I’ve gone to all sorts of sports events, plays and camping trips with my nieces and nephews and I’ve never felt the need to have anything to protect myself with.
The world just isn’t that scary of a place.
proud leftistspews:
Michael @ 1
Apparently, it was a pretty scary place for her. As you know, most people who pack guns are pretty scared, even if they’re unable to identify what it is they’re scared of.
Interesting choice to say the least…
(but anything that makes wingnuts tear their hair out is ok in my book.)
I’ve gone to all sorts of sports events, plays and camping trips with my nieces and nephews and I’ve never felt the need to have anything to protect myself with.
Those right wing nuts who strut about weaponized outside of townhalls are especially frightened and diminished excuses for humanity.
Guns substitute because brains are a lost cause with those people.
@3: Is it that we’re just running out of peace-makers? Obama has been in office less than a year, and all he’s done so far is move troops from Iraq to Afghanistan. I hope that in 4-8 years he will have made himself worthy of a peace prize.
Only 14% of African-Americans now feel society is fair and decent. That number has dropped 41 points from 55% a month after Obama took office. Sixty-six percent (66%) of black voters think society is unfair and discriminatory, up 26 points since early February.
So 55% of blacks thought america was fair when obama took office, and that number has dropped to 14%.
I wonder why.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Considering that obama was nominated for the peace prize after only 12 days in office, his award was given on hope and change, not anything he has actually done.
Or maybe he got the award for his stellar reading of teleprompters.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The world is speaking out about obama and his prize.
Instead, the prize risks looking preposterous in its claims, patronising in its intentions and demeaning in its attempt to build up a man who has barely begun his period in office, let alone achieved any tangible outcome for peace.
The pretext for the prize was Mr Obama’s decision to “strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples”. Many people will point out that, while the President has indeed promised to “reset” relations with Russia and offer a fresh start to relations with the Muslim world, there is little so far to show for his fine words.
Let me get this straight, from wiki i get that this car was funded by a Qatar investment company. Was the brainchild of a danish person. The body shell is going to be manufactured in Finland but the shell will be made in Norway. The cabin interior is designed by Fisker Auto but made in USA by Magna International a Canadian company (wtf??). The lithium batteries in the car come from either Vancouver or a company in Indianapolis. He also outsourced his engineering at least that was in the US in pontiac michigan. And the company is based in Irvine, with only 100 employees.
“Al Gore recently announced securing a $500 million dollar loan from the stimulus program to fund the Fisker Karma electric car – made in Finland. General Electric is heavily invested in the ‘Think’ electric car – made in Norway. And guess who is one of Barack Obama’s closest adviser’s? Jefferey Immelt – CEO of General Electric. Guess who was one of Barack Obama’s biggest campaign contributors and campaign fund raisers? Jefferey Immelt – CEO of General Electric. Guess what company is building the equipment for the new ‘smart power grid’ to which Barack Obama and the Democrats so often refer? General Electric. Guess which television channel was named ‘most favorable’ to Barack Obama in a recent nationwide poll? NBC – owned by General Electric. I could go on, but why? ”
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 29% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President.
I’m sure the Leftist Nobel Prize awarded for creating a huge mess in Afghanistan, record deaths of our soldiers and allowing Iraq to lose it’s gains was the reason.
It’s pretty funny when you think about it.
The KLOWN was in office for 2 whole weeks when he was nominated.
Now he gets $1 MILLION+!!
Can you say PAY-OFF….Chicago Style
Marvin Stamnspews:
Maybe he won the award because he made PEACE with hillary.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The ny times has a page with opinion from across the globe.
Did you notice there was no Open Thread yesterday?
Damn… Puddy wanted to wish all the HA Libtardos a Happy Harry Hay day, that old warrior admired by Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings.
“Hay, of course, is a radical. Always has been. From his political awakening during the 1934 San Francisco general strike to his many years in the Communist Party to his expulsion from the Mattachine Society that he co-founded 50 years ago, Hay has invariably found himself on the margins.”
There seems to be a two themes here HA Libtardos…
1) True American history cannot be learned in schools today without celebrating a special day in October of old men on little boys!!!!
2) I’ll leave the second to the erudite among you!!!!! Don’t worry cinder block and brick you are not included in the HA erudite!!!
Puddy also wonders why wasn’t Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings at the Chicago youth violence press conference with Mayor Daley, AG Eric Holder and Education Secretary Arne Duncan? He’s the safe schools czar and that honor school student was beaten to death coming home from school?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Talk left doesn’t want to be left out of the obama bashing.
For reasons that are unfathomable, President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize:
Just because the Nobel Committee wants to make fools of themselves, Obama should not have to play along. He should turn it down.
Ping Puddy…. What’s the secret to posting multiple links?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Ping Puddy…
What’s your secret for posting multiple links?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ha ha ha ha ha … this is what REPUDIATION looks like, warmongers!!!
Marvin Stamnspews:
21. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
He’s the safe schools czar and that honor school student was beaten to death coming home from school?
Obviously kevin has done an outstanding job of making chicago schools safe.
