– Seriously, business owners, why are you volunteering anti-gay garbage?
– The people in Kayaks meeting the Shell rig are pretty amazing.
– Oh hey, here’s your list of possible people to fill Sally Clark’s spot on the City Council. Oddly, no Goldy this time around.
Pretty funny. Now all that lawyer needs to do is help create a National White History month.
Dana Warr, Coast Guard spokesperson, says “mutual agreement” was reached that a 500-yard distance would be maintained when vessels are in transit and 100 yards when the vessels are moored or anchored.
At least one of the protest leaders, however, says no agreement was reached, because most of the groups planning direct action didn’t attend the Coast Guard briefing.
Apparently the State Department’s Iran negotiating team also runs the Coast Guard.
Such compassionate tough love.
One of the 47%.
The Obama administration so far has declined to organize a rescue mission for the estimated 3,000 to 4,000 U.S. citizens in Yemen. U.S. officials have said they believe it is too dangerous for U.S. military assets to enter Yemeni waters and air space. They’ve also suggested that organizing Americans to meet at a single departure point would put them at risk of attack from al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula or other terrorist groups seeking American hostages.
That, however, has left Americans largely on their own to find a way out of the country.
Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/201.....rylink=cpy
Less than a month ago:
“…But we do, you know, we do continue to enjoy the benefits of a sustained counterterrorism security relationship with the security infrastructure that remains in Yemen.”
Yeah. That’s from a Vox piece heavily criticizing Obama’s view of what’s happened in Yemen.
Wonder how many of those kayakers are genuine residents of the PNW?
This is what democracy looks like.
L.A. School District Terminates iPad Program and Seeks Refund From Apple
The original goal of the $1.3 billion project was to democratize access to high-quality devices and give every student exposure to these modern tools.
Remember: Broadband access is a basic human right.
@7 you calling for democracy is funny.
Republicans have made government and politics nothing more than dog shit. Dick Cheney is the tip of the iceberg.
Marco Rubio might want to ban divorces and divorcees from getting re-married….and I guess you could add premarital sex?
Sure. I don’t mind working while needing a cane. I’m sure I’ll fit right in with the other people seeking jobs in the job market.
Ohhhh, but heeeeee’s ruining this Country!
It’s bound to come eventually. The House on a near party line vote passed the “Death Tax Repeal Act” designed to shield .2% of the Americans from federal estate taxes. There is no substitute funding measure to make up for the lost revenue. This time they didn’t even try to attach a set of spending cuts to ballance the measure. CBO estimates this would cost $270B over 10 years.
Yes, that’s right. House Republican’s just voted to increase the deficit by a more than a quarter TRILLION dollars.
It will die in the Senate of course so it won’t even need to be vetoed by President Obama.
@13 The Party for the People!
I’m sure all those Navy people, or was it the Air Force, who were having sex in Vegas brought their bibles with them.
Seems like those conservative tolerance values are shining. What a bunch paranoid gun nuts, thinking that government is going to take their guns away.
I’d like to ask Ted, gun rights are for rebelling, Cruz, “When the revolution comes and it’s you and your few thousand military rifles and a million rounds against fighter jets, Apache’s, laser guided bombs and tanks, will you shout “Wolverines!!!” and charge in?”
If they start building IEDs to take on the tanks will they be Iranian supported terrorists?
@2 “Apparently the State Department’s Iran negotiating team also runs the Coast Guard.”
For someone who purportedly (somehow) graduated from med school, you sure are inept at putting together a simple analogy. Maybe you’d like to explain your thought process here? That is, if you had one.
@4 I paid taxes last year, and I’ll owe taxes again this year, so I guess that makes me a 53-percenter — one of the people who supports freeloaders like Mitt Rmoney.
@5 “‘The situation in Yemen is dangerous and unpredictable,’ the official said. ‘Sending in military assets, even for an evacuation operation, could put U.S. citizen lives at greater risk.'”
Grownups have to make tough decisions — in this case, weighing potential costs against potential benefits — while idiots like you bloviate. If you were stuck in Yemen, with 75% survival odds, and a military rescue operation by your government would give you 50% survival odds, what would you want your government to do?
One of the things required to mount a rescue operation is to gather all the American citizens in one place, or a few places. Any moron can see that would paint a target on them. With U.S. bombs falling on insurgents, do you think the insurgents will just let them leave?
And if our government is, let’s say, assembling the Delta Force and planning an operation, do you think they’ll tell the press, just to shut up dumbfucks like you?
@10 Rubio seems to be saying if he’s elected president his domestic policy advisor will be the Pope. JFK handled that question a lot better.
I guess @5 seems to think the Americans in Yemen are a small band of medical students trapped on a very very very small island. Maybe we could send a similar force equal to nearly 8% of Yemen’s population. Who’s up for sending 1.9million troops to Yemen? Hoooooorah! The Gipper would have gone.
@11 Jeb is a Republican. If the choice is between raising the Social Security tax ceiling or raising the retirement age, which do you think he’ll choose? Better to put someone with a cane or walker to work stocking shelves than to make a rich man pay more taxes. If you’re a Republican, that is.
@13 I would support estate tax repeal if they also eliminated the basis step-up and made inheritances taxable as ordinary income of heirs.
@17 Don’t forget, if it gets out of hand, the gummint also has the option of dropping tactical nukes on the Bundy Ranch and a couple other choice locations. Cruise missiles are cheap and hard to duck. They won’t even see ’em coming.
They were told to leave in June.
“Those doctors who went to treat Ebola and got sick. Why are they bringing them into the country? It was their choice. They knew the consequences and this is totally different. This is OBAMA wanting the Americans to die instead of helping. It’s clear as day. He is abandoning them,” -HOt Air, Breitbart, Fox News et al.
Why does our society allow socially dysfunctional latchkey teens to ride around in cars with guns, taking potshots at random joggers?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Seems to me we need more gun control than we have. It’s too easy for the wrong people to get guns.
@27 plain and simple republicans should be ashamed of themselves. But they aren’t.
@28 Republicans are bots. They have no feelings.
Remember the pretend cop who killed a suspect last week by grabbing his gun instead of his taser? He says he got his active shooter training from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. That’s Joe Arpaio’s outfit.
@ 30
And they falsified the paperwork that shows he took the course.
Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell and John Bohner have announced their new plan to keep immigrants out.
there is no district 8.
it’s position 8, at large.