Again striking that multi-divorced wingnuts, the likes of Rush Limbaugh, shamelessly advocate denying rights to fine, upstanding folks like these, on the basis of family values.
Somebody call Guiness! 2 women got together and had a kid? Holy ****!!! That’s got to be a first! How can that happen?
Oh. Wait. It didn’t. There was a man involved. That means that somewhere along the way, one of these old biddies acted normal. That’s normal as in “heterosexual”. Hmmm…
And, in their old age, they want all the normal folks to recognize and financially support their late-life decision of twisted deviancy. Not gonnna happen!
to recognize and financially support their late-life decision of twisted deviancy.
Yes, to recognize their humanity and support to the same extent heterosexual couples are supported (financially or otherwise).
Their “deviancy” is only in the minds of bigoted people. Deviancy implies harmful behavior and these people aren’t harming anyone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 So? We financially support you.
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey, I heard Staturday Night Live made fun of a sitting president. Surely that is the first time that has ever happened!
Daddy Lovespews:
@2 stal
So, how many ways can a woman get pregnant? I can think of a few (I’ve added their official Republican designation for your convenience):
– rape: normal
– incest: normal
– IVF: normal
– adultery: normal
– unmarried fornication: normal
– orgies: normal
– turkey baster: normal
– lying about an adoption: normal
Somehow I think that once a woman has brought a child to term instead of aborting a fetus or zygote, then your little moral compass regarding “acceptable” reproduction is satisfied, right?
Oh, and get what the “keep government out of health care” people have brought us now. The Uterus Police in Oklahoma are now using the threat of imprisonment by the State to require doctors to breach confidentiality and frighten women out of having abortions by posting online information such as the date and location of the abortion, the patient’s age, marital status, race, education, state or county of residency and history of pregnancies, the reason the patient is seeking an abortion, the method of payment that the patient uses, and whether the patient was an employee at the time of the abortion.
Way to go, Party of Offending Half the Population and Party of Shooting Itself In The Foot. Take back the Congress in 2010? Yeah, good luck with that, schmucks.
Is there some way our friends on the right can blame Governor Gregiore, Ron Sims or some other Democrat for this-
Heterosexuals are murderers, rapists and thieves. The downfall to Society. All ill is created by heterosexuals.
@2 – a heterosexual man that murders, rapes and steals. God created the 10 Commandments for him, specifically.
@6 – everyone of those ways that you list were created by murdering, raping and thieving heterosexuals. Don’t forget In vitro fertilization.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
While walking through Golden Gate Park in San Francisco , YLB came upon another man hugging a tree with his ear firmly against the tree.
Seeing this he inquired, “Just out of curiosity, what the heck are you doing?”
“I’m listening to the music of the tree,” the other man replied.
“You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me..”
“No, would you like to give it a try?”
Understandably curious, the man says, “Well, OK…” So he wrapped his arms around the tree & pressed his ear up against it. With this, the other guy slapped a pair of handcuffs on him, took his wallet, jewelry, car keys, then stripped him naked and left..
Two hours later another nature lover strolled by, saw this guy handcuffed to the tree stark naked, and asked, “What the heck happened to you?”
He told the guy the whole terrible story about how he got there.
When he finished telling his story, the other guy shook his head in sympathy, walked around behind him, kissed him gently behind the ear and said, “This just ain’t gonna be your day…………..cupcake.
YLB says “make my day sweetie!”
i laugh my balls off when i read gman hateful tirade and not one of you liberals call him out. i always thought you wanted conservatives to call me out. you guys are sickening.
Nothing hateful, just reality. Reality that heterosexuals would like to overlook. God created the 10 Commandments for Heterosexuals, right, he didn’t create them for gays. Gays to don’t murder, rape, or steal at the rate heterosexuals do; heterosexuals the ill of Society. Politicians are only one small segment of heterosexuals. You creme puffs make up the rest of the heterosexuals.
hmmmmm, gman. i would probably say you are factualy correct. so now i’m thinking is it ok to say, factually correctly, that the federal reserve is run by jews?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Small problems with your “story”… ylb arschloch has
wallet, jewelry, car keys?
How dat happen? You mean mrs ylb happened upon the commotion and she was accosted and lost the wallet, jewelry, car keys. She then left ylb huggging the tree. The rest is history…
“In a recent Gallup survey, 89% of Republicans, 64% of independents, and 61% of Americans overall say Americans themselves — rather than the government — have the primary responsibility for ensuring that they have health insurance. Six in 10 Democrats say the government should be primarily responsible.”
“A system in which Americans are “primarily responsible” for their families’ health insurance — as the new Gallup question is phrased — would not preclude having a government-based insurance program for the poor, such as the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or Medicaid. By the same token, public support for the government’s making sure “all Americans have healthcare coverage” — as other questions are phrased — isn’t tantamount to support for mandated health insurance or a universal government-run system.” PuddyEmphasis.
Of course ylb arschloch will call Gallup some worthless name like he tried on Richard Cohen, taking his marching orders from whackamole web sites.
But what is interesting was…this paragraph – Other national polls on this topic have found a higher degree of public support for government involvement in guaranteeing healthcare coverage, but those question wordings do not provide a non-governmental alternative. So you see leftist pinheads, these polls are written to give the answer the administration wants to see. Now Puddy wonders why is this? Hmmm… libtardo MSM polling biases?
Is 61% of Americans many or most Gallup? Most people would say most.
So Gallup readily admits pollsters purposely omit the individual responsibility part of the question. An interesting and refreshing admission to how pollsters stack the deck to give the answer they are looking for.
Now why did this miss the libtardo MSM? Oh… Puddy knows… it didn’t meet the template.
Oh wait a minute… This isn’t Rasmussen… Never mind.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Real thinking!!!!!
Something lacking lately from the feral dumb bunny!
How are those Clinton provided North Korea nukes treating you today?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 32% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -6.
While the President’s ratings have moved little since he won the Nobel Peace Prize, skepticism about the Nobel selection process has grown. Fifty-eight percent (58%) now see politics in the process, up from 40% a year ago.
Pretty much fits most of the tens of posters here to some degree. Enjoy!
Pussy Foot at 19 – probably because those 89% of Republicans, 64% of independents, and 61% of Americans overall leave it up to their employer to get health care for them.
@22 – good try….but most of you here probably refer to yourselves as heterosexuals. You all fit the same mold, whether you believe it or not, you are murderers, rapists, and thieves, the ill of Society.
Moron @ 19
Last time Richard Cohen wrote something coherent that progressives agreed with was when he was appalled at the crap McSame and Palin were spewing in the run up to last November.
Even an idiot like Cohen gets things right from time to time.
And of course the moron-in-chief of the comments threads (Stupes) doesn’t mention that Gallup shows a majority of Americans supporting the healthcare legislation:
The most idealistic libtard envisions a time when science/technology and Socialism will eliminate all poverty, hunger, war, disease, injustice, unemployment and prejudice.
Actually that was Woodrow Wilson (R)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 WE are the government, numbnuts! “Government” in this country is often the community working together to provide ourselves with things we can’t do individually, like police and fire services, libraries, etc.
Why are individual insurance policy rates so much higher than group rates? Because of the marketing expenses, dummy! Why is Medicare so much more efficient than private insurance? It’s in no small part due to the numbers served and standardization of coverages and procedures.
Our patchwork private health insurance system is falling apart. “Public option” is simply all of us (or a lot of us) pooling our resources to create a more efficient and effective insurance company. What’s wrong with that? If you don’t like it, stick with your for-greed private policy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 “Something lacking lately from the feral dumb bunny!”
At least I can write a coherent sentence, which is more than you ever do.
We should win (yet again) this one handily.
Did you see the poll a while back where something like 34% of Americans wanted the government to stay out of Medicare?
Just like we’ve won this one.
