How convenient for the South Park guys that when an actual dad in Colorado pulls off the most insane Randy Marsh imitation of all time, they’re right in the middle of making new episodes.
by Lee — ,
How convenient for the South Park guys that when an actual dad in Colorado pulls off the most insane Randy Marsh imitation of all time, they’re right in the middle of making new episodes.
Congrats to Barrack!
All his media blitz and constant exposure has landed him here:
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
This is despite a stock market bounce.
Obama is creepin’ people out with the lunatics he appointed as czars and his lack of leadership in Afghanistan allowing the enemy to strengthen and troops to be put unnecessarily in greater harms way.
Fight to win or GET OUT Obama!!
Excerpt from: Huffington Post: “Susan Hutchison trying to sustain herself as a stealth right-winger and closet fundamentalist, as some folks are saying?”
Susan Hutchison is a solid triple R: Religious Right Republican. Since 2003, her political giving supported Mike Huckabee (over John McCain), George W. Bush and Dino Rossi. She spent $3000 trying to get Rossi into office. All of her political/religious affiliations are with what I would call conservative or evangelical organizations with good PR. Calling herself “nonpartisan” is a smart posture, because King County majorities probably wouldn’t vote for Susan Hutchison if they were clear on her political identity. And it works. In an early interview with reporter Neil Modie, Hutchison herself said, “Our polls showed that 10 percent of the people responding thought I was extremely liberal.” Hutchison’s team is working to sustain confusion! Deception to the masses is the Republican MO. Read more at:
Rasmussen appears to function less as a legitimate polling firm and more as the polling right wing of the RNC
The Rasmussen poll has been criticized for putting a right-wing skew on its questions–a strategy that helps Scott Rasmussen garner frequent appearances on Fox News and the like, but severely diminishes its usefulness as a guide to public opinion.
Obama Job Approval at 56% After Nobel Win
Highest rating in more than two months
by Jeffrey M. Jones – Gallup Polls
PRINCETON, NJ — “Barack Obama appears to have gotten a slight bounce in support after he was announced as the Nobel Peace Prize winner on Friday. His 56% job approval rating for the last two Gallup Daily tracking updates is up from a term-low 50% as recently as last week, and 53% in the three days before the Nobel winner was announced.”
I know. That’s almost double was George Bush’s approval rating was for the last three years of his presidency, and almost triple the amount of people who self-identify as Republicans.
I guess he’d be OK wiith marrying a hooker?
I guess he’d be OK wiith marrying a hooker?
If she was white.
There is a reason to vote for Hutchinson – imagine the fun Goldy will have skewering her these next few years, and we all will get to watch!
But, that’s not quite enough for me. I’ve mailed my vote for Dow already.
Here’s the latest change Puddy can believe in…
CNN Poll: Half the country disagrees with Obama on issues
“According to the poll, which was released Tuesday, 48 percent of people questioned say that they agree with Obama on the issues that matter most to them, with 51 percent saying no. That’s a switch from April, when 57 percent said they agreed with the president on important issues, with 41 percent disagreeing.”
It’s not Rasmussen. It agrees with Harris. Looks like Rasmussen getting additional agreement.
Gallup sez
“While the majority of Americans appear to have made up their minds on healthcare reform, 39% say their support for a final healthcare bill will depend on how the details still being worked out in Congress are resolved.”
Gallup sez…
Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval 50%. Don’t know what the fool@3 is reading… Puddy goes to the source.
I was interviewed a few weeks ago by Rasmussen; one of the questions was: “Do you support the Health Care Plan of the Democrats and the Obama Administration? Yes or No.”
Well, of course, at that point there WAS no health care plan. For that reason I said ‘No”…and hung up.
BTW…did anyone catch the comic moment last night? Palin (excuse me, Hutchison) slams Constantine for the way he treats voters and touts her own ‘fiscal responsibilty’ and ‘environmental awareness’?
Why, then, does her “Light rail across 520” proposal ignore the will of the voters who want rail across I-90? She also seems to forget (?) that the wetlands at the U and 520 would tie up any construction plans and cost taxpayers a lot of money in EIS’s and mitigation problems.
Sam Reed expects low turnout: 51% vice 85% last November.
