That crazy RNP. What will they think of next? God, I love those guys.
Yep. Looks like the GOP is ready to lead again — NOT!!
With ass clowns like “Hip Hop Mic Steal” running the show for the RNC no need to worry about the 2010 or 2012 elections, they’re safely in the bag for the Dems.
Please, please, please GOP voters make your 2012 ticket Palin/McCain.
Oh, and not John McCain, but his trashy daughter who likes to hang her tits out on twitter.
Can you imagine the campaign rallies? A winking whore leader and a side kick who bears it all.
That would get those religous right-wing turd burglers to vote for that ticket in a heart beat.
Meghan’s no doubt perfectly accustomed to her boobs, and apparently didn’t consider that not everyone else was.
Personally, I’m much more offended by Glenn Beck’s mouth.
Puddybud Remembersspews:
So the Medicare Health Fix costs are really higher than Max Baucus Bill admits to. 245 Billion higher…
It’s on Firedoglake
Still waiting on the republican health care plan….Puddy and the rest of the dimwit trolls still have not come up with one.
(crickets chirping)
Of course, if the republican bill had not disallowed Medicare pooling and negotiating for lower drug costs…we would save a lot more than that money every year….but as we all know, the corrupt republican party that Puddy supports does the exact bidding of Big Pharma lobbyists.
Puddybud Remembersspews:
Puddy has placed the Republican Health Care plan on this blog 4 times. Democrats voted them down. You are a moron as always. And maybe the crickets are stuck up your ASS!
Since it’s your party who is writing all the healthcare laws… The $245 Billion Medicare Payment Fix To Buy Off The AMA is a bill by Debbie Stabenow.
Puddybud Remembersspews:
Rick Sanchez weaseled apologized on CNN about those made up quotes. There was absolutely no evidence you moron Rick.
So why hasn’t the MSNBC morons.
Puddy, Puddy, Puddy @ 4:
Man you are totally losing it!!
hyp·o·crite [ híppə krìt ] (plural hyp·o·crites)
somebody feigning high principles: somebody who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings but behaves otherwise.
Where were your comments when Bush and the rest of the Reagan Republicans were hiding and LYING the true cost for their prescription drug debacle?
Or when they ran up the National Debt to $11 TRILLION dollars??
Or, or, or . . . you pick the problem De Jour, it has Reagan Republican roots.
Puddybud Remembersspews:
GBS glad to see you
Where were your comments when Bush and the rest of the Reagan Republicans were hiding and LYING the true cost for their prescription drug debacle?
The Prescription Drug “debacle” was an agreement with your party dude. Research it.
“White House criticism of Fox increasing ratings: Murdoch”
News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch said on Friday that White House criticism of commentators on his Fox News television channel had served to “tremendously” increase their ratings.
Murdoch’s remarks came after White House Communications Director Anita Dunn told The New York Times earlier this week that Fox News was “undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
2. GBS spews:
Look who came back.
Did it take you all that time to get your “proof” together?
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
Marv, I mean Puddy, I owe you lunch dude for pulling off such a good one. I mean some place nice, too. I’d say McCormick’s, but you don’t eat beef if I remember correctly.
Any way, your call, man. Too damn funny. But, not the Magic Nigger Hater, though, he can get his own handout.
08/12/2009 AT 2:34 PM
And gbs is still convinced he’s got it all figured out…
104. GBS spews: 98. Marvin Stamn spews:
I put the bait on the hook and put the line in the water.
Now let me have fun with mr. ignorant.
I hope mr ignorant doesn’t ask lee/goldy if Puddy and I post via the same servers.
Wait, let me use a Proxy Server to hide my real IP address and see if Goldy sees the same one.
Geeez, get a grip, Puddy. We all know you do this stuff for a living. Had your own company and traveled all over the country. It’s soooooooo hard to figure out.
So gbs, am I puddy or did I make you look foolish?
Is the Republican healthcare plan like the McCain plan that he claimed would save me money, but have cost me more?
This is the same proposal John McCain was criticized for during the 2008 presidential campaign. Television ads by the Obama campaign pounded him for “taxing your health insurance.”
Why yes. Yes it is.
Puddy, we had a big old vote on the Republican/McCain plan last November, you guys lost.