Dam breaching celebrated on famed Rogue River
By JEFF BARNARD (AP) – 17 hours ago
ROGUE RIVER, Ore. — The wild and scenic Rogue River has become even wilder with the demolition of a dam that had hindered passage of salmon and steelhead to their spawning grounds for 88 years.
Since the dam was completed in 1921, the logging and mining that once sustained Southern Oregon have faded. Farms that the Grants Pass Irrigation District once served have sprouted homes that tap the water for lawns and gardens. And the salmon and steelhead have struggled, with an estimated 58,000 adult salmon and steelhead blocked from spawning grounds each year.
So of course barney frank has to be dismissive and tell this it’s a waste of time.
Yeah he says that LGBT organizations should lobby Congress like the NRA and AARP does.
You know outfits that are just sooooo ineffective at influencing Congress.
36 The whole administration is creepy. Never thought I would ever see an anti American as President. Then, they give him the Nobel. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH What a FUCKING JOKE!
Kinda funny that the right thinks that if everyone works hard and is responsible they can be/do anything, but when Obama takes them up on it and actually does it they hate him.
@7 I sensed a certain irony as I followed the link and a page with an article about people losing their jobs had a banner-ad placement rotation that happened to display a plug for shopping at the Bravern.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 You’re more amusing than creepy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 Yes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 They only believe in the “work hard” part; i.e. they want you to work hard for them, so they don’t have to. They don’t believe in working hard to get ahead; in fact, they don’t want you to get ahead at all, because they’re afraid if you do, you might displace them.
The “work ethic” pounded into our heads from the time toddlers can walk is bullshit. You get ahead in this country by owning stuff and taking advantage of other people, not by working hard. Work isn’t respected and doesn’t pay. Working people are looked down on, and treated like shit. Wages are taxed far more heavily than any other form of income.
I don’t work! I live off the fat of the land, just like Republicans do! I live better now than I ever did when I was working. That’s because I now own instead of owe. Everything is paid off, I don’t owe a dime to anyone, and I own stocks! Lots of stocks! I buy stocks and companies send me money, which is called “dividends,” and I pay only 1/3rd the taxes on my dividends that you pay on your wages! If the Republicans got their way, I wouldn’t pay ANY taxes on my dividends! Personally, I think that’s immoral, but it’s a good hedge against Republicans getting their way.
Personally, I don’t think anyone should work. Working doesn’t make any sense. Everyone should live like a Republican. I wish I had wised up to this when I was young. Oh well, better late than never.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Don’t Feel Bad If You Didn’t Get Into Harvard
No, not you, wingnuts! You can skip this comment, which is written for people who care about education and knowledge.
If you didn’t get into Harvard, it may not be your fault. Nobody’s perfect, and even Harvard makes mistakes. As Edward Tenner points out, Harvard rejected Warren Buffett but admitted the Unabomber, and rejected Ted Turner but admitted Putzi Hanfstaengel, among others. “Rejection,” Teller says, “like other arts, is best learned young.” May it teach you to work harder. Sounds like Harvard Admissions needs to work harder, too.
The American voters elected a Black Man as President. This man has a lifetime of accomplishment and public service.
He’s not a failed businessman, disgraced Air National Guard Reservist, he’s a former Public Advocacy attorney, a Professor at one of the world’s elite Universities and a Constitutional scholar. He came from a lower middle class background…not from wealth and privelege (like the dumbass who traded Sammy Sosa).
Yeah…those asshole racists will get to wake up for the next 3 1/2 years with their hatred on display for everyone to see.
still have not figured out why we should “celebrate” a certain segment of society just because they have a defective part of their brain that tells them to cross-dress or get the hook up with another of the same sex…
I mean shit, maybe we should have pride parades for paranoid-schizophrenics too? just another form of mental illness…
oh, and gman, Dahmer was a fag…so there goes your theory….
Roger Rabbitspews:
Factoid: In 2008, U.S. banks made $34.2 billion from overdraft fees on 130 million checking accounts, an average of $264 per account.
Amount of overdraft fees paid by Roger Rabbit in the last 20 years: $0
Amount of checking account fees paid by Roger Rabbit in the last 20 years: $0
That’s right, I get banking services free, because saps like you are paying for it! Freebies are the only way to go! Freeloading is the key to living like a Republican.
Roger Rabbitspews:
erratum @48: should read “next 7 1/2 years”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 Scientists tell us homosexuality is rather common among other animal species, too. Including species too unintelligent to be capable of mental illness. In other words, homosexuality is a biological phenomenon, the explanation of which is rooted in the complex structures of chromosomes, not a “mental illness.” Shit, there goes another lameass wingnut theory …
@53..being a paranoid-schizophrenic(along with many other forms of mental illness) is also the result of a biogical pheonomenon….having fucked up chromosomes is not justification for declaring a behavior “normal”.
some people’s fucked up chromosomes make them more likely to be a drunkard..should we celebrate that too?
So what your saying is that republicans are smart enough to balance a check book, while democrats cant seem to to do the same?
ok – based up on how the democrats tax/spend, I will accept that.
what is our deficit up to now?? 3x what it was during Bush? lol……
@40 – well they know the first 4 words, but for some reason they forget about….”with liberty and justice for all”. Why? Because they are Heterosexual murderers, rapists and thieves.
@42 – the right is made up of a bunch of heterosexual murdering, raping and thieves. What more would you expect.
@49. Great you found one homo that was a murderer. Still doesn’t disprove that heterosexuals lead in murdering, raping and stealing – the dregs of the world. God created the 10 Commandments for you, not for fags. Finally, something you can chew on you looser.
Marvin Stamnspews:
51. Roger Rabbit spews:
Amount of overdraft fees paid by Roger Rabbit in the last 20 years: $0
Freeloading is the key to living like a Republican.
Some people would say your personal responsibility and hard work not screwing up your bank account was rewarded.
@55- Drunkards are celebrated. How many fricken bars are there in the united state, where all they do is drink and waste water by flushing their piss away every 10 seconds. Drunks are celebrated you moron – bars were created in their honor. Drinking is over rate – all one big hoax. Alcoholics shouldn’t be allowed to marry, they shouldn’t reproduce their bad genes. I think it is even written in the Bible. We should make it a constitutional amendment that say so….I hate drunks, especially the nice ones, you really can’t trust them, they will run you over out of stupidity.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 I have to admit that equating homosexuality with drunkenness is a new one on me. I haven’t heard that one before. It certainly is creative. What comic book did you get that out of?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 Opinions are like assholes, everybody’s got one, and in your case they’re one and the same.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 I can tell you didn’t put much effort into this comment. In fact, I see a pattern emerging — you’re the laziest of all our trolls. You pull some asinine shit out of your ass that you haven’t give 2 seconds of thought to, and think you’re being cute. Try this on for size: You’re not clever, sly, or ingenious; you’re sophomoric.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 No, my not screwing up my bank account was rewarded, not my hard work. I don’t work hard. In fact, I don’t work at all.
glort @ 57 That 3x deficit you are talking about is still Bush’s. We are still in Bush’s fiscal year which ends this month. Then it becomes Obama’s. The $700 billion to the banks, the trillions of dollars for the two Bush’s wars, and the tax cut for the rich which is expiring this year is still Bush’s.
You really aren’t against deficit spending as long as it is for killing people like Bush wanted. You just don’t want to help people like Obama wants, to find jobs and health care. Your greed is obscene.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 Why even bother to argue with some dumbfuck who thinks homosexuality is biologically the same thing as an affinity for alcohol? I tried to explain a little science to this idiot, but he’s been so completely brainwashed by rightwing ideology that he can’t get past the falsehood that homosexuality is a behavior. It’s useless to attempt to educate these flat-earthers. It’s not worthwhile to explain to them that Bush increased federal spending 3 times as fast as Clinton, either, or that Bush borrowed trillions from our great friends the Chinese so they’d have us by the balls, a trivial price to pay to give tax breaks to billionaires. As Forrest Gump said, “Stupid is as stupid does.” There’s no reasoning with these people; you might as well talk to a pile of rocks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder if “glort” is a new troll, or merely the latest incarnation of Little Ricky Dumbass?
