As we get further and further from it, the more people are going to try to write their own narrative on to the time BLM activists interrupted Bernie Sanders at Westlake. I have been genuinely surprised at how quickly people — often time the same person — could go from saying how awful and uninformed they were to pushing the narrative that Sanders politely listened to them.
I’ve been interested to see Marissa Johnson push back on that. Both in an interview with TWIB a month or so ago (plays automatically) or writing it in her own words.
Marissa Johnson is responsible for one of the most pathetic acts of black political activism in a long time. There is something simpleminded – or maybe just masochistic – about the way white progressives embrace the most radical-sounding black voices, as if belligerence were a gauge of authenticity. If you think Bernie Sanders’ program is a problem for black people then read William Julius Wilson, a black sociologist who made the same essential case almost forty years ago.
@1 unlike Conservatives embracing Kim Davis.
The Dow Industrials are up another 147 points this morning. That makes it over 300 points in two days. I don’t feel sorry for Puddy, though. After all, I warned him. And, too, this is America; he has a constitutional right to be a stupid fool.
@ 2
Indeed, very much unlike conservative support for Kim Davis.
Thanks for your help, ‘bagger.
Oh, Lordy. Cruz and his pillow.
“Ted Cruz’s former roommate just revealed his self-pleasuring technique — click only if you’ve already had lunch”
To add some context, Cruz’s office argued in 2007, “there is no substantive-due-process right to stimulate one’s genitals for non-medical purposes unrelated to procreation or outside of an interpersonal relationship”
From the comment threads…
“Pillows just released a statement thanking everyone for their support and to please respect their privacy during these difficult times.”
@4 Yep, you can always count on conservatives to support anything smacking of racism, bigotry, or exclusion. You might say they rise to the occasion. In some states, they even pass laws legalizing discrimination. Makes ’em feel proud to be conservatives.
@5 Because he couldn’t afford a goat in his college days.
Hey Steve, after you successfully ban Puddy, who’s your next target?
“…about the way some white progressives embrace the most radical-sounding black voices…”
Oh my gosh!
Now there are reports that Ted Cruz fucks goats!
I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you!
Are you offering yourself for nomination?
“Hey Steve, after you successfully ban Puddy, who’s your next target?”
Darryl banned Marvin, who was before your time, for saying he was a paid troll. Believe me, anyone who ever read Marvin’s comments would know that nobody, not even a deranged wingnut, would pay for that shit. I believe the one and only reason Marvin was banned was because he had posted a link to Darryl’s very unflattering student reviews one too many times and that Darryl was looking for an excuse to get rid of him. By facetiously stating that he was a paid troll, Marvin handed it to him.
Last week the loon admitted that much of what he posts here is a copy and paste of comments that he has posted countless times before.
If someone walked up to me and said, “You are scum and I’m the disinfectant”, I will take that as a threat to kill me. Done face to face, that would not end well for that person.
Yes, I want the loon banned. Consider this. I’ve encountered a lot of foul trolls on this blog over the past decade. I’ve only called for the banning of one of them. I protested the banning of Marvin. In this comment I’ve called out Darryl as lying about why Marvin was banned.
So please don’t get your panties tied in a knot worrying that you’re next.
“Now there are reports that Ted Cruz fucks goats!”
Cruz fucks goats? I’d read about him fucking pillows, but goats too? That’s some sick shit.
“Good Lord We Have To Talk About Ted Cruz And Sex Toys”
“I did NOT sign up for this.”
And you already though the GOP presidential campaign was too weird for words when the candidates descended into debating dick size and who has the ugliest wife? Just wait until Trump runs with this one.
I kind of gathered similar feeling about Darryl taking it personal, as a hetero, to the comments I made regarding Heteros being more violent and neanderthalic characteristics than gay people. I’ll admit, I may have phrased it rather harshly, maybe even like a hetero Neanderthal, but not sure he would have censored and monitored my comments if he didn’t take it so personal.
@ 9
“…about the way
some white progressivesBernieBros embrace the most radical-sounding black voices…”And, fixed again.
WTF, is this Everyone Dog-pile On Darryl Day?
Sometimes Darryl posts the Extravaganza a little late. There. That’s my contribution.
“WTF, is this Everyone Dog-pile On Darryl Day?”
Carl’s next. I hate car haters!
“Sometimes Darryl posts the Extravaganza a little late. There. That’s my contribution.”
