All the polls show widening support for health care/insurance reform with a robust public option and plunging approval of the nonsense from Republicans.
Earth to Republicans…
I love the NO on McConnell. That loser is one ugly right wing ghoul. The man with the eternal tan, Kantor – losers every single one of them.
#2: The black players refusing to play for any team owned by Limbaugh would create what – an all-white team? (Not sure what the other races, such as Samoans would do).
Can you imagine an all-white team playing an all black team? Oh, wait, I’ve already seen that. They were called the Harlem Globe Trotters. At least in basketball, it didn’t turn out to well for whatever white team they were put up against.
Here’s the updated list of services cut from the budget of your libertarian utopia:
– courts
– election administration (no voting)
– licenses
– deeds of ownership
– record of births, deaths, marriages, etc.
– schools
I’m having fun imagining the world you’re advocating. It’s medieval. (That’d make you the jester.)
How are we supposed to resolve our disputes without courts?
You libertarian cultists really don’t think these things through, huh? It’s all just make believe for you guys.
the massachusetts house just passed a bill allowing the government to qurantine indivduals and close public buildings during a pandemic. the house passed a bill allowing warrentless searches. the two bills need to be reconciled. there is no provsion to exempt rich jews. good luck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Maybe Jeff Bezos Should Run The Public Option …
I had to return something to today — a rather expensive book that was damaged in printing. Like most consumers, I always approach returns with trepidation. I assume the worst and expect a great big hassle.
Well, it couldn’t have been simpler. You go to their web site’s returns page and print out a bar code and mailing label. You throw the item in the box it came in with packing material, the bar code, and the packing slip. You tape the box shut and tape the new mailing label over the old mailing label. You take it to the post office and give it to the postal clerk. There’s no postage to pay, nothing else to do, the mailing label is a prepaid postage label. Meanwhile, they’ve already processed and mailed the replacement book. All at no charge. Pretty goddam slick if you ask me.
Don’t like the idea of government-run “public option” health insurance? Then I have a suggestion for ya. Let’s recruit Jeff Bezos to set it up and run it as a government contractor. There, I just privatized the public option, so are all you GOPer trolls happy now? Pay him the same percentage he gets on books, say 5% off the top, or whatever his margin is. That’s still a huge saving over what the existing insurance companies are taking. I have no doubt he’ll blow those fuckers out of the water and put ’em all out of business within 10 years. Maybe 5 years.
Sure, he doesn’t need the money — he’s got lots — but maybe he’d do it for the challenge.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I feel confidant that if Bezos was running the public option there’d be no fucking around, no hemming and hawing, an absolute minimum of red tape. If you got sick, you’d be covered, and if your doctor was no good, just tape him up in a box and return him with the prepaid mailing label, and meanwhile Jeff will already have a new doctor in the mail! Sounds good to me. Waaaay better than the piece-of-shit private for-greed health insurance system we have now.
@7 Waaaay better than the piece-of-shit private for-greed health insurance system we have now.
jeez rog, we should just do away with every ptivate for greed system. of course, since you dont work , you dont mind standing in 2 hour government lines the the registry of motor vehicles.
by the way rog, since you’re on medicare, the money to pay for obamas plan will come from cutting your benefits. luv it
Marvin Stamnspews:
7. Roger Rabbit spews:
Waaaay better than the piece-of-shit private for-greed health insurance system we have now.
@8 Rog spends 284 words praising Amazon, a very competitive, LLC and that’s what you come up with?
Try harder next time.
Actually Rog will be just fine.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “you dont mind standing in 2 hour government lines the the registry of motor vehicles”
Next time don’t wait ’til Friday afternoon on the last day of the month to renew your license, dumbass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Only if I believe wingnut propaganda, which I don’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I know most most of you wingfucks older than 15 haven’t read a book in 20 years. Probably your last serious literary endeavor was “Dick and Jane.” Well, it’s not too early to write down your Christmas Wish List, I’ve got a suggestion for you. To wit, the Oxford English Dictionary.