Roger Rabbitspews:
If Mount Vernon mayor Bud Norris wanted to give a key to the city to a distinguished native son, he should have given it to Lawrence Colburn, not that clown who prances around in a Stasi uniform.
I’m having a hard time figuring out who I like less. Glort or Gman.
Schizophrenic’s chromosomes look just like everyone else’s. Same with gay people.
You will, however, find elevated levels of dopamine in a schizophrenic’s midbrain.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@71 Glort is merely a pot-stirrer, and an amateurish one at that. Any scientist would laugh at his beyond-lame attempt to compare homosexuality with drinking. A statement like that from a psychologist or psychiatrist would be deemed professional malpractice:
“The American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, and National Association of Social Workers stated in an amicus brief presented to the Supreme Court of the State of California … [that]homosexuality is a normal variant of human sexuality …. The APA also writes that ‘most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation’.”
(Quoted from Wikipedia.)
The notion that homosexuality is “behavior” is a political or religious belief that has been thoroughly debunked by science. It’s in the same category as taking the idea that the earth is only 6,000 years old as literal truth.
Yes, people can change. Change their ignorant and bigoted behavior, that is. Because ignorance and bigotry, like drinking but unlike homosexuality, is behavior. Well, for most people, anyway. (Some people can’t help being stupid because they were born that way and will never have the equipment to be smart.)
Read this statement by Brent Childers, a reformed evangelical:
“So what it is that would bring someone from a place where he once declared himself a ‘Jesse Helms Republican’ … to the West Lawn of the Capitol building on Oct. 11, 2009? How can one travel from the seemingly impossible road of bigotry to one of acceptance and love for our LGBT brothers and sisters?
“The answer is one that I hope religious leaders such as Pat Robertson and James Dobson (and most importantly, their followers) will hear. It’s because something deep inside told me that I needed to step out in faith onto a bridge of knowledge and understanding.”
If you’re a Bible-thumping bigot, you can make that journey too! (Well, maybe not you, Glort — after all, rationality does require a little intelligence.) All you have to do, as Jesus would say, is take the log out of your eye and do some reading in reputable sources. What you’ll learn is that the earth is billions of years old, not 6,000 years old, and that homosexuality is a product of biology not behavior.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But KlyniKal Klown fucking goats … now that’s downright unnatural … unless, of course, he’s a goat himself.
Roger Rabuttspews:
I am old and sick.
My life sucks.
I have no hope and no God.
My life revolves around my oxygen tank.
My arrogance is silly really.
I love homo’s.
They are cool.
I love what they do to each other.
It’s cool.
When I wake up in hell someday, I’ll regret my stupid posts.
@68…hey dipshit, you are the one who brought up chromosomes. you cant use chromosomes as an excuse for one type of behavior, then not for another – when science says that both types of behaviors are the result of chromosome “abnormalities”. I turned your argument against your stupid ass – some barrister you are…
I have an idea: the next time the queers and cross dressing freaks have a parade, lets have a pride parade for kids the suffer from ADHD…after all, shouldn’t we celebrate that condition as well? Or maybe we can have a parade for one-eyed midgets suffering from progeria as well!
god damn, for a lawyer, you are stupid as shit when it comes to making arguments.
go back to ambulance chasing, you fucking leach.
Roger Rabuttspews:
I love Gay Pride Parades.
Watching other mean beaming with pride while strolling around with their ass cheeks hanging out of their chaps is cool.
When I was in the military it was don’t ask, don’t tell.
But I could spot homo’s a mile away.
I love homo’s.
@81…so then your saying its a learned behavior….interesting….
No, I’m saying it isn’t chromosomal. You really need to brush up on your biology.
Roger Rawbuttspews:
I love homo’s a lot.
Especially when I was a single parent.
I met a big homo named Bruce the Goose.
He changed me in many ways.
He even changed my name.
I love homo’s. Homo’s are cool.
Puddybud is shocked Shocked SHOCKED by headless and his 35 sock puppetsspews:
Now isn’t this interesting… The preznit was Nobel Peace Prize nominated just 11 days into his term. Puddy heard it on Unreal Slime with Bill Mahar and it’s true.
Talk about politics in the mix. What a bunch of crap the Nobel Peace Prize has become. Even my leftist big brother agreed with his conservative little brother – “For What?”
Dr Cornel West asked “For What?”
19: why is Puddy so wrong? Because he is unable to look at the big picture. Puddy looks at one poorly worded poll and comes to the wrong conclusion. Looking at many polls, it is very clear that Americans favor the public option:
A clear majority of Americans — 72 percent — support a government-sponsored health care plan to compete with private insurers, a new CBS News/New York Times poll finds. Most also think the government would do a better job than private industry at keeping down costs and believe that the government should guarantee health care for all Americans.
Eighty-three percent of Americans favor and only 14 percent oppose “creating a new public health insurance plan that anyone can purchase” according to EBRI, a conservative business research organization. This flatly contradicts conservatives’ loudest attack against President Obama’s plan to provide quality, affordable health care for all.
When polled, “nearly three-quarters of physicians supported some form of a public option, either alone or in combination with private insurance options,” says Dr. Salomeh Keyhani. She and Dr. Alex Federman, both internists and researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, conducted a random survey, by mail and by phone, of 2,130 doctors. They surveyed them from June right up to early September.
In his speech, President Obama offered support for the so-called “public option” — a government-administered health insurance plan — but said it was only one part of his plan. Support for the public option has risen since last week from 57 percent to 68 percent. Among speech watchers, support for the public option lies at 70 percent
Why is it that Puddy misses the majority of evidence? Because Puddy cares more about propaganda than actually conveying correct information.
Oh, and Puddy missed this poll by Gallup:
the GOP ranks last when it comes to who the public thinks would get health care reform right. Only 34% of Americans are confident that Republicans in Congress will make the correct decisions, which is less than the insurance companies (35%) and the pharmaceutical companies (40%). The public’s faith in President Obama comes in at 58%, while confidence in Democratic leaders in Congress is at 42%:
Puddybud is shocked Shocked SHOCKED by headless and his 35 sock puppetsspews:
ylb arschloch,
What a tool you are fool. Puddy demonstrates how leftist leaning polling orgs stack the result and ylb arschloch runs to the same org that admitted stacking the deck to look erudite.
86 – Yawwwwn… Stick to your professional outlier Rasmussen. He makes you feeeeeeeeel good.
Thanks for giving us a perfect example of why anti-discrimination laws are necessary.
Mr. Cynical failed to report this today.
Where is the Klownmeister??
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 32% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index of -8
It all doesn’t matter, in the end Heterosexuals will succumb to their own stupidity, all will murder, rape and steal. They are ignorant to any values in life. They no longer know what the 10 Commandments are, and that they were written for them, because they are murderers, rapists, and thieves. You don’t belong in this world, you are the root of all evil.
God didn’t realize things would get so bad with heterosexuals that he didn’t realize their should have been an 11th Commandment – “thou shall not have sex with your own children”. I think he didn’t realize that people would actually populate in places like Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas and the like.
Sheesh….better class of trolls please. And I thought the ones you had were bad!
Puddybud is shocked Shocked SHOCKED by headless and his 35 sock puppetsspews:
This is funny, from mr wrong…
19: why is Puddy so wrong?
The fool AKA correctnotright, calls what Gallup admitted as how pollsters create their poll responses and then he too uses responses which DO NOT give a choice to the poll user.
Did you also notice the dates of these “polls” from correctnotright. Puddy gives a poll response from the end of September. All the “dates” from correctnotright are when HA Libtardos?
