I was going to do this post about Inslee’s mass veto threat. Shorter: I’m pro but with reservations because there are some good things he’s probably going to have to veto.
So I went looking for stories on Google News. And all of the stories were kind of a similar summation, or an opinion piece. Fine. In situations where it’s not one particular piece, but just the story, I try to find pieces that aren’t just written by white dudes. It’s a tiny nudge to newsroom diversity (yes, from this white dude writing in a space that’s mostly white and male).
When I looked at the author’s names, I noticed that they were all men, and as far as I could tell, all white. I may have missed someone. But I think newsrooms can do better.
I wonder if Boob has worked out his hang over from last night.
@1 Looks like he’s sleeping it off. Tree Spirit help his patients.
Marco, the GOP’s supposed golden boy, didn’t win a single delegate in 4 states yesterday. Stick a fork in him; he’s done.
Now, now. You don’t win the nomination by how many delegates you win…
oh. Right.
Nice thread intro.
Made me go
When newsrooms eliminate candidates because they didn’t volunteer on the campus newspaper, complete an unpaid internship, and come recommended by a friend—it disproportionately affects minority candidates. This has led to the myth that minorities are not trying to enter the field of journalism. They are. They’re just invisible because they aren’t getting job interviews.
and learn something. Thanks.
Here’s what I love most about Rafael Eduardo Cruz (besides the fact that he might be Canadian and he looks like Hatchet Face:
When it comes to establishment “conservatism” he’s a true believer.
He might be faking the Xtian evangelism, but when it comes to fuck-the-poor-and-elderly “conservative” orthodoxies, he’s unwavering. And he won’t back down, moderate, or “tack to the center” if he gets the nom. He’ll hit the trail after July with precisely the same pedantic litany of fatuous bromides that got him here.
Democrats taking on Trump in November would be like taking on the Charlestown Chiefs. You’ll win big. But you may have to savor the victory from a hospital bed.
Taking on Cruz in November would be like taking on The Washington Generals. An easy lay-in. Perhaps not much point in running up the score. But easier than a half-court scrimmage.
@ 6
Well, gee, if we’re gonna do shitty fake sports stuff I could bring up The Replacements.
You know. “Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever.”
But then I’d come off as stupid as you just did.
Speaking of shitty sports stuff, ESPN just demoted Mike Ditka subsequent to his remarks to a radio station critical of The One.
They’d probably be glad to have him at Fox Sports, which isn’t losing viewers. ESPN, on the other hand…
No matter your opinion of the “sports leader,” ESPN has been the one constant around the sports world for well over a quarter century. Now, with unprecedented competition and some pretty ugly public relations issues, ESPN is seeing its biggest downturn since its inception during the Jimmy Carter Administration.
According to Nielsen, the network has lost 3.2 million television subscribers in a little over the past year…
Stupidity should be painful.
You don’t think you came off as stupid when you praised Rube’s chances on the basis of his “smoking hot wife”?
Trump said if Marco can’t win Florida (against him or anyone for that matter) then he isn’t even VP material….too funny.
Maybe he and Crud can get a position under Christie on the Anti-LGBT Committee.
Sounds like Trump is thinking of picking a VP candidate like John McCain did – based on lack of credentials.
“Stupidity should be painful.”
Oh, it will be.
@11 things wont be that bad for Boob after retiring and drinking cheap wine. He may lose interest in life, but he’ll have plenty of time to plant new trees.
@ 9
You might have to go back a ways but I seem to recall that I have at least once mentioned Kucinich favorably if only because of his smoking hot wife. Since he doesn’t have much going for him otherwise, pretty sure that’s the only reason I could mention him with favor.
And rather than praising his chances, I believe I pointed out his demographic advantages.
There really is a difference.
@ 12
Julia Child is credited with having stated “As you get older, you shouldn’t waste time drinking bad wine.”.
Unless you’re RR, in which case other than a presence on this blog it’s all you’ve got going for you.