I haven’t clicked on one of his Friday Night links in years. It’s like it’s always old news, no commentary, so I wouldn’t be bothered in the least if he dropped that. Just call it an “Friday Night Open Thread” and be the fuck done with it.
“I kind of gathered similar feeling about Darryl taking it personal, as a hetero, to the comments I made regarding Heteros being more violent and neanderthalic characteristics than gay people.”
So I noticed. For my part, I like your posts. Did you previously post those as Gman?
Heh. Maybe I should start posting links to Darryl’s student reviews all the time and see what happens.
Heh. Hey, Darryl, I’m a paid right-wing troll, rolling in Koch money!
@19 If he needs a little help with provactive discussion ideas I’m willing to help him focus a little better. I don’t hold grudges.
@3 Rog you don’t have any faith in Puffy’s sound investment techniques? He’s only juat waiting for 7 indices to guide him to the day that is a buying day. It’s not like all the planets have to align.
@20 I am GMan. And they G never stood for the word Gay. Thanks – your posts are quite nice themselves. When I have time I’ll give you the answer to the secret of my postings, but that would also mean tipping off the trolls. But Inwill say it doesn’t include relying on 7 indicees
Don’t have time now, but I can’t wait to watch the Crud movies posted above. I hope Boob and Puffy aren’t in any of them.
@18 too funny.
If black cops were gunning down unarmed white men, the hypocrites would howl. Oppressed peoples don’t need to apologize for fighting their persecutors or demanding representation. Even if some people hate them for it. Nobody was ever just handed their rights.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Yup, Wisconsin’s voter ID law is working exactly the way it’s intended to work: …
Ever notice how a news item of voter fraud is dismissed by the left, while an isolated incident paperwork error affecting a single voter is cause for liberal hand-wringing about an entire system gone wrong?
Voter ID in Wisconsin didn’t seem to be a problem for so many others:
Wisconsin’s turnout rate in Tuesday’s presidential primary exceeded the state’s own bullish forecast, topped any Wisconsin primary since 1972, and easily bested that of any state that has voted this year except for New Hampshire.
Nearly 2.1 million Wisconsinites voted, based on unofficial returns.
Essentially, half the people that could vote did vote: roughly 47% of the state’s voting-age population and an estimated 49% of all eligible voting-age citizens.
“That’s unusual,” said turnout expert Michael McDonald, for a contest “this late in the presidential election calendar.”
“I thought it was an astounding number,” said Barry Burden of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
McDonald said a confluence of factors came together in Wisconsin: a long-lasting, high-interest nominating fight on both sides; heavy spending and advertising; a stand-alone primary where the candidates focused all their attention on a single state; concurrent presidential, state and local elections; and Wisconsin’s open primary and election-day registration, which makes for lower barriers to voting.
Turnout was seven points higher than what state election officials predicted.
Maybe it was so much higher than predicted because election officials shared Goldy’s handwringing concern about a single guy with old paperwork.
@12 I’ve met Puddy in person, and I don’t think he’s a physical threat to anybody. An obnoxious troll, yes. A chain puller, yes. But I wouldn’t want to be stuck in a foxhole with him. He’s a pussy.
@ 21
Wasn’t all that long ago that y’all accused me of being Koch-funded.
Silly boy ya’ self-destroyer.
Paranoia, the destroyer
@15 “regarding Heteros being more violent and neanderthalic characteristics than gay people”
Maybe that’s why, for a long time, the military didn’t want gays. They prefer bloodthirsty killers. See #29 above.
@23 “Rog you don’t have any faith in Puffy’s sound investment techniques?”
Need you ask? His political reasoning isn’t any better.
@28 Scott Walker’s voter ID law didn’t stop this guy. Nor is it designed to.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Meanwhile, Bickle tells us we shouldn’t wring our hands over a disabled black guy not being allowed to vote because he can’t pay $700 for Scott Walker’s voter ID. After all, he’s only “a single voter,” and the world has bigger problems to worry about. (Like people standing in line for 8 hours in Ohio or Arizona because Republican election officials don’t want to pay for a sufficient number of voting machines? Or Native Americans in South Dakota who have to drive 45 miles each way to vote, because Republican election officials don’t want to pay for a polling location on the reservation? And this is all okay, anyway, because Trump is pushing up turnout everywhere he goes by getting Confederate-flag-waving roaches to crawl out of the woodwork and from under kitchen sinks.)
