I was watching this, video of the sister of one of Dennis Hastert’s victims (video audio plays, h/t). She has clearly been pushing this story. And fuck all happened. Some decent shoe leather reporting might have cracked this open when he was in power.
One might think that after all the finger-pointing by Dems at the inadequate planning by the
cowboy chimpGWB43 administration for the void in Iraq subsequent to the invasion and how that would need to be handled, Team Obama would have learned not to make the same mistake.Not so much, no.
Obama Cites Lack of ‘Day After’ Plan in Libya as Biggest Mistake
I guess blaming the French and British wasn’t enough to protect Hillary.
Every now and then it helps to be reminded:
I remember at the time being somewhat appalled at the hypocrisy and wondering if it wouldn’t ever result in some kind of fracture in the coalition between movement conservatives -and evangelical moralizing assholes they had forged. But, at least for me, the signal of this Republican political history of lying about personal conduct was ultimately lost in all the noise of impeachment hearings and Starr reports, etc.
Seriously. Every single fucking one of their leaders from Gingrich forward was a deceiving, cheating, sexual pervert of one sort or another. Livingston, Craig, Vitter, DeLay, and of course, Hastert, etc (the list is simply too long). Some of it was certainly criminal. But all of it was specifically deceitful to the hoards of moralizing idiots like our Fuckwad, who perennially lend their support to these freaks predicated on the notion that Republicans have “family values”. An idea that gave rise to Dennis Hastert, the longest serving Republican Congressional leader in history. A man whose family values led him to rape children.
What bullshit.
Um, well, the same could be said for the thousands and thousands of children who were raped and continue to be raped by the Catholic church. They talk a lot about morality because they have none. And who wants to take on the powerful? Few have that kind of courage.
This was never going to be “cracked open” when he was in power, b/c decent reporting was a scarce resource then as now. And, as always, IOKIYAR!
I can think of two Trump supporters who won’t be voting for him in New York’s primary: his kids. They missed the voter registration deadline. Ha!
yes. All this is true. But I’m interested particularly in how “socially conservative” voters continue to be deceived by this bullshit.
It should be patently obvious to any intelligent person by now that Republican politicians merely pose as social conservatives who support “family values”. They fuck children, for chrissakes. They pay prostitutes to watch them shit themselves in a diaper. They solicit sex in public toilets. They cheat on their spouses and stalk children for sex in internet chatrooms.
I don’t pretend to understand what motivates people to rely upon organized religion for their moral support. It baffles me. But we aren’t talking about faith here, or at least we shouldn’t be. This is about simple governance. Who we choose to represent us in government. Why do these idiots continue to choose people they almost certainly must know are enormous liars about their personal conduct when it comes to the issues social conservatives claim to be interested in? Battered spouse syndrome? WTF? Are they all as fucked in the head as The Fuckwad?
Seriously. Isn’t it just about guaranteed that Cruz is some kind of serial pervert? Past performance, etc. etc.
@1 Does Hillary need protecting? From who? The kindergartner a plurality of Republicans intend to run against her?
The comment section (Fox News) in this story about Naval Officer charged with espionage does not disappoint.
Among the calls to put a bullet in his head without trial are breathless calls to see a Former Secretary of State similarly punished. An of course there are the racist, “his name is Lin, of course he’s a traitor!” But the gold is in the trolls getting lots of like votes:
@1 Nice try at changing the subject, Bob…
But, as far as Libya is concerned, there should have been a “day after” about 25 years earlier. Or, better yet, no “day before”.
@6 You give most people too much credit. It’s not easy to absorb the lessons of history in one generation. And it’s even more difficult when you are intentionally deceived by a snake oil salesman who says what you want to believe as opposed to the truth. That’s why a democracy depends so much on education and why RepubliKKKlans want to destroy public education. Smart people don’t vote for them.
“Not so much, no.
Obama Cites Lack of ‘Day After’ Plan in Libya as Biggest Mistake”
Nothing like admitting to a mistake within earshot of Republicans who never admit to their own and never learn from them.
“not less than three generations of American born incestory in their lineage”
Three generations of incestry? I take it he means three generations of inbred wingnuts.