Just the kind of guy that yippielilboy wants working on his son. Oops, not working on, making available to harry so harry can work on him. After all, it’s the “sex before eight or it’s too late” philosophy that makes kevin supports that makes him so qualified to be working with kids.
Looks like Jon DeVore’s, ylb arschloch’s, Roger Feral Dumb Bunny’s, Upton’s, FricknFrack’s, rujax’s, Michael’s, RPope’s, and Danw’s hero Levi Johnston will appear in Playgirl.
Now which HA Libtardo gonna buy that issue?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 The world? The world? Nah, just The Wingnut Times making the predictable whine … did Rupert write that “editorial” himself? Looks like it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Methinks America’s right just got its collective face spat on.
Marvin Stamnspews:
I wonder how nobel peace prize winner dalai lama feels about the obama not meeting with him because of marching orders from the chinese.
You have to insure there are enough other words in the post to adequately get the entry past Akismet. Sometimes a post will get eaten if the site is one on Goldy’s “questionables” list. Then Puddy has to wait and if Darryl is kind that day he’ll release it.
To honor Steve on this day after Harry Hay Puddy copied the link from GoatLocker… cuz Steve and Roger Feral Dumb Bunny’s luv of goats is special………
Why is Stamn so biased and stupid?
Because he gets all his lies and false information from the right wing noise machine.
the Dalai Lama’s top negotiator, Lodi Gyari, had Monday voiced support for Obama’s approach and said that the Tibetans had not pushed for a meeting before Obama’s visit to Beijing.
So the Dalai Lama himself supports meeting the President later. so much for the idiot Stamn.
2. The Nobel prize committee awarding the peace prize to Obama:
The Norwegian Nobel Committee said it honored Obama for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”
After the travesty of Bush, Obama is getting rid of the divisive and unworkable missile shield, working to curbing nuclear proliferation (something Bush failed miserabel at), repudiating torture, working to after the real terrorists in Afghanistan and getting out of Iraq…
The Nobel committee recognized Obama’s efforts to solve complex global problems including working toward a world free of nuclear weapons.
“Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future,” the committee said
That is called leadership – and while the right wing noise machine called Stamn may not recognize it, the world has recognized our President for his leadership (and the contrast with the reviled Bush is stark).
Marvin Stamnspews:
My prediction…
Because the obama wrote 2 books about himself, he’ll be in the running for the nobel prize for literature.
After all, who doesn’t like the first clean articulate bright african american.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Should he turn it down? HELL NO!!! That would be like Churchill refusing the Nobel Prize after kicking Hitler’s ass. Well, sort of like that. In a way. Hey Republicans, this is a REBUKE, the cream of European intellectuals sending your sick pathetic party A MESSAGE, know what I mean? No, of course you don’t, you’re all too fucking dense to figure out what this is about.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Looks like you have two “focused admirers” now… and a gaggle of leftist pinhead ‘friends’.
@27: I bet “family values” Sarah Palin will buy the Palyboy magazine…just like she bought everything else Levi had to sell during the election.
@25: Interesting how Marvin agrees and supports the terrorist Taliban organization.
Did Marvin forget 9/11?
Does Marvin like quoting and agreeing and supporting the terrorists?
Isn’t Marvin the same hypocrite who criticized others for supporting the terrorists?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Funny thing about history Roger Feral Dumb Bunny, Churchill was repudiated by the British for Neville Chamberlain and then we saw what happened eh? Then the British wised up and brought the old codger back… The rest is history as you say…
kicking Hitler’s ass.
Will America learn from Great Britain? Only Time Will Tell.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
24. Roger Rabbit spews:
Ha ha ha ha ha … this is what REPUDIATION looks like, warmongers!!!
What Peace??
We had record numbers of American deaths in Afghanistan numbskull.
Try Meaningless
Mr. Cynicalspews:
39. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Funny thing about history Roger Feral Dumb Bunny, Churchill was repudiated by the British for Neville Chamberlain and then we saw what happened eh.
Ah Yes—
Jimmy Carter===Neville Chamberlain
Barrack Obama=Neville Chamberlain
Jimmy Carter===Barrack Obama
And Jimmy even received the Nobel Peace Prize!
Tells you how meaningless it is.
Sounds good…obviously means nothing.
@34 “Why is Stamn so biased and stupid?”
Some people may be born that way. Marvin, Puddy and Cynical are truly self-made men. Well, with a modicom of assistance from the Rupert Murdoch Rhetoric Factory.
@21: the rightwingnut memes of the open thread:
Puddy will bring up trivia from 40 years ago. Call people names and try to scare people with words like “communist” and “socialist” – that are basically irrelevant today.
Stamn will bring up almost facts and outright lies (from the rightwing noise machine) and distort them in his misreading of history.
Unable to actually think or critically evaluate the crap he puts out, Stamn will apear to be a total fool once again. This will not bother Stamn – whose sole purpose in life is to annoy, obfuscate and try to insult anyone he disagrees with.
Where is Stamn’s health care plan?
