has changed.
I thought there was a place for everyone, I was wrong. I have been misled by all those Bread vs bullets meetings I attended.
I name David Goldstein as a communist….whew got that off my chest.
Please let me know the correct way to get on board, and if there is anyone besides gays and intellectuals we are going after next, let me know and I want to jump on board early.
Which of the fine Fox programs do I need to get my talking points from, or will I just get a Sanchez memo when I am needed.
I think I would be really good at those Activist judges, Can you imagine most of them appointed by Republicans, and turning their backs on us.(by us, I mean good white christian folk) Guess they haven’t heard of Tom Delay…fools.
So Mia Culpa’s to all of you, your right it is so much easier to deflect to something else than actually deal with facts.
and so much more fun.
I am a little squeemish about initiations, Do I have to kill an abortion doctor, or can I just go down to south and lynch a balck guy.
Thank you all for helping me see the light
I’ll wait for the memo.
danW don and all,
you really love me, you really really love me. to bad I don’t give a shit. carry on with the parade.
I like your W, I think of George W Bush every time I see your name. The good news is, I rarely read your comments, they are so predictable, like elroy. I have this habit of scrolling down to see who made the comment before I read the post. sorry. some liberals are funny, you are just not one of them. dude, you are so emotional. what is up with that? geez so many drama queens I think HA is a soap opera. LOL
Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopeckne and got away with it.
Memo to Danw:
RE: You are a total freaking idiot.
Danw, there may be hope for you yet. Just follow these simple instructions to transform your life:
1. Throw out the moveon.org subliminal tapes.
2. Cut off your internet usage immediately.
(In fact, never post here again. Just make a clean break.)
3. Reflect privately for a moment of solace and candor.
(Repeat frequently)
4. Resolve to live honestly with dignity and honor.
5. Always be truthful, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. I realize you don’t understand where these words come from. That’s not important at this stage of your development.
6. Study history. Understand the principles on which this great nation was founded.
7. Grant others the freedom to worship openly, to protect life, and to minimize government interference in our lives.
8. Turn your back on racisim, nihlism, and class warfare. We can acomplish much more by working together.
9. Actively conserve and protect the environment, but do so in a way that is logical and reasonable, not extremist.
10. When you are ready, when you have fully progressed, the tenth and final step will be sent to you.
Take these actions. Go in peace. Teach others what you have learned.
How to cook left wing crow
For this recipe you will need one large crow with an oversized leftwing. A favorite method of fattening up the left wing is to feed the crow 5 daily helping of MSM propaganda. The left wing crow especially loves forged documents on Republican presidents. For best effect,feed the forged document to the left wing crow close to a presidential election. This will cause the left wing to get even bigger and tougher. Anti-American propaganda may be substituted. Don’t worry about the bird injurying the left wing in a fight with other crows. It will instinctively turn to its right wing for defense against predators. Right wings have protected left wing crows for over 200 years and still the silly left wing crow thinks it was his left wing that save him.
Prepare the bird by first dispatching it with election results in which Republicans increase their majorities in the Senate and house and then inform it that Bush won four more years. The bird will immediately begin hyperventilating. Repeat “Four more years” until the bird exhibites signs of Post Election Selection Trauma. Then grab the bird and smack it on the fence. This will tenderize the
left wing because, after all, everyone knows how the left wing gets soft on the fence.
Roast the bird in the oven of truth until the stench of propaganda is no longer noticeable. This may take a few days for some variety of left wing birds such as the Kennedy/Chappaquidick left wing crow. The bird will be finished when the left wing falls off. Discard the left wing, because after all, that is the worst part and contains no delicious moral character anyway. This moral character tends to accumulate in the right wing. NOTE: Birds that are infected with spots of socialism or communism should be immediately thrown own. These diseases can be contagious.
It has been often asked just how long a left wing crow should cook in the oven of truth. The best rule of thumb is to take it beyond the well/fair stage to where it can stand up on its own when placed vertically on a plate. This prevents the meat from clinging to the dish and using up the benefits of seasoning and hard work from other crows.
Garnish with sprinklings of truth and justice and serve.
This dish goes well with a half empty glass of white whine.
A big piece of humble pie makes a great desert for this dish
So Mia Culpa’s to all of you, – Comment by Danw, — 4/23/05 @ 5:26 pm
Ahem Danw, I think that MIA was married to Frank Sinatra, Andre Previn, and that nutburger Woody Allen.
I believe what you were trying to say in your clumsy little way Danw, was MEA Culpa… as in Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa
Please stop pretending you’re a Catholic Danw, you just don’t do it very well.
Clinton killed the sailors of the USS Cole.
That Danw is hilarious.
The last few months have been historical, the Terri Schindler story exposed the culture of death crowd, the Pope even acknowledge it when speaking out about Terri. The passing of one Pope and the announcment of a new Pope. All this media exposure has liberals going nuts, thinking who wants to hear that right? ONE THIRD OF THE WORLD IS CHRISTIAN. I am not catholic but I admire the Catholic church very much because throughout time (2000 years) it has not caved to the fab5 flavor of the month crowd (liberalism and it’s many factions of __isms) which purpose is to destroy the church. Nice try but the church is solid as a rock. It’s big stuff. One billion sold.
Since Danw, Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus
ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.
Translation for
chardonnay spews:
Stop the CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libs spews:
Stop the CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libs spews:
Stop the CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libs spews:
firesidechat spews:
dj spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
Alan spews:
Alan spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
zapporo spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
Alan spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
marks spews:
zapporo spews:
Alan spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
Alan spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
Alan spews:
dj spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
dj spews:
Alan spews:
Alan spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
Alan spews:
Alan spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
marks spews:
zapporo spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
DonSux spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
dj spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
chardonnay spews:
dj spews:
dj spews:
dj spews:
dj spews:
chardonnay spews:
DamnageD spews:
Stop their CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libs spews:
dj spews:
Alan spews:
Alan spews:
Alan spews:
Alan spews:
GS spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
zapporo spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
zapporo spews:
dj spews:
CynicalSucks spews:
zapporo spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
dj spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
dj spews:
zapporo spews:
Chuck spews:
dj spews:
zapporo spews:
dj spews:
zapporo spews:
dan(skywalker)W spews:
chardonnay spews:
danw spews:
dj spews:
Alan spews:
chardonnay spews:
zapporo spews:
Alan spews:
chardonnay spews:
chardonnay spews:
chardonnay spews:
zapporo spews:
dj spews:
chardonnay spews:
AllHatAndNoHorse spews:
jpgee spews:
jpgee spews:
jpgee spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
jpgee spews:
jpgee spews:
Alan spews:
Alan spews:
Danw spews:
Danw ( the reborn rightie) spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
firesidechat spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
zapporo spews:
jpgee spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
zapporo spews:
zapporo spews:
firesidechat spews:
jpgee spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
jpgee spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
zapporo spews:
Danw ( the reborn rightie) spews:
Danw ( the reborn rightie) spews:
gs spews:
Danw ( the reborn rightie) spews:
zapporo spews:
zapporo spews:
chardonnay spews:
AllHatAndNoHorse spews:
chardonnay spews:
Stop the Whistling spews:
AllHatAndNoHorse spews:
chardonnay spews:
Alan Thicke spews:
AllHatAndNoHorse spews:
jpgee spews:
chardonnay spews:
firesidechat spews:
firesidechat spews:
chardonnay spews:
chardonnay spews:
dj spews:
chardonnay spews:
chardonnay spews:
dj spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
chardonnay spews:
chardonnay spews:
chardonnay spews:
dj spews:
chardonnay spews:
chardonnay spews:
dj spews:
AllHatAndNoHorse spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
Stop the whistling spews:
dj spews:
dj spews:
cheap alaska cruises spews:
cheap alaska cruises
Just out of curiosity, is the Earth Day Holiday like an entire weekend of worship for the enviro extremes?
I don’t get it, the earth worshipers live in the city.
Earth is in balance, it’s Al Gore that’s out of whack!