David @1 makes a great point and the moron HHTL @2 has the airplane effect. WENT right over its head!
Here HHTL @2, let the NY Times help you…
@34 man that is one messed up black dude. Very lengthy reading – too much to do at this time, but very intriguing stuff; although I find it very conflicting and very ambiguous that doesn’t provide any clarification to the plight of the black person.
Maybe you or the poster @1 can provide a synopsis of what you think this guy thinks the problem is, that according to him no liberal or conservative or civil rights person (which I suppose he is speaking of black individuals but doesn’t say, but maybe it doesn’t mater if black or white) can solve. How is it solvable if nobody and everybody can’t solve it? And who is responsible to solve the problem? Are poor black people accountable to be part of the solution? I would think so.
To me this guy doesn’t explain the solution.
I only could read about the first six paragraphs due to time, nor can I respond to each paragraph, but hopefully one day I would have the opportunity.
But what I do get out of this, since the article was written in 1987, almost 40 years ago, is that the problem that exists today is the same as existed back then. For that reason I’d have to say Republicsns blaming Obama for the plight of the black man is just another one of their cheap shots that is without any merrit, for the purpose of fucking with the black person and the white ones too.
Now if you didn’t get my point posted @2, I understand, you aren’t that smart, nor do you really care about how radical religious fanatical a are homophobic and that the belligerent ones are embraced by conservatives (and like Wilson, I will add some liberals to that list).
Not sure why you say HAHAHAHA. What’s so fucking funny dim wit?
I’m sure your response will be coherent.
And something tells me the poster of @1 wasn’t saying what you think he was saying. But hopefully he or she will be back to prove me wrong. Or Boob can speak for him.
QPPS hates FACTS; plain and simple. Providing links that QPPS hates creates explosions to its head.
Black blame Obummer for the plight of the black man.
Even the socialist thugs are somewhat blaming blacks for their own plight…
Unlike how most HA DUMMOCRETIN whiteys are self loathing and unread… Puddy is not.
Oh and BTW is good to see how you have no problem with 40 year old Joe walking naked in a ladies shower with 9 year old Suzie or 14 year old Jezebel just because he claims to be a woman! Do tell sucka!
Not sure they’ll care or even if I’ll have an opportunity to tell them, but I wonder how Bank of America will take it when I pull all my money out of my accounts with them and close them and bring my money to Chase Bank.
I’ve been thier customer for over 20 years but I guess no more. Other than having many ATM machines they were a pretty shity bank to begin with.
@37 Joe? Joe the Plumber? He’s one of yours, you’d have to ask him that question? Or maybe you and Louie Gobbert can go with him next time to see little suzzie.
Black blame Obama. Next time give them the NY Times article.
Wilson has all the answers. You can help them figure it out, if need be. After all you are a black man, a pussy one I hear, you should be able to help out your uncles.
The batshit crazy loon hates blacks so much, he hates himself. That why he’s known as the self-loathing batshit crazy loon.
The loon and his endless, tiresome projection. It’s obviously a Psych 101 thang.
Never leave a child alone with a batshit crazy loon, especially if he’s wearing a panda costume.
“GOP Staffer Arrested for trying to have sex in panda costume with 15 yr old boy”
@29 Technically he’s supposed to be a member of a faith that is really big on turning the other cheek. He should not be useful unless you get hit. Though in the heat of fire it may turn out he’s a berserker. You never know.
@31 The military would be just fine with Alexander’s companions or the Spartan 500. It would of course warp the policies and politics and there would be all kinds of noise from the hill, but who ever was President would say send them more oil and hair gel. Give me a line to the Island of Lesbos gotta find a few Amazons.
@38 Please consider a credit union.
Of course as Americans we are ambivalent about class. Or even if we are a society with classes or we are all equal and we should not flaunt our personal riches. That if we are fortunate we should work to help the common good.
We aren’t the only society with racial issues. North Korea is actually pretty darn racist. Or Korea in general. Just as the child with an American father. This is true of Japan as well. Fortunately those societies are pretty heterogeneous, so they are able to concentrate more on the class issues. Still North Korea or the People’s Republic both have elites.
Look at poor communities of any race and by and large the same problems exist and the challenge to changing their situation is not entirely in the control of those in those communities. Which maybe why they hope Johnny can make it big in football, baseball, or basketball even though the odds are mighty long. The same will go for Jane if she can play soccer and the US soccer has to the economically sensible thing and actually pay the players that are making the bucks for the league.