The bigots will be out in force. Every vote will count! GOTV!
No on 1033 Canvassing across the state this weekend:;id=113
Approve R71 Volunteer Opportunities:
3. HutchisonHardCoreRightwinter Washington State’s Sarah Palin spews:
Fordham University independent study rated Rasmussen #1 in 2008
***Credit to Puddy
From Rasmussen’s website–
Other polls choose “adults” meaning illegal aliens, non-voters etc.
Aren’t we ultimately talking about elections here??
Bad try===No Sale KLOWN
The whitey house through Van Jones led a advertiser boycott of Glenn Beck. Van Jones is gone. Glenn’s ratings went up. The whitey house has a web site to refute Glenn Beck comments. His ratings went up. Glenn Beck installs a red phone for Anita Dunn to call to clarify misstatements on each show. His ratings went up. Anita hasn’t called, so the information presented by Glenn Beck must be true.
Notice the picture of Keith Olbermann. Contact the ylb arschloch to verify Puddy used this before.
I think Puddydummy ought to be an “honorary” HorsesAss.
At least nominated for the “Golden Goat” Hall of Fame…or Ring of (hmmmmm…not “Honor”) Santorum(???!!!)…nahh…hmmmm, what could it beeeee?????
10. Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rock spews:
The KLOWN cherry-picked a poll during a spike.
Shows how disingenuous these KLOWNS are…and how in denial they are about the krumbling of Progressivism.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
The latest Nielsen smackdown.
No wonder Rhambo and the whitey house wanna stifle FNC.
Let’s see here…
Puddy provided a Harris Poll (known to be the worst of the left leaning) 45%
Puddy provided today’s Gallup Poll of 50%
Cynical provided today’s Rasmussen Poll above of 47%.
So what does the dumb cinder block do? He stops by the kook-aid kooler at Kos to drink the kook-aid. So Puddy places the RCP Poll which shows all of what Puddy previously posted is…
TRUE and
rujax the dumb cinder block is a
Goldy, have you created the cinder block HorsesASS caricature yet? rujax in the only recipient!
Why does Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm care more about Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and US Chamber of Commerce more than the military event in Afghanistan?
Why do our troops continue to die while Rhambo and Axelrod travel on news shows to stifle Fox News?
Why does the DoD and Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm hand picked LT Gen get ignored while the whitey house sits on their hands and dither?
What a bunch of HA LoonyTunes supporting this crap.
Why do you HA Libtardos support these whitey house actions and hate American Troops?
Admit it HA Libtardos.
You all love Mao just as much as Anita Dunn and Ron Bloom. Well, no one has refuted either Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm appointee?
Wow Ron Bloom has worked with SEIU for decades. No wonder why he’s the MFG CZAR.
Neither the really really racist Cyniklown nor the (self-hating) Puddydummy can STAND it that the Knee-Grow President (current occupant of the “whitey house” Pud, ‘ol pal?) is very popular with his fellow citizens. More than TWICE as popular (as in JOB APPROVAL RATING) than “the shrub” and “shooter”.
Maybe your beloved “Death Pastors” will hook you up with some christianist crapulated loooooove and do the guy in for ya’…what a fine day that would be for our two hateful haters.
The Puddywanker gets sooooooooooo testy when he’s caught uhhhhh….wanking.
Got any MORE shit to throw against the wall…’cause that ain’t stickin’.
Busted dumb cinder block. RCP smacked you all over fool!
With a wife like mine wanking ain’t needed fool! Ask SeattleJew and Montanto! Stop projecting as you do when you drink the Kos kook-aid and it’s like viagra or cialis to you!!!!
…and please help me understand the “black guy” referring to the “whitey house”.
rujax why do you hate American troops in harms way?
Please, NOT RCP!!!!
Oh noes!!!!!
Lee, good column by Parker on Pot reform today, here:
“Reefer sanity
The marijuana lobby goes mainstream
By Kathleen Parker
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
In an act of merciful sanity, the Obama administration has made good on its promise to stop interfering with states that allow the medical use of marijuana…”
WHEN did I ever say that you jackass?
WHY would any elected official EVER who has sworn to defend and protect the Constition of the United States EVER do anything like that.