The Earth Day Before Yesterday
“ Today (April 22) marks the 35th anniversary of the founding of “Earth Day” by former Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson. It’s also V.I. Lenin’s birthday — which is no coincidence. Nelson modeled his anti-capitalist protests after anti-Vietnam War demonstrations of that era. Today, the so-called “environmental movement” he helped spawn has devolved from a gaggle of unwashed adolescent peaceniks into a slick cadre of leftists, lobbyists and lawyers. The result of this devolution has been an enormous hidden tax on American products and services — more than a trillion dollars last year — in the form of runaway environmental regulation. “
“ The populist wing of the environmental movement now operates under the aegis of the Left’s cult of Latter Day Eco-theologists, or earth-worshippers. Their current titular head is Albert Arnold Gore, he of the unfortunately timed “global warming” speech delivered in January, 2004, during the coldest day in New York City in decades. “
“ The objective of the earth-worshippers is to create a central authority over industrial production in the West through mechanisms like the Orwellian Kyoto Treaty. Their method is to portray industrial atmospheric emissions as a primary determinant of global climate. Their goal, consistent with both Nelson and Lenin, is to crush or at least bridle free-enterprise capitalism. The Kyoto Protocol, for example, hamstrings Western industrialized nations but exempts socialist states like India and China. (It should be noted that the U.S. Senate resoundingly rejected Al Gore’s beloved Kyoto Protocol in 1997 by way of the Byrd-Hagel Resolution. The vote count? An eye-popping 95-0.) “
“ Commenting on the misuse of science to support political agendas, Harvard’s Dr. Malcolm Ross concludes of such folly, “Freeze or fry, the problem is always industrial capitalism, and the solution is always international socialism.” Colorado Environmental Studies Professor Roger Pielke adds, “It is clear that there is an ample supply of people willing to use concern over the politicization of science as a political bludgeon to score points on the Bush Administration [but] where are the analysts (including reporters) who care about the politicization of science?” “…CONTINUE READING
The Earth Day Before Yesterday
“ Today (April 22) marks the 35th anniversary of the founding of “Earth Day” by former Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson. It’s also V.I. Lenin’s birthday — which is no coincidence. Nelson modeled his anti-capitalist protests after anti-Vietnam War demonstrations of that era. Today, the so-called “environmental movement” he helped spawn has devolved from a gaggle of unwashed adolescent peaceniks into a slick cadre of leftists, lobbyists and lawyers. The result of this devolution has been an enormous hidden tax on American products and services — more than a trillion dollars last year — in the form of runaway environmental regulation. “
“ The populist wing of the environmental movement now operates under the aegis of the Left’s cult of Latter Day Eco-theologists, or earth-worshippers. Their current titular head is Albert Arnold Gore, he of the unfortunately timed “global warming” speech delivered in January, 2004, during the coldest day in New York City in decades. “
“ The objective of the earth-worshippers is to create a central authority over industrial production in the West through mechanisms like the Orwellian Kyoto Treaty. Their method is to portray industrial atmospheric emissions as a primary determinant of global climate. Their goal, consistent with both Nelson and Lenin, is to crush or at least bridle free-enterprise capitalism. The Kyoto Protocol, for example, hamstrings Western industrialized nations but exempts soci*list states like India and China. (It should be noted that the U.S. Senate resoundingly rejected Al Gore’s beloved Kyoto Protocol in 1997 by way of the Byrd-Hagel Resolution. The vote count? An eye-popping 95-0.) “
“ Commenting on the misuse of science to support political agendas, Harvard’s Dr. Malcolm Ross concludes of such folly, “Freeze or fry, the problem is always industrial capitalism, and the solution is always international soci*lism.” Colorado Environmental Studies Professor Roger Pielke adds, “It is clear that there is an ample supply of people willing to use concern over the politicization of science as a political bludgeon to score points on the Bush Administration [but] where are the analysts (including reporters) who care about the politicization of science?” “…CONTINUE READING
from DK “Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics:
29 have been accused of spousal abuse and 7 have been arrested for fraud.
9 have been accused of writing bad checks and 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least two businesses. 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit.
3 have done time for assault and 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges.
8 have been arrested for shoplifting. 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year
Can you guess which organization this is?
It’s the 535 members of the United States Congress. The same group of idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.
We should probably do something about that, huh?”
chardonnay @ 70
“The last few months have been historical, the Terri Schindler story exposed the culture of death crowd”
Exactly, it certainly has exposed the hypocritical neocon culture of death. 1,560+ US Soldiers killed, scores more American citizens in Iraq, and somewhere from 10,000 to 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians killed. The Bush administration is a culture of death on the scale of genocide.
“All this media exposure has liberals going nuts. . . . Nice try but the church is solid as a rock. It’s big stuff.”
Chardonnay, are you trying to come off like an idiot, or what? During the Nov. election about 47% of Catholics voted for Kerry. In fact, 40% of protestants voted for Kerry. Of the 10% of voters who stated “no religion”, there was a 2/3 Kerry, 1/3 Bush split.
This idea that liberals universally hate religion is complete bullshit from the mouths (and keyboards) of idiots. Liberals don’t hate religion. . . liberals hate assholes like you who abuse religion by trying to turn it into a political tool.
DJ @ 76–“…abuse religion by trying to turn it into a political tool. ” And what would you call those who abuse sexual preference for political purposes–same part of the anatomy seems somehow ironically appropriate (snicker) there, too, don’t you think?
Char @ 72–It’s all part of their “diversity” trend, you know? Or is it PERversity? All the city dwellers telling the rural ‘hayseeds’ what they can or can’t do with their own properties. Like the guy who was cited for abusing a “natural wetland” that he himself had dug and filled with water on his own property. I think he almost buried the agent face down in the mud before the man started to believe him. Or the guy with 40 acres of land with a lot of streams init. Due to the ‘buffer’ zones and usage laws, about two acres of the 40 is able to be used and he couldn’t sell it like that if he wanted to do so for a dollar–maybe all those enviro-meddlers should purchase it and put their money where their mouths are.
Stop @ 73–Amen, brother!
whiner @ 55
WTF are you whining about now? You don’t post under your real name either. Get a life!
chardonnay etc. @ 60
we could place chards in a small room with zapporo, zip, petpoop, jch, and prr and the vinegar queen still couldn’t get a laid because all of the afore-mentioned dicks placed end to end would be less than 2 inches long.
Danw @ 62–“…turning their backs on us.(by us, I mean good white christian folk)”
I think they call comments like that RACIST. Nothing a good DEM would say, right? Or is the south still a stronghold for AFFIRMATIVE RE-ACTION?
A few ‘hail mary’s”, Dan. And pay your penance or whatever it is you do to beg forgiveness. Last, but not least, solve this equation for full salvation: |K cubed|=zero
I just realized what’s going on.
This is the biggest conservative honeypot ever invented.
There is actually only one liberal puke posting for the entire blog.
That’s why there’s no imagination on the left. It’s all one person with very limited creativity.
He/She/It just changes pseudonymns and we’re off and running again.
It’s all starting to make sense now.
Stop @ 74–“Their current titular head is Albert Arnold Gore, he of the unfortunately timed “global warming” speech delivered in January, 2004, during the coldest day in New York City in decades.”
This is no coincidence. Al gets a cold reception in a lot of places he goes.
chards @ 63
Chards, I appreciate that you’re desperate for love, but no, I don’t love you. I’m intensely, wildly, head-over-heels, INDIFFERENT to you. I could care less whether you even exist.
Alan @ 81–No need to deny it, son…you IQ is DEFINITELY showing. My grandmother could do better.
dj @76
I don’t have much of a beef with your post, but I do not recall seeing those numbers in the exit polls. Naturally, I could be wrong, and maybe a new exit poll was found or the exit poll I saw was preliminary…
Alan – I really don’t care for your interest in my genitals.
Nor do I care to hear about your life partner or any other raunchy sex acts that you perform with animals.
I’m not interested. Got that?
VCRW @ 65
So what? Adolf W. Bush killed 100,000 Iraqi civilians and got away with it. You can get away with anything if you have the right connections.
Cybil–isn’t that the multi-personality chick in an old film? Hmmm…if that’s what you want to be called, okay.
VCRW @ 68
So what? Adolf W. Bush killed 1,500+ American soldiers in Iraq.
Mr. Cynical @ 13–Wow, where do I begin? I have to admit I am impressed. We are in the presence of true greatness–(bow and scrape). Thank you for opening my eyes. And to think jpgee was being so humble and unassuming until now.
firesidechat @ 75
This mass e-mail, which has been circulating since 1999, was long ago debunked as an urban legend. See, e.g., http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/outrage/congress.htm
Whistling @ 77
“And what would you call those who abuse sexual preference for political purposes”
I’d say it is not an analogous situation.
BTW: thank for injecting a little humor into your posts. I try to do that, but I have been cranky for the last few days.
Lib @ 18–“just to make the Liberals nuts” Too late, dude. Sorry.
Also, jpgee knows you weren’t addressing him at 4–he is dyslexic and an exhibitionist. (Do you get a guy who takes his clothes OFF backwards?)
marks @ 87
Thanks for asking . . . I should have given a link before. Here it is:
whistler @ 77
I assume you’re referring to gays pushing for anti-discrimination laws? Let’s take a look at what you call “abusing sexual preference for political purposes” —
Not wanting to get beat up or killed for being gay,
Not wanting to be discriminated against in employment for being gay,
Wanting the same health insurance, property ownership, and inheritance rights that heterosexual couples have.
Not quite the same thing as using God to justify war, greed, inequality, exploitation, lying, cheating, stealing, etc. ad nauseum.
whistling in the wind @ 78
Streambeds are state land, the water in them is public property, and no you can’t fuck up streams in this state — it’s against the law, and it should be.
Stop @ 74–Very eloquent and concise. And accurate.
Note: The recent Journal of Science reports that MOST of the earths’ atmospheric pollution comes from HOME COOKING FIRES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA!!!! At a level of TEN TIMES that of the total US output!!!! What effect does all that cooking have on the ozone layer, Goldy? Do we need to stop eating fried foods, PJ?