“And rather than praising his chances, I believe I pointed out his demographic advantages.” Are you referring to Rubes?
What demographic advantages would that be? The Drug Kingpins and Credit Card abusers?
@14 Well, when you get old enough, even good wine becomes a waste of time.
Long in the tooth there, Bill.
The Hillary Clinton campaign said it was bad weather that kept Bill from addressing a small crowd in Kansas City on Tuesday.
Only about 300 people turned out to see the former president — in a metropolitan area that boasts some 2.34 million people.
KMBC reports the crowd had already assembled and was awaiting Clinton by chanting for Hillary and the Kansas City Royals.
300 people? Hell, that’s the line to the women’s rest rooms at a Trump event.
Oh. Yesterday’s weather in KC:
Partly sunny Lo 57 Hi 70, Winds 11-12 mph. But really bad ice on the runway, apparently.
“Hell, that’s the line to the women’s rest rooms at a Drumpf event.”
Now, now, Boob. You need to curb your enthusiasm if you want to maintain your phony pose.
Yesterday it was reported that a minor south Florida newspaper declined to endorse a GOP candidate. The word Sentinel is in the name of the paper but it’s not the one I originally thought it would be.
A less minor Chicago paper today declined to endorse a Dem candidate. Not even one born in the state of Illinois.
Marco Rubio for the GOP, but no endorsement for either Democrat
This being a free country, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are welcome to pander however feverishly they wish, promising vast new expenditures by a federal government already committed to wildly more spending than its taxpayers and its low-growth economy can afford.
Given the distance from economic reality that Clinton and Sanders have catapulted in their exhortations, we cannot endorse either of them in the Illinois primary election.
This being an editorial, it would be hard to determine skin color of the author(s). That the commentary is clearly not moronic would seem more important, at least to some.
@19 Sounds like Sam Zell’s been drinking beer (or good wine, but if so, what a waste!) with Frank Blethen these days.
I’m trying to remember. Let me see. How many months have people been saying it now? “Trump will lose.” “This will be the end of Trump.” “Trump is a flash in the pan.” “Bush will crush Trump.” “Rubio will crush Trump.” Now I’m hearing “Hillary will crush Trump.” “Bernie will crush Trump.” I don’t make predictions. But come on. It’s becoming painfully obvious what’s happening.
Is Boob going to swallow too?
GOP READY TO SWALLOW THE CRUZ PILL http://www.politico.com/story/.....ruz-220474
Carefull Boob, Crud has bigger hands than Drumpf.
Swallow Rafael Eduardo Cruz?
They don’t make beer goggles that strong.
Drump is not the first embarrassment to the GOP, probably the second, and it is just starting.
Wait till the earth is uninhabitable and they have to explain to their grand children that the earth wasn’t meant to last,
@24 maybe if it’s Labatts or Molson?
This isn’t a Drumpf problem. This is a GOP problem. Until the GOP changes this problem isn’t going away. And unless they change it ain’t getting better.
So everyone go buy some seeds and plant a few trees like Boob.
@24 “…the earth wasn’t meant to last” Um, the earth will last. Once it has finally cleansed itself of us, it will all heal and go back to creating new species. Just without us. In a few million years, all our garbage will be absorbed and processed. A mere blink of the geologic eye.
@27 I’m not sure knowing that will be of any comfort to the grandchildren.
And your point is well taken but I said it as if I was Boob, after many beers, talking to little boobie III
Rubes on MSNBC. He must be hoping that some Democrats might vote for him.
In the Drunken Libtard thread… Teabagging HHTL along with the Oregon moron and R senile tried to claim Obummer never asked for a “pledge”. Puddy set forth the argument and the FOOLS responded as expected….
Puddy was waiting for one, just one HA DUMMOCRETIN to acknowledge the 2012 campaign and no one would or it had to be 24 hour moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady! We now see it wasn’t 24 hour moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady! It was abject lying because all these morons had to do was Google it.
Remember libtards, these are your own words…
Pledging allegiance to a leader is from the playbook of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and the like.