I thought “Three Generations of incestry” was a clever turn of phrase. It’s the bit that make me notice this is not someone who is ignorant (“needs” “Gets”) and is actually someone having a bit of fun.
“someone having a bit of fun”
It’s becoming more and more challenging to parody wingnuts.
@ 9
Changing the subject, Art? From what? Mine was the first comment in the thread.
Our silly trolls can’t help being shown to be silly:
Heh. If General David BetrayedUs couldn’t get sent up the river, Hillary’s not even close..
The silliness of the trolls (the babbling jackass in particular) over this has been PRICELESS..
Stab yourselves with a fork trolls, you’re done.
A true patriot:
This guy should get a medal.. Oh wait..
He has! If only there were more like him serving the public interest.
@ 16
YLB, that article is based on the emails Hillary elected not to delete. Yes, the FBI is looking at them.
There are also numerous reports that the FBI has been able to recover the emails that Hillary didn’t want ever to be seen, and deleted before incompetently wiping the server.
At least you were able to post without use of an exclamation point, YLB. Right before our eyes our little girl is developing into a punctuationally mature young woman.
Great news for our trolls. The U.S. is NO. 1… In banking secrecy:
Heh. Before you know it, Putin and other thieving autocrats will be putting their money here.
Be happy trolls!
@18 !1FuC 1!U! A$$!!HOL! LOL!
“the FBI has been able to recover the emails that Hillary didn’t want ever to be seen”
So you’re pinning all your hopes for 2016 and beyond on Hillary deleting classified emails and the vaping, Uber driver voting block going Republican? Reeks of desperation, Bob, but good luck with that.
“Desperate Grover Norquist Says Vapers And Uber Drivers Will Vote Against Clinton”
“There are also numerous reports…”
that you fuck goats.
See how that works?
“There are also numerous reports…”
“that you fuck goats.”
Bob fucks goats??
It’s common knowledge that the loon fucks goats, but I had always hoped that Bob was better than that.
At least our relations with Jamaica (or is it Haiti?) might be better with a President Crud. Or is the an attempt at Voodoo Economics?
I especially like the part about “Fracking”.
Even if you accept Norquist’s premise that each and every working poor, single mom who serves a meal to a “fracking worker” in one of these swing states votes single issue, they still lose. Look at 2012. And then recall that four years ago they had a candidate who could at least pretend to care about anybody other than white male xtians. And then recall who these geniuses are about to nominate.
There’s a lot of this going around. Check out Arthur Brooks acid trip travel log in the NYT over the weekend:
Breathtaking. The assholes who sold us the Bush/Cheney war machine imagine they can turn back the angry mob by singing Kumbayah and pleading with them to think about the poor children!
well, “there are reports”.
Maybe Bob fucks goats, and maybe he fucks some other animal.
That’s really not for me to say.
I’m just pointing out that there are reports that Bob fucks goats.
And now, since your post, there is at least one report that The Fuckwad fucks goats.
And since I’m repeating it, that makes two reports that The Fuckwad fucks goats. So now it’s plural. So there are reports that The Fuckwad fucks goats too.
See how that works? Fun with reports! And fun with reporting on reports!
Ohhhh, the freedom lovers love to lie, steal and cheat…they just don’t like you to have the same freedoms.
I plan on marching around downtown Seattle this Christmas season with a sign that reads: “Jesus is a Lutheran!”
I plan to approach strangers with mock humility and ask them: “Have you heard the good news? Jesus is a Lutheran!”
That behavior and wearing a sock hat and earmuffs will win me the Dadaist performance artist of the year award.
“Maybe Bob fucks goats, and maybe he fucks some other animal.”
As a doctor, Bob can afford a mule.
@29 … or a Lutheran.
@6 Well we humans lie about sex.
RR do rabbits lie about sex? If not does that make them superior? More transparent? Actually there are a few human communities that are transparent about sex. They also tend to be much more liberal about the whole thing.
@7 Well she was Secretary of State and she did come across as more gung ho with the whole bombing and supporting allies than the President. Of course just letting the French and British have a go at this without NATO support didn’t seem to be an option. Since events didn’t seem to work out as advertised this upset the Russians and Chinese so anything that smacks of regime change in say Syria gets a very firm “Nyet.” And they feel they can do the same things in say the Ukraine.