Wow, we have a long way to go before we can even BEGIN to catch up. Get busy, people! Light a fire, waste gas, promote bovine flatulence; smoke more joints, Goldy.
stop @ 86
Too bad you aren’t as smart as your grandmother, but if you and chards add your IQs together, maybe your kids will be normal. (50 + 50 = 100)
zap @ 88
I take it you’re not interested in chards, either. That’s understandable. A cat is more your size, your choice of gender.
DJ @ 93–Your welcome.
Alan @ 97–I repeat–“Due to the ‘buffer’ zones and usage laws, about two acres of the 40 is able to be used and he couldn’t sell it like that if he wanted to do so for a dollar–maybe all those enviro-meddlers should purchase it and put their money where their mouths are.”
When a man must continue to pay exorbitant taxes on (west-side) land that is the “states'” land, then that is extortion, no matter how you slice it, baby. Let the state BUY the land at fair market value and then take care of it themselves or let the “urf-first” folk do so. Don’t tell me I have to keep it AND pay for it through the nose but have no right to sell it. I don’t think even you can justify that. Let the state pay the man for stewardship over the land as a fee for protecting it!
Aln @ 85–“I could care less whether you even exist.” That is COULDN’T care less—COULD NOT! COULD NOT! Couldn’t, couldn’t couldn’t. Okay? Okay. Make notes and practice.
Alan, I am amazed at your rapier wit, your eloquence and your verbose…. awww, who am I kidding? You need lessons, man! Take notes and just watch for awhile. And stop obsessing with cats–you are creeping me out!
Earth Day bulletin: REPEAT–Note: The recent Journal of Science reports that MOST of the earths’ atmospheric pollution comes from HOME COOKING FIRES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA!!!! At a level of TEN TIMES that of the total US output!!!!
dj @95
Those must be the real numbers, but I can’t figure out how I voted on the categorically losing side here:
A Few Times a Year (28%) Bush 45% Kerry 54%
Perhaps it is this:
Yes (18%) Bush 57% Kerry 41%
The NO’s were nearly even…
Thank you, dj…
Alan/Cybil/Cross-Dresser Don @100 —
Yes. To be very crude, I do like pussy.
Not the weird scatalogical freak sex that you consider normal.
Not the butt monkey red-ass baboon look that you are so fond of sporting.
But rather a long-term monogamous relationship with a person of the opposite sex.
So rather than saying
“Fuck off and die you aids-infested butt-monkey”
I’ll temper that with
Stop drinking now.
I’m not interested. Got that?
(And fuck off and die you aids-infested butt-monkey)
If you really want a good laugh about a book that describes the arrogant LEFTIST elite of Seattle, you’ve got to read the book
BOBO’s IN PARADISE ::The New Upper Class and How They Got There
by David Brooks
BOBO stands for Bourgeois Bohemians
Ain’t that what a Seattle Yuppie/Hippie/Fucking Idiot is??
Your on fire tonite!
These PINHEADS have no sense of humor.
They are oh so serious and oh so self-righteous and oh so FRAGILE. They are best at acting offended.
They are worst at doing anything of value.
Goldy’s weekly free-for-alls are kinda like this–he throws the topic in and then sits back and watches the fun from behind the scenes.
It takes on a whole new meaning, though, when you think of it this way–He starts the ball rolling by throwing a chicken to the dogs and retreats to the bleachers to watch from a safe distance as the blood-letting ensues. Wow, what a snotty jerk!
DonSux @ 96–
Why are you so concerned about getting beat up or killed because you are gay??
You should be more concerned about getting beat-up because you are such a big asshole!
Next we will have DonSux sponsoring an ASSHOLE RIGHTS Anti-Discrimination Bill.
Perhaps this is DonSux’ angle for weighing in on the gay deal…
Gays screw each other in the asshole
DonSux is an asshole.
Sounds like you are tring to leverage your movement DonSux
Has anyone seen that new movie, Get Goldy?
You do have to wonder about all the lefts obsessions with gay sex, assholes, cats and so forth. There is a story in there somewhere. I’m not sure I want to know. …no, I don’t.
Hmmmm–seems Goldy is censoring again.
Stop the (bullshit) whistling @ 98 and 103
“The recent Journal of Science reports that MOST of the earths’ atmospheric pollution comes from HOME COOKING FIRES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA!!!! At a level of TEN TIMES that of the total US output!!!! What effect does all that cooking have on the ozone layer, Goldy?”
Ummm. . . whistling. You mean the journal Science, not Journal of Science. Since you don’t know the journal’s name, I am guessing you didn’t read the article, huh?
I subscribe to the journal and have the article in front of me. My question is, why do you excrete this crap? Do you just find this stuff on The Imbecile’s Blog and parrot it here?
The article does not report on all types of air pollution. Rather it focuses on one particular type of pollution called “black carbon” (BC), a.k.a. soot. This is a type of pollution that is not nearly as well studied at the regional or global level as other types of pollution. BTW, BC pollution is not a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gasses tend to warm the atmosphere, whereas BC pollution can act to warm or cool the atmosphere, depending on the particle size and shape. The primary threat from BC pollution, however, is not global. The bad effects are its effects on the health of people in South Asia, and also that high concentrations of BCs can change weather patterns substantially. The region is famous for droughts, monsoons, flooding, and disease brought on from repeated natural disasters, so characterizing and understanding the effects of BC pollution is important for the region.
The article responds to a recent finding that there is a lot of soot measured over India. No shit, Sherlock, there are over a billion people whose food is primarily cooked by “dirty” fires fueled by firewood, manure, and crop waste. The authors measured the emission of BCs with a variety of typical fuels and cooking equipment, and then estimated the amount of BC output from cooking.
Conclusion: there is a lot of BCs pumped into the air. They estimate that 172 gigagrams per year are pumped into the air over India. The amount of BCs pumped into the air worldwide is estimated to be from 920 to 1230 gigagrams. In other words, India accounts for about 15% of the worldwide BC pollution. I saw no independent estimate for the U.S. in the article (but I may well have missed it).
In the authors words, “We suggest that biofuel combustion needs to be addressed as a distinct source [of BC pollution], and that cleaner cooking technologies not only could yield significant local health and air quality benefits but also could have an important role in climate change mitigation in the south Asian region”
Here is a proper reference for the paper: C. Venkataraman, G. Habib, A. Eiguren-Fernandez, A. H. Miguel, and S. K. Friedlander (2005) Residential biofuels in South Asia: Carbonaceous aerosol emissions and climate impacts. Science, 4 March 2005; volume 307 pages 1454-1456.
And, to answer your last question, Whistling, BCs do not affect the ozone layer (directly). They have negative effects locally (regionally) rather than globally.
Whistling, this article is available in many libraries. Try reading the fucking article next time before you spew the kind of effluvial discharge found in post 98.
DJ @ 113–See, there is more than one way to smoke out a Dem. Thanks for being my witness….Sherlock.
Kyoto Protocol who didn’t sign it? China? Perhaps because they are the biggest polluters in the world. Well next to the seattle liberals. talk about flatulence, every time they open their mouths, nutin but hot air comes out. that combined with all those soy-burgers, soy milk, soy flour, soy lubricants, soy anal ointment, that’s a whole lotta flatulence. How dare you fellas blame our SUV’s.
DonSux @ 109
“Why are you so concerned about getting beat up or killed because you are gay??”
I don’t think he suggested anything of the sort. I do recall him saying that he would strafe low to take you out at the ankles and then bounce a few bullets off of your skullcap, if you even try it, MF.
I think the idea is that society recognizes that there is a high prevalence of discrimination against people because of their sexual preference. There are enough crimes and lawsuits of this type that “sexual preference” would be added to existing statutes that specify other high-prevalence discrimination categories (sex, religion, ethnicity, disabled etc.).
BTW: If I am not mistaken, the change would equally protect heterosexuals. It is not inconceivable that a heterosexual couple could be denied housing by a landlord who prefers homosexual couples.
Remember that little bit about “all [people] are created equal?” If we find that crimes and discrimination against bald people becomes common, I am all for adding them to the list, too.
stop the whistling @ 114
“See, there is more than one way to smoke out a Dem. Thanks for being my witness….Sherlock.”
At your service :)
(although, for the record, I am not a Democrat—just a liberal)
marks @ 104
“Those must be the real numbers, but I can’t figure out how I voted on the categorically losing side here:”
Because Rove was seeding the clouds with silver nitrate in Ohio on election day. :-)
And, you’re welcome.
chardonnay @ 115
“China? Perhaps because they are the biggest polluters in the world.”
They have a 1.3 billion people (about 4 1/2 times more people than the U.S.). China is in a rapid developmental cycle now. As their quality of life goes up they will, without doubt, become the biggest polluting nation on earth. But, they will also be competing with the U.S. for oil resources. Simple economic theory tell us that our oil prices will increase in proportion to car ownership in China. . . .
Soy: LOL. I avoid soy anything—too high in phyto-estrogens. I don’t want to get all girl-like, ya know.
are there homeless homosexuals? when has a homosexual ever been denied housing? and being kicked out by the domestic partner doesn’t count. dj your thoughts!
do rental agreements or mortgage contracts even mention sexual preference? NO! so where’s the beef?