(crickets still chirping)
Stamn can’t back up a damn thing he says….what a maroon. Thanks for the daily laugh Stamn-child. Time to finish third grade…time to tackle critical thinking…you still haven’t figured that out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 If the rightwing noise machine merely consisted of Stamn and his idiot fellow travelers (e.g., puddinghead), their bloviating would be no problem.
The problem, alas, is that so many of the capitalism’s most rapacious kleptomaniacs pour billions of the dollars they steal from us into an attempt to force us all to live in the 19th century, if not earlier.
Stamnie would have nothing to post if the likes of Koch and Scaife weren’t paying people far more intelligent and capable than he to write his talking points for him.
Without them, he would merely make squeaking noises, like the noises that tired old chair make, and would be a mere pipsqueak.
@4o; Poor little Marvin…did you forget how you ignored the record number of american deaths in Iraq (fro an unnecessary war?)?
Did you forget who aided and abetted the Taliban?
Wow, some people are so stupid they cannot even recognize what hypocrites they are.
We are laughing AT you Stamn….and you are damn funny!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 Oooohhhh, this is BITTER WINE for the Montana goatfucker!!! Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize and Bush didn’t!!! Neener neener!!! Drink your goat piss like a good little boy, Klown!!!
Note to self:
Gee, Now I see how Palins’ book is such a best seller:
1. they are giving it away free on Newsmax (not a real journalistic site, see the poster advertising the book above this site)
2. She didn’t write most of it – so it is semi-coherent.
3. I was almost going to get it for free…but then I realized that someone who can’t even name the magazines she regularly reads, didn’t know the Bush doctrine and can’t answer a simple question on the economy is too ignorant to actually write a book worth reading, even if it is free. My time is more valuable than that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Hmmm, two gun flashin’ rightwingers married to each other, and they both end up dead. So much for domestic tranquility … they not only can’t get along with the rest of the world, they can’t even get along with each other.
re 8: “Marvin Stamn spews:
1. Michael spews:
‘The world just isn’t that scary of a place.’
I guess that all depends on where one lives.
Would you be scared to have your children playing in the front yard if you lived in comp[ton or detroit?”
I thought you said only a racist would find it stressfull to be around black people 24/7?
I’m quite certain that it won’t take you five seconds to spin this into you NOT saying what you are clearly saying.
That’s what happens when you are an habitual liar, which you most certainly are. Your lies begin to overlap and contradict themselves.
I think that I will save this and bring it up every single time you call someone else a racist —- you racist.
Wow: Talk about the inability to work together, to be gracious, to work with others….consider the response of one Micheal Steele (official head of the republican party):
“The real question Americans are asking is, ‘What has President Obama actually accomplished?’ It is unfortunate that the president’s star power has outshined tireless advocates who have made real achievements working towards peace and human rights. One thing is certain – President Obama won’t be receiving any awards from Americans for job creation, fiscal responsibility, or backing up rhetoric with concrete action.”
What an amazing lack of cooperation, respect or logic.
1. What a mean, bitter, statement…I mean where is the following classy statement?
“congratulations, we look forward to working together on the problems facing America and the world and making this a safer and more sustainable world”
Do these people have no class? Are they all like Puddy and Stamn? Can they only criticize, carp and whine? What immature brats?
2. I guess Steele is going to support health care reform, green jobs, cap and trade, nuclear disarmament and lowering pending on the military (the largest part of our budget)….to back up his words about results.
3. The nobel prize is often awarded not for what has been accoplished, but to encourage what is in prgress.
Note how the wingnuts don’t get that….
When Nelson Mandela got the nobel prize, he was not elected President of SA yet.
When Trimble and Hume were awarded the prize – there was not yet a stable agreement in Northern Ireland
When Shirin Abadi from Iran got the prize…well, human rights in Iran have not exactly been stellar.
It is about the effort and the goals….that are in progress….not the accomplishments.
Steele and the republicans are not only lacking in the social graces but they are ignorant of the purpose of the prize.
@49 That freak Marvin is probably too busy taking out his Obama frustrations on Klynical’s hapless goat to pay much attention to your post.
re 50: Republicans are spiteful little assholes. That’s why I tell them they talk out of both sides of their mouths — mostly the nether side.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
With the Socialtards of Europe Bush would never win the Nobel Prize.
re 51: There will be plenty of time to remind him.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Nelson Mandela deserved his NOBEL PRIZE fool! Travel to Cape Town and see where they kept him.
re 53: There should be a comma after the word Europe.
Nope just another couple of right wing, holier than thou hypocrites.
Shit! When Levi hits the newstands, right wingers will be killing each other to get the first look!
You might be right on that one.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Did you celebrate Happy Harry Hay day yesterday with your “students”?
Yeah thought so.
Those voices you are hearing aren’t real; they’re only in your head — so don’t worry. Keep listening.
Be sure to call your therapist before you act on anything they tell you.
“61. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Did you celebrate Happy Harry Hay day yesterday with your “students”?
Yeah thought so.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 I’m beginning to suspect that Marvie is Klynikal’s hapless goat.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 You’re right. They don’t give it to sociopaths.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 So what’s your point, besides the fact that Nelson Mandela bears no resemblance whatsoever to today’s Republicans?