@6 “I don’t pretend to understand what motivates people to rely upon organized religion for their moral support.”
They think it’s a Get Out Of Jail Free card. It works like this: “Yes, I’m a sinner, and I’ve done terrible things, but the Lord has forgiven me, so I won’t be punished in the next life.”
The beauty of Christianity is that you can be forgiven an unlimited number of times, so as long as you keep praying to the right God, you can keep doing this shit and nothing will happen to you. It’s like being granted immunity from prosecution.
@18 “punctuationally mature”
How can you respect someone who writes like this?
“Kobach’s Office Puts Out Spanish Voter Guide With Wrong Registration Deadline”
“The Spanish-language guides said that voters could register up to 15 days before the election, while the English version included the correct deadline, 21 days before the election, as the Daily Kos flagged last week. And while the English guides told voters they could use their passport as a photo ID, the guides in Spanish did not include a passport in the list.”
I’m sure it was an innocent, honest error and that it’s only coincidence that such innocent, honest errors by Republicans always keep minorities and other Democratic Party constituencies from voting.
@8 Well the FBI can bring charges in a timely manner. They can do an arrest of a government employee, but a poltical appointee who has done something similar hmmm no charges as of yet. Just a kinda sorta investigation.
Glad to see support for the superior traits of the original Americans the Sioux tribe. Their suberp warriors are ready to protect America. This is going to really cause the demand for white and black folks to get into tribes to go way up.
Of course it’s the same logic used to support placing the Japanese into camps at the beginning of WWII. A panic ensues how very American.
@26 I’ve recently seen reports that Boob fucks goats, too. Right here on this blog.
@31 “RR do rabbits lie about sex? ”
Have you counted rabbits lately? We didn’t get here by StorkEx.
@28 try a cock sock, that would be better.
@19 Of course Putin and his cronies and others are putting their money here. Occassionally we trip over some former dictators money or realize the person with the white gloves leads to such a person and action is taken to freeze the accounts. Still we have been the number one haven after all Adolf Hitler had assets here. Some got frozen. Did we find them all well who knows. Now finding that account and emptying it out is what some fine hacker should do. As the financial institution has no incentive to do so after all it’s just an account accruing interest and is an asset that isn’t going anywhere.
@28 Love it. Do you ever feel like shouting at people who have “Jesus loves you” signs to tell Hesus to get back to work as you drive by.
@29 probably doesn’t fuck the mule, instead it’s all felacio with the mule.
@30 or a Lutheran’s mule or elephant?
@33 That is all correct after all Adolf Hitler was a Christian and he’s in heaven.
Without a single solitary legislative achievement John Boehner is the best Republican Speaker of the House in this century.
Boehner is far better than the longest ever serving Republican Speaker of the House, Dennis “Coach” Hastert.
But then again the Republican who has served the longest as Speaker of the House is a fking child molester who sexually abused students placed in his trust.
Good Job again Republicans!
well, perhaps if he’d fucked more kids Republicans might have let Boehner keep his job, eh?
They’re starting to bitch about Ryan now. Maybe he should step up his kid fucking game a bit.
In the “war on cars” Seattle is winning!
Cars are about as obnoxious as smoking in public indoors – noise, pollution, etc..
Yours truly savors those times when busy arterials are bereft of noisy cars and their aggressive drivers. You can look about and just barely see Seattle as it was when it was a sleepy, peaceful town.
The following is from
The following shows that it’s highly likely that nuclear weapons would have been used in Cuba by the United States during the crises. Since the Oplan is still classified the clear fact that aircraft were flying and loaded with nuclear weapons in the Florida theatre and other forces deployed with nuclear weapons is the best argument that I can present.