“so where’s the beef?”
Should be in your mouth…you talk too much!
” talk about flatulence, every time they open their mouths, nutin but hot air comes out. that combined with all those soy-burgers, soy milk, soy flour, soy lubricants, soy anal ointment, that’s a whole lotta flatulence.”
…something you know your fair share about. How about some soy vaginal sand removal for ya there, hon?
A Republican and a Democrat were walking down
the street when they came to a homeless person.
The Republican gave the homeless person his
business card and told him to come to his business
for a job. He then took twenty dollars out of his
pocket and gave it to the homeless person.
The Democrat was very impressed, and when they
came to another homeless person, he decided to help.
He walked over to the homeless person and gave
him directions to the welfare office. He then reached
into the Republican’s pocket and got out twenty dollars.
He kept 15 for administrative fees and gave the
homeless person five.
Now you understand the difference between the two.
Chardonnay @ 120
“when has a homosexual ever been denied housing?”
That is a fair question. The Kaiser Family Foundation did a study on this issue (including discrimination in housing and employment) a few years ago. There report (pdf format) can be found here:
Here are a few points collected from the findings of the report:
Acceptance of lesbians, gays and bisexuals (LGB) has increased in recent years, but a large majority say they personally have experienced prejudice and discrimination and that they know others who have experienced discrimination based on their sexual orientation.
Three quarters (74%) of LGB report having experienced prejudice
and discrimination based on their sexual orientation, including 23% who have experienced “a lot” of discrimination.
The majority (76%) of lesbians, gays and bisexuals also say they have experienced or know someone who has experienced discrimination in one or more of the following areas: applying to a college, university or other school; applying for or keeping a job; renting an apartment or buying a house; getting health care or health insurance; or joining or serving in the U.S. military.
Three quarters (74%) of LGB report having been the target of verbal abuse, such as slurs or name-calling, because of their sexual orientation.
About one third (32%) say they have been the target of physical violence, either against their person or property, because someone believed they were gay or lesbian.
More than one third (39%) report being “very” or “somewhat” worried that they may be physically assaulted or beaten by someone who does not like gay people….
The majority (80%) of lesbians, gays and bisexuals believe there is “a lot” of prejudice and discrimination against gay men and lesbians today — more so than that directed toward African Americans (64%), the disabled (50%), Latinos (47%) or women (36%).
Nine out of ten (90%) lesbians gays and bisexuals say the government is doing too little to protect them from discrimination.
More than three quarters (78%) of the general public say gay men and lesbians experience prejudice and discrimination today — 57% say they experience “a lot” and 21% say “some.”
Large majorities of the public think gays and lesbians experience discrimination “often” or “sometimes” in joining or serving in the U.S. military (85%), finding or keeping a job
(76%) or renting an apartment or buying a house (63%). Fewer, but still a majority, think gays and lesbians experience discrimination when obtaining health care or health insurance
About four in ten (39%) think there is more violence toward gays and lesbians in this country today compared to a few years ago. Slightly fewer think the level of violence is unchanged (35%), and 22% believe there is less violence today. A similar proportion of lesbians, gays and bisexuals (41%) believe there is more violence today.
Two in five people (general population) (40%) believe the government is not doing enough to protect gay men and lesbians from prejudice and discrimination. Nearly one quarter (24%) believe the government is doing too much, and 29% believe it is doing the right amount.
A substantial majority of the general public supports laws to protect gays and lesbians from prejudice and discrimination in employment (76%) and housing (74%). Most also support providing benefits to lesbian and gay partners, including inheritance rights (73%), employer-provided health insurance (70%) and social security benefits (68%).
Nearly three quarters (73%) of the general public favors federal legislation that would mandate increased penalties for people who commit so-called “hate crimes” based on prejudice toward gays and lesbians.
More than half (56%) of the general public supports allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military.
That whistling is ear wax @ 102
No, it’s “could.” You see, although I care very little whether Vinegar exists, I COULD care even less than I do now, if I felt like working at it.
That whistling is ear wax @ 106
You’re confusing me with Bill Frist. He’s the guy who does creepy things to cats. Although if you’re doing creepy things to cats with your little dick, then you’re creepy too.
zapped @ 109
I seem to be getting this guy’s goat! ha ha Say, speaking of which, zap do you do goats too? :D
Pets were kidnapped, tortured, and killed by Frist @ 126
Let’s see, Homeless Guy #1 has $20, Democrat has $15, Homeless Guy #2 has $5, Republican is out $40 — who’s the stupid one here?
It’s obvious why Republicans oppose laws making anti-gay discrimination illegal: They’re the people who will get sued.
Bye Bye Gregoire…Having heard a bit about the depositions from KC elections, besides laughing my ass off, this is going to be a trial of the century!
Get all them new taxes passed quick, we gonna have one hell of a slashing your BS legislation party in early June!
Yeeee hawwwwww!
You seem to enjoy beastiality and have such a fondness for those who give it to each other in the ass. I can only imagine what’s in your personal library.
To everyone here: Please review butt monkey posting @129.
Alan/Cybil/Cross-Dresser Don takes the term “animal lover” to new lows.
Since joining this thread, he has focused on other peoples’ genitals and described or requested information about sexual encounters with animals no less than three times. It is becoming quite apparent that she/he is a confirmed zoophile.
This is probably going to require intervention. We really need to start by watching what we say. For future reference, please avoid using the following terms in Alan/Cybil/Cross-Dresser Don’s presence:
Butt Monkey
Hee Haw
Get your Goat
Animal Husbandry
Rear End Collision
Anything at all to do with cats
Fantastic diagnosis Dr. Zap.
Alan/DonSux is probably the same guy who was banned from the Woodland Park Zoo for beating off with the Gorilla’s in front of a field trip of Kindergartners!!!!!!
DonSux takes advantage of any living creature lower than himself on the food chain (slim pickins ain’t it DonSux).
Can you imagine the animal fornicating this sick bastard did in his 30 years as a Guv’mint lawyer?????
Mr. Cynical – Do you think his wife knows?
Wouldn’t that be embarrassing –
“I’m sorry sir, but we’re going to have to ask you to leave the petting zoo”.
zapporo @ 133
But, as we can see, using those terms draws Mr. Cynical out of the . . . er . . . barn.
Zapporo and Cynical doth ponder bestiality too much methinks.
Negative Idiot @138 @ 4/24/05 @ 8:42 am –
Read the posts – Specifically 84, 104, and 129. Is that the kind of conduct that you condone or participate in?
The first step to recovery is to acknowledge you have a problem. The 12-step program applies here DonnyBoy just like it did when you when through Alcohol Recovery, Drug Recovery, Wife-beating Recovery, Cleptomaniac Recovery….
If anyone knows the drill, it’s a complete loser lie you.
And DonSux–throw away that childrens book of animals where you squeeze the page and it makes an animal noise. Also your toy where you point to an animal and pull the string. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Looking back, DonSux unnatural attraction to little furry, fuzzy critters was revealed to his parents at a young age.
How many 4-year olds get a boner watching Bugs Bunny?
To this date, DonSux gets sprung when he hears anyone say,
“I gonna get you, you silly wabbit”!
Then for the next 12 years it just got worse and worse until DonSux 16th Birthday. All DonSux wanted was 2 Shari Lewis handpuppets of LambChop and CharleyHorse. That evening, Mrs. Sux went into little Donny’s room and was horrified to see him whacking off with those 2 innocent handpuppets while listening to his favorite group, THREE DOG NIGHT!!!
Don has notches in his bedpost for every THREE DOG NIGHT he’s had. That bedpost is ready collapse there has been so much whittling!
zapporo @ 139
You seem to be VERY sensitive to comments about the size of your dick, dude.
I don’t see any difference between some of Alan’s posts, many of Cynical’s posts (see 133, 135, 140), and your own posts (109, 136).
If you wish, zapporo, take the moral high-ground, and stick to posts with content (with a few gratutious insults thrown in, if that’s what trips your little trigger). But, whining about someone suggesting you fuck cats, when you are saying they fuck monkeys (109) makes you look like a duplicitous idiot.
That there is funny stuff…I don’t care who ya are!
DonSux made a bad choice recently. Needless to say, Badgers are ferocious animals and don’t take kindly to the DonSux antics.
Your sensitivity is underwhelming!
Why don’t you lecture your LEFTIST pals, if you are really serious.
Mr. Cynical @ 145
Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll keep that in mind if I notice any of my leftist pals whining while they are dishing it out.
dj – Most of your posts seem well reasoned. However 143 shows your ignorance. Lighten up. I have the right to defend my orifices, all of them.
Using shame as a weapon is well deserved. However, the liberals that inhabit this blog, and apparently this includes you, are shameless. So dj, if you truly throw your lot in with that kind of trash, you are at the very least consistently hypocritical.
When that happens then casino interests will pass the vote of the people, the only reason the initiative failed was the money from the tribes…
zapporo @ 147
“Lighten up. I have the right to defend my orifices, all of them.”
What we really need is for you to defend the rest of us from the stuff spewing from your mouth, and that stuff leaking out of your ears as well :)
zapporo, that was a joke. Really, man . . . a joke.