@63 “I’m beginning to suspect that Marvie is Klynikal’s hapless goat.”
Possibly, but don’t be fooled by wingnut pervs in animal costumes. And for goodness sake, don’t let any kids get near those freaks.
Marvin Stamnspews:
51. Steve spews:
@49 That freak Marvin is probably too busy taking out his Obama frustrations on Klynical’s hapless goat to pay much attention to your post.
66. Steve spews: @63 “I’m beginning to suspect that Marvie is Klynikal’s hapless goat.”
Kinda sounds like you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Except when the real you is expressed…
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM http://horsesass.org/?p=15786&.....ent-916253
You sure have way with words. Good thing I’m not black or else you would have used a bunch of other offensive words.
Say, are you married? I’m kinda guessing you’re not with your use of the “cunt” word as an insult. SHows you have some “issues” with women. And do I need to mention your “issues,” or would it be better called self-loathing about your use of “faggot” as an insult.
Either way, I want to thank you for letting me push your buttons to the point that you got real. Most people are able to control themselves in a public forum. Obviously you and gbs couldn’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@67 So you admit you’re Klown’s goat?
The stupid goatfucker spews: “your use of the “cunt” word as an insult. SHows you have some “issues” with women.”
I’m sure your friend, the “cunt” spewing EmptySuitObama, will be glad to hear that Doctor Marvelous Marvin thinks he has issues.
Marvin the cunt hater spews: “Good thing I’m not black or else you would have used a bunch of other offensive words.”
Puddy’s black. What racist slurs have I called him? Have I called him a “jigaboo”, like you buddy Mark? Have I called him a “nigger”, like your buddies Troll and JCH? Have I told racist jokes at his expense, like your fellow goatfucker, Klynical?
Marvin the racist spews: “your use of “faggot” as an insult”
Oh yeah, and a hat tip to the goatfucker for calling out Puddy, Klynical and Mark for repeatedly and hatefully slurring gays as “faggots”.
Oh, wait, you never did that. You never said a word. My bad.
Marvin the bigoted gay-hater spews: “I want to thank you for letting me push your buttons”
Sure thing, goatfucker.
Marvin the racist:
“8. Marvin Stamn spews:
1. Michael spews:
‘The world just isn’t that scary of a place.’
I guess that all depends on where one lives.
Would you be scared to have your children playing in the front yard if you lived in comp[ton or detroit?”
10/09/2009 at 6:48 am
Marvin is afraid of black people.
@70 heh- Marvin is very, very afraid of those scary black people. It’s so obvious – it’s his fear of blacks that fuels his race hatred.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
steve lies again:
Oh yeah, and a hat tip to the goatfucker for calling out Puddy, Klynical and Mark for repeatedly and hatefully slurring gays as “faggots”.
Where did I slur gays as “faggots” steve you lying bastard.
Time for a new pretend Black Friend…although you can’t take him to your white guy Yacht Klub you klaim to be Kommodore of…or you Kountry Klub with how many Black members steve??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
63. Roger Rabbit spews:
@51 I’m beginning to suspect that Marvie is Klynikal’s hapless goat.
Impressive post Rog!
You need to turn up that oxygen tank a 1/4 turn. Smoking lead to you being pretty screwed up Rog.
@72 “Where did I slur gays as “faggots” steve you lying bastard.”
Here, let me refresh your memory, you asswipe gay-hating bigot you!
45. Mr. Cynical spews: cc@42–
Well I didn’t miss any of them. I was on a cruise ship having a ball while the LEFTIST PINHEADS (aka USEFUL IDIOTS) were gnashing their rotting teeth and wringing their uncalloused hands (uncalloused because they don’t work….the only callouses LEFTIST PINHEADS aka USEFUL IDIOTS have are on their brains and their asses!
Although I did miss Roger Rabbit….he’s not a pansy-ass like the other faggots.
08/29/2005 at 8:00 pm
My, so much hate, Mr. Klynical. Did Baby Jesus teach you to hate like that? And you know what that goatfucker Marvin has to say about people using the “f” word, don’t you?
“how many Black members steve??”
Probably more than a racist asswipe like yourself could handle, Mr. Klynical:
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head.
In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an
examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to
Barack, and told him to drink it all.
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
07/08/2009 at 9:11 pm
Got anymore of those racist jokes to tell us, you stupid goatfucker?
Talk about irony.
I’ve gone to all sorts of sports events, plays and camping trips with my nieces and nephews and I’ve never felt the need to have anything to protect myself with.
The world just isn’t that scary of a place.
Michael @ 1
Apparently, it was a pretty scary place for her. As you know, most people who pack guns are pretty scared, even if they’re unable to identify what it is they’re scared of.
Interesting choice to say the least…
(but anything that makes wingnuts tear their hair out is ok in my book.)
Those right wing nuts who strut about weaponized outside of townhalls are especially frightened and diminished excuses for humanity.
Guns substitute because brains are a lost cause with those people.