ii. Air Defense Soon after the Soviet missile sites were discovered U.S. air defense forces were mobilized.130 On October 22 Air Defense Command dispersed 161 aircraft to 16 bases in nine hours, eventually 173 at 17 bases. All dispersed ADC aircraft were armed with nuclear weapons for the first time. Six early warning RC-121s were based at McCoy AFB, FL. Four USAF interceptors operated from Homestead AFB, FL, two from Tyndall AFB, FL and eight Navy planes from Key West Naval Air Station. On October 19 Air Defense
Command increased the number of interceptors standing alert and by October 22 the Air Force had 12 RC-121s and some 82 interceptors, for which nuclear weapons were available, on guard in Florida. That evening when President Kennedy informed the nation and the world about the missiles in Cuba “22 interceptors were aloft over Florida as a precautionary measure in the event Premier Castro attempted to launch a surprise attack.”131
By October 25 there were over 1000 air defense aircraft on alert; 598 on five to fifteen minute ground alert, and 446 on one to three -hour alert.132 Florida CONAD forces of 154 aircraft were broken down as follows: 26 on 5 minute alert 35 on 15 minute alert 55 on 1-3 hour alert 4 to 11 aircraft were continuously airborne around the Florida Peninsula.
On October 31 the JCS approved a reduction of CONAD’s dispersed air defence force from 173 to 143. On November 18 CONAD returned its dispersed aircraft to their home bases and re-established the normal one-third alert.
During the period October 22 to November 26, ADC flew a total of 13,047 sorties, 2,800 of them from Florida bases.133 The planes were F-102A Delta Daggers armed with the nuclear AIM-26A Falcon air-to-air missile and F-106A/B Delta Darts armed with one nuclear AIR-2A Genie air-to-air missile. In 1962 there were 42 U.S. Interceptor squadrons. In terms of number of planes the Air Force accepted 889 F-102As and some 340 F-106s (275 F-106 As and 63 F-106Bs).
If war had broken out and Soviet Beagle bombers had attempted to fly to attack the United States they would have been met by formidable U.S. air defenses. Many (perhaps all) air defense interceptor aircraft were probably armed with nuclear Genie or Falcon air-to-air missiles and would have likely prevented any Beagle bombers from reaching their targets in the U.S.
Other components of U.S. air defense at the time included: * 68 Distant Early Warning (DEW) line radars stretching from Alaska to Greenland; * two squadrons of Radar Picket Ships (eight ships on the East coast and eight ships on the West coast): * two Texas Towers in the Atlantic off the coast of Cape Cod; * 132 Nike Hercules batteries, and: * eight BOMARC surface-to-air missile squadrons in the U.S.
iii. Tactical Air Forces On October 19 Tactical Air Command (TAC) began a major deployment into the Florida area. Some 623 aircraft – 511 fighter-bombers (F-100’s and F-105’s), 72 reconnaissance aircraft (RF-101’s and RB-66’s) and 40 tankers (KB-50’s) converged on the southeastern corner of the country, with 460 in Florida two days later.134 Many of these planes were equipped with nuclear bombs and they were in invasion plans until the JCS rescinded the decision to use tactical nuclear weapons on October 31.
iv. U.S. Naval Forces One hundred and eighty-three ships took an active part in Cuban operations during the quarantine. Plans for invading Cuba were prepared and briefed to the President. Two aircraft carriers, the Independence and Enterprise, were within 150 miles of Cuba. Each carrier had some forty nuclear bombs available for its aircraft.135
v. Invasion plans By the morning of 23 October, the Oplan 312 tactical strike force was on one-hour alert and capable of going immediately to a higher stage of readiness. On the 26th TAC began low-level reconnaissance over Cuba which disclosed additional targets and resulted in air offensive planning for three massive airstrikes a day until Cuban air capability was destroyed. The first of these strikes, including Naval forces, was to involve 576 sorties; the second and third strikes scheduled for the first day of operations would bring the total sorties to 1,190.
As of October 26 CINCAFLANT had 579 aircraft in his attack force. On October 28 all alert crews were on standby status in the operations ready rooms, and external power plants were connected to the aircraft.
From October 29 through the end of November, Air Force contingency actions were devoted primarily to maintaining the alert force, and preserving simultaneously the overall capability of USAF’s combat commands. Continual reevaluation of the Oplans, in anticipation of a possible invasion of Cuba, led to a JCS decision on October 31 against the earlier planned use of tactical nuclear weapons in invasion operations.136
After the discovery of Ilyushin bombers and FROG missiles (on October 25) U.S. invasion plans were revised to include use of tactical nuclear weapons such as Honest John missiles.