And disparaging the people who vote for Trump are similar to the words from the Minister of Disinformation in Hitler’s sadministration; Josef Goebbels, “reincarnated” today as R senile!
Well FOOLS, you stepped in yo own shit… http://webbyawards.com/winners.....-campaign/
So this happened way before Donald Trump did this past week. That’s even worse for you DUMMOCRETIN servants! They volunteered for it!
Since he’s from Calgary, and he’s a cheap “conservative” I’m sure he drinks Bow Valley.
Goldy @GoldyHA
My job would be so much easier if, like the other side, I could just lie.
What, writing only half the story hasn’t been easy enough?
You all are really dumb rube ASSes… And it’s Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Loonatic Moonbat Collective! Jack boot goosestep frog march together, right off the Heilary cliff!
There are many more!
Meanwhile Michigan went for Bernie over 50% and Heilary won more delegates!
The DUMMOCRETIN establishment fix is in as Puddy called it months before… Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP)
Silly Puddy:
If you photograph them from the front holding their hands in front of their hearts instead of from behind while they hold their hands in the air so it looks like the Nazi salute, you’re immune from accountability. ’cause shut up.
You don’t know that by now?
Xtian… from the Oregon moron
The last time this was used was some moron named chadt back in 2007 attacking Puddy. So is chadt to now the Oregon moron? Puddy knows the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS has this cataloged.
@5 What did you learn?
@6 There are a lot of ignorant and downright crazy voters in this country and that always makes me nervous.
@13 You really should get help for your fetish of drooling over other men’s wives.
@14 Rabbits don’t drink wine. Where did you get that from? Pull it out of your ass?
@ 38
Now, now. You couldn’t have possibly believed you were the only one, RR.
@41 Of course not. How could I overlook you?
@19 Tell me again how many trillions you Republican idiots tacked onto the national debt for your recreational war in Iraq? In your world, it’s okay to whip out the taxpayers’ credit card to pay for killing people in foreign lands, but not okay for taking care of our elderly, sick, and poor. Explain that, if you can.
Still unable to provide the link to Obama stating that people should pledge allegiance to him.
False equivalency. Why couldn’t the article you linked link to where Obama said or asked for people to pledge allegiance? Maybe because it is non existant.
Still waiting. Heil Drumpf!
Oh those Family Values. Sometimes they just get in the way.
Connecticut Republicans Treasurer Arrested http://cour.at/1Xd2GpQ
We should all remember what Darryl said:
Again, you are off in la-la land playing with your own poo.
The lesson is that the troll, as always, is projecting. It, itself, its “commentary”, etc, IS as repellent as poo and best avoided and ignored.
Still unable to provide the link to Obama stating that people should pledge allegiance to him.
Standard obfuscation from HHTL!
Ahhh Puddy noticed the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS @46 needs to be relevant so look at that vicarious BULLSHITTIUM invoking Da Perfessa again!
EPIC FAYLE #293 with the crazed databaze! Nothing ever original from that thing!
Ahhh Puddy noticed the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS @46 needs to be relevant so look at that vicarious BULLSHITTIUM invoking Da Perfessa again!
EPIC FAYLE #293 with the crazed databaze! Nothing ever original from that thing!
Daryll you have to fix this blog, bad enough to have to see It post once, never mind having to always see it twice.
I didn’t know Common Dreams was still around. Anyone else see this?
Washington Post Ran 16 Negative Stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 Hours
All of these posts paint his candidacy in a negative light, mainly by advancing the narrative that he’s a clueless white man incapable of winning over people of color or speaking to women. Even the one article about Sanders beating Trump implies this is somehow a surprise—despite the fact that Sanders consistently out-polls Hillary Clinton against the New York businessman.
I wonder how many of those 16 negative Sanders stories were written by minority journalists. Actually, I don’t, but Carl might.
Hey, remember JoAnne Kloppenburg? That silly loser who thought a fleeting 200 vote margin favoring her was solid, but that the corrected, 7,000 vote margin favoring her opponent was shaky?