@3: Is it that we’re just running out of peace-makers? Obama has been in office less than a year, and all he’s done so far is move troops from Iraq to Afghanistan. I hope that in 4-8 years he will have made himself worthy of a peace prize.
Exactly YellowPup@5.
Obama wins the nobel peace prize.
But he won’t meet the dali lama because his chinese masters told him not to.
I guess that all depends on where one lives.
Would you be scared to have your children playing in the front yard if you lived in comp[ton or detroit?
You know something is strange when even yippielilboy finds the choice “interesting.”
He insists he did nothing wrong.
If so, why did it take a months long “review” to get to the truth.
After a months-long review by a U.S. House ethics panel, Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., has disclosed the amount of his privately-paid trip to Mecca in December.
The trip, paid for by the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, cost $13,350, Ellison said Thursday.
Just imagine the outrage if he travelled to some christian event.
Good thing for keith that democrats have double standards.
Of course america isn’t fair and decent when your HOPE for more government freebies don’t happen fast enough.
Just 60% of U.S. voters now say that American society is generally fair and decent, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
That’s down nine points since late August and the lowest measure since President Obama took office in January, fueled in large part by growing unhappiness among African-American voters.
Twenty-seven percent (27%) of all voters say U.S. society is basically unfair and discriminatory, up six points from late August and the highest level measured since December.
Only 14% of African-Americans now feel society is fair and decent. That number has dropped 41 points from 55% a month after Obama took office. Sixty-six percent (66%) of black voters think society is unfair and discriminatory, up 26 points since early February.
So 55% of blacks thought america was fair when obama took office, and that number has dropped to 14%.
I wonder why.
Considering that obama was nominated for the peace prize after only 12 days in office, his award was given on hope and change, not anything he has actually done.
Or maybe he got the award for his stellar reading of teleprompters.
The world is speaking out about obama and his prize.
Rarely has an award had such an obvious political and partisan intent. It was clearly seen by the Norwegian Nobel committee as a way of expressing European gratitude for an end to the Bush Administration, approval for the election of America’s first black president and hope that Washington will honour its promise to re-engage with the world.
Instead, the prize risks looking preposterous in its claims, patronising in its intentions and demeaning in its attempt to build up a man who has barely begun his period in office, let alone achieved any tangible outcome for peace.
The pretext for the prize was Mr Obama’s decision to “strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples”. Many people will point out that, while the President has indeed promised to “reset” relations with Russia and offer a fresh start to relations with the Muslim world, there is little so far to show for his fine words.
Little to show for his fine words?
Kinda like obama is an empty suit?
Maybe the Nobel Peace Prize was a thank you cuz Al Gorebasm got a $529 Million “loan” from the Porkulus Bill from Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm and his “disciples”… to make a car in Scandanavia?
“Al Gore—former vice president, Oscar-winner, Nobel laureate, and self-proclaimed inventor of the Internet—is jumping into the auto industry.”
Notice how Puddy uses links promulgated by ylb arschloch to make a point.
Butt there’s more…
This is the winning comment…
Butt this is the big story…
“Al Gore recently announced securing a $500 million dollar loan from the stimulus program to fund the Fisker Karma electric car – made in Finland. General Electric is heavily invested in the ‘Think’ electric car – made in Norway. And guess who is one of Barack Obama’s closest adviser’s? Jefferey Immelt – CEO of General Electric. Guess who was one of Barack Obama’s biggest campaign contributors and campaign fund raisers? Jefferey Immelt – CEO of General Electric. Guess what company is building the equipment for the new ‘smart power grid’ to which Barack Obama and the Democrats so often refer? General Electric. Guess which television channel was named ‘most favorable’ to Barack Obama in a recent nationwide poll? NBC – owned by General Electric. I could go on, but why? ”
So Puddy wonders if The Committee was “thanking” Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm for bringing labor peace to Scandinavia. Hmmm…?
Puddy will save stories like this for when the “Price is Right” from now on!
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Friday, October 09, 2009
I’m sure the Leftist Nobel Prize awarded for creating a huge mess in Afghanistan, record deaths of our soldiers and allowing Iraq to lose it’s gains was the reason.
It’s pretty funny when you think about it.
The KLOWN was in office for 2 whole weeks when he was nominated.
Now he gets $1 MILLION+!!
Can you say PAY-OFF….Chicago Style
Maybe he won the award because he made PEACE with hillary.
The ny times has a page with opinion from across the globe.
This sounds about right.
“They are handing him the Nobel Peace Prize because he isn’t George Bush.”
After all, besides his approval ratings dropping what has he done.
When dailypus wants obama to turn down the nobel prize you know things are bad.
The only one who can stop it is Obama. He has to turn down the Nobel Peace Prize.
This isn’t even about “does he deserve it”. The Prize is fairly meaningless; KISSINGER has one, for God’s sake.
The new republic chimes in…
Seriously. Should he turn it down?
Damn, even gawker is saying…
Will Obama Turn Down the Nobel Prize? No, But He Should
Obama has accomplished quite literally nothing in terms of reducing the number or intensity of wars on this planet.
Did you notice there was no Open Thread yesterday?