A better question and one YOU sure won’t ask is why the Bush Administration wasted $300 BILLION dollars, 4500 dead US troops and at least 20,000 injured invading a country that had done NOTHING to provoke the invasion.
What the fuck is WRONG with you? You are absolutely the stupidest smart guy I have ever ccome in contact with.
I’m waiting…
Every time you stand up for Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his NOW actions against Fox, Chamber of Commerce, Limbaugh vs his DELAY actions getting additional troops to Afghanistan.
Such a fool.
This is the same dumb cinder block who claimed the Republicans didn’t have Medical Option plan when Puddy placed it on HA four previous times.
Goes to show you cinder blocks are porous and hard at the same time.
Up yours fool. Wait FOREVER! Puddy don’t react to dumb cinder blocks except to use sledge hammers on them to break them up.
30. Zotz spews:
So the unemployed, overtaxed can self-medicate??
The “cinder block” can only talk about Bush.
He is living in a time warp….unable or unwilling to accept that the Kommunity Organizer is a disaster as President…tripling the National Debt with stupid, wasteful spending on Bailouts of a dead Auto Industry and a Porkulous Package that does little for the Economy.
If Obamma is doing this poorly with the Stock Market on an upward bounce, just think how poorly Obamma will do when the Market tanks in the next 6 months.
Poor Rujax,,,I guess that’s what years of pot dependency can do to someone who is already several “cinderblocks” short of a full load!
Typical Puddy. Really typical…
…still waiting.
Hey Rujax–
Tell my daughter-in-law I’m racist…and my sister-in-law…and my grandson…and my nieces & nephews. They would get a kick outta that. You are a cinderblock alright.
Filled with jealousy and envy of those who are successful. Wasting your time trying to get something for nothing…whether it’s health care or something else. Pathetic. If you put all that anger into postive action, you would be a Conservative dumbass. Conservatives work hard, invest wisely and fight to keep big government out of our lives. try it. You’ll like it. Sucks to be you cinderblock.
Let’s see–
Yesterday I stacked 2 cords of firewood in our garage, 3 in our shop with 4 more left outside. That ought to keep us warm for 3 years.
We also have 2 propane grills each with 2 back-up 5 gallon tanks.
We can cook on those or the wood stove.
We have 2 full freezers with meat, fish & fruit/veggies both on a back-up generator with over 100 gallons of gasoline stored to keep ’em goin’.
We hve a 8′ X 12′ Pantry filled with canned goods…you name it.
Not to mention our well pump is also on a backup generator and we have 10–5 gallon water bottles and 5 cases of drinking water.
Oh and plenty of firearms and ammo to protect our stash.
What is your emergency plan cinderblock??
If something happens, a pansy-ass like cinderblock will sit on the curb crying…waiting for someone to come along and save his sorry ass. Nut up Rujax!
Drinking early this morning huh, Cyniklown. Getting yer schwerve on. Nice. You’re in “Happy Hour” form already.
My guess is Puddy knows who is pullin’ Obama’s chains. Marxist whiteboys. Look at Obama’s circle of friends? With friends like that, who needs enemies.
Hey, now Michelle Obama is going on Leno!
Barrack failed to drum up mainstreet support, so now “Lurch” is gonna give it a try.
I saw “Frontline” on PBS last night concerning the derivative meltdown and the damage inflicted upon us by a bunch of smart-ass math whizzes and their complex derivative schemes. What bothers me the most is that guys like Rubin, Sommers and Geitner are still in positions where they can hurt us. (Greenspan retired.)
Shouldn’t we go about barring Rubin, Geitner and Sommers from ever working in government or banking/finance again? These guys are just too dangerous to have around.
39. Rujax! spews:
Is that all you can give in response?
The fact is the Debt has TRIPLED under the Obama “Borrow & Squander” our way out of a recession SCHEME. Obama is destroying the fiber of America by making us slaves to massive deficit spending. It’s unsustainable.
Gregoire is doing the same thing with her joke of an unsustainable, one-time budget-savers.
Both Obama and Gregoire are slavemasters….creating a new group of slaves.
WE are in trouble…
The population of this country is 300 million.
160 million are retired.
That leaves 140 million to do the work.
There are 85 million in school.