Class is part of the real issues. Yep we got issues with race, but the easier of the two to deal with are the class issues though the folks at the top would rather we concentrate on race. Not like they are inviting any of us to join their club.
Congratulations Warriors! And NPR had an interesting story on some of the way the team is helping Oakland and the team members are actually members of the community. Many actually live near the practice gym. Doesn’t sound like it’s all hype either.
Still fixated on Joe the Plumber eh HHTL?
Notice how HHTL skipped around the question? In fact all HA DUMMOCRETIN skip around the question!
So sad and so typical!
@45 I will consider.
@48 I answered your question but you are too stupid to realize it,
Contrarily you don’t answer mine. You don’t skirt, you skip in your skirt like a little pussy.
Go fuck yourself or Boob. While you spy on little Suzzie you scum bag.
A Republican senator made sure today there will be no federal money to clean up Flint’s poisoned drinking water.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why do Republicans hate children? Hitler killed children, too.
@37 Should we blame you for your plight? Or do you claim no responsibility for the mess that’s Puddy?
“Yep we got issues with race, but the easier of the two to deal with are the class issues though the folks at the top would rather we concentrate on race.”
Wha? Class easier? At about the point where the Civil Rights Act was actually being implemented (weakly and with resistance) through the courts, the federal government and most local LEAs (bribed with block grants and other programs) began an intensive effort to militarize poor and largely minority neighborhoods in cities. The subsequent “wars” (on drugs, on crime, on gangs, etc.) had significant measurable effects. No other American communities faced this kind of militarized occupation and enforcement. This is just one example of a great many that help to explain how, and why racial minority communities in America have been ravaged by our system.
The “Great Society Programs” referenced by Wilson were no sooner being implemented than they were being gutted – at least where they were likely to serve minority communities. Didn’t you ever wonder why these are block grant programs run by the states?
Race has got everything to do with it. Has ever since the end of reconstruction. If we make it exclusively about class privilege we’ll miss a pretty fucking huge truth about racial privilege.
Yes, in fact it is a privilege not to be ordered out of a car at gun point, made to lie face down on a rain slicked dirty street, placed in handcuffs and searched without consent simply because a police officer charged with a quota considers you suspicious. That shit is all about race. If we won’t face that we won’t move beyond this moment toward any kind of progress.
Seems to me it’d be pretty fucking cheap and easy to cut that kind of shit out.
Hillary Clinton, Corporate Democrat Whore.
Thanks, Team Bernie!
@54 Who would have guessed we would devolve into calling a woman running for president a whore? Not corporate shill, a whore. Low, disgusting, sexist bullshit and not worth even listening to.
A federal judge has ruled a prisoner has no right to practice pastafarianism in prison because it’s not a “legitimate religion”.
Flying spaghetti monster is no more ridiculous than any other religion.
I suppose if I had to explain Sanders’ positions in response to queries, this is how I’d feel as well.
Jane Sanders: New York Daily News interview ‘more of an inquisition’
Read more:
@ 55
I see no reason why we can’t call her that. It’s not like there isn’t precedent.
George Bush is a Corporate Whore (bumper sticker with a bulldozer)
Hillary is a far better-paid whore than most.
There is always a silver lining in every cloud. Per Puffy logic, this woman should be happy because if it was ISIS they would have beheaded her or tossed her off of the top of a building (but maybe only 3 stories – they reserve the 9th story for the gay people).
And it is not like she is 20 years old, she is 60 and if she is lucky she only has to live another 20 or so years with the scars.
@58 false equivalency comparing a photo of a bumper sticker that is not even stuck on a car, or uttered by a public figure.
But as always – when nut wings talk it gets stuffed back into their ass, where it came from.
When the DJIA hits 19,000 I might get back in.
I love when people cite other’s assholery to justify their own.
“I see no reason why we can’t call her that.”
Go for it.
So other than the simple pleasure Boob derives from calling any woman a whore, what really is the point of this?
Sure, there are a small number of extremists in any political camp who get carried away with the kind of “purity tests” peculiar to primary campaigns. Amateurs in particular get caught up in the zealotry and go overboard with rhetorical attacks. And nothing amplifies amateurism like the social media driven internet.
