While I haven’t read it, can’t imagine I won’t support the SEIU backed initiative to fund enforcement of the $15 minimum wage, of the sick leave/safe leave law, and other workplace issues in Seattle. While, generally I don’t think dedicated money is the way to go on those sorts of things, the city hasn’t been very good at enforcement so far. So better a dedicated tax than it being under-resourced.
I’d think the sick-leave part should apply to the hospitality industry particularly from a public-health point of view. Who wants to have a meal served to them by some poor sod who’s coughing up cootie-laden slime?
A couple of good lawsuits would serve the same purpose.
Oh FartyArt…
There are rules people are supposed to follow… http://www.fda.gov/Food/Guidan.....181242.htm Butt in Seattle who follows rules anyway?
Also in Spanish for the crazed databaze pendejo http://www.fda.gov/downloads/F.....283600.pdf
Oh darn… QPPS will call FACTS hate again. Simple minded QPPS fool!
Friday Morning News Dump
Shit always happens on Fridays, when you wicked humans think no one is paying attention. After all, most of you are unofficially on a four-day workweek because you spend all day Friday in your cubicle thinking about the weekend. So, here we go, with today’s shit:
1. Ohio authorities found 7 members of a family murdered in their homes. Not clear if this was a murder-suicide (i.e., unknown if the shooter is among the dead), but it’s clearly a domestic problem of some sort. There’s a lot of that in our country, maybe because of work stress and sexual frustration (which you stupid humans are uniquely prone to; when a wild creature feels the urge, he just grabs something by the neck and fucks it), but Republicans nevertheless argue EVERYONE should have easy access to guns. This is the result.
2. Drumpf flip-flops on bathrooms. Yesterday, he was against North Carolina Republicans’ bathroom law but said they should leave it the way it is, and today he’s saying they should change it because it’s costing them business. What the fuck? This is about making money? I guess in Drumpf’s mind, everything is either about making money, or it doesn’t matter. In any case, if you can’t trust a man on bathrooms, what can you trust him with?
3. Fox News is shaking up its management team. That’s news? Why? Who cares?
4. Uber has agreed to pay $100 million to settle charges they screw their drivers. They’re getting off cheaply, and this doesn’t make them a good employer.
5. In Houston, somebody’s tiger got loose. It clearly was a pet because it had a collar and wild tigers, you know, don’t wear those. When a passing motorist stopped and got out of his car to gawk at it, the tiger pounced on him and licked his face. He’s probably lucky he still has a face, but whatever. I suggest if you see a tiger running around your neighborhood, stay in your damn car or house, just in case it’s not as tame as this one.
Well, that’s it for this morning. I’m sure there are many other interesting news stories out there, but I’m too lazy to read them all. This is good enough to get you started on your morning coffee.*
* I’m not addressing lunchtime coffee, the afternoon coffee break, or the bedtime caffeine shot in this comment. I’ll discuss that issue later. If I feel like it.
@3 Why does Florida need food safety regulations? People aren’t allowed to eat there. That state has a Republican governor and legislature, you know.
Roger Rabbit Commentary #1: Florida’s Republican governor also wants your teeth to rot. Note this bill was unanimously passed by the legislature, which means the majority Republicans all voted for it. How often do you see any Republicans, let alone all of them, vote for any public spending? Their asshole governor vetoed it anyway. Why? Who knows? Because he’s an asshole, I guess.
Roger Rabbit Commentary #2: Rick Scott is very, very rich. He made his bones as CEO of a company that stole over a billion dollars from Medicare. What a fucking hypocrite, not to mention a thief. I would never visit, let alone live in, a state with voters who would elect someone like him to a public office. That’s like putting Willie Sutton in charge of a TBTF bank. Or Puddy in charge of an early childhood learning center.
Well there’s a typical response. “But, but, but there are rules ” There are also rules about wage theft and it still happens Quite a lot in food service actually.
And of course Piddles can’t fathom why anyone would come to work sick. Not like losing a shift and maybe $50 in tips is the difference between a university student eating or not for the week. Miss two and maybe you’re short on rent so you get a late fee and you can’t pay that so you get another late fee. Funny thing about living paycheck to paycheck…
Join together in the band.
“I think I’ll make the case, and from everything I’ve seen—both personal conversations and research that has been done, just as it was with me when I dropped out, you know, the vast majority of Sen. Sanders’ young supporters will look at the choice,” Clinton said.
She continued, noting that she has acknowledged as much to Sanders’ supporters, “The choice will be pretty stark if either of the two leading Republican candidates become the nominee, and I’m confident that we’ll all join together.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/.....z46ZfvyEbb
So dismissive. She must assume that all of you are as emasculate as YLB.
I wonder if this is going to make Booby angwey or cause him to cwry. Intentionally mis spelled to sound like Kripke on The Big Bang show.