This excerpt from a review on explains why I recommend this dictionary to you uncultured illiterates:
“If Political Correctness is the filter through which all literature must pass for you, you’ll probably not read very much of value, anyway.”
And that’s exactly my point. You’ve never read anything worthwhile in your lives, and it’s high time you did!
So, why should you read a dictionary, as opposed to just looking up stuff in it? That’s a fair question because, after all, you can look up meanings of words online, and correct spellings with Spellcheck. Well, here’s why.
“The language seems to operate like a wheel rolling down a muddy slope picking up all manner of accretions as it progresses downhill. … The entire work constitutes, in a way, a history of the English Language, as well as a social history of English speaking peoples from the 12th century through to the end of the 20th century. … It is manna in the wilderness to anyone who loves the language, who likes to browse, and is not stimulated by the inanity of television. …
“No other dictionary is so richly enjoyable as a work to read on its own. One does not go to the OED just to find the meaning of a word, one is beguiled, on opening a volume, to read many pages about all kinds of words.”
So there you have it — it’s purpose is to beguile you with all kinds of fascinating information about words beyond their mere meanings and spellings. It would be a good exercise for you dumbasses to look up some of the words you presently fling about with supreme incompetence; to see, as it were, the victims of your butchery of the language lying in metaphorical pools of blood at the scene of your literary crimes. You might learn something. And if you learn something, you might even cease to be wingnuts.
A previous commenter suggested we liberals dislike Palin and Bachmann because we envy their intelligence. Which is why I think I noticed this timely post.
Michele Bachman thinks healthcare reform is unconstitutional. I think Michelle Bachmann is as nutty as a fruit cake. … The wheel might be spinning but the hamster is dead.
My new favorite insult.
(Prior was “If it was raining soup, you’d be outside with a fork.” Cracks me up everytime.)
Mr. Cynicalspews:
That insult you love as your “new favorite” is as old as the hills.
Perhaps your hamster is napping???
LMAO!!! Earth to Republicans…
Too freaking funny!
All the polls show widening support for health care/insurance reform with a robust public option and plunging approval of the nonsense from Republicans.
Earth to Republicans…
I love the NO on McConnell. That loser is one ugly right wing ghoul. The man with the eternal tan, Kantor – losers every single one of them.
If Limbaugh were to buy the St. Louis Rams, it doesn’t appear they’d be very competitive. You reap what you sow, Rushbo.
#2: The black players refusing to play for any team owned by Limbaugh would create what – an all-white team? (Not sure what the other races, such as Samoans would do).
Can you imagine an all-white team playing an all black team? Oh, wait, I’ve already seen that. They were called the Harlem Globe Trotters. At least in basketball, it didn’t turn out to well for whatever white team they were put up against.
Mr Cynical, re: budgets and your libertarian belief in “only infrastructure, public safety and defense”.
You never responded.
Here’s the updated list of services cut from the budget of your libertarian utopia:
– courts
– election administration (no voting)
– licenses
– deeds of ownership
– record of births, deaths, marriages, etc.
– schools
I’m having fun imagining the world you’re advocating. It’s medieval. (That’d make you the jester.)
How are we supposed to resolve our disputes without courts?
You libertarian cultists really don’t think these things through, huh? It’s all just make believe for you guys.
the massachusetts house just passed a bill allowing the government to qurantine indivduals and close public buildings during a pandemic. the house passed a bill allowing warrentless searches. the two bills need to be reconciled. there is no provsion to exempt rich jews. good luck.
Maybe Jeff Bezos Should Run The Public Option …
I had to return something to today — a rather expensive book that was damaged in printing. Like most consumers, I always approach returns with trepidation. I assume the worst and expect a great big hassle.
Well, it couldn’t have been simpler. You go to their web site’s returns page and print out a bar code and mailing label. You throw the item in the box it came in with packing material, the bar code, and the packing slip. You tape the box shut and tape the new mailing label over the old mailing label. You take it to the post office and give it to the postal clerk. There’s no postage to pay, nothing else to do, the mailing label is a prepaid postage label. Meanwhile, they’ve already processed and mailed the replacement book. All at no charge. Pretty goddam slick if you ask me.