Which leaves 55 million to do the work.
Of this there are 35 million employed by the federal government.
Leaving 20 million to do the work.
2.8 million are in the armed forces
Which leaves 17.2 million to do the work.
Take from that total the 15.8 million people who work for state and city
And that leaves 1.4 million to do the work.
At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals.
Leaving 1,212,000 to do the work.
Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons.
That leaves just two people to do the work.
You and me.
And there you are,
Sitting on your ass Rujax,
Real nice.
Mr. Cynical just can’t help it can he.
Racist, sexist and stone fucking stupid to the core.
Apparently Obama believes that Geithner is such a low-life krook, as Rubin & Sommers are, that he can trust him to flush out the krooks today.
Kind of a “takes one to know one” philosophy.
Putting Geithner in as Treasury Secretary is like Vegas hiring an unabashed, chronic gambling cheater to oversee the casino!
So Rujax,,
How many Black and Asian relatives do you have??
Answer: ZERO!
Oh…and that stupid right-wing chain email thing is brilliant.
Just brilliant.
The joke is on YOU, lazy ass.
Deal with your jealousy and envy…it’s not too late.
Yeah, MISTER Shithead…I amd sooooooooo jealous of a bitter racist like you.
Oh every fucking day I say to myself…
“Self, why am I not a bitter, mean, mean spirited, racist, misogynistic (uhhh…that means having a hatred of women…so you don’t have to look it up, like you know how) closed minded, homophobic, religious fanatic son-of-a-bitch like that Mister Cynical. Damn…what AM I doing wrong?
Cynical @ 38
You are paranoid, clinically paranoid.
@38 So you’re one of those self-centered swine who smokes up his neighbors with respiratory ailments by burning wood to keep warm … I figured you were a better goatfucker than that … even for an idiot who buys bank stocks.
@43 “The fact is the Debt has TRIPLED under the Obama “Borrow & Squander” our way out of a recession SCHEME.”
My gosh, you have a SHORT memory (not to mention an ephemeral attention span). Even Bruce Bartlett, a Reagan policy adviser and supply-sider, says Bush caused this depression. You also forget that Bush started the bailouts — one of the very things he did right — and Obama merely continued with what nearly every reputable economist on the planet says had to be done. It was a no-brainer for anyone with a brain, Klown! Which apparently doesn’t include you.
I wonder if this is a good time to remind folks that back in the ’30s conservatives were flaming isolationists (and some were outright Nazi sympathizers) and Hooverites; and if they had gotten their way then we’d still be stuck in the Great Depression while Hitler’s successors ran the rest of the world.
@45 I see the Obama administration caught another terrorist today, Klown. This guy had hiding out in Massachusetts plotting attacks against politicians and shopping malls since 2001. Bush had 8 years to catch him and didn’t even know he existed. Took Obama only 8 months to arrest him. You should be grateful that Obama is president — he’s keeping us safe from the people that Bush/GOP failed to protect us from.
50. proud leftist spews:
So preparing oneself to be independent and for emergencies is “paranoid”?? If so, guilty as charged.
When the Cascadian Fault Line cuts loose in the next 10-20 years with a 9.4 and you are swirling around in your neighbors fecal matter, I hope your last thought is “Dang, I wish I was prepared like Cynical!”
51. Roger Rabbit spews:
Ummmmm, Rog, your breathing problems have nothing to do with ALL THE YEARS YOU SMOKED CIGARETTES??
Typical Leftist Pinheaded KLOWN…smoke for years, have serious respiratoryn problems and blame someone else.
Where is your personal responsibility for your self-induced predicament??
You already told us you smoked for years.
So did my dad, who died from Emphysema at 67.
Before he died, he told me it was HIS FAULT. And he was glad I never smoked.
I’ll come live with you, Cynical. We could be one big, happy family. Hell, why wait for a natural disaster? Why don’t you tell me how to find your place now?
The Raven’s emergency plan is having and being good neighbors. Corvids are social.
BTW, Seattle Transit has the story on light rail over 520. Wow, would it not make sense. I figure that means you hominids are going to do it.
57. proud leftist spews:
Once upon a time I would have invited you for a visit. You have proven to be a typical Angry Leftist….never satisfied. No thanks. I have plenty of normal friends. Don’t need to be waited down by your anger and jealousy.