Good try correctnotright. Didn’t even get what Gallup was saying.
@96 Puffy ass -how many people have you stolen from, raped and/or murdered today. Did God tell you to do it?
The result of braindead right wing denial of climate science.
Puddybud is shocked Shocked SHOCKED by headless and his 35 sock puppetsspews:
how many people have you stolen from, raped and/or murdered today.
None fool. How many people did you bugger today? Did you wash up after your “trip”?
Puddybud is shocked Shocked SHOCKED by headless and his 35 sock puppetsspews:
Hey ylb arschloch…
Nice try on that National Geographic story… Of course it was in Daily Kooks fool. You wouldn’t know about NatGeo if the magazine was sent to your mailbox and it slapped you in the face when you opened the door and took it out.
What a moron!
Puddybud is shocked Shocked SHOCKED by headless and his 35 sock puppetsspews:
Puddybud is shocked Shocked SHOCKED by headless and his 35 sock puppetsspews:
Looks like a personal friend of ylb arschloch is getting fired. Maybe the arschloch should open his home for his pal…
Poor Puddy is becoming a small bitter person. A NG link is “no good” and his name is now longer than ever ….Headless is really under your skin Puddy boy.
Maybe you should retire from this blog…it looks like it is making you too stressed.
Of course, defending the vacant republican positions would make anyone stressed.
Heck, even a clueless idiot like Stamn still has not come up with the republican health care plan….I wonder why?
Puddy says this nonsense:
calls what Gallup admitted as how pollsters create their poll responses and then he too uses responses which DO NOT give a choice to the poll user.
Did you also notice the dates of these “polls” from correctnotright. Puddy gives a poll response from the end of September. All the “dates” from correctnotright are when HA Libtardos?
I would reply to this…but it makes absolutely no sense. I put out over 8 recent survey results that contradict Puddy’s on poll.
That is the best you can do Puddy – write nonsense?
cnr – Stupes will NEVER retire from this blog. He was shamed once into retiring but couldn’t stay away. This blog has done more to negatively reinforce his insanity than anything.
He brings right wing garbage, we discredit it, he brings more.
He does the same thing expecting different results.
Puddybud is shocked Shocked SHOCKED by headless and his 35 sock puppetsspews:
Moronic is as moronic does. Puddy changed his name last Sunday night. headless made a comment using a new sockpuppet attacking Puddy after his name change. Now Puddy realizes hadly anyone pays attention to anything headless and his 34 sock puppets write but Puddy decided to “celebrate” the man with 35 personalities.
So now there is an arschloch disorder and a multiple personality disorder on the leftist pinhead side. The medical community is researching the latest in latin naming for your malady correctnotright.
Puddybud is shocked Shocked SHOCKED by headless and his 35 sock puppetsspews:
Hey correctnotright, too bad URL forensics are hard for your simple leetle brain…
Puddybud is shocked Shocked SHOCKED by headless and his 35 sock puppetsspews:
ylb arschloch… He brings left-wing whackamole BULLSHITTIUM, we who think right discredit it, he brings more by trying to hide his link origins like the NatGeo link above taken directly from Daily Kooks.
Butt, Puddy knows this fool is as dumb as a brick. He proves it every day on HA. Did Mrs ylb marry you out of pity?
Hey Bozo, Puddy has a brain. You on the other hand are still searching for one. Happy Searching.
Puddybud is shocked Shocked SHOCKED by headless and his 35 sock puppetsspews:
You who stink right smell to high heaven because of the right wing bullshit you bring here.
I post something from National Geographic, something ugly that is clearly linked to the warming of the oceans and instead of disputing the data you shoot the messenger.
You bring right wing bullshit and can only name call when it is discredited.
What a fiend you’ve become zombie mucus blob brain!
And I congratulate you on finding one when you went swimming among the fishies.
The fishies were doing everything in their power to stay away from the mucus and its bacteria and virii and what were you doing?
“Brains! Brains!”
Nice work zombie fiend.
@108: big deal – you have a poll that is almost as cuurrent as the numerous polls I cited….one freakin’ poll.
The point is that it is important how the question is asked….if you ask about a public option to hold down prices …or ask about “government run health care” (clearly false – but a GOP talking point).
I guess I have to spell things out at the third grade level for you to get that p[oint. Also, you have one outlier poll with a lousy question…and I present 8 recent polls (I could get more, but why belabor the point).
You have no clue how to use and interpret data.
but thanks for playing, anyways. Go back to your name calling – it is all you do well.
Puddybud is shocked Shocked SHOCKED by headless and his 35 sock puppetsspews:
correctnotright agrees with Puddy
The point is that it is important how the question is asked
After all his arguing and all his attacks and all his posturing correctnotright agrees that it is important on how the question is asked… just what Gallup admitted above. Then you notice when Puddy dissembles the multiple worthless correctnotright attacks correctnotright returns with his tail between his legs? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Then when shown how stuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid he is he said it’s just one lousy poll. It’s the first poll what actually gave the respondents a choice fool!
Also, you have one outlier poll with a lousy question
How is it an outlier when Gallup admits no other poll asked the question correctly with a choice?
You are a moron correctnotright. You aren’t even an outlier. You can’t interpret data because you can’t read the presented data.
Nuff SAID Fool!
Puddybud is shocked Shocked SHOCKED by headless and his 35 sock puppetsspews:
YLB ARSCHLOCH gets it wrong again
I post something from National Geographic, something ugly that is clearly linked to the warming of the oceans and instead of disputing the data you shoot the messenger.
Of course Puddy attacks you for the kook-aid you drink every day moron. Spanked again for visiting Daily Kooks.
Some oceans warm others cool. Joe Bastardi been saying this for the last few years.
BTW Puddy always had a brain. What’s your excuse arschloch?
Puddybud is shocked Shocked SHOCKED by headless and his 35 sock puppetsspews:
Have you noticed the HollyWeird left isn’t giving their private jets to charity? Robert Kennedy Jr isn’t flying commercial? Al Gore isn’t flying commercial? Baba Streisand isn’t flying commercial?
It took two jets for the peace prize winner, Oprah, and mrs peace prize winner to go to Copenhagen?
Face it fool. A majority of the American people support health insurance reform with a robust public option to keep private insurance honest.
If insurers know what’s good for them, they’ll pay their executives less and become a boring staid business that just concentrates on delivering value to their customers over make a few people filthy rich.
Typical right wing loon fantasizing again. Sorry I don’t swing that way fool. Maybe Stamn is into that.
Some oceans warm others cool. Joe Bastardi been saying this for the last few years.
Yeah. Producing more sea mucilage than anyone can remember for some reason. Joe Bastardi, the aaaaaahnold of meteorology. So he’s your goto guy? So that’s the name you drop?
Too funny…
Puddybud is shocked Shocked SHOCKED by headless and his 35 sock puppetsspews:
Only the arschloch would take the spank comment in a literal light.
Whatamoronic loon!
Joe Bastardi beat down Green Peace. When Green Peace realized they would be debating Joe on a recent show, the canceled the debate.
Still the dumb brick.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 Wow! Your scientific reasoning is awesome. You might even get a science prize from some wingnut foundation at the rate you’re going!
I repeat, anyone who equates homosexuality with drunkenness is beyond ignorant; that falls in the category of malicious stupidity.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@87 How did that poll last Nov. 4 work out for you winger asswipes?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@113 The problem with blockheads like you is that you think religious belief and scientific fact are equally reliable.
I have a suggestion. Here’s an experiment for you to try.
1. Convince yourself that God will protect you from any harm accruing to you from your righteous beliefs.
2. Believe, with all your heart and soul, that God wants you to fly.
3. Jump off a cliff and flap your arms.
Roger Rabbitspews:
GOP Sen. Olympia Snowe announced this morning she will vote for Democratic-sponsored health care reform, ensuring its passage in the Senate. Eat shit, wingnut losers!