Don’t like the idea of government-run “public option” health insurance? Then I have a suggestion for ya. Let’s recruit Jeff Bezos to set it up and run it as a government contractor. There, I just privatized the public option, so are all you GOPer trolls happy now? Pay him the same percentage he gets on books, say 5% off the top, or whatever his margin is. That’s still a huge saving over what the existing insurance companies are taking. I have no doubt he’ll blow those fuckers out of the water and put ’em all out of business within 10 years. Maybe 5 years.
Sure, he doesn’t need the money — he’s got lots — but maybe he’d do it for the challenge.
I feel confidant that if Bezos was running the public option there’d be no fucking around, no hemming and hawing, an absolute minimum of red tape. If you got sick, you’d be covered, and if your doctor was no good, just tape him up in a box and return him with the prepaid mailing label, and meanwhile Jeff will already have a new doctor in the mail! Sounds good to me. Waaaay better than the piece-of-shit private for-greed health insurance system we have now.
Waaaay better than the piece-of-shit private for-greed health insurance system we have now.
jeez rog, we should just do away with every ptivate for greed system. of course, since you dont work , you dont mind standing in 2 hour government lines the the registry of motor vehicles.
by the way rog, since you’re on medicare, the money to pay for obamas plan will come from cutting your benefits. luv it
@8 Rog spends 284 words praising Amazon, a very competitive, LLC and that’s what you come up with?
Try harder next time.
Actually Rog will be just fine.
@8 “you dont mind standing in 2 hour government lines the the registry of motor vehicles”
Next time don’t wait ’til Friday afternoon on the last day of the month to renew your license, dumbass.
@9 Only if I believe wingnut propaganda, which I don’t.
I know most most of you wingfucks older than 15 haven’t read a book in 20 years. Probably your last serious literary endeavor was “Dick and Jane.” Well, it’s not too early to write down your Christmas Wish List, I’ve got a suggestion for you. To wit, the Oxford English Dictionary.
This excerpt from a review on explains why I recommend this dictionary to you uncultured illiterates:
“If Political Correctness is the filter through which all literature must pass for you, you’ll probably not read very much of value, anyway.”
And that’s exactly my point. You’ve never read anything worthwhile in your lives, and it’s high time you did!
So, why should you read a dictionary, as opposed to just looking up stuff in it? That’s a fair question because, after all, you can look up meanings of words online, and correct spellings with Spellcheck. Well, here’s why.
“The language seems to operate like a wheel rolling down a muddy slope picking up all manner of accretions as it progresses downhill. … The entire work constitutes, in a way, a history of the English Language, as well as a social history of English speaking peoples from the 12th century through to the end of the 20th century. … It is manna in the wilderness to anyone who loves the language, who likes to browse, and is not stimulated by the inanity of television. …
“No other dictionary is so richly enjoyable as a work to read on its own. One does not go to the OED just to find the meaning of a word, one is beguiled, on opening a volume, to read many pages about all kinds of words.”
So there you have it — it’s purpose is to beguile you with all kinds of fascinating information about words beyond their mere meanings and spellings. It would be a good exercise for you dumbasses to look up some of the words you presently fling about with supreme incompetence; to see, as it were, the victims of your butchery of the language lying in metaphorical pools of blood at the scene of your literary crimes. You might learn something. And if you learn something, you might even cease to be wingnuts.
A previous commenter suggested we liberals dislike Palin and Bachmann because we envy their intelligence. Which is why I think I noticed this timely post.
My new favorite insult.
(Prior was “If it was raining soup, you’d be outside with a fork.” Cracks me up everytime.)
That insult you love as your “new favorite” is as old as the hills.
Perhaps your hamster is napping???
I wish I had a hamster. That’d be great. Then at least I’d be cute (to some people).