But good luck in your journey.
58. The Raven spews:
So you are going to sponge off your neighbors??
How is that being prepared?
Hey, I have great neighbors too.
And they are ALL prepared like I am.
It’s a way of life here.
Raven, I think you ought to broaden your Emergency Preparedness Plan beyond friendly neighbors and do something substantive like plan for food, water and energy.
Plenty of folks have gotten soft and naive.
You could lead your neighborhood in developing a substantive plan Raven.
It’s easier to just keep your fingers crossed, huh?
Ah, heck, Cynical. Maybe you could have helped me overcome my anger. Now, I’ll have to turn elsewhere.
The Lord can help you with that PL.
In the end, that’s our only salvation anyway…right?
Reading the angry Leftist Lunatics diatribes at HA plus the Daily KOS doesn’t help you PL…or any person like you who is already mentally unstable.
Perhaps a good Christian Counselor will help put you in a happier, freer place….to live your life focused on good things like freedom from overreaching government.
Referendum on Obama..
Also pay close attention to Virginia.
It’s a State Obama will likely need to be re-elected.
Cynical @ 63
Thank you for your suggestions. I have grown tired of my anger and mental instability, so perhaps I should try to turn myself around. I’ll let you know how it works out.
Sounds like our trolls are all going into full-scale survivalist mode now that Bush’s economic policies have kicked in. I think this is what they’ve waited for all along if they couldn’t get a nuclear war.
@66…no worries…after obamo is done sucking off the Iranians, we may very well get that nuclear war after all……..
Hey Crazy Wabbit, Nov 11, 2008 the preznit-erect goes to Bush and asks him to reverse course and support the auto bailout. Now we see the auto bailout is money down the toilet. Go back and review the HA comments by Puddy saying it would be a waste.
What a disaster!
@2….you are right: lets put another liberal in charge, because being $50+ million in the hole just isnt enough for King County..
and while we are at it..lets elect another liberal for governor – because hell, we are most the way to our state being bankrupt, lets finish it off! woohoo…how is it that the state and county and city are all run by(and have been run by for decades) liberals – and all are in dire financial crisis….
of course we will see the same old tired excuses: blame bush, blame tim eyeman, blame the tooth fairy, blame darth vader, etc…
Did you know the man who bought his senate and governor seats Jon Corzine was a Goldman Sucks CEO. Figgers Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm would be doing political favors for another ex Goldman Sucks CEO while Robert Gates DoD Secretary complains he can’t get face time for the Afghanistan troops.
“”I see this as a process, not something that’s going to happen all of the sudden,” Gates told reporters aboard his aircraft Tuesday, according to Reuters. “I believe that the president will have to make his decisions in the context of that evolutionary process.”
Gates then added that he is working to get face time with the commander in chief. “It’s just a matter now of getting the time with the president when we can sort through these options and then tee them up for him to make a decision,” Gates said.”
…(drums fingers on table)
One of my favorite bits of wingnutty “logic:”
“Barack Obama is an ineffective, spineless weakling who is nonetheless ruthlessly destroying his powerful political enemies.”
Although I did think that when Obama revoked Fox News’ broadcasting licenses and publicly executed their executives and on-air talent, he might have been going a bit too far.
Hey drumming fool. Puddy doesn’t react to cinder blocks. Hey drumming. It’s is the whitey house.
Hutchison Endorses 520 Light Rail
The fishwrapper reported today that Suzie Cute supports moving light rail to the eastside from the I-90 bridge to the proposed new 520 bridges.
This is an idiotic idea, of course, and I’m sure it hasn’t been vetted with state transportation planners and engineers.
The reason it’s idiotic is because there isn’t enough room on the new 520 bridge even for the road lanes that some people want to build there.
Remember Dino Rossi’s six-lane bridge? A centerpiece of his 2008 campaign, it was a hasty back-of-envelope idea that was ridiculed as unworkable — not only because of cost, but also because not enough real estate is available for the required approaches — that quickly fell apart, contributing to Gregoire’s easy reelection by making Rossi look like an unprepared schoolboy.
