I can sort of understand grandstanding against trans people. It’s a cheap way to say you’re a horrible person. It signals to a certain type of horrible person that you’re in the tribe, and it lets you rail against imaginary horrors like people pooping in a place you’ve claimed are wrong. Also, you get to make stuff up like trans rape without actually doing anything about rape. And the costs of being an ass are borne by other people.
But what I don’t get is why people would pay money for a trans-hate initiative. I mean a fool and their money and all that, I guess.
What I don’t get is the south always looking like assholes. I mean, history is replete with the south totally embarrassing this country with their ignorance and bigotry, and yet they persist. How many centuries will it take southern culture to figure out they suck? How long will they persist in angry politics of exclusion and fear when their economies and people’s continue to suffer? It’s simply incomprehensible to me.
Funny that it is so acceptable for a women to get a boob job. I guess because men love big tits, or at least some or most….Did Marco’s wife have big tits?
But anyways, most women get a boob job to feel better about themselves. Well think of the same for a transgender person, except that person is making more of a major transformation, but basically for the same reason, or better reason, if the woman is doing it just to make her husband or boyfriend sex life better.
Let’s recognize this initiative for what it really is — just another mechanism to drive conservative/right-wing voters to the polls in November. They can’t Ban Gay Marriage again, so this is their working alternative.
@3 you sure they can’t ban it?
Gay Republican Confronts Cruz: How Will You Protect Me And My Husband? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....20952.html
Well written, Carl. To answer your question, I think a lot of rightwing politics consists of nothing more than hustling the rubes by playing on their ignorant fears. Sarah Palin, for example, is a cash cow; and sometimes I wonder if she’s brighter than she lets on, is an actress of sorts, and is playing her fans for fools. I suspect so. Ann Coulter is transparently a mercenary who doesn’t believe a lot of what she writes and is in it only for the money. (Coulter, remember, is an attorney; she’s no dummy.) After years of observing rightwing politics from down here in my rabbit hole, it has become very obvious to me that conservative politics is basically a business model. It depends, of course, on a large supply of stupid customers. There are plenty of those. Drumpf’s followers are a good example of the kind of people who are being hustled and don’t even know it.
@1 Southerners are stupid because the smart people moved away generations ago, and there’s nobody with a 3-digit IQ left in the gene pool. Plus the effects of inbreeding resulting from banging their sisters and first cousins.
@6 They starve education and healthcare because they hate people of color. Their fear is that one day they will be outnumbered and they will be the victims of the same crimes they have perpetrated against others for centuries. The problem is that they are becoming increasingly dysfunctional. One day, there will need to be martial law imposed on them. And their peashooters won’t do them any good against the federal government. Again. That’s how stupid they are.
You cannot choose your gender (or sex if you are one of those loons who thinks they are two totally different things); a man cannot be a woman, and a woman cannot be a man…and society should not be forced to conform to the perverted fantasies of a minuscule minority of mentally ill individuals.
@ 5 RR
I just read an article last night about the cultural reasons why right-wing bureaucracies and deeply Conservative organizations such as religion companies tend to lose wars or other conflicts in the long run. It used the example of the Saudi and Iraqi military cultures being so impossible difficult to organize as a cohesive unit and trained to fight effectively, simply because the only people allowed to know anything about anything were the officers.
There was the example of how the US Army program that trained the tank crews for the Saudi Army back in the 1980s and 90s gave out specific and highly detailed instructions as to how to operate their machines and tactics that they are designed for. The Army Major that oversaw the training operations handed out these manuals to every new recruit, and then had to stand back and allow the Saudi officers to confiscate every single one. The Saudis reason was that the Enlisted men couldn’t read. But what it really boiled down to was that those Enlisted personnel were forbidden to know how their own fucking machines were supposed to work. Officers, those men that tended to come from wealthy and Royally-connected families were mostly educated in the UK, US and France maintained an absolute monopoly on the basic knowledge as a measure of controlling their Enlisted personnel. For some reason, this includes non-commissioned officers. The Officers have absolutely no trust in their commands at all. The Enlisted men are terrified of them.