Wow what an accomplishment. Not the biggest fan of Green Peace fool. I appreciate their passion but they have a lot of work to do on incorporating science and current technology. Their position on nuclear power needs a lot of work.
If there was a wingnut version of Green Peace you’d probably denounce it as RWINO. Your passion is to enable the destruction of this planet as much as possible before you “go home to Jesus”.
You’re so sick you actually believe that will be good for your kids!
Again striking that multi-divorced wingnuts, the likes of Rush Limbaugh, shamelessly advocate denying rights to fine, upstanding folks like these, on the basis of family values.
Somebody call Guiness! 2 women got together and had a kid? Holy ****!!! That’s got to be a first! How can that happen?
Oh. Wait. It didn’t. There was a man involved. That means that somewhere along the way, one of these old biddies acted normal. That’s normal as in “heterosexual”. Hmmm…
And, in their old age, they want all the normal folks to recognize and financially support their late-life decision of twisted deviancy. Not gonnna happen!
Yes, to recognize their humanity and support to the same extent heterosexual couples are supported (financially or otherwise).
Their “deviancy” is only in the minds of bigoted people. Deviancy implies harmful behavior and these people aren’t harming anyone.
@2 So? We financially support you.
Hey, I heard Staturday Night Live made fun of a sitting president. Surely that is the first time that has ever happened!
@2 stal
So, how many ways can a woman get pregnant? I can think of a few (I’ve added their official Republican designation for your convenience):
– rape: normal
– incest: normal
– IVF: normal
– adultery: normal
– unmarried fornication: normal
– orgies: normal
– turkey baster: normal
– lying about an adoption: normal
Somehow I think that once a woman has brought a child to term instead of aborting a fetus or zygote, then your little moral compass regarding “acceptable” reproduction is satisfied, right?
Oh, and get what the “keep government out of health care” people have brought us now. The Uterus Police in Oklahoma are now using the threat of imprisonment by the State to require doctors to breach confidentiality and frighten women out of having abortions by posting online information such as the date and location of the abortion, the patient’s age, marital status, race, education, state or county of residency and history of pregnancies, the reason the patient is seeking an abortion, the method of payment that the patient uses, and whether the patient was an employee at the time of the abortion.
Way to go, Party of Offending Half the Population and Party of Shooting Itself In The Foot. Take back the Congress in 2010? Yeah, good luck with that, schmucks.
Is there some way our friends on the right can blame Governor Gregiore, Ron Sims or some other Democrat for this-
Heterosexuals are murderers, rapists and thieves. The downfall to Society. All ill is created by heterosexuals.
@2 – a heterosexual man that murders, rapes and steals. God created the 10 Commandments for him, specifically.
@6 – everyone of those ways that you list were created by murdering, raping and thieving heterosexuals. Don’t forget In vitro fertilization.
While walking through Golden Gate Park in San Francisco , YLB came upon another man hugging a tree with his ear firmly against the tree.
Seeing this he inquired, “Just out of curiosity, what the heck are you doing?”
“I’m listening to the music of the tree,” the other man replied.
“You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me..”
“No, would you like to give it a try?”
Understandably curious, the man says, “Well, OK…” So he wrapped his arms around the tree & pressed his ear up against it. With this, the other guy slapped a pair of handcuffs on him, took his wallet, jewelry, car keys, then stripped him naked and left..
Two hours later another nature lover strolled by, saw this guy handcuffed to the tree stark naked, and asked, “What the heck happened to you?”
He told the guy the whole terrible story about how he got there.
When he finished telling his story, the other guy shook his head in sympathy, walked around behind him, kissed him gently behind the ear and said, “This just ain’t gonna be your day…………..cupcake.
YLB says “make my day sweetie!”
i laugh my balls off when i read gman hateful tirade and not one of you liberals call him out. i always thought you wanted conservatives to call me out. you guys are sickening.
Nothing hateful, just reality. Reality that heterosexuals would like to overlook. God created the 10 Commandments for Heterosexuals, right, he didn’t create them for gays. Gays to don’t murder, rape, or steal at the rate heterosexuals do; heterosexuals the ill of Society. Politicians are only one small segment of heterosexuals. You creme puffs make up the rest of the heterosexuals.
hmmmmm, gman. i would probably say you are factualy correct. so now i’m thinking is it ok to say, factually correctly, that the federal reserve is run by jews?
Small problems with your “story”… ylb arschloch has
How dat happen? You mean mrs ylb happened upon the commotion and she was accosted and lost the wallet, jewelry, car keys. She then left ylb huggging the tree. The rest is history…
Washington influential:
Here is something which scares leftist pinheads… real thinking…
@17 Waytago Pussbutt! Link to a wingnut website and call it “real thinking” … once again you have confused jacking off with sentient cognition …
Hey look leftist fools, Gallup has something to say about health care.
“In a recent Gallup survey, 89% of Republicans, 64% of independents, and 61% of Americans overall say Americans themselves — rather than the government — have the primary responsibility for ensuring that they have health insurance. Six in 10 Democrats say the government should be primarily responsible.”
“A system in which Americans are “primarily responsible” for their families’ health insurance — as the new Gallup question is phrased — would not preclude having a government-based insurance program for the poor, such as the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or Medicaid. By the same token, public support for the government’s making sure “all Americans have healthcare coverage” — as other questions are phrased — isn’t tantamount to support for mandated health insurance or a universal government-run system.” PuddyEmphasis.
Of course ylb arschloch will call Gallup some worthless name like he tried on Richard Cohen, taking his marching orders from whackamole web sites.
But what is interesting was…this paragraph – Other national polls on this topic have found a higher degree of public support for government involvement in guaranteeing healthcare coverage, but those question wordings do not provide a non-governmental alternative. So you see leftist pinheads, these polls are written to give the answer the administration wants to see. Now Puddy wonders why is this? Hmmm… libtardo MSM polling biases?
Is 61% of Americans many or most Gallup? Most people would say most.
So Gallup readily admits pollsters purposely omit the individual responsibility part of the question. An interesting and refreshing admission to how pollsters stack the deck to give the answer they are looking for.
Now why did this miss the libtardo MSM? Oh… Puddy knows… it didn’t meet the template.
Oh wait a minute… This isn’t Rasmussen… Never mind.
Real thinking!!!!!
Something lacking lately from the feral dumb bunny!
How are those Clinton provided North Korea nukes treating you today?
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Nobel Prize===Meaningless Leftist Political stunt
Pretty much fits most of the tens of posters here to some degree. Enjoy!
Pussy Foot at 19 – probably because those 89% of Republicans, 64% of independents, and 61% of Americans overall leave it up to their employer to get health care for them.
@22 – good try….but most of you here probably refer to yourselves as heterosexuals. You all fit the same mold, whether you believe it or not, you are murderers, rapists, and thieves, the ill of Society.
Moron @ 19
Last time Richard Cohen wrote something coherent that progressives agreed with was when he was appalled at the crap McSame and Palin were spewing in the run up to last November.
Even an idiot like Cohen gets things right from time to time.
And of course the moron-in-chief of the comments threads (Stupes) doesn’t mention that Gallup shows a majority of Americans supporting the healthcare legislation:
You gotta love it…
Big gayparade in washington.
So of course barney frank has to be dismissive and tell this it’s a waste of time.
Frank said in an interview with The Associated Press that he considers such demonstrations to be “an emotional release” that does little to pressure Congress.
Strange that he feels that the democrat controlled congress won’t feel any pressure.
Funny that gman thinks fudgepackers are somehow superior to nonfudgepackers. EEWWWWWWW.
If 52% is enough to be president, shouldn’t 61% be enough to be respected by democrat politicians?