2. JoAnne Kloppenburg, speaking at a candidate forum last month, said: “Any president that you might name would highlight how internally complex every person is. President Lincoln had slaves and yet he led this country in emancipating black people from slavery.” Obviously, Lincoln never owned slaves.
Responsible gun owner-
If only.
Goldy @GoldyHA
In funding charters before public schools, @WAHouseDems just lost control of the House. Stupid gutless leadership. https://twitter.com/RachelAPOly/status/707764483616350212 …
Goldy @GoldyHA
Important to remember that if the Supreme Court hadn’t appointed W president, Obama’s SCOTUS appointment wouldn’t shift balance of court.
Same thing would hold true if Bush/Cheney hadn’t cleaned Kerry/Silky Pony’s clocks.
It’s also important to remember that the US Supreme Court, by a 7-2 margin, decided that what the Florida supreme court permitted Gore to do was unconstutional.
Libbies always seem to leave that part out.
So how does one participate in the Democratic caucuses here? If I can get off from work when is it? Is it really a herd thing? Is it a beer? wine? scotch (heard there is a shortage) crowd? Or does that depend on where you are caucusing? Go with Coke Zero and you can’t go wrong?
Umm what exactly is this mass veto threat by Inslee?
I don’t care the race of whoever tells me. I can think of a couple bills he should have vetoed last year such as the changes to registered agent and service of process on corporations. Which makes no sense if corporations are people. Or do corporations deserve less notice?
So WTF is going down in the short session? Do we need longer sessions? More of a professional legislature? Do our legislators actually read the bills before voting? Do legislators let other legislators push the voting buttons for them if they cannot make it to the floor to vote? Do they have special sticks for this?
@33 You do know rabbits cannot goose step or frog march. Does that mean we do the bunny hop. That could be fun.
And please being an ass on here is a given. Asses however do not goose step or frog march…often they will not step at all, and they can have a hell of a kick.
@40 Sorry rabbits will drink wine though they probably prefer beer like hedgehogs. Porcupines prefer cider. A drunk rabbit can happen. Can be messy. And all animals can participate in their own mass where wine is served.
@47 It’s not in Obama’s into for the latest edition of Charlie Brown cartoons. Sorry Ben Carson the President got to write it. He did and I’m sure he had input from a couple daughters, but it’s all his words.
@54 Is this one of those threatened vetoes if so very good.
@53 Well it is not an outstanding piece of journalism…until it’s confirmed it’s the same woman the irony of the story is not there. It’s sloppy journalism. Would be a great Jackass video though.
Presumptive Republican nominee insists he never pledged to kill the children of terrorists. He only pledges to torture them.
Goldy @GoldyHA
The only way to address climate change is to put a Democrat in the White House and win Democratic control of congress. Period.
Or, you can just wait and things will swing back. Less opportunity for graft that way. Oh, and more money for charter schools.
It seems that future HA libbie commenters up at WWU have themselves a list of demands of their administrators.
Student Assembly for Power and Liberation Demands (WWU)
We expect to receive a response from the university on March 1st, 2016 at 5pm agreeing with these demands and a proposed date to meet collectively.
Goldy could learn a few things from them. They’re no-nonsense.
“This demand is to be fully funded and implemented by Spring 2016.”
They’re also insane, but what do you expect from students that didn’t come up through charter schools?
Gentle mocking from Inside Higher Ed.
@55 “cleaned Kerry/Silky Pony’s clocks”
You mean winning by only 1 state (Ohio) for the 2nd election in a row (strange coincidence) with plenty of controversy about how that state was “won”? In sharp contrast to Two-Term President Obama’s decisive electoral-vote victories in 2008 (365-173) and 2012 (322-206) …
And btw, how are Bush/Cheney doing in recent popularity polls? Can they leave their homes without armed guards? Can they travel abroad without being arrested and hauled before an international war crimes tribunal? Shit, they don’t even show up at their neighborhood eetings anymore. Everybody hates them.