Well, if there isn’t enough room on the new 520 bridge for adding two car lanes, where the hell is Suzie Cute going to get space for light rail?
Another problem with the 520 route is it doesn’t anywhere near Bellevue’s downtown core. That means either the commercial area would be bypassed or tremendous amounts of money would be spent buying up prime (and super-expensive) commercial and residential land for a route downtown.
The extra length of the route, both from downtown Seattle to the U. District and from the other side of 520 to downtown Bellevue, would add many minutes of commuting time to the ride, making light rail less attractive to commuters.
It’s a stupid, unworkable, cockamamie, off-the-wall suggestion that shows just how amateurish Hutchison is, and how unprepared she is to lead Washington’s largest local government.
@70 “Did you know the man who bought his senate and governor seats Jon Corzine was a Goldman Sucks CEO.”
You suckups put lots of Wall Street tycoons in high government positions. Why can’t we have one, too?
You know, Mr. Cynical…I think I owe you an apology. I guess I misssed the part where you made an exception for a “good negro” like say…Puddy.
I regret the error.
Hey Rujax,
If you were chronologically alert (well we all know that’s an impossibility) Puddy was first on HA to discuss how the Dummocraptic Party uses my people as useful idiots every major election but never delivers anything to help my peeps.
Inner city issues continue to rear their ugly head since the Great Society of 1965. Puddy was first to discuss them on HA Libtardos since Puddy found this web site in late 2004. Since you are a time deficient dumb as shit cinder block Puddy understands you have the same chronological issues as ylb arschloch.
It is shocking that Corzine is dead-even considering he made his money as an evil Goldman CEO destroying our economy.
Funny how the KLOWNS haven’t condemned Corzine. I guess he is the only guy who made his tens of millions honestly, huh?
And thanks for reminding the cinderblocks that the Democrats are long on rhetoric and short on action. I don’t see entitlements as a way to help people in the long-run. Just a way to get votes from people beholdin’ to the man.
Obama is a Pimp of Poverty.
If his peeps get outta poverty, they will realize they don’t need him pickin’ their pockets.
I have a Black Friend in S. Cal who is a top sales guy at a BMW Dealership. He made alot of money during the boom times. He invested wisely and didn’t squander his stash…so while things are slow now, he is doing just fine. He invested in Barrack Gold & Apple.
Obama didn’t help him a lick.
He is also a Conservative (or Uncle Tom as YLB and Rujax the Cinderblock Brothers would call him).
I have plenty of friends like your friends who are Democrats.
But they realize that some government intervention isn’t socialism and the redistribution of wealth idea the GOP spews is laughable as that’s not what Obama and the Democrats are doing at all.
This is part of my post from the last open thread
30. Me spews:
“We fix the economy by creating jobs particularly with Small Businesses, then we have money available for taxes – Having the Government create jobs won’t do that. Having the Government borrow trillions of dollars won’t do that. The other countries like China are starting to refuse to buy our debt.”
Obama announced today that his government will make TARP money available to Small Businesses. It is amazing that it only took his experts nine months to really try to fix our economic problems! So maybe now things will start to perk up without throwing the United States into additional debt.
Treasury To Make TARP Money Available For Small Business Lending
43 Cyn
You see, one of the reasons that no one takes you seriously is that you say stupid shit like “debt” (currently nearly $12 trillion and counting) instead of “deficit.” You either don’t know the difference or don’t care abotu the difference, either one of which makes you a dumbass.
But as for this fiscal year’s $1.2 trillion deficit (dumbass), here’s the breakdown, a la NYT:
Sorry, that should have been “this fiscal year’s $1.2 trillion deficit.” Until October 1 we were still in fiscal year 2009, running under a budget proposed and signed by Geaorge W. Bush.
Now I’m the dumbass. Let me try that again. That should have been “this fiscal year’s $1.6 trillion deficit.”
Daddy Love–
Much of the added deficit was OBAMA’s actions and OBAMA could have proposed Budget reductions when he took office but didn’t. Instead OBAMA tripled the deficit.
You are in denial.
Most of the voters aren’t.