III. Wild Cards and Business as Usual A. Atmospheric Testing While the crisis unfolded according to its own timetable the U.S. atmospheric test program continued unabated, with business as usual. Three tests were conducted near Johnston Island in the Pacific during the days of the crisis. * Shot Checkmate (10-20-62) was a high-altitude (91.5 miles) effects test using XW-50X1 warhead atop a STRYPI Rocket (XM-33). * Shot Bluegill Triple Prime (10-26-62) used a W50 sub-megaton warhead atop a Thor Rocket detonating at 30 miles altitude. * Shot Calamity (10-27-62) involved a B-52 airdrop of a 800 KT bomb, detonating at 11,780 feet.137
For its own part the Soviet Union reciprocated and carried out seven tests between October 20 and 28, 1962. The one on October 22 was a 8.2 megaton detonation at Novaya Zemyla.
Just prior to the crisis, “As training for the Cuban deployment RVSN troops conducted an exercise code-named Tyulpan on 1-8 September 1962 firing two R14 missiles from the Aginsky proving ground toward nuclear impact sites on Novaya Zemlya, one armed with a normal nuclear warhead, and the other with a new experimental warhead.”138 According to the official Soviet list there were tests on September 2, 1962 at Novaya Zemlya (80 kt) and on September 8, (1.9 Mt).
B. The Vandenberg Missile Launch “When DEFCON 3 was declared at the beginning of the crisis, one Atlas ICBM was ready for a test launch that had been previously scheduled for later that week. Although nuclear warheads were being placed on the ICBMs in surrounding launch facilities, the test reentry vehicle was maintained on this single missile. Despite the severity of the crisis and the emergency alert operations taking place, this Atlas ICBM was actually launched, without further orders from Washington political authorities, at 4:00 A.M. on October 26th. Ironically, while senior leaders in Washington were carefully monitoring the operational alert status of the Soviet missiles in Cuba, a U.S. missile was actually being launched, without their knowledge, in California.”139
Dipshit Oregon moron… @3
Did Puddy vote for any of the speakers of the house?
R U an idiot?
A DUMMOCRETINS diseased in the head?
Oh yeah this dope will not read this. So R senile you better copy it so the moron can see the diss!
Keep dope alive. Lots of dopes south of the border!
Let’s see how much of #48 survives!
“There are also numerous reports…”
that QPPS was seen on ekim’s farm and they were abusing and double teaming goats! QPPS prefers sloppy seconds!
Puddy has never seen abusing farm animals because Puddy doesn’t visit farms or zoos or Knotts Berry Farm!
Cruz campaign National Security advisor outraged that American Citizens are allowed to speak to members of Congress.
This coming from the man who says that The Pope is a secret Moslem.
Texas Attorney General claims that God gave him those illegal Dairy Queen shares.
This coming from the guy that claims to be the only man who has prosecutorial jurisdiction over the multiple Perry scandals.
And Hastert? God gave him those teenage boys to buttrape. Thats a sure ticket to acquittal, right?
Oh, whoops. God didn’t show up to testify on his behalf. Tsk tsk tsk…
I haven’t read the articles on Hastert – but did he really buttrape the boys?
Looks like raping the womenz and little girls by the men and the boys goes uncontested, but the gay/straight guy rubs sticks with the little boys and it creates outrage….check yourselves – are you sure you are not little girl lovers? Are guys so sophomoric that you dream of putting cameras in the girls toilet rooms and locker rooms?
Zika You,
U.S. ZIKA THREAT ‘SCARIER THAN WE INITIALLY THOUGHT’ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....65764.html
A little wobble never hurt anyone.
Climate Change Is Literally Causing Earth’s Poles To Shift http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....66270.html
“How are you going to get jobs for them?” O’Reilly asked. “Many of them are ill-educated and have tattoos on their foreheads, and I hate to be generalized about it but it’s true. If you look at all the educational statistics, how are you going to give jobs to people who aren’t qualified for jobs?”