Looks like the next big culture war is already upon us. http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ine11.html
Actually that was Woodrow Wilson (R)
@19 WE are the government, numbnuts! “Government” in this country is often the community working together to provide ourselves with things we can’t do individually, like police and fire services, libraries, etc.
Why are individual insurance policy rates so much higher than group rates? Because of the marketing expenses, dummy! Why is Medicare so much more efficient than private insurance? It’s in no small part due to the numbers served and standardization of coverages and procedures.
Our patchwork private health insurance system is falling apart. “Public option” is simply all of us (or a lot of us) pooling our resources to create a more efficient and effective insurance company. What’s wrong with that? If you don’t like it, stick with your for-greed private policy.
@20 “Something lacking lately from the feral dumb bunny!”
At least I can write a coherent sentence, which is more than you ever do.
We should win (yet again) this one handily.
Did you see the poll a while back where something like 34% of Americans wanted the government to stay out of Medicare?
Just like we’ve won this one.
Is it creepy that you can buy obama flags with his face instead of the stars with the red & white stripes?
@36 No.
Yeah he says that LGBT organizations should lobby Congress like the NRA and AARP does.
You know outfits that are just sooooo ineffective at influencing Congress.
36 The whole administration is creepy. Never thought I would ever see an anti American as President. Then, they give him the Nobel. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH What a FUCKING JOKE!
36 – Is it creepy that kids at Jesus camps lay their hands on cardboard dummys of the Dumbya that shuffled off to Buffalo last Jan 20?
George Bush Charm bracelet!
Kinda funny that the right thinks that if everyone works hard and is responsible they can be/do anything, but when Obama takes them up on it and actually does it they hate him.
@7 I sensed a certain irony as I followed the link and a page with an article about people losing their jobs had a banner-ad placement rotation that happened to display a plug for shopping at the Bravern.
@39 You’re more amusing than creepy.
@40 Yes.
@42 They only believe in the “work hard” part; i.e. they want you to work hard for them, so they don’t have to. They don’t believe in working hard to get ahead; in fact, they don’t want you to get ahead at all, because they’re afraid if you do, you might displace them.
The “work ethic” pounded into our heads from the time toddlers can walk is bullshit. You get ahead in this country by owning stuff and taking advantage of other people, not by working hard. Work isn’t respected and doesn’t pay. Working people are looked down on, and treated like shit. Wages are taxed far more heavily than any other form of income.
I don’t work! I live off the fat of the land, just like Republicans do! I live better now than I ever did when I was working. That’s because I now own instead of owe. Everything is paid off, I don’t owe a dime to anyone, and I own stocks! Lots of stocks! I buy stocks and companies send me money, which is called “dividends,” and I pay only 1/3rd the taxes on my dividends that you pay on your wages! If the Republicans got their way, I wouldn’t pay ANY taxes on my dividends! Personally, I think that’s immoral, but it’s a good hedge against Republicans getting their way.
Personally, I don’t think anyone should work. Working doesn’t make any sense. Everyone should live like a Republican. I wish I had wised up to this when I was young. Oh well, better late than never.
Don’t Feel Bad If You Didn’t Get Into Harvard
No, not you, wingnuts! You can skip this comment, which is written for people who care about education and knowledge.
If you didn’t get into Harvard, it may not be your fault. Nobody’s perfect, and even Harvard makes mistakes. As Edward Tenner points out, Harvard rejected Warren Buffett but admitted the Unabomber, and rejected Ted Turner but admitted Putzi Hanfstaengel, among others. “Rejection,” Teller says, “like other arts, is best learned young.” May it teach you to work harder. Sounds like Harvard Admissions needs to work harder, too.
Poor mark and donny…I mean marvin.
The American voters elected a Black Man as President. This man has a lifetime of accomplishment and public service.
He’s not a failed businessman, disgraced Air National Guard Reservist, he’s a former Public Advocacy attorney, a Professor at one of the world’s elite Universities and a Constitutional scholar. He came from a lower middle class background…not from wealth and privelege (like the dumbass who traded Sammy Sosa).
Yeah…those asshole racists will get to wake up for the next 3 1/2 years with their hatred on display for everyone to see.
still have not figured out why we should “celebrate” a certain segment of society just because they have a defective part of their brain that tells them to cross-dress or get the hook up with another of the same sex…
I mean shit, maybe we should have pride parades for paranoid-schizophrenics too? just another form of mental illness…
oh, and gman, Dahmer was a fag…so there goes your theory….
Factoid: In 2008, U.S. banks made $34.2 billion from overdraft fees on 130 million checking accounts, an average of $264 per account.
Amount of overdraft fees paid by Roger Rabbit in the last 20 years: $0
Amount of checking account fees paid by Roger Rabbit in the last 20 years: $0
That’s right, I get banking services free, because saps like you are paying for it! Freebies are the only way to go! Freeloading is the key to living like a Republican.
erratum @48: should read “next 7 1/2 years”
@49 Scientists tell us homosexuality is rather common among other animal species, too. Including species too unintelligent to be capable of mental illness. In other words, homosexuality is a biological phenomenon, the explanation of which is rooted in the complex structures of chromosomes, not a “mental illness.” Shit, there goes another lameass wingnut theory …
@49 “Dahmer was a fag …”
And Bush was a torturer …
@53..being a paranoid-schizophrenic(along with many other forms of mental illness) is also the result of a biogical pheonomenon….having fucked up chromosomes is not justification for declaring a behavior “normal”.
some people’s fucked up chromosomes make them more likely to be a drunkard..should we celebrate that too?
go read a book dumbfuck.
@54…nice try, but EPIC FAIL.
So what your saying is that republicans are smart enough to balance a check book, while democrats cant seem to to do the same?
ok – based up on how the democrats tax/spend, I will accept that.
what is our deficit up to now?? 3x what it was during Bush? lol……
@40 – well they know the first 4 words, but for some reason they forget about….”with liberty and justice for all”. Why? Because they are Heterosexual murderers, rapists and thieves.
@42 – the right is made up of a bunch of heterosexual murdering, raping and thieves. What more would you expect.
@49. Great you found one homo that was a murderer. Still doesn’t disprove that heterosexuals lead in murdering, raping and stealing – the dregs of the world. God created the 10 Commandments for you, not for fags. Finally, something you can chew on you looser.
Some people would say your personal responsibility and hard work not screwing up your bank account was rewarded.
@55- Drunkards are celebrated. How many fricken bars are there in the united state, where all they do is drink and waste water by flushing their piss away every 10 seconds. Drunks are celebrated you moron – bars were created in their honor. Drinking is over rate – all one big hoax. Alcoholics shouldn’t be allowed to marry, they shouldn’t reproduce their bad genes. I think it is even written in the Bible. We should make it a constitutional amendment that say so….I hate drunks, especially the nice ones, you really can’t trust them, they will run you over out of stupidity.
@55 I have to admit that equating homosexuality with drunkenness is a new one on me. I haven’t heard that one before. It certainly is creative. What comic book did you get that out of?
@56 Opinions are like assholes, everybody’s got one, and in your case they’re one and the same.
@57 I can tell you didn’t put much effort into this comment. In fact, I see a pattern emerging — you’re the laziest of all our trolls. You pull some asinine shit out of your ass that you haven’t give 2 seconds of thought to, and think you’re being cute. Try this on for size: You’re not clever, sly, or ingenious; you’re sophomoric.
@61 No, my not screwing up my bank account was rewarded, not my hard work. I don’t work hard. In fact, I don’t work at all.
glort @ 57 That 3x deficit you are talking about is still Bush’s. We are still in Bush’s fiscal year which ends this month. Then it becomes Obama’s. The $700 billion to the banks, the trillions of dollars for the two Bush’s wars, and the tax cut for the rich which is expiring this year is still Bush’s.
You really aren’t against deficit spending as long as it is for killing people like Bush wanted. You just don’t want to help people like Obama wants, to find jobs and health care. Your greed is obscene.