Here it is loser:
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
86 CYn
Hmmm…on one hand there’s the NY Times, who, you know, DID THE MATH and looked at who was responsible for the current deficit, and who decided based on, you know, ADDING UP THE NUMBERS that Obama’s new legislation is responsible for only 7% of the deficit (or rather the $2 trillion “swing” from the Clinton administraiton estimates of the projected 2008-2009 surplus to today’s deficit), and that “continuing Bush administration policies,” which you know are chiefly the TWO WARS those idiots saddled us with before skulking out of town, account for only 20% of that swing. And the rest is all from the Bush administration (“the rest” adds up to 73%–I know you’re number-challenged).
Then, on the other hand, there’s *cough* you.
Who to believe, who to believe?
Hey Cynical, define “good understanding” for me. Tell me what every person in America thinks that means. Take your time.
“Who to believe, who to believe?”
The freakazoid wearing the soiled KLOWN Kostume?
If Obama had come in and successfully pushed for budget reductions, we would be in the midst of a depression that would make that of the 30s look like a mild fiscal downturn. Economics is definitely not your strong suit.
I see that the KLOWN is making up stories about his make-believe black friends.
ANd BTW, Cynical, whatever the question Rasmussen asked people regarding a “good understanding” means to them, and God knows what THAT is (Rasmussen appears based on that piece of shit polling question to be either a total dolt or GOP shill), support for the health insurance so-called “public option” is a clear majority: 57 percent of all Americans now favor a public insurance option, while 40 percent oppose it.
Oh, and same source (WaPo poll reported by ABC News–check link) Barack Obama’s current job approval rating is 57 percent. Weird, huh? I mean, it’s weird how you seem so disconnected from the real world.
@38 “a back-up generator with over 100 gallons of gasoline stored to keep ‘em goin’.”
Maybe someday the silly KLOWN will move up and own a more manly 15KW 3 Phase, propane powered generator like the one I have.
“Yesterday I stacked 2 cords of firewood in our garage, 3 in our shop with 4 more left outside. That ought to keep us warm for 3 years.”
Same tired bullshit you spewed last year, KLOWN. So what happened? Did the goat eat last year’s “three year” supply?
Interesting news item today:
“Oct. 21) — Young men who voted for John McCain lost more than a presidential election last November. A study says their testosterone level plummeted…. [a]s Barack Obama supporters began celebrating, they tested hormone levels ….Men who voted for Obama maintained stable testosterone levels, while men who voted for McCain saw those levels drop more than 25 percent….”
Study: McCain Voters Lost Testosterone
94 rhp
And now they’re all gay…
I was looking at one of those Propane Generators. Where did you buy yours?
And I stacked the firewood in the garage from the shop…moved a couple cords into the shop and got 2 more to season outside. I wasn’t clear enough.
And good news and bad news for you KLOWNS..
I approached Mrs. C about having some of you stay with us if there was a mega-disaster. As predicted she said NO and something to the effect that no lazy, helpless, whining, pot-smoking hippies will EVER step foot in our house or shop…and a few other angry words.
Not good.
However being a Compassionate Conservative, I immediately felt compelled to think of an althernative and pulled a Clinton to come up with this one. She said you losers cannot come into our house or shop…but she didn’t say anything about our Chicken Coop. It’s a great Chicken Coop. Has room for 60 chickens. Our neighbors now have the 38 chickens cuz we travel a lot…so the Coop has a VACANCY sign on it.
I just finished painting it this fall….in fact this afternoon I finished the trim. The good news it looks nicer on the outside than most of the squalor dives you currently inhabit.
The Bad News is there is about 2″ of chicken shit on the floors and walls…and even some on the ceiling.
The good news is I should be able to get most of it off with a pressure washer. The bad news is is “most” isn’t all and when it hits 100 degrees in the summer, it will still get a bit ripe….but hey, it will easily blending in with your current mal-odor….in fact, it probably smells better than some of you unwashed hippies.
Anyway, my wife isn’t into to “Clintonese” so don’t get your hopes up quite yet. I’ll work on her.
Oh yeah, the other thing she said is she already had 4 helpless house guests and it took 2 years for them to start pulling their weight. She was talking about our kids who couldn’t start pulling their weight until they were 3 or so. I guess the last thing she wants is 20-something and older sniveling, whining, helpless bastards sitting around smoking pot looking for someone else to work hard so they could sit around and smoke pot. You know, like you KLOWNS live your lives.