@ 67
You’re arguing relative strength of victory?
Tell me, RR, in which of Bill Clinton’s presidential election contests did he claim a majority of voters?
You’re a clown.
@66 Kids will be kids. Back in my college days, we thought we could end the slaughter in Vietnam by protesting against it. Silly us.
@68 In which of Bill Clinton’s elections do you claim your side got more votes, either popular or electoral?
In any case, you’re deflecting from your own topic, which is that Bush/Cheney “cleaned” our “clocks.” That’s quite a boast considering they “won” both their elections by 1 disputed state under questionable circumstances.
At a minimum, they would’ve lost by wide margins had Republicans not prevented millions of people from voting; what’s indisputable is they weren’t the people’s choice. And nowadays they’re only slightly less unpopular than Goering and Himmler.
I haven’t seen it come up but regarding the Greenwood explosion. i used to live there. Took the bus from in front of the now destroyed Neptune Coffee to downtown most of the time I needed to go there.
Anyway, the owner of the now destroyed Mr. Gyros is one of the nicest and hardest working young (30-something) guys you could ever meet. I ate there a lot because it was a: five minutes walk from my house, b: cheap c: delicious.
In the last few years he opened second and third stores in Wallingford and Ballard. I made a trip to Wallingford just to spend money and have a really good Falafel sandwich for lunch yesterday.
Naked City Alehouse is having a benefit night tonight. They make good beers and they are raising money to help pay the staff of Neptune since their jobs blew up. One day, you have a job, the next the place is rubble in the streets. Literally.
You gotta eat, and some of us I know drink so there’s a whole list from from Phinney Neighborhood Association of places donating proceeds today and tomorrow. Go.
New descriptor for HA libbies to use this election season.
Until young Julian is selected.
@70 Numbers are fun, especially when they further invalidate Internet cranky talk. If you take the averages of each election back to Clinton’s first win, I see Democrats at +117 Electoral Votes and +3.9% of the Popular Vote. Although both 90’s elections were weird because of Perot, who tended to draw equally from both parties.
Don’t worry, Bob. Going back even further in time tips the averages to the Republicans when you include St. Ronnie’s second win (Repubs +16 EV and +0.3% PV) and his landslide first (Repubs +67 EV and +1.4% PV). So yeah, there’s some strength there — if you go back in time over thirty years. You can still be relevant if you just wish hard enough that it were the past!
The data: http://i.imgur.com/NdLsdth.png
@ 73
Could be better than nice. Could be lovely.
All I did was add some additional info to what Goldy tweeted. Bush v. Gore included two separate decisions. Had the Florida supremes acted differently, and/or had Gore requested statewide recount rather than a cherry-picked recount, things may have ended up differently than they did.
7-2. As Scalia said in a 60 Minutes interview, it wasn’t even close.
“Gee, I really don’t wanna get into – I mean this is – get over it. It’s so old by now. The principal issue in the case, whether the scheme that the Florida Supreme Court had put together violated the federal Constitution, that wasn’t even close. The vote was seven to two,” Scalia says.
As I said above, it’s one of those nagging facts libbies prefer to leave out.
I’ve never disputed that Bush won it (except when it served to push some “conservative’s” buttons). The circumstances were fucked up. The family’s hand chosen Sec. State injecting herself. Ohio shenanigans. Voter disenfranchisement. It’s all in the record. But good or bad, that’s our system. I tend to think of it as a statistical tie, with a little systemic finger on the scale. So be it.
But what has always struck me was the “mandate” claimed by W. If we look at current events for guidance in these matters, I suppose one could argue that Bush never should have been allowed any Court appointments. That, ultimately, is the kind of reasoning being relied upon by Senate Republicans in blocking Obama. They seem to be arbitrarily assigning a three year pull date to voter intent. Regardless of how sweeping Obama’s election victory might have been, it somehow decays with time. And after three years we no longer can rely upon a voter mandate. Meanwhile W gained office through what amounts to a statistical tie, with no clear mandate expressed in voter intent. And yet Bush used the “win” to push the federal judiciary much further to the right, start two disastrous wars, transform the Justice Department into an enforcement arm of the Baptist/Republican party and vastly expand the Executive branch powers of domestic surveillance and control.