“I apologize. I’m really, really sorry. I apologize unreservedly. I offer a complete and utter retraction. The imputation was totally without basis in fact and was in no way fair comment and was motivated purely by malice, and I deeply regret any distress that my comments may have caused you or your family, and I hereby undertake not to repeat any such slander at any time in the future.” — Archie Leach
dj _ That canned retort was pathetic. I’ve heard better in grade school. Once you put away your penis fascination, gay rights and convenience abortion tirades and your unamusing scatalogical humor, you don’t have much left to talk about do you?
zapporo @ 150
“Once you put away your penis fascination, gay rights and convenience abortion tirades and your unamusing scatalogical humor, you don’t have much left to talk about do you?”
You’re loosing it, zappydoodles. I’ve never discussed abortion on this blog. That makes one more orifice of yours to protect us from: the one that you pull this made-up shit from.
dj – ok, so then you have limited your posts to penis fascination, gay rights and unamusing scatalogical humor.
Do you enjoy the bloodsport as much when you are on the liberal losing end?
hehehehehe (dj=total loser)
Dear Zap Hero @ 67 and rest of the truth, justice and American way crowd.
Thanks for the recomendations, I have seen the errors of my ways. I am really working on this now, I need to be a part of the “In Crowd” I have already sent the information on Goldy being a communist to Ann Coulter. (love her)
But I need to get some clarification on the 9 rules for being a better person, and when I get them right I get number 10? ( oh please let it be rapture, please, please, please)
Danw, there may be hope for you yet. Just follow these simple instructions to transform your life:
1. Throw out the moveon.org subliminal tapes.
2. Cut off your internet usage immediately.
(In fact, never post here again. Just make a clean break.)
3. Reflect privately for a moment of solace and candor.
(Repeat frequently)
4. Resolve to live honestly with dignity and honor.
5. Always be truthful, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. I realize you don’t understand where these words come from. That’s not important at this stage of your development.
6. Study history. Understand the principles on which this great nation was founded.
7. Grant others the freedom to worship openly, to protect life, and to minimize government interference in our lives.
8. Turn your back on racisim, nihlism, and class warfare. We can acomplish much more by working together.
9. Actively conserve and protect the environment, but do so in a way that is logical and reasonable, not extremist.
10. When you are ready, when you have fully progressed, the tenth and final step will be sent to you.
Take these actions. Go in peace. Teach others what you have learned.
Comment by zapporo— 4/23/05 @ 6:02 pm
1. The Tapes are gone, how long do I have to have Fox on at night when I set my sleep timer? Can I tivo Bill Oreily for 24 hour loop?
2. Well I won’t be able to come on and destroy libs will I, They love that beastiality. over at SP I’ll need a new name, what about “white is right”
3.solace and candor,solace and candor,solace and candor,solace and candor, I am trying..solace and candor,solace and candor, I think it’s working..solace and candor, What the heck is it a new cop show on Fox?
4. Like a run into the Baptisimal, done, done, and done.
5. I was a boyscout, but Unkie Cynical scared me a little bit.
6. History you bet. Bible, Puritans Kicked out of England for being even to uptight for the English ( how can that be?) Come to American, Burn Witches, Scopes Monkey Trial. got it.
7. Puritans decide to keep government out of their witch burnings….Religous ceremonies. (No burning pregnant women)
8. We are the world…got it.. You gotta love those silly Sudanese people, just fighting like Brothers, they’ll get over it when their ready.
9. Hold on there..that sounds like a load of liberal crap, I am not giving up my SUV..besides we don’t know the long term effect electricity might have on our enviornment. Think about it?
10. Rapture, oh please let it be rapture, don’t keep me in suspense. I am doing the work here, baby steps.
Did you see in the Seattle Times on Friday that John Kerry is coming to Seattle the first week of May (with Patty Murray) and they are having a “Governor’s Defense Fund” fundraiser — here’s the kicker. . .Chrissy (the one who has moved on, thinks there is no possibility of a new election, etc.,) is going to be a guest speaker! Oh my! If she didn’t cheat or do anything unethical. . .why would they need a defense fund? She is shakin’ in her boots! I love it!
dems are broke I guess, morally bankrupt.
Still not funny enough for you? I am trying oh high preistess of morality. I am so happy with my “W” and proud. “Let the eagle soar.”
zapporo @ 152
“ok, so then you have limited your posts to penis fascination, gay rights and unamusing scatalogical humor.”
Thanks for making the correction. Le’see if I can work that all into on post . . . .
Mr. C: “Say there, Z, did you hear those commies at the Kinsey Institute has been bad mouthing us rural, god-feer’in, conservative types again?”
Mr. Z: “I didn’t hear that, C, what’d they say?”
Mr. C: “They’re saying we are sexually uptight and that’s been leading us to do things worse then the queers and lesbians.”
Mr. Z: “Like what?”
Mr. C: “They say we’ve been doing things with animals. . . . they say we’ve been having unnatural relations with goats, and cows, and pigs, and rabbits, and chickens, and snakes, and—”
Mr. Z: “SNAKES?!?!?!”
Mr. Cynical @ 35
“DonSux takes advantage of any living creature … Can you imagine the animal fornicating this sick bastard did … ?????”
Please refer to Zapporo’s comment @ 34.
Zapporo @ 36
“I’m sorry sir, but we’re going to have to ask you to leave the petting zoo”.
Please refer to your own comment @ 34.
Mr. Cynical @ 40
“DonSux–throw away that childrens book of animals where you squeeze the page and it makes an animal noise. Also your toy where you point to an animal and pull the string. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”
Please refer to Zapporo’s comment @ 34.
Mr. Cynical @ 41
“DonSux unnatural attraction to little furry, fuzzy critters was revealed to his parents at a young age. How many 4-year olds get a boner watching Bugs Bunny?”
Please refer to Zapporo’s comment @ 34.
Mr. Cynical @ 42
(entire post)
Please refer to Zapporo’s comment @ 34.
Mr. Cynical @ 44
“Badgers are ferocious animals and don’t take kindly to the DonSux antics.”
Please refer to Zapporo’s comment @ 34.
The rest of you:
Here is a simple little quiz. Do these guys practice what they preach? Well, do they?
danW, you are just plain strange. elroy is not a real preist OK? I suggest a good pressure wash of your brain and start over. You can fit in someday, I’m sure of it. I care about you buddy.
dj @all – 153 is a fine example of how to respond with class and humor. Try it some time.
DanW @all – As far as the East is from the West, so you are from true Conservatism. Rapture? Is that in your Bible? Just curious. The tenth and final step is this:
ד שְׁמַע, יִשְׂרָאֵל: יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ, יְהוָה אֶחָד.
ה וְאָהַבְתָּ, אֵת יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ, בְּכָל-לְבָבְךָ וּבְכָל-נַפְשְׁךָ, וּבְכָל-מְאֹדֶךָ.
May peace be with you.
Cheap whine @ 54
I read in the Seattle Times that the election contest lawsuit has already cost $4 million, the Democrats are $500,000 in debt to their law firm, the Republicans are $362,000 in debt to their law firm, and BOTH parties are holding fundraisers to pay their legal bills. Let me ask you this, chards, if this whole exercise turns out to be futile and Gregoire retains her office, don’t you think those millions would have been put to better use if they had been spent on, say, providing preventive health care to kids whose only offense was having poor parents?
cybil @ 157
a petting zoo? don, please not in front of the kids, that is just sick, have you no shame?
um cybil, the parties spend their money on campaigns, not health care.
did you read about Kerry and Murray coming to the Governors defense fund? are they worried?
seattle times friday. gregoire shaking in her boots I guess. did they ever get back that money from the SOS office?
Alan @157 – You are correct. Although 136 was a follow on to 134, it should have preceeded that posting. Please accept my profound apologies. Please also ignore dj’s posts at 156, 143, and 137 Anti-Cynical’s post at 138, and DanW’s post at 153.
This unorthodox exploration of the liberal mindset has been quite illuminating. For your future reference, conservative males tend to talk about cars, really attractive women, cool technical stuff, and power tools, with a little bit of politics thrown in. Nothing like what you find here.
For your future reference, liberal males tend to talk about cars (but maybe they are more likely to talk about foreign cars), really attractive women, cool technical stuff, and power tools, with a little bit of politics thrown in. That’s testosterone-mediated rather than being a function of political bent.
Hey zapporo, wanna stop by my house this afternoon? I’m trying to mill the heads of my Alfa Romeo 164 on my new CNC milling machine. My beautiful wife will cook us a nice dinner (it’s her turn to cook).
ZAP @ 164
danW, you are just plain strange. elroy is not a real preist OK?
Comment by chardonnay
True, many real priests, have had sex with underage boys, I dont think elroy has ever done that.
Is that what defines a real priest for you, charred brain cells??