On second thought, forget it. I’ll get my chickens back. They’re less trouble and actually produce something of value!
95. Daddy Love spews:
You seem to be implying that less testosterone makes one gay. Is that true DL??
@96 Years ago, my generator used to power the Nile parade float. It’s a four cylinder, water-cooled Universal. I picked it up for next to nothing. I only use two phases, or 10KW, for my 240V, 1 Phase service. I did the gasoline to propane conversion myself, which was easy enough. Propane stores so much better than gasoline. Propane really is the way to go for any generator over 1000W. Otherwise, you have issues keeping enough fuel around for an extended outage.
…c’mon dude…
The Inlander has its endorsements for over in Spokaloo up.
The first step is admitting you’ve got a problem.
Maybe you just need a hobby. How about running?
@101…he must be another jobless schmuck like ylb…..spending time surfing the net rather than looking for work…
Really…this is a hard question? More like your usual evasion tactic.
OH…the question doesn’t exist if Puddy doesn’t answer it.
C’mon man…glib as you are, you got some kinda reasoning for this…what is it?
Puddy works on projects & pays taxes.
He has a real life, unlike you.
Answering your stoned diatribes is….low priority.
Oh…Puddy needs you to defend him? That’s interesting. Tell me more.
The easy way to make Puddy disappear…
Oh BTW, there Mr. “Some of my best friends are Black” Cynical, The Pudster has LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of time to devote to driving 200 to 300 post threads here. Now he’s got a life and I don’t? He’s got to go crying to Goldy “Waaaaaahhh…make Rujax stop!!!”…Then he’s got his “billshitiums” and “kablammo’s” and “see ya sucka’s” when he’s done fucking up a point.
I hate to but I gotta stick up for little rujax. rujax DOES have a real life. Just not a productive one, or a happy one, nor a fulfilling one, etc..
Assuming it makes it past the spam filters. Maybe the filters check his blog, see (0) comments decide not to let his message get through? Damn, sorry rujax,
Watch this dunk–,197095
Puddy takes an hour sometimes but often just 5 minutes or so to make a fool out of you.
It really isn’t that difficult.
Unlike you, he is brilliant guy more than capable of multi-tasking.
Sounds like you are envious that a Black Guy is much more intelligent, articulate and has a waaaaaaaaaay better life than your pathetic existence.
Grow up Rujax.
Puddy is miles ahead of you.
Perhaps your years of pot-smoking and drinking have not made the brain damage irreversible…but it’s not lookin’ very good for ya.
That was good…
I guess I missed this one:
Yeah, right. The “whitey house”. Let’s see…how many different ways can that be spun? Just about any way one does it, Puddy looks like the Puddydummy he is.
The “whitey house”. MAN…that’s brilliant. Wish I’d thoughta that…(NOT).
What a couple of fucking losers.
Was Obama ordering around Darth Cheney as well?
Idiot… The paranoid fantasies of a total loser.
Speaking of Darth Cheney he must be shitting his drawers right now:
Yeah, enemies can talk neo-con losers…
Throw down the bong…your already dim bulb is flickering!
Seriously, I have a special place in the Chicken Coop for you…and some Chicken feed.
Puddy wins again!
Let’s see now, the score is 540-0.
It’s been ugly a looooooong time,
Nighty-night rujax.
Perhaps Obama will give you a job as part of his jack-booted hit squad.
The stench of ACORN continues…like the chicken shit smell out of my chicken coop!
for the life of me, I cant ever recall a single post by rujax or his bisexual bitch ylb that had any substance…
just sayin…
Life? If you can call it that…
Low-life is apt..
might be low, but at least its an EMPLOYED one…
Lord Humongous–
By bi-sexual, obviously you mean male & female goats!
The Cinderblock Bros. (ylb & Rujax) regularly do Enumclaw.
Poor little chronic stoner Lee, things just keep getting worse for him and his pals…..
Hey Mark1–
Perhaps we should reefer (misspelling intended) to the LUNATIC ATHEIST PROGRESSIVE STONERS at HA as
La Familia wannabes!
@120 Mr. Cyn:
Good one, lets! :)