But that alone does not come close to the pitched infighting taking place among “conservatives” this year. The Republican party is on the brink of blowing up. Aside from the remarkably poor prospects offered by either of their two Presidential front runners, the real disaster being faced by Republicans is that the already diminishing pool of angry white male voters they’ve come to rely on will be permanently split along class lines. This is something they cannot afford.
I hope it gives Boob some real comfort to believe that while the Republican party is accelerating toward a permanent electoral cliff, the hippies are doing the same thing. A very similar belief sustained him eight years ago. Sarah Palin was sure to be the next VP because the Clinton supporters would never forgive Obama, etc. So I guess “thoughtful” Republicans are going to ignore the prairie fire about to consume their own house in order to focus on criticizing the tacky paint job on the neighbors. I hope they do.
Burn, baby burn!
exactly my point.
I hope Bob makes a fuckin’ tee shirt.
I think it should be an official Cruz campaign slogan.
I think they oughta chant it at Trump rallies.
The absolute best thing Republicans can do right now is focus all their energy on calling Clinton misogynistic names. While they’re at it, they could also go after Chelsea. Make fun of her looks. Criticize her body. Now that Rubes has quit and they can no longer pine away for the “smokin’ hot First Lady”, the best thing to do is go negative.
@ 65
The absolute best thing Republicans can do right now is focus all their energy on calling Clinton misogynistic names.
From all appearances, the GOP is spared the effort by the BernieBros.
Feel free to soften the beach, white boys.
Shaazaaam! Never considered the possibility of Clinton facing Sanders in November.
Changes everything. Really.
@61 The best time to get back in is when it hits 15,600 again.
Yes silly trolls this has been mentioned before but it bears repeating.
Ted Kruhz, the a-hole freak, f’d its pillow in college.
Ted Kruhz the soup nazi????
Yeah, it’s a total ASSHOLE. So typical of the babbling jackass to put the stamp of approval on this freak.
Best he could be???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
@ 70
Yeah, shame on Ted for thinking his working wife might be less like Betty Crocker and more like this:
“I suppose I could have stayed home, baked cookies and had teas,” she said.
Many traditionalists—as well as women who might otherwise have supported the Clintons—were outraged. “If I ever entertained the idea of voting for Bill Clinton, the smug bitchiness of his wife’s comment has nipped that notion in the bud,” one New Jersey voter told TIME back then. “I resent the implication that those of us who stay at home just bake cookies. We hardly have the time!” said a Wisconsinite.
@ 67
In your initial comment @ 65 you wrote the best thing the Repubicans can do right now….
Right now they’ve got Team Bernie to do their work.
November isn’t right now, DR
Try to keep up.
Random comment on an Althouse blog about the debate:
cubanbob said…
No I’m not watching. What is there to see? A Communist debating a criminal trying to out Communist a Communist?
To reiterate here is the question
HHTL farted above…
HHTL claimed it answered the question. Here is the answer it provided…
So as all can see HHTL is very confused! Dance Sucka; Dance, Dance, Dance! Still didn’t address the issue of Suzie seeing Joe’s package before its time. Some Joe the Plumber crap instead!
Being a DUMMOCRETIN means the femtometer sized brain is confused! Just look at the confusion exhibited by QPPS and the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS above in their commentary!
@68 not if your Puffy.
Remember the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS was the one at home on the couch creating the crazed databaze while the Mrs was out slaving in her SEIU union job. So for the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS to comment on Ted Cruz and what he did as a working husband is insipid and ludicrous as the comments in every thread from the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Heh. 100 cans of campbell chunky soup – fine “out of the box” “thinking” …
Klownservatic style! Combine that with survivin’ a drought by f’in its pillow! Damn, that’s leadership.
Way to admire that shit boob! What a high-fivin’ white guy you’ve made your 50 some odd trips around the sun! HAHAHAHAHA!
Remember the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS is jealous that it never exercised its brain like Ted Cruz did. His Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz claimed he was the most intelligent law student he ever taught. What can anyone say about the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS except he created the crazed databaze and Puddy already proved it didn’t catch everything years ago! Sucky programming skills!
tctmgr anyone?
Trying to reason with the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS is talking to a brick wall!
It does jock strap La Raza and their ethnic cleansing of blacks in LA!
HEAD EXPLODES @ 76… Mustba been the “Mediaite” humiliation.
LOL! No refutation of FACTS about Ted Kruhz…
f’in its pillow… No woman would look twice at the ASSHOLE.