Normal Posters vs. The Cynical/Zappora Civil Union is violently against any threat to their joint happiness. Zappora is very conscientious about his ‘size’ because his better half (theIdiot) wants him to go to Mexico for ‘enlargening’. Seems The Idiot was so into the ‘farm scene’ as a young adult that he is not ‘very tight’ and cannot ‘feel’ his partner. I guess I will get in on the fun like C and Z seem to enjoy…..
fou friggin moron @ 154…… “Oh my! If she didn’t cheat or do anything unethical. . .why would they need a defense fund? She is shakin’ in her boots! I love it” Are you really that ignorant? Have you read the news in the past 6 months? Both parties have over 4,000,000 in legal expenses from this PR campaign by your guys. On your side the BIAW will cover most of it, both dems and the thugs are actively seeking donations to help settle the costs that should go over 5million before the Supreme Court has made the final decision.
164 zapparo, then why in the hell do you and your buddy continually bring it up and trow it about? I have yet to see a string that all of these comments were not started by a troll on your side of the fence. Enlighten me, if I am wrong, Thank You.
The many years of beating off every 10 minutes have finally blinded you. Enlighten you? You changed your post name from Rudy by using another URL. Your posts are almost identical to that geek and started the day after Rudy stopped. DUH!!!!
Mr. Cinical….with more thought, you are not an idiot, just a blatant liar. As I have said, I have no idea who your ex bf Rudy is. If he jilted you, get on with it, at your age you will not have many more chances, but with viagra and a little help from Z, you might just stand the chance of getting it ‘up’ one last time. Get a life, liar.
Still waiting from the Civil Union of C/Z, where did the liberals start throwing the crude comments first in a thread? Oh, I see, you must both be Oriental and start reading posts from the bottom up……lol, bottom up, your favorite position.
zap @ 164
Attention all: “cool technical stuff” is a euphemism for guns.
dj @ 165
Attention all: “cool technical stuff” is a euphemism for computers and software.
Zap hero and all you teachers of the right way.
For your future reference, conservative males tend to talk about cars, really attractive women, cool technical stuff, and power tools, with a little bit of politics thrown in. Nothing like what you find here.
I didn’t see this in my first reeducation plan you had for me, but I want to give it a try.
So, I got my new five Litre Mustang (american muscle), with the quad overhead cams and the 6.0 Liter V8. I’ve got 8 speaker 200 watt Dolby quadrophonic, and I meet this great women at the Church Social. She was stunning and tall with beautiful eyes. We drove for a while and I said. You know what would make this night perfect? How about we go blow up a planned parenthood? She said No, I am pro choice. I asked her if she was pregnant. and she replied no. So I killed her with my Mikasa Receprocating saw. ( I don’t kill the innocent anymore)
I get stuck here though…
Do I just dump the body in the Puget Sound, or do I drive to the Central district and dump the body there, and call the cops and tell them about the Carjacking by some crazed black man?
Help me out I am new at this.
Mother of all Wines;
Elroy who? I have totally blocked out any knowledge of this person. Step three on my road to awarness. I’m trying here, but I want to know when I can start going after these guys. My mentor Zap Hero, I am just trying to follow his example.
Can’t I just accuse Goldy of Sleeping with his sister…Is that okay for us to say, or isn’t it an insult from our side.
I’m just going with standard…”All you libs have small dicks and sleep with animals.”….Hoo-aah
dj @ 123–“they (China) will also be competing with the U.S. for oil resources.” They already are and that is exactly why our gas costs have risen so dramatically (that and Commissar Gregoire’s gas tax). Perhaps the Prsidents’ energy bill being adopted 4 years ago when he asked….
Very comical how Zaporro is such an instigator/name caller/insinuator here on this blog, whereas on Also Also he comes across as the comsumate professional. Must have had a very difficult childhood.
dj @ 143–I have to agree with you. All this decaying into sexual slurs only makes things worse and nothing is ever exchanged of any value. Yeah, it could be argued that these things take wit—half-wit. It could be argued that some folks think it is funny—there is something funny about those folks.
But, all in all, there is no real value and no ground gained for anyone. Let’s ALL take the moral high ground, shall we?
Oh where to start….
jpgee @169, 170, 172 – Read the posts. Alan/Cybil started this one. jpgee- You are definitely projecting now. I am married. Read the posts. That is all.
dj — Milling machine???? Thanks for the offer, but had to work out instead. Please give your wife my warmest regards.
Danw – You fucking pansie. You can’t even get the tool shit right. Mikasa is china. What the fuck are you? an interior decorator? Hint: The mustang was a nice touch but next time – try “Milwaukee Super Sawzall (with detachable cord)”.
You obviously didn’t understand step #10. Bombing and killing are for the lunatic outer fringes. Racism is for losers. Why don’t we start with a slight drift towards center and go from there. Ditch the big greenpeace buttons, wear something other than hemp, and just say no to drugs.
Finally, go to the police, admit your crime, and beg for forgiveness every day for the rest of your life. Step #10 is still well within your grasp.
alan/don/cybil – I left out sports. Sports are a euphemism for sports.
zapporo, If you knew how to read, the first post with ‘insinuations’ and the normal troll language is your partner, Mr.C @ 13. Or is that to hard to look up?
I am ashamed of nearly all of you…not that you are in tune enough to care.
mr. jpgee – Then where the fuck do you come off with this civil union crap? Are you a closet perv? Speak honestly now.
Go back and read my posts. I was reasonably civil, except to Danw who had flamed me in an earlier thread. Hell, I was even civil to you, and believe me that was tough.
You are just bent because Mr. Cynical has a sense of humor that is off the scale and he uses it to bring a little conservatism into your lives. Is that so bad? Do you really despise being a liberal?
Finally, if you’re going to attack someone, do it man versus man. Don’t hide behind others. Throw in a little humor. None of this wimpy shit. And stay the hell away from my dachshund Marica. Got that?
Stop the Whistling @182 ???
zapporo, reading carefully thru this post gives the following results:
19 very crude posts
8 by Mr. Cynical
4 by yourself
1 by chardonnay
3 by alan
1 by jpgee
2 by stop the whistling
the string goes : Cynical, Cynical, Cynical, chardonnay, alan, stopthewhistling, allan, zapporo, stopthe whistling, alan, Cynical, zapporo, Cynical, Cynical, Cynical, zapporo, zapporo, jpgee and Cynical. Four posts by ‘liberals’ and 15 posts by your side. The first post from the Liberals was after 4 obnoxious posts from your side. Do you think the Liberals are not going to fight ‘filth’ with ‘filfth’? Looks like if you would clean up your sides act this blog might just go somewhere. I am confident the Liberals would do the same. What do you think? Comments please!
zapporo @ 183 I can appreciate your thoughts. My error was in reading your posts you come across as an educated “Mr. C”. No intent, just tired of the same crap day in and day out from people who know nothing of what they are saying. Sorry. Or if I am just ‘bent’ because of your friend Mr. Cynical and his fantasies, I guess I could start bending you the same way but I won’t, I am not into this garbage, but as I read above, seems like your side is the 75% leader and the instigator in all of the unsavory posts.
“The majority (76%) of lesbians, gays and bisexuals also say they have experienced or know someone who has experienced discrimination in one or more of the following areas: applying to a college, university or other school; applying for or keeping a job; renting an apartment or buying a house; getting health care or health insurance; or joining or serving in the U.S. military.”
I don’t think it is right to beat them up, for the record, or to keep them out of housing, etc. But you have to ask yourself if they are making their sexual status so OBVIOUS that they invite abuse from the understandably disgusted people they are expecting to be considerate and accepting? The likelihood that these applicants are ‘telegraphing’ their orientation is very high. To think that this won’t be picked up on is naive at best and stupid at worst. To think that no-one will ever be offended or repulsed is insane. To expect that they may be turned away and have to go elsewhere is just reality. The law? Yeah, I know…, but I would be sick to my stomach to think that stuff is going on in my house, too. Can you tolerate that viewpoint? Can you understand why I would not want to expose my children to what I consider to be deviant behavior? Can you understand why I might think a “law” immoral that would require me to either violate my conscience or lose my house would be upsetting to me? Where do MY feelings come into play in the issue–or is that just one more freedom of choice I have to give up for good ol’ Joe Stalin? I seem to recall the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness being listed as one of MY rights. Do I have to give that up so that someone else can feel like they have theirs? The whole idea of the Constitution is that it is meant to work for EVERYONE–not impose one will upon another without regard for consequence. If it isn’t fair for all, it isn’t fair for anyone–kinda like our ballot counting in this state.
What is to stop homosexuals from building a whole community somewhere else? ‘San Francisco II’ in the Nevada desert, for example. They could probably get government grants to do so these days–or petition George Soros for help. I think even John Kerry and Patty Murray would contribute to that. The U.N. might have a fund for such a need. But don’t force me by government guns to accept what I know to be immoral and destructive to society as a whole. I cannot and never will be comfortable with it. I only fear that my grandchildren will be by the time enough coercion takes place. (If that is homophobic to you, so be it–I wear the badge proudly. Can you wear the badge of Christophobe?)
Now, before you start name-calling and mudslinging, these are honest questions. Try to give a rational and honest answer and we can have a fair exchange of ideas. If all you want to do is insult me, talk to the wall.
Stop the whistling @ 187 I can understand you point of view. I disagree with several points, but I do understand you concern.
Only 8??