@62 Why even bother to argue with some dumbfuck who thinks homosexuality is biologically the same thing as an affinity for alcohol? I tried to explain a little science to this idiot, but he’s been so completely brainwashed by rightwing ideology that he can’t get past the falsehood that homosexuality is a behavior. It’s useless to attempt to educate these flat-earthers. It’s not worthwhile to explain to them that Bush increased federal spending 3 times as fast as Clinton, either, or that Bush borrowed trillions from our great friends the Chinese so they’d have us by the balls, a trivial price to pay to give tax breaks to billionaires. As Forrest Gump said, “Stupid is as stupid does.” There’s no reasoning with these people; you might as well talk to a pile of rocks.
I wonder if “glort” is a new troll, or merely the latest incarnation of Little Ricky Dumbass?
If Mount Vernon mayor Bud Norris wanted to give a key to the city to a distinguished native son, he should have given it to Lawrence Colburn, not that clown who prances around in a Stasi uniform.
I’m having a hard time figuring out who I like less. Glort or Gman.
Schizophrenic’s chromosomes look just like everyone else’s. Same with gay people.
You will, however, find elevated levels of dopamine in a schizophrenic’s midbrain.
@71 Glort is merely a pot-stirrer, and an amateurish one at that. Any scientist would laugh at his beyond-lame attempt to compare homosexuality with drinking. A statement like that from a psychologist or psychiatrist would be deemed professional malpractice:
“The American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, and National Association of Social Workers stated in an amicus brief presented to the Supreme Court of the State of California … [that]homosexuality is a normal variant of human sexuality …. The APA also writes that ‘most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation’.”
(Quoted from Wikipedia.)
The notion that homosexuality is “behavior” is a political or religious belief that has been thoroughly debunked by science. It’s in the same category as taking the idea that the earth is only 6,000 years old as literal truth.
Yes, people can change. Change their ignorant and bigoted behavior, that is. Because ignorance and bigotry, like drinking but unlike homosexuality, is behavior. Well, for most people, anyway. (Some people can’t help being stupid because they were born that way and will never have the equipment to be smart.)
Read this statement by Brent Childers, a reformed evangelical:
“So what it is that would bring someone from a place where he once declared himself a ‘Jesse Helms Republican’ … to the West Lawn of the Capitol building on Oct. 11, 2009? How can one travel from the seemingly impossible road of bigotry to one of acceptance and love for our LGBT brothers and sisters?
“The answer is one that I hope religious leaders such as Pat Robertson and James Dobson (and most importantly, their followers) will hear. It’s because something deep inside told me that I needed to step out in faith onto a bridge of knowledge and understanding.”
(Quoted from Newsweek; to read the rest of the article, go to
If you’re a Bible-thumping bigot, you can make that journey too! (Well, maybe not you, Glort — after all, rationality does require a little intelligence.) All you have to do, as Jesus would say, is take the log out of your eye and do some reading in reputable sources. What you’ll learn is that the earth is billions of years old, not 6,000 years old, and that homosexuality is a product of biology not behavior.
But KlyniKal Klown fucking goats … now that’s downright unnatural … unless, of course, he’s a goat himself.
I am old and sick.
My life sucks.
I have no hope and no God.
My life revolves around my oxygen tank.
My arrogance is silly really.
I love homo’s.
They are cool.
I love what they do to each other.
It’s cool.
When I wake up in hell someday, I’ll regret my stupid posts.
@68…hey dipshit, you are the one who brought up chromosomes. you cant use chromosomes as an excuse for one type of behavior, then not for another – when science says that both types of behaviors are the result of chromosome “abnormalities”. I turned your argument against your stupid ass – some barrister you are…
I have an idea: the next time the queers and cross dressing freaks have a parade, lets have a pride parade for kids the suffer from ADHD…after all, shouldn’t we celebrate that condition as well? Or maybe we can have a parade for one-eyed midgets suffering from progeria as well!
@73…hahahahaahah, lmfao at “normal variant” of sexual behavior…hahahhhhahhahhahh
@73….did I say anything about religion?
god damn, for a lawyer, you are stupid as shit when it comes to making arguments.
go back to ambulance chasing, you fucking leach.
I love Gay Pride Parades.
Watching other mean beaming with pride while strolling around with their ass cheeks hanging out of their chaps is cool.
When I was in the military it was don’t ask, don’t tell.
But I could spot homo’s a mile away.
I love homo’s.
gamn, you get that starfish stitched back up again yet?
good thing for us hard working “hetero’s” – if not for us, you could never afford that AIDS medicine cocktail keeping your freak ass alive.
now run along bathhouse benny…..
It’s chromosomal abnormality not chromosome and homosexuality is not and can not be from it.
@81…so then your saying its a learned behavior….interesting….
No, I’m saying it isn’t chromosomal. You really need to brush up on your biology.
I love homo’s a lot.
Especially when I was a single parent.
I met a big homo named Bruce the Goose.
He changed me in many ways.
He even changed my name.
I love homo’s. Homo’s are cool.
Now isn’t this interesting… The preznit was Nobel Peace Prize nominated just 11 days into his term. Puddy heard it on Unreal Slime with Bill Mahar and it’s true.
Talk about politics in the mix. What a bunch of crap the Nobel Peace Prize has become. Even my leftist big brother agreed with his conservative little brother – “For What?”
Dr Cornel West asked “For What?”
19: why is Puddy so wrong? Because he is unable to look at the big picture. Puddy looks at one poorly worded poll and comes to the wrong conclusion. Looking at many polls, it is very clear that Americans favor the public option:
NYTimes Poll:
65% in favor, 26% opposed
2/3 of americans support the public option:
Why is it that Puddy misses the majority of evidence? Because Puddy cares more about propaganda than actually conveying correct information.
Oh, and Puddy missed this poll by Gallup:
ylb arschloch,
What a tool you are fool. Puddy demonstrates how leftist leaning polling orgs stack the result and ylb arschloch runs to the same org that admitted stacking the deck to look erudite.
Sorry fool EPIC FAIL again…
86 – Yawwwwn… Stick to your professional outlier Rasmussen. He makes you feeeeeeeeel good.
Thanks for giving us a perfect example of why anti-discrimination laws are necessary.
Mr. Cynical failed to report this today.
Where is the Klownmeister??
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 32% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index of -8
It all doesn’t matter, in the end Heterosexuals will succumb to their own stupidity, all will murder, rape and steal. They are ignorant to any values in life. They no longer know what the 10 Commandments are, and that they were written for them, because they are murderers, rapists, and thieves. You don’t belong in this world, you are the root of all evil.
God didn’t realize things would get so bad with heterosexuals that he didn’t realize their should have been an 11th Commandment – “thou shall not have sex with your own children”. I think he didn’t realize that people would actually populate in places like Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas and the like.
Anyone that complains all day about how the government takes to much of their money and is to big, must have a small penis or smelly vagina.
Gman voted Democrat across the board…its obvious.
Sheesh….better class of trolls please. And I thought the ones you had were bad!
This is funny, from mr wrong…
The fool AKA correctnotright, calls what Gallup admitted as how pollsters create their poll responses and then he too uses responses which DO NOT give a choice to the poll user.
Did you also notice the dates of these “polls” from correctnotright. Puddy gives a poll response from the end of September. All the “dates” from correctnotright are when HA Libtardos?
Good try correctnotright. Didn’t even get what Gallup was saying.
@96 Puffy ass -how many people have you stolen from, raped and/or murdered today. Did God tell you to do it?
gman suffers from BallsAcrossTheNose syndrome…
gman, are you a bear?
A mass outbreak of slimy, mucus blobs in the oceans.
The result of braindead right wing denial of climate science.
None fool. How many people did you bugger today? Did you wash up after your “trip”?