Another idea is that Conservative organizations tend to be highly hierarchical and this hierarchy is carefully maintained. It is always the people at the top who call the shots no matter what, even if they start going off the rails and the lower echelons must obey no matter what. In the case of the Middle East militaries, this means that there is no intermediary between the officers and the enlisted men, as Sergeants are in the traditional western method.
When any institution becomes stagnated like this, it is rather simple for the un-indoctrinated to run rings around them. That’s why the right wing fanatics will always need guns. They cannot defend themselves by any other means. Their outright lies, their slanders, radically outrageous claims and their pandering to the least educated demographic is always visible for anyone else to see.
@8 You make an erudite observation about the tribal mind. There may be good evolutionary reasons for it that make it obsolete today. That is adaptation. These are the same people who buy into the lie that global warming is a fake and thousands of scientists and mountains of detailed evidence have no meaning. And they send politicians to run their government based on their ignorance. But heat in ocean water builds and needs release. And one day a truly historic monster hurricane is going to hit the very people that have led the fight against the science. It will wipe them out. And people will flee and not return. And it will be a fetid swamp for a century. I’m no prophet. It all seems painfully obvious.
Why Arabs Lose Wars.
The same concepts here can easily be applied to any hidebound, stagnant political organization with more bureaucrats and grifters than thinkers and doers.
Why does God hate Texas?
“Texas Deluged By As Much As 18 Inches Of Rain”
Oh, I get it. Texas hates God’s country, America, so she smote the motherfuckers.
“Texas GOPers Vote To Debate Secession At State Convention”
@ 11
And to think that it was just a few years ago that they hadn’t had a decent rainstorm in three years or more and the Tex-Ass State legislature were talking about forcing Congress to build a pipeline down from Lake Huron.
For the Greater Good of the Proletariat, of course.
Cruz is either a Canadian or a citizen of a state whose GOP is clamoring to secede from the union. So, sure, nominate that shithead to be our president.
You all know of Schrodinger’s Cat.
Have you heard of Schrodinger’s Immigrant?
The exact same immigrant is lazy and sucking off the government teat taking money from Real Americans (TM) and at the same time willing to work too hard and stealing jobs from Real Americans (TM).
Ohhhhh My. Imagine if this was Hillary’s Campaign Manager.
We all know banks are thieves. So are life insurance companies. Show me a businessman and I’ll show you a crook. There’s no such thing as an honest business. Not anymore.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s the goddamn Baby Boomers. Our generation has no ethics or morals. Our parents didn’t this shit. At least, they didn’t get caught as much.
It’s a little-known fact that life insurance companies won’t pay the beneficiaries unless they file a claim. It’s industry-wide, it’s systemic, it’s been going on for years, and consumers have been robbed of billions.
My solution is I don’t have life insurance. Life insurance companies basically invest your money for you, take a big cut off the top, and give your heirs what’s left when you die. If they knew you had the policy, and with which company, and where to file a claim. Something that obviously isn’t in the forefront of their minds when they’re burying (or cremating) you.
Well, I figured out this scam years ago. I self-insure. Instead of handing over premiums to insurance crooks, I invest it myself, and keep it all for myself. And if I have no heirs, or feel my heirs can go to hell (why should they get rich from my money?), I can spend the money on myself anytime I feel like it. It sure beats paying some insurance executive $10 million a year to manage my money for me. His idea of managing is to put it in his own pocket.
When you get right down to it, practically all businesses are scams, which is why I prefer to be their owner instead of their customer. You won’t catch me in a Starbucks or feeding dollar bills into a Coke machine. I just cash the Starbucks and Coca Cola dividend checks and use the money to buy more shares of Exxon or Wells Fargo. None of those companies sell anything I want. I’m merely the capitalist in this picture.
@16 They’re not against selling out to foreign governments. That’s not how they think. The way they see it, that’s their territory, and they don’t want anyone else horning in on it. For them everything is a business, and they want to own the income streams. Show me a Republican and I’ll show you a corrupt bastard with no loyalty to anything except his own pocketbook.
“LANSING, Mich. (AP) Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder will drink Flint water at home and at work for at least a month to show to residents it is safe with the use of a faucet filter, he said Monday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not gonna say what I’m thinking.