Damn… Puddy wanted to wish all the HA Libtardos a Happy Harry Hay day, that old warrior admired by Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings.
“Hay, of course, is a radical. Always has been. From his political awakening during the 1934 San Francisco general strike to his many years in the Communist Party to his expulsion from the Mattachine Society that he co-founded 50 years ago, Hay has invariably found himself on the margins.”
There seems to be a two themes here HA Libtardos…
1) True American history cannot be learned in schools today without celebrating a special day in October of old men on little boys!!!!
2) I’ll leave the second to the erudite among you!!!!! Don’t worry cinder block and brick you are not included in the HA erudite!!!
Puddy also wonders why wasn’t Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings at the Chicago youth violence press conference with Mayor Daley, AG Eric Holder and Education Secretary Arne Duncan? He’s the safe schools czar and that honor school student was beaten to death coming home from school?
Talk left doesn’t want to be left out of the obama bashing.
Ping Puddy…. What’s the secret to posting multiple links?
Ping Puddy…
What’s your secret for posting multiple links?
Ha ha ha ha ha … this is what REPUDIATION looks like, warmongers!!!
Obviously kevin has done an outstanding job of making chicago schools safe.
Just the kind of guy that yippielilboy wants working on his son. Oops, not working on, making available to harry so harry can work on him. After all, it’s the “sex before eight or it’s too late” philosophy that makes kevin supports that makes him so qualified to be working with kids.
And yet more people shocked the obama won…
KABUL — The Taliban Friday condemned Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize, saying rather than bring peace to Afghanistan he had boosted troop numbers and continued the aggressive policies of his predecessor.
“We have seen no change in his strategy for peace. He has done nothing for peace in Afghanistan,” Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told AFP.
“We condemn the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for Obama,” he said by telephone from an undisclosed location.
“When Obama was elected president, we were hopeful he would keep his promise to bring change. But he brought no change, he has continued the same old strategy as (President George W.) Bush.
No peace, the same policies as bush.
And that wins him a peace prize?
Oh, now I get it.
As long as it’s americans being killed in a war, obama will get a peace prize for that.
US troop deaths rise in Afghanistan
The eight-year-old war in Afghanistan has been in its deadliest phase for foreign soldiers since July, when US and British forces launched their biggest offensives of the war.
Looks like Jon DeVore’s, ylb arschloch’s, Roger Feral Dumb Bunny’s, Upton’s, FricknFrack’s, rujax’s, Michael’s, RPope’s, and Danw’s hero Levi Johnston will appear in Playgirl.
Now which HA Libtardo gonna buy that issue?
@13 The world? The world? Nah, just The Wingnut Times making the predictable whine … did Rupert write that “editorial” himself? Looks like it.
Methinks America’s right just got its collective face spat on.
I wonder how nobel peace prize winner dalai lama feels about the obama not meeting with him because of marching orders from the chinese.
Barack Obama cancels meeting with Dalai Lama ‘to keep China happy’
President Barack Obama has refused to meet the Dalai Lama in Washington this week in a move to curry favour with the Chinese.
I wonder how many on the nobel committee voted “present.”
@15 Where does the Goat fit into this parable?
Ping Received…
You have to insure there are enough other words in the post to adequately get the entry past Akismet. Sometimes a post will get eaten if the site is one on Goldy’s “questionables” list. Then Puddy has to wait and if Darryl is kind that day he’ll release it.
To honor Steve on this day after Harry Hay Puddy copied the link from GoatLocker… cuz Steve and Roger Feral Dumb Bunny’s luv of goats is special………
Why is Stamn so biased and stupid?
Because he gets all his lies and false information from the right wing noise machine.
So the Dalai Lama himself supports meeting the President later. so much for the idiot Stamn.
2. The Nobel prize committee awarding the peace prize to Obama:
After the travesty of Bush, Obama is getting rid of the divisive and unworkable missile shield, working to curbing nuclear proliferation (something Bush failed miserabel at), repudiating torture, working to after the real terrorists in Afghanistan and getting out of Iraq…
That is called leadership – and while the right wing noise machine called Stamn may not recognize it, the world has recognized our President for his leadership (and the contrast with the reviled Bush is stark).
My prediction…
Because the obama wrote 2 books about himself, he’ll be in the running for the nobel prize for literature.
After all, who doesn’t like the first clean articulate bright african american.
Should he turn it down? HELL NO!!! That would be like Churchill refusing the Nobel Prize after kicking Hitler’s ass. Well, sort of like that. In a way. Hey Republicans, this is a REBUKE, the cream of European intellectuals sending your sick pathetic party A MESSAGE, know what I mean? No, of course you don’t, you’re all too fucking dense to figure out what this is about.
Looks like you have two “focused admirers” now… and a gaggle of leftist pinhead ‘friends’.
@27: I bet “family values” Sarah Palin will buy the Palyboy magazine…just like she bought everything else Levi had to sell during the election.
@25: Interesting how Marvin agrees and supports the terrorist Taliban organization.
Did Marvin forget 9/11?
Does Marvin like quoting and agreeing and supporting the terrorists?