Tattoos on their foreheads, bones in their noses, always jumping around and jabbering like monkeys. We have whole trailer parks in this county that are just brimming over with folks like that. Not a black man in the bunch. Black folks aren’t particularly welcome in those places. Hell, those folks are sending their kids to school with nothing but a piece of toast in their stomachs (if anything at all), 5 year old shoes with duck tape wrapped around them and t-shirts with holes in them, all year round.
But they have refrigerators full of beer and plenty of guns. Lots and lots of those.
The American Dream.
So why haven’t the libtards of WA State complied with the REAL ID Act?
The federal government has denied Washington state an extension from complying with tougher federal requirements that require proof of legal U.S. residency in order for state driver’s licenses and IDs to be valid for federal purposes, including, eventually, boarding commercial aircraft.
Illegal alien Sanctuary State anyone?
The extension has expired!
Tattoos on their foreheads, bones in their noses, always jumping around and jabbering like monkeys.
Sounds like peeps last weekend downtown at Seattle’s Comicon! Did y’all see them peeps? Hardly any black peeps there too!
@ 58
@58 Easter’s over. Enough about peeps.
Nuthin but net?
Or was it outside the glass and into the stands?
Once again the Oregon moron and the vomit producer don’t get it.
1) How many times has the vomit producer claimed black people not welcomed and Puddy proved it wrong. Remember the hue and cry over Donald Trump rallies and how PMSNBC interviewed some blacks at the rallies and they felt very welcomed? Then remember the beat down one black Trump supporter gave to that WHITE PRIVILEGE DUMMOCRETIN agitator on the video two weeks ago? Notice how the vomit producer DISAPPEARED from the PMSNBC provided FACTS? Seems it always slinks away for a few days with the prehensile tail between its legs only to make another attempt at something “cogent” a few days or weeks later!
And now we see how the Oregon moron missed the layup! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
2) Regarding ComicCon, blacks have more intelligent things to do that mimic comic or movie “people”. You know… they would rather be inner city super-predators, giving drugs to 13 year olds so they can kill other African Americans in turf wars. Taking on #blacklivesmatter fools – Willie Cigar and Heilary Clinton!
3) Well you are right about one thing. The La Raza friends of the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch, implementing ethnic cleansing in certain parts of LA; killing blacks indiscriminately! http://newsone.com/2017295/jamiel-shaw/
4) Hell, those folks are sending their kids to school with nothing but a piece of toast in their stomachs (if anything at all), 5 year old shoes with duck tape wrapped around them and t-shirts with holes in them, all year round.
Sounds like the vomit producer experienced this growing up and is now projecting this onto its political adversaries. You can always detect Psych 101 Projections from the vomit producer. It’s so personal!
This is why Puddy laughs at these twin idiots. Like a SR-71 Blackbird at Mach 5 five feet over your heads!
This is why reading has no comprehension for the twin idiots!
@49 “So R senile you better copy it so the moron can see the diss!”
Copy it yourself. I’m not your administrative assistant.
What’s a vomit producer?
@52 Has anyone else noticed that an awful lot of public-spirited Republicans see public office as a cash cow?
Wow. Just LA moron? And just “certain parts”? Maybe black klownservatics should band together and defend their peeps.. Forget about most African Americans who now live in the ‘burbs. Just focus on the fambly in LA!
Ah nawwww. That’d be a distraction from making money for themselves and their respective kults.
Oh wait a sec. I hear the killers of Jamiel Shaw are in jail! Was that because of a breakthough investigation by the babbling jackass troll and tipoff to the kops?
Of course not! Mustabeen Chertoff’s wall or was it the Gorelick wall? Or the fantasy Drumpfhole wall that Mexico’s supposed to pay for?
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! This silly stupid troll is too funny!
Notice there was no LA Raza condemnation in #66 from the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
Once again it got played. BIG TIME!
Thanks for playing salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
You R the fool salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
headless lucy @64 is clueless as ever! It’s self evident whom the vomit producer is!
I’m sure I’m speaking for all of the users of Dr. Orpheus’ script when I say, thank you for that. Nobody needs to see that shit. That’s why civilized folks close the lid before they flush, and use Dr. Orpheus’ lovely script.
@69 i finally added it and man does it make a difference.
The hosntey of your posting is there for all to see