Darcy Burner hugs rabbits. I’ll bet she’d never hug Puddy.
@1 Southern culture is not as not as you think it is. Of course carpet baggers did not just change the south. Though the people in charge tend to be dicks. “Smokey and the Bandit” is comedy and satire, but is still more truthful than what is coming out of the Beltway. Not enough Coors beer could explain a lot. There are plenty of folk in the south totally unsure how they should feel about the Dixie Chics. Just the folks on one side are a lot more vocal, and some like to play with guns. Course they don’t like it when you tell them off using their own rules and you smile, but let em know you don’t mind fighting. Of course some of those good old boys are hard men.
@8 Actually you have a lot of that wrong. The Saudi officers confiscated the materials because they didn’t want the enlisted and non coms from turning the tanks on them the elites.
The Saudis are a lot less corrupt than other middle eastern nations, but corruption is the main reason that middle eastern armies are second class. And the central government fear having professional soldiers who would threaten their power. The officers of the Saudi army are picked more for their loyalty to the King than anything else.
The rest of what you said is true of the Russian army or the Chinese army. Neither can be described as right wing conservative organizations.
Of course considering the actual Crusades, and the armies on both sides would tend to pierce the argument put forward. The armies were definitely religious, and divided by class.
So when Washington gets hit with a large earthquake does god hate Washington State? Seattle? The Mariners? Is God a Mariner fan or does he go to Sounder games. God must be in Seattle as it’s too wet in Houston?
@12 What they are trying to be more democratic about succeeding than the time they did? Shouldn’t Mexico have a say in this? And shouldn’t the people of Texas be given an opportunity to return to Mexico? I’m sure Mexico would like Texas back. Should succession succeed I’m sure Bellingham with welcome the official Texas government until the Rebellion is dealt with.
@20 Take a look at the fella on the five dollar bill.
@21 That he probably ate lead paint as a child so there is no way we will know if he suffers any ill effects? Also did he get a blood test for lead levels before starting to drink the water that can be compared to a blood test after the month of drinking Flints lead free water. (And ZIKA free for now.) Or you think they would draw the blood from some staffer…hope they at least get the blood types to match.
@22 Does Puddy hug rabbits? Sure you want to find out? If you get a hug from Puddy do hope it’s as enjoyable as the one from Darcy Burner.
@19 Will we find you at the Chatterbox Café? Enjoying that Surge soda?
They starve education and healthcare because they hate people of color.
Really? So why did they gladly elect and reelect the two following great individuals?
So why did Tim Scott get elected?
So why did JC Watts get elected?
And why did the DUMMOCRETIN Congressional Black Caucus have a cow with their elections?
So why did these get elected?
Nikki Haley
Susan Martinez
Bobby Jindal?
So why do they love Dr Ben Carson?
More silliness from a really silly FOOL!
You judge too harshly. The way businesses are structured and the way decisions are made has changed. Compensation and profits have become concentrated, while accountability and authority have become distributed. Anonymous ownership demanding revenue growth and profit drives poor decision making from lower level mgrs with poor information and limited perspective.
I’ve seen otherwise very decent responsible people willingly do their tiny part to lift that unethical bale, all the while believing they were doing the right thing “under the circumstances”.
Pierce the corporate veil. Make the ownership class criminally responsible. You’ll be more careful how you invest. And you’ll work hard to see that the senior managers you hire are accountable.
Two blacks. Only one in office. Heh. Even after parading them in front of us, the babbling jackass loon seems unfamiliar with the concept of tokenism. Of course, that’s why he’s the batshit crazy loon.
Ahh yes. Schroedingers immigrant exists in an indeterminate state so long as it is not observed.
However, unlike Schroedingers cat, the observed state of Schroedingers immigrant is determined not by mathematical probability, but rather by “conservative” xenophobia. The latter being much more difficult to calculate with precision.
Sounds like a classic example of the time honored Republican Theory of Racial Exceptionalism® (sometimes referred to as the “He’s One of the Good Ones” theory).
It allows for acknowledging the positive qualities of individuals while simultaneously promoting the inferiority of those individuals’ race.
@8 Wrong. The science is not on your side. Neither is basic human decency.