Isn’t Marvin the same hypocrite who criticized others for supporting the terrorists?
Funny thing about history Roger Feral Dumb Bunny, Churchill was repudiated by the British for Neville Chamberlain and then we saw what happened eh? Then the British wised up and brought the old codger back… The rest is history as you say…
Will America learn from Great Britain? Only Time Will Tell.
24. Roger Rabbit spews:
What Peace??
We had record numbers of American deaths in Afghanistan numbskull.
Try Meaningless
39. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Ah Yes—
Jimmy Carter===Neville Chamberlain
Barrack Obama=Neville Chamberlain
Jimmy Carter===Barrack Obama
And Jimmy even received the Nobel Peace Prize!
Tells you how meaningless it is.
Sounds good…obviously means nothing.
@34 “Why is Stamn so biased and stupid?”
Some people may be born that way. Marvin, Puddy and Cynical are truly self-made men. Well, with a modicom of assistance from the Rupert Murdoch Rhetoric Factory.
@21: the rightwingnut memes of the open thread:
Puddy will bring up trivia from 40 years ago. Call people names and try to scare people with words like “communist” and “socialist” – that are basically irrelevant today.
Stamn will bring up almost facts and outright lies (from the rightwing noise machine) and distort them in his misreading of history.
Unable to actually think or critically evaluate the crap he puts out, Stamn will apear to be a total fool once again. This will not bother Stamn – whose sole purpose in life is to annoy, obfuscate and try to insult anyone he disagrees with.
Where is Stamn’s health care plan?
(crickets still chirping)
Stamn can’t back up a damn thing he says….what a maroon. Thanks for the daily laugh Stamn-child. Time to finish third grade…time to tackle critical thinking…you still haven’t figured that out.
@34 If the rightwing noise machine merely consisted of Stamn and his idiot fellow travelers (e.g., puddinghead), their bloviating would be no problem.
The problem, alas, is that so many of the capitalism’s most rapacious kleptomaniacs pour billions of the dollars they steal from us into an attempt to force us all to live in the 19th century, if not earlier.
Stamnie would have nothing to post if the likes of Koch and Scaife weren’t paying people far more intelligent and capable than he to write his talking points for him.
Without them, he would merely make squeaking noises, like the noises that tired old chair make, and would be a mere pipsqueak.
@4o; Poor little Marvin…did you forget how you ignored the record number of american deaths in Iraq (fro an unnecessary war?)?
Did you forget who aided and abetted the Taliban?
Wow, some people are so stupid they cannot even recognize what hypocrites they are.
We are laughing AT you Stamn….and you are damn funny!
@40 Oooohhhh, this is BITTER WINE for the Montana goatfucker!!! Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize and Bush didn’t!!! Neener neener!!! Drink your goat piss like a good little boy, Klown!!!
Note to self:
Gee, Now I see how Palins’ book is such a best seller:
1. they are giving it away free on Newsmax (not a real journalistic site, see the poster advertising the book above this site)
2. She didn’t write most of it – so it is semi-coherent.
3. I was almost going to get it for free…but then I realized that someone who can’t even name the magazines she regularly reads, didn’t know the Bush doctrine and can’t answer a simple question on the economy is too ignorant to actually write a book worth reading, even if it is free. My time is more valuable than that.
@1 Hmmm, two gun flashin’ rightwingers married to each other, and they both end up dead. So much for domestic tranquility … they not only can’t get along with the rest of the world, they can’t even get along with each other.
re 8: “Marvin Stamn spews:
1. Michael spews:
‘The world just isn’t that scary of a place.’
I guess that all depends on where one lives.
Would you be scared to have your children playing in the front yard if you lived in comp[ton or detroit?”
I thought you said only a racist would find it stressfull to be around black people 24/7?
I’m quite certain that it won’t take you five seconds to spin this into you NOT saying what you are clearly saying.
That’s what happens when you are an habitual liar, which you most certainly are. Your lies begin to overlap and contradict themselves.
I think that I will save this and bring it up every single time you call someone else a racist —- you racist.
Wow: Talk about the inability to work together, to be gracious, to work with others….consider the response of one Micheal Steele (official head of the republican party):
What an amazing lack of cooperation, respect or logic.
1. What a mean, bitter, statement…I mean where is the following classy statement?
“congratulations, we look forward to working together on the problems facing America and the world and making this a safer and more sustainable world”
Do these people have no class? Are they all like Puddy and Stamn? Can they only criticize, carp and whine? What immature brats?
2. I guess Steele is going to support health care reform, green jobs, cap and trade, nuclear disarmament and lowering pending on the military (the largest part of our budget)….to back up his words about results.
3. The nobel prize is often awarded not for what has been accoplished, but to encourage what is in prgress.
Note how the wingnuts don’t get that….
When Nelson Mandela got the nobel prize, he was not elected President of SA yet.
When Trimble and Hume were awarded the prize – there was not yet a stable agreement in Northern Ireland
When Shirin Abadi from Iran got the prize…well, human rights in Iran have not exactly been stellar.
It is about the effort and the goals….that are in progress….not the accomplishments.