Buys 100 cans of crap canned soup because it HAS NO FAITH in its own wife (who had to be desperate to sadly settle for the chump).
HEAD EXPLODES @ 76… Mustba been the “Mediaite” humiliation.
LOL! No refutation of FACTS about Ted Kruhz…
f’in its pillow… No woman would look twice at the ASSHOLE.
Buys 100 cans of crap canned soup because it HAS NO FAITH in its own wife (who had to be desperate to sadly settle for the chump).
Learn to love ya some Drumpf. C’ya trolls!
The salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS is continuously full of hate 24×7. And QPPS loves that hate!
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Crazed databaze mofo!
Watching this debate…
Heilary doesn’t shut up! At least Bernie stops and listens then answers! Heilary just keeps talking!
Seems Bernie took the bern to his economics adding 13 Trillion to the national debt.
The DUMMOCRETINS never hosted a debate on Fox News because they knew Megyn and Bret would eat them alive with real questions instead of cupcake questions!
Goldy Retweeted
Bruce Bartlett @BruceBartlett
Time magazine’s new cover trolls economically literate people with absurd scare tactics … via @voxdotcom
Right. It’s not like the bill will ever really come due. Just ask, er, Puerto Rico.
That was one hell of a head implosion @82. Way to put a match to the loon’s fuse, YLB! Nicely done!
“Right now they’ve got Team Bernie to do their work.”
Trump isn’t only destroying your candidates, he’s destroying your political party. When Trump is done with you, the only things remaining will be 100 cans of chunky soup and a fucking (literally) pillow. Good luck running on that!
Damn, the hate-filled loon is actually crazier and more hate-filled than ever. I didn’t believe it was possible. Must be the “Trump effect”. It looks like Trump is not only destroying the the GOP and it’s candidates, he’s blowing up the heads of their batshit crazy fucking trolls too!
Hmm, looks like the hate-filled, unintelligible loon has been sniffing his disinfectant again. As the hate-filled, unintelligible loon pulls his disinfectant from the same orifice from which he pulls his FACTS, that’s not good!
@71 Yeah, that’s a good reason to vote against jobs, wages, workers, schools, child care, health care, roads, Social Security and Medicare, civil rights, women’s rights, and everything else that makes life in this country tolerable for the non-white and non-rich.
@72 “Right now they’ve got Team Bernie to do their work.”
Interesting comment given that Team Bernie is kicking Republican ass.
Click on the link at your own peril as that is one butt-ugly woman. And I mean butt fucking ugly! As ugly as she is stupid.
“Sarah Palin ludicrously claims that Bill Nye ‘is as much a scientist as I am’”
@84 No problem, he’ll get it from the Wall Street crooks who burned down the economy.
I know it’s not Christmas (I thought I’d really say “the holidays just piss of the God fearing ones) but I had to say the following:
There is nothing like saying you support the Jews by insisting that everyone say Merry Christmas.
I think what they really mean when they say they support the Jews is really, “we fucking hate Palestinians”.
I was being facetious.
anybody calling Clinton a “whore” strengthens her support and drives liberal turnout.
But if you idiots really believe it “softens the beach” (tired cliche btw) all I can say is hallelujah and pass the Senate gavel, motherfuckers!
Hell, boy. Haven’t you heard? The Blessed Saint Reagan taught us deficits don’t matter!
It’s one hundred cans, dumbshit.
Here’s what twelve looks like:;284.jpg
So eight of those dainty things lugged home in the ol’ H2 and plunked inconspicuously on the breakfast table.
That’s not making a statement?
This sort of thing is what the doctors who treat the Fuckwad call “passive-aggressive personality disorder”.
@93 She apparently intended that comment as an insult against Nye, not a self-compliment. At least she knows her limitations. One of them anyway.
@96 That beach-softening tactic never really worked all that well anyway. Amphibious landings have always been bloody affairs everywhere they’ve been tried.
hasn’t that been Limbaugh and O’Reilly’s fantasy all along? To be cut down fighting in a femi-Nazi kill zone of PC machine gun fire?
At this point they know their shit is burned toast. They’re just looking for a way to glorify their own passing. If it speeds the process, so be it.
@101 No, their fantasy is watching other people get cut down by machinegun fire while carrying out military adventures they dream up. They won’t put their own asses on the line. They proved that 50 years ago when we all had a chance to go out and actually fight against the forces of evil and darkness. I didn’t see either of them over there.