I’m ashamed.
so firesidechat–look again…someone has posted using my name in various poses….Don/Alan/etc.etc.
Is this the best you can do on a beautiful Sunday evening?
How much time did you spend evaluating crude posts?
What are your “requirements” for crude?
It’s all in the eye of the beholder, isn’t it?
So now you’ve wasted a lot of time counting names not knowing who really posted what with some arbitrary, unidentified criteria of what is crude???
And virtually NO ONE cares!
Goldy has repeatedly stated people have a right to express themselves freely.
Now we have to worry about firesidecrap, “THE ARBITER OF CRUDENESS”!
If you don’t like certain posters, IGNORE THEM!
I ignore most of Alan/Don/copy others names and post—the former Guv’mint lawyer on a fat guv’mint pension.
You just need a little self-control.
firesidechat is probably like one of those strict, mean teachers in the 60’s that would smack kids, take away their Playboys and then run into the teacher’s lounge to gawk at the pictures!
You probably giggle at some of my posts….admit it.
Firesidechat @ 185–I apologize for whatever you thought to be crude remarks (not the Kennedy or Gore remarks—those are true stories). It is hard to keep up with the level of crap that gets flung here and all too easy to get dragged along. I really do aspire to be above that, but I find myself slipping now and then. Thanks for pointing it out.
“Stop the whistling @ 187 I can understand you point of view. I disagree with several points, but I do understand you concern.
Comment by jpgee— 4/24/05 @ 8:17 pm”
Okay, I can start with that. I am glad you understand. What is it you disagree with? Maybe we can meet in the middle and have some real dialogue.
Cynical @ 190–“You just need a little self-control.”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA—make him stop…..gasp…..ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Yeah, right–Seen a mirror lately?
fireside chat – Put the posts in order. You left out dj. Your count is way off too. Unless you think that mocking priests, murder, civil unions, and beastiality are not offensive. Please read each person’s postings separately. Posts 61 and 63 appear to be the first real field grenades. That merits responses 69, 71, and 73. It heads downhill from there, based, really on some liberal grenade lobbing.
BTW, post 134 was just a simple statement of fact. It was not intended to be coarse or vulgar per se.
Lord and Powerful Zap Hero;
Thank you for correcting my error, all those years washing China, I knew those old traits would slip back in. But thank you for the kind reprimand, I will never mistake my Sawzalls with my Dinner plates again. But I liked it, may I have another sir. Your right that tolerance is way overrated. Beat it out of me.
I thought the bigest mistake I might have made was killing a girl with a sawzall, should I have pistol whipped instead?
Don’t give up on me sir, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
sorry Biggest mistake was mispelling Biggest.
I couldn’t have said it better!
Seattle Times 4/21/05 Editorial
No to Yes Budget
Call it the Yes Budget. Our Democratic Legislature is about to raise state spending over the next two years by 12 percent. That figure, reached by saying yes to far too many appeals, is higher than the private economy can possibly grow and will fall heavily on selected parts of it.
The previous budget, designed by state Sen. Dino Rossi and Gov. Gary Locke, raised spending by 4 percent. That was done by saying no to state employees, no to teachers and no to many others. That was painful to them, but it gave breathing room to the battered economy. The economy has improved. State revenue in the new biennium will be up 7 percent. The state can now begin to say yes, selectively. It cannot afford to triple the growth rate in state spending all at once.
Certainly, that was not what voters had in mind last year. Democratic primary voters were offered a candidate who wanted to raise taxes and a candidate who didn’t, and they chose the candidate, the current governor, who didn’t. Republicans chose a candidate who said he wouldn’t.
The election was the closest in history, but the Democrats won the governor’s seat and both houses of the Legislature. Now they can pass a budget without any Republican votes.
One obstacle remained: Initiative 601, passed by the people in 1993. It required a two-thirds vote of the Legislature to raise taxes, which effectively required bipartisan support. But the initiative itself could be modified by a simple majority and Democrats, possessing that majority, have now done that. Initiative 601 is effectively gone. The door opens for nearly half a billion dollars in new taxes.
The Yes Budget comes with an increased tax on people who buy cigarettes and people who buy liquor — a measure that will promote the public health, probably, though that is not the motive.
A proposed tax would hit people who play gambling games at cardrooms — a promotion of public morality, perhaps, though it applies only to non-tribal cardrooms.
A new death tax, rising to 16 percent of assets, is levied on children who inherit businesses and property from parents who have died, which will unfairly force heirs to sell family businesses they had hoped to operate.
The Yes Budget also comes with a gaggle of gimmicks. The worst of these is a postponement of money the state is legally obligated to pay into employee pension plans. This is the sort of banana-republic finance done in an emergency — except that there is no emergency. A 12-percent increase in spending, financed this way, is not sustainable.
There will be another billion-dollar gap two years hence. Legislators know it and ignore it. One party has power, and it wants a Yes Budget. It is a painful lesson in the risk of one-party government.
Lord Zap,
Was there some special hidden meaning in the hebrew that you posted at 159? Do we want those commies like Goldy to have the secret? Is this how we open the seventh seal? Does it matter what type clothes I am wearing at the time? I hear Polyester might cause burns. Should I be taking hebrew lessons? Or in the immortal words of a Texas Govenor, “If english was good enough for Jesus, then it’s good enough for me.”
Danw @196, 199 – There is only one true Lord. I am but your humble servant. If you think my reprimand is bad here, just wait until you’re with a bunch guys and you start spouting off about your “Mikasa Receprocating” saw. The room will go silent.
I guess I need to be more direct.
Joking with and about liberals is not too bad. That you can do all day long. It’s easy.
Yes, what was given to you is written in Hebrew. It is the most important thing that you can understand and do. Period.
Danw – Scratch the intolerance and hatred.
That statement needs to be taken in a context for which you may not be prepared to deal with at this stage.
You will eventually find that many forms of hatred and intolerance are actually acceptable and beneficial.
please read this article in the L.A. Times, found in the health section.
· Amid setbacks, liberal activists form a support group to recharge.
Red-state dominance in the last election, the war in Iraq, changes in environmental policy and the possibility of a more conservative Supreme Court have left many local activists feeling as blue as the state they live in.
What they need, one longtime activist recently decided, is some therapy — a good old-fashioned support group tailored for the liberal activist in need of emotional rejuvenation
But the support group functions, in many ways, like any group therapy. Participants talk, listen, cry, hug and complain.
I see you’ve found the bottle already this morning!
Troll in a bottle, you are!
type a little, puke a little, type a little, puke a little…………….
hey allhat, it proves that liberalism is a mental disorder. LOL
why you so angry, hat to big? LOL
AllInsultAndNo Value @ 203–
You might consider the fact that, although it may be fun to insult, you do more harm to your own reputation than you do to your intended victim. Just a suggestion, but there are better ways to do it, if you must be critical. What do you think?
when addressing bile wretching trolls, dependant on shock value for reaction to their useless posts, then no, I feel the response fit the previous posts, like a glove.
Thanks for caring.
allhatnohead @ 206
I care too, really I do.
Stop Whistling – AllHat is just another one of many mysterious pseudonyms stuck to a person whose reputation is incapable of further decline.
Yes, its a pseudonym for bush, thank you for noticing.
All drunks care the next morning, they really do.
208 you mean chardonnay is using the nick allHat?
Guys? did you even check out the article in the LA Times?
Thank you Harry Reid…..announced 25 april….
Democrats have introduced bills that address America’s real challenges.
Women’s Health Care. “The Prevention First Act of 2005” will reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and abortions by increasing funding for family planning and ending health insurance discrimination against women.
Veterans’ Benefits. “The Retired Pay Restoration Act of 2005” will assist disabled veterans who, under current law, must choose to either receive their retirement pay or disability compensation.
Fiscal Responsibility. Democrats will move to restore fiscal discipline to government spending and extend the pay-as-you-go requirement.
Relief at the Pump. Democrats plan to halt the diversion of oil from the markets to the strategic petroleum reserve. By releasing oil from the reserve through a swap program, the plan will bring down prices at the pump.
Education. Democrats have a bill that will: strengthen head start and child care programs, improve elementary and secondary education, provide a roadmap for first generation and low-income college students, provide college tuition relief for students and their families, address the need for math, science and special education teachers, and make college affordable for all students .
Jobs. Democrats will work in support of legislation that guarantees overtime pay for workers and sets a fair minimum wage.
Energy Markets. Democrats work to prevent Enron-style market manipulation of electricity.
Corporate Taxation. Democrats make sure companies pay their fair share of taxes to the U.S. government instead of keeping profits overseas.
Standing with our troops. Democrats believe that putting America’s security first means standing up for our troops and their families.
for the whole article http://reid.senate.gov/record2.cfm?id=236871
Modern cynics and skeptics… see no harm in paying those to whom they entrust the minds of their children a smaller wage than is paid to those to whom they entrust the care of their plumbing JHK
oops, “JFK”
reid sure has a plate full. I can’t figure out why he is pro-abortion in DC and pro-life at home in his mormon church in nevada. dirty harry the master of spin. he writes legislation that sends pork home to his 4 sons and spews BS about Tom Delay.