Steele and the republicans are not only lacking in the social graces but they are ignorant of the purpose of the prize.
@49 That freak Marvin is probably too busy taking out his Obama frustrations on Klynical’s hapless goat to pay much attention to your post.
re 50: Republicans are spiteful little assholes. That’s why I tell them they talk out of both sides of their mouths — mostly the nether side.
With the Socialtards of Europe Bush would never win the Nobel Prize.
re 51: There will be plenty of time to remind him.
Nelson Mandela deserved his NOBEL PRIZE fool! Travel to Cape Town and see where they kept him.
re 53: There should be a comma after the word Europe.
Note to correctnotright self… stay moronic fool!
http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/books –
#3 Sarah Palin
#4 Glenn Beck
Yes they get to those positions because Amazon is giving them away to NewsMax.
Puddy thinks #2 book explains much about you though!
Oh look another book about correctnotright and what he leaves on HA
Stay stupid correctnotright… there’s a brick mold waiting for you.
Ohhh correctnotright
Palin’s book #4 at Barnes and Noble… How many did NewsMax buy from them?
Daily Kook-Aid again correctnotright?
Where was the mother? (of Bristol)
Where was the father?
The Palins – “Real Americans”?
Nope just another couple of right wing, holier than thou hypocrites.
Shit! When Levi hits the newstands, right wingers will be killing each other to get the first look!
You might be right on that one.
Did you celebrate Happy Harry Hay day yesterday with your “students”?
Yeah thought so.
Those voices you are hearing aren’t real; they’re only in your head — so don’t worry. Keep listening.
Be sure to call your therapist before you act on anything they tell you.
“61. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Did you celebrate Happy Harry Hay day yesterday with your “students”?
Yeah thought so.”
@51 I’m beginning to suspect that Marvie is Klynikal’s hapless goat.
@53 You’re right. They don’t give it to sociopaths.
@55 So what’s your point, besides the fact that Nelson Mandela bears no resemblance whatsoever to today’s Republicans?
@63 “I’m beginning to suspect that Marvie is Klynikal’s hapless goat.”
Possibly, but don’t be fooled by wingnut pervs in animal costumes. And for goodness sake, don’t let any kids get near those freaks.
Kinda sounds like you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Except when the real you is expressed…
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
You sure have way with words. Good thing I’m not black or else you would have used a bunch of other offensive words.
Say, are you married? I’m kinda guessing you’re not with your use of the “cunt” word as an insult. SHows you have some “issues” with women. And do I need to mention your “issues,” or would it be better called self-loathing about your use of “faggot” as an insult.
Either way, I want to thank you for letting me push your buttons to the point that you got real. Most people are able to control themselves in a public forum. Obviously you and gbs couldn’t.
@67 So you admit you’re Klown’s goat?
The stupid goatfucker spews: “your use of the “cunt” word as an insult. SHows you have some “issues” with women.”
I’m sure your friend, the “cunt” spewing EmptySuitObama, will be glad to hear that Doctor Marvelous Marvin thinks he has issues.
Marvin the cunt hater spews: “Good thing I’m not black or else you would have used a bunch of other offensive words.”
Puddy’s black. What racist slurs have I called him? Have I called him a “jigaboo”, like you buddy Mark? Have I called him a “nigger”, like your buddies Troll and JCH? Have I told racist jokes at his expense, like your fellow goatfucker, Klynical?
Marvin the racist spews: “your use of “faggot” as an insult”
Oh yeah, and a hat tip to the goatfucker for calling out Puddy, Klynical and Mark for repeatedly and hatefully slurring gays as “faggots”.
Oh, wait, you never did that. You never said a word. My bad.
Marvin the bigoted gay-hater spews: “I want to thank you for letting me push your buttons”
Sure thing, goatfucker.
Marvin the racist:
“8. Marvin Stamn spews:
1. Michael spews:
‘The world just isn’t that scary of a place.’
I guess that all depends on where one lives.
Would you be scared to have your children playing in the front yard if you lived in comp[ton or detroit?”
10/09/2009 at 6:48 am
Marvin is afraid of black people.
@70 heh- Marvin is very, very afraid of those scary black people. It’s so obvious – it’s his fear of blacks that fuels his race hatred.
steve lies again:
Where did I slur gays as “faggots” steve you lying bastard.
Time for a new pretend Black Friend…although you can’t take him to your white guy Yacht Klub you klaim to be Kommodore of…or you Kountry Klub with how many Black members steve??
63. Roger Rabbit spews:
Impressive post Rog!
You need to turn up that oxygen tank a 1/4 turn. Smoking lead to you being pretty screwed up Rog.
@72 “Where did I slur gays as “faggots” steve you lying bastard.”
Here, let me refresh your memory, you asswipe gay-hating bigot you!
My, so much hate, Mr. Klynical. Did Baby Jesus teach you to hate like that? And you know what that goatfucker Marvin has to say about people using the “f” word, don’t you?
“how many Black members steve??”
Probably more than a racist asswipe like yourself could handle, Mr. Klynical:
Got anymore of those racist jokes to tell us, you stupid goatfucker?