PUMA, 2016 edition:
Sanders has an unusually high net favorability from supporters of his primary opponent. Clinton gets unusually low marks from Bernie backers.
The hopeful reading of the NBC/Wall Street Journal data is that once the primary’s friendly fire goes quiet, Clinton’s popularity will enjoy a quick recovery. With America’s favorite democratic socialist stumping for her in the fall, his most skeptical supporters will stop worrying and learn to like Hillary. The pessimistic reading for the Clinton camp is that Sanders’s recent attacks have sown durable divisions in the Democratic coalition that will haunt the party’s standard-bearer into November.
I guess the view from your knees might not be all that different from the one if you’re standing but don’t possess a spine. Time will tell.
Historically, “I’ll stay home if my primary candidate isn’t the nominee” is about as serious as “If ____ wins I’ll move to Canada.”
Yet in polls the percentage of Republicans (total registered) who claim they’ll never vote Trump is about the same as the percentage of Bernie primary voters (a subset of Democrats) who say they won’t back Clinton as the nominee.
So that’s the thing to hang your hopes for victory on.
How’s Trump doing with “Independents?”
@ 9
I’m probably interested in a current poll of Trump’s success with independents after the California primary results are known.
But thanks for the January info.
@8 Yeah, keep salivating over a Trump-Clinton or Cruz-Clinton matchup, Boob. So are we.
LOL! Too funny that the troll haters, Boob and the babbling jackass, are so obsessed with yours truly! It’s too damn funny!
Heh. Boob of the hair and quality facetime with the missus challenged projects its own “emasculation”..
And the babbling jackass troll and its execrable ilk turns yet more Latinos from ever voting for klownservatics with every bigoted bleat. The fiend entrenches itself into white identity politics ever more insanely, finding common cause with white supremacists and white nationalists like David Duke and Jared Taylor whose varions minions and fellow travellers robocall and shill for the miserable egomaniacal jerk, Donald Drumpf
Mission accomplished!
As for Hillary? All one has to say is :
Trey who????
No yours truly is not a big fan of Hillary’s lacking communication skills, her family’s coziness with big money supporters from Wall Street to Hollywood and beyond, her hawkish to the point of belligerent foreign policy etc.
But she made those House kook assholes look like morons during that one day marathon session.
She has demonstrated time and again she can handle the job. Yours truly may not be pleased with the results just as many of us haven’t been all that pleased with the results from the current incumbent TWO TERM President (yes two terms – suck on it trolls) – Barack Hussein Obama.
However she will deftly keep the ASSHOLES (those our trolls love) at bay. For EIGHT YEARS. As the inexorable demographic withering of the klownservatic base continues.
She will make the haters MELT DOWN, pull their hair out, make total ASSES of themselves, etc. Like FDR she will WELCOME their hatred.
Oh how yours truly will love to see that!
Oh boob. Looking at January was helping Trump. In January is net favorability among independents was on -26. Most recently First week of April he’s -30. The more he campaigns the more they dislike him.
Btw, there are other March polls that are even more devastating to Trump but per your optimism we can just look at the newest. They’re all skewed anyway amiright?
Playing While My Guitar Gently Weeps can be hazardous to your health.
RepubliKKKlans have decided, without any evidence, that transgender people are a threat to their children so they must make laws taking away their rights. But really what they are doing is distracting everybody from all the youth pastors and preachers that go to prison on a near daily basis for raping their children!
And the fucking media plays along. Asshat mutherfukers.
@15 they probably take video of the Pastors taping thier children. Or send them off with Coach Jockstrap.
Oh look… the fools on HA DUMMOCRETINS have been identified by VOX! http://www.vox.com/2016/4/21/1.....liberalism
PuddyCommentariat: Think about what Dr Obnoxious, R senile checkmate, vomit producer, and the Oregon moron have in common? QPPS has been just an idiot these last eight months. Anyway back to the “big five”… This identifies them perfectly “a condescending, defensive sneer toward any person or movement outside of its consensus”. DAYUM, this article identifes every one of you jackASSes perfectly! Paragraph after paragraph of truths about HA DUMMOCRETINS! All from a libtard at VOX!
Vox, coming through again with truth about DUMMOCRETINS everywhere!
Of course QPPS will call this hate forgetting this is from the Journolist crew gathered together by Ezra Klein, loved by HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Yeah, will Sanders peeps back Clinton? http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/15/.....index.html
The batshit crazy loon spewing yet more unintelligible hate. Although when I saw the word “sneering”, I thought the loon’s comment might be about the doctor’s way of talking about those less fortunate than himself. But it was just more unintelligible hate. Sigh! It’s become so tiresome and boring.
Isn’t being tiresome and boring grounds for being banned?