I think the oil issue was already addressed, so he’s talking thru his buttcheeks on that one. And a fiscal responsible democrat? LOL that is good, can’t wait to see that.
Reid is done, put a fork in him. Just like gary locke guest judging on ‘gimme the mike’ desperate. But hey they are your hero’s.
speaking of fireside chats. lets have one about the Delano family. you go first.
chardonnay @ 214
“And a fiscal responsible democrat?”
Ummm. . . like, say, a President that gets a balanced budget through congress? The real question is, are the Republicans simply irresponsible by racking up the greatest national debt in human history, or is it something more sinister?
Ummmm…like, say, an ex Attorney General made temp Governor that gets a balanced budget through congress by using the pension fund and raising taxes on the people after she said she wouldn’t? when the state already had a much larger revenue this year than last year.
did you hear about katie couric? word has it she isn’t the little sweetheart pixie everyone thought. people say that when they hear the little clicking of Courics heels coming down the hall at NBC, they duck and cover. She’s a mean little bitch. poor Katie, how could people say such things about a liberal making $60 million over 4 years. how do you liberals justify her income and complain about evil greedy corporations in the same breath? Hmmmm?
chardonnay @ 217
“…Governor that gets a balanced budget through….”
Ummm. . . did you say balanced? Oh, the humanity!
Now how do we measure that against the largest single debt any corporate entity has ever racked up ever in human history?
Can you say “fiscally irresponsible”?
That’s your Republican-controlled federal government!
And it goes on and on and on…..ad nauseum, ad infinitum.
I think I am going to go back to Sound Politics (referring to the geographical area and not the leanings of same) for a change and for a breather.
dj @ 219
the point is, it’s HOW gregoirelicious got her budget balanced. borrowing from the state employee pension fund? that should be untouchable. It’s just like the social security fund that democrats borrowed from for several decades. democrats just cannot control themselves with other peoples money.
it sure makes personal accounts look like a good safe idea. I think state employees should also have personal accounts so dems don’t bankrupt the pension fund.
Speaking of, Congress started talking about Social Security today. if a temporary Washington State Governor can spend billions more than expected revenue, do you think the feds can find a few trillion for private account start up costs?
TEXAS CROWD CHEERS as Bush supports Tom Delay.
chardonnay @ 121
“…how [Gregoire] got her budget balanced. borrowing from the state employee pension fund? that should be untouchable.”
No. . . they balanced the budget by increasing taxes.
But, I agree with you, in principle, that we should pay as we go. So, will you stand with me to call for a state income tax? Or do you have an alternative suggestion for how the state can be funded without hitting the poor hardest.
While you are at it, perhaps you can make positive suggestions on how the deficit should have been handled instead.
Increase class sizes?
Reduce college enrollment?
Cut financial aid?
Cut teacher pay?
Defund health care?
Shut down prisons?
All reasonable suggestions entertained!
dj, you left out many many wasteful govn’t funded programs. how many programs/departments/excess staff do we really need?
Does the DOE really need 1600 employees? Does Crissy really need hubby on the payroll? OSPI is how large?
and speaking of the poor. the WSDOT spent several million on making the 520 roadside in Redmond/Bellevue really pretty. They spent JACK in the Rainier Valley.
raising taxes is not the answer to everything. this years revenue is $1 billion more than lst year. get it?
Hillary Clinton Not Welcome at Catholic College
either is Gary Locke. LOL
chardonnay @ 225
“you left out many many wasteful govn’t funded programs.”
Huh? You mean that you support all the cuts I mentioned in post 224? God . . . you really deserve the rat-hole of a State that you envision. Go away.
“how many programs/departments/excess staff do we really need?
Does the DOE really need 1600 employees?”
Perhaps. . . did you have specific employees or programs to eliminate form the DOE? I’m all ears for specifics.
“Does Crissy really need hubby on the payroll?”
Perhaps. My wife and I work at the same place. We are both independently productive for our employer. Do you have reason to believe that Mr. Gregoire is not an independently productive employee?
” OSPI is how large?”
So, what do you propose eliminating and why?
“and speaking of the poor. the WSDOT spent several million on making the 520 roadside in Redmond/Bellevue really pretty.”
Are your refering to the improvements to SR520 that Microsoft subsidized? You mean the road improvements that handle traffic to and from one of the regions largest employers?
“They spent JACK in the Rainier Valley.”
You mean that very same Rainier Valley that is getting light rail (along with some road improvements)? Not enough for ya? Well, damn, do you think it is possible that some road improvements had to be cut because Timmy gutted transportation funding?
Com’on chardonnay, I need specifics. Quit blowing smoke out your ass and give details, facts and figures! It’s easy to bitch when you don’t have to deal with reality.
The mental picture, is greatly enhanced, with visual aids.
____ @ 212–“Democrats have introduced bills that address America’s real challenges.
Women’s Health Care. “The Prevention First Act of 2005” will reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and abortions by increasing funding for family planning and ending health insurance discrimination against women. [In my day the parents taught the children and the community frowned hard enough on poor choices that peer pressure did what you seek for a LOT less money and did a better job!]
Veterans’ Benefits. “The Retired Pay Restoration Act of 2005” will assist disabled veterans who, under current law, must choose to either receive their retirement pay or disability compensation. [All the while hating those who are in service to our country NOW!]
Fiscal Responsibility. Democrats will move to restore fiscal discipline to government spending and extend the pay-as-you-go requirement. [See this at the Seattle Times and ask yourself if you’ve been lied to: http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....6m.html%5D
Relief at the Pump. Democrats plan to halt the diversion of oil from the markets to the strategic petroleum reserve. By releasing oil from the reserve through a swap program, the plan will bring down prices at the pump.[Ha-hahahaha-hahah-ha! Make it stop! 9.5cent increase by Guv’nah Fraudoire and you think this is LOWER prices? Hahahahaha! This bears repeating: HAHAHAHAHA!]
Education. Democrats have a bill that will: strengthen head start and child care programs, improve elementary and secondary education, provide a roadmap for first generation and low-income college students, provide college tuition relief for students and their families, address the need for math, science and special education teachers, and make college affordable for all students . [And they have done such a wonderful job in our schools already….more s*o*c*i*a*l*i*s*t*s than ever being turned out in our universities. More Academic freedom than ever–my son chose to disagree with an instructor here locally and was forced to go to another class–a son who NEVER had problems before and never got less than 97% on any test or assignment!]
Jobs. Democrats will work in support of legislation that guarantees overtime pay for workers and sets a fair minimum wage.
[Minimum wage only makes sure that illegal immigrants will send more US dollars home to Mexico. It affects only 2% of the work force and is meant to be anything BUT permanent as a job–unless you LIKE asking if they want fries with that order. It is a cheap throwaway and feel-good promise from the libs to get more votes.]
Energy Markets. Democrats work to prevent Enron-style market manipulation of electricity. [Democrats work….now THERE is an oxymoron! These are the guys who want to remove the dams from our state! How does that help electricity production?]
Corporate Taxation. Democrats make sure companies pay their fair share of taxes to the U.S. government instead of keeping profits overseas. [Tell Theresa Heinz Kerry to pay her fair share and bring those plants TO the US for once, okay? All that outsourcing is killing our tax base, Dems.]
Standing with our troops. Democrats believe that putting America’s security first means standing up for our troops and their families.” Then how about telling the New York Slimes and LA Slimes and all the Dems in D.C. to stop with the crap that demoralizes our troops? Tell Mr. Kerry and Ted (hic!) Kennedy to shut up already. And tell all of them–Bush included–they had better start protecting the borders or pay the price!]
If I stepped on any toes—-GOOD!
Stop the Whistling @ 229 and 230
Step on toes? No, mostly you show that you went to school in a grossly underfunded school district.
“In my day the parents taught the children and the community frowned hard enough on poor choices that peer pressure did what you seek for a LOT less money and did a better job!”
Jesus christ! We cannot get freaking adult clerics to control their sexual behaviors and you want peer pressure to quash teen sex drive? What’s life like in Disney Land?
“All the while hating those who are in service to our country NOW!”
No. . . just the assholes like Bush and Cheney who put them there. Nothing pisses us off more than the slaughter of young Americans for an idiotic war.
“Democrats will move to restore fiscal discipline to government…”
Damn straight. The Republicans in D.C. have racked up the single biggest debt of any entity in history! Remember Bill Clinton? The guy who actually started paying off the national debt?
“9.5cent increase by Guv’nah Fraudoire and you think this is LOWER prices?”
Ummm. . . that is a TAX, dip shit. Are you naturally this ignorant?
“my son chose to disagree with an instructor here locally and was forced to go to another class”
So sorry. Perhaps it is a genetic thing.
I’m telling you, friend, keep away from uSP. . . it REALLY makes you stupid.
My answer to this post:
Clearly, such a finding would not remove Bush from office. Any such errors would have to be found before the Electoral College vote. Bush is in office and would stay there.
What remedy, then? The remedy would be to prosecute those who committed fraud, take measures to reduce errors in the future, replace bad voting machines with machines that leave a proper audit trail, and eliminate any procedures that hamper voters in fully exercising their right to vote.