But, how about that Jackie Robinson!
The GOP is also featuring NAACP founder Mary Terrell on their website. Since we know how the GOP just loves the NAACP…. No mention of all the racist members of the party becoming Democrats shortly after Abe Lincoln was elected. Or that the NAACP is, pretty much, in line with the Democrats today.
re 4: Yes. Where will we get the money to pay military contractors who drink and drug and butt-fuck each other on camera if we’re spending it on healthcare?
That crazy RNP. What will they think of next? God, I love those guys.
Yep. Looks like the GOP is ready to lead again — NOT!!
With ass clowns like “Hip Hop Mic Steal” running the show for the RNC no need to worry about the 2010 or 2012 elections, they’re safely in the bag for the Dems.
Please, please, please GOP voters make your 2012 ticket Palin/McCain.
Oh, and not John McCain, but his trashy daughter who likes to hang her tits out on twitter.
Can you imagine the campaign rallies? A winking whore leader and a side kick who bears it all.
That would get those religous right-wing turd burglers to vote for that ticket in a heart beat.
Meghan’s no doubt perfectly accustomed to her boobs, and apparently didn’t consider that not everyone else was.
Personally, I’m much more offended by Glenn Beck’s mouth.
So the Medicare Health Fix costs are really higher than Max Baucus Bill admits to. 245 Billion higher…
It’s on Firedoglake
Still waiting on the republican health care plan….Puddy and the rest of the dimwit trolls still have not come up with one.
(crickets chirping)
Of course, if the republican bill had not disallowed Medicare pooling and negotiating for lower drug costs…we would save a lot more than that money every year….but as we all know, the corrupt republican party that Puddy supports does the exact bidding of Big Pharma lobbyists.
Puddy has placed the Republican Health Care plan on this blog 4 times. Democrats voted them down. You are a moron as always. And maybe the crickets are stuck up your ASS!
Since it’s your party who is writing all the healthcare laws… The $245 Billion Medicare Payment Fix To Buy Off The AMA is a bill by Debbie Stabenow.
Rick Sanchez weaseled apologized on CNN about those made up quotes. There was absolutely no evidence you moron Rick.
So why hasn’t the MSNBC morons.
Puddy, Puddy, Puddy @ 4:
Man you are totally losing it!!
hyp·o·crite [ híppə krìt ] (plural hyp·o·crites)
somebody feigning high principles: somebody who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings but behaves otherwise.
Where were your comments when Bush and the rest of the Reagan Republicans were hiding and LYING the true cost for their prescription drug debacle?
Or when they ran up the National Debt to $11 TRILLION dollars??
Or, or, or . . . you pick the problem De Jour, it has Reagan Republican roots.
GBS glad to see you
The Prescription Drug “debacle” was an agreement with your party dude. Research it.
Brent Bozell exposes the MSM Libtardos.
@6 “Puddy has placed the Republican Health Care plan on this blog 4 times. Democrats voted them down.”
The Republican Health Care plan is what we have in this country right now, except you misers would jettison Medicare and Medicaid if you could.
Puddy hopes the whitey house continues with it’s stupidity.
“White House criticism of Fox increasing ratings: Murdoch”
News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch said on Friday that White House criticism of commentators on his Fox News television channel had served to “tremendously” increase their ratings.
Murdoch’s remarks came after White House Communications Director Anita Dunn told The New York Times earlier this week that Fox News was “undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House.”
Look who came back.
Did it take you all that time to get your “proof” together?
And gbs is still convinced he’s got it all figured out…
So gbs, am I puddy or did I make you look foolish?
Is the Republican healthcare plan like the McCain plan that he claimed would save me money, but have cost me more?
Why yes. Yes it is.
Puddy, we had a big old vote on the Republican/McCain plan last November, you guys lost.
But, how about that Jackie Robinson!
The GOP is also featuring NAACP founder Mary Terrell on their website. Since we know how the GOP just loves the NAACP…. No mention of all the racist members of the party becoming Democrats shortly after Abe Lincoln was elected. Or that the NAACP is, pretty much, in line with the Democrats today.
re 4: Yes. Where will we get the money to pay military contractors who drink and drug and butt-fuck each other on camera if we’re spending it on healthcare?