Show me your fucking papers. I’m captain of the yell squad and I have a mandate!
@ 75
If we look at current events for guidance in these matters, I suppose one could argue that Bush never should have been allowed any Court appointments.
Well, he didn’t get any SCOTUS appointments. Not until after his 2004 victory.
What are you arguing? “Well, Meester Bush, you can be president, but you can’t have any authority granted to you by the US Constitution.”?
If, as you claim, you never disputed that Bush won it, why would he not be entitled to authority conferred upon him by the Constitution? You seem nonsensical.
When their crazed voter base has Republicans so scared they can’t answer a question this easy.
You’re pretty much fucked in the head.
“Well, Meester Bush, you can be president, but you can’t have any authority granted to you by the US Constitution.”?
Please, when you directly quote the Republican Senate Majority leader, it would be helpful if you could use block quotes.
And mind the rake.
@ 78
Olbermann’s got a new job?
““We will vote against you, work against you, and once again, just in case you forgot, never ever, never ever, never ever, never ever fuck you.”
The president is too nice and to classy. Probably one of the classiest people for everything that’s been tossed at him.
He says, “probably to some degree” – no, how about to the nth degree.
Obama To GOP: You Are Responsible For Donald Trump’s Rise http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....29188.html
@80 who the fuck would want to sleep with one of those miserable pricks. But that probably upsets you because you are probably not getting any yourself.
Fucking conservative scumbag)s).
Wounded Warrior Project Fires CEO After Bombshell Report http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....33440.html
I’m honored.
And you should get that looked at by a qualified professional. These days you can’t be too careful. With your history, CTE is a distinct risk.
But it would explain a lot.
@83 Hmph. They (or someone claiming to be them) called last week. The guy asked if I’d be willing to pledge such-and-such an amount, and (to my surprise) said they’d send us a stamped envelope we could return a check in. Then I got turned over (supposedly) to a confirmation person to get our address. After an exchange of pleasantries, the connection got cut off. A couple of days later, someone who sounded like the same person called asking for a credit card number. I got suspicious and hung up.
Not that I don’t think helping veterans (especially those who came back with missing parts) is a worthy cause. On the other hand, better still to work to prevent the folks in the expensive suits from sending more of our fellow Americans off on questionable military adventures in the first place.
Perhaps young Julian might consider boning up on something besides how to habla Espanol.
PewResearch Hispanic ✔ @PewHispanic
Jobs/economy & education (not immigration) are top 2 issues for Hispanics http://pewrsr.ch/Sob0az #GOPDebate
@85 sounds like it could be a scam. Otherwise if it was truly a veterans group they went about asking for your support the wrong way.
I agree with you. Support Veterans by keeping them safe. And if yiu are going to donate any monetary do it locally and make sure it’s going to the Veterans.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Sure, we could raise the retirement age (Rubio) or reduce benefits (Cruz). Or we could extend SS indefinitely by lifting the cap. #GOPDebate
Or insist that there’s no SS problem at all (Reid).
I can’t believe the cops took down the black guy that got sucker punched by a sucker at a sucker rally made for sucking Nazis.
This country is becoming a disgrace.
Glad Boob is so concerned with what happens with Social Secirity. Wake up Boob, the Nazis are here and proliferating.
@86 so I guess all the Latinos will be voting for Drumpf the Jobs Creator. I’m sure they are thinking that being a mason to help build a wall is their next job opportunity. I don’t know about you but stones and masonry can be hard work, that $6.00 hour job building a wall would make me want to stay home and collect unemployment.
@89 fixed
I can’t believe the cops took down the black guy that got sucker punched by a sucker at a sucker rally made for fucking sucking Nazis.
This country is becoming a disgrace.