Isn’t being tiresome and boring grounds for being banned?
It’s how you spend the rest of your life after you wake up after a snooze in which you dream you’re a fat, stupid, incontinent, and impotent rabbit.
The U.K. has issued a travel advisory for North Carolina and Mississippi, which now rank with Yemen and North Korea as tourist destinations.
I personally don’t have disrespect for all Republicans. A handful of them are decent people with brains in their heads. A few of them understand that John Gault is a fictional character.
But the ones here. Gubment BAAAAAAD! Freedoms GOOOOD! Bible…GOOOOD! Ivy League…BAAAAAD! War GOOOOD! HOMOs BAAAAAD! OBAMUNISM!
Why pretend to respect a blithering idiot? The only thing one of our trolls here seems to understand about the world is that if you bang two sticks together it will make noise.
And what to make of a blithering idiot who on a daily basis gets up and goes right to a blog to call people asshole (well in German, classy) and moronic and vomit producing…. Yeah, that’s a totally rational non-sneering person we should engage with politely. I see it now.
Ten years of being wrong at every turn. Gregoire will lose. Obama will lose. Gregoire will lose again. Obama will lose again. Gay marriage will collapse the world. ISIS will take over the U.S. Patty Murray is on the run and getting beat. Maria Cantwell, this is her last year! The terrorists Obama is welcoming will kill us all. Inslee will lose. Sawant will lose.
When the Washington Generals say “TONIGHT! This is the night WE WIN!” Everybody laughs and condescendingly says, “Good luck with that.”
Naturally a life long republican and columnist for The Blaze, National Review and The Washington Times is the expert on how left-leaning voters will react.
I mean, when I want to know what is going on deep in the Psyche of Republicans I read Janine Garafalo.
willy vomit – (will he vomit) – vomit producer
See how easy that is checkmate?
Another self inflicted checkmate!
Puddy spewing yet more excellent facts. Although when I saw the word “sneering”, I thought the VOX deputy First Person editor’s comment might be about the doctor’s way of talking about those less fortunate than himself. But it was just more REAL FACTS I could not comprehend. Sigh! Life is getting so much more complex each day. It’s become so difficult to operate under this quintuple BULLSHITTIUM pressure inside my neanderthal granite encased cranial orifice.
Naturally a life long republican and columnist for The Blaze, National Review and The Washington Times is the expert on how left-leaning voters will react.
ABSOLUTELY checkmate. Ahhh lower case Republican… Really slick there jackASS! Puddy has to read left wrong third and fourth tier toilet douche bags each weekend from the Friday Night Comix and the incessant posting of left wrong guttersnipes from you and others each day explaining how we whom think right Republican voters will react!
Deal with it checkmate!
Voting for a most stinky Drumpfhole. Lots to recommend there. Flattering.
@20 Sorry about your dreams. Maybe a therapist could help? Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit it was only a dream. Yeah, my species has problem specimens, too. Fortunately, I’m not one of them.
@25 “Puddy spewing yet more excellent facts.”
You’re confusing graffiti and facts. They’re not the same.
Gotta vent. 89 year old mother in law got call from “,IRS”. Having a hell of a time talking her off the ledge. Off shore number so no recourse. What pigs.
It’s a scam. The IRS never calls – they send letters.
“It’s how you spend the rest of your life after you wake up after a snooze in which you dream you’re a fat, stupid, incontinent, and impotent rabbit.”
I thought a better example would be a successful doctor needing to go to a blog in order to stoke his superiority complex by insipidly ragging about how America’s working poor make too much fucking money.
@ 29 RR:
It’s not even “graffiti”, it’s the ravings scribbled on an asylum cell wall by an individual who is wrapped in a canvas jacket using his toes to grip a chunk of his own shit.
“Why pretend to respect a blithering idiot?”
Pretend? No, it’s quite real. The loon is, in fact, a blithering idiot.
“And what to make of a blithering idiot who on a daily basis gets up and goes right to a blog to call people asshole”
That he’s a psycho loon who should be banned for his own fucking good?
“Ahhh lower case Republican… Really slick there jackASS!”
Says the babbling jackass loon who in his delusions believes he’s the disinfectant who’s going to kill what he sees as COMMIE-FASCIST DUMMOCRETIN SCUM.
I’m sure the doctor has no concerns that his GOP has descended into arguing with each other about dick size, ugliest wives and toilet rooms. As long as they’re still talking about tax cuts for wealthy doctors and hating on America’s working poor and minorities, he’s good with everything.
Hell, the black-hating racist doctor will even befriend a psychotic black man as long as he’s for giving him a tax cut.
“Maine’s Tea Party governor says Cruz’s ‘political hooligans’ are trying to hijack delegates”
Geez, even LePage hates the slimeball with a melting face.