Hey ylb arschloch…
Nice try on that National Geographic story… Of course it was in Daily Kooks fool. You wouldn’t know about NatGeo if the magazine was sent to your mailbox and it slapped you in the face when you opened the door and took it out.
What a moron!
Once again progressive thought goes too far…
Looks like a personal friend of ylb arschloch is getting fired. Maybe the arschloch should open his home for his pal…
Poor Puddy is becoming a small bitter person. A NG link is “no good” and his name is now longer than ever ….Headless is really under your skin Puddy boy.
Maybe you should retire from this blog…it looks like it is making you too stressed.
Of course, defending the vacant republican positions would make anyone stressed.
Heck, even a clueless idiot like Stamn still has not come up with the republican health care plan….I wonder why?
Puddy says this nonsense:
I would reply to this…but it makes absolutely no sense. I put out over 8 recent survey results that contradict Puddy’s on poll.
That is the best you can do Puddy – write nonsense?
How sad? Are you sure your mind is still working?
cnr – Stupes will NEVER retire from this blog. He was shamed once into retiring but couldn’t stay away. This blog has done more to negatively reinforce his insanity than anything.
He brings right wing garbage, we discredit it, he brings more.
He does the same thing expecting different results.
101 – Wow Stupes. So amazed at your detective work there.
You seem offended. Could it be that you adopted one of those mucus blobs for the empty space between your ears?
I get it! The “loon among the fishies” sucked in the mucus blob through his nose!
Stupes then exclaimed to his peeps, “I got a brain now! I got a brain!”
This is why correctnotright loves to read his own “press reports”…
Puddy’s post is about Gallup polling for the End of September 2009
What reBUTTal does correctnotright give?
/2009/06/19 – Wow June
/20090625 – Wow June – June right up to early September
recent survey from SurveyUSA – Before September 2009
2009/09/25 – At least it was closer
/2009/09/11 – Only 3 weeks before
/2009/06/17 – Wow June
And you HA Libtardos listen to this fool.
Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa
Moronic is as moronic does. Puddy changed his name last Sunday night. headless made a comment using a new sockpuppet attacking Puddy after his name change. Now Puddy realizes hadly anyone pays attention to anything headless and his 34 sock puppets write but Puddy decided to “celebrate” the man with 35 personalities.
So now there is an arschloch disorder and a multiple personality disorder on the leftist pinhead side. The medical community is researching the latest in latin naming for your malady correctnotright.
Hey correctnotright, too bad URL forensics are hard for your simple leetle brain…
Here is the remedial help.
ylb arschloch… He brings left-wing whackamole BULLSHITTIUM, we who think right discredit it, he brings more by trying to hide his link origins like the NatGeo link above taken directly from Daily Kooks.
Butt, Puddy knows this fool is as dumb as a brick. He proves it every day on HA. Did Mrs ylb marry you out of pity?
Hey Bozo, Puddy has a brain. You on the other hand are still searching for one. Happy Searching.
Oh no, what’s the great peace prize winner gonna do now?
So because deniers of man made global warming created this problem?
I disagree, it’s the believers of man made global warming that created the problem.
Unlike the non-believers, the believers know better and still destroy the planet because they believe others should sacrifice for their goals.
Just imagine if every believer lived what they preached, the global warming problem would be solved.
You who stink right smell to high heaven because of the right wing bullshit you bring here.
I post something from National Geographic, something ugly that is clearly linked to the warming of the oceans and instead of disputing the data you shoot the messenger.
You bring right wing bullshit and can only name call when it is discredited.
What a fiend you’ve become zombie mucus blob brain!
Of course you do. It makes you feeeeeel good to deny reality.
Any proof of this besides right wing bullshit you read on Drudge and Breitbart?
And you’d pick Mike Duvall over his Dem challenger every time. Lower taxes and family values, I get it.
Here is a video just for you… Notice the face of your hero…
And I congratulate you on finding one when you went swimming among the fishies.
The fishies were doing everything in their power to stay away from the mucus and its bacteria and virii and what were you doing?
“Brains! Brains!”
Nice work zombie fiend.
@108: big deal – you have a poll that is almost as cuurrent as the numerous polls I cited….one freakin’ poll.
The point is that it is important how the question is asked….if you ask about a public option to hold down prices …or ask about “government run health care” (clearly false – but a GOP talking point).
I guess I have to spell things out at the third grade level for you to get that p[oint. Also, you have one outlier poll with a lousy question…and I present 8 recent polls (I could get more, but why belabor the point).
You have no clue how to use and interpret data.
but thanks for playing, anyways. Go back to your name calling – it is all you do well.
correctnotright agrees with Puddy
After all his arguing and all his attacks and all his posturing correctnotright agrees that it is important on how the question is asked… just what Gallup admitted above. Then you notice when Puddy dissembles the multiple worthless correctnotright attacks correctnotright returns with his tail between his legs? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Then when shown how stuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid he is he said it’s just one lousy poll. It’s the first poll what actually gave the respondents a choice fool!
How is it an outlier when Gallup admits no other poll asked the question correctly with a choice?
You are a moron correctnotright. You aren’t even an outlier. You can’t interpret data because you can’t read the presented data.
Nuff SAID Fool!
YLB ARSCHLOCH gets it wrong again
Of course Puddy attacks you for the kook-aid you drink every day moron. Spanked again for visiting Daily Kooks.
Some oceans warm others cool. Joe Bastardi been saying this for the last few years.
BTW Puddy always had a brain. What’s your excuse arschloch?
Have you noticed the HollyWeird left isn’t giving their private jets to charity? Robert Kennedy Jr isn’t flying commercial? Al Gore isn’t flying commercial? Baba Streisand isn’t flying commercial?
It took two jets for the peace prize winner, Oprah, and mrs peace prize winner to go to Copenhagen?
Heh.. Shades of MWS – that old lovable loser…
Face it fool. A majority of the American people support health insurance reform with a robust public option to keep private insurance honest.
If insurers know what’s good for them, they’ll pay their executives less and become a boring staid business that just concentrates on delivering value to their customers over make a few people filthy rich.
Typical right wing loon fantasizing again. Sorry I don’t swing that way fool. Maybe Stamn is into that.
Yeah. Producing more sea mucilage than anyone can remember for some reason. Joe Bastardi, the aaaaaahnold of meteorology. So he’s your goto guy? So that’s the name you drop?
Too funny…
Only the arschloch would take the spank comment in a literal light.
Whatamoronic loon!
Joe Bastardi beat down Green Peace. When Green Peace realized they would be debating Joe on a recent show, the canceled the debate.
Still the dumb brick.
@76 Wow! Your scientific reasoning is awesome. You might even get a science prize from some wingnut foundation at the rate you’re going!
I repeat, anyone who equates homosexuality with drunkenness is beyond ignorant; that falls in the category of malicious stupidity.
@87 How did that poll last Nov. 4 work out for you winger asswipes?
@113 The problem with blockheads like you is that you think religious belief and scientific fact are equally reliable.
I have a suggestion. Here’s an experiment for you to try.
1. Convince yourself that God will protect you from any harm accruing to you from your righteous beliefs.
2. Believe, with all your heart and soul, that God wants you to fly.
3. Jump off a cliff and flap your arms.
GOP Sen. Olympia Snowe announced this morning she will vote for Democratic-sponsored health care reform, ensuring its passage in the Senate. Eat shit, wingnut losers!
Wow what an accomplishment. Not the biggest fan of Green Peace fool. I appreciate their passion but they have a lot of work to do on incorporating science and current technology. Their position on nuclear power needs a lot of work.
If there was a wingnut version of Green Peace you’d probably denounce it as RWINO. Your passion is to enable the destruction of this planet as much as possible before you “go home to Jesus”.
You’re so sick you actually believe that will be good for your kids!
And Obama is a socialist? Yeah, right!
Yeah, its been nothing but crap since they gave it to Henry Kissenger in ’73.