@92 What did he expect as a black guy crashing a Florida Klan rally?
That didn’t take as long as I expected.
Two different Republican Senators on the same day.
Committee member Lindsey Graham admitting that there is no tradition or precedent supporting the Republican blockade of the Court, and that the Republican plan establishes a “new rule” going forward. And all-purpose doofus Sen Ron Johnson admitting that they wouldn’t impose the blockade if the President was Republican.
It took less than a month for the bullshit rhetorical facade to collapse under its own weight. And from this point going forward the frame in the media and among voters will be “unprecedented political obstruction”. Every single time one of them trots out the talking points about “tradition” and “let the voters” it’s going to feel to voters like a premeditated lie.
Too funny! The babbling jackass troll is SOOOOO F’ED!
Donald Trump is about to pick up the support of another former rival. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who dropped out of the GOP presidential race following a series of low finishes on Super Tuesday, is set to endorse Trump on Friday. The GOP front-runner confirmed earlier news reports regarding the endorsement during Thursday’s debate in Miami.
L M A O!
What’s up with your beloved karson kook-a-nut babbling jackass troll? The kook-a-nut like a lap dog follows the obese bully from Joisy to lick the Trumphole’s boots! That same bully you claimed you didn’t like.
Poor babbling jackass. You anointed both Kruz and Rubio with that most sacred of words to your misfiring two remaining synapses:
The kook-a-nut IGNORED both of your beloved klownservatic alternatives to somnambulist ben
One for good reason – Kruz SCREWED the kook-a-nut in Iowa. Klownservatics aren’t supposed to do that to their own.
And the scripted neo-klown robot Rubio CALLED KRUZ A LIAR! Was Rubio lying? Oh klownservatics don’t lie -they “bring facts”. Was Rubio bringing facts? Oh that can’t be because Kruz is a klownservatic and it’s supposed to “bring facts”.
LMAO! Poor babbling jackass – it just gets WORSE and WORSE for you and that miserable stinking party you SHILL FOR!
@65 No it’s timing if you can get the dust storm to hit Washington DC just as Congress is having a debate and the dust storm deniers have to walk out in it they become believers and pass legislation to deal with the great dust storms.
Happy Harriet Tubman DAY
@66 Go Vikings! Oh yeah that is one of the things some folk are upset abut. Wonder how long until they realize Bellingham is on Lummi and Nooksack land. What will we make of the Pickett House.
@73 You are saying this was supposed to be the ruby slipper election for the Republicans, and the Donald is wearing boots?
@93 It’s Florida so he was probably looking for hottest chicken wings in the state and endless shrimp. Lots of those places and it’s easy to wonder into the wrong place especially during the early phase of spring break.
So what about the threatened vetoes?
Grammar nag time.
I think Rafael Eduardo Cruz has a problem with the personal reflexive pronoun, i. e. myself.
He keeps using this weird formulation when referring to his chances to win the nomination.
“The only candidates with a path forward are Donald and myself”
Only two of us have a path… Donald and myself. ”
It’s starting to bug me. Let’s hope Trump puts him away next week so I won’t see it anymore.
Look deep within your self.
@ 102. Have yourself a merry little primary.
@ 102
Keep Your Hands To Yourself
Georgia Satellites, Hank Williams Jr., Sawyer Brown, John Anderson, Billy Currington, John Lee Hooker, Charlie Daniels Band, Bobby Patterson, and Homesick James.
@ 102
I touch myself.
This should be most familiar, as it’s right there front and center every. time. YLB posts about The One.
I can’t believe the cops took down the black guy that got sucker punched by a sucker at a sucker rally made for sucking Nazis.
You are chronologically moronic HHTL!
Decoder ring needed @95.
Maybe QPPS can decode that BULLSHITTIUM!
Puddy wonders how many libtards know who Harriet Tubman was without looking her up!
Puddy wonders how many libtards know who Harriet Tubman was without looking her up!
@102 Does he do it with a royal wave?
@109 and @110
Did you have a great